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133 lines
/* pcprint.c -- Print files on a printer which is locally attached to a DEC
* VT102, VT200, VT300, or compatible, or to a PC that emulates them (e.g. IBM
* PC with Kermit 2.31 or later).
* Usage:
* command | pcprint
* pcprint < file
* pcprint file(s)
* and in MM, "set print-filter pcprint", then use MM's "print" command.
* "pcprint" allows printing of text files and binary files with no parity.
* To do this, the terminal has to be put in "raw mode", in which none of its
* other functions work. Therefore, the terminal is periodically restored to
* normal so that it can be interrupted with Ctrl-C, do Xon/Xoff, etc.
* Authors: Christine Gianone and Frank da Cruz, CUCCA, March 14, 1989
/* Preprocessor includes and defines */
#include <stdio.h> /* Standard i/o */
#include <sgtty.h> /* Set/Get terminal modes */
#include <signal.h> /* For keyboard interrupts */
#include <sys/types.h> /* For stat.h... */
#include <sys/stat.h> /* For file status queries */
#define BUFL 1000 /* Input buffer length */
/* Global Declarations */
static struct sgttyb old, new; /* Terminal modes structure */
static struct stat statbuf; /* File status structure */
int fd; /* Input file descriptor */
int doexit(); /* Forward declaration of doexit() */
/* Main function */
main(argc,argv) int argc; char *argv[]; {
int nf; /* File number from command line. */
int x; /* Temporary variable. */
/* Find out the current terminal settings from Unix */
gtty(1,&old); /* For restoring tty to how it was. */
gtty(1,&new); /* Plus a new copy, */
new.sg_flags |= RAW; /* for putting tty in "raw mode" */
/* to allow 8-bit data output */
/* with no parity. */
/* Send the ANSI "begin transparent print" sequence, "ESC [ 5 i". This */
/* makes the terminal send its input to the printer instead of the screen. */
printf("%c[5i",'\033'); /* Print the escape sequence. */
fflush(stdout); /* Make sure it goes out */
/* before we change tty modes. */
/* Since programs can be halted by users typing Ctrl-C or other keyboard */
/* interrupt characters, we must catch these interrupts in order to restore */
/* the terminal to normal (non-printing, non-raw) mode before exiting. */
signal(SIGINT,doexit); /* Control-C */
signal(SIGQUIT,doexit); /* Control-\ */
/* Input can either be from standard input (redirected stdin, pipe, or MM */
/* PRINT command), or else from a list of files given on the command line. */
/* Case 1: Print from Standard Input, e.g. "pcprint < test.txt". */
if (argc == 1) { /* If printing from standard input */
fd = 0; /* File descriptor 0 = stdin */
dofile(); /* Print until no more data */
doexit(); /* Done */
/* Case 2: Filename(s) specified on command line, e.g. "pcprint x.a x.b". */
/* Each file must be opened, printed, & closed. Skip over directory files. */
nf = 0; /* Current file number. */
while (++nf < argc) { /* Start with file 1, if any .*/
if (stat(argv[nf],&statbuf) < 0) /* First see if the file exists. */
continue; /* Doesn't exist, try next one. */
x = statbuf.st_mode & S_IFMT; /* Check file format. */
if ((x != 0) && (x != S_IFREG)) /* If not a regular file, */
continue; /* try the next file. */
if ((fd = open(argv[nf]),0) < 0) /* Try to open the file read-only. */
continue; /* On failure, try next file. */
dofile(); /* Opened OK, call printing function */
close(fd); /* and after printing close the file */
doexit(); /* No more files, clean up and exit. */
/* Function to print one file */
dofile() {
char buf[BUFL]; /* Input buffer */
int i; /* Input buffer counter */
int n; /* Input character EOF indicator */
char c; /* Input character itself */
int done; /* Flag for done */
done = 0; /* Initial condition for loop. */
while (!done) { /* While not done... */
stty(1,&old); /* Put terminal in normal mode */
/* to catch terminal interrupts. */
for (i = 0; i < BUFL-1; i++) { /* Loop to fill the input buffer. */
n = read(fd,&c,1); /* Read one character. */
if (n == 0) { /* If no more, */
done = 1; /* we're done! */
break; /* Break out of this for-loop. */
if (c == '\n') /* If character is a newline, */
buf[i++] = '\r'; /* supply a carriage return. */
buf[i] = c; /* Deposit character in buffer. */
stty(1,&new); /* Put tty in raw (no-parity) mode. */
write(1,buf,i); /* Request UNIX write the buffer. */
fflush(stdout); /* Now make UNIX really do it. */
/* Exit function. Leave user's terminal the way it was upon entry. */
/* Turn off transparent print by sending the escape sequence "ESC [ 4 i". */
doexit() { /* Program exit. */
if (fd != 0) close(fd); /* Close any open input file. */
signal(SIGINT,SIG_DFL); /* Return keyboard interrupts */
signal(SIGQUIT,SIG_DFL); /* to normal. */
printf("%c[4i",'\033'); /* Turn off transparent print. */
fflush(stdout); /* Make sure it goes out. */
stty(1,&old); /* Restore terminal to normal. */
exit(0); /* And exit. */