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Text File
740 lines
title 'FDATE list file dates'
ver equ 10
cr equ 0dh
lf equ 0ah
tab equ 09h
; CPM/DOS+ syscall values
@cin equ 1
@cout equ 2
@csta equ 11
@seldk equ 14
@srch1 equ 17
@srchn equ 18
@curdk equ 25
@stdma equ 26
@usrcd equ 32
; CPM/DOS+ definitions
reboot equ 0
sysfnc equ reboot+5; connector to BDOS system
defdma equ reboot+080h
; UPPER case in following line for M80. SLRMAC does not need the file.
; --------- Start ----------
jmp begin
maxusr: db 31
; Upshift (a) if lower case alpha.
; a,f
upshft: cpi 'a'
cpi 'z'+1
ani 05fh
; Check (a) valid digit, carry if not
; f
qnum: cpi '0'
cpi '9'+1
; crlf to console
; a,f
crlf: mvi a,cr
call couta
mvi a,lf
; " "
; console output from (a)
; a,f
couta: push d
mov e,a
mvi a,@cout
call bdos
pop d
; Numeric 1..99 to console. Convert to Ascii, no zero suppress
; a,f
putnum: push b
mvi c,'0'-1
pn1: inr c
adi -10
jrc pn1
adi 10
push psw
mov a,c
call couta
pop psw
pop b
adi '0'
jr couta
; Test for any console character ready. If so purge it and
; return nz flag. Else return z flag. Nulls absorbed
; a,f
qbreak: mvi a,@csta
call bdos
mvi a,@cin
jr bdos
; search next on (de)^. Z flag for failure, exit (a) incremented
; a,f
srchn: mvi a,@srchn
; " "
; execute functions, Z flag for 0ffh, increment return value
; a,f
sfncr: call bdos
inr a
; search for file fcbdrv. Z flag for failure, exit (a) incremented.
; a,f,d,e
ffind: lxi d,fcbdrv
mvi a,@srch1
jr sfncr
; Find current logged disk
qdisk: mvi a,@curdk
jr bdos
; Set user to absolute value in fcbusr and select on BDOS.
; Do not modify or select drive. Leave drv/usr in bc
; Update fcbusr to absolute value
; a,f,b,c,e
setusr: lbcd fcbusr; c := user, b := drive
mov a,c
ora a
cm quser; default, get current user
mov c,a; now an absolute value
sbcd fcbusr
; " "
; set user to a
; a,f,e
susera: mov e,a
jr suser
; find current user code
; a,f,e
quser: mvi e,0ffh
; " "
; set user (e)
; a,f
suser: mvi a,@usrcd
; " "
; execute bdos call, return (a), set flags. Preserve other registers
; This is the sole connection to the outside world.
; a,f
bdos: push h
push d
push b
mov c,a
call sysfnc
ora a; set flags on return value
pop b
pop d
pop h
; set drive/user from fcbusr/fcbdrv
setdu: call setusr; and b := drv, c := usr
mov a,b
dcr a
cm qdisk; get default disk
mov b,a
inr b
sbcd fcbusr; jam id
; " "
; select drive (a). DOS handles redundancies.
; a,f,e
seldka: ani 0fh
mov e,a
mvi a,@seldk
jr bdos
; Parse the next field from the command line (IX^) into fcbdrv. Any
; drive/user specifications are recorded in fcbdrv and fcbusr
; (which default to 0 and -1 respectively). name and type are parsed
; into fname and ftype, blank padded, with any '*'s expanded into
; '?'s, and the fields are blank padded. At exit IX points to the
; field terminating delimiter char and lastwd points to the 1st char.
; a contains a count of '?' characters in fname & ftype fields, with
; flags set on it. Illegal chars. cause abort.
