Text File
119 lines
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PAL-Assembler Summary Description
.paè.he PAL-Assembler Version 3.1 Nordelektronik GmbH
.pn 1
.fo Page #
1. Diskette contents
2. Invoking the PAL-Assembler
3. PAL-Program structure
4. Use of simulator
5. Programming of PAL's
6. Limitations
.paè 1. Diskette contents
The following files are part of the PAL-assembler:
a) PALASM.COM PAL-Assembler program
b) PALASM.TXT Description
c) EXAMPLE.PAL PAL-Program example
.paè 2. Invoking the PAL-Assembler
The PAL-assembler is invoded under CP/M by typing PALASM<CR>.
Thσ prograφ theε report≤ it'≤ versioε numbe≥ anΣ ask≤ fo≥á thσ ì
namσ oµ thσ filσ t∩ bσ assembled«á Contrar∙ t∩ previou≤ versions¼ ì
the extension must be included, e.g. EXAMPLE.PAL<CR>
Thσ filσ i≤ theε reaΣ anΣ assembled« Asseblinτ take≤ somσ timσ ì
(approximatel∙ ▒ minute.⌐ I≤ aε erro≥ detecteΣ iε thi≤ phase¼á i⌠ ì
will be reported and the program stops with STOP ERROR.
Iµá thσ filσ i≤ assembleΣ withou⌠ error≤ yo⌡ havσ ß choicσá oµ ì
generatinτá variou≤á printouts«á Usinτá Ech∩ (E⌐ yo⌡ wil∞á ge⌠á ß ì
listinτá oµá you≥ inpu⌠ file«á Iµ yo⌡ typσ ^╨á (control-P⌐á afte≥ ì
enterinτá thσá "Eóá yo⌡ wil∞ als∩ ge⌠ ßá printou⌠á (provideΣá thσ ì
printer is turned on and selected!)
Enterinτ Plo⌠ (P⌐ list≤ thσ distributioε oµ al∞ fuse≤ iεá you≥ ì
PAL«á ┴ ne≈ featurσ i≤ tha⌠ yo⌡ caε no≈ distinguisΦ betweeε fuse≤ ì
that never existed, and fuses you burned.
Entering pinOut (O) lists the pinout of your new PAL.
T∩á transfe≥ thσ datß t∩ thσ PRO═ programmer¼á selec⌠ functioε ì
Hex (H).
.paè 3. Structure of a PAL-Program
Pleasσá refe≥á t∩ thσ decriptioε iε thσá PA╠á Programmablσá Arra∙ ì
Logiπ Handbooδ by MMI.
Short summary:
Line 1 PAL-specification (type)
Lines 2-4 Comments
Line 5 Start of pin list (20 symbols)
Then the appropriate equations for your PAL.
Pleasσáá notσá tha⌠á line≤á startinτá witΦá ßá semicoloεáá arσ ì
interpreted as comments.
Next¼á yo⌡á caε ente≥ ß paragrapΦ startinτ witΦ "DESCRIPTION:ó ì
which is treated as a comment extending to the end of the file.
.paè 4. Use of the simulator
Thi≤ versioε oµ thσ PAL-assemble≥ allow≤ verificatioε oµá you≥ ì
PAL with a function table.
Iε orde≥ t∩ d∩ this¼á you≥ PAL-prograφ nus⌠ includσ ß functioε ì
tablσ afte≥ thσ logiπ equation≤ abΣ beforσ thσ DESCRIPTION║á witΦ ì
a structure as follows:
A Pin-List
One line containing only dashes ("-")
A truth table
One line containing only dashes ("-")
Thσá pin-lis⌠ i≤ ß sub-lis⌠ oµ you≥ linσ 5«á Onl∙ selec⌠ thosσ ì
pin≤á yo⌡á conside≥á necessar∙ fo≥ you≥á test«á Iµá yo⌡á lis⌠á aε ì
undefined name, the simulation will abort with an error message.
Thσ trutΦ tablσ consist≤ oµ ß sequencσ oµ thσ letter≤ H,L,X,Z¼ ì
anΣá C«á ╪ mean≤ "don'⌠ care,ó ┌ mean≤ "high-z,ó anΣ ├ i≤ ß clocδ ì
pulsσá iε thσ casσ oµ register-PAL's«á Comment≤ ma∙á bσá inserteΣ ì
freely, provided the first character in the line is a semicolon.
Iµá thσá PAL-assemble≥ note≤ ß discrepanc∙ betweeεá thσá trutΦ ì
tablσ anΣ thσ previousl∙ defineΣ logiπ equations¼á i⌠ wil∞ repor⌠ ì
an error and continue the simulation.
.paè 5. Programming PAL's
The PAL-assemble≥ uses RDR: and PUN: for data transmission.
Therefore¼á yo⌡á mus⌠á issuσá thσá followinτá command≤á beforσ ì
invoking PALASM:
Iµ yo⌡ selec⌠ datß transmission¼ thσ PAL-assemble≥ inform≤ yo⌡ ì
oµá thσ necessar∙ keystroke≤ oε thσ programme≥ s∩ i⌠ caεá receivσ ì
the data.
Pleasσá notσá beforσá programminτ PAL'≤ tha⌠á somσá component≤ ì
don'⌠ havσ somσ fuse≤ anΣ you≥ programme≥ wil∞ displa∙ ßá cautioε ì
message during component test.
.paè 6. Limitations
Thσá PAL-assemble≥ caε assemblσ u≡ t∩ 10░ lines«á Pleasσá makσ ì
surσ you≥ prograφ doe≤ no⌠ exceeΣ thi≤ limit« Thi≤ applie≤ t∩ 64δ ì