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Hitachi HD64180
Summary of Features
Revision 2
Prepared by
Richard Conn
10 Sep 85
Information Taken From ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
"Hitachi HD64180 8-Bit ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
High Integration CMOS ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Microprocessor Data Book", ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Advance Information, ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
February 1985 ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Echelon, Inc.
101 First Street
Suite 427
Los Altos, CA 94022
Hitachi HD64180 Summary of Features
1. Hitachi HD64180............................................1
2. Central Processing Unit (CPU)..............................2
2.1. Z80 Instruction Set with additions....................2
2.2. Registers.............................................2
2.3. Interrupt Modes.......................................3
3. Memory Management Unit.....................................7
3.1. MMU Registers: CBAR, CBR, BBR.........................7
3.2. Address Translation Examples..........................9
4. Direct Memory Access Controller...........................11
5. Asynchronous Serial Communication Interface (ASCI)........12
6. Clocked Serial Input/Output Port (CSI/O)..................13
7. Programmable Reload Timer (PRT)...........................13
.pn 1
1. Hitachi HD64180
64-pin DIP Chip which provides the functions of
many elements of a computer system, including:
o Central Processing Unit (CPU)
- Upward compatable to the Z80
o Memory Management Unit (MMU)
- Allows addressing of 512K bytes
o 12-Level Vectored Interrupt Controller
- Supports both internal and external
interrupt sources
o 2-channel Direct Memory Access Controller (DMAC)
- Allows memory-to-memory, memory-to-I/O,
and memory-to-memory-mapped-I/O transfers
o 2-channel Asynchronous Serial Communications
Interface (ASCI)
- Like UARTs, with speeds from 150 baud to
38,400 baud
o 1-channel Clocked Serial I/O Port (CSI/O)
- For high-speed interprocessor communication
at 200K baud
o 2-channel Programmable Reload Timer (PRT)
- 16-bit counter driven by phi/20
o Dynamic RAM Refresh Circuit
- Refreshes dynamic RAMs without the need for
additional external support chips
2. Central Processing Unit (CPU)
2.1. Z80 Instruction Set with additions:
o SLP (SLEEP Mode)
- Similar to HALT, but low-power
- Compare SLEEP and HALT
Internal CPU Clock Active Stops
Int Crystal Oscill Active Active
Interrupt System Functional Functional
DRAM Refresh Active Stops
Internal I/O Sys Active Active
DMAC System Active Stops
Address Bus Active (Dummy) High
Data Bus Active (Dummy) Tristate
Reset Operational Operational
Interrupt Operational Operational
o MLT (Multiply)
- BC=B*C, DE=D*E, HL=H*L, SP=S*P
o Special I/O Instructions for On-Chip Devices
- IN0, OUT0 like IN, OUT
Load from (HL) to port (C) for (B)
bytes, increment HL and C, decrement B
o Test Instructions (Non-Destructive AND)
- Test register, immediate, memory
- Test I/O port
2.2. Registers
o Same Set as Z80
o Interrupt Vector Register functions are
extended over the Z80
Central Processing Unit (CPU), Continued
2.3. Interrupt Modes
o 12 Interrupt Sources
- TRAP (Undefined Op-code Trap)
- NMI (Non-Maskable Interrupt from pin)
- INT0, INT1, INT2 (Maskable from pin)
- Internal Timers 0 and 1
- DMA Channels 0 and 1
- Clocked Serial I/O Port
- ASCI channels 0 and 1
o NMI is similar to NMI on the Z80
