BASIC Source File
552 lines
' <<< PLOT02.BAS >>>
' Plotting program for HP7225, HP7475 and FACIT plotters. Televideo terminal. This program is complimentary to
' programs PLOT.BAS, which does data entry and calculates spline functions coefficients and regression coeffici-
' ents, and to program PLOT01.BAS, which is for the Microangelo or GDC512 graphics cards. This program was
' written by J. V. Brancik of Univ. N. S. W.
' Dimensions
' ----------
DIM X%(4),Z$(4),G%(12),XD(40),YD(40),X(400),Y(400),LIM(13),EX(40),EY(40)
' X%()=margins; Z$()=legends and title; G%()=flags; XD(),YD()=exptl data; X(),Y()=fnctn points; LIM()=lims;
' EX(),EY()=errors
' Equates
' -------
' defaults: (in absolute plotter units)
' X%(0),X%(1)=left and right margins;
' X%(2),X%(3)=bottom and top margins;
' XSPAN,YSPAN=x and y span.
' limits: (in user units where applicable)
' LIM(0),(1)=point where axis intersect (the origin);
' LIM(2)-(5)=Xmin,Xmax,Ymin,Ymax (for scaling);
' LIM(6),(7)=x and y axis divisions;
' LIM(8),(9)=f(x)min,f(x)max (real min and max of the function being plotted);
' LIM(10),(11)=x-tick % below and % above x-axis (% of XSPAN),
' LIM(12),(13)=y-tick % right and % left of y-axis(% of YSPAN)
LIM(0)=0:LIM(1)=0:LIM(6)=10:LIM(7)=10:LIM(10)=.5:LIM(11)=.5:LIM(12)=.5:LIM(13)=.5:' default values
MFX=1:MFY=1:' multiplication factors of x and y axis, respectively (valid for labels only)
CFW=.55:CFH=1.15:' axis labels character width and heigth (as % of XSPAN or YSPAN)
CLW=.55:CLH=1.15:' axis legend character width and height (as % of XSPAN or YSPAN)
CTW=.55:CTH=1.15:' plot title and notes character width and height (as % of XSPAN or YSPAN)
CMW=.55:CMH=1.15:' width and height of a character plotted as experimental point (% of XSPAN or YSPAN)
HV=0:TJ=0:' direction HV=0 for horizontal or HV=1 for vertical x axis; plot title justification: 0=center or 1=left
STATP%=133:DATP%=132:CTCP%=137:' Status port, Data port, CTC port - Z80-SIO; change if needed
' output routine for 8251 is also provided; comment out the one not required
GOTO 6000:' location of the MAIN section of this program from where the subroutines are called
' ===================
' Subroutine to setup communication port and to setup plotter to X-on/X-off handshake
' (sbc512 board - you never heard of; status=133, data=132, CTC=137 - change if needed)
' Some explanatory notes:
' The first part of this subroutine is needed to change the baud rate for rather slow HP7225 plotter.
' The FACIT and the HP7475 can work quite comfortably at 9600 baud. The port is Z80-SIO and only three
' wires are needed since only pins 2, 3, and 7 are used. It should be noted that for HP pins 20, 8, 6 should
' be connected together at the plotter (and NOT connected to the computer). If your system supports xon/xoff
' (CP/M 3) then this feature should be turned off (it could interfere as it does on mine). For those with CP/M 2.2
' calls to PUN: and RDR: could be utilised - I would include them here if I knew how .....
' WARNING: Comment out this section if your computer has different arrangement. This was used for 6MHz sbc512, but
' do not despare - this sub is called just before the actual plotting takes place and if you intend to plot into a
' data file then only the second part is called.
1000 IF PD%=1 THEN 1010:' if we are plotting to a data file and the commands below are not required
OUT(STATP%),24:OUT(STATP%),4:OUT(STATP%),68:OUT(CTCP%),71:' channel reset, 16x clock, async, 1 stop, data for CTC
IF FACIT=0 THEN OUT(CTCP%),16 ELSE OUT(CTCP%),4:' CTC divider, 2400/9600 baud (HP-7225/FACIT)
OUT(STATP%),3:OUT(STATP%),193:' 8 data, Rx enable, DCD/CTS inactive
OUT(STATP%),5:OUT(STATP%),104:' 8 data, Tx enable, DTR/RTS inactive
' here we send the setup command strings to the plotter
1010 IF PD%=0 THEN 1020 ELSE M%=3:N%=1:GOSUB 1110:M%=22:GOSUB 1120:INPUT"Include plotter setup commands (Y)";A$
IF A$="N" OR A$="n" THEN RETURN:' if setup strings are not required (for whatever reason)
1020 P$=CHR$(27)+".(":GOSUB 3050:' turn plotter on (playing safe, changing paper may turn it off)
P$=CHR$(27)+".@;0:":GOSUB 3050:' reset the plotter, cancell hardwire h/s (default is hardwire h/s for HP)
P$=CHR$(27)+".I80;;17:":GOSUB 3050:' set the plotter buffer treshold, set X-on/X-of protocol (X-on char)
P$=CHR$(27)+".N;19:":GOSUB 3050:' set X-off character (fill buffer if there is a space for 80 bytes)
RETURN:' all nicely in a file - can be coppied later to a plotter with no worries
' Subroutines to control the screen (Televideo terminal)
1100 PRINT CHR$(27)CHR$(43):RETURN:' to clear the whole screen
1110 GOSUB 1130:PRINT CHR$(27)CHR$(89):GOSUB 1130:RETURN:' clear to the end of screen (foreground)
1120 GOSUB 1130:PRINT CHR$(27)CHR$(84):GOSUB 1130:RETURN:' to clear line at the cursor address
1130 PRINT CHR$(27)CHR$(61)CHR$(M%+31)CHR$(N%+31);:RETURN:' for direct cursor address
' Subroutine repeat set-up/save set-up data/do the plot (called by all routines after completion of setup)
1200 M%=22:N%=1:GOSUB 1120:INPUT"Type R to repeat the routine, S to save the setup data, P to plot: ",A$:RETURN
' Subroutine to do calls for the plotter setup
' calls to: 1100 - clear screen
' 2000 - display (fancy) header for plotter setup
' 2100 - change drawing area (area of actual x-y plot without text)
' 2200 - change ploting limits (intersection of axis, axis divisions, grid or ticks, etc.)
' 2300 - change labels, legends, title and explanatory notes (if any)
' 2500 - change symbol for drawing experimental poins (including experimental error - if required)
' 2600 - change line type (solid line, dashed or dotted or both, etc..)
