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CP/M Plus V3.0
Patch 01, RESBDOS3 patch 01, 1/27/83
Copyright 1983 by Digital Research
CP/M Plus and SID are trademarks of Digital Research.
Compiled February 1983
Products and Serial Numbers Affected: CP/M Plus V3.0 2-00000001
through 2-000-00201
Error Description:
This patch forces RESBDOS to save the BDOS function number in
SCB variable @FX.
Patch Procedure:
Make a back-up copy of RESBDOS3.SPR before you use SID to
make the following changes:
A>ren resbdos3.sav=resbdos3.spr
A>sid resbdos3.spr
CP/M 3 SID - Version 3.0
0900 0900 0100 D2FF
023B sta 5df
023E lxi h,86
0241 mvi b,0
0243 dad b
0244 dad b
0245 mova,m
0246 inx h
0247 mov h,m
0248 mov l,a
0249 pchl
024A .
0808 00 80
0809 00 .
0010H record(s) written.
Licensed users are granted the right to include these changes
in CP/M Plus software.
CP/M Plus V3.0
Patch 02, HELP patch 01, 1/27/83
Copyright 1983 by Digital Research
CP/M Plus and SD are trademarks of Digital Research.
Compiled February 198
Program: HELP.COM
Products and Serial Numbers Affected: CP/M Plus V3.0 2-000-00001
through 2-000-00201
Error Description:
HELP incorrectly tests for errors when writing to the HELP.DAT
file or the HELP.HLP file. As a result, write errors are not always
Patch Procedure:
Make a back-up copy of HELP.COM before you use SID to make
the following changes:
A>ren help.sav=help.com
A>sid help.com
CP/M 3 SID - Version 3.0
1D00 1D00 0100 D2FF
11F5 cpi 0
11F7 jz 1229
11FA .
12D cpi 0
12E1 jz 1304
12E4 .
1488 cpi 0
148A jz 14ad
148D .
0038h record(s) written.
A>patch help 1
CP/M 3 PATCH - Version 3.0
Do you want to indicate that patch 1
has been installed forHELP.COM? yes
Patch installed
Licensed users aregranted the right to include these changes
in CP/M Plussoftware.
CP/M Plus V3.0
Patch 03, PIP patch 01, 2/7/83
Copyright 1983 by Digital Research
CP/M Plus and SID are trademarks of Digital Research.
Compiled February 1983
Program: PIP.COM
Products and Serial Numbers Affecte: CP/M Plus V3.0 2-000-00001
through 2-000-00201.
Error Description:
PIP reports an invalid device when EOF: is specified as input.
Patch Procedure:
Make a back-up copy of PIPCOM before you use SID to make the
following changes:
A>ren pip.sav=pip.com
A>sid pip.sav
CP/M SID - Version 3.0
2300 2300 0100 D4FF
1F3A 09 0A
1F3B 21 .
0044h record(s) written.
A>patch pip 01
CP/M 3 PATCH - Version 3.0
Do you want to indicate that patch 1
has been installed for PIP.COM? yes
Patch installed
Licensed users re granted the right to include these changes
in CP/M Plus software.
CP/M Plus V3.0
Patch 04, PATCH patch 01, 2/17/83
Copyright 1983 by Digital Research
CP/M Plus and SID are trademarks of DigitalResearch.
Compiled February 1983
Program: PATCH.COM
Products and Serial Numbers Affected: CP/M Plus V3.0 2-000-00001
through 2-000-00149
Error Description:
PATCH performs a check of the patchfield in the wrong location
and against the wrong field. This patch corrects this error.
Patch Procedure:
Make a back-up copy of PATCH.COM before making any changes.
Use SID to patch PATCH.COM with the following sequence of
A>ren patch.sav=patch.com
A>sid patch.sav
CP/M 3 SID - Version 3.0
0A80 0A80 0100 D4FF
06 CD C3
03C7 0A .
0A33 36 31
0A34 35 35
0A35 34 31
0A36 33 32
0A37 32 38
0A38 31 32
0A39 01 .
0013h record(s) written.
A>patch patch 1
CP/M 3 PATCH - Version 3.0
Do you want to indicate that patch 1
has been installed for PATCH.COM? yes
Patch installed
Licensed users are granted the right to include these changes
in CP/M Plus software.
