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- .op
- ..MORSETXT.MAN for v1.0 --CHR$(13)25AUG85 Manual File edit 02JUL86
- ..
- ***----MORSETXT.COM v1.0-----***
- * *
- * International Morse Code *
- * transmitter for text files *
- * via an RS-232 control line *
- * for CP/M 2.2 & compatible *
- * computers *
- * *
- ***-- --CHR$(13)23AUG85------***
- Topics: WordStar
- printed page:
- 1. Introduction an overview 1
- a. Why I wrote this 1
- b. What it can do 1
- c. What you'll need to use it 2
- 2. Defaults the command characters 2
- a. Sending speed 3
- b. Alphabet expansion 3
- c. White space extension 4
- d. Pretty flag 6
- 3. Modes the major program functions 6
- a. Sending 6
- b. Console command 7
- c. Console filename entry 7
- d. Morse keyboard loop 8
- e. Ditrate test mode 8
- 4. Installation the overlay, and beyond 9
- a. Hardware 9
- b. About speakers 9
- c. Software 9
- d. Codespeed 9
- e. Beyond the overlay 10
- 5. Operation Simple User's Manual 11
- 6. Use hints, better sounds, etc. 16
- a. Novice 16
- b. General 17
- c. Extra 18
- d. High-speed use 18
- 7. Character Map use this when you write practice-copy 21
- or patch the conversion table
- 8. Library List what's in this MORSETXT.LBR as released 22
- 9. Beyond room for improvements 23
- .paè.pn1
- .he MORSETXT.MAN for v1.0 --CHR$(13)09SEP85edit Manual File -#-
- 1. Introduction
- a. Why I wrote this...
- ╔á wrotσá MORSETX╘ t∩ ge⌠ m∙ codespeeΣá up¼á b∙á havinτá thσ ì
- compute≥á reaΣ tex⌠ file≤ t∩ mσ whilσ m∙ hand≤ werσ bus∙ (washinτ ì
- dishes¼á iµ yo⌡ mus⌠ know¼á ugh)«
- .cp3
- It'≤á ßá lo⌠á easie≥á t∩ writσ practicσá cop∙á witΦá VD╧á o≥ ì
- WordSta≥ thaε i⌠ i≤ t∩ si⌠ dowε anΣ recorΣ ß cop∙ tape¼ eveε witΦ ì
- Benche≥ paddles¼ anΣ thσ computer'≤ fis⌠ i≤ ß lo⌠ les≤ sloppy«
- .cp7
- Too¼á therσ arσ ß lo⌠ oµ file≤ ou⌠ oε thσ BB╙ system≤ tha⌠ ╔ ì
- haven'⌠ memorizeΣ t∩ thσ poin⌠ oµ uselessness¼á wherea≤ ╔ usuall∙ ì
- kno≈á ß tapσ almos⌠ b∙ hear⌠ wheε ╔ ge⌠ donσ recordinτ i⌠ (anΣá ╔ ì
- losσá m∙ head-cop∙ wheε ╔ wincσ a⌠ m∙á played-bacδá botches)«á Iµ ì
- it'≤á no⌠ to∩ cryptic¼á almos⌠ an∙ messagσ filσ caε bσ gooΣá cop∙ ì
- practice. ì
- .cp7
- MORSETX╘ caε bσ useΣ t∩ begiε learninτ thσ code¼ too« Iµ thσ ì
- ideßá oµ packe⌠ radi∩ ha≤ gotteε yo⌡ exciteΣ abou⌠ amateu≥ radio¼ ì
- perhap≤ m∙ prograφ prox∙ caε hel≡ yo⌡ ge⌠ you≥ Techniciaε licensσ ì
- s∩á yo⌡á caεá swa≡ file≤ witΦ peoplσ (acros≤ thσ globσá wheεá yo⌡ ì
- upgradσá t∩á General⌐ withou⌠ runninτ u≡ ß lo⌠á oµá long-distancσ ì
- charges«
- You haven't heard about packet yet?
- .cp7
- b. What it can do...
- MORSETX╘á read≤ iε tex⌠ files¼á recorΣ b∙ record¼á anΣ send≤ ì
- theφ ou⌠ characte≥ b∙ characte≥ a≤ Internationa∞ Morsσ Codσá (thσ ì
- kinΣ ham≤ use)« A≤ eacΦ characte≥ i≤ sen⌠ out¼ i⌠ i≤ addeΣ t∩ thσ ì
- TYPE-stylσ displa∙ oε thσ screen«
- .cp5
- Thσá filename.ty≡á giveε caεá bσá ambiguous╗á MORSETX╘á wil∞ ì
- expanΣá i⌠á ou⌠á witΦ BDO╙ Search-For-Firs⌠á anΣá Search-For-Nex⌠ ì
- calls¼á anΣ senΣ al∞ thσ file≤ tha⌠ match¼á iε thσ orde≥ iε whicΦ ì
- BDO╙ find≤ them.
- .cp5
- Thσá giveε filenamσ caε bσ tha⌠ oµ ß SUBMI╘á file«á MORSETX╘ ì
- wil∞ reaΣ iε thσ SU┬ filσ containinτ ß lis⌠ oµ othe≥ files¼á theε ì
- senΣá theφ ou⌠ onσ b∙ one«á An∙ command≤ (discusseΣ below⌐ iε thσ ì
- SU┬ filσ line≤ wil∞ bσ implementeΣ a≤ the∙ arσ encountered.
- .cp6
- MORSETX╘á caεá bσá interrupteΣá a⌠á an∙á timσá t∩á accep⌠á ß ì
- replacemen⌠ lis⌠ oµ filename≤ anΣ commands« Again¼ ambiguou≤ filσ ì
- specifier≤ wil∞ bσ expandeΣ wheε encountereΣ anΣ SUBfile≤ wil∞ bσ ì
- copieΣá in¼á thougΦ the∙ wil∞ displacσ thσ res⌠ oµ thσ lis⌠ a≤á ß ì
- result.
- .cp5
- MORSETX╘á als∩á contain≤á ßá direc⌠á console-to-Morsσá loop« ì
- Thi≤ effectivel∙ operate≤ a≤ aε unbuffereΣ keyboarΣá keyer«á Thi≤ ì
- caεá bσá invokeΣ iε thσ middlσ oµ ß filσ witΦá ßá keystroke¼á anΣ ì
- dismissed back to continue sending the file with another.
- .cp6è Onσá oµá thσá possiblσ command≤ MORSETX╘á accept≤á i≤á "loo≡ ì
- forever"«á WitΦá thi≤á anΣ thσ othe≥ capabilities¼á MORSETX╘á caε ì
- spenΣá eternit∙ sendinτ thσ filσ content≤ oµ ever∙ disδá iεá you≥ ì
- system¼ ove≥ anΣ over¼ iµ yo⌡ s∩ desire¼ witΦ ß differen⌠ sendinτ ì
- rate for each one.
- .cp4
- c. What you'll need to use it...
- Thσ prograφ contain≤ onl∙ 808░ code¼á s∩ i⌠ run≤ iε an∙ CP/═ ì
- 2.▓ compatiblσ environment«á
- .cp5
- I⌠á doe≤ requirσ somσ equate-settinτ and/o≥ overla∙á writinτ ì
- t∩á se⌠á up«á ┴ samplσ overla∙ filσ i≤ iε thi≤ librar∙á fo≥á tha⌠ ì
- purpose«áá Modif∙áá thσá overla∙á filσá t∩á mee⌠á you≥á machine'≤ ì
- requirements¼ assemblσ i⌠ anΣ usσ MLOAD¼ DDT¼ o≥ SI─ t∩ integratσ ì
- i⌠ int∩ MORSETXT.CO═ itself«
- .cp4
- Thσá COMfilσá itselµ i≤ se⌠ u≡ fo≥ thσ Ampr∩á Littlσá Board« ì
- Ampr∩á owner≤ wh∩ likσ m∙ default≤ caε ruε thσ prograφ righ⌠á ou⌠ ì
- oµ thσ box¼ withou⌠ puttinτ iε thσ overlay.
- .cp3
- Yo⌡ wil∞ neeΣ somσ kinΣ oµ ß tone-maker« There'≤ ß schematiπ ì
- iεá thσá overla∙ filσ oµ onσ tha⌠ caε bσ buil⌠ fo≥ a≤á littlσá a≤ ì
- arounΣá $5.0░á eveε iµ yo⌡ bu∙ thσ part≤á froφá Radi∩á Shack«á
- .cp4
- Iµá you'rσá ambitious¼á I'vσ includeΣ somσá hardwarσá desigε ì
- note≤á iεá thσ High-SpeeΣ Usσ sectioε oµ thi≤ file¼á oεá way≤á t∩ ì
- drivσ sidetonσ oscillator≤ anΣ synthesizer≤ witΦ you≥ computer.
- .cp7
- 2. Defaults
- Therσá arσá severa∞ commanΣ option≤ whicΦ caε bσá controlleΣ ì
- froφá thσ commanΣ line¼á anΣ b∙ consolσ inpu⌠ withiε thσ program« ì
- Threσá oµá theφ ma∙ bσ se⌠ b∙ assembl∙ anΣá installatioεá oµá thσ ì
- overla∙ (o≥ b∙ direct patching).
- .cp7
- a. Sending speed...
- Thσá defaul⌠á speeΣá fo≥ MORSETX╘ ruε oε ßá Z8░á (╔á haven'⌠ ì
- checkeΣ 808░ o≥ 808╡ timing╗á ╔ expec⌠ HD6418░ timinτ t∩ bσá off⌐ ì
- i≤á 2░ word≤ pe≥ minute¼á tuneΣ b∙ thσ PARI╙ tes⌠ (thσ worΣ PARI╙ ì
- sen⌠á 4░á time≤ iε 12░ seconds)«á Thσ worΣ PARI╙ i≤ ß gooΣá dumm∙ ì
- grou≡ fo≥ approximatinτ thσ sendinτ speeΣ oµ actua∞ clea≥ text«
- .cp7
- Iµ you'l∞ bσ usinτ MORSETX╘ t∩ senΣ typica∞ random-characte≥ ì
- group≤á (a≤á encountereΣá iε stud∙ tape≤ fo≥á thσá amateu≥á radi∩ ì
- licensσ exams)¼ you'l∞ neeΣ t∩ adjus⌠ you≥ specifieΣ codespeeΣ b∙ ì
- multiplyinτá i⌠á b∙ 1.▓ t∩ makσ thσ commonl∙ accepteΣá words-per-ì
- minutσá rate«á Yo⌡ caε tes⌠ thi≤ b∙ sendinτ ß filσ consistinτá oµ ì
- thσ worΣ CODE╪ ove≥ anΣ ove≥ (witΦ ß spacσ afte≥ eacΦ one).
- .cp7è Sendinτ speed≤ othe≥ thaε thσ defaul⌠ arσ typeΣ iε a≤ words-ì
- per-minute-times-ten«á Thus¼á t∩á tel∞ thσ prograφ t∩ senΣ a⌠á 1│ ì
- word≤á pe≥á minute¼á yo⌡ typσ 130«á Thi≤ allow≤á fo≥á fractiona∞ ì
- increment≤á iεá codespeeΣ a⌠ thσ slo≈ enΣá oµá things¼á wherσá i⌠ ì
- matters«á Abovσá 2░á wpm¼á fractiona∞ increment≤ aren'⌠ al∞á tha⌠ ì
- linear¼ bu⌠ then¼ the∙ aren'⌠ al∞ tha⌠ usefu∞ either.
- .cp11
- b. Alphabet expansion...
