Text File
164 lines
Irvin M. Hoff
(01 March 1986)
This program is really two-in-one. It is for use with RCPM systems
having a XMODEM.LOG (or LOG.SYS) of all file transfers created by the
XMODEM file transfer program. (If using MBYE, substitute the term
LOG.SYS wherever appears and set the MBYE equate to YES.)
Program 1 = shows the XMODEM.LOG in reverse order, newest first
Program 2 = shows only uploads in reverse, ignoring downloads
WARNING: Versions of XMODEM before 101 did not mark uploads to private
areas differently from normal uploads.
03/01/86 - Added pagination, also allowed WHEEL users to specify
v05 WHATSNEW A to see uploads and downloads without maintaining
a second copy of program online. - Michael Conley
NOTE: Although the term XMODEM.LOG is discussed here, the
program has an MBYE equate which selects LOG.SYS in place of
XMODEM.LOG. Where the special XMDEL program is mentioned, there
is a XMLOG program for MBYE's LOG.SYS file.
WHATSNEW.ASM is Intel 8080 source code for a program that displays file
transfers on RCPM systems. It is really two programs in one:
BYTE 0103H 00 shows XMODEM.LOG in inverse order, newest first
01 shows uploads only, for use as a WHATSNEW file
If using DDT, then: A>SAVE 5 WHATSNEW.COM
When assembled, it is 8 records or 1k long. It replaces WHATSNEW.COM
files created by D-32 and similar archive programs.
This shows the file transfers stored in XMODEM.LOG in reverse manner,
newest first. It allows SYSOPs to immediately view "who most recently
did what". It can be placed in any drive-user area the SYSOP can easily
call from any location with his wheel byte set, (usually A15:) or left
in A0: for all to use. You might wish to call this version ALL.COM.
UPLOADS ONLY (should be called WHATSNEW.COM)
It sits in A0: and may be called by any user on the system, from any
drive or user area. (This in sharp contrast to the older WHATSNEW
programs which had to be hidden in the same area all uploads go, and
could not be called except when directly in that specific area.)
When called, it remembers the current drive/user area, then opens the
XMODEM.LOG in A14: (or wherever you have it, if elsewhere, by setting
the options for DRIVE, USER). It reads the file, storing all the lines
commencing with "R" (for uploads), into memory. (If the wheel byte is
set for the SYSOP's use, it includes the "P" (private uploads) as well.
These are shown by a "*" after the drive/user area.) When finished
reading the file it then displays those lines in reverse order, showing
most recent uploads first. When finished (or aborted), it restores the
original drive/user area. It finishes the current line when aborting.
This allows people who call frequently to immediately see if any new
files have been added and readily abort the rest of the display. It
also allows infrequent callers to continue as long as they wish, or the
XMODEM.LOG is finished. As a result, nobody should miss a recent entry
which often happens with older WHATSNEW methods when the SYSOP has not
recently updated his system. (And then when he does update things, all
recent files are "lost", making overall results unrealistic and often of
spotty usefulness.)
This system also displays who uploaded the file. This is beneficial as
it gives credit for contributing to the RCPM system. (Anything that
encourages contributions appeals to most SYSOPs.)
When getting the program, there are three bytes that can be changed with
DDT rather than reassemble the entire program (although that only takes
a few moments).
Before XMODEM-101, uploads to a private area (such as B15:)
also had a "R" for received (they now show a "P"). In addition,
the XMODEM.LOG file did not show file length, etc. and used a
somewhat different format than current versions.
A companion program currently called XMDEL automatically deletes
all downloaded files from XMODEM.LOG, keeping the uploads for
WHATSNEW. This minimizes the length of the XMODEM.LOG file,
since "most" of the lines are for downloads. The combination of
WHATSNEW and XMDEL make the entire new file display almost fully
0103H 00 shows XMODEM.LOG in inverse order, newest first (program 1)
01 shows uploads only, for use as a WHATSNEW file (program 2)
0104H 00 = No header, regardless of option below
01 = use header selected by option below
0105H 00 = No header, shows "R" lines of XMODEM.LOG "as is".
01 = Header, uses example 1 below (OxGate 001 system)
02 = Header, uses example 2 below (Potpourri system)
If using DDT, then: A>SAVE 5 WHATSNEW.COM
It can be customized for a specific XMODEM.LOG display. The following
example shows a few actual entries from the Potpourri system followed by
the display shown to any user asking for "WHATSNEW":
(Partial XMODEM.LOG listing, note newest are last entered)
R5 02:30 B00>LSTCBAS1LBR 15K 01/06/85 00:35 Bill Rink
R1 11:57 B00>Z-NEWS 1Q3 15k 01/13/85 16:26 Carl Eckenrode
P5 09:41 B15>PATCH17+LBR 59k 01/14/85 00:06 Bill Rink
L5 02:35 B00>LINSTALLCOM LEISURE2LBR 16K 01/15/85 12:05 Terry Hazen
S1 10:18 C03>DBSECUR2LBR 17k 01/15/85 23:36 George Sofaly
R6 04:55 B00>ROS25A LBR 53k 01/16/85 16:30 Robert Blacher
R5 00:13 B00>RSXDIR DOC 2k 01/16/85 23:51 Richard Holmes
S5 07:06 C01>XLATE5 LBR 43k 01/17/85 08:29 Charles Hart
S1 11:55 A02>IF/SKIP LBR 20k 01/17/85 09:25 Ricky Litofsky
L5 00:30 B00>DIRR COM DIRR2 LBR 3k 01/17/85 17:10 Stanton Perry
(Partial WHATSNEW listing using ALL.COM, note newest are listed first)
NEW - CTL-X or CTL-K to abort, CTL-S to pause
D/U Filename Size Speed Date Time Uploaded by
B00: RSXDIR DOC 2k 1200 bps 01/16/85 23:51 Richard Holmes
B00: ROS25A LBR 53k 2400 bps 01/16/85 16:30 Robert Blacher
B00: Z-NEWS 1Q3 15k 300 bps 01/13/85 16:26 Carl Eckenrode
B00: LSTCBAS1LBR 15K 1200 bps 01/06/85 00:35 Bill Rink
[End of listing]
This system is pretty much self-maintaining. The operator has almost
nothing to do. The program can be called from any drive or user area.
The SYSOP can easily move files to any other drive/user area and in a
moment's time use his editor with XMODEM.LOG to change the "B00" to
"C10" for example, allowing tremendous versatility. He can also use the
editor to erase recent downloads with "S" or "L" in front, keeping a log
of uploads that can extend back as far as he wants to let it go.
Occasional users can see everything that has been added in recent weeks
or months, The person calling "yesterday" can see in a moment's time
what is new. This encourages people to call more often as they can
quickly and accurately check for new entries and hang up.
NOTE: If any SYSOP has a problem adapting this to his system,
just send a small portion of your current XMODEM.LOG file to
Potpourri (408) 378-7474 together with a message, and we should
be able to make a special .COM file for your particular system.
Thanks to Wayne Masters, SYSOP of Potpourri for cooking up the idea and
to Chuck Metz, SYSOP of OxGate 001 for additional testing and comments.
- Irv Hoff W6FFC