1300 FOR W%=1 TO 7:ON W% GOSUB 1100,2000,2100,2200,2300,2500,2600:NEXT:RETURN
' Subroutine to do calls for the plotting (user is prompted before each draw)
' calls to: 3010 - select output and pause before plot
' 3000 - initialize the port (if required) and the plotter (if required)
' 3300 - draw axis and labels (selection of pen)
' 3500 - draw axis legend (selection of pen, justification)
' 3600 - draw title and explanatory notes (selection of pen, justification)
' 3700 - draw experimental points (selection of pen)
' 3400 - draw function curve (selection of pen)
' 3040 - home pen, close $PLOT.PLT (or user specified) file, reset flags
' 4000 - repeat? chamge plotter? new data? exit?
' 1100 - clear screen
1400 GOSUB 3010:GOSUB 3000:FOR W%=1 TO 5:ON W% GOSUB 3300,3500,3600,3700,3400:NEXT
GOSUB 3040:GOSUB 4000:GOSUB 1100:RETURN:' end of plot, park pen, close files/again? save? exit?/cls
' Subroutines to handle the data
' ------------------------------
' Subroutine to open a file for random access; F$=filename, FL%=rec. length, R$=rec. string,
' Subroutine to read experimental data file
1510 FOR J%=1 TO G%(4+SET%):GET#1,2*J%-1+SET%*80:XD(J%)=CVS(R$):GET#1,2*J%+SET%*80:YD(J%)=CVS(R$):NEXT:CLOSE:RETURN
' Subroutine to read all experimental points errors
1520 FOR J%=1 TO G%(4+SET%):GET#1,2*J%-1+SET%*80:EX(J%)=CVS(R$):GET#1,2*J%+SET%*80:EY(J%)=CVS(R$):NEXT:CLOSE:RETURN
' Subroutine to write and read the info file (PLOT.FLG)
1530 GET#1,1:G%(0)=CVI(R$):FOR I%=1 TO G%(0):GET#1,I%+1:G%(I%)=CVI(R$):NEXT:CLOSE
IF G%(1)=1 THEN H$="Plot experimental points.":F2$="<data set no.:"
IF G%(1)=2 THEN H$="Spline functions plot.":F2$="<"
IF G%(1)=3 THEN H$="Plot linear regression.":F2$="<model no.:"
IF G%(1)=4 THEN H$="Plot user defined function.":F2$="<data set no.:"
RETURN:' returns flag values and the strings for the header
1540 FOR I%=0 TO 11:G%(I%)=0:LSET R$=MKI$(G%(I%)):PUT#1,I%+1:NEXT:CLOSE:RETURN:' to write the data
' Subroutine to read points for functions to be plotted
1550 FOR J%=1 TO 400:GET#1,J%:X(J%)=CVS(R$):K%=J%+400*(SET%+1):GET#1,K%:Y(J%)=CVS(R$):NEXT:CLOSE:RETURN:' read F(x,y)
' Subroutine to calculate minimum and maximum of experimental points (just for the convenience of the user)
1600 LIM(2)=XD(1):LIM(3)=XD(1):LIM(4)=YD(1):LIM(5)=YD(1):FOR J%=1 TO G%(4+SET%):' set initial values
IF XD(J%)<=LIM(2) THEN LIM(2)=XD(J%) ELSE IF XD(J%)>=LIM(3) THEN LIM(3)=XD(J%):' search for xmin and xmax
IF YD(J%)<=LIM(4) THEN LIM(4)=YD(J%) ELSE IF YD(J%)>=LIM(5) THEN LIM(5)=YD(J%):' search for ymin and ymax
' Subroutine to calculate minima and maxima of functions (just for the convenience of the user)
1610 LIM(8)=Y(1):LIM(9)=Y(1):FOR J%=1 TO 400:' set initial values
IF Y(J%)<=LIM(8) THEN LIM(8)=Y(J%) ELSE IF Y(J%)>=LIM(9) THEN LIM(9)=Y(J%):' search for F(x)min and F(x)max
' Subroutine to calculate absolute units from the user units (x-axis horizontal - so called landscape)
' The user units are in variables P (x-value) and Q (y-value) and the plotter absolute units are in variables
' X (x-value) and Y (y-value)
1620 X=X%(0)+((P-LIM(2))/DX)*XSPAN:Y=X%(2)+((Q-LIM(4))/DY)*YSPAN:X$=STR$(X):Y$=STR$(Y):RETURN
' Subroutine to calculate absolute units from user units (x-axis vertical - so called portrait)
' The user units are in variables P (x-value) and Q (y-value) and the plotter absolute units are in variables
' X (x-value) and Y (y-value)
1630 X=X%(0)+(1-(Q-LIM(4))/DY)*XSPAN:Y=X%(2)+((P-LIM(2))/DX)*YSPAN:X$=STR$(X):Y$=STR$(Y):RETURN
' Subroutine to lower the pen at given coordinates
1700 P$="PA"+X$+","+Y$+";PD;":RETURN
' Subroutine to draw a vector (line) from current position to given coordinates
1710 P$="PA"+X$+","+Y$+";":RETURN
' Subroutine to read the limits
1800 F1$="set limits":GOSUB 2000:M%=3:N%=1:GOSUB 1110:M%=22:N%=1
1810 GOSUB 1120:INPUT"Type K to use keyboard, D data-file for plotter set-up: ",A$
1820 GOSUB 1120:LINE INPUT"Filename is ";F$:IF F$="" THEN F$="PLOT0"+MID$(STR$(G%(1)),2,1)+".SET"
FL%=40:GOSUB 1500:GET#1,SET%+1:Q$=R$:FOR J%=0 TO 9:LIM(J%)=CVS(MID$(Q$,1+4*J%,4)):NEXT:CLOSE:RETURN
' Subroutine to record plotting data limits (default file PLOT??.SET)
1830 M%=22:N%=1:GOSUB 1120:LINE INPUT"Filename is ";F$:IF F$="" THEN F$="PLOT0"+MID$(STR$(G%(1)),2,1)+".SET"
' Subroutines to setup the data for plot enhancement
' --------------------------------------------------
' Subroutine to display (fancy) header and the number of the data set in use (useful)
2000 M%=1:N%=1:GOSUB 1120:PRINT"<"+F1$+">":' show the menu in use
N%=40-LEN(H$)/2:GOSUB 1120:PRINT H$:' show the plot option
N%=77-LEN(F2$+STR$(SET%+1)+">"):GOSUB 1120:PRINT F2$;STR$(SET%+1);">":' show the set no.
