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title 'revised KAYPRO 4-83 DOS+/CPM2 BIOS (86/10/31)'
;## KAYPRO CBIOS for CP/M 2.2 ##
;## Copyright (C) 1982 By Non-Linear Systems, Inc. ##
;## No warranty is made, expressed or implied. ##
;## Last Update: july 7,1982 [001] ##
;## by jim Nickerson (Kaypro 2) ##
;## changes: ##
;## -allow redefinition of kpd in cbios ##
;## -change to allow test of serial on liststatus ##
;## -default ul1: to tty on list ##
;## Updated to match KAYPRO 4 bios, 83/10/1, cbf ##
;## Revised for double console, more stack, correct lsta, ##
;## avoid use of primed registers for future interrupts. ##
;## Anomalous connection to CCP eliminated. dmadr/ram remains. ##
;## "Warm boot" message eliminated. Boot error resets disks. ##
;## Disk shutdown when using list, reader, etc. ##
;## remote console with interrupt. ul1=crt on lst: 84/3/9 cbf ##
;## by C.B.Falconer, 680 Hartford Tpk, Hamden Ct. (203)281-1438 ##
;## "gorom" now passes iobyte in (l). Future systems can thus ##
;## implement device selection entirely in ROM. New entries ##
;## must be made for cin,cout,csta,rin,pout,lout,lsta, and for ##
;## psta and rsta for future plans. After this bios can shrink ##
;## (2) rev 85/01/06 to preserve (bc) across rom calls, and so ##
;## that the "rem" device allows mixed remote and kbd input. ##
;## Rem operation now halted with an 08Eh from keyboard, which ##
;## is only available with the "uniqkeys" table configuration. ##
;## (i.e. no translation at all). This comes from numpad "-". ##
;## All this provides the fundamental groundwork for RCPM and ##
;## BBS operation. Rem can be stopped by altering iobyte also. ##
;## Also removed anomalous connection to RAM storage. This is ##
;## carefully packed so the start-up message works on the orig- ##
;## inal ROM. Any extra length fouls it. With NEWROM mounted ##
;## vout returns current cursor pos'n in hl, and home returns ##
;## pointer to disk system info (last errors/soft count). cbf ##
;## (3) rev 86/10/06 to initialize a wheel and PATH on cold ##
;## boot for DOS+. Allow function keys 92h up. cbf ##
;## (4) rev 86/10/31 for "nul" device 3 on lister. lsta=true. ##
;## 86/12/07 No change. DOS+ ver equate becomes 25 ##
; Works for M80 and SLRMAC
bver equ 4; cbf bios version
vers equ 25; CPM/DOS+ version number
ccpsz equ 0800h; size of CCP (can change independant)
bdossz equ 0E00h; size of BDOS
cpml equ ccpsz+bdossz; lgth of CP/M sys (bytes, less BIOS)
nsects equ cpml/128; lgth of CP/M sys (sector, less BIOS)
iobyte equ 3; logical to physical map
; and initial usr/drv at iobyte+1
trksec equ 40; sectors/track.
bauda equ 0; control kbd baud rate
msize equ 63; system memory size in k. Elim later
; (I install RAMDSK above bios)
bitpt equ 1CH; status/control bit mapped port
@wheel equ 045h; And PATH at @wheel +1
rom equ 00000H; base of rom
ram equ 0FC00H; scratch ram
cr equ 0dh
lf equ 0ah
clear equ 01ah; Clear Kaypro crt screen
brk equ ('N' and 03fh) + 080h; "REM" breakin char.
; *** CODE BEGINS, bios vector ***
bios: jmp boot; <00> arrive here from cold start
jmp wboot; <01> arrive here for warm start
jmp const; <02> console status return in A
; FF=ready, 00=not
jmp conin; <03> console char in
jmp cout; <04> console char out
jmp list; <05> listing char out
jmp punch; <06> punch char out
jmp rin; <07> reader char in
jmp home; <08> move to tk0 on selected dsk drv
jmp seldk; <09> select disk drive
jmp setrk; <10> set track #
jmp setsec; <11> set sector #
jmp setdma; <12> set DMA address
jmp read; <13> read selected sector
jmp write; <14> write selected sector
jmp lsta; <15> list status (Rdy for a char)
jmp xltsec; <16> sector translate
; defaults to be loaded
; These occupy the space for extended bios calls 17 thru 23
iobgn: db 10000001B; initial value for i/o byte
; (may be patched)
wtsafe: db 0; write safe flag, 0=false
vtab: db 11, 10, 8, 12; vector pad xlate table ^k ^j ^h ^l
db '0', '1', '2', '3'
db '4', '5', '6', '7'
db '8', '9', brk, ','; Set intercept for REM
db cr, '.'; last on 091h key code
bdbgn: db 7; initial serial port baud rate.
; 5,6,7,10,12,14 correspond to 300,
; 600,1200,2400,4800,9600 baud.
; add any extended bios calls here, #24 up. This should preserve
; compatibility with Kaypro normal software.