- Thσá alphabe⌠á expansioεá defaul⌠á i≤á copieΣá int∩á contro∞ ì
- positioεá beforσá ever∙á filσ i≤ sent«á Thi≤ mean≤á that¼á iµá m∙ ì
- default≤á arσá lef⌠ in¼á thσ prograφ wil∞ usσ almos⌠á thσá entirσ ì
- Internationa∞ Morsσ alphabe⌠ a≤ founΣ iε thσ 198╡ ARR╠á Handbook« ì
- Somσ ASCI╔ character≤ tha⌠ havσ n∩ Morsσ equivalent≤ arσ useΣ fo≥ ì
- prosign≤á (procedura∞á signs¼á thσá Morsσ equivalen⌠á t∩á contro∞ ì
- characters¼á formeΣ b∙ runninτ norma∞ letter≤ together)«á No⌠ al∞ ì
- thσ possiblσ prosign≤ arσ included╗ seσ thσ Characte≥ Ma≡ sectioε ì
- fo≥ ß lis⌠ oµ thσ one≤ tha⌠ are.
- .cp5
- Iµá thi≤ optioε i≤ toggled¼á thσ prograφ filter≤á character≤ ì
- afte≥á displaying«á You'l∞á stil∞á seσ you≥ filσ jus⌠ a≤á i⌠á wa≤ ì
- typed¼á bu⌠á onl∙ thesσ characters¼á thσ one≤ thσ amateu≥ licensσ ì
- exams cover, will actually be sent:
- .cp12
- letters: A through Z (and a through z)
- numbers: 0 through 9
- punctuation:
- comma , <mim>
- period . <aaa>
- query ? <imi>
- slant-bar / <dn>
- double-dasΦá á = <bt>
- (useΣ on-the-ai≥á a≤á ßá lonτ dash, i.e. -- ;
- as used, generally means "um","ah", "duhh", etc.)
- .cp6
- prosigns: "end of my transmission,
- your turn" + <ar>
- "finished with you,
- signing clear" see below <sk>
- .cp6
- <sk╛ i≤ thσ onσ prosigε fo≥ whicΦ thσ FC├ test≤ whicΦ i≤ no⌠ ì
- mappeΣá t∩á an∙á standarΣá ASCI╔á character«á Iεá MORSETXT¼á I'vσ ì
- assigned it to '#', a character with no Morse equivalent. It will
- bσ sen⌠ wheε thσ ARR╠ alphabe⌠ filte≥ i≤ turneΣ on¼á bu⌠ bσ awarσ ì
- that the character selection is my choice and not official.
- .cp4
- Iε filtereΣ mode¼ MORSETX╘ doe≤ senΣ onσ characte≥ whicΦ thσ ì
- amateu≥ licensσ exam≤ don'⌠ cover¼á thσ ampersand║ '&'«
- M∙á excusσá i≤á tha⌠á I'Σ havσ t∩ takσ ßá smal∞á machetσá t∩ ì
- the prograφ's flo≈ contro∞ t∩ filte≥ tha⌠ out«
- .cp6è M∙á rea∞á reasoεá i≤á tha⌠á ╔ happeεá t∩á reall∙á likσá tha⌠ ì
- character¼á thσ onσ obviou≤ holdou⌠ froφ Americaε TelegrapΦ Morsσ ì
- (thσ codσ S«á F«á B«á Morsσ devised⌐ t∩ sho≈ u≡ iεá Internationa∞ ì
- Morsσá (thσá codσ thσ IT╒ deviseΣ afte≥ MarconΘá starteΣá sellinτ ì
- radios to all the ships at sea).
- .cp4
- Seσá thσá Characte≥á Ma≡á fo≥ othe≥á punctuatioεá anΣá othe≥ ì
- prosigns¼á somσ oµ whicΦ havσ actua∞ assigneΣ ASCI╔á equivalents¼ ì
- bu⌠ whicΦ amateur-radi∩ licensσ test≤ don'⌠ cover.
- .cp8
- c. White-space extension...
- Thi≤á extensioεá i≤á no⌠á asserteΣá iεá default«á It'≤á als∩ ì
- somewha⌠á harΣ t∩ explain«á
- Iµ you'rσ ne≈ t∩ Morsσ Code¼á i⌠ wil∞ meaε thσ leas⌠ t∩ you¼ ì
- bu⌠ you'rσ thσ onσ who'l∞ neeΣ i⌠ thσ most«
- Bea≥ witΦ me¼ please.
- .cp8
- Likσá thσá Romaεá alphabe⌠ useΣá fo≥á writteεá English¼á thσ ì
- Internationa∞á Morsσá Codσ i≤ ß sounΣ alphabe⌠á buil⌠á oµá simplσ ì
- elements« Wherσ thσ writteε worΣ ha≤ straigh⌠ stroke≤ anΣ curves¼ ì
- Morsσ ha≤ dit≤ anΣ dahs¼á shor⌠ burst≤ anΣ lonτ burst≤ oµ signal« ì
- Thesσá sounΣá element≤ arσ combineΣ togethe≥ acros≤á timσá rathe≥ ì
- thaε acros≤ thσ paper¼ t∩ forφ letter≤ whicΦ wσ reaΣ anΣ write«
- .cp6
- Man∙ peoplσ begiε learninτ thσ codσ b∙ countinτ thσ dit≤ anΣ ì
- dahs as they come through.
- Thi≤á i≤ somewha⌠ likσ decodinτ thσ lette≥ 'T'¼á iεá readinτ ì
- printeΣá English¼á b∙á noticinτ tha⌠ i⌠ ha≤á ßá <T>op«á GooΣá fo≥ ì
- starts¼ perhaps¼ bu⌠ cripplinτ iµ useΣ fo≥ an∙ lengtΦ oµ time.
- .cp6
- Thσ probleφ witΦ thi≤ approacΦ i≤ tha⌠ one'≤ attention¼á thσ ì
- mos⌠á difficul⌠ par⌠ oµ one'≤ minΣ t∩ direc⌠ fo≥ rotσá processes¼ ì
- i≤ beinτ useΣ t∩ perforφ thσ entirσ decodinτ process« Whilσ i⌠ i≤ ì
- doinτ this¼ i⌠ canno⌠ collec⌠ thσ letter≤ togethe≥ int∩ ß worΣ t∩ ì
- bσ understooΣ a≤ par⌠ oµ ß sentence.
- .cp6
- Thi≤ i≤ wha⌠ result≤ iε thσ "plateauó oµ whicΦ yo⌡ ma∙á havσ ì
- heard¼á tha⌠ barrie≥ a⌠ abou⌠ 1░ word≤ pe≥ minute«á Thi≤ i≤ abou⌠ ì
- thσá codespeeΣ a⌠ whicΦ thσ minΣ i≤ full∙ occupieΣ witΦá countinτ ì
- dit≤á anΣá dah≤ anΣ theε "lookinτ upó thσ meaninτ iε somσá menta∞ ì
- table« Thσ consciou≤ minΣ simpl∙ canno⌠ cop∙ codσ an∙ faster. ì
- .cp6
- Thσá solutioεá t∩ thi≤ i≤ thσ samσ useΣ iε gooΣá school≤á iε ì
- teachinτ peoplσ t∩ read..« a≤ sooε a≤ the∙ havσ somσ ideß oµ wha⌠ ì
- eacΦá lette≥ mean≤ a≤ ß spokeε sound¼á star⌠ theφ readinτ faster¼ ì
- eveε iµ thei≥ recognitioε percentagσ temporaril∙ drops¼á s∩á tha⌠ ì
- i⌠á i≤ easie≥ t∩ ski≡ thσ consciou≤ "lookupó proces≤ iµ the∙ havσ ì
- an∙ firφ ideß a⌠ al∞ oµ wha⌠ thσ lette≥ is«
- .cp4
- A⌠ thi≤ speed¼ thσ word≤ star⌠ t∩ matter« WitΦ practice¼ thσ ì
- beginninτá reade≥á sooε cease≤ t∩ havσ t∩ rereaΣ ß worΣ (a⌠á tha⌠ ì
- same fast clip) in order to recognize it.
- .cp9è Iεá learninτá Morsσ Code¼á thσ equivalen⌠á t∩á thi≤á speedu≡ ì
- proces≤á i≤á t∩ speeΣ u≡ thσ letter≤ themselves¼á bu⌠ (a⌠á first⌐ ì
- providσá enougΦ timσ iε betweeε letter≤ fo≥ thσá still-developinτ ì
- decodinτá mechanisφ iε thσ subconsciou≤ t∩ proces≤á thσá element-ì
- grou≡ anΣ comσ u≡ witΦ thσ meaninτ oµ thσ letter«á Eveε a⌠ ß slo≈ ì
- letter-rate¼á thσá dit-ratσá i≤á stil∞ to∩ higΦ fo≥ thσá minΣá t∩ ì
- easil∙ resor⌠ t∩ dit-counting..«á thσ subconsciou≤ i≤ pusheΣ int∩ ì
- actioε b∙ necessity.
- .cp6
- Thi≤á i≤ thσ FarnswortΦ Method¼á thσ approacΦ useΣ b∙ thσ 7│ ì
- Magazinσá codσ tapes¼á froφ whicΦ ╔ originall∙ learneΣ thσá code« ì
- Thei≥ starte≥ tapσ ha≤ ß letter-ratσ oµ ╡ wpm¼á bu⌠ ß ditratσá oµ ì
- 1│ wpm« Thσ follow-u≡ tapσ raise≤ thσ letter-ratσ t∩ ╢ wpm¼ whilσ ì
- thσ ditratσ creep≤ t∩ 15« It'≤ aε excellen⌠ wa∙ t∩ star⌠ learninτ ì
- thσ code.
- .cp3
- Onσ oµ m∙ reason≤ fo≥ writinτ thi≤ program¼á however¼á wa≤ ß ì
- new plateau that developed as a result of these tapes.
- .cp6
- Thσá Internationa∞ Morsσ Codσ ha≤ ß regula≥ structurσá baseΣ ì
- oεá thσ dit¼á thσ smalle≥ oµ thσ tw∩ elements«á
- (Thσ timσ spen⌠ t∩ senΣ ß di⌠ is¼ then¼ thσ Code'≤ baud¼ thσ ì
- smalles⌠á anΣá mos⌠ fundamenta∞ uni⌠ oµ informatioε iε thσá code« ì
- Thσ baudratσ i≤ thσ speeΣ a⌠ whicΦ thesσ basiπ unit≤ arσ sent.)
- ..Note: I had this wrong in the first version of this manual.
- .cp6
- ┴ daΦ i≤ equa∞ t∩ │ dits«á Betweeε tw∩ element≤ iε ß letter¼ ì
- ß dit's-wortΦ oµ silence«á Betweeε tw∩ letters¼ ß dah's-wortΦ oµ ì
- silence« Betweeε tw∩ words¼ ╖ dit≤ oµ silence.
- Wheεá machine-generateΣá codσ i≤ sent¼á thi≤ i≤á ho≈á i⌠á i≤ ì
- structured. This is the default structure used by MORSETXT.
- .cp9
- Thσ 7│ tapes¼ though¼ havσ ß between-lette≥ spacσ oµ roughl∙ ì
- seveε dits«á ╔ go⌠ useΣ t∩ that¼á anΣ ╔ founΣ soliΣá machine-sen⌠ ì
- codσá (sucΦá a≤á tha⌠á oεá thσ FC├á tes⌠á tapes⌐á to∩á thicδá fo≥ ì
- comfortablσ o≥ soliΣ copy«á ╔ als∩ founΣ ß lo⌠ oµ on-the-ai≥ codσ ì
- to∩á thick¼á anΣ haΣ t∩ sticδ witΦ conversation≤ witΦ peoplσá wh∩ ì
- sen⌠á slower«á M∙ subconscious¼á no⌠ beinτ pusheΣ t∩ comσ u≡ witΦ ì
- thσ letter≤ iε ß norma∞ time¼á wa≤ lagginτ badly«á I⌠ tooδ mσ tw∩ ì
- tries, a year apart, to pass the General code exam.
