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Government Publications
by Ceceile Kay Richter
The U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO) executes
orders for printing and bookbinding placed by the
Congress and the departments and organizations of
the Federal Government. At any one time, approxi-
mately 16,000 different GPO publications, ranging
from simple black and white booklets to fancy
clothbound full-color books, are available for
public sale through mail order from the Superin-
tendent of Documents in Washington, D.C., and
directly from 24 government bookstores around the
The GPO issues on a quarterly basis a very attrac
tive, illustrated, sales catalog, "U.S. Government
Books." Each issue features annotated listings of
almost 1,000 popular Government books arranged by
subject categories such as Business and Industry,
Careers, Education, History, and Science and Tech-
nology, as well as several pages of Recent Re-
leases. Since May 1984 one of the categories has
been Computers and Computer Science. Prior to
that time -- the "Catalog" goes back to September
1982 -- computer books were listed under the cate
gory Science and Technology.
Recently, while at the University of Alaska, Anch-
orage, library, I went through their collection of
"U.S. Government Books" catalogs and recorded
selections from the category Computers and Comput-
er Science that I thought would be of interest to
ANKOR newsletter readers and other users of micro-
computers. I also recorded ordering information
for those selections. Then, since the catalogs go
back to 1982, the librarian directed me to the
latest bimonthly GPO Sales Publication Reference
File (PRF) to verify current availability and
What a find that was. The PRF is a complete
master file on microfiche of GPO publications for
sale, (The PRF is also available online as a
component of the Lockheed Corporation's DIALOG
Information Retrieval Service.) I checked the
ordering information for the titles I had listed
and also recorded several additional listings that
were under the PRF's subject headings Computer,
Computers, and Microcomputers.
My listings appear below. The category headings
and title groupings are of my own design and you
will not find them in any GPO catalog. I have
adapted the individual book descriptions from the
annotations in the catalog "U.S. Government Books"
and the PRF. My listings are not exhaustive but I
do think I have selected the publications that
would be of most interest to readers of this
newsletter. If you would like to pursue one of
these categories in greater detail, or another
category, you are encouraged to investigate the
"Catalog" and the PRF yourself.
With the exception of free promotional materials
like the "U.S. Government Books" catalog, there
are no free books distributed by the GPO. Every
item in its inventory has a price which enables
the sales program to operate without using tax
revenues. Purchase prices, however, appear modest
given the size, format and quality of the publica-
tions involved, and the fact that mail-order post
age is included in each price.
For those of you desiring to order any of the
books listed below, you may do so by mailing your
order to: Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Gov
ernment Printing Office, Dept. 33, Washington,
D.C. 20402. Your order form should contain your
name and address, the shipping address if differ-
ent, home and office telephone numbers, and for
each book it's Stock Number (shown as a number
preceded by "S/N" at the bottom of each listing
below), quantity required, the title, unit price,
and total price for the quantity ordered. You
should also show the total price of your order and
enclose a check for that amount made payable to
the Superintendent of Documents. Orders may also
be charged to VISA or Master Card.
If priority mail shipping is desired, you need to
find the additional costs in advance by telephon
ing the GPO at 202/783-3238 and then indicating on
your order the special postage desired. Charge
orders may be placed over the telephone by calling
that number. Hours of the Printing Office are M-
F, 8 a.m. - 4 p.m., Eastern Time. You may also
write to Dept. 33 for a copy of "U.S. Government
Books." My experience is that the GPO will send
you the latest copy available at the time you make
your request but they will not send you editions
on a regular basis.
If you have not received an order within approxi-
mately seven weeks, you may write to: Publications
Service Section, Stop SSOS, U.S. Government Print
ing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402 or telephone
202/275-3050. Availability and current prices may
also be verified by calling that telephone number
or you may wish to check such information on the
PRF at the UAA library.
If in Seattle, you may wish to visit the Govern-
ment Bookstore there where you may browse through
the shelves and take your book purchases home
with you. The Seattle retail outlet is in Room
194 of the Federal Building, 915 Second Avenue.
Hours are 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. local time.
The UAA library is a government documents deposi-
tory library. This means that the government
documents librarian, Mr. Alden Rollins, can stock
the University library with publications he wishes
from the GPO's Monthly Catalog of Government Pub
lications. In 1985 he had some 26,757 pieces to
select from. Whether any of the books listed
below are available at the UAA library shall be
left to the interested reader to determine.
Note: "NBS" when used below refers to the
National Bureau of Standards, an agency of the
U.S. Department of Commerce.
Computer and Mathematics-Related Occupations. The
Bureau of Labor Statistics employment outlook for
accountants, auditors, actuaries, computer oper
ating personnel, computer service technicians,
mathematicians, programmers, systems analysts, and
statisticians. 1986, 24 p.