; if only these were standard CP/m items. Portable communications
jmp sistat; (24) Reader status
jmp sostat; (25) Punch status
jmp romhl; (26) GP rom system connector
; calls rom address (hl), passing
; a,b,c,d,e, returns a,f,d,e,h,l
; preserving bc
; logical devices are con: rdr: pun: and lst:
; physical devices are:
; crt: video and kbd
; tty: serial
; lpt: centronics
; dbl: video and lst device
; rem: video and tty (remote opn with CRT monitor)
; kbd mixes with serin, can stop rem operation
; nul: Discards output, always ready
;con: tty, crt, rem, dbl
;rdr: tty (all assignments)
;pun: tty (all assignments)
;lst: tty, crt, lpt, nul
; check for local character and interuption. preserve (bc)
chkhlt: call ksta
rz; no local char
call kbdin
cpi brk
rnz; not interrupted
; " "
; shut down "rem" operation
lxi h,iobyte; Must have been 2 in con field
dcr m; set back to "crt"
ori 07fh; return a rub in case input
ret; with nz to exit remin
conin: call dkoff; Immediate shut down on operator wait
lda iobyte
ani 03H; check i/o byte
jrz serin; 0, serial
jrnc remin; 2, remote input
; " " 1,3 keyboard input
kbdin: mvi l,rom+2DH
call gorom; go get char
ora a
rp; msb not set
; " "
; Translate kbd char (80h..91h) via system table
cpi 092h; form table index to vtab
rnc; do not xlate. Allows extra keys
lxi h,vtab+080h
add l
mov l,a; discard carry to index table
mov a,m; pick up xlated character
cout: lda iobyte; check i/o byte
ani 03H
jrz serout; 0, serial
dcr a
jrz vout; 1, crt
push psw
call vout; 2,3 video out
pop psw; (iobyte.con)-1
jrc remout; (2-1)=rem
; " " 3=dbl, do listout
list: lda iobyte
ani 0C0H; check i/o byte
jrz serout; 0, serial
mvi l,rom+3FH; centronics
cpi 80H
jrz gorom; 2, centronics
rnc; 3, nul device
; " " 1, use video
; Output to CRT screen only. Escapes etc apply
vout: mvi l,rom+45H; video
jr gorom; 1,3 default to video
lsta: lda iobyte; check i/o byte
ani 0C0H
jrz sostat; 0, serial
cpi 80H
jrz ppstat; 2, centronics port
; " " 1,3 video, nul is ready
; return (a) = 0ffh with nz flag
ori 0ffh
sostat: mvi l,rom+042h; serial port output status
jr gorom
ppstat: mvi l,rom+3ch; centronics
call gorom; Fix bad original ROM return value
; " "
; Return (a) = 0 with zero flag
xra a
sistat: mvi l,rom+033h; serial port input status
jr gorom
; get char from remote terminal or local keyboard.
; Any local char. = brk interrupts (- on num pad with config)
remin: call chkhlt; check for local halt
rnz; a local char in interrupted
call sistat; do not get hung in ROM routines,
jrz remin; wait for char. ready
; " "
; reader input/serial with disk turn off
rin: call dkoff; during wait for peripheral
serin: mvi l,rom+36H; serial input
jr gorom
const: lda iobyte; get i/o byte
rar; strip to con bits
jrc ksta; 1,3 CRT input
jrnc sistat; 0, TTY
call sistat; 2, REM
rnz; have something
; " " else check keyboard
ksta: mvi l,rom+2AH
jr gorom; keyboard status
; char. to remote terminal, any local char. interrupts
; only called from conout set for con:=rem:
remout: call chkhlt; may inhibit further rem opn
; " " echo on remote terminal
serout: mvi l,rom+39h; serial punch
; " "
; transfer control to rom bank at (l). Switch stack
; The a,f,b,c,d,e registers are passed to the ROM routines and ROM
; routine exit registers a,f,d,e,h,l are returned. Rewritten to avoid
; disturbing the primed registers and to pass all registers except hl,
; sp so that interrupt driven systems can co-exist. (bc) preserved.
; (l) is used to pass iobyte, thus making it visible in the ROM. The
; ROM system can then perform the complete device allocation.
; Note that ROM operation is non-reentrant, because of stack.
gorom: mvi h,0; all rom entries in page zero
; " "
; Entry here can call any Rom addr, pass abcde, rtn afdehl, save bc
romhl: di; No interrupts during stk manipulation
push b; save thru rom call
sspd savsp; save current stack (may be under rom)
lxi sp,romret; Set return for ROM routines
sspd stktop; at top of local stack
lxi sp,stktop; and switch to the local stack
push h; set execution point on stack
push psw; useless save at present.