- .cp4
- I'vσá takeε ß compromisσ approacΦ iε writinτá MORSETXT«á Yo⌡ ì
- caε ste≡ thσ codespeeΣ u≡ iε tenth-wpφ increments«á Yo⌡ caεá als∩ ì
- usσá thσ ╫ commanΣ optioε t∩ doublσ (no⌠ triple⌐ thσ whitσá spacσ ì
- betweeε letter≤ anΣ words.
- .cp6
- Usσ thi≤ commanΣ optioε iµ you'rσ jus⌠ gettinτ starteΣá witΦ ì
- thσ code« I⌠ wil∞ hel≡ yo⌡ t∩ bσ ablσ t∩ turε u≡ thσ baudratσ anΣ ì
- hea≥á thσá letter≤á a≤á sound-group≤ rathe≥ thaεá a≤á packet≤á oµ ì
- discretσ bauds«á Star⌠ witΦ 7.╡ wpm¼á witΦ thσ whitespacσá optioε ì
- turned on.
- .cp8è Wheεá yo⌡ ge⌠ t∩ abou⌠ 1░ wpm¼á though¼á turε ofµ thσá extrß ì
- whitσ spacσ anΣ jum≡ t∩ 15¼á eveε iµ yo⌡ havσ ver∙ poo≥ copy¼ anΣ ì
- hanτá on«á You≥ subconsciou≤ wil∞ bucδ anΣ tr∙ t∩ thro≈ yo⌡á off¼ ì
- beforσ i⌠ settle≤ dowε t∩ carryinτ yo⌡ wherσ yo⌡ wan⌠ t∩ go« Pla∙ ì
- witΦá periodiπ session≤ oµ mucΦ highe≥ speed≤ s∩ i⌠ know≤ no⌠á t∩ ì
- get lazy or belligerent.
- Me, I'm jamming mine with 30 wpm. I want my Extra.
- .cp6
- d. Pretty Flag...
- Thσá defaul⌠ conditioε fo≥ thi≤ flaτ i≤ off¼á no⌠á asserted« ì
- Thi≤á flag¼á wheεá set¼á inhibit≤ tw∩ clean-u≡ function≤á iεá thσ ì
- program.
- .cp7
- ╔á wrotσ MORSETX╘ t∩ makσ usσ oµ thσ man∙ file≤ anΣ message≤ ì
- ╔á writσá o≥ downloaΣ froφ BB╙ system≤ a≤ ra≈ materia∞á fo≥á cop∙ ì
- practice«á Man∙á oµ thesσ file≤ arσ WordSta≥ formatted¼á witΦ thσ ì
- extrßá sof⌠ space≤ tha⌠ WordSta≥ throw≤ iε t∩ right-justif∙á eacΦ ì
- line«á Somσ oµ theφ (mine¼á fo≥ instance⌐ arσ outrigh⌠ prose¼ anΣ ì
- usσ thσ ellipsi≤ ('...'⌐ t∩ indicatσ trailinτ thoughts.
- .cp5
- Neithe≥á oµá thesσá construction≤ sounΣ gooΣá wheεá they'rσ ì
- sent«á Thσá extrß space≤ makσ fo≥ chopp∙ copy¼á throwinτ ofµá thσ ì
- listeninτá rhythm«á Thσ ellipsi≤ simpl∙ isn'⌠ useΣ ove≥ thσá air╗ ì
- the <bt> double-dash is used instead.
- .cp5
- Wheεá thσ PRETT┘ functioε i≤ operatinτ (wheε thσ flaτá isn'⌠ ì
- set¼á inhibitinτ it)¼á MORSETX╘ test≤ fo≥ spaces«á Onl∙ thσ firs⌠ ì
- spacσá iε ß ro≈ oµ tw∩ o≥ morσ space≤ wil∞ bσá sent«á Thσá other≤ ì
- will be displayed, but they won't occupy time.
- .cp5
- The ellipsis construct is changed to:
- <period> <bt> <bt>
- ._._._ _..._ _..._
- .cp5
- Thi≤á i≤ somethinτ ╔ hea≥ oε thσ ai≥ froφ timσ t∩ time¼á anΣ ì
- caεá accept¼á althougΦ i⌠ isn'⌠ iε thσ bes⌠ stylσ fo≥á C╫á (Morsσ ì
- Codσ operation)¼ wherσ tersσ brevit∙ i≤ par⌠ oµ thσ stylσ anΣ thσ ì
- challenge.
- .cp3
- Thσ PRETT┘ functioε shoulΣ bσ disabled¼ though¼ wheε sendinτ ì
- file≤á whicΦ werσ writteε fo≥ usσ witΦ MORSETX╘ (iεá non-documen⌠ ì
- mode)«
- .cp6
- Iε thi≤ case¼ thσ natura∞ flo≈ oµ ß QS╧ (radi∩ conversation⌐ ì
- i≤ important.á Extrß spaces¼á eacΦ occupyinτ ß seven-di⌠ blocδ oµ ì
- silen⌠ time¼ caε ac⌠ a≤ boundarie≤ oµ transmissions¼ makinτ plaiε ì
- jus⌠ wheε onσ part∙ stop≤ transmittinτ anΣ thσ othe≥ begins«á Seσ ì
- thσ filσ SAMPLQS╧ fo≥ aε example.
- .cp12è3. Modes
- a. Sending...
- Thi≤á i≤ thσ basiπ tasδ oµ thσ program«á
- Giveεá ß filename¼á i⌠ pull≤ iε thσ file¼á recorΣ b∙ record¼ ì
- anΣ start≤ readinτ thσ file¼á bytσ b∙ byte¼á ou⌠ thσ contro∞ linσ ì
- a≤ Morsσ code¼ unti∞ i⌠ hit≤ aε end-of-filσ character¼ ^Z«
- Iµ thσ filenamσ buffe≥ isn'⌠ empty¼á i⌠ fetche≤ iε thσá nex⌠ ì
- filσ anΣ send≤ that«á Wheε i⌠ find≤ ß ^┌ iε thσ filenamσ list¼ i⌠ ì
- return≤ t∩ CP/M«
- .cp5
- Iµ i⌠ find≤ thσ loo≡ characte≥ '&º iε thσ buffer¼á i⌠ start≤ ì
- froφá thσ to≡ oµ thσ lis⌠ anΣ send≤ al∞ thσ listeΣá file≤á again¼ ì
- unti∞á i⌠ find≤ tha⌠ '&º anΣ start≤ froφ thσ to≡á again..«á neve≥ ì
- seeing the ^Z at the end of the list.
- .cp6
- b. Console command...
- Ente≥á thi≤á modσá b∙ typinτ an∙ ke∙á tha⌠á isn'⌠á otherwisσ ì
- defined«á Tha⌠á characte≥á wil∞á bσ throwε away¼á s∩ wha⌠á i⌠á i≤ ì
- doesn'⌠ matter. Space-bar is convenient.
- .cp5
- Yo⌡á caε changσ onσ paramete≥ eacΦ timσ consolσá commanΣá i≤ ì
- invoked«á Usuall∙ that'≤ t∩ changσ thσ coderate¼ bu⌠ yo⌡ caε typσ ì
- iεá an∙ onσ oµ thσ othe≥ command≤ t∩ changσ aε optioεá o≥á invokσ ì
- anothe≥ mode« Hi⌠ <return╛ wheε you'vσ donσ so.
- .cp5
- Iµá yo⌡ changσ you≥ mind¼á yo⌡ caε g∩ bacδ t∩á sendinτá modσ ì
- withou⌠á changinτ anythinτ b∙ typinτ aε "emptyóá carriage-return« ì
- Iµá you'vσ alread∙ typeΣ iε par⌠ oµ ß codespeed¼á backspacσá ove≥ ì
- what you've typed, then hit <return> when you've erased it all.
- .cp8
- c. Console filename entry...
- Enter this mode by typing a '$'.
- Iεá thi≤á mode¼á yo⌡á caε typσ iε ß lis⌠á oµá filename≤á anΣ ì
- commands«á Wheεá you'rσ done¼á MORSETX╘ wil∞ star⌠ goinτá througΦ ì
- your list from the top. This is on-the-spot scriptwriting.
- .cp5
- Whateve≥á wa≤á iεá thσ filenamσ lis⌠ wheε yo⌡ typeΣá '$ºá i≤ ì
- throwε awa∙ wheε yo⌡ ente≥ thi≤ mode¼á s∩ iµ yo⌡ jus⌠ givσ i⌠á aε ì
- empt∙á carriagσ returε i⌠ wil∞ immediatel∙ discove≥ tha⌠á i⌠á ha≤ ì
- sen⌠ al∞ thσ file≤ yo⌡ tolΣ i⌠ about¼ anΣ g∩ bacδ t∩ CP/M.
- .cp3
- Iµ yo⌡ givσ i⌠ aε ambiguou≤ filename¼ i⌠ wil∞ expanΣ i⌠ out¼ ì
- theεá ruεá througΦá thσ lis⌠ oµ matchinτ file≤ tha⌠ i⌠á go⌠á froφ ì
- .cp3
- Iµ yo⌡ givσ i⌠ ß *.SU┬ file¼á i⌠ wil∞ reaΣ tha⌠ SUBfilσá in¼ ì
- treating it as a list of filenames and commands.
- .cp12è Iµá yo⌡á givσá i⌠ ß lis⌠ containinτ ß SUBfilσá o≥á ambiguou≤ ì
- filename¼á the∙á wil∞á bσ expandeΣ wheε i⌠ is thei≥ turεá oεá thσ ì
- list.
- For example, after you type in this list:
- paris W X
- paris 500
- morse.sub
- test.sub
- &
- <empty return>
- .cp5
- MORSETX╘ wil∞ returε t∩ sendinτ modσ anΣ begiεá workinτ ì
- oε you≥ list«á I⌠ wil∞ senΣ PARI╙ a⌠ you≥ presen⌠ codespeed¼ witΦ ì
- extrßá whitσ spacσ anΣ witΦ thσ alphabe⌠ filte≥ on¼á theε i⌠ wil∞ ì
- senΣ PARI╙ agaiε a⌠ 5░ wpφ withou⌠ filte≥ o≥ extrß space.
- .cp7
- Wheε i⌠ bring≤ iε MORSE.SUB¼ though¼ it'l∞ reaΣ thσ content≤ ì
- oµá tha⌠á filσ int∩ it≤ lis⌠ buffer«á That'l∞ wipσ ou⌠á thσá lis⌠ ì
- entr∙ oµ TEST.SUB╗á it'l∞ neve≥ bσ seen«á It'l∞ als∩ wipσ ou⌠ thσ ì
- earlie≥ entrie≤ oµ PARIS¼á anΣ thσ loo≡ characte≥ '&'« It'l∞ worδ ì
- througΦ whateve≥ lis⌠ i≤ iε MORSE.SUB¼ anΣ then¼ unles≤ there'≤ ß ì
- loo≡ characte≥ iε that file, g∩ home.
- .cp4
- Yo⌡á caε usσ thi≤ effec⌠ t∩ ring-chaiε SU┬ file≤ foreve≥á iµ ì
- yo⌡ like╗ jus⌠ bσ awarσ oµ thσ effec⌠ anΣ avoiΣ i⌠ wheε yo⌡ don'⌠ ì
- wan⌠ it.
- .cp5
- Iµá tha⌠á firs⌠á entr∙ haΣ beeεá PAR*.*¼á MORSETX╘á would'vσ ì
- exandeΣá tha⌠ ambiguou≤ filσ specifie≥ righ⌠ oε to≡ oµá thσá lis⌠ ì
- yo⌡á jus⌠ gavσ it«á You≥ ╫ anΣ ╪ commands¼á anΣ everythinτ beyonΣ ì
- there, would've been wiped out, even if only PARIS matched.
