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623 lines
false equ 0
true equ not false
banked equ true
EXTSYS equ false ; use external system as disk and char I/O
pre$release equ false
; start at Jan 1,1978 78 79 80 81 82 83 84
dt$hx$yr equ 365+365+366+365+365+365+366
; 1985 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
date$hex equ dt$hx$yr+31+28+31+30+31+30+31+31+30+31+30+6
date macro
db '6 Dec 85'
; boot memory map (bank 0 only)
bios02 equ 3000h ;
block$buffer equ 3400h ; uses 2K
boot$parm equ 3C00h ; uses about 256 bytes
; bank 0 low memory map
ROM equ 0000h
VIC$color equ 1000h ; I/O page only (IO$0 selected)
SYS$key$area equ 1000h ; 3 256 byte blocks (allow 4)
screen$40 equ 1400h ; 2 X 80 X 25 = 4000
BANK$parm$blk equ 2400h ; allow 0.5K of parameters
BIOS8502 equ 2600h ; 1.5K
VIC$screen equ 2C00h ; 1K
ccp$buffer equ 3000h ; 0c80h (allow 4K)
bank0$free equ 4000h ; start of free area in bank 0
; mapped I/O locations
VIC equ 0D000h ;
SID equ 0D400h ;
MMU equ 0D500h ;
DS8563 equ 0D600h ; 8563
VIC$C$H equ 0D800h ; (memory mapped only in IO$0)
VIC$C$L equ 01000h ; (memory and i/o mapped in IO$0)
CIA1 equ 0DC00h ; 6526
CIA2 equ 0DD00h ; 6526
USART equ 0DE00h ; 6551 (extrn card)
RAM$dsk$base equ 0DF00h ; 8726
; Common memory allocation
int$block equ 0FC00h ; mode 2 interrupt pointers (to FDFDh)
parm$block equ 0FD00h ; system parameters
@buffer equ 0FE00h ; disk buffer (256 bytes)
; 0FF00h ; to 0FFFFh used by 8502
; the following are C128 system equates
enable$z80 equ 0FFD0h ; 8502 code
return$z80 equ 0FFDCh
enable$6502 equ 0FFE0h ; Z80 code
return$6502 equ 0FFEEh
; 1st byte used as Intterrupt pointer
vic$cmd equ parm$block+1 ;; bios8502 command byte
vic$drv equ vic$cmd+1 ; bios8502 drive (bit 0 set, drv 0)
vic$trk equ vic$drv+1 ;; bios8502 track #
vic$sect equ vic$trk+1 ;; bios8502 sector #
vic$count equ vic$sect+1 ; bios8502 sector count
vic$data equ vic$count+1 ;; bios8502 data byte to/from
cur$drv equ vic$data+1 ; current disk installed to Vir. drive
fast equ cur$drv+1 ; bit 0 set, drv 0 is fast. ect.
key$tbl equ fast+1 ;; pointer to keyboard table
fun$tbl equ key$tbl+2 ;; pointer to function table
color$tbl$ptr equ fun$tbl+2 ;; pointer to logical color table
fun$offset equ color$tbl$ptr+2 ;; function # to be prepormed
sound$1 equ fun$offset+1 ;; unused
sound$2 equ sound$1+2 ;;
sound$3 equ sound$2+2 ;;
@trk equ sound$3+2 ;; current track number
@dma equ @trk+2 ;; current DMA address
; below here not used by ROM
@sect equ @dma+2 ; current sector number
@cnt equ @sect+2 ; record count for multisector transfer
@cbnk equ @cnt+1 ; bank for processor operations
@dbnk equ @cbnk+1 ; bank for DMA operations
@adrv equ @dbnk+1 ; currently selected disk drive
@rdrv equ @adrv+1 ; controller relative disk drive
ccp$count equ @rdrv+1 ; number of records in the CCP
stat$enable equ ccp$count+1 ; status line enable
; 7 kybrd, key codes(1), functions(0)
; 6 40 column tracking on(0), off(1)
; 0 disk stat, enable(1), disable(0)
emulation$adr equ stat$enable+1 ; address of current emulation
usart$adr equ emulation$adr+2 ; pointer to USART (6551) register
; CXIO equates
int$hl equ usart$adr+2 ; interrupt HL hold location
int$stack equ int$hl+2+20 ; currently only 5*2 used
user$hl$temp equ int$stack ; user function HL hold location
hl$temp equ user$hl$temp+2 ; misc temp storage (used by VECTOR)
de$temp equ hl$temp+2 ; misc temp storage (used by VECTOR)
a$temp equ de$temp+2 ; misc temp storage (used by VECTOR)
source$bnk equ a$temp+1 ; inter bank move source bank #
dest$bnk equ source$bnk+1 ; inter bank move dest bank #
MFM$tbl$ptr equ dest$bnk+1 ; pointer to MFM table
; 1st release end
prt$conv$1 equ MFM$tbl$ptr+2 ; not used any more
prt$conv$2 equ prt$conv$1+2 ; ditto......