o INT0 is similar to Maskable Interrupts on Z80
- Mode 0 allows instruction fetch from
data bus (1-byte RST, like 8080)
- Mode 1 forces restart at 38H
- Mode 2 fetches low byte of vector table
from the address bus, high byte from I
register; this is address of address of
interrupt service routine
o INT1 and INT2 similar to INT0 Mode 2, but
low-order 5 bits are fixed (00000 for INT1
and 00010 for INT2), IL register provides
next 3 bits (set by user), and I register
provides upper 8 bits (set by user)
o Other interrupt sources, such as timers,
DMACs, CSI/O, and ASCI, function like INT1
and INT2; values supplied to low-order 5
bits are:
Interrupt Low-Order 5 Bits Priority
INT1 0 0 0 0 0 Highest
INT2 0 0 0 1 0
Timer 0 0 0 1 0 0
Timer 1 0 0 1 1 0
DMAC 0 0 1 0 0 0
DMAC 1 0 1 0 1 0
CSI/O 0 1 1 0 0
ASCI 0 0 1 1 1 0
ASCI 1 1 0 0 0 0 Lowest
Central Processing Unit (CPU), Continued
Interrupt Modes, Continued
o Short Explanations of Interrupts
1. Interrupt is Signalled on NMI Pin
2. PC is pushed onto stack by CPU
3. Instruction at 66H is executed as first instruction of
Interrupt Service Routine
4. RETN instruction returns from Non-Maskable Interrupt
INT0, Mode 0
1. Interrupt is Signalled on INT0 Pin
2. Interrupting Device Places 1-byte Instruction (RST)
on Data Bus
3. Processor Performs Subroutine Call to Memory Locations
0, 8, 10H, 18H, 20H, 28H, 30H, or 38H
4. Interrupt Service Routine runs from there
INT0, Mode 1
1. Interrupt is Signalled on INT0 Pin
2. PC is pushed onto stack by CPU
3. Instruction at 38H is executed as first instruction of
Interrupt Service Routine
4. RETI instruction returns from Interrupt
INT0, Mode 2
1. Interrupt is Signalled on INT0 Pin
2. PC is pushed onto stack by CPU
3. Interrupting device places low-order 8 bits of address
of address table on data bus and is picked up by CPU
4. I Register contains high-order 8 bits of address of
address table
5. I Register + 8-bit Data Bus forms 16-bit Address of
address table entry low-byte; next byte is high-byte;
high-byte and low-byte combine to form address of
Interrupt Service Routine
6. PC is pushed onto stack by CPU
7. RETI instruction returns from Interrupt
8. Various devices work in this way, such as Z80-CTC,
Z80-DMA, Z80-SIO, Z80-DART, and they sense the RETI
instruction on the data bus to reset themselves as
well as providing the low-order 8 bits of the address
of the address table entry
Central Processing Unit (CPU), Continued
Interrupt Modes, Continued
o Short Explanations of Interrupts, Continued
-- Picture of INT0, Mode 2 Interrupt Vector Acquisition --
16-bit Vector Memory
| I Reg | Data Bus |
| | --------------------
Base Page Offset | High-order bits |
| | --------------------
-------------------------> | Low-order 8 bits |
| --------------------
... ...
| --------------------
-------------------------> | First entry, Low |
INT1, INT2, and Internal Interrupts
1. Interrupt is Signalled on INT1 or INT2 Pin or by
Internal Interrupt Source (Timer 0 or 1,
DMAC 0 or 1, CSI/O, or ASCI 0 or 1)
2. Like INT0, Mode 2 Interrupts except:
Low-order 5 bits come from fixed code associated
with the source, next 3 bits come from IL register,
and high-order 8 bits come from I register
3. PC is pushed onto the stack
4. RETI returns from Interrupt
-- Picture of INT1, INT2, and Internal Interrupt Vector Acquisition --
16-bit Vector Memory
8 3 5
| I Reg | IL | Code |
| | --------------------
Base Page Offset | High-order bits |
| | --------------------
-------------------------> | Low-order 8 bits |
| --------------------
... ...