CP/M Plus V3.0
Patch 05, INITDIR patch 01, 2/14/83
Copyright 1983 by Digital Research
CP/M Plus and SID are trademarks of Digital Research.
Compiled February 1983
Products and Serial Numbers Affected: CP/M Plus V3.0 2-000-00001
through 2-000-00149
Error Description:
INITDIR refuses to allow reformatting of directory when there
is exactly the correct number of directory elements left. For
example, if the disk allows 64 directory elments and 48 of them are
used by existing files, then INITDIR does not create the time-date
elements even though it only needs 16 directory elements to do so.
However, if 47 or less are used then INITDIR successfully allocates
the time-date elements.
INITDIR loses one physical record of a file's directory when
the high water mark falls in the last sector and there is not enough
preceding empty directory elements to account for the new time-date
INITDIR fails to reset the time-date stamp flags in the
directory label if the label occurs in one of the first three
directory elements and the directory is lready formatted for time-
date stamps.
Patch Procedure:
Make a back-up copy of INITDIR.COM before making any changes.
Use SID to patch INITDIR.COM with the following sequence of
A>ren initdir.sav=initdir.com
A>sid initdir.sav
CP/M 3 SID - Version 3.0
7E00 7E00 0100 D4FF
051B 23 0
051C D1 .
0523 2A 0
0524 95 0
0525 77 0
0526 EB 0
0527 2A .
0573 23 0
0574 D1 .
051B NOP
051C POP D
051D CALL 3C08
0520 JP 05C5
0523 NOP
0524 NOP
0525 NOP
0526 NOP
0527 LHLD 778D
052A CALL 3C08
052D SHLD 7795
070B 2 3a
070C E7 e8
070D 46 46
070E 96 b7
070F C2 fa
0710 37 18
0711 07 .
06F1 LHLD 7787
06F4 LDA 78DC
06F8 MOV L,A
06F9 ADD A
0700 DAD H
0701 POP D
0702 DAD D
0703 MOV A,M
0704 LXI H,46E7
0707 SUB M
0708 JNZ 0737
070B LDA 46E8
070E ORA A
070F JM 0718
0712 LXI H,78E5
00FAH record(s) written.
A>patch initdir 01
CP/M 3 PATCH - Version 3.0
Do you want to indicate that patch 1
has been installed for INITDIR.COM? yes
Patch installed
Licensed users aregranted the right to include these changes
in CP/M Plus software.
CP/M Plus V3.0
Patch 06, PIP patch 02, 2/7/83
Copyright 1983 by Digital Research
CP/M Plus and SID are trademarks of Digital Research
Compiled February 1983
Program: PIP.COM
Products and Serial Numbers Affected: CP/M Plus V3.0 2-000-00001
through 2-000-00149
Error Description:
A problem occurs when using PIP to ambiguously copy archived,
multiextent files. PIP copies the last extent only.
Patch Procedure:
Make a back-up copy of PIP.COM before making any changes. Use
SID to patch PIP.COM with the following sequence of commands:
A>ren pip.sav=pip.com
A>sid pip.sav
CP/M 3 SID - Version 3.0
2300 2300 0100 D4FF
1D99 mvi e,B
1D9B .
0044h record(s) written.
A>patch pip 2
CP/M 3 PATCH - Version 3.0
Do you want to indicate that patch 2
has been installed for PIP.COM? yes
Patch installed
Licensed users are granted the right to include these changes
in CP/M Plus software.
CP/M Plus V3.0
Patch 07, BDOS3, BNKBDOS3 patch 01, 2/17/83
Copyright 1983 by Digital Research
CP/M Plus and SID are trademarks of Digital Research.
Compiled February 1983
Products and Serial Numbers Affected: CP/M Plus V3.0 2-000-00001
through 2-000-00149
Error Description:
In some cases, the BDOS file system writes directory
information from the old disk to the directory of the new disk.
This occurs if a user removes a disk from a drive and inserts a new
disk while a program is performing write operations to an open file
on the drive.
Note: changing disks while a program is performing read and write
operations on the disk is an error situation under CP/M Plus.
Usually, any records that are written after the switch can destroy
data records on the new disk. This situation continues to exist
until the BDOS file system reads a directory record from the disk
and thereby detects that the media has changed.