; a,f,b,c,d,e,h,l,ix
parse: xra a
; " "
; Entry to parse 2nd drive spec. for xcom, when a = 010h
parsef: lxi h,fcbusr
call index; select fcb or alternate fcb
call skipbk; skip any leading blanks
sixd lastwd; save marker for errors
call getdu; c := user, b := drv
mov m,c; set fcbusr
inx h
mov m,b; set fcbdrv, set up for ldfld
call lastch
cpi ':'
cz nextch; Absorb any du terminating ':'
mvi b,8
push h
call ldfld; fill the name field
call lastch
cpi '.'
cz nextch; Absorb any name terminating '.'
mvi b,3; (else terminator blank fills)
call ldfld; fill the type field
mvi b,3
parse1: inx h
mvi m,0
djnz parse1; zero ex, s2, s1 fields
lxi b,11 shl 8; b := 11, c := 0
pop h
mvi a,'?'
parse2: inx h
cmp m
jrnz parse3
inr c
parse3: djnz parse2; count the '?'s in fname/ftype
mov a,c
ora a; z flag for no wild cards
; load up to (b) chars from (ix)^ up to (hl)^ up.
; skip to delimiter. Implement any wild cards on "*"
; blank fill if less than (b) chars available.
; Upshift any lower case characters.
; a,f,b,h,l,ix
ldfld: call lastch; on (ix)^ and load it
jrz ldfld4; delimiter
inx h
cpi '*'
jrnz ldfld1
mvi m,'?'; expand '*'
jr ldfld2; dont skip past it
ldfld1: call upshft; upshift any lower case
mov m,a
call nextch
ldfld2: djnz ldfld
call lastch; on (de)^ and load it
rz; a delimiter
ldfld3: call nextch; else skip to a delimiter
jr ldfld3
ldfld4: inx h
mvi m,' '; blank fill
djnz ldfld4
; getdu returns any "du" spec. in b and c, with c = user, b = drv
; The default user is signified by a -1 value, default drive by 0
; At entry, IX points to the start of the field to be parsed. At
; exit, either IX is unchanged (no du found), or points to ':'
; a,f,b,c,d,e,ix
getdu: lxi b,0ffh; set defaults
pop d; pre-scan for valid du field
ldax d
call upshft; 2.1 - No ':' abort here
call qnum
jrnc getdu1; 1st char digit, no d
cpi '@'
rc; < '@', no du spec
cpi 'P'+1
rnc; > P, no du spec
inx d
ldax d
cpi ':'
jrz getdu2; d spec only
call qnum
rc; no 'du' spec
getdu1: inx d
ldax d
cpi ':'
jrz getdu2; du spec found
call qnum
rc; no du spec
inx d
ldax d
cpi ':'
rnz; not terminal ':', no du spec
; " "
; prescan found a valid du format, now load it
getdu2: call lastch
call qnum
jrnc getdu3; digit, no d portion
call upshft
sui '@'
mov b,a; save d portion
call nextch
getdu3: cpi ':'
rz; no 'u' portion
ani 0fh
mov c,a
call nextch
rz; ':', 1 digit only
call dstep; incorporate
call nextch; and advance to the (known) ':'
lda maxusr
cmp c
jrc help; User # too large
; Decimal input step. Carry for overflow. c is accumulator, a digit
; a,f,c,d
dstep: ani 0fh
mov d,a
mov a,c
cpi 26
rc; overflow
add a
add a
add c; 5*
add a; 10*
add d
mov c,a; result
ret; cy for overflow
; Get next character from line. Z flag for a delimiter,
; and abort if the character is illegal. Do not advance past eoln.
; Return char in a and leave IX pointing to it. cy for eoln
; a,f,ix
nextch: ldx a,+0
ora a
jrz lastch; don't advance past eol
; " "
; Return last character, as above. Abort if invalid, cy for eoln
; a,f
lastch: ldx a,+0
ora a
rz; null is a delimiter
cpi '='; and all these
cpi '_'
cpi '.'
cpi ':'
cpi ';'
cpi '<'
cpi '>'; Redirection chars
cpi ','; Operand separator
cpi '|'; Piping separator
; " "
; Check white space, abort on illegal chars. z flag for white
qwhite: cpi tab
rz; white space is a delimiter
cpi ' '
jrc help; abort on illegals
; skip blanks and tabs in input line. Abort on illegal chars.
; return the 1st non-blank char. found.