M%=2:N%=1:GOSUB 1120:PRINT STRING$(77,61):RETURN
' Subroutine to display and change the drawing area
2100 F1$="set drawing area":GOSUB 2000:M%=4:N%=1:GOSUB 1130:' display header and print some notes
PRINT"All the text (incl. labels) is outside the drawing area indicated"
M%=5:N%=1:GOSUB 1130:PRINT"The total graphics area is 285.5 x 203.5mm"
M%=6:GOSUB 1130:PRINT"Suggested plotting areas are as follows:"
M%=8:N%=1:GOSUB 1130:PRINT"------------------------------------------------------"
M%=9:N%=1:GOSUB 1130:PRINT" | x-axis (as on Hewlett-Packard) | default"
M%=10:N%=1:GOSUB 1130:PRINT"margins | horizontal | vertical | vertical* | set"
M%=11:N%=1:GOSUB 1130:PRINT"------------------------------------------------------"
M%=12:N%=1:GOSUB 1130:PRINT"left 55.50 40.00 31.25 "
M%=13:N%=1:GOSUB 1130:PRINT"right 40.00 55.50 134.375 "
M%=14:N%=1:GOSUB 1130:PRINT"bottom 41.00 41.00 37.50 "
M%=15:N%=1:GOSUB 1130:PRINT"top 20.00 20.00 40.625 "
M%=16:N%=1:GOSUB 1130:PRINT" default plotting area is "
M%=17:N%=1:GOSUB 1130:PRINT"note:"
M%=18:N%=1:GOSUB 1130:PRINT" all values in mm"
M%=19:N%=1:GOSUB 1130:PRINT" *) suitable for daisy-wheel printer (text) and plot together"
2105 FOR I%=0 TO 3:M%=12+I%:N%=50:GOSUB 1120:PRINT X%(I%)*.025:NEXT:M%=16:GOSUB 1120:PRINT XSPAN*.025;" x";YSPAN*.025
2110 N%=1:M%=22:GOSUB 1120:INPUT"OK (Y/N)";A$:' setting of the drawing area of the plotter
IF A$="Y" THEN 2160 ELSE IF A$="N" THEN 2120 ELSE 2110
2120 FOR I%=0 to 3:M%=12+I%:MRGN=X%(I%)*.025:N%=50+LEN(STR$(MRGN)):GOSUB 1120:INPUT A$
IF A$<>"" THEN X%(I%)=VAL(A$)/.025
' the FACIT platten is 10880x7640 absolute plotter units while the Hewlett-Packard is 11420x8140. Change to suit.
2160 IF FACIT=0 THEN XSPAN=11420-X%(0)-X%(1):YSPAN=8140-X%(2)-X%(3):FX=XSPAN/11420:FY=YSPAN/8140:RETURN
' Subroutine to display and change plotting limits
2200 F1$="set limits":GOSUB 2000:M%=3:N%=1:GOSUB 1110:M%=4:N%=3:GOSUB 1130:PRINT"Axis intersect at X ="
M%=5:N%=21:GOSUB 1130:PRINT"Y =":M%=6:N%=16:GOSUB 1130:PRINT"X(MIN) =":M%=7:GOSUB 1130:PRINT"X(MAX) ="
M%=8:GOSUB 1130:PRINT"Y(MIN) =":M%=9:GOSUB 1130:PRINT"Y(MAX) =":M%=10:N%=8:GOSUB 1130:PRINT STRING$(62,45)
M%=11:N%=6:GOSUB 1130:PRINT"X-axis divisions =":M%=12:GOSUB 1130:PRINT"Y-axis divisions =":M%=13:N%=8:GOSUB 1130
PRINT STRING$(62,45):M%=14:N%=16:GOSUB 1130:PRINT"F(MIN) =":M%=15:GOSUB 1130:PRINT"F(MAX) =":M%=16:N%=8
GOSUB 1130:PRINT STRING$(62,45):M%=17:N%=1:GOSUB 1130:PRINT"X-axis tick (% above) =":M%=18:N%=13:GOSUB 1130
PRINT"(% below) =":M%=19:N%=1:GOSUB 1130:PRINT"Y-axis tick (% right) =":M%=20:N%=14:GOSUB 1130
PRINT"(% left) =":' end of text display
N%=24:FOR I%=0 TO 13:M%=I%-4*(I%<6)+5*(I%=>6)*(I%<8)+6*(I%=>8)*(I%<10)-7*(I%=>10):' display values
GOSUB 1120:PRINT LIM(I%):NEXT:' end of display of current values of limits
2210 N%=1:M%=22:GOSUB 1130:INPUT"OK (Y/N)";A$:' all limits ok?
IF A$="N"THEN 2220 ELSE IF A$="Y"THEN 2250 ELSE GOSUB 1120:GOTO 2210:' on Y correct the range, ret
2220 N%=24:FOR I%=0 TO 13:M%=I%-4*(I%<6)+5*(I%=>6)*(I%<8)+6*(I%=>8)*(I%<10)-7*(I%=>10):IF I%=8 OR I%=9 THEN 2240
2230 GOSUB 1120:PRINT LIM(I%);:INPUT;A$:IF A$="" THEN 2240:' cr/lf means no change
LIM(I%)=VAL(A$):GOTO 2230:' change the value and go back to display it (and ok'it)t
2240 NEXT:N%=1:M%=22:GOSUB 1120:GOTO 2210:' end of display and change limits subroutine
2250 DX=LIM(3)-LIM(2):DY=LIM(5)-LIM(4):RETURN
' Subroutine to display and change labels, legends, and title
2300 F1$="set labels":GOSUB 2000:' display the header
M%=4:N%=1:GOSUB 1110:PRINT" Multiplication factor, x-axis is";MFX
M%=5:GOSUB 1120:PRINT" y-axis is";MFY
M%=7:GOSUB 1120:PRINT" x-axis is (horiz.=0, vert.=1)";HV
M%=9:GOSUB 1120:PRINT"Label char. size width (% of x-span) is";CFW
M%=10:GOSUB 1120:PRINT" height (% of y-span) is";CFH