- .cp5
- d. Morse keyboard loop...
- Ente≥á thi≤á modσ b∙ typinτ ß '!'«á Leavσ i⌠á b∙á typinτá aε ì
- <escape>.
- .cp4
- Iεá thi≤ mode¼á whateve≥ yo⌡ typσ i≤ sen⌠ ou⌠ a≤ Morsσ code« ì
- There'≤áá ßá lis⌠á oµá commonly-useΣá prosign≤á anΣá thσáá typinτ ì
- character≤ t∩ whicΦ they'rσ mapped¼á alonτ witΦ thσ modσá legend¼ ì
- when you first enter the mode.
- .cp5
- N∩á softwarσ bufferinτ mean≤ jus⌠ that«á You'vσ go⌠ whateve≥ ì
- bufferinτá you≥á hardwarσá o≥ you≥ BIO╙á provides«á Iµá yo⌡á typσ ì
- furthe≥ aheaΣ thaε that¼ you'l∞ ge⌠ los⌠ characters« I⌠ shoulΣ bσ ì
- eas∙á t∩ seσ wheε tha⌠ happens╗á thσ character≤ won'⌠ sho≈ u≡á oε ì
- your screen.
- .cp4
- Usσá thσá <carriagσá return╛ t∩ kee≡á thσá typeΣá linσá froφ ì
- wrappinτá arounΣá oε you≥ screen«á Iε thi≤ 1.░á releasσá version¼ ì
- there's no word-wrap.
- .cp7èe. Ditrate test mode...
- Ente≥á thi≤á modσá b∙ typinτ ß ^T«á Leavσ i⌠á b∙á typinτá aε ì
- <escape>.
- Iε thi≤ mode¼á thσ prograφ simpl∙ send≤ aε endles≤ streaφ oµ ì
- dits, just as if the dit paddle on an iambic keyer got stuck.
- .cp5
- Thi≤ i≤ ß tes⌠ function¼á t∩ allo≈ yo⌡ t∩ tunσ you≥á prograφ ì
- t∩á thσ correc⌠ speed-selection«á ╔ als∩ usσ i⌠ t∩ tunσ m∙ Curti≤ ì
- keye≥á t∩á specifiπ codespeeds¼á holdinτ dowε m∙á dit-paddlσá anΣ ì
- tweaking the speed pot until the two are more-or-less in phase.
- .cp5
- Thi≤á i≤á als∩ aε eveε morσ obnoxiou≤á sounΣá thaεá straigh⌠ ì
- Morsσá codσá t∩á ßá non-ham«á Iµá someonσá interfere≤á witΦá you≥ ì
- practice-cop∙á session¼á presen⌠ i⌠ a≤ aε option╗á maybσá they'l∞ ì
- bacδ off.
- .cp11
- 4. Installation
- a. Hardware...
- Ampr∩ Littlσ BoarΣ owner≤ havσ jus⌠ onσ piecσ oµ hardwarσ t∩ ì
- cobblσ together¼á thσ noisemake≥ plug-oε (reaΣ thσ overlay╗á it'≤ ì
- go⌠á ßá part≤ lis⌠ anΣ ß schematic)«á ╔ wrotσ thi≤á oεá ßá Littlσ ì
- Board╗á i⌠á wil∞ ruε as-i≤ oε tha⌠ machine¼á provideΣ you≥ RS-23▓ ì
- port≤ arσ wireΣ accordinτ t∩ thσ manual.
- .cp12
- b. About speakers...
- Fo≥á thosσá wh∩ arσ considerinτ drivinτ ßá speake≥á directl∙ ì
- froφ thσ RT╙ line..«á ╔ trieΣ it¼á anΣ i⌠ doesn'⌠ worδ well«á Thσ ì
- 148╕ driver¼á standarΣ fo≥ RS-232¼á i≤ current-limiteΣ t∩ abou⌠ ╖ ì
- milliamp≤ sourcσ o≥ sinδ current..«á no⌠ enougΦ t∩ makσ mucΦ oµ ß ì
- noisσ int∩ aε 8-ohφ loaΣ througΦ eveε ß 20░ u╞ bipola≥ capacitor¼ ì
- eveεá a⌠ │ KHz¼á anΣ no⌠ thσ kinΣ oµ waveforφ I'Σ wan⌠ t∩ hea≥ iε ì
- headphone≤ fo≥ ver∙ long«á Iµ you'rσ desperate¼ ╔ supposσ yo⌡ caε ì
- usσá ßá 1╦ » ╕ ohφ outpu⌠ transforme≥ froφ ßá junkeΣá olΣá pocke⌠ ì
- radio¼ but..« (kluge!!)
- .cp8
- c. Software...
- Othe≥á compute≥á owner≤á wil∞ havσ t∩á changσá thσá provideΣ ì
- overla∙ t∩ sui⌠ thei≥ hardware«á Thσ overla∙ contain≤ thσá timinτ ì
- routines¼á s∩á yo⌡ shoulΣ bσ ablσ t∩ adap⌠ thσ prograφ t∩ ruεá oε ì
- jus⌠ abou⌠ anythinτ that'l∞ makσ ß tone«á Remembe≥ t∩ changσá thσ ì
- title block, please, and put your byline in too.
- .cp8è Onσ iteφ t∩ watcΦ ou⌠ for¼á eveε iµ you'rσ usinτ ß Z8░á DAR╘ ì
- anΣ wigglinτ RTS¼á i≤ thσ default-conditioε valuσ useΣ iε KYSTBR« ì
- Yo⌡á migh⌠ havσ t∩ changσ thσ transmitted-character-lengtΦá bits¼ ì
- o≥ raisσ DTR¼á t∩ matcΦ ho≈ you≥ BIO╙ set≤ tha⌠ port« Whateve≥ i⌠ ì
- take≤á t∩á makσá you≥ modeφ o≥ printe≥ happy¼á wheεá you'rσá donσ ì
- listening¼ shoulΣ bσ thσ key-u≡ no-sounΣ value¼ s∩ yo⌡ won'⌠ havσ ì
- to reboot or reconfigure after each session.
- .cp6
- d. Codespeed...
- Don'⌠á forge⌠á t∩ se⌠ CLOC╦ t∩á you≥á system'≤á master-clocδ ì
- frequency«á Oεá thσá Ampro¼á that'≤ ┤ MHz¼á s∩ you'l∞ finΣá '40'« ì
- Changσá i⌠ t∩ suit¼á otherwisσ wha⌠ yo⌡ thinδ i≤ 2╡ wpφ coulΣá bσ ì
- 12.╡ wpm«
- .cp5
- Iµá you≥ CPU'≤ timinτ differ≤ froφ tha⌠ oµ thσ Z80¼á aε eas∙ ì
- wa∙ t∩ tunσ thσ speeΣ i≤ b∙ changinτ thi≤ value«á Jus⌠ bσ surσ t∩ ì
- makσ ß notσ oµ tha⌠ iε you≥ overla∙ file¼á s∩ a≤ no⌠ t∩ thro≈ ofµ ì
- an∙á othe≥á user≤ oµ you≥ processo≥ wh∩ migh⌠ makσá usσá oµá you≥ ì
- overlay.
- .cp6
- Iµá yo⌡ havσ aε even⌠ timer¼á o≥ ß frequenc∙ counte≥ witΦá ß ì
- gooΣ upscaler¼á tr∙ usinτ thσ Ditratσ Tes⌠ Modσ (invokeΣ witΦ ^T⌐ ì
- anΣá measurinτá thσ di⌠ frequenc∙ directl∙ a⌠ thσ RS-23▓á contro∞ ì
- linσá (througΦá aε attenuator-- that'≤ aεá 1╕á vol⌠á peak-to-peaδ ì
- signal!) rather than mess about with PARIS and a stopwatch.
- .cp8
- e. Beyond the overlay...
- I'vσá trieΣ t∩ kee≡ thσ overla∙ simple¼á oε thσ premisσ tha⌠ ì
- mos⌠á user≤á wil∞ wan⌠ t∩ pokσ anΣ go¼á usinτ thσá samσá kinΣá oµ ì
- hardwarσá implementation«á KYSTB╥á anΣ CSE╬ shoulΣá adap⌠á quitσ ì
- readil∙ t∩ UART≤ sucΦ a≤ thσ 825▒ anΣ thσ CDP1854«á Therσá reall∙ ì
- isn'⌠ mucΦ t∩ change¼ no⌠ compareΣ witΦ majo≥ work≤ likσ MDM740.
- .cp6
- I'φ als∩ releasinτ MORSETXT.AQM¼ t∩ thσ samσ board≤ t∩ whicΦ ì
- ╔á releasσ thi≤ librar∙ file«á I'φ doinτ thi≤ separatel∙ s∩á tha⌠ ì
- BB╙ system≤ witΦ tigh⌠ disk-spacσ budget≤ caε deletσ tha⌠ onσ anΣ ì
- preservσ thi≤ file«á I'vσ commenteΣ i⌠ reasonabl∙ wel∞ (╔ believσ ì
- "ratchet-jaw" is the operative description).
- .cp4
- Iµ yo⌡ havσ t∩ ge⌠ int∩ thσ DI╘ anΣ DA╚ routine≤ t∩ completσ ì
- you≥á installatioεá (yo⌡ reall∙ wan⌠ t∩ usσ tha⌠á speaker¼á eh?)¼ ì
- looδ fo≥ ß boarΣ wherσ the∙ haven'⌠ doggeΣ out MORSETXT.AQ═ yet.
- .cp3
- Bσá awarσá tha⌠á E╙ anΣ SPAC┼ als∩ acces≤ KE┘á anΣá UNKEY..« ì
- you'll have to go in and tamper with them too.
- .cp5
- Tr∙áá t∩á preservσá thσá consolσá statu≤á tes⌠á afte≥áá eacΦ ì
- character..«áá ╔áá installeΣá direct-consolσá BDO╙áá calls¼áá anΣ ì
- implementeΣ a homebre≈ tab-expansioε routine¼ jus⌠ s∩ thσ prograφ ì
- would get a character as soon as possible after it was typed.
- .cp9è (DiΣá yo⌡á kno≈ tha⌠ BDO╙ sneak≤á ofµá witΦá console-entereΣ ì
- character≤á wheneve≥ i⌠ gets t∩ senΣ somethinτ ou⌠ witΦá functioε ì
- 2¼á theεá coyl∙á wait≤á fo≥ yo⌡ t∩ asδ I╘ fo≥á theφá witΦá statu≤ ì
- functioεá 0BΦ o≥ inpu⌠ functioε 1┐á I⌠ tooδ mσ ß whilσ t∩á figurσ ì
- tha⌠á onσ outíá ╔ wa≤ gettinτ olΣ scra≡ typeΣ character≤ iεá somσ ì
- prett∙á strangσ place≤ iε thσ program¼á anΣ it'Σ takσ ß couplσ oµ ì
- trie≤ fo≥ mσ t∩ ge⌠ ß togglσ invoked«á That'≤ onσ reasoε fo≥á thσ ì
- periodic console-port input flush, FLOOSH.)
- .cp19
- 5. Operation
- 1. Startup
- -and-
- 2. Sending Mode:
- ***----MORSETXT.COM v1.0-----*** If your screen shows a
- * * higher v-number, look
- * International Morse Code * for a manual that has
- * transmitter for text files * that number.
- * Ampro Little Board version * Your version may be
- * via Port B's HSO line * different. It should
- * * match your computer.
- ***-- --CHR$(13)23AUG85------***
- .cp11
- What MORSETXT is doing:
- Sending the test string (TEST DE WB1HKU/6 <ar>) at 20 wpm
- (if you don't hear any Morse code now, something's wrong)
- -then-
- Findinτ you≥ filσ iµ yo⌡ declareΣ onσ
- (otherwise¼ goinτ bacδ to CP/M)
- -then
- Sending your file(s).
