BASIC Source File
151 lines
1 '@initialization
2 defint a-z
3 option base 1
4 on error goto 145 ' @ERRORTRAPS
5 '
6 '@integers
7 cp = 0 ' current position in scanning loops
8 lcount = 0 ' initial line counter
9 lnumber = 0 ' line number where labels are found
10 howmany = 0 ' how many labels counter
11 lpoint = 0 ' pointer for parsing labels in second pass
12 sofar = 0 ' length of line being built
13 '
14 '@strings
15 a$ = "" ' oft used
16 cc$ = "" ' current character in scanning loops
17 tb$ = chr$(9) ' tab
18 sp$ = chr$(32) ' space
19 qt$ = chr$(34) ' quote
20 rm$ = chr$(39) ' rem (apostrophe)
21 cm$ = chr$(44) ' comma
22 cl$ = chr$(58) ' colon
23 qm$ = chr$(63) ' question mark
24 lm$ = chr$(64) ' label marker
25 white$ = tb$ + sp$ ' characters which comprise white space
26 split$ = white$ + rm$ + cm$ + cl$ ' characters which may end a label
27 tail$ = "" ' remarks to follow parsed lines
28 clabel$ = "" ' current label string for parsing
29 '
30 '@arrays
31 dim label$(1000) ' string storage for labels
32 dim lnumber(1000) ' and the line numbers they mark
33 '
34 '@getspec
35 ' input f$ ' use this line under mbasic interpreter
36 call ctail(f$) ' use this line for compiled version
37 source$ = f$ + ".PBS"
38 output$ = f$ + ".BAS"
39 '
40 '@checkout
41 open "i", 1, output$
42 print "File " output$ " exists. Replace (N/y)? ";
43 a$ = input$(1)
44 if instr("Yy",a$) <> 0 then print "Yes" : kill output$ : else print "No" : goto 112 ' @FINIT
45 '
46 '@okayout
47 close
48 '
49 '@checkin
50 open "i", 1, source$
51 '
52 '@pass1
53 print "First pass, searching for labels"
54 while not eof(1)
55 lcount = lcount + 1
56 line input #1, a$
57 gosub 131 ' @TRIMLEAD
58 if len(a$) = 0 then 66 ' @DONESCAN1
59 if left$(a$,1) <> lm$ then 66 ' @DONESCAN1
60 howmany = howmany + 1 ' if we're here, we've found a label
61 lnumber(howmany) = lcount ' on the current line
62 cp = 0
63 gosub 119 ' @FINDEND
64 label$(howmany) = clabel$ : clabel$ = ""
65 '
66 '@donescan1
67 wend
68 close
69 print "Found" howmany "labels in" lcount "lines"
70 lcount = 0 ' return this to initial value for next pass
71 '
72 '@pass2
73 print "Second pass, resolving labels
74 open "i", 1, source$
75 open "o", 2, output$
76 while not eof(1)
77 lcount = lcount + 1
78 line input #1, a$
79 gosub 131 ' @TRIMLEAD
80 gosub 138 ' @TRIMTAIL
81 tail$ = ""
82 if len(a$) = 0 then a$ = rm$ + a$ : goto 106 ' @DONESCAN2
83 if left$(a$,1) = lm$ then a$ = rm$ + a$ : goto 106 ' @DONESCAN2
84 '
85 '@parse
86 first$ = "" : clabel$ = "" : last$ = "" ' clear these first
87 if instr(a$,lm$) = 0 then 106 ' @DONESCAN2
88 first$ = left$(a$,instr(a$,lm$)-1) ' everything before the label mark
89 cp = len(first$)
90 gosub 119 ' @FINDEND
91 sofar = len(first$) + len(clabel$) ' how much of the line do we have?
92 last$ = right$(a$,len(a$)-sofar)
93 for cp = 1 to howmany
94 if label$(cp) <> clabel$ then 98 ' @REMAKE
95 tail$ = tail$ + sp$ + rm$ + sp$ + clabel$
96 clabel$ = str$(lnumber(cp))
97 '
98 '@remake
99 a$ = first$ + clabel$ + last$
100 next
101 if left$(clabel$,1) <> lm$ then 85 ' if label was found, continue ' @PARSE
102 tail$ = tail$ + sp$ + rm$ + qm$ + clabel$ ' note bad label in remark
103 mid$(a$,instr(a$,lm$)) = qm$ ' replace @ with ? in bad label
104 print " -> possible bad label: " clabel$ " on line" lcount
105 '
106 '@donescan2
107 print#2, lcount; a$ ; tail$
108 a$ = "" : tail$ = "" ' clear these last
109 wend
110 close
111 '
112 '@finit
113 print "Returning to system.";
114 end
115 end
116 '
117 '@subroutines
118 '
119 '@findend
120 cp = cp + 1
121 cc$ = mid$(a$,cp,1)
122 if instr(split$,cc$) > 0 then 127 ' @FOUNDEND
123 clabel$ = clabel$ + cc$
124 if cp <= len(a$) then 119 ' @FINDEND
125 cp = 0
126 '
127 '@foundend
128 call ucase(clabel$) ' disable this line if using interpreter
129 return
130 '
131 '@trimlead
132 if len(a$)=0 then 135 ' @NOLEAD
133 if instr(white$,left$(a$,1)) then a$ = right$(a$,len(a$)-1) : goto 131 ' @TRIMLEAD
134 '
135 '@nolead
136 return
137 '
138 '@trimtail
139 if len(a$)=0 then 142 ' @NOTAIL
140 if instr(white$,right$(a$,1)) then a$ = left$(a$,len(a$)-1) : goto 138 ' @TRIMTAIL
141 '
142 '@notail
143 return
144 '
145 '@errortraps
146 if err=53 and erl = 41 then resume 46 ' @CHECKOUT ' @OKAYOUT
147 if err=53 and erl = 50 then print "Can't find " source$ : resume 112 ' @CHECKIN ' @FINIT
148 if err=64 then print "Bad file name" : resume 112 ' @FINIT
149 print "Untrapped error" err "in line" erl : resume 112 ' @FINIT
150 end