This patch protects the new disk's directory and reduces the
potential damage to the new disk's data area when the user
accidentally changes disks while a program is running.
Patch Procedure:
Make a back-up copy of BNKBDOS3.SPR and BDOS3.SPR before making
any changes. Use SID to patch BNKBDOS3.SPR and BDOS3.SPR with the
following sequence of commands:
A>ren bdos3.sav=bdos3.spr
A>sid bdos3.sav
CP/M 3 SID - Version 3.0
2780 2780 0100 D4FF
1319 2D fd
131A 0E 1d
131B 4F .
1F2F EB 0c
1F30 07 1e
1F31 CA .
1F7E 2A cd
1F7F FC 1c
1F80 1C 1e
1F81 36 .
1FFD lda 1cb1
2000 ral
2001 jc 0e2d
2004 mvi a,ff
2006 sta 1e24
2009 jmp 0e2d
200C cpi 03
200E jnz 07eb
2011 lda 1e24
2014 inr a
2015 jnz 07eb
2018 pop h
2019 jmp 1d7e
201C xra a
201D sta 1e24
2020 lhld 1cfc
2023 ret
2024 .
2097 00 02
2098 06 .
26A6 08 09
26A7 00 10
26A8 00 90
26A9 00 91
26AA 00 11
26AB 00 20
26AC 00 .
004Dh record(s) written.
A>ren bnkbdos3.sav=bnkbdos3.spr
A>sid bnkbdos3.sav
CP/M 3 SID - Version 3.0
3500 3500 0100 D4FF
0102 2D 2e
0103 00 .
1A52 97 fc
1A53 14 2c
1A54 4F .
2B87 1F 0b
2B88 0E 2d
2B89 CA .
2BD6 2A cd
2BD7 F0 1b
2BD8 28 2d
2BD9 36 .
2EFC lda 288c
2EFF ral
2F00 jc 1497
2F03 mvi a,ff
2F05 sta 2d23
2F08 jmp 1497
2F0B cpi 03
2F0D jnz 0e1f
2F10 lda 2d23
2F13 inr a
2F14 jnz e1f
2F17 pop h
2F18 jmp 29d6
2F1B xra a
2F1C sta 2d23
2F1F lhld 28f0
2F22 ret
2F23 .
359F 10 12
35A0 00 21
35A1 00 21
35A2 00 22
35A3 00 22
35A4 00 40
35A5 00 .
006Ah record(s) written.
A>ren resbdos3.sav=resbdos3.spr
A>sid resbdos3.sav
CP/M 3 SID - Version 3.0
0900 0900 0100 D4FF
0797 00 03
0798 06 .
0010h record(s) written.
Licensed users are granted the right to include these changes
in CP/M Plus software.
CP/M Plus V3.0
Patch 08, HELP patch 02, 2/19/83
Copyright 1983 by Digital Research
CP/M Plus and SID are trademarks of Digital Research.
Compiled February 1983
Progrm: HELP.COM
Products and Serial Numbers Affected: CP/M Plus V3.0 2-000-00001
through 2-000-00149
Error Description:
This patch forces HELP to pick up its HELP.HLP file off of the
drive from which HELP was loaded. Usually, HELP accesses only the
HELP.HLP file that is on the default disk.
Patch Procedure:
Make a back-up copy of HELP.COM before making any changes. Use
SID to patch HELP.COM with the following sequence of commands:
A>ren help.sav=help.com
A>sid help.sav
CP/M 3 SID - Version 3.0
1D00 1D00 0100 D2FF
0103 lda 50
0106 sta 4c7
0109 jmp 584
010C .
0038h record(s) written.
A>patch help.com 2
CP/M 3 PATCH - Version 3.0
Do you want to indicate that patch 2
has been installed for HELP.COM? yes
Patch installed
Licensed users are granted the right to include these changes
in CP/M Plus software.
CP/M Plus.. V3.0
Patch 09, INITDIR patch 02, 5/1/83
Copyright....1983 by Digital Research
CP/M Plus and SID are trademarks of Digital Research.
Compiled July 1983
Products and Serial Numbers Affected: CP/M Plus.. V3.0 2-000-00001
through 2-000-xxxxx
Error Description:
INITDIR fails to terminate and reset a variable if the last known
XFCB cannot be found. INITDIR attempts to go beyond the directory
if the disk has more XFCB's than can be stored in memory on the
first pass.