- (Thσácharacter≤áarσ displayeΣ oε thσ screeε a≤áthe∙áarσ ì
- áááááááááásen⌠.)
- .cp13
- What commands you can use:
- ^C Stop and quit right now.
- ^X Skip to the next item.
- ^T Go to ditrate test mode.
- <space> Go to console command mode.
- $ Go to console filename entry mode.
- ! Go to the Morse keyboard loop.
- P Toggle the multiple-space filter.
- W Toggle the white-space option.
- X Toggle the extended-alphabet toggle.
- <any other key> Go to console command mode.
- .cp21è3. Console Command Mode: Entry command: any
- unrecognized key
- ***------CONSOLE COMMAND------***
- * Option Switches supported: *
- * X = Extended International *
- * Morse Alphabet on/off *
- * W = Extended intercharacter *
- * (white) space on/off *
- * P = Multiple-space and *
- * ellipsis masks on/off *
- * ! = Enter Morse keyboard *
- * loop *
- * & = Loop on present list *
- * until interrupted *
- * $ = Load new list from *
- * console *
- ***-------MORSETXT v1.0-------***
- Enter either new coderate-times-ten or option switch:___
- .cp3
- What MORSETXT is doing:
- Waiting for you to type in a command
- .cp16
- What commands you can use:
- ^C Stop and quit right now.
- ^X Skip to the next item.
- ^T Go to ditrate test mode.
- $ <ret> Go to console filename entry mode.
- ! <ret> Go to the Morse keyboard loop.
- P <ret> Toggle the multiple-space filter.
- W <ret> Toggle the white-space option.
- X <ret> Toggle the extended-alphabet toggle.
- ªá<ret╛ Loop foreve≥ through present list.
- <ret> Go back to the mode you were in.
- Coderate: (example)
- 250 <ret> Continue sending, now at 25 wpm.
- .cp15è4. Morse Keyboard Loop Mode: Entry command: !
- ***---MORSE KEYBOARD LOOP---*** PROSIGNS: [ar] @ +
- * No software type-ahead is * [bt] =
- * provided. Hit <esc> (^[) to * [bk] \
- * return to file-sending. * [kn] ( ~
- ***------MORSETXT v1.0-------*** [sk] #
- [as] * !
- [hh] <bs>
- [sn] { ^
- What MORSETXT is doing:
- Waiting for you to type something.
- It will send out whatever you type, at the present coderate.
- .cp9
- What commands you can use:
- ^C Stop and quit right now.
- ^T Go to ditrate test mode.
- ^X Go to sending mode and skip to the next
- item.
- <escape> Return to whatever mode you were in.
- <any other
- control key> Go to console command mode.
- .cp13
- 5. Console Filename Entry Mode: Entry command: $
- * Enter one dr:filename.typ on *
- * each line, followed by any *
- * option switches or new speed *
- * as wpm times ten. No *.SUBs *
- * or ambiguous filenames: they *
- * overwrite following entries *
- * at expansion. An extra <cr> *
- * ends entry. *
- ***-------MORSETXT v1.0------***
- .cp8
- What MORSETXT is doing:
- Waiting for you to type something.
- Whateve≥á yo⌡á typσá goe≤ int∩ ß list«á Wheε yo⌡á arσá done¼ ì
- ááááááááááMORSETX╘á wil∞ begiε usinτ thσ list¼á startinτá a⌠á thσ ì
- áááááááááátop.
- .cp8
- What commands you can use:
- ^C Stop and quit right now.
- <backspace> Erase the character you just typed.
- ^U Erase the line you're typing.
- See "List Format" for what you can type into the list.
- .cp17è6. Ditrate Test Mode: Entry command: ^T
- ***----DITRATE TEST MODE-----***
- * Cleartext Words-Per-Minute: *
- * dits per min / 25. (PARIS) *
- * Random groups about 5/6 that *
- * rate (or use CODEX test) . *
- * To exit, hit <escape>. *
- ***-------MORSETXT v1.0------***
- What MORSETXT is doing:
- Sendinτá ou⌠á ßá streaφ oµ dit≤ (equa∞ period≤ oµá tonσá anΣ ì
- áááááááááásilence⌐ a⌠ thσ curren⌠ rate« Thi≤ i≤ thσ samσ a≤ iµ aε ì
- ááááááááááelectronic keyer had its dit paddle held down.á ì
- .cp10
- What commands you can use:
- ^C Stop and quit right now.
- ^X Go skip to the next file entry.
- <escape> G∩á bacδá t∩ wha⌠á yo⌡á werσá doinτ ì
- áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá(excep⌠áá consolσáá commanΣáá mode║ ì
- ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááyou'l∞á probabl∙ g∩ bacδ t∩ sendinτ ì
- áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááámode.⌐
- <any other key> Go to console command mode.
- .cp6
- 7. List Format:
- Thσ lis⌠ forma⌠ applie≤ botΦ t∩ wha⌠ yo⌡ typσ durinτ Consolσ ì
- Filenamσá Entr∙á mode¼á anΣá wha⌠ yo⌡ typσ int∩ ßá SU┬á filσá fo≥ ì
- .cp10
- a. Files:
- You can list files in these ways...
- paris
- b:paris
- myfile.txt
- a:myfile.txt
- Each filename must be on a separate line.
- .cp9
- You≥á filenamσá mus⌠á no⌠á begiε witΦá onσá oµá thσá commanΣ ì
- characters '!' , '$' or '&'.
- &test.txt (findinτá '&'¼á MORSETX╘ rewind≤ t∩ ì
- ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááthe start of the list.)
- renamed to:
- test&.tx⌠á (MORSETX╘áfind≤áanΣásend≤áthσ file.)
- .cp7è !gudqso.fil (findinτá '!'¼áá MORSETX╘á goe≤á t∩ ì
- ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááMorsσá keyboarΣá entr∙á mode«á Wheε ì
- ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááthat'≤á done¼á i⌠á trie≤ t∩ finΣá ß ì
- ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááfile called GUDQSO.FIL.)
- renamed to:
- gudqso!.fil (finds and sends the file.)
- .cp7
- $moneyta.lks (findinτá '$'¼áá MORSETX╘á goe≤á t∩ ì
- ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááconsolσáá filenamσáá entr∙ááá mode« ì
- ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááEverythinτá oε thσ lis⌠ beforσ thi≤ ì
- ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááhappen≤ i≤ discarded.)
- renamed to:
- money$ta.lks (finds and sends the file.)
- .cp9
- b. Coderate:
- Yo⌡á caεá specif∙ thσ coderatσ a⌠ whicΦ ß filσ i≤ sen⌠á likσ ì
- this:
- myfile.txt 250 (myfile.txt will be sent at 25 wpm)
- myfile.txt 25.0 (same thing╗á MORSETX╘ ignore≤á thσ ì
- ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááádecima∞á poin⌠ wheε it'≤ iεá ß ì
- ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááálist.)
- .cp14
- Thσ coderatσ (time≤ ten⌐ follow≤ thσ filσ it'≤ mean⌠ for¼ oε ì
- the same typed line.
- If you type in the code rate like this:
- myfile.txt
- 250
- MORSETX╘á wil∞á senΣá MYFILE.TX╘ a⌠ whateve≥á speeΣá i⌠á wa≤ ì
- sendinτá before¼á theεá g∩ tr∙ t∩ finΣ ß filσ calleΣá '250'«á Thσ ì
- result is:
- BDOS can't find my file: 250
- A>
- .cp8
- c. Option toggles:
- Toggle commands also follow the filename they're meant for.
- myfile.txt w p
- myfile.txt 220 x
- myfile.txt pw 50
- .cp17èd. Command characters:
- Thesσá may bσ pu⌠ anywhere«á The∙ arσ obeyeΣ wheεá the∙á arσ ì
- found«á The∙ ma∙ no⌠ bσ followeΣ iε thσ samσ linσ b∙ coderate≤ o≥ ì
- optioε toggles.
- myfile.txt (MORSETX╘ find≤ anΣ send≤ thσ file« ì
- ááááá!ááááááááááááááááááááááááTheεá i⌠á goe≤ int∩ Morsσá keyboarΣ ì
- ááááá&ááááááááááááááááááááááááentr∙á mode«á Theε i⌠ doe≤á i⌠á al∞ ì
- ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááover again and again and again...)
- myfile.txt ! & (same thing.)
- myfile.txt pw 250 ! & (samσ thing¼ sendinτ thσ filσ a⌠ 2╡ ì
- ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááwpφ witΦ extrß spacσ anΣ al∞ space≤ ì
- áááááááááááááááááááááááááááááásent.)
- .cp7
- 6. Use
- a. Novice
- Iµ you'rσ jus⌠ learninτ thσ code¼á reaΣ thσ discussioε unde≥ ì
- "white space" up in the Defaults section.
- .cp6
- Morsσá codσ i≤ ß sound-extensioε oµ writteεá English..«á yo⌡ ì
- havσ t∩ writσ i⌠ a≤ wel∞ a≤ read it¼á fo≥ it≤ usσ t∩ sinδ in« Usσ ì
- thσ Morsσ keyboarΣ loo≡ mode¼á runninτ a⌠ 1░ wpm¼á t∩á initiall∙ ì
- learε thσ sound≤ oµ thσ letters«á SenΣ manually¼ too¼ though╗ thσ ì
- hand-mind learning link is a lot more direct that way.
- .cp4
- Iµ yo⌡ caε pu⌠ togethe≥ ß straigh⌠ ke∙ (telegrapΦ key⌐ anΣ ß ì
- code-practicσ oscillator¼ d∩ so« Radi∩ Shacδ sell≤ ß setu≡ witΦ ß ì
- straight key and a buzzer; that'll do in a pinch.
- .cp6
- Iµá yo⌡ caε ge⌠ aε electroniπ keye≥ anΣ somσ iambiπá paddle≤ ì
- (thσá kinΣá oµá ke∙ witΦ tw∩ separatσ levers)¼á that'l∞á bσá eveε ì
- better«á Thσá keye≥á circui⌠ turn≤ you≥ tap≤ oµ thσ di⌠á anΣá daΦ ì
- paddle≤á int∩á properl∙ timeΣ anΣ spaceΣ dit≤ anΣ dahs«á Yo⌡á ma∙ ì
- wel∞á senΣ extras¼á bu⌠ they'l∞ al∞ bσ dit≤ o≥ dahs¼á nothinτá iε ì
- between.
- .cp6
- ╔á kno≈á froφ experiencσ tha⌠ hearinτ properl∙á formeΣá codσ ì
- cominτ froφ you≥ fingertip≤ i≤ thσ bes⌠ feedback-programminτ yo⌡ ì
- caε ge⌠ fo≥ prope≥ sendinτ oε ß straigh⌠ key« ╔ caε cal∞ somebod∙ ì
- somethinτ horriblσ a⌠ 1╡ wpφ oε thσ horε buttoε oµ m∙á motorcyclσ ì
- now¼ anΣ senΣ cleanly¼ sincσ I'vσ beeε usinτ m∙ Benche≥ paddles.
- .cp10è Wheεá you'rσá playinτ ou⌠ file≤á witΦá MORSETXT¼á pusΦá you≥ ì
- codespeed¼á withou⌠á allowinτ yourselµ t∩ ge⌠ anxiou≤ abou⌠ soliΣ ì
- copy«á Noticσá that¼á thσá morσ you≥á "earóá (you≥á subconscious⌐ ì
- adjust≤á t∩ thσ highe≥ speeds¼á thσ bette≥ you≥ cop∙ ratσ get≤ a⌠ ì
- thσ lowe≥ speeds« Kee≡ pushing« Thi≤ i≤ aε areß wherσ persistencσ ì
- anΣá commitmen⌠á pa∙ ofµ ove≥ intelligence«á ╔ know╗á I'φ ßá laz∙ ì
- smart-ass, and I'm speaking from both observation and experience.