M%=22:GOSUB 1110:INPUT"OK (Y)?",A$:IF A$="N" or A$="n" THEN 2310 ELSE 2320
2310 M%=4:N%=41+LEN(STR$(MFX)):GOSUB 1120:INPUT A$:IF A$<>"" THEN MFX=VAL(A$)
M%=5:N%=41+LEN(STR$(MFY)):GOSUB 1120:INPUT A$:IF A$<>"" THEN MFY=VAL(A$)
M%=7:N%=41+LEN(STR$(HV)):GOSUB 1120:INPUT A$:IF A$<>"" THEN HV=VAL(A$)
M%=9:N%=41+LEN(STR$(CFW)):GOSUB 1120:INPUT A$:IF A$<>"" THEN CFW=VAL(A$)
M%=10:N%=41+LEN(STR$(CFH)):GOSUB 1120:INPUT A$:IF A$<>"" THEN CFH=VAL(A$)
GOTO 2300
2320 F1$="set legends":GOSUB 2000
M%=4:N%=1:GOSUB 1110:PRINT" Legend for x-axis is":M%=5:GOSUB 1120:PRINT XX$
M%=7:GOSUB 1120:PRINT" Legend for y-axis is":M%=8:GOSUB 1120:PRINT YY$
M%=10:GOSUB 1120:PRINT"Legend char. size width (% of x-span) is";CLW
M%=11:GOSUB 1120:PRINT" height (% of y-span) is";CLH
M%=22:GOSUB 1110:INPUT"OK (Y)";A$:IF A$="N" or A$="n" THEN 2330 ELSE 2340
2330 M%=4:N%=43:GOSUB 1120:INPUT" [OK (Y)]";A$:IF A$="" THEN 2331 ELSE M%=22:N%=1:GOSUB 1120:LINE INPUT"->";XX$
M%=5:N%=1:GOSUB 1120:PRINT XX$:GOTO 2330
2331 M%=7:N%=43:GOSUB 1120:INPUT" [OK (Y)]";A$:IF A$="" THEN 2332 ELSE M%=22:N%=1:GOSUB 1120:LINE INPUT"->";YY$
M%=8:N%=1:GOSUB 1120:PRINT YY$:GOTO 2331
2332 M%=10:N%=43+LEN(STR$(CLW)):GOSUB 1120:INPUT A$:IF A$="" THEN 2333 ELSE CLW=VAL(A$)
2333 M%=11:N%=43+LEN(STR$(CLH)):GOSUB 1120:INPUT A$:IF A$="" THEN 2320 ELSE CLW=VAL(A$):GOTO 2320
2340 F1$="set title":GOSUB 2000:M%=4:N%=1:GOSUB 1110:PRINT"Title of the graph is"
IF G%(1)=3 THEN OPEN"I",#1,"PLOT03.DOC":GOSUB 2380:Z$(0)=Z$(4)
M%=5:GOSUB 1120:PRINT Z$(0):IF HV=1 THEN 2341 ELSE 2342:' vertical plot can have an additional note
2341 M%=7:GOSUB 1120:PRINT"Additional note has three lines. The first line is":M%=8:GOSUB 1120:PRINT Z$(1)
M%=9:GOSUB 1120:PRINT"The second line is":M%=10:GOSUB 1120:PRINT Z$(2):M%=11:GOSUB 1120:PRINT"The third line is"
M%=12:GOSUB 1120:PRINT Z$(3)
2342 M%=14:GOSUB 1120:PRINT" Title char. size width (% of x-span) is";CTW
M%=15:GOSUB 1120:PRINT" height (% of y-span) is";CTH
M%=16:GOSUB 1120:PRINT"Title justification is (left=0, centered=1)";TJ
M%=22:N%=1:GOSUB 1120:INPUT"OK (Y)";A$:IF A$="N" or A$="n" THEN 2350 ELSE RETURN
2350 M%=4:N%=23:GOSUB 1120:INPUT"[OK (Y)]";A$:IF A$="" THEN 2351 ELSE M%=22:N%=1:GOSUB 1120:LINE INPUT"->";Z$(0)
M%=5:N%=1:GOSUB 1120:PRINT Z$(0):GOTO 2350:' write over the old title text
2351 IF HV=1 THEN 2352 ELSE 2360:' switch for vertical or horizontal x-axis (as for number of note lines)
2352 M%=7:N%=53:GOSUB 1120:INPUT"[OK (Y)]";A$:IF A$="" THEN 2353 ELSE M%=22:N%=1:GOSUB 1120:LINE INPUT"->";Z$(1)
M%=8:N%=1:GOSUB 1120:PRINT Z$(1):GOTO 2352:' write new text over the old one
2353 M%=9:N%=20:GOSUB 1120:INPUT"[OK (Y)]";A$:IF A$="" THEN 2354 ELSE M%=22:N%=1:GOSUB 1120:LINE INPUT"->";Z$(2)
M%=10:N%=1:GOSUB 1120:PRINT Z$(2):GOTO 2353:' write new text over the old one
2354 M%=11:N%=21:GOSUB 1120:INPUT"[OK (Y)]";A$:IF A$="" THEN 2360 ELSE M%=22:N%=1:GOSUB 1120:line INPUT"->";Z$(3)
M%=12:N%=1:GOSUB 1120:PRINT Z$(3):GOTO 2354:' write new text over the old one
2360 M%=14:N%=45+LEN(STR$(CTW)):GOSUB 1120:INPUT A$:IF A$<>"" THEN CTW=VAL(A$)
M%=15:N%=45+LEN(STR$(CTH)):GOSUB 1120:INPUT A$:IF A$<>"" THEN CTH=VAL(A$)
M%=16:N%=45+LEN(STR$(TJ)):GOSUB 1120:INPUT A$:IF A$<>"" THEN TJ=VAL(A$)
GOTO 2340:' repeat the routine using the new data
2380 FOR I%=1 TO 8:INPUT#1,A$:IF SET%+1=I% THEN Z$(4)=A$:' susub to read regression models data strings
' Subroutine to display and change symbol for drawing of experimental points errors
2500 F1$="error symbol set":GOSUB 2000:era=0:M%=3:N%=1:GOSUB 1110:'display the header and clear the screen
M%=4:N%=1:GOSUB 1120:INPUT"When drawing experimental points, include rel. error (N)";A$
IF A$="Y" or A$="y" THEN 2510 ELSE 2550
2510 ERA=1:M%=6:GOSUB 1130:PRINT"The error can be entered as an average error of the set, or as"
M%=7:GOSUB 1130:PRINT" error of each individual point."