S/N 029-001-02869-5 $ 1.00
Computer Education: A Catalog of Projects Spon-
sored by the U.S. Department of Education, 1983.
Overview of the general types of computer educa-
tion projects which were ongoing during 1983 cov-
ering such areas as developing computer literacy,
computers as instructional aids, research and
evaluation, and multi-purpose education projects.
Lists 275 project summaries with names and ad
dresses of people to contact for further informa
tion. 1984, 315 p.
S/N 065-000-00202-7 $ 9.00
Industry Wage Survey: Computer and Data Process
ing Services, 1982. Summarizes results of an
occupa tional wage survey conducted in October
1982. 1983, 78 p.
S/N 029-001-02791-5 $ 2.00
Selected Characteristics of Persons in Computer
Specialties. A Bureau of Census report based on
the 1978 National Sample of Scientists and Engi
neers. All persons in the national sample either
had jobs in 1970 or had previously had jobs and
were looking for jobs. New entrants in the labor
force for 1970 were not included. Almost all the
sample persons were 30 years old or more. 1984,
33 p.
S/N 003-001-91551-1 $ 2.00
Copyright in Computer Readable Works: Policy
Impacts of Technological Change. NBS and the
National Science Foundation. No description avail
able. 1977, 267 p., il.
S/N 003-003-01843-1 $ 7.50
Computer Security Techniques. Results of a major
review of computer security procedures currently
employed in the public and private sectors. De
scribes and classifies over 80 vulnerabilities.
Identifies some of the legal issues relevant to
protection of computer hardware and data. 1982,
219 p.
S/N 027-000-01169-1 $ 7.50
Criminal Justice Resource Manual for Computer
Crime. Simplifies data processing terms and con
cepts so that criminal investigators and prosecu
tors will be better able to plan investigations
and prosecute cases involving computer crime.
1979, 432 p., il.
S/N 027-000-00870-4 $10.00
Legislative Resource Manual. Assists criminal
justice personnel by familiarizing them with the
technical and legal issues confronting computer-
related crime prosecutions. 1981, 136 p., il.
S/N 027-000-01135-7 $ 6.50
Security of Personal Computer Systems: A Manage
ment Guide. This report concludes that, while
providing many benefits, the availability of pow-
erful information technology to a growing number
of users of personal computer systems in the of
fice and home may have introduced potentially
serious information security risks. 1985, 68 p.
S/N 003-003-02627-1 $ 3.00
Computers and Data Processing. Bibliography of
publications for sale by the Superintendent of
Documents. 1985, 15 p.
S/N 021-051-00505-7 FREE
Data Abstraction, Data Bases and Conceptual Model
ing: An Annotated Bibliography. Citations to
over 350 books, articles and papers on data base
management, programming languages, aftificial in
telligence and softwear engineering from works
published in the late 1970s. 1980, 75 p.
S/N 000-003-02179-2 $ 5.00
Data Base Administration: Concepts, Tools, Exper
ience and Problems. Concepts of data base admini
stration, the role of the data base administrator,
and computer softwear tools useful in data base
administration are described in this NBS publica
tion for data base technologists and managers.
1978, 41 p.
S/N 003-003-01900-3 $ 3.50
Data Base Directions: Information Resource mana
gement, Strategies and Tools. Proceedings of a
1980 workshop. Discusses how to evaluate and
select information resources management tools,
especially data dictionary systems, and how to use
them effectively. 1982, 186 p.
S/N 003-003-02419-8 $ 6.50
Guide for Selecting Microcomputer Data Base Man
agement Software. Information for the evaluation
and selection of microcomputer data management
software from the NBS. 1985, 66 p., il.
S/N 003-003-02682-4 $ 2.50
Report on Approaches to Database Translation. An
NBS report dealing with transferring data from
one source to another. Discusses approaches to
database translation and candidate interchange
forms and recommends a method for representing the
data structures of newly-proposed data models in
a form suitable for database interchange. 1984,
92 p.
S/N 003-003-02583-6 $ 3.25
Assessment of Techniques for Evaluating Computer
Systems to Federal Agency Procurements. Identi
fies and qualitatively assesses computer system
evaluation techniques for use during acquisition
of computer systems. 1984, 36 p., il.
S/N 003-003-02561-5 $ 2.00
Digital Computer Basics. This Navy Rate Training
Manual teaches the fundamentals of digital comput-
er repair. Designed for persons with some back
ground in electronics. 1978, 302 p., il.
S/N 008-047-00256-4 $ 8.50
Future Information Technology -- 1984 Telecommuni
cations. Aspects of telecommunications technology
including a telecommunications forecast through
1999, three perspectives on the AT&T divestiture,
security in a distributed environment, management
implications of the trends in information tech
nology, and more. 1985, 347 p., il.