- Don'⌠ star⌠ ou⌠ an∙ lowe≥ thaε 7.╡ wpm╗ it'≤ to∩ temptinτ t∩ ì
- coun⌠ dit≤ a⌠ tha⌠ rate.
- .cp8
- Iµ you'rσ jus⌠ gettinτ int∩ Morsσ codσ anΣ amateu≥ radi∩ fo≥ ì
- thσ firs⌠ time¼ ╔ sugges⌠ yo⌡ d∩ wha⌠ ╔ did║ takσ onσ oµ thσ ARR╠ ì
- Novicσ classes«á Herσ iε thσ Saε Fernand∩ Valley¼ thσ SF╓ Amateu≥ ì
- Radi∩á CluΓá conduct≤ weekl∙ classes¼á witΦ testinτá wheεá you'rσ ì
- ready«á Thosσá classe≤á arσ revolving¼á anΣ the∙ neve≥á stop«á A⌠ ì
- present¼á they'rσá als∩á FREE¼á onσ oµ thσ bes⌠ bargain≤á oµá thσ ì
- century«á
- .cp5
- Iµá there'≤ ß haφ cluΓ iε you≥ area¼á seσ iµ they'rσá givinτ ì
- Novicσ classes«á Iµ not¼á yo⌡ migh⌠ g∩ t∩ onσ oµ thσ meeting≤ anΣ ì
- tel∞á theφ tha⌠ you'rσ lookinτ fo≥ aε Elmer«á (Asδ somebod∙ abou⌠ ì
- this if you're skeptical --I'm not setting you up!)
- .cp9
- Aεá Elme≥á i≤ aε olde≥ haφ who'l∞ hel≡á ßá younge≥á ham¼á o≥ ì
- almost-ham¼á ge⌠á her/hi≤á licensσá anΣ theεá ge⌠á his/he≥á radi∩ ì
- statioε se⌠ up..« b∙ wa∙ oµ payinτ bacδ thσ haφ communit∙ fo≥ thσ ì
- hel≡ hσ go⌠ froφ hi≤ Elme≥ bacδ wheε hσ wa≤ jus⌠ starting« It'≤ ß ì
- traditioε tha⌠ goe≤ bacδ t∩ thσ beginninτ oµ amateu≥ radio«á It'≤ ì
- als∩á aεá excellen⌠á connectioε int∩á ßá world-widσá good-old-bo∙ ì
- networδá tha⌠á welcome≤ femalσ member≤ (seσ thσ Y╠ pagσá iεá eacΦ ì
- month'≤ QST).
- .cp10
- ╔ sugges⌠ thσ outsidσ help¼á first¼á becausσ you'l∞ learε aε ì
- awfu∞á lo⌠á abou⌠ radio¼á technica∞ practice≤ anΣá communication≤ ì
- jus⌠á froφá hanginτá arounΣá experienceΣá hams╗á second¼á becausσ ì
- they'l∞á hel≡ yo⌡ t∩ makσ SUR┼ yo⌡ ge⌠ tha⌠ license«á It'≤ ßá lo⌠ ì
- harde≥ wheε yo⌡ jus⌠ havσ ß booδ t∩ teacΦ yo⌡ thσ theor∙ anΣá thσ ì
- rules and regulations.
- (p.s«áá Thanks¼á K1P─á ªá ChelmsforΣá ªá Honeywel∞á ARC≤á iε ì
- Billerica╗ the∙ ElmereΣ me« 73!)
- .cp8
- b. General
- Iµ you'rσ gunninτ fo≥ you≥ General¼ yo⌡ alread∙ kno≈ mos⌠ oµ ì
- wha⌠á I'vσá haΣ t∩ sa∙ t∩ thσ will-bσ Novices«á Thσ bes⌠á offhanΣ ì
- advicσ ╔ caε pas≤ oε is¼á star⌠ a⌠ 1╡ wpφ witΦ n∩ whitespace¼ anΣ ì
- ge⌠á useΣá t∩ it«á Practicσ sendinτ a⌠ tha⌠ speeΣ anΣá highe≥á iµ ì
- you'rσ no⌠ oε thσ ai≥ much¼á usinτ thσ ditratσ tes⌠ modσ t∩ checδ ì
- you≥ keye≥ speed« Ge⌠ useΣ t∩ livinτ a⌠ tha⌠ speed«
- .cp4è Iµá you'rσá operating¼á sticδá mainl∙á t∩á thσá higher-speeΣ ì
- callers«á Iµ there'≤ nobod∙ sendinτ abovσ ╖ wpφ anΣ you'rσ itchy¼ ì
- that'≤ thσ timσ t∩ breaδ ou⌠ MORSETXT.
- .cp5
- ReaΣá thσ sectioε oε "higher-speeΣ useó iµ you'rσ usinτá thσ ì
- piez∩ oscillator..« I⌠ wil∞ probabl∙ pa∙ yo⌡ t∩ hooδ thσ compute≥ ì
- u≡ t∩ you≥ keyer'≤ straight-ke∙ inpu⌠ s∩ tha⌠ yo⌡ caε listeε t∩ ß ì
- les≤á aggravatinτ tone«á Thσ key-click≤ iε minσ makσ i⌠ les≤ thaε ì
- copyable above 18 wpm, although a shunt capacitor helps.
- .cp4
- Collec⌠á (anΣá write⌐á QS╧ files,á s∩ yo⌡á ge⌠á practicσá iε ì
- hearinτá prosign≤ anΣ abbreviations«á Thσ tes⌠á ha≤á those╗á the∙ ì
- threw me off the first time.
- .cp10
- Practicσá botΦá head-cop∙ anΣ pape≥ copy«á Iµ yo⌡á caεá typσ ì
- decentl∙ (I'φ ß two-finge≥ pounder)¼á cop∙ oε thσ typwriter«á Thσ ì
- tes⌠á ha≤ question≤ oε thσ QS╧ tha⌠ they'vσ played¼á bu⌠á they'l∞ ì
- als∩á pas≤ yo⌡ iµ you'vσ go⌠ ß certaiε numbe≥ oµ character≤ iεá ß ì
- ro≈á copieΣ correctly«á A⌠ leas⌠ practicσ takinτ note≤ (fo≥ you≥ ì
- log-book?)¼á s∩ you'l∞ bσ read∙ t∩ pul∞ ou⌠ thσ specific≤ oµá thσ ì
- QS╧á anΣ pluτ 'eφ int∩ thσ exaφ shee⌠ wheε thσ exaφ tapσ i≤á ove≥ ì
- and the sheets are passed out.
- Best of luck to you too.
- .cp7
- c. Extra
- An∙á Extrßá wh∩á caεá suppl∙ thi≤á section¼á baseΣá oεá you≥ ì
- experience¼ááá witΦáá o≥áá withou⌠áá computer-assisteΣáá learninτ ì
- techniques¼á pleasσá do¼á anΣá senΣá mσ ß cop∙ vißá thσá callbooδ ì
- address« Al∞ ╔ caε sa∙ herσ is¼ reaΣ thσ nex⌠ section« --WB1HKU/6
- .cp9
- d. High-speed use
- Thσá piez∩á oscillato≥ calleΣ ou⌠ iε thσá schematiπá iεá thσ ì
- overla∙ i≤ ß gooΣ beginning¼á bu⌠ it≤ sounΣ interfere≤ witΦ copy-ì
- practice«á A⌠á 3.╡á KHz¼á i⌠ i≤ simpl∙ to∩á strident«á Grea⌠á fo≥ ì
- Morsσá prograφá statu≤ signallinτ iε ß factor∙ environmen⌠á (I'vσ ì
- useΣ onσ tha⌠ way¼á anΣ i⌠ doe≤ cu⌠ througΦ thσ hum)¼á bu⌠ no⌠ s∩ ì
- pleasan⌠ fo≥ rea∞ listening.
- .cp9
- Fo≥áá high-speeΣá listening¼áá unde≥á simulateΣáá on-the-ai≥ ì
- conditions¼á i⌠á i≤á bes⌠á t∩á havσ ßá keyeΣá oscillato≥á runninτ ì
- somewherσ betweeε 50░ H· anΣ ▓ KHz«á Heathki⌠ persist≤ iε puttinτ ì
- 70░áH· sidetonσ oscillator≤ iε thei≥ amateu≥á rigs..«á that'≤á ß ì
- gooΣ copiablσ pitch¼ provideΣ thσ signa∞ isn'⌠ ß square-wave« Fo≥ ì
- seriou≤ cop∙ speeΣ improvemen⌠ abovσ 1╡ wpm¼ you'l∞ havσ t∩ drivσ ì
- somethinτá tha⌠á produce≤ ß mello≈ sounΣ eveε wheε it'≤á puttinτ ì
- ou⌠ thσ restles≤ rhythm≤ oµ Morsσ code.
- .cp5
- Drivinτá ß piez∩ oscillato≥ witΦ thσá RS23▓á line¼á however¼ ì
- doe≤á morσ thaε providσ ß quick-and-dirt∙ solutioε t∩ gettinτ thσ ì
- compute≥á t∩á makσ ß sound..«á i⌠ als∩ bypasse≤á thσá probleφá oµ ì
- interfacσ voltage levels.
- è.cp10
- Thσá 148╕ iε thσ Ampr∩ i≤ feΣ +1▓ anΣ -1▓ volts«á Thi≤ mean≤ ì
- tha⌠á it≤ output¼á lightl∙ loaded¼á wil∞ sna≡ betweeε +╣á anΣá -╣ ì
- volts«á It'≤á current-limiteΣá a⌠ ╖ - 1░á milliamps¼á bu⌠á that'≤ ì
- enougΦá t∩á blo≈á ou⌠ botΦ sets¼á uppe≥á anΣá lower¼á oµá static-ì
- protectioεá diode≤ iε ß norma∞ CMO╙ gate«á That'≤ als∩ slo≈ deatΦ ì
- fo≥ ß bipola≥ transistor¼ becausσ i⌠ hurt≤ i⌠ t∩ havσ eveε ╡ o≥ ╢ ì
- volt≤ back-bia≤ oε thσ emitter-basσ junction..« i⌠ behave≤ likσ ß ì
- Zene≥ diode¼ heat≤ up¼ anΣ thσ transistor'≤ gaiε goe≤ permanentl∙ ì
- down.
- .cp3
- Feedinτá thσá RS23▓ linσ int∩ ß norma∞á oscillator'≤á input¼ ì
- then¼á i≤ ß problem«á
- .cp6
- Onσ wa∙ i≤ t∩ usσ ß JFE╘ a≤ thσ inpu⌠ device« Givσ i⌠ ß gooΣ ì
- stifµ bia≤ resistor¼á say¼á ß megohm¼ returneΣ t∩ VdΣ (thσ power-ì
- suppl∙ rail¼á bσ tha⌠ +V¼á -╓ o≥ ground¼á toward≤ whicΦ thσ draiε ì
- lead'≤ curren⌠ goes)¼á s∩ that¼á witΦ aε opeε input¼ thσ FE╘ wil∞ ì
- turε oε hard.
- .cp7
- No≈ hooδ ß diodσ iε serie≤ witΦ thσ inpu⌠ -- ß 1N91┤ wil∞ d∩ ì
- -- arrangeΣ s∩ tha⌠ onσ oµ thσ tw∩ diodes¼á thσ signa∞ diodσá anΣ ì
- thσá base-channe∞á junctioε oµ thσ FET¼á i≤á alway≤á back-biased« ì
- This'l∞á kee≡ gatσ curren⌠ froφ blowinτ ou⌠ thσ FET«á (Otherwise¼ ì
- thσ FE╘ chi≡ wil∞ survive╗ it≤ littlσ interna∞ bondinτ leaΣ might ì
- ac⌠ likσ ß fuse¼ though.)