2520 M%=9:GOSUB 1120:INPUT"Type 0 for average, 1 for individual errors: ",A$:IF VAL(A$)<>0 and VAL(A$)<>1 THEN 2520
IF VAL(A$)=0 THEN 2530 ELSE 2540
2530 M%=11:N%=1:GOSUB 1130:INPUT"Average rel. error of x-values is ",EX(0):' as percentage
M%=12:N%=1:GOSUB 1130:INPUT"Average rel. error of y-values is ",EY(0):' as percentage
FOR I%=1 TO G%(4+SET%):EX(I%)=EX(0):EY(I%)=EY(0):NEXT:RETURN:' all error are the same
2540 M%=11:N%=1:GOSUB 1130:LINE INPUT"The name of data file containing error values is",A$
IF A$="" THEN GOSUB 1110:GOTO 2500:' start the routine again when at loss
F$=A$:FL%=4:GOSUB 1500:GOSUB 1520:RETURN:' get individual errors from a file
2550 M%=4:N%=1:GOSUB 1110:M%=6:GOSUB 1130:INPUT"Symbol for the points: ",A$:IF A$="" THEN 2550 ELSE SM=ASC(A$)
2560 M%=8:N%=1:GOSUB 1120:PRINT"Char. size, width (% x-span): ";CMW;:INPUT;A$
IF A$="" THEN 2570 ELSE CMW=VAL(A$):GOTO 2560
2570 M%=9:N%=1:GOSUB 1120:PRINT"Char. size, height (% x-span): ";CMH;:INPUT;A$
IF A$="" THEN 2580 ELSE CMH=VAL(A$):GOTO 2570
2580 M%=22:N%=1:GOSUB 1120:INPUT"OK (Y)";A$:IF A$="N" or A$="n" THEN 2250 ELSE RETURN
' Subroutine to display and change line types and pen velocity
2600 F1$="line type set":GOSUB 2000:M%=3:N%=1:GOSUB 1110:M%=5:GOSUB 1130
PRINT"Line types that can be used to plot functions:"
M%=7:N%=8:GOSUB 1130:PRINT"Solid line (type 0)":M%=8:GOSUB 1130:PRINT"Dotted line (type 1)"
M%=9:GOSUB 1130:PRINT"Dashed line (type 2)":M%=10:GOSUB 1130:PRINT"Dotted/dashed line (type 3)"
2610 M%=12:N%=1:GOSUB 1120:INPUT"Line type";A$:IF A$="" THEN 2610 ELSE LT=VAL(A$)
IF LT<0 OR LT>3 THEN 2610 ELSE IF LT=3 THEN LT=5:' our pattern no. 3 is HP pattern no. 5!
IF LT>0 THEN 2620 ELSE LT$="LT;":GOTO 2630:' solid line (no parameters)
2620 M%=14:N%=1:GOSUB 1120:INPUT"Pattern length (default is 4% of x-span)";A$
IF PL<1 OR PL>60 THEN 2620 ELSE LT$="LT"+STR$(LT)+","+STR$(PL)+";"
2630 F1$="pen velocity set":GOSUB 2000:M%=3:N%=1:GOSUB 1110:M%=5:GOSUB 1130
PRINT"Pen velocity settings":M%=7:N%=8:GOSUB 1130:PRINT"1. Low velocity (ink pen)":M%=9:GOSUB 1130
PRINT"2. Medium velocity (fiber pen)":M%=11:GOSUB 1130:PRINT"3. High velocity (ball pen)":M%=13:GOSUB 1130
PRINT"(default velocity is LOW)":M%=22:N%=1:GOSUB 1110:INPUT"Type the velocity number (or RETURN for default): ",A$
' Subroutine to change the pen (called during program execution)
2700 M%=3:N%=1:GOSUB 1110:M%=5:GOSUB 1130:PRINT"Colour pens available on FACIT plotter are as follows:"
M%=7:N%=1:GOSUB 1130:PRINT"Black (type 1 or RETURN)":M%=8:GOSUB 1130:PRINT"Red (type 2)"
M%=9:GOSUB 1130:PRINT"Green (type 3)":M%=10:GOSUB 1130:PRINT"Blue (type 4)"
M%=11:GOSUB 1130:PRINT"Orange (type 5)":M%=12:GOSUB 1130:PRINT"Brown (type 6)"
2710 M%=22:N%=1:GOSUB 1120:INPUT"Colour no.: ",A$:IF A$="" THEN SP$="SP1;" ELSE IF VAL(A$)<1 OR VAL(A$)>6 THEN 2710
SP$="SP"+A$+";":F1$=temp$:GOSUB 2000:M%=3:N%=1:GOSUB 1110:' change the header, clear screen
' Subroutines to control the plotter
' ----------------------------------
' Subroutine to send initialization command string to the plotter
' The initial points are set here at the maximum, however, it is not necessary to follow that and the initial
' points can be set lower.
3000 GOSUB 1000:IF FACIT=0 THEN P$="IN;DF;IP0,0,11420,8140;VS"+STR$(VS%)+";":GOSUB 3050:RETURN:' init to HP (defaults)
P$="IN;DF;IP0,0,10880,7640;VS"+STR$(VS%)+";":GOSUB 3050:RETURN:' init command to FACIT plotter (defaults)
' Subroutine to specify the output and pause before the plot
' output to plotter or user specified SEQUENTIAL data file. For multiple (fancy) plots the user has to supply
' different file names (and join the files outside this program for continuous plot).
3010 GOSUB 3100:M%=22:N%=1:GOSUB 1120:INPUT"Change plotting paper, press ENTER when ready!",A$:RETURN
' Subroutine to move with pen up
3020 ON HV+1 GOSUB 1620,1630:GOSUB 1710:GOSUB 3050:RETURN
' Subroutine to move with pen down
3030 ON HV+1 GOSUB 1620,1630:GOSUB 1700:GOSUB 3050:RETURN
' Subroutine to end the plotting and close $PLOT.PLT
3040 P$="PU;PA11420,8140;":GOSUB 3050:CLOSE:PD%=0:DF%=0:RETURN:' close $PLOT.PLT, reset flags
' Subroutine to direct output command string to plotter or to data file or to both
3050 IF PD%=1 THEN GOSUB 4200 ELSE GOSUB 3200:GOSUB 4200:' avoid plot from data file into data file
' Subroutine to set the flag of output command string to data file only or to a default data file and the plotter
3100 PD%=0:CLOSE:F1$="program output":GOSUB 2000:M%=3:N%=1:GOSUB 1110:'display header, clear screen
3101 M%=22:N%=1:GOSUB 1120:INPUT"Output to P)lotter or D)ata file";A$
IF A$<>"P" and A$<>"D" THEN 3100
IF A$="P" THEN FF$="$PLOT.PLT":PD%=0:RETURN:' default temporary data file to store command lines
IF A$="D" THEN PD%=1:GOSUB 1120:LINE INPUT"Filename is ";FF$:IF FF$="" THEN FF$="$PLOT.PLT"
' Subroutine to send a command string to the plotter (set for x-on/x-off handshake protocol)
' Comment OUT that part of this subroutine that is not relevant to your system. The label of the subroutine
' is always 3200 and the RETURN statement is at the very end of this subroutine.
'3200 LPRINT P$:' for those who are using parallel connection or when the system does the handshake
' The following is for Z80 SIO, status port is 133, data 132. Change to suit to your system.
3200 FOR L%=1 TO LEN(P$):' start the data send loop
3210 S%=INP(STATP%):' read RR0, 0 = rec buffer empty, 1 = full
IF (S% AND 1)=0 THEN 3230:' send char if rec buff empty
3220 D%=INP(DATP%):' read char from the rec buffer
IF D%=19 THEN 3220:' it is X-off char, so loop
IF D%=17 THEN 3230:' it is X-on char, so send another char
OUT(STATP%),48:GOTO 3210:' reset on all other chars (incl err) and go for more
3230 IF (S% AND 4)=0 THEN 3210:' transmit buffer not empty, so loop
3240 OUT(DATP%),ASC(MID$(P$,L%,1)):NEXT:' send a char of the string
' The following is for the 8251 UART, status port is 89, data 88. Change to suit your system.