key$FX$function equ prt$conv$2+2
XxD$config equ key$FX$function+2
; bit 7 0 = no parity 1 = parity
; bit 6 0 = mark/space 1 = odd/even
; bit 5 0 = space/even 1 = mark/odd
; bit 1 0 = 1 stop bit 1 = 2 stop bits
; bit 0 0 = 7 data bits 1 = 8 data bits
RS232$status equ XxD$config+1 ; bit 7, 1=send data, 0=no data
; bit 6, 1=sending data
; bit 5, 1=recv que active
; bit 4, 1=parity error
; bit 3, 1=framing error
; bit 2, 1=recv over run (no used)
; bit 1, 1=receiving data
; bit 0, 1=Data byte ready
xmit$data equ RS232$status+1 ; data byte to send
recv$data equ xmit$data+1 ; received data byte
; The following equates are used by the interrupt driven keyboard handler
int$rate equ recv$data+1
; 1st byte is a pointer into table, 2nd to 12th byte represent
; the keyboards current state (active low), NOTE: only
; current if key$buffer is not full
key$scan$tbl equ int$rate+1
; keyboard roll over buffer
key$buf$size equ 8*2 ; must be an even number of bytes
key$get$ptr equ key$scan$tbl+12
key$put$ptr equ key$get$ptr+2
key$buffer equ key$put$ptr+2
; software UART recv buffer
RxD$buf$size equ 64
RxD$buf$count equ key$buffer+key$buf$size
RxD$buf$put equ RxD$buf$count+1
RxD$buf$get equ RxD$buf$put+1
RxD$buffer equ RxD$buf$get+1
tick$vol equ RxD$buffer+RxD$buf$size
; equ tick$vol+1
INT$vector equ 0FDFDh ;; contains a JMP int$handler
; (in common)
;===> 40 column misc parm
temp$1 equ BANK$parm$blk ;;
@off40 equ temp$1+2 ;;
cur$offset equ @off40 ;;
old$offset equ @off40+2 ;;
prt$flg equ old$offset+1 ;;
flash$pos equ prt$flg+1 ;;
;===> 40 column position and color storage
paint$size equ flash$pos+2 ;;
char$adr$40 equ paint$size+1 ;;
char$col$40 equ char$adr$40+2 ;;
char$row$40 equ char$col$40+1 ;;
attr$40 equ char$row$40+1 ;;
bg$color$40 equ attr$40+1 ;;
bd$color$40 equ bg$color$40+1 ;;
rev$40 equ bd$color$40+1 ;;
;===> 80 column position and color storage
char$adr equ rev$40+1 ;;
char$col equ char$adr+2 ;;
char$row equ char$col+1 ;;
current$atr equ char$row+1 ;;
bg$color$80 equ current$atr+1 ;;
char$color$80 equ bg$color$80+1 ;;
; ROM uses localtions above this point
;===> Emulation parameters
parm$base equ char$color$80+1
parm$area$80 equ parm$base+2
; ds 2 ; 80 column exec$adr
; ds 1 ; 80 column row #
parm$area$40 equ parm$area$80+3
; ds 2 ; 40 column exec$adr
; ds 1 ; 40 column row #
buffer$80$col equ parm$area$40+3
;===> CXIO parameters
; int$count not used by releases past 10 Oct 85
int$count equ buffer$80$col+40*2 ; one added every 1/60th sec
key$buf equ int$count+1
;===> CXKEYS parameters
key$down$tbl equ key$buf+1 ; not used any more (int code)
;;;;; free space above, new interrupt driven code does not require this space
; control$keys equ key$down$tbl+11*2 ; byte, not used any more (int code)
commodore$mode equ key$down$tbl+11*2
msgptr equ commodore$mode+1
offset equ msgptr+2
cur$pos equ offset+1
string$index equ cur$pos+1
; 1st release end (3 June 85)
sys$freq equ string$index+1 ; -1=50Hz, 0=60Hz
; 2nd release end (1 Aug 85)
; equ sys$freq+1
;===> temp ROM boot data storage
blk$ptr$cnt equ 32
load$count equ boot$parm ; number of 128 byte blocks to load
ld$blk$ptr equ load$count+2 ; current sector dma pointer
blk$unld$ptr equ ld$blk$ptr+2 ; read memory block (1k,2K) pointer