lxi h,mtime
inr m
cz dkoff; timed out disk motors
lhld iobyte; in (l), default disk id in (h)
in bitpt; turn rom on
ori 080h; set bit 7
out bitpt; now 0..3fffh is a new bank
pop psw; pass input (a)
ret; <execute> rom routine specified on TOS
romret: push psw; save returned (a)
in bitpt; off the rom
ani 07fh; clear bit 7
out bitpt
pop psw; restore reg A
lspd savsp; restore stack
pop b; restore entry value
ret; done with rom routine
dkini: mvi l,rom+03H; re-set disk software sub-system
jr gorom
home: mvi l,rom+0CH; home disk drive rom routine
jr gorom
seldk: mvi l,rom+0FH; select disk drive
jr gorom
setrk: mvi l,rom+12H; seek track
jr gorom
setsec: mvi l,rom+15H; set sector number
jr gorom
setdma: mvi l,rom+18H; set dma address
jr gorom
read: mvi l,rom+1BH; read a logical sector
; " "
; a disk read/write operation (via (l))
rdwrt: xra a
sta mtime; reset disk motor time-out
jr gorom
xltsec: mvi l,rom+21H; xlate logical to physical sector
jr gorom
write: mvi l,rom+1EH; write a logical sector
lda wtsafe; write safe flag
ora a; true or false
jrz rdwrt; normal operation
mvi c,1; directory write code (forces write op)
jr rdwrt
; shut down disk drive motors
dkoff: in bitpt
ori 040h
out bitpt
; Warm boot entry point, re-load the CCP and BDOS
; Uses 8 bytes below 0100h for stack operations.
wboot: call dkini
lxi sp,100H; re-set stack
mvi c,0; select drive A:
call seldk
lxi b,nsects*256+1; (b)=num to do; (c)=sector #
lxi h,bios-cpml-128; first mem loc (-128) to load
push h
push b
lxi b,0; set track
wboot1: call setrk
pop b; get sector/trk setting
wboot2: call setsec; select sector
pop h
push b
lxi b,128; This modification is to avoid
dad b; the anomalous connection to
mov b,h; RAM storage area in the
mov c,l; original, which prevents free
call setdma; ROM modification. cbf 85/1/6
mov h,b
mov l,c
pop b
push h
call read
ora a
jrnz wboot; error on warm boot. CHECK DISKS
mvi a,3; Use warm ccp entry
dcr b; Sequence allows 1 track boot (dd)
jrz goccp; done loading. Stack will be ignored
inr c; bump sector count
mvi a,trksec; on to next track?
cmp c
jrnz wboot2
mvi c,16; first sector on next track
push b; save counters
lxi b,1
jr wboot1
; Set the CP/m vectors, and enter the CCP
; (a) = 0 for cold load, (a) = 3 for warm boot
; there may be anomalous garbage on the stack, ccp resets.
goccp: lxi h,bios+3; wboot entry point
shld 1
lxi h,bios-bdossz+6; entry point to bdos
shld 6
lxi h,bios-cpml
mov l,a; Warm/cold entry
mvi a,0C3H; set up CP/M jumps to bdos and wboot
sta 0
sta 5
lda 4; last logical disk unit used
mov c,a; pass to ccp to select
pchl; pass control to ccp
; Cold boot entry point, set up sys pointers, pass control to CCP
; **** This space is re-usable as stack after a cold boot ****
boot: call dkini; purpose is to set RAM access
lhld iobgn; junk into h
mvi h,0
shld iobyte; init iobyte, system disk number
mvi l,0ffh; wheel on
shld @wheel; init wheel, set path to empty
lda bdbgn
out bauda; set initial serial baud
lxi h,mesg
boot1: push h
mov c,m; 1st char. known non-null
call vout
pop h; Prevent any stack overflow destroying
inx h; code until after overwriting "mesg"
mov a,m; Somewhere a null will be found
ora a; in such a case. Present ROM ok.
jrnz boot1; more
jr goccp; (a) is zero, cold entry
; NOT enough room for this - Use later when ROM upgraded
; for automatic size info on sign on without special MOVCPM cases
; eliminates all need for the MSIZE parameter, and postpones
; all customization to link/relocation time.
;show: pop h
; push h; get calling point - indicates mem size
; mov a,h
; adi 5; form no. of Ks
; rar; assumes no extra pieces
; rar; to set extra carries
; mvi c,'0'-1; if so extract and list as /n (n=1..3)
;show1: inr c
; sub a,10
; jr p,show1; convert to 2 decimal digits
; adi 10
; push psw
; call vout
; pop psw
; mov c,a
; jmp vout
mesg: db clear, msize/10+'0', msize mod 10+'0'
db 'k DOS+'
db vers/10+'0', '.', vers mod 10+'0'
db ' KP4(f', bver + '0', ')',0
; The final nul must appear before 1f7 from the start of
; the bios, for the message to appear correctly with the
; original issue Kaypro 4 (83) ROM. For NEWROM this is 1f1
used equ $-bios; Max value 01f7 or 1f1, see above
ds 507-used,0; ",0" to ensure null fill
stktop: ds 2,0; a local stack with a return address
savsp: ds 2,0; stack pointer during rom call
mtime: ds 1,0; control disk motor time-out