| --------------------
-------------------------> | First entry, Low |
Central Processing Unit (CPU), Continued
Interrupt Modes, Continued
o Short Explanations of Interrupts, Continued
TRAP Interrupt
1. Triggered by undefined op-code fetch in 1st, or 2nd
byte of instruction
2. PC, which points to bad byte, is saved on stack
3. Vector to logical (depending on bank) address 0
4. Can be used to handle "extended" instruction set
ITC (Interrupt/Trap Control) Register
1. TRAP bit indicates if TRAP interrupt occurred; may
be reset by software
2. UFO (Undefined Fetch Object) bit indicates which opcode
TRAP occurred on
3. ITE0, ITE1, and ITE2 bits enable/disable INT0, INT1, and
INT2 interrupts
4. EI and DI instructions apply to enabled interrupts only
IL (Interrupt Low) Register
1. Used in conjunction with INT1 and INT2
2. High 3-bits may be read and written by software
I (Interrupt) Register
1. Used in conjunction with INT0 Mode 2, INT1, and INT2
2. Similar to Z80 I Register
3. May be read and written by software
3. Memory Management Unit
o 19 address pins are coming off the chip (A0 to A18)
o the 19th pin is software selectable as address or
timer pulse (timer 1)
o all memory is divided into 64K banks, each bank containing
three areas:
| |
| Common Area 1 |
| |
CBAR High ---> ---------------------
| |
| Bank Area |
| |
CBAR Low ----> ---------------------
| |
| Common Area 0 |
| |
3.1. MMU Registers: CBAR, CBR, BBR
o CBAR (Common/Bank Area Register) contains the high-order
4 bits of the base address of Common Area 1 in
its high-order 4 bits (CBAR High) and the high-order
4 bits of the base address of Bank Area in its
low-order 4 bits (CBAR Low)
4 bits 4 bits
| Common Area 1 Base | Bank Area Base |
Memory Management Unit, Continued
MMU Registers, Continued
o CBR (Common Base Register) specifies high-seven bits
of 19-bit effective address of Common Area 1; if
16-bit address is in Common Area 1 (high 4 bits
>= CBAR high), then add CBR to high 4 bits to
get high 7-bits of address
16 Bits Total
Logical Address | High 4 | Lower 12 Bits |
+ |
----------------- |
CBR | Hi 3 | Low 4 | |
----------------- |
| |
| |
19 Bits Total
Physical Address | High 7 Bits | Lower 12 Bits |
o BBR (Bank Base Register) specifies high-seven bits
of 19-bit effective address of Bank Area; if
16-bit address is in Bank Area (high 4 bits
>= CBAR low and < CBAR high), then add BBR to
high 4 bits to get high 7-bits of address
16 Bits Total
Logical Address | High 4 | Lower 12 Bits |
+ |
----------------- |
BBR | Hi 3 | Low 4 | |
----------------- |
| |
| |
19 Bits Total
Physical Address | High 7 Bits | Lower 12 Bits |
Memory Management Unit, Continued
3.2. Address Translation Examples
1. CBAR Low = 0, CBAR High = F
| Common Area 1| 4K
F000H --> ----------------
| |
| Bank | 60K
| Area |
| |
0000H --> ----------------
Let CBR = 70H, BBR = 0
Memory Regions Mapped
Common Area 0: Not Mapped
Bank Area : 00000H to 0EFFFH
Common Area 1: 7F000H to 7FFFFH
Logical Address Physical Address
0 000 0 000 + 0 0 000 = 00000H (Bank)
4 02C 4 02C + 0 0 000 = 0402CH (Bank)
E FFF E FFF + 0 0 000 = 0EFFFH (Bank)
F 000 F 000 + 7 0 000 = 7F000H (Common 1)
F 21A F 21A + 7 0 000 = 7F21AH (Common 1)
Let CBR = 60H, BBR = 20H
Memory Regions Mapped
Common Area 0: Not Mapped
Bank Area : 20000H to 2EFFFH
Common Area 1: 6F000H to 6FFFFH
Logical Address Physical Address
0 000 0 000 + 2 0 000 = 20000H (Bank)
4 02C 4 02C + 2 0 000 = 2402CH (Bank)
E FFF E FFF + 2 0 000 = 2EFFFH (Bank)
F 000 F 000 + 6 0 000 = 6F000H (Common 1)
F 21A F 21A + 6 0 000 = 6F21AH (Common 1)
Memory Management Unit, Continued
Address Translation Examples, Continued
2. CBAR Low = 2, CBAR High = F
| Common Area 1| 4K
F000H --> ----------------
| |
| Bank | 52K
| Area |
| |
2000H --> ----------------
| Common Area 0| 8K
0000H --> ----------------
Let CBR = 70H, BBR = 20H
Memory Regions Mapped
Common Area 0: 00000H to 01FFFH
Bank Area : 20000H to 2EFFFH
Common Area 1: 7F000H to 7FFFFH
Logical Address Physical Address
0 000 0 000 + 0 0 000 = 00000H (Common 0)
4 02C 4 02C + 2 0 000 = 2402CH (Bank)
E FFF E FFF + 2 0 000 = 2EFFFH (Bank)
F 000 F 000 + 7 0 000 = 7F000H (Common 1)
F 21A F 21A + 7 0 000 = 7F21AH (Common 1)
Let CBR = 60H, BBR = 40H
Memory Regions Mapped
Common Area 0: 00000H to 01FFFH
Bank Area : 40000H to 4EFFFH