block$size equ blk$unld$ptr+2 ; block size (1K=32 or 2K=64)
block$end equ block$size+1 ; allow 48K cpm.sys to load
block$ptrs equ block$end+2 ; end of block load buffer (+1K or +2K)
info$buffer equ block$ptrs+blk$ptr$cnt
; CPM3.sys load adr's and counts
ext$num equ info$buffer+12 ; CPM3.SYS current ext #
retry equ ext$num+1
boot$stack equ retry+1+64 ; allow 64 bytes of stack
; equ boot$stack
;===> special equates used by CXKEY
special equ 00010111b
SF$exit equ 001h ; RETURN KEY
SF$insert equ 028h ; PLUS KEY
SF$delete equ 02Bh ; MINUS KEY
alpha$toggle equ 03Dh ; commodore key
alt$key equ 050h ; alterant key
SF$left equ 055h ; left arrow key
lf$arrow equ 055h ; left arrow key
SF$right equ 056h ; right arrow key
rt$arrow equ 056h ; right arrow key
buff$large equ 25
buff$small equ 7
buff$pos equ 7
;===> External RS232 interface controls
rxd$6551 equ USART+0 ; read
txd$6551 equ USART+0 ; write
status$6551 equ USART+1 ; read
reset$6551 equ USART+1 ; write
command$6551 equ USART+2 ; read/write
control$6551 equ USART+3 ; read/write
txrdy equ 10h
rxrdy equ 08h
cmd$init equ 0bh ; no parity, enable txd + rxd, interrupts off
cntr$init$19200 equ 1Fh ; 1 stop, 8 bits, 19200 baud
cntr$init$9600 equ 1Eh ; 1 stop, 8 bits, 9600 baud (internal)
cntr$init$600 equ 017h ; 600 baud
;===> memory management loactions
mmu$start equ MMU
conf$reg equ MMU ; 3eh
conf$reg$1 equ MMU+1 ; 3fh
conf$reg$2 equ MMU+2 ; 7fh
conf$reg$3 equ MMU+3 ; 3eh
conf$reg$4 equ MMU+4 ; 7eh
mode$reg equ MMU+5 ; b1h
ram$reg equ MMU+6 ; 0bh 16K top Common
page$0$l equ MMU+7 ; 00h
page$0$h equ MMU+8 ; 01h
page$1$l equ MMU+9 ; 01h
page$1$h equ MMU+10 ; 01h
mmu$version equ MMU+11 ; ??h
enable$C64 equ 11110001b ; FS=0
z80$off equ 10110001b ; value to be write to enable 8502
z80$on equ 10110000b
fast$rd$en equ Z80$on+0 ; fast serial read
fast$wr$en equ Z80$on+8 ; fast serial write
common$4K equ 09h ; top 4K common
common$8K equ 0ah ; top 8K common
common$16K equ 0bh ; top 16K common
;===> preconfiguration maps
force$map equ 0ff00h
bank$0 equ 0ff01h ; 3fh
bank$1 equ 0ff02h ; 7fh
io equ 0ff03h ; 3eh
io$0 equ 0ff03h ; 3eh
io$1 equ 0ff04h ; 7eh
;===> 80 column display equates
DS$index$reg equ DS8563
DS$status$reg equ DS8563
DS$data$reg equ DS8563+1
;===> register pointers
DS$cursor$high equ 14
DS$cursor$low equ 15
DS$rw$ptr$high equ 18
DS$rw$ptr$low equ 19
DS$rw$data equ 31
DS$color equ 26
;===> status bits
DS$ready equ 80h
DS$lt$pen equ 40h
;===> display memory layout (16K) 0-3fffh
DS$screen equ 0000h
DS$attribute equ 0800h
DS$char$def equ 2000h
;===> VIC equates
; vic colors
black equ 0
white equ 1
red equ 2
cyan equ 3
purple equ 4
green equ 5
blue equ 6
yellow equ 7
orange equ 8
brown equ 9
lt$red equ 10
dark$grey equ 11
med$gray equ 12
lt$green equ 13
lt$blue equ 14
lt$grey equ 15
RM$status equ RAM$dsk$base ;read only register
; bit 7 Interrupt pending if 1
; 6 Transfer complete if 1
; 5 Block verify error if 1
; note: bits 5-7 are cleared when read
; 4 128K if 0, 512K if 1
; 3-0 Version #
RM$command equ RAM$dsk$base+1 ;r/w
; bit 7 execute per current config. if set
; 6 reserved
; 5 enable auto reload if set (restores all register to
; value before command was done, else point to
; next byte to read/write.)