S/N 003-003-02626-3 $ 9.50
Issues and Recommendations on Microcomputing. This
study by the General Services Administration
Federal Software Testing Center presents issues
and recommendations in the following areas: exist
ing microcomputer bases, microcomputer user
groups, hardware/software requirements, standardi
zation, communications requirements, computer se
curity, microcomputer acquisition, user support,
and end-user responsibility. 1984, 30 p.
S/N 022-001-00133-3 $ 1.75
Issues in the Management of Microcomputer Systems.
Guidance in the management of microcomputer sys
tems and background information on the need for
establishing a management policy. Also includes
issues and alternatives which can help an organi
zation in its management and support of microcom
puters. An NBS publication. 1985, 54 p., il.
S/N 003-003-02678-6 $ 2.25
Microcomputer Management Guidelines. Identifies
the major factors that comprise microcomputing and
suggests various techniques that can stabilize the
environment and form the basis for a microcomputer
policy. Also includes references and additional
publications to supplement information presented
in the guidelines. From the General Services
Administration Federal Software Testing Center.
1983, 98 p.
S/N 022-001-00132-5 $ 3.25
Microcomputers: A Review of Federal Agency Exper
iences. Presents the results of a study which
reviewed Federal agency experience with microcom
puters. 1983, 146 p.
S/N 003-003-02492-9 $ 5.50
Microcomputers: Introduction to Features and
Uses. An introduction to microcomputers and their
uses in the Federal government by clerical, pro-
fessional and technical personnel. Motivations,
costs, and risks of microcomputer use are identi-
fied, and recommendations for successful implemen
tations are provided. Includes a glossary and a
bibliography. An NBS study. 1984, 143 p., il.
S/N 003-003-02560-7 $ 4.25
Selection of Microcomputer Systems. This NBS
booklet assists end-users with evaluating the
applicability of microcomputer systems technology
to their needs and selecting a system to meet
those needs. 1984, 30 p.
S/N 003-003-02553-4 $ 1.50
Starting and Operating a Microcomputer Support
Center. Provides information on requirements for
staffing, space, equipment, software and operating
policies for establishing a microcomputer support
center. NBS. 1985, 40p., $1.75.
S/N 003-003-02683-2 $ 1.75
Local Area Networking. Report of a 1977 NBS work
shop convened to discuss the different technolo-
gies applicable to computer networks serving a
limited geographic area, such as a single campus,
factory or office complex. 1978, 74 p., il.
S/N 003-003-01918-6 $ 5.00
Selection of Local Area Computer Networks. Out
lines the features available in contemporary
local-area computer networks, including distinc-
tions between computer applications, topology,
protocol architecture, and transmission media.
1982, 133 p., il.
S/N 003-003-02451-1 $ 6.00
Almanac for Computers. Provides astronomical data
in a format for small computers and calculators
used in navigational and positional astronomy.
Concise mathematical expressions are used to rep-
resent the coordinates of celestial bodies for
specific intervals of time. These mathematical
expressions are approximations which allow direct
calculation of astronomical and navigational data
for specific times and conditions. 1985, 100 p.
S/N 008-054-00122-0 $ 3.50
Computer Model Documentation Guide. Provides
guidelines for preparing documentation for comput-
er models. Based on a similar document prepared
for use by the Air Force in support of military
analyses. 1981, 55 p., il.
S/N 003-003-02282-9 $ 4.50
Economic Analysis Procedures for ADP. Designed
for the novice in the field of cost/benefit anal-
ysis, this publication establishes a procedural
routine for conducting economic analyses. Mater
ial is developed slowly from a few very basic
economic and common-sense principles. 1980, 238
p., il.
S/N 008-040-00091-5 $ 7.50
Introduction to Number Systems, Boolean Algebra
and Logic Circuits. A Navy Electricity and Elec-
tronics Training Service manual. 1979, reprinted
1981, 103 p.
S/N 008-047-00312-9 $ 5.50
Introduction to Programming in BASIC. A Naval Rate
Training Manual designed for individual study.
Provides a hands-on introduction to programming
and the BASIC programming language. Each chapter
includes exercises and suggested solutions. 1985,
184 p., il.
S/N 008-047-00382-0 $ 4.50
NBS Minimal BASIC Test Programs -- Version 2,
User's Manual. Vol. 1, Documentation. Describes
the set of programs developed by NBS for the
purpose of testing conformance of implementations
of the computer language BASIC to the American
National Standard (ANSI) for Minimal BASIC, ANSI
X3.60-1978. 1980, 76 p.
S/N 003-003-02262-4 $ 5.00
NBS Minimal BASIC Test Programs -- Version 2,
User's Manual. Vol. 2, Source Listings and Sample
Output. Source listings and sample output from
the set of programs developed by NBS for testing
conformance of implementations of the computer
language BASIC to ANSI X3.60-1978, Minimal Basic.