'3200 IF(INP(STATP%) AND 2)=0 THEN 3210:' is there a Rx char? jump if not
' C%=INP(DATP%):IF C%=17 THEN C%=0 ELSE IF C%=19 THEN C%=1:' Rx char into a variable
'3210 IF C%<>0 THEN 3200 ELSE 3220:' loop if x-off
'3220 FOR L%=1 to LEN(P$):' start sending data
'3230 IF(INP(STATP%) AND 1)=0 THEN 3230 ELSE OUT(DATP%),ASC(MID$(P$,L%,1)):NEXT:' loop if trans buffer full else transmit
RETURN:' return gracefully when all send (the very END of this subroutine)
' Subroutine to draw axis and axis labels
3300 F1$="draw axis and labels":GOSUB 2000:M%=3:N%=1:GOSUB 1110:M%=22:N%=1:GOSUB 1120:INPUT"Draw axis (Y)";A$
IF A$="N" OR A$="n" THEN RETURN ELSE GOSUB 1120:' last chance to do axis and now for the optional labels
INPUT"Label axis (Y)";A$:IF A$="N" or A$="n" THEN LBL=0 ELSE LBL=1:' will draw axis with or without labels
GOSUB 2700:GOSUB 2000:P$=SP$+"SR"+STR$(CFW)+","+STR$(CFH)+";":GOSUB 3050:' end of common for both routines
IF HV=1 THEN 3310 ELSE TA=LIM(10)*FY:' branch for "portrait" or continue with "landscape" - no ROT function used
TB=LIM(11)*FY:P$="DI1,0;TL"+STR$(TA)+","+STR$(TB)+";":GOSUB 3050:YT=LIM(1):FOR I%=0 TO LIM(6)
IF LBL=1 THEN P$=P$+"CP"+STR$(-LEN(STR$(XLB))/2)+",-.95;LB"+STR$(XLB)+CHR$(3):' add label if required
GOSUB 3050:P=XT:Q=YT:GOSUB 3030:NEXT:TA=LIM(12)*FX:TB=LIM(13)*FX:P$="PU;TL"+STR$(TA)+","+STR$(TB)+";":GOSUB 3050
IF LBL=1 THEN P$=P$+"CP"+STR$(-LEN(STR$(YLB))-2)+",-.3;LB"+STR$(YLB)+CHR$(3):' add label if required
GOSUB 3050:P=XT:Q=YT:GOSUB 3030:NEXT:P$="PU;":GOSUB 3050
RETURN:' end of x-axis horizontal routine
3310 TA=LIM(13)*FX:TB=LIM(12)*FX:P$="DI0,1;TL"+STR$(TA)+","+STR$(TB)+";":GOSUB 3050:YT=LIM(1):FOR I%=0 TO LIM(6)
IF LBL=1 THEN P$=P$+"CP"+STR$(-LEN(STR$(XLB))/2)+",-.95;LB"+STR$(XLB)+CHR$(3):' add label if required
GOSUB 3050:P=XT:Q=YT:GOSUB 3030:NEXT:TA=FY*LIM(10):TB=FY*LIM(11):P$="PU;TL"+STR$(TA)+","+STR$(TB)+";":GOSUB 3050
IF LBL=1 THEN P$=P$+"CP"+STR$(-LEN(STR$(YLB))-2)+",-.3;LB"+STR$(YLB)+CHR$(3):' add label if required
GOSUB 3050:P=XT:Q=YT:GOSUB 3030:NEXT:P$="PU;":GOSUB 3050
RETURN:' end of x-axis vertical routine
' Subroutine to draw a function curve
3400 F1$="draw curve":GOSUB 2000:M%=3:N%=1:GOSUB 1110
IF G%(1)=1 THEN GOSUB 3800:RETURN:' draw line between points
M%=22:N%=1:GOSUB 1120:INPUT"Plot function (Y)";A$:IF A$="N" or A$="n" THEN RETURN
GOSUB 2700:P$=LT$+SP$:GOSUB 3050:FOR I%=1 TO 400:P=X(I%):Q=Y(I%):' check if curve is within the axis frame
IF P>=LIM(2) THEN IF P<=LIM(3) THEN IF Q>=LIM(4) THEN IF Q<=LIM(5) THEN GOSUB 3030 ELSE GOSUB 3020:' skip if not
' Subroutine to draw axis legends (if any)
3500 F1$="legends":GOSUB 2000:M%=3:N%=1:GOSUB 1110:M%=22:N%=1:GOSUB 1120:INPUT"Plot legend (Y)";A$
IF A$="N" or A$="n" THEN RETURN:' conditionally plot axis legend
IF XX$="" THEN 3510 ELSE GOSUB 2700:P$=SP$+"SR"+STR$(CLW)+","+STR$(CLH)+";":GOSUB 3050:P=LIM(2)+DX/2:Q=LIM(4)
ON HV+1 GOSUB 1620,1630:GOSUB 1710:IF HV=0 THEN P$=P$+"DI1,0;CP" ELSE P$=P$+"DI0,1;CP":' x-axis (horiz./vert.)
P$=P$+STR$(0-LEN(XX$)/2)+",-3;LB"+XX$+CHR$(3):GOSUB 3050:' draw legend
3510 IF YY$="" THEN RETURN ELSE GOSUB 2700:P=LIM(2):Q=LIM(4)+DY/2:ON HV+1 GOSUB 1620,1630:GOSUB 1710:' centered
IF HV=0 THEN P$=P$+SP$+"DI0,1;CP" ELSE P$=P$+SP$+"DI-1,0;CP":' according to x-axis (horiz./vert.)