Patch Procedure:
Make a back-up copy of INITDIR.COM before making any changes. Use
SID.. to patch INITDIR.COM with the following series of commands:
A>ren initdir.sav=initdir.com
A>sid initdir.sav
CP/M 3 SID - Version 3.0
7E00 7E00 0100 D4FF
0103 shld 777A
0106 shld 7A7C
0109 jmp 0D01
010C lxi h,4661
010F push h
0110 mvi m,63
0112 inx h
0113 mvi m,46
0115 pop h
0116 call 1003
0119 .
0CF8 lxi h,0
0CFB jm 0D01
0CFE jmp 010C
0D01 .
0EFD dcx h
0EFE .
00FAh record(s) written.
A>patch initdir.com 2
CP/M 3 PATCH - Version 3.0
Do you want to indicate that patch 2
has been installed for INITDIR.COM? yes
Patch installed
Licensed users are granted the right to include these changes in
CP/M Plus V3.0 software.
CP/M Plus.. V3.0
Patch 10, DIRLBL patch 01, 5/1/83
Copyright....1983 by Digital Research
CP/M Plus and SID are trademarks of Digital Research.
Compiled July 1983
Note: This file is extracted from the file called CPM+PAT.PAT that
exists on some RCP/M systems. This patch has an error in
that file. This is corrected and verified on the phone with
DRI's technical support center. 30 Oct 84....dave mabry
Products and Serial Numbers Affected: CP/M Plus.. V3.0 2-000-00001
through 2-000-xxxxx
Error Description:
In some circumstances, DIRLBL destroys critical addresses at the end
of the file descriptor area. It also does not allocate enough local
stack for some BIOS implementations. Both situations result in a
hung system.
Patch Procedure:
Make a back-up copy of DIRLBL.RSX before making any changes. Use
SID.. to patch DIRLBL.RSX with the following series of commands:
A>ren dirlbl.sav=drlbl.rsx
A>sid dirlbl.sav
CP/M 3 SID - Version 3.0
0700 0700 0100 D4FF
0101 1E 0
0102 04 5
0103 00 .
0230 1E 3E
0231 05 .
0375 call 053e
0378 .
063E mov e,m
063F inx h
0640 mov d,m
0641 xchg
0642 shld 04ad
0645 ret
0646 .
0788 00 8
0789 00 .
000Eh record(s) written.
A>gencom set.com
GENCOM completed.
A>gencom set.com dirlbl.rsx
GENCOM completed.
Licensed users are granted the right to include these changes in
CP/M Plus V3.0 software.
CP/M Plus.. V3.0
Patch 11, HELP patch 03, 2/19/83
Copyright....1983 by Digital Research
CP/M Plus and SID are trademarks of Digital Research.
Compiled July 1983
Program: HELP.COM
Products and Serial Numbers Affected: CP/M Plus.. V3.0 2-000-00001
through current serial number.
Error Description:
HELP displays an invalid example when first invoked. This patch
corrects the example.
Patch Procedure:
Make a back-up copy of HELP.COM before making any changes. Use
SID.. to patch HELP.COM with the following sequence of commands:
A>ren help.sav=help.com
A>sid help.sav
CP/M 3 SID - Version 3.0
1D00 1D00 0100 D2FF
0526 45 "BUILT-IN
052E 0D .
0038h record(s) written.
A>patch help.com 3
CP/M PATCH - Version 3.0
Do you want to indicate that patch 3
has been installed for HELP.COM? yes
Patch installed
Licensed users are granted the right to include these changes in
CP/M Plus V3.0 software.
CP/M Plus.. V3.0
Patch 12, CCP patch 02, 5/1/83
Copyright....1983 by Digital Research
CP/M Plus and SID are trademarks of Digital Research.
Compiled July 1983
Program: CCP.COM
Products and Serial Numbers Affected: CP/M Plus.. V3.0 2-000-00001
through current serial number.
Error Description:
CCP fails to recognize a filename of one character length that has a
disk number passed to it. For example,
P B:
Patch Procedure:
Make a back-up copy of CCP.COM before making any changes. Use SID..
to patch CCP.COM with the following sequence of commands:
A>ren ccp.sav=ccp.com
A>sid ccp.sav
CP/M 3 SID - Version 3.0
0D80 0D80 0100 D4FF
0B50 jmp 40a
0B53 .
