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85 lines
; A standard CPM 2.2 Bios arrangement
; This linkage allows debugging DOS+ using pre-existing bios.
; The returned values from conout and home are optional. The home
; value allows monitoring and controlling disk soft error operations.
; These optional values are returned by cbf BIOS/ROM on Kaypro 4 (83)
; which system DOES NOT disturb IX, IY, nor alternate registers.
entry boot; 0 boot none none
entry wboot; 1 wboot " "
entry const; 2 console status " A=0FFH ready
; =0 not ready
entry conin; 3 console input " A=console char
entry conout; 4 console output C=console char X/Y screen pos
entry list; 5 list output C=list char none
entry punch; 6 punch output C=punch char "
entry reader; 7 reader input none A=reader char
entry home; 8 home disk " ^system table
entry seldsk; 9 select disk C=drv # (0..15) HL=^Disk table
; E : 1 bit (lsb)
; = 1 for re-access
; = 0 for 1st access
; (for disk sensing etc)
entry settrk; 10 select track BC=track # none
entry setsec; 11 select sector BC=sector # "
entry setdma; 12 set DMA address BC=DMA address "
entry read; 13 read 128 bytes none A = 0 no error
; A <> 0 error
entry write; 14 write 128 bytes; C=0 write data A = 0 no error
; C=1 wrt dir. A <> 0 error
; C=2 wrt unalloc
entry listst; 15 list status none A = 0ffh ready
; A = 0 not ready
entry sectrn; 16 sector translate BC = sect HL = sector #
; DE = ^table
; (from select)
; Optional timer service routine, patchable address in DOS+ offset 16h
; Value is 040h (string address only) for cbf BIOS/ROM on Kaypro 4/83
; XX time BC =0 get pointer only HL=pointer to time array
; BC <> 0 allows hard- HL+0^ date LSB days since
; ware to be updated HL+1^ date MSB (1=1978/1/1)
; if a routine call. HL+2^ hour (bcd)
; ignored if timead HL+3^ minute (bcd)
; is purely an address. HL+4^ seconds (bcd)
; BC^ time to set. (no secs)
; CARRY clear, NZ on exit.
; Optional entries, cbf bios/rom on Kaypro 4 (83)
;entry punsta; 24 punch status none A = 0ffh ready
; A = 0 not ready
;entry rdrsta; 25 reader status none A = 0ffh ready
; A = 0 not ready
;entry gorom; 26 ROM executor @hl a,b,c,d,e a,f,d,e,h,l
; & hl = locn 3 (sees 4000h up)
boot equ $; 0 initialize
wboot equ boot+3; 1 warm boot
const equ wboot+3; 2 console status
conin equ const+3; 3 console input
conout equ conin+3; 4 console output
list equ conout+3; 5 list output
punch equ list+3; 6 punch output
reader equ punch+3; 7 reader input
home equ reader+3; 8 home disk
seldsk equ home+3; 9 select disk
settrk equ seldsk+3; 10 select track
setsec equ settrk+3; 11 select sector
setdma equ setsec+3; 12 set DMA address
read equ setdma+3; 13 read 128 bytes
write equ read+3; 14 write 128 bytes
listst equ write+3; 15 list status
sectrn equ listst+3; 16 sector translate
; Optional entries used cbf Kaypro 4/83 bios
punsta equ sectrn+24; 24 punch status
rdrsta equ punsta+3; 25 reader status
gorom equ rdrsta+3; 26 access Bank 0 ROM (hl^) routine
; passing a,b,c,d,e, hl=locn 3-4
; returning a,f,d,e,h,l
; (only memory from 04000h up is
; visible to the ROM procedures)