; 4 disable FF00 decode if set (do operation after command writen)
; 3,2 reserved
; 1,0 00 = transfer C128 --> Ram Disk
; 01 = Transfer C128 <-- Ram Disk
; 10 = swap C128 <-> Ram Disk
; 11 = Verify C128 = Ram Disk
RM$128$low equ RAM$dsk$base+2 ;r/w
; bits 0 to 7 of C128 address
RM$128$mid equ RAM$dsk$base+3 ;r/w
; bits 8 to 15 of the C128 address
RM$ext$low equ RAM$dsk$base+4 ;r/w
; bits 0 to 7 of Ram Disk address
RM$ext$mid equ RAM$dsk$base+5 ;r/w
; bits 8 to 15 of Ram Disk address
RM$ext$hi equ RAM$dsk$base+6 ;r/w
; bit 16 of Ram Disk address if 128K version
; bits 16 to 18 of Ram Disk address if 512K version
RM$count$low equ RAM$dsk$base+7 ;r/w
; low byte transfer count (bits 0-7)
RM$count$hi equ RAM$dsk$base+8 ;r/w
; hi byte transfer count (bits 8-15)
RM$intr$mask equ RAM$dsk$base+9 ;r/w
; bit 7 1=enable chip interrupts
; 6 1=enable end of block interrupts
; 5 1=enable verify error interrupts
RM$control equ RAM$dsk$base+10 ;r/w
; bit 7,6 00 Increment both addresses (default)
; 01 Fix expansion address
; 10 Fix C128 address
; 11 Fix both addresses
;===> CIA equates
Data$a equ 00h
Data$b equ 01h
Data$dir$a equ 02h
Data$dir$b equ 03h
timer$a$low equ 04h
timer$a$high equ 05h
timer$b$low equ 06h
timer$b$high equ 07h
tod$sec$60 equ 08h
tod$sec equ 09h
tod$min equ 0ah
tod$hrs equ 0bh
sync$data equ 0ch
int$ctrl equ 0dh
cia$ctrl$a equ 0eh
cia$ctrl$b equ 0fh
CIA$hours equ CIA1+tod$hrs
key$row equ CIA1+Data$a ; output
key$col equ CIA1+Data$b ; input
VIC$key$row equ 0d02fh ; output
data$hi equ 4 ; RS232 data line HI
data$low equ 0 ; RS232 data line LOW
lf$shift$key equ 80h
rt$shift$key equ 10h
commodore$key equ 20h
control$key equ 04h
type$lower equ 0
type$upper equ 1
type$shift equ 2
type$cntrl equ 3
type$field equ 00000011b
bnk1 equ 1
page0 equ 0
page1 equ 1
MMU$tbl$M macro
db 3fh,3fh,7fh,3eh,7eh ; config reg's
db z80$on,common$8K ; mode & mem
db page0,bnk1,page1,bnk1 ; page reg's
; ROM functions
TJMP macro x
rst 2 ! db x
TCALL macro x
mvi l,x ! rst 4
RJMP macro x
rst 3 ! db x
RCALL macro x
mvi l,x ! rst 5
FR$40 equ 2 ; offset to 40 column ROM functions
FR$wr$char equ 00h ; D=char auto advance
FR$cursor$pos equ 04h ; B=row, C=column
FR$cursor$up equ 08h
FR$cursor$down equ 0Ch
FR$cursor$left equ 10h
FR$cursor$rt equ 14h
FR$do$cr equ 18h
FR$CEL equ 1Ch
FR$CES equ 20h
FR$char$ins equ 24h
FR$char$del equ 28h
FR$line$ins equ 2Ch
FR$line$del equ 30h
FR$color equ 34h ; B=color
FR$attr equ 38h ; B=bit to set/clear, C=bit value
FR$rd$chr$atr equ 3Ch ; in D=row, E=col
; out H=row, L=col, B=char, C=attr(real)
FR$wr$chr$atr equ 40h ; in D=row, E=col, B=char, C=attr(real)