040A jz b58
040D cpi 20
040F jz b58
0412 cpi 9
0414 jz b58
0417 jmp b53
041A .
0019h record(s) written.
Licensed users are granted the right to include these changes in
CP/M Plus 3.0 software.
CP/M Plus V3.0
Patch 13, 5/1/83
BDOS Patch 02
Copyright...1983 by Digital Research Inc.
CP/M Plus and SID are trademarks of Digital Research Inc.
Compiled September 1983
Products and Serial Numbers that Require Updating: CP/M Plus..
V3.0. Serial numbers 2-000-00001 through current serial number.
Error Description:
The patches do the following:
o clear the multiple command buffer if CTRL-C is encountered
o change LRU algorithm that manages data BCBs (banked system
o correct the problem that occurs if a BIOS READ ERROR is
encountered during login on a permanent drive
o correct errors that occur if directory write operations are
performed to disks set to Read Only
o correct random record I/O error that occurs when the random
record number is greater than 3F000h
Patch Procedure:
Make a back-up copy of RESBDOS3.SPR, BNKBDOS3.SPR, and BDOS3.SPR
before making any changes. The program SID is required to make
the changes. The changes are made by the following sequence of
A>ren resbdos3.sav=resbdos3.spr
A>sid resbdos3.sav
CP/M 3 SID - Version 3.0
0900 0900 0100 D4FF
041A F8 FC
041B C8 .
0797 03 07
0798 06 .
0010h record(s) written.
A>ren bnkbdos3.sav=bnkbdos3.spr
A>sid bnkbdos3.sav
CP/M 3 SID - Version 3.0
3600 3600 0100 D4FF
0529 call 2d24
052C .
06C6 08 10
06C7 C2 .
0B92 A0 97
0B93 09 .
13B1 C0 0
13B2 CD .
15ED call 0eeb
15F0 jnz 13ff
15F3 lhld 2871
15F6 cmp m
15F7 nop
15F8 nop
15F9 jz 13ff
15FC jmp 2d40
15FF call 1252
1602 call 1258
1605 .
1640 jz 2d6a
1643 .
19DB 14F0 2d83
19DD CDC8 .
1B16 call 2d76
1B19 .
1BA4 14F0 2d83
1BA6 B9C2 .
24F6 1E90 2d7d
24F8 36C3 .
25F0 1e90 2d7d
25F2 52C3 .
261B 1E90 2d7d
261D A4CD .
2704 2510 2d3a
2706 20CD .
2C92 call 2d30
2C95 .
2CE5 lda 2d39
2CE8 ora a
2CE9 nop
2CEA .
2D05 F8 f6
2D06 28 .
2D0D F6 f8
2D0E 28 .
2F24 lxi h,0
2F27 shld fbba
2F2A shld fbb1
2F2D dcx h
2F2E dcx h
2F2F ret
2F30 shld 28f4
2F33 sui 3
2F35 sta 2d39
2F38 ret
2f39 nop
2F3A call 2d43
2F3D jmp 2513
2F40 call 1377
2F43 lhld 287b
2F46 mov a,l
2F47 ana h
2F48 inr a
2F49 rz
2F4A mov e,m
2F4B inx h
2F4C mov d,m
2F4D mov a,d
2F4E ora e
2F4F rz
2F50 lxi h,28aa
2F53 ldax d
2F54 cmp m
2F55 jnz 2d63
2F58 lxi h,4
2F5B dad d
2F5C mvi a,ff
2F5E cmp m
2F5F jnz 2d63
2F62 stax d
2F63 lxi h,d
2F66 dad d
2F67 jmp 2d4a
2F6A call 1377
2F6D lhld 2871
2F70 mov a,m
2F71 ora a
2F72 rnz
2F73 mvi m,2
2F75 ret
2F76 call 1139
2F79 lxi h,fd17
2F7C ret
2F7D call 1e90
2F80 jmp 1139
2F83 call 1162
2F86 jmp 14f0
2F89 .
3065 82 92
3066 40 .
327F 90 12
3280 49 .
