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Assembly Source File
251 lines
title 'CX40 & CX80 80 column drivers 26 Apr 87'
maclib cxequ
maclib z80
lines equ 24
; public ?fundir ; function direct
public ?int80
public ?stat,?save,?recov
extrn ADM31
; This module has been modified by James Waltrip, you the user assume ;
; _All_ liability for its use. Original copyright is still maintained
; Commodore.
; The modifications to this module were to remove the 40 column driver
; code.
;** This is the entry point to get to the function module
; This code will perform the functions that the emulation
; code will need to do to complete function.
; enable cursor, then set foreground and background colors
lxi h,ADM31
shld emulation$adr
lhld key$tbl ; logical color assignments at end of
lxi d,11*4*8 ; ..key$table, (key$tbl size=11*4*8)
dad d
shld color$tbl$ptr ; setup color table ptr
mvi a,80h
sta current$atr
; program the 8563 for full flashing cursor
mvi a,10 ; point to cursor start line#
call R$wait ; and mode register
mvi a,40h ; start at line zero, cursor 1/16
outp a
mvi a,11 ; point to cursor end line#
call R$wait
mvi a,7
outp a
;** The following code is used to maintain the status line on
;** both the 80 and 40 column displays
; save characters on the status line (80 column only) to buffer
; reverse video the data area cleared (40 and 80 column screens)
; C=start column # B=number of characters to save
mov a,b
lxi h,lines*80 ; point to status line
lxi d,buffer$80$col ; point to save buffer
mvi b,0 ; zero MSB
dad b ; point to char position to save
push psw ; save count
push d ; save buffer address
call R$read$memory ; read char(B) and attribute(A)
pop d ; recover buffer pointer
stax d ; save character
inx d ; advance buffer
mov a,b ; get atrb to A
stax d ; save atrb
inx d ; advance buffer
push d
mvi a,01000000b ; reverse video only
call get$atr$color ; returned in A
mvi d,' ' ; get character
call R$write$memory
pop d
pop psw ; recover count
inx h
dcr a ; adjust count
jrnz save$loop ; loop if not done
; recover characters to the status line (80 column only)
; for the 40 column screen just clear status line (with spaces)
; C=start column # B=number of characters to restore
mov a,b
lxi h,lines*80 ; point to status line
lxi d,buffer$80$col ; point to save buffer
mvi b,0 ; zero MSB
dad b ; point to char position to save
push psw ; save count
ldax d ; get attribute
inx d ; advance pointer
mov b,a ; save attribute in B
ldax d ; get character in A
inx d ; advance pointer
push d ; save buffer address
mov d,a ; move character to D
mov a,b ; move attribute to A
call R$write$memory ; write char(D) and attribute(A)
pop d ; recover buffer pointer
pop psw ; recover count
inx h
dcr a ; adjust count
jrnz recov$80$loop ; loop if not done
; Places data on the system status line
; for the 80 column screen a number of character attributes
; are available: flash, underline, reverse video
; for the 40 column screen only reverse video is available
; A=attribute (7654 3210)
; 6-reverse video
; 5-underline
; 4-blink
; B=character to write (ASCII)
; C=column number to write
; (>40 does nothing to 40 column screen)
push psw
push b ; save for 80 column display
mov e,a ; save attribute in E
; display on 80 column display now
pop d ; D=character E=position
pop psw ; get new attribute
call get$atr$color
mov b,d ; save character to write in B
lxi h,lines*80
mvi d,0
dad d ; point to character location
mov d,b ; place character to write in D
jmp R$write$memory
; using attribute in A add color to it and return in A
; destroys BC
push h
push psw
lda bg$color$80
mov c,a
mvi b,0
lxi h,status$color$tbl
dad b ; point to status color
pop psw
ani 01110000b ; limit good attr
mov b,a ; save in E
mov a,m ; get status color
ani 0fh ; only want 80 column status color
ora b ; merge with new attr
ori 80h ; select alternate character set
pop h
; MSB is 40 column status color, LSB is 80 column status color
db 05eh ; status color #1
db 0f6h ; status color #2
db 0a6h ; status color #3
db 0b7h ; status color #4
db 0d7h ; status color #5
db 0d4h ; status color #6
db 0e7h ; status color #7
db 083h ; status color #8
db 097h ; status color #9
db 0a8h ; status color #10
db 09eh ; status color #11
db 0ffh ; status color #12
db 0bdh ; status color #13
db 058h ; status color #14
db 06fh ; status color #15
db 0ceh ; status color #16
db 0bdh ; status color #13
db 058h ; status color #14
db 06fh ; status color #15
db 0ceh