- .cp8
- Thσá FE╘ caε havσ it≤ sourcσ leaΣ returneΣ directl∙á t∩á Vs≤ ì
- (thσá source-leaΣá suppl∙ rail⌐ iµ it≤ draiε i≤ drivinτá ßá logiπ ì
- inpu⌠á (CMO╙ o≥ bipolar)«á Iµ it'≤ drivinτ ß bipola≥á transistor¼ ì
- whethe≥á that'≤á ßá Darlingtoε o≥ not¼á you'l∞ havσ t∩ pu⌠á iεá ß ì
- sourcσ resisto≥ t∩ limi⌠ thσ saturatioε current« Eithe≥ way¼ thi≤ ì
- wil∞á havσ n∩ effec⌠ oε thσ FET'≤ biasing¼á provideΣá thσá cutofµ ì
- statσ oµ thσ RS23▓ linσ i≤ severa∞ volt≤ outsidσ oµ Vss«
- .cp7
- Thσ FE╘ shoulΣ bσ full∙ pinched-ofµ wheε UNKE┘ switche≤ tha⌠ ì
- contro∞á line«á Thσá breakdowε voltagσ oµ thσ gatσá i≤á typicall∙ ì
- somewherσá abovσ 3░ volts..«á morσ thaε enougΦ fo≥ ou≥á purposes« ì
- Thσá diodσá shoulΣá blocδ an∙ curren⌠á iεá thσá othe≥á direction¼ ì
- allowinτ thσ gate-bia≤ resisto≥ t∩ drivσ thσ FE╘ int∩ saturation¼ ì
- wheε KE┘ switche≤ thσ line.
- .cp8
- I'φ beinτ ambiguou≤ abou⌠ whicΦ typσ oµ JFE╘ t∩ get¼ simpl∙ ì
- becausσ whethe≥ you'l∞ usσ aε N-channe∞ devicσ sucΦ a≤ aε MPF-10▓ ì
- o≥á ßá P-channe∞ devicσ sucΦ a≤ aε MPF-16▒ i≤ determineΣ b∙á you≥ ì
- RS23▓ line..« Iµ you≥ key-dowε send-a-tone-no≈ voltagσ i≤ ß mark¼ ì
- >╜ +│ volt≤ referenceΣ t∩ thσ RS23▓ grounΣ a⌠ piε 7¼á you'l∞ neeΣ ì
- aε N-channe∞ device« Otherwise¼ ß P-channel« (Thσ releasσ versioε ì
- of MORSETXT will require a P-channel device.)
- .cp5
- Thσá FE╘ shoulΣ worδ int∩ ß draiε resisto≥ returneΣ t∩á Vdd¼ ì
- eveεá iµá it≤á curren⌠ i≤ beinτ dumpeΣ straigh⌠á int∩á ßá bipola≥ ì
- transistor'≤ base«á Thi≤ resisto≥ wil∞ kee≡ leakagσ (n∩ JFE╘ eve≥ ì
- fully turns off) from turning on the oscillator.
- .cp2è Fo≥ thosσ witΦ morσ chip≤ thaε time¼á Nationa∞ Semiconducto≥ ì
- make≤á ßá gooΣ device¼á thσ 74C914«á
- .cp4
- Thi≤ i≤ ß series-4000-typσ CMO╙ he° Schmitt-trigge≥ inverte≥ ì
- witΦá ß specia∞ inpu⌠ protectioε networδ design«á EacΦ inpu⌠á caε ì
- safel∙á accep⌠ inpu⌠ voltage≤ u≡ t∩ 2╡ volt≤ eithe≥ wa∙ froφá it≤ ì
- grounΣ line«
- .cp6
- Givσá i⌠á ß ▒ megohφ ground-bia≤ resisto≥ anΣ ßá 47δá serie≤ ì
- inpu⌠á resistor¼á anΣá you'rσá al∞ se⌠ t∩ feeΣ i⌠á RS23▓á levels« ì
- Simpl∙ grounΣ thσ unuseΣ inputs«á (That'≤ ho≈ ╔ installeΣ R╔á anΣ ì
- DC─á oεá m∙á Ampro.⌐ NeeΣ thσ logiπá sensσá reversed┐á Chaiεá onσ ì
- inverter'≤á outpu⌠ througΦ anothe≥ onσ oε it≤ wa∙ t∩ wha⌠á you'rσ ì
- keying«
- .cp5
- Jus⌠á remembe≥ wha⌠ Schmit⌠ trigger≤ d∩ fo≥ ßá living..«á iµ ì
- yo⌡ neeΣ t∩ pu⌠ iε somσ key-clicδ filtration¼ d∩ i⌠ oε thσ outpu⌠ ì
- oµ thσ 74C914«á Whateve≥ thσ inpu⌠ signa∞ look≤ like¼á it'l∞ comσ ì
- ou⌠ oµ tha⌠ devicσ nicel∙ squared.
- .cp8
- Iµ you'rσ sendinτ thσ contro∞ linσ int∩ ß musiπ synthesizer¼ ì
- a≤á ╔á d∩á fo≥ tapes¼á you'l∞ probabl∙á havσá massivσá keyclicks« ì
- Whethe≥á yo⌡ ke∙ thσ oscillato≥ oε anΣ ofµ o≥ contro∞ i⌠á witΦá ß ì
- VCA¼ thσ RS23▓ line'≤ rise- anΣ fall-time≤ arσ fas⌠ enougΦ t∩ cu⌠ ì
- ofµá thσá oscillatioε abruptl∙ iε mid-cycle¼á anΣá probabl∙á fas⌠ ì
- enougΦá t∩á couplσ int∩ thσ signa∞ channe∞ t∩ bσ amplifieΣá a≤á ß ì
- noisσ spike.
- .cp4
- Iεá thi≤ case¼á you'l∞ neeΣ t∩ dam≡ thσ RS23▓ outpu⌠ witΦá ß ì
- capacitor«á It'≤á current-limited¼á s∩ yo⌡ can'⌠ hur⌠ i⌠ b∙ doinτ ì
- this¼á anΣá iεá fac⌠ thσ RS23▓ speπ call≤ fo≥ thosσ line≤á t∩á bσ ì
- damped with 300 pF caps at the source.
- .cp3
- Fo≥ you≥ purpose¼á though¼ you'l∞ neeΣ ß large≥ value« Star⌠ ì
- witΦ ß 0.▒ mfΣ ca≡ anΣ g∩ up«á Ruε MORSETX╘ a⌠ 2░ wpφ o≥á better¼ ì
- s∩á thσ keyclick≤ wil∞ bσ morσ noticeable«á
- .cp8
- Iµá yo⌡ caε tweaδ thσ circui⌠ whilσ watchinτ witΦ ßá 'scope¼ ì
- pu⌠á iε whateve≥ valuσ oµ nonpola≥ capacito≥ wil∞ givσ yo⌡ ßá 2-╡ ì
- milliseconΣ slope«á Otherwise¼á kee≡ tryinτ fo≥ ß maximuφ ratσ a⌠ ì
- whicΦ yo⌡ caε hea≥ thσ baud≤ iε thσ code« To∩ littlσ capacitance¼ ì
- anΣ thσ keyclick≤ garblσ thσ codσ int∩ ß rasp∙ gargle«á To∩ much¼ ì
- anΣ thσ higher-speeΣ baud≤ softeε anΣ blu≥ together¼ neve≥ reall∙ ì
- turninτ full∙ oε o≥ off« (1.░ u╞ seem≤ ß gooΣ value.)
- .cp7
- Fo≥ bes⌠ result≤ witΦ ß synthesizer¼á mi° togethe≥ abou⌠ 75Ñ ì
- sinewave¼á 25Ñ triangle¼á a⌠ thσ samσ frequenc∙ anΣá phase«á Tha⌠ ì
- sound≤ ß lo⌠ likσ ß crystal-controlleΣ C╫ signa∞ doe≤ oε thσ air« ì
- Al∞ sinewave¼á anΣ it'l∞ bσ ß littlσ bi⌠ harde≥ t∩ copy¼ somewha⌠ ì
- likσ ß well-tuneΣ bu⌠ overly-key-filtereΣ VF╧ riτ cominτ iε abou⌠ ì
- rst 349«
- .cp4
- Fo≥ ß tastσ oµ thσ sparδ days¼á modulatσ ß 120H· squarσ wavσ ì
- witΦ onσ abou⌠ 5░ H· ofµ anΣ mi° iε abou⌠ 40Ñ pinδ noise¼á al∞ oµ ì
- thi≤ gated through a VCA or a balanced modulator. QRI?
- .cp10è7. Character Map
- .cp4
- Thi≤ i≤ thσ characte≥ looδ u≡ tablσ useΣ iε MORSETXT«á I⌠ i≤ ì
- sorteΣ iε ascendinτ ASCI╔ order╗ thσ characte≥ itself¼ time≤ two¼ ì
- is used as the TABLE: - relative offset.
- .cp8
- EacΦ tablσ entr∙ i≤ tw∩ bytes¼á ß baud-coun⌠ nibblσ plu≤ u≡ ì
- t∩á thσ remainde≥ oµ tw∩ byte≤ t∩ bσ shifteΣ rightward≤ ou⌠á thσ ì
- door«á A⌠ eacΦ shift¼ thσ carr∙ flaτ i≤ tested« Iµ carr∙ i≤ set¼ ì
- thσ bauΣ i≤ ß dah«á Otherwise¼á it'≤ ß dit« Thσ prograφ insert≤ ß ì
- di⌠ oµ silencσ afte≥ eacΦ baud«á Thσ characte≥ symbol≤á algorithφ ì
- i≤á froφá ßá messagσá keye≥ prograφ iεá 7│á Magazinσá b∙á VE3CW┘ ì
- ("Cosmaπá Keyer")¼á originall∙ writteε fo≥ thσ CDP1802¼á whicΦ ╔ ì
- useΣ iε thσ Morse-codσ readou⌠ fo≥ TSCRT.
- .cp3
- Noticσá tha⌠á thσ bit≤ arσ iε reversσ orde≥ relativσ t∩á ho≈ ì
- you would read or hear the bauds. (That got me a few times.)
- FX equ 0FFh
- db 8,50h,FX,FX ;ACK...<sn> BEL
- db 0,80h,FX,FX ;BS...<hh> HT
- db 0Bh,60h,FX,FX ;LF...<al> VT
- db 15h,50h,51h,70h ;FF...<ka> CR...<bk>
- db FX,FX,FX,FX ;DC2 DC3
- db FX,FX,0Ah,50h ;SYN ETB...<ar>
- db FX,FX,2,50h ;<space> bang...<as>
- db 2Dh,60h,28h,60h ;" #...<sk>
- db 84h,70h,21h,50h ;$...<sx: dollarsign>
- ;%...<au: fractions follow>
- db FX,FX,1Eh,60h ;&...set up ES in a sub
- ;'
- db 0Dh,50h,2Dh,60h ;( )
- db 2,50h,0Ah,50h ;+...<ar> *...<as>
- db 33h,60h,21h,60h ;, -
- db 2Ah,60h,9,50h ;. /...<fraction bar>
- db 1Fh,50h,1Eh,50h ;0 1
- db 1Ch,50h,18h,50h ;2 3
- db 10h,50h,0,50h ;4 5
- db 1,50h,3,50h ;6 7
- db 7,50h,0Fh,50h ;8,9
- db 7,60h,15h,60h ;: ;
- db FX,FX,11h,50h ;< =...<doubledash>
- db FX,FX,0Ch,60h ;> ?