P$=P$+STR$(0-LEN(YY$)/2)+",5;LB"+YY$+CHR$(3):GOSUB 3050:RETURN
' Subroutine to draw title and explanatory notes
3600 F1$="title":GOSUB 2000:M%=3:N%=1:GOSUB 1110:M%=22:N%=1:GOSUB 1120:INPUT"Plot title (Y)";A$
IF A$="N" OR A$="n" THEN RETURN:' plot title and notes if wanted
IF HV=0 AND Z$(0)="" THEN RETURN ELSE IF Z$(0)="" THEN 3610 ELSE 3605:' no title but we have notes
3605 GOSUB 2700:P$=SP$+"SR"+STR$(CTW)+","+STR$(CTH)+";":GOSUB 3050:P=LIM(2)+TJ*DX/2:Q=LIM(4):ON HV+1 GOSUB 1620,1630
GOSUB 1710:IF HV=0 THEN P$=P$+"DI1,0;CP" ELSE P$=P$+"DI0,1;CP"
P$=P$+STR$(0-TJ*LEN(Z$(0))/2)+",-5;LB"+Z$(0)+CHR$(3):GOSUB 3050:IF HV=0 THEN RETURN
3610 F1$="notes":GOSUB 2000:GOSUB 2700:P$=SP$+"SR"+STR$(CLW)+","+STR$(CLH)+";":GOSUB 3050:P=LIM(2):Q=LIM(4)
ON HV+1 GOSUB 1620,1630:GOSUB 1710:O$=P$+"DI0,1;CP0,":' branch for horizontal or vertical x-axis
FOR I%=1 TO 3:IF Z$(I%)="" THEN 3620:' do not sent empty strings to plotter
P$=O$+STR$(-5-I%)+";LB"+Z$(I%)+CHR$(3):GOSUB 3050:' plot content of notes string
' Subroutine to plot experimental points
3700 F1$="data points":GOSUB 2000:M%=3:N%=1:GOSUB 1110:M%=22:N%=1:GOSUB 1120:INPUT"Plot points (Y)";A$
IF A$="N" OR A$="n" THEN RETURN:' conditionally plot experimental points
IF ERA=1 THEN GOSUB 3900:RETURN:' should experimental data plot include experimental errors, then skip following
IF HV=0 THEN P$="DI1,0;" ELSE P$="DI0,1;":GOSUB 3050:' correct direction of points symbol (H/V)
GOSUB 2700:P$=P$+SP$+"SR"+STR$(CMW)+","+STR$(CMH)+";SM"+CHR$(SM)+";":GOSUB 3050:FOR I%=1 TO G%(4+SET%):P=XD(I%)
' Subroutine to connect experimental points by line
3800 M%=22:N%=1:GOSUB 1120:INPUT"Connect points by line (Y)";A$:IF A$="N" or A$="n" THEN RETURN:' only if required
GOSUB 2700:IF LT=0 THEN P$="LT;"+SP$ ELSE P$="LT"+STR$(LT)+","+STR$(PL)+";"+SP$
GOSUB 3050:FOR I%=1 TO G%(4+SET%):P=XD(I%):Q=YD(I%):GOSUB 3030
' Subroutine to draw experimental points with their errors (draws a rectangle around the point)
3900 F1$="exptl errors":GOSUB 2000:GOSUB 2700:P$=SP$+"LT;":GOSUB 3050:FOR I%=1 TO G%(4+SET%):P=XD(I%)-EX(I%)
Q=YD(I%)-EY(I%):GOSUB 3030:P=XD(I%)+EX(I%):GOSUB 3030:Q=YD(I%)+EY(I%):GOSUB 3030:P=XD(I%)-EX(I%):GOSUB 3030
Q=YD(I%)-EY(I%):GOSUB 3030:P$="PU;":GOSUB 3050:NEXT:P$="PU;":GOSUB 3050:M%=22:N%=1:GOSUB 1120
INPUT"Put little crosses in (Y)";A$:IF A$="N" or A$="n" THEN RETURN:' we can put + in the middle
GOSUB 2700:P$=SP$+"SR"+STR$(CFW)+","+STR$(CFH)+";SM+;":GOSUB 3050:FOR I%=1 TO G%(4+SET%):P=XD(I%):Q=YD(I%)
' Subroutine to display the after plot menu (again?, save plot?, new data?, new-set?, exit?)
4000 GOSUB 1100:M%=3:N%=8:IF PD%=0 THEN GOSUB 1120:PRINT"- to repeat the same plot, type A,"
M%=5:GOSUB 1120:PRINT"- to plot next set of data, type S,":' stay with this program
M%=7:GOSUB 1120:PRINT"- to change the plotter, type P,":' to change plotters
M%=9:GOSUB 1120:PRINT"- to enter new data, type D,":' chain the data entry program
M%=11:GOSUB 1120:PRINT"- to exit this program, type X,":' back to the operating system
4010 M%=22:N%=1:GOSUB 1120:INPUT"Your choice";A$:
IF PD%=1 THEN IF A$="A" THEN 4010:' to avoid plotting from file into file
IF A$="A" THEN GOSUB 4100:GOTO 4000::' read from default file
IF A$="S" THEN RETURN:' because when plotting then the command lines are stored in default file $PLOT.PLT
IF A$="P" THEN GOTO 6000:' start this program all over again
IF A$="D" THEN G%(0)=0:F$="PLOT.FLG":FL%=2:GOSUB 1500:GOSUB 1540:CHAIN "PLOT.COM":' chain to data entry program
GOTO 4010
' Subroutine to plot from the SEQUENTIONAL data file (from either default $PLOT.PLT or given data file)
4100 OPEN"I",#2,FF$:PDF%=1:' open sequentional data file for input, set plot-data-file flag
4110 INPUT#2,Q$:IF MID$(Q$,1,2)="SP" THEN GOSUB 4120:' change pen on HP, no need for FACIT to stop
P$=Q$:GOSUB 3200:IF EOF(2) THEN 4130 ELSE 4110:' command string to plotter, check if end of file
4120 INPUT"Change pen, then press ENTER to continue!",A$:P$=CHR$(27)+".(":GOSUB 3200:RETURN:' break, then plotter ON
4130 CLOSE:PDF%=0:RETURN:' close the file, reset flag and return
' Subroutine to store command lines for the plotter in SEQUENTIONAL data file
4200 IF PDF%=1 THEN RETURN:' we are plotting from a data file (psssible from user-defined-function option)
IF DF%=0 THEN OPEN"O",#2,FF$:DF%=1:' open seq data file for output
WRITE#2,P$:RETURN:' this file will be closed elsewhere
' The MAIN section of this program
' ================================
6000 F$="PLOT.FLG":FL%=2:GOSUB 1500:GOSUB 1530:' info filename, rec. length, open info. file, read data (flags)
GOSUB 1100:M%=22:N%=1:GOSUB 1130:INPUT"Continue with the plotter routine? (Y)",A$:IF A$="N" THEN END