Common Area 1: 6F000H to 6FFFFH
Logical Address Physical Address
0 000 0 000 + 0 0 000 = 00000H (Common 0)
4 02C 4 02C + 4 0 000 = 4402CH (Bank)
E FFF E FFF + 4 0 000 = 4EFFFH (Bank)
F 000 F 000 + 6 0 000 = 6F000H (Common 1)
F 21A F 21A + 6 0 000 = 6F21AH (Common 1)
4. Direct Memory Access Controller
o Source and Destination Memory Addresses are 19 bits
long (anywhere within 512K bytes)
o I/O addresses are 16 bits long
o Transfer Length is 64K bytes (16-bit length register)
o Channel 0 can do memory-to-memory, memory-to-I/O, and
memory-to-memory-mapped-I/O transfers; registers:
SAR0 Source Address Register
DAR0 Destination Address Register
BCR0 Byte Count Register
o Channel 1 can do memory-to-I/O transfers only; registers:
MAR1 Memory Address Register
IAR1 I/O Address Register
BCR1 Byte Count Register
o Other registers and some of their data:
Enable/Disable Channels 0 and 1
Enable/Disable Interrupts 0 and 1
DMODE DMA Mode (Channel 0 Only)
Destination Memory or I/O
Source Memory or I/O
Memory Wait, I/O Wait
Memory-to-I/O or I/O-to-Memory
-- The DMA Concept--
1. Set up DMA Controller to Perform Transfer Function
Specify source, destination, etc
2. Initiate Transfer Function and then Proceed with
other Processing
3. Either check for transfer complete at later time or
be interrupted by DMA controller
4. With 2 DMA Channels, two DMA transfers can be going
on at once
5. Asynchronous Serial Communication Interface (ASCI)
o Full Duplex
o 7- or 8-bit Data Length
o Software-controlled 9th Data Bit for Multiprocessor Comm
o 1 or 2 Stop Bits
o Odd, Even, or No Parity
o Parity, Overrun, or Framing Error Detection
o Programmable Baud Rate Generator to 38,400 baud
o Control Signals
Channel 0 has DCD (in), CTS (in), RTS (out)
Channel 1 has CTS (in)
o Can Generate Internal Interrupts
o Works with DMA Controllers
The DCD line for ASCI Channel 0 shuts down the receiver of
Channel 0 when not true (logic 1, since it is active low)! This
prohibits operation of the ASCI with devices which use DCD to
indicate the presence of a carrier but need to be communicated
with whether a carrier is available or not. One such device is
the DC Hayes Smartmodem. The CTS line may not be used as an
alternate to DCD since loss of CTS shuts off the transmitter TDRE
bit (but not the transmitter itself - just the status bit). This
information is documented in the 64180 manual on page 67, 2nd
paragraph, and page 72, 1st and 2nd paragraphs.
A possible solution, which requires additional external
circuitry, is to OR the Channel 0 RTS output with the DCD input
and feed this into the Channel 0 DCD input. With this circuit,
when the software needs to communicate regardless of the state of
the carrier, RTS can be set true. ORing with a false DCD
generates a true input to the 64180, and communication is
enabled. When normal communication is in play, RTS should be set
to false so that DCD can truly be monitored and loss of carrier
detected. The RS-232C RTS signal should be forced true if this
external circuitry is in place.
HD64180 Incoming DCD
--------------------- V
| | ---| OR ->-- NOTE:
| RTS0/Pin 42 -->-----| | All logical
| | | levels are
| DCD0/Pin 44 ----------<------ inverted, so
| | a simple OR
--------------------- should be enough
Another possible solution (proposed by Ken Davidson at
Micromint) is to wire the incoming DCD to the CTS input. While
loss of DCD terminates the output status checking function, it
does not terminate the output function itself. Hence, chars may
be output by entering a relatively long timing loop (to make sure
the last byte had plenty of time to be clocked out) and then
outputting the next byte. This solution requires no significant
additional wiring and the SB180 (from Micromint) can handle it
6. Clocked Serial Input/Output Port (CSI/O)
o Uses Internal or External Clock
o Can be polled or interrupt-driven
o Speeds up to 200K baud
7. Programmable Reload Timer (PRT)
o Two Channels
o 16-bit Down Counter and 16-bit Reload Register
o Output can be in the form of interrupts or pulsing the
A18/TOUT pin
-- Operation --
1. Set Down Counter and Reload Registers
2. Set control flags (use interrupts, use TOUT, use both)
3. Start timer
4. When timer goes off, it starts over from reload
register value
5. Timer can be stopped at any time