CCPx2+ - An alternitive CCP for CP/M-68K CCPx2+ - An alternitive CCP for CP/M-68K CCPx2+ - An alternitive CCP for CP/M-68K
Robert Heller Robert Heller Robert Heller
Sun Feb 15, 1987 ***First Draft*** Sun Feb 15, 1987 ***First Draft*** Sun Feb 15, 1987 ***First Draft***
(c) 1987 By Robert Heller. All rights reserved. (c) 1987 By Robert Heller. All rights reserved. (c) 1987 By Robert Heller. All rights reserved.
ABSTRACT. This document describes design notes ABSTRACT. ABSTRACT.
for CCPx2+, an alternitive CCP for CP/M-68K.
CONTACT INFO. I can be reached as follows: CONTACT INFO. CONTACT INFO.
ARAPNet: Heller@UMass.CS.EDU
BIX: heller
FidoNet: 101/27 (Dave's Fido)
or 101/147 (Orange Fido)
CompuServe: 71450,3432
U.S. Mail: Robert Heller
Star Route Box 51A
Wendell, MA 01379
Voice Phone: 617-544-6933, early evenings
(before 7:30 PM
Eastern), and
413-545-0528, Monday to Friday
8:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Data Phone: 617-544-6933, 7:30 PM to 7:00 AM
CCPx2+ - An Alternitive CCP for CP/M-68K ***First Draft*** Page 2 CCPx2+ - An Alternitive CCP for CP/M-68K ***First Draft*** CCPx2+ - An Alternitive CCP for CP/M-68K ***First Draft***
1: Introduction. Introduction. Introduction.
These design notes are intended to put in writing my
ideas for an improved CCP (Console Command Processor) for
CP/M-68K. I'd like to circulate these ideas through the
CP/M-68K user community and get some feedback on these
ideas. I don't know if I will implement all of the ideas
presented here, but I indend to implement the more
important ones. I intend to produce this code as
shareware, with object code and documentation available
free, with source code available for a small fee.
2: Major Features. Major Features. Major Features.
The major features of CCPx2+ are:
o Forground/Backgound Tasks. The main feature of Forground/Backgound Tasks. Forground/Backgound Tasks.
CCPx2+ will be a dual TPA system, allowing two
core-resident tasks to be run. It won't be true
multi-tasking, just a way to suspend a forground task (such
as an editor) and run a background task (such as getting a
directory listing or compiling a program).
o Command Line Recall. A history mechanism, simular Command Line Recall. Command Line Recall.
to VMS's DCL - will use control characters to recall and
edit (as a one-line screen editor) previous command lines.
o Nested Submit Files. This simply means that Nested Submit Files. Nested Submit Files.
submit files will behave like subroutines, with the
neccessary context saved on a pushdown stack in the CCP.
o Flow Control in Submit Files. Simple "if", Flow Control in Submit Files. Flow Control in Submit Files.
"goto", and labels. Should be enough for most purposes.
o "Lexical Functions". These will be builtin CCP "Lexical Functions". "Lexical Functions".
commands with a functional syntax. Things like file name
parsing, file tests (exists, size, etc.) and system
interegation (user number, current drive, etc.)
o User Interface Hacks. Things like control of User Interface Hacks. User Interface Hacks.
command line echoing while executing submit files and
command prompt.
o CCP Call Back. There will be a way for user CCP Call Back. CCP Call Back.
programs to "call back" the CCP for various functions (such
as running a background task, etc.)
o Aliases. User definable symbols for commands and Aliases. Aliases.
CCP variables.
o Program Search Path. A list of drives to search Program Search Path. Program Search Path.
for command and submit files.