; a,f,ix
skipbk: call lastch
rc; eoln
skip1: call qwhite
rnz; not white space
; " "
; Effectively "call nextch ! call skipbk"
next: call nextch
jrnc skip1
ret; eoln
; hl := hl + a
; a,f,h,l
index: add l
mov l,a
inr h
; load (a+c)th char from defdma array
; a,f,h,l
idxac: lxi h,defdma
add c
call index
mov a,m
; crlf, then tstr
; a,f,h,l
tstrc: call crlf
; " "
; string (hl) to console until 0 byte
; a,f,h,l
tstr: mov a,m
ora a
inx h
call couta
jr tstr
help: lxi h,hlpmsg
; " "
; exit with message
msgxit: call tstrc
jr done
; no time stamp message & exit
notime: lxi h,notimemsg
jr msgxit
; jam fcb to all wild cards
mkwild: lxi h,fname
mvi b,11
mkwld1: mvi m,'?'
inx h
djnz mkwld1
; one blank to console
blk: mvi b,1
; " "
; blank to console
blks: mvi a,' '
call couta
djnz blks
; Main program operation
begin: lxi h,0
dad sp
shld stksav
lxi sp,stksav
lxi h,defdma
mov a,m
ora a
inx h
push h
popix; init input scanner
jz help; empty input line
call skipbk
jc help; or only blanks
call parse
lda fname
cpi ' '
cz mkwild; must be a du spec
call setdu
call ffind; sets de := ^fcbdrv
cnz flist; If any found, list them
done: lhld stksav
; List files found
flist: push psw
lda defdma + 060h
cpi 021h
jrnz notime; and abort
lxi h,head
call tstrc
pop psw
flist1: dcr a; compensate for file-find inr
push psw
mvi c,060h
add a; 2*
mov b,a
add a; 4*
add a; 8*
add b; 10*
adi 2; displacement of 1st stamp
call idxac; point to time stamp
lxi d,fcreat
lxi b,10
ldir; move into fcb on 1st
; really want min of all create, max of modify/access for file
pop psw
ani 060h
mvi c,1
call idxac; point to DIR entry
call crlf
lda fcbdrv
adi '@'
call couta
lda fcbusr
call putnum
mvi a,':'
call couta
mvi b,8
call tname
mvi a,'.'
call couta
mvi b,3
call tname
mvi b,2
call blks
call dates
call qbreak
call srchn
jnz flist1
dates: lhld fcreat
call date
mvi b,2
call blks
lhld fmodif
call date
call blk
lhld fmodif+2
call time
mvi b,2
call blks
lhld facces
call date
call blk
lhld facces+2
call time
date: mvi b,8
mov a,h
ora l
jz blks
call drtodate
mov a,c; year
call t2hx
mvi a,'/'
call couta
mov a,d
call t2hx
mvi a,'/'
call couta
mov a,e
jmp t2hx
time: mvi b,5
mov a,h
ora l
jz blks
mov a,l
call t2hx
mvi a,':'
call couta
mov a,h
; " "
t2hx: push psw
call t1hx
pop psw
; " "
t1hx: ani 0fh
adi 090h
aci 040h
jmp couta
; type b chars from hl^
tname: mov a,m
ani 07fh
call couta
inx h
djnz tname
; days per month, except leap year. Leading dummy 0 for month 0
mtbl: db 0,31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31
; Convert (a) in binary to BCD. No overflow check. Return z flag.