; out H=row, L=col
FR$rd$color equ 44h
;FR$wr$color equ 48h
; equ 4Ch
FR$trk$sect equ 50h
FR$check$CBM equ 52h
FR$bell equ 54h
; equ 56h
; equ 58h
; equ 5Ah
; equ 5Ch
; equ 5Eh
FR$trk$40 equ 60h
FR$set$cur$40 equ 62h
FR$line$paint equ 64h
FR$screen$paint equ 66h
FR$prt$msg$both equ 68h
FR$prt$de$both equ 6Ah
FR$update$it equ 6Ch
; equ 6Eh
FR$ASCII$to$pet equ 70h
FR$cur$adr$40 equ 72h
FR$cur$adr$80 equ 74h
FR$look$color equ 76h
; equ 78h
FR$blk$fill equ 7Ah ; HL passed on the stack
FR$blk$move equ 7Ch ; "
FR$char$inst equ 7Eh ; "
; fixed ROM locations
R$cmp$hl$de equ 100h-6
R$write$memory equ 180h+0
R$read$memory equ 180h+3
R$set$update$adr equ 180h+6
R$wait equ 180h+9
R$status$color$tbl equ 1000h-246-16
R$color$convert$tbl equ 1000h-230-16
; Disk type byte definition
; bit 7 0=GCR, 1=MFM
; if bit 7 is 1 (MFM)
; 6 C0=0, C1=1 (side 2 #, 0 to (n/2)-1 or n/2 to n-1)
; 5,4 00=128, 01=256, 10=512, 11=1024 byte/sector
; 3,2,1 disk type (MFM)
; 0 starting sector # ( 0 or 1)
; if bit 7 is 0 (GCR)
; 6 unused (set to 0)
; 5,4 always 01 (256 byte sectors)
; 3,2,1 disk type (GCR)
; Type0 = none, set track and sector as passed
; Type1 = C64 type disk
; Type2 = C128 type disk
; 0 unused (set to 0)
MFM equ 1*128
C0 equ 0*64 ; 2nd side start at begining
C1 equ 1*64 ; 2nd side continues from first
C1$bit equ 6
Type0 equ 0*2 ; (MFM) top, bottom then next track
; (TRK# 0 to (34 or 39))
Type1 equ 1*2 ; (MFM) top (trk 0 even), bottom (trk 1 odd)
; (TRK# 0 to (69 or 79))
Type2 equ 2*2 ; (MFM) top TRK# 0 to 39, bottom TRK# 40 to 79
; (TRK# on back start at 39 and go to 0)
Type7 equ 7*2 ; (MFM) pass the byte values supplied in @trk
; and @sect
TypeX equ 7*2
S0 equ 0*1 ; start at sector 0
S1 equ 1*1 ; start at sector 1
S128 equ 0*16
S256 equ 1*16
S512 equ 2*16
S1024 equ 3*16
dsk$none equ Type0+S256 ; access to any sector on the disk
dsk$c64 equ Type1+S256
dsk$c128 equ Type2+S256
dir$track equ 18 ; C64 disk dir track
; 6510 commands
vic$reset equ -1 ; reboot C128
vic$init equ 0 ; initilize the bios8502
vic$rd equ 1 ; read one sector of data (256 bytes)
vic$wr equ 2 ; write one sector of data
vic$rdF equ 3 ; set-up for fast read (many sectors)
vic$wrF equ 4 ; set-up for fast write
vic$test equ 5 ; test current disk in drive
vic$query equ 6 ; get start sectors and #sector/trk
vic$prt equ 7 ; print data character
vic$frmt equ 8 ; format a disk (1541)
vic$user$fun equ 9
vic$RM$rd equ 10 ; RAM disk read
vic$RM$wr equ 11 ; RAM disk write
; control charactors
eom equ 00h
bell equ 07h
bs equ 08h
lf equ 0ah
cr equ 0dh
xon equ 11h
xoff equ 13h
esc equ 1bh