CCPx2+ - An Alternitive CCP for CP/M-68K ***First Draft*** Page 3 CCPx2+ - An Alternitive CCP for CP/M-68K ***First Draft*** CCPx2+ - An Alternitive CCP for CP/M-68K ***First Draft***
o F$ACCESS(filename,mode) - Just like the access() F$ACCESS(filename,mode) F$ACCESS(filename,mode)
function. Returns a boolean value depending on the file
access. Modes are: READ, WRITE and SYSTEM. Returns 1 if
access is allowed (WRITE if RO bit clear, SYSTEM if SYS bit
set, and READ if file exists) or 0 if access is not
o F$SIZE(filename) - Returns the size of the file F$SIZE(filename) F$SIZE(filename)
in sectors.
o F$PARSE(filename,default,field) - Parses filename F$PARSE(filename,default,field) F$PARSE(filename,default,field)
and optionally fills in missing fields (drive, name, and
type) from default. Returns the whole file specification
or selected parts (drive, name, or type) if field argument
is non-empty.
o F$LOCATE(substring,string) - Returns the location F$LOCATE(substring,string) F$LOCATE(substring,string)
of substring in string or the length of string if substring
is not in string.
CCPx2+ - An Alternitive CCP for CP/M-68K ***First Draft*** Page 4 CCPx2+ - An Alternitive CCP for CP/M-68K ***First Draft*** CCPx2+ - An Alternitive CCP for CP/M-68K ***First Draft***
o F$EXTRACT(start,length,string) - Returns length F$EXTRACT(start,length,string) F$EXTRACT(start,length,string)
characters from string starting at start.
o F$LENGTH(string) - Returns the length of the F$LENGTH(string) F$LENGTH(string)
o F$USER() - Returns the current user number. F$USER() F$USER()
o F$DRIVE() - Returns the current drive letter. F$DRIVE() F$DRIVE()
o F$BACKGROUNDP() - Returns TRUE (1) if executed in F$BACKGROUNDP() F$BACKGROUNDP()
the context of the background task.
The arguments (if any) to these functions are
considered expressions, which are evaluated. Alias symbols
can be used as variables. These lexical functions will
work, along with infix arithmetical operators (+, -, *, /,
=, <>, <=, >=), only on IF, ALIAS, SETPROMPT, SETECHO, and
USER commands, and in argument expressions.
8: User Interface Hacks. User Interface Hacks. User Interface Hacks.
This will consist of the commands:
o SETPROMPT string - set the command prompt to SETPROMPT string SETPROMPT string
o SETECHO flag - set submit file echoing on (if SETECHO flag SETECHO flag
flag is non-zero) or off (if flag is zero).
o SAVEECHO symbol - save echo state in symbol. SAVEECHO symbol SAVEECHO symbol
9: CCP Call Back. CCP Call Back. CCP Call Back.
This will consist of some functions invoked with TRAP
#1. Included will be:
o Start Background Task - start up a background Start Background Task Start Background Task
task. Takes three optional arguments: a pointer to the
command line to execute (NULL meaning start an interactive
background task), and pointers to functions (to be executed
in the foreground context) to handle console input and
output functions (NULL meaning use standard console I/O).
o Get Symbol Alias Value - fetch the value of an Get Symbol Alias Value Get Symbol Alias Value
alias symbol.
o Set Symbol Alias Value - set the value of an Set Symbol Alias Value Set Symbol Alias Value
alias symbol.
CCPx2+ - An Alternitive CCP for CP/M-68K ***First Draft*** Page 5 CCPx2+ - An Alternitive CCP for CP/M-68K ***First Draft*** CCPx2+ - An Alternitive CCP for CP/M-68K ***First Draft***
10: Aliases. Aliases. Aliases.
This will be some sort of hybred of C-Shell and DCL.
Probably the syntax of the C-Shell (sort of) and the
functionallity of DCL. I haven't fully figured out what I
will do here. Need to maintain some sort of syntactic
compatablity with DRI's CCP.
11: Program Search Path. Program Search Path. Program Search Path.
There will be commands to set, show, and edit the
command search path. This path is a list of drives to
search for commands to execute. I will also implement
command name abbreviation hacking (probably by filling out
the command name in the FCB with '?' instead of blanks).