; a,f
binbcd: push b
lxi b,0affh; b := 10, c := -1
bbcd1: inr c ! sub b !jrnc bbcd1; divide by 10
add b; correct remainder
mov b,a
mov a,c; quotient
add a ! add a ! add a ! add a; * 16. Cy for o'flow
add b; + remainder. clears cy
pop b
; PROCEDURE drtodate(thedate : integer; VAR yr, mo, day : integer);
; (* 1 Jan 1978 corresponds to Digital Research date = 1 *)
; (* BUG - cannot handle negative values for dates > 2067 *)
; i, y1 : integer;
; dayspermonth : ARRAY[1..12] OF 1..31;
; BEGIN (* drtodate *)
; FOR i := 1 TO 12 DO dayspermonth[i] := 31;
; dayspermonth[4] := 30; dayspermonth[6] := 30;
; dayspermonth[9] := 30; dayspermonth[11] := 30;
; IF thedate > 731 THEN BEGIN (* avoid overflows *)
; yr := 1980; thedate := thedate - 731; END
; thedate := thedate + 730; yr := 1976; END;
; (* 0..365=y0; 366..730=y1; 731..1095=y2; 1096..1460=y3 *)
; i := thedate DIV 1461; thedate := thedate MOD 1461;
; y1 := (thedate-1) DIV 365; yr := yr + y1 + 4*i;
; IF y1 = 0 THEN (* leap year *) dayspermonth[2] := 29
; thedate := thedate - 1; (* 366 -> 365 -> 1 Jan *)
; dayspermonth[2] := 28; END;
; day := thedate - 365*y1 + 1; mo := 1;
; WHILE day > dayspermonth[mo] DO BEGIN
; day := day - dayspermonth[mo];
; mo := succ(mo); END;
; END; (* drtodate *)
; Incorporate (a) in year (c), overflows to century (b)
addyr: add c
jnc addyr1; <256
sui 100; 256..276
jmp addyr2
addyr1: dcr b
addyr2: inr b
sui 100
jnc addyr2
adi 100; b = century, c = year MOD 100
mov c,a
; divide hl by -de, rdr to hl, quotient to a
divd: mvi a,-1
divd1: inr a
dad d
jc divd1
push psw
mov a,l
sub e
mov l,a
mov a,h
sbb d
mov h,a
pop psw
; Input : hl = drdate (days since 78/1/1, 1 = 78/1/1)
; Output : b, c, d, e = cent, year, month, day (binary)
; a,f,b,c,d,e,h,l
lxi b,256*19 + 76; 731 represents 80/1/1
push h
lxi d,-731
dad d
pop h
jnc drd1; before 80/1/1
dad d; on or after 80/1/1
mvi c,80; now 0 represents 80/1/1
jmp drd2
drd1: lxi d,730
dad d; now 731 represents 78/1/1
drd2: lxi d,-1461
call divd; get quad years since base (in c)
add a
add a; 4 * i. 180 max
call addyr; yr := yr + 4 * i
mov a,h
ora l
jz drd3; At Jan 1, leap year
dcx h; thedate := thedate - 1
lxi d,-365; so year thresholds come out right
call divd; thedate := thedate MOD 365
push psw; y1 := a := thedate DIV 365
call addyr; yr := yr+y1
pop psw; 0 for leapyear
jnz drd5; not a leap year
inx h; thedate := thedate+1 (1..365)
drd3: mvi a,29
sta mtbl+2
drd5: xchg
lxi h,mtbl
push b
mvi b,0; mo := 0
drd6: inx h; WHILE
inr b; day := day-dayspermo[mo := mo+1] >= 0
mov a,e; DO (* again *)
sub m
mov e,a
mov a,d
sbi 0
mov d,a
jnc drd6
mov a,e; day := day+dayspermo[mo]
add m
mov e,a; range 0..pred(dayspermo[mo])
adc d
sub e
mov d,a
mov d,b
pop b
mov e,l
inr e; make result 1 based
mvi a,28
sta mtbl+2; restore month table
mov a,b
call binbcd
mov b,a
mov a,c
call binbcd
mov c,a
mov a,d
call binbcd
mov d,a
mov a,e
call binbcd
mov e,a
hlpmsg: db 'FDATE ver. '
db ver / 10 + '0', '.', ver mod 10 + '0'
db 'by C.B. Falconer',cr,lf,lf
db 'Usage: FDATE [d[u]:][afn.aft]',cr,lf
db 'shows timestamps for DOS+ directories',0
notimemsg: db 'No time stamps on this volume',0
head: db 'd/u:Filename.Typ Created '
db '---Modified--- ---Accessed---',cr,lf
db '--- -------- --- -------- '
db '-------------- --------------',0
; NOTE: the ",0" in ds statements ensures the areas are 0 filled
; File control block and receiver of parse fields (34 bytes)
fcbusr: ds 1
fcbdrv: ds 1
fname: ds 8
ftype: ds 3
ds 3
ds 1
fcreat: ds 2; date created or disk map
fmodif: ds 4; date/time modified
facces: ds 4; date/time accessed
; Parsing
lastwd: ds 2; start of current word in iobuff
ds 64; stack space
stksav: ds 2; save entry stack