6010 FACIT=0:GOSUB 1100:M%=22:N%=1:GOSUB 1130:INPUT"Plotter is HP (Y/N)";A$:IF A$<>"Y" AND A$<>"N" THEN 6010
IF A$="N" THEN 6020 ELSE 6030
6020 FACIT=1:X%(0)=2220:X%(1)=1600:X%(2)=1640:X%(3)=800:XSPAN=10880-X%(0)-X%(1):YSPAN=7640-X%(2)-X%(3):FY=YSPAN/7640
FX=XSPAN/10880:GOTO 6050:' default FACIT
6030 X%(0)=1250:X%(1)=5375:X%(2)=1500:X%(3)=1625:XSPAN=11420-X%(0)-X%(1):YSPAN=8140-X%(2)-X%(3):FY=YSPAN/8140
FX=XSPAN/11420:FACIT=0:' default HP
6050 ON G%(1) GOTO 6100,6200,6300,6400:' set HP plotter and serial port, what-to-plot flag branching
' routine to plot experimental points and connect these, if required, by a line
6100 GOSUB 1100:F$="PLOT.$$$":FL%=4:GOSUB 1500:' cls, plotter or file?, open experimental data file
6110 M%=22:N%=1:GOSUB 1120:PRINT"There are";G%(3);:INPUT"sets of data. Do data set no.: ",A$:A=VAL(A$)
IF A<1 OR A>G%(3) THEN 6110 ELSE SET%=A-1:GOSUB 1510:GOSUB 1600:GOSUB 1100:GOSUB 1800:GOSUB 1300
' read data file, calc min and max, cls, read lims, do plotter setup routine
6120 GOSUB 1200:' repeat=back to start / plot=abbreviated routine / save=limits for plot, return
IF A$="R" THEN 6100 ELSE IF A$="P" THEN 6130 ELSE IF A$<>"S" THEN 6120 ELSE IF A$="S" THEN GOSUB 1830:GOTO 6120
6130 GOSUB 1400:GOTO 6100:' plot and return to the start, end of points/points-line routine
' plot spline functions routine
6200 GOSUB 1100:F$="PLOT.$$$":FL%=4:GOSUB 1500:SET%=0:GOSUB 1510:GOSUB 1600:' read data points, calc. lims
6210 M%=22:N%=1:GOSUB 1120:INPUT"To plot F(X) type F, F'(X) type D1, F''(X) type D2: ",A$
IF A$="F" THEN SET%=0 ELSE IF A$="D1" THEN SET%=1 ELSE IF A$="D2" THEN SET%=2 ELSE 6210:' what to plot
F$="PLOT02.DAT":FL%=4:GOSUB 1500:GOSUB 1550:GOSUB 1610:GOSUB 1800:GOSUB 1300
' read data file, calc min and max, cls, read lims, do plotter setup routine, do plot
6220 GOSUB 1200:' repeat=back to start / plot=abbreviated routine / save=limits for plot, return
IF A$="R" THEN 6210 ELSE IF A$="P" THEN 6230 ELSE IF A$<>"S" THEN 6220 ELSE IF A$="S" THEN GOSUB 1830:GOTO 6220
6230 GOSUB 1400:GOTO 6210:' plot and return to the start, end of plot spline routine
' family regression analysis routine
6300 GOSUB 1100:SET%=0:F$="PLOT.$$$":FL%=4:GOSUB 1500:GOSUB 1510:GOSUB 1600:' read data, calc min/max
FOR I%=5 TO 11:G%(I%)=G%(4):NEXT:' the SET% is pointer for model no. as well as for data set no. (1 set allowed)
6310 GOSUB 1100:F1$="regression models":GOSUB 2000:open"I",#1,"PLOT03.DOC":' display header, read regression file
M%=4:N%=1:GOSUB 1120:PRINT"1. model y = A + B*x":M%=5:N%=6:GOSUB 1120:INPUT#1,A$:PRINT A$
M%=6:N%=1:GOSUB 1120:PRINT"2. model y = A + B/x":M%=7:N%=6:GOSUB 1120:INPUT#1,A$:PRINT A$
M%=8:N%=1:GOSUB 1120:PRINT"3. model 1/y = A + B/x":M%=9:N%=6:GOSUB 1120:INPUT#1,A$:PRINT A$
M%=10:N%=1:GOSUB 1120:PRINT"4. model y = A + B*(x^.5)":M%=11:N%=6:GOSUB 1120:INPUT#1,A$:PRINT A$
M%=12:N%=1:GOSUB 1120:PRINT"5. model y = A*EXP(B*x)":M%=13:N%=6:GOSUB 1120:INPUT#1,A$:PRINT A$
M%=14:N%=1:GOSUB 1120:PRINT"6. model y = A*x^B":M%=15:N%=6:GOSUB 1120:INPUT#1,A$:PRINT A$
M%=16:N%=1:GOSUB 1120:PRINT"7. model y = A + B*LN(x)":M%=17:N%=6:GOSUB 1120:INPUT#1,A$:PRINT A$
M%=18:N%=1:GOSUB 1120:PRINT"8. model y = A + B*x + C*x^2":M%=19:N%=6:GOSUB 1120:INPUT#1,A$:PRINT A$:CLOSE
6320 M%=22:N%=1:GOSUB 1120:INPUT"Plot model number ",A$:A=VAL(A$):IF A<1 OR A>8 THEN 6320 ELSE SET%=A-1
F$="PLOT03.DAT":FL%=4:GOSUB 1500:GOSUB 1550:GOSUB 1610:GOSUB 1800:GOSUB 1300:' get all the data (KB or DF)
6330 GOSUB 1200:' repeat=back to start / plot=abbreviated routine / save=limits for plot, return
IF A$="R" THEN 6310 ELSE IF A$="P" THEN 6340 ELSE IF A$<>"S" THEN 6330 ELSE GOSUB 1830:GOTO 6330
6340 GOSUB 1400:GOTO 6310:' conditional plot routine, end of family regression analysis plot
' user function routine
6400 GOSUB 1100:M%=22:N%=1:GOSUB 1120:INPUT"Plot from data file (Y/)";A$:IF A$="Y" THEN 6410 ELSE 6420
6410 GOSUB 1120:LINE INPUT"Filename is ";A$:IF A$="" THEN 6400 ELSE FF$=A$:PD%=1:GOSUB 4100:GOTO 6400:' plot from a file
6420 M%=22:N%=1:GOSUB 1120:INPUT"Plot function for set no.: ",A$:' up to 8 data sets, each 400 points
A=VAL(A$):IF A<1 OR A>8 THEN 6420:' no check for valid set
SET%=A-1:F$="PLOT.$$$":FL%=4:GOSUB 1500:GOSUB 1510:GOSUB 1600:' get experimental points, calc. min and max
F$="PLOT04.DAT":GOSUB 1500:GOSUB 1550:GOSUB 1610:' get function points, calculate min and max
6430 GOSUB 1300:' call plotter setup routine (plot limits, enhancements, etc.)
6440 GOSUB 1200:' repeat=back to start / plot=abbreviated routine / save=limits for plot, return
IF A$="R" THEN 6430 ELSE IF A$="P" THEN 6450 ELSE IF A$<>"S" THEN 6440 ELSE GOSUB 1830:GOTO 6440
6450 GOSUB 1400:GOTO 6400:' conditional plot routine, end of user's function plot