35A5 00 48
35A6 00 21
35A7 00 09
35A8 00 24
35A9 00 00
35AA 00 21
35AB 00 00
35AC 00 40
35AD 00 49
35AE 00 00
35AF 00 91
35B0 00 24
35B1 00 80
35B2 00 .
006Ah record(s) written.
A>ren bdos3.sav=bdos3.spr
A>sid bdos3.sav
CP/M 3 SID - Version 3.0
2780 2780 0100 D4FF
04C2 call 1e25
04C5 .
0642 08 10
0642 C2 .
0846 54 4b
0847 06 .
0D6F C0 0
0D70 CD .
12A2 0E86 1e3e
12A4 CDC8 .
13DD call 1e31
1463 0E86 1e3e
1465 78C2 .
1B29 16A5 1e38
1B2B 63C3 .
1B8A 16A5 1e38
1B8C 3AC3 .
1BB5 16A5 1e38
1BB7 71CD .
2025 lxi h,0
2028 shld 1eba
202B shld 1eb1
202E dcx h
202F dcx h
2030 ret
2031 call af7
2034 lx h,1cdf
2037 ret
2038 call 16a5
203B jmp af7
203E call 0b20
2041 jmp 0e86
2044 .
2097 02 06
2098 06 .
233F 41 49
2340 20 .
26AC 00 24
26AD 00 12
26AE 00 24
26AF 00 90
26B0 00 .
004Dh record(s) written.
Licensed users are granted the right to include these
modifications in their Digital Research software.
CP/M Plus V3.0
Patch 14, 8/26/83
Copyright....1983 by Digital Research Inc.
CP/M Plus and SID are trademarks of Digital Research Inc.
Compiled September 1983
Products and Serial Numbers that Require Updating: CP/M Plus..
V3.0. Serial numbers 2-000-00001 through current serial number.
Program: PATCH.COM
Error Description:
PATCH installed patches greater than 24 when trying to install
patch 24.
Patch Procedure:
Make a back-up copy of PATCH.COM before making any changes. The
program SID is required to make the changes. The changes are
made by the following sequence of commands.
A>ren patch.sav=patch.com
A>sid patch.sav
CP/M 3 SID - Version 3.0
0A80 0A80 0100 D4FF
0583 18 19
0584 D2 .
0013h record(s) written.
A>patch patch.com 2
CP/M 3 PATCH - Version 3.0
Do you want to indicate that patch 2
has been installed for PATCH.COM? yes
Patch installed
Licensed users are granted the right to include these
modifications in their Digital Research software.
CP/M Plus V3.0
Patch 15, 3/7/84
CCP Patch 03
Copyright 1984 by Digital Research Inc.
CP/M Plus and SID are trademarks of Digital Research Inc.
Compiled March 1984
Products and Serial Numbers Affected: CP/M Plus V3.0, Serial
numbers 2-000-00001 through 2-000-xxxxx.
Program: CCP.COM
Error Description:
- If a DIR command that is given for a disk that has
System files on it is terminated by a control C, a
subsequent DIR command for a disk that does not have
System files on it will incorrectly print the message
- The error message "Cannot Load Program" is not
terminated with a "$". This results in garbage being
displayed after the error message is printed.
Patch Procedure:
Make a back-up copy of CCP.COM before making any changes. The
program SID is required to make the changes. The changes are
made by the following sequence of commands.
CP/M 3 SID - Version 3.0
0D80 0D80 0100 C8FF
0683 CALL 403
0403 XRA A
0404 STA D4D
0407 JMP 699
0368 20 24
0369 32 .
0019h record(s) written.
This Patch was developed and tested by DRI Technical Support
using standard DRI products. Modifications required to compile
and execute under nonstandard or non-DRI products are the
responsibility of the user, as are modifications specific to a
given application.
DRI specifically disclaims any express or implied warranty and
shall not be liable for any loss of profits, loss of business,
loss of use or of data, interruption of business, nor for
indirect, special, incidental, or consequentail damages of any
kind caused by the use or adaptation of this Patch.
Licensed users are granted the right to include these
modifications in their Digital Research software.
CP/M Plus V3.0
Patch 16, 3/7/84
SHOW Patch 01
Copyright 1984 by Digital Research Inc.
CP/M Plus and SID are trademarks of Digital Research Inc.