- db 0Ah,50h,22h,FX ;@...<ar> A
- db 41h,FX,45h,FX ;B Cè db 31h,FX,10h,FX ;D E
- db 44h,FX,33h,FX ;F G
- db 40h,FX,20h,FX ;H I
- db 4Eh,FX,35h,FX ;J K
- db 42h,FX,23h,FX ;L M
- db 21h,FX,37h,FX ;N O
- db 46h,FX,4Bh,FX ;P Q
- db 32h,FX,30h,FX ;R S
- db 11h,FX,34h,FX ;T U
- db 48h,FX,36h,FX ;V W
- db 49h,FX,4Dh,FX ;X Y
- db 43h,FX,FX,FX ;Z [
- db 51h,70h,FX,FX ;\...<bk> ]
- db 8,50h,2Ch,60h ;^ _
- db FX,FX,22h,FX ;accent grave, a
- db 41h,FX,45h,FX ;b c
- db 31h,FX,10h,FX ;d e
- db 44h,FX,33h,FX ;f g
- db 40h,FX,20h,FX ;h i
- db 4Eh,FX,35h,FX ;j k
- db 42h,FX,23h,FX ;l m
- db 21h,FX,37h,FX ;n o
- db 46h,FX,4Bh,FX ;p q
- db 32h,FX,30h,FX ;r s
- db 11h,FX,34h,FX ;t u
- db 48h,FX,36h,FX ;v w
- db 49h,FX,4Dh,FX ;x y
- db 43h,FX,8,50h ;z {
- db FX,FX,FX,FX ;| }
- db 0Dh,50h,0,80h ;~...<kn> DEL...<hh>
- Prosigns:
- au % fractions follow
- sx $ dollar-sign
- ar +,@,ETB end of message or cross
- bk \,CR "over." (CR pre-empted in MORSETXT)
- sn ACK,{ understand
- as *,! wait
- hh BS,DEL error
- sk # QSO END
- kn (,~ go only
- '&', <es>, is (best) handled as an exception.
- Inter-letter space is dah = 3 dits... space needed is 2 dits.
- .cp6
- 8. Library List
- MORSETXT.MQN this file.
- MORSETXT.DOC a short description for WHATSFOR.
- MORSETXT.OBJ the program.è
- .cp5
- MRS-LB10.AQM the samplσá overlay¼áá completσá witΦáá schematic« ì
- ááááááááááááááááááááChangσá thi≤á a≤ needeΣ t∩ fi⌠ you≥á machine¼ ì
- ááááááááááááááááááááretitlσá i⌠ anΣ tes⌠ it¼á theε uploaΣá i⌠á t∩ ì
- ááááááááááááááááááááAmpro1 or to a home board for your machine.
- .cp10
- PARIS.QQQ unsqueezed, this is a sample text file.
- ááááááááááááááááááááI⌠á start≤á witΦá ß burs⌠á oµá V's¼á thσá C╫ ì
- ááááááááááááááááááááequivalen⌠ t∩ sayinτ "testing"¼á theεá count≤ ì
- áááááááááááááááááááádowε t∩ 2░ iteration≤ oµ thσ worΣ PARIS«á Usσ ì
- áááááááááááááááááááái⌠áá fo≥áá retuninτáá thσá timinτáá iµáá you≥ ì
- ááááááááááááááááááááconfiguration'≤á timinτ parameter≤ var∙á froφ ì
- ááááááááááááááááááááthosσá oµ thσ Littlσ Board«á Ruε i⌠ oncσá anΣ ì
- ááááááááááááááááááááyou'l∞á kno≈á wheεá t∩á star⌠á anΣá sto≡á thσ ì
- áááááááááááááááááááástopwatch.
- .cp5
- SAMPLQSO.QQQ another squeezed sample.
- Pla∙ thi≤ onσ witΦ PRETT┘ switcheΣ off¼á a⌠ ß ì
- áááááááááááááááááááácomfortablσ cop∙ rate¼á thσ firs⌠á time¼á fo≥ ì
- áááááááááááááááááááábes⌠á results«á Thi≤ contriveΣ QS╧á neve≥á iε ì
- ááááááááááááááááááááfac⌠á occurred╗á cal∞á i⌠ weaδ humo≥á iµá yo⌡ ì
- áááááááááááááááááááálike.
- .cp4
- MORSE.SQB unsqueezed¼áá thi≤áá samplσá SUBfilσá use≤á PARIS¼ ì
- ááááááááááááááááááááSAMPLQS╧á anΣ thi≤ filσ a≤ text«á ^╪á througΦ ì
- ááááááááááááááááááááthe parts that bore you if you like.
- .cp7
- 9. Beyond
- A≤ mentioned¼á I'φ als∩ releasinτ MORSETXT.AQ═ v1.0¼á t∩ thσ ì
- samσ board≤ t∩ whicΦ ╔ releasσ thi≤ librar∙ file«á I'φ doinτ thi≤ ì
- separatel∙á s∩ tha⌠ BB╙ system≤ witΦ tigh⌠ disk-spacσ budget≤ caε ì
- deletσ tha⌠ onσ anΣ preservσ thi≤ file«
- .cp4
- ╔ welcomσ an∙ improvements¼á majo≥ o≥ minor¼ t∩ thσ program« ì
- ╔á wrotσ i⌠ ou⌠ oµ need¼á anΣ embellisheΣ i⌠ witΦá thσá bell-and-ì
- whistlσ function≤ ╔ though⌠ mos⌠ usefu∞ fo≥ m∙ purposes«
- .cp3
- Therσ i≤ stil∞ plent∙ oµ rooφ fo≥ improvement¼á eveε withou⌠ ì
- substantiall∙ changinτ thσ naturσ oµ thσ program«
- .cp8
- Fo≥á onσ thing¼á MORSETX╘ a⌠ presen⌠ doesn'⌠ dea∞ witΦá use≥ ì
- area≤á a⌠á all«á
- Thi≤ i≤ partl∙ duσ t∩ m∙ owε biases║á ╔ kee≡ everythinτ dowε ì
- a⌠á 0║á wherσ ╔ caε kee≡ aε eyσ oε who'≤ eatinτ u≡ al∞ m∙á flopp∙ ì
- disδ space« WitΦ that¼ anΣ m∙ hurr∙ t∩ pusΦ MORSETX╘ froφ projec⌠ ì
- statu≤ t∩ too∞ status¼á ╔ didn'⌠ seσ an∙ neeΣ t∩ implemen⌠á user-ì
- areß contro∞ iε thσ initia∞ releasσ versioε oµ thσ program.
- .cp7è Fo≥á another¼á MORSETX╘ v1.░ i≤ writteε completel∙ iεá 8080« ì
- Thi≤á make≤ i⌠ universal¼á bu⌠ i⌠ doe≤ cu⌠ dowε oε it≤ to≡ speed« ì
- There'≤ rooφ fo≥ ß majo≥ hacδ here¼ implementinτ aε assembly-timσ ì
- optioε fo≥ thσ inclusioε oµ Z80¼ 808╡ o≥ HD6418░ opcode≤ whereve≥ ì
- they'l∞á speeΣá thing≤á u≡á o≥ freσ u≡ thσá processo≥á fo≥á othe≥ ì
- things.
- .cp8
- Computer-specifiπ option≤ (sucΦ a≤ settinτ u≡ thσ unuseΣ CT├ ì
- channe∞á t∩ interrup⌠ wheε KE┘ timσ i≤ done¼á theε goinτá ofµá t∩ ì
- proces≤áá thσá nex⌠á byte⌐á wil∞á probabl∙á makσá thσáá codespeeΣ ì
- increment≤á ß lo⌠ morσ linear¼á a≤ wel∞ a≤ cuttinτ dowε oεá thosσ ì
- length∙ drive-acces≤ waitinτ period≤ betweeε characters«á S∩ wil∞ ì
- an∙ interrupt-driveε o≥ DMA-modσ disk-recorΣ fetch¼ thougΦ that'≤ ì
- morσ u≡ t∩ Ampr∩ t∩ implement.
- .cp5
- Curso≥á contro∞á durinτ thσ console-interactioεá loop≤á wil∞ ì
- allow, for instance, the prosign list in the Morse Keyboard Loop
- t∩ sta∙ iε onσ placσ oε thσ screen¼á WordSta≥á menu-style¼á whilσ ì
- the text scrolls away under it.
- .cp8
- ┴á logica∞á expansioε oµ thσ prograφ wil∞á bσá Internationa∞ ì
- Morsσá receptioε anΣ decoding¼á witΦ thσ resul⌠ goinτ ou⌠ t∩ disδ ì
- oεá command«á Tha⌠ woulΣ makσ thi≤ ß real-timσ tool¼á no⌠ jus⌠á ß ì
- learninτá aid«á WitΦ s∩ man∙ RTTY/ASCII/MORS┼ program≤á availablσ ì
- fo≥ othe≥ computers¼ i⌠ seem≤ ß shamσ fo≥ thσ picking≤ fo≥ CP/═ ª ì
- ZCPR│ operator≤ t∩ bσ s∩ sparse« ╔ gues≤ it'≤ u≡ t∩ u≤ hacker≤ t∩ ì
- takσ u≡ thσ slack«á
- .cp10
- ['Scusσá m∙á fulmination,-- ╔ refusσ t∩ acquiescσá t∩á mediß ì
- hypetype≤á wh∩ havσ stoleε tha⌠ labe∞ "hackeró anΣ applieΣ i⌠á t∩ ì
- criminals«á I⌠á stil∞á mean≤á someonσ wh∩ i≤ o≥á ha≤á beeεá goinτ ì
- througΦá thσá phasσá oµá learninτ t∩ prograφ wherσá the∙á takσá ß ì
- hatche⌠á t∩ thσ flo≈ contro∞ oµ thei≥ owε programs¼á patchinτá iε ì
- spaghettΘ jumps¼á witΦ n∩ prio≥ understandinτ oµ wha⌠ thσ result≤ ì
- wil∞ be«á Soone≥ o≥ later¼á yo⌡ learε t∩ comprehenΣ thσ codσá yo⌡ ì
- anΣá other≤ write¼á anΣ then¼á likσ Yankeσ Doodle¼á o≥ one'≤á olΣ ì
- Novicσ callsign¼á i⌠ ha≤ becomσ ß badgσ t∩ wea≥ witΦ pride« Gimmσ ì
- bacδ m∙ badge!í (grrrrr⌐ ]
- .cp4
- Finally¼ fo≥ anybod∙ wh∩ want≤ ß REA╠ challenge..« Wha⌠ kinΣ ì
- oµá tablσ structurσ anΣ lookup-and-senΣ algorithm≤ woulΣ i⌠á takσ ì
- for a program like MORSETXT to send American Telegrapher Morse?
- .cp8
- File≤á (includinτá thi≤á one⌐á witΦá filenamσá MORSETX╘á arσ ì
- versioε 1.0«á When/iµ revision≤ arσ releaseΣ b∙ me¼á the∙ wil∞ bσ ì
- a≤á MRSTXTnn¼á wherσ nε arσ thσ revisioε anΣ releasσ numbers«á A≤ ì
- fa≥ a≤ ╔ know¼ thσ MR╙ prefi° isn'⌠ useΣ fo≥ anythinτ yet« Anyonσ ì
- witΦ aε urgσ t∩ upgradσ thσ program¼á pleasσ takσ notσ anΣ follo≈ ì
- suit«á Pleasσ uploaΣ an∙ improvement≤ t∩ Ampro1¼ Jerr∙ Haigwood'≤ ì
- boarΣ a⌠ (408)258-8128¼á s∩ wσ caε al∞ seσ anΣ usσ i⌠ anΣ applauΣ ì
- you≥ efforts«
- 73 & GH all de WB1HKU/6 <sk>
- ..eof MORSETXT.MAN/Ampro[stuff.933]--CHR$(13)30JUN85 begun