1980, 483 p.
S/N 003-003-02263-2 $10.00
Principles of Digital Logic. This Navy Rate
Training Manual provides a background in the prin-
ciples of logic circuits, Boolean algebra, and
number systems necessary to understand digital
computers. 1979, 76 p., il.
S/N 008-047-00276-9 $ 4.75
Selection and Use of General-Purpose Programming
Languages: Vol. 1, Overview. Presents a survey
of selection factors for the major programming
and PL/1. Factors covered include logical opera
tions within each language, the advantages and
disadvantages of software packages, microcomputers
and standards. NBS. 1984, 80 p.
S/N 003-003-02612-3 $ 3.00
Selection and Use of General-Purpose Programming
Languages: Vol. 2, Program Examples. Gives pro-
gram examples to illustrate the features of the
major programming languages described in Vol. 1.
NBS. 1984, 180 p.
S/N 003-003-02613-1 $ 5.50
Computer Software Management: A Primer for Pro-
ject Management and Quality Control. This NBS
guide gives the reader an appreciation of the
software pitfalls in computer projects and ex-
plains the use of quality controls and softwear
management methods. 1977, 49 p., il.
S/N 003-003-01795-7 $ 4.25
Executive Guide to Software Maintenance. This NBS
booklet answers key questions about software
maintenance. Issues addressed include the feasi-
bility and applicability of softwear reuse, devel-
opment of maintenance softwear, and improvement of
existing software. 1985, 28 p.
S/N 003-003-02685-9 $ 1.00
Guidance on Software Maintenance. Addresses is
sues and problems of software maintenance and
suggests actions and procedures that could help
software maintenance organizations meet the grow
ing demands of maintaining existing systems.
1983, 72 p.
S/N 003-003-02535-6 $ 2.50
Introduction to Software Packages. An introduc-
tion to applications software packages. This book
encourages the use of software packages as an
alternative to in-house development and directs
potential users of software packages to sources of
useful information. 1984, 61 p.
S/N 003-003-02569-1 $ 2.25
Management Guide for Software Documentation. An
NBS publication intended to assist managers in the
establishment of policies and procedures for
effective operation, distribution, control, and
maintenance of documentation which will aid in re-
use, transfer, conversion, correction and enhance
ment of computer programs. 1982, 44 p.
S/N 003-003-02384-1 $ 3.00
Microcomputers in Transit: A Hardware Handbook. A
handbook intended for management and staff of
small to medium-sized transit agencies prepared at
the Indiana University Institute for Urban Trans-
portation . Describes the functions of each
computer hardware component and the characteris
tics to look for in selecting equipment for small
to medium-sized transit operations. 1984, 71 p.
S/N 050-000-00505-4 $ 3.00
Microcomputers in Transit: A Software Handbook. A
companion volume to the "Hardware Handbook" by the
Indiana University Institute for Urban Trans-
portation. Describes the types of computer pro-
grams available for use in the transit industry
and programming languages as well as documenting
applications of some common programs. 1984, 291 p.
S/N 050-000-00506-2 $ 7.00
Software Tool Evaluation and Selection Guidelines.
Provides the working programmer with a technical
approach to software evaluation in test and work
environments. Software selection and installa-
tions are also discussed. 1984, 171 p., il.
S/N 022-001-00134-1 $ 6.50
Competitive Assessment of the U.S. Software Indus
try. Describes and defines the software industry
from several different perspectives and discusses
the economics of this industry, its past U.S.
performance, and the past U.S. competitive posi-
tion. Also discusses factors affecting past and
future U.S. competitive positions and provides
both near and long-term forecasts for the indus
try. 1984, 109 p., il.
S/N 003-009-00436-5 $ 4.50
High Technology Industries: Profiles and Out
looks, the Computer Industry. Contains statements
and papers from a series of meetings held by the
Secretary of Commerce in 1983 to assess future
problems in U.S. high technology competitiveness.
Includes a study of the comparative position of
the U.S. computer industry and presentations by
executives of four corporations. 1983, 70 p., il.
S/N 003-009-00360-1 $ 4.50
U.S. High Technology Trade and Competitiveness:
Staff Report of the Department of Commerce Inter-
national Trade Administration. This report notes
that the U.S. has long been the global high tech-
nology leader but finds that several foreign com-
petitors are now strongly challenging the U.S.
leadership position. 1985, 86 p., il.
S/N 003-009-00451-9 $ 3.00
Simplified Methods for Evaluating the Cost-Effec
tiveness of Word Processing Equipment. Provides
an organization with two simple and inexpensive
methods for determining whether or not word pro
cessing equipment is justified: "Machine in Use
Observation" and "Typeset Lines Analysis." 1985,
32 p., il.
S/N 022-001-00137-6 $ 1.25