Compiled March 1984
Products and Serial Numbers Affected: CP/M Plus V3.0, Serial
numbers 2-000-00001 through 2-000-xxxxx.
Program: SHOW.COM
Error Description:
The display for SHOW with the [USER] option is incorrect if files
exist in all user areas. The last column of the display is
either written over or displayed on the next line.
Patch Procedure:
Make a back-up copy of SHOW.COM before making any changes. The
program SID is required the make the changes. The changes are
made by the following sequence of commands.
CP/M 3 SID - Version 3.0
2200 2200 0100 C8FF
055E 20 00
055F 00 .
056D 20 00
056E 00 .
057C 20 00
057D 00 .
0042h record(s) written.
CP/M 3 PATCH - Version 3.0
Do you want to indicate that patch 1
has been installed for SHOW.COM ? Y
Patch installed
This Patch was developed and tested by DRI Technical Support
using standard DRI products. Modifications required to compile
and execute under nonstandard or non-DRI products are the
responsibility of the user, as are modifications specific to a
given application.
DRI specifically disclaims any express or implied warranty and
shall not be liable for any loss of profits, loss of business,
loss of use or of data, interruption of business, nor for
indirect, special, incidental, or consequentail damages of any
kind caused by the use or adaptation of this Patch.
Licensed users are granted the right to include these
modifications in their Digital Research software.
CP/M Plus V3.0
Patch 17, 3/7/84
DATE Patch 01
Copyright 1984 by Digital Research Inc.
CP/M Plus and SID are trademarks of Digital Research Inc.
Compiled March 1984
Products and Serial Numbers Affected: CP/M Plus V3.0, Serial
numbers 2-000-00001 through 2-000-xxxxx.
Program: DATE.COM
Error Description:
DATE with the CONTINUOUS option does not update the time/date
display unless the BIOS TIME function is interupt driven and
automatically updates the correct System Control Block fields.
This patch forces DATE to call the BDOS Get Date function during
each iteration.
Patch Procedure:
Make a back-up copy of DATE.COM before making any changes. The
program SID is required the make the changes. The changes are
made by the following sequence of commands.
CP/M 3 SID - Version 3.0
0C00 0C00 0100 C8FF
02FB CALL 0C00
0C00 MVI C,69
0C02 LXI D,0C0B
0C05 CALL 0005
0C08 JMP 04D5
0017h record(s) written.
CP/M 3 PATCH - Version 3.0
Do you want to indicate that patch 1
has been installed for DATE.COM ? Y
Patch installed
This Patch was developed and tested by DRI Technical Support
using standard DRI products. Modifications required to compile
and execute under nonstandard or non-DRI products are the
responsibility of the user, as are modifications specific to a
given application.
DRI specifically disclaims any express or implied warranty and
shall not be liable for any loss of profits, loss of business,
loss of use or of data, interruption of business, nor for
indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages of any
kind caused by the use or adaptation of this Patch.
Licensed users are granted the right to include these
modifications in their Digital Research software.
CP/M Plus V3.0
Patch 18, 3/7/84
SAVE Patch 01
Copyright 1984 by Digital Research Inc.
CP/M Plus and SID are trademarks of Digital Research Inc.
Compiled March 1984
Products and Serial Numbers Affected: CP/M Plus V3.0, Serial
numbers 2-000-00001 through 2-000-xxxxx.
Program: SAVE.COM
Error Description:
If a full file name (One with a drive specification, eight
character file name and three character file type like
B:FULLFILE.NAM) is given when the file name to save is asked for,
the last character of the file name cannot be typed.
Patch Procedure:
Make a back-up copy of SAVE.COM before making any changes. The
program SID is required the make the changes. The changes are
made by the following sequence of commands.
CP/M 3 SID - Version 3.0
0800 0800 0100 C8FF
0645 0D 0E
0646 00 .
000Eh record(s) written.
This Patch was developed and tested by DRI Technical Support
using standard DRI products. Modifications required to compile
and execute under nonstandard or non-DRI products are the
responsibility of the user, as are modifications specific to a
given application.
DRI specifically disclaims any express or implied warranty and
shall not be liable for any loss of profits, loss of business,
loss of use or of data, interruption of business, nor for
indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages of any
kind caused by the use or adptation of the Patch.
Licensed users are granted the right to include these
modifications in their Digital Research software.