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168 lines
. LI - Log-In MexPlus script - George M. Sipe - February 1986
. Accepts system name as argument to avoid menu.
. May be called from CP/M (e.g. A>MEX LI N-OWL) and therefore
. may be called by a ZCPR3 ALIAS (e.g. A>N-OWL)
Phone >=###-####,,,#####-
%z=0;Phone <=1-
Screen Off;Stat Case On;Screen On
Comp A "menu";If Value then GoTo Menu
Comp A "unix";If Value then GoTo Unix
Comp A "n-owl";If Value then GoTo NOwl
Comp A "goliath";If Value then GoTo Goliath
Comp A "zeemachine";If Value then GoTo ZeeM
Comp A "cis";If Value then GoTo CIS
Start Brite;Say "Error: Unknown system "
Start ULine;Say A
End Uline;Start Brite;Say " specified."
Sleep 2
Label Menu
Start Brite;Cls
Box 05,10,16,60
Box 03,10,19,60
End Brite
@04,25;Start Rev;Say " --- Choose One --- ";End Rev
@06,13 Say "F1 --> Call and login to Unix"
@07,13 Say "F2 --> Call and login to the Night-Owl"
@08,13 Say "F3 --> Call and login to Goliath"
@09,13 Say "F4 --> Call and login to Zee Machine"
@10,13 Say "F5 -->"
@11,13 Say "F6 -->"
@12,13 Say "F7 --> Call and login to CompuServe"
@13,13 Say "F8 --> Change Alternate Long Distance service"
@14,13 Say "F9 -> Exit from menu to Mex prompt"
@15,13 Say "F10 -> Exit from menu to CP//M prompt"
Label Entry
If %z=0 then @17,13 Say "(ALD service is currently AT&T) "
If %z=1 then @17,13 Say "(ALD service is currently <ald 2>)"
If %z=2 then @17,13 Say "(ALD service is currently <ald 3>)"
@18,13 Say " "
Start Brite;@18,13 Say "Enter Function Key -> ";End Brite
Key F1="1/r";Key F2="2/r";Key F3="3/r";Key F4="4/r";Key F5="5/r"
Key F6="6/r";Key F7="7/r";Key F8="8/r";Key F9="9/r";Key F10="10/r"
Screen Off;Input;Screen On
Key F1="";Key F2="";Key F3="";Key F4="";Key F5=""
Key F6="";Key F7="";Key F8="";Key F9="";Key F10=""
If Value=1 then GoTo Unix
If Value=2 then GoTo NOwl
If Value=3 then GoTo Goliath
If Value=4 then GoTo ZeeM
If Value=7 then GoTo CIS
If Value=8 then GoTo ALD
If Value=9 then GoTo Mex
If Value=10 then GoTo Exit
Start Brite;@18,13 Say "Invalid selection, Try again ";End Brite
Sleep 1
Goto Entry
. Requires: A as system name, Phone Num as number to call
. Returns: Value as non-zero if connection successful
Proc Call
Start Brite;Cls
Box 03,10,05,60
End Brite
@04,13;Say "Attempting to connect to ",A,"... ";@06,0
Screen Off;Dial Num;Phone Num =
If Value=0
Screen On
@04,13;Say A," is currently unavailable ";@06,0
Sleep 2
Prefix "";Suffix "/r";Stat WtEcho Off;Stat SoDelay Off
Stat Reply 0;Stat Trigger ""
Screen On
@04,13;Say "Connection to ",A," established...";@06,0
Label Unix
Phone Num = ###-####
GoSub Call
If Value=0 then GoTo Menu
Wait String "ogin: ";If Value then Sendout "username"
Wait String "assword:";If Value then Sendout "password"
Wait String "(vt100) ";If Value then Sendout ""
Wait String "% ";If Value then Sendout ""
Screen Off;Stat Reply 8;Stat Trigger "%";Screen On
Label NOwl
A="the Night-Owl"
Phone Num = <414-563-9361
GoSub Call
If Value=0 then GoTo Menu
Wait String "FIRST name? ";If Value then Sendout "firstname"
Wait String "LAST name? ";If Value then Sendout "lastname"
Wait String "password: ";If Value then Sendout "password"
Wait String "continue:";If Value then Sendout ""
Screen Off;Stat Reply 8;Stat Trigger ">";Screen On
Label Goliath
Phone Num = <305-727-0331
GoSub Call
If Value=0 then GoTo Menu
Sendout "";Sleep 1;Sendout "";Sleep 1;Sendout "";Sleep 1;Sendout ""
Wait String "bugger ?";If Value then Sendout "ddt"
Wait String "name =>";If Value then Sendout "First Last"
Wait String "password =>";If Value then Sendout "password"
Wait String "HELP)?";If Value then Sendout "c"
Wait String "(Y//N)? ";If Value then Sendout "n"
Screen Off;Stat Reply 8;Stat Trigger ">";Screen On
Label ZeeM
A="Zee Machine"
Phone Num = <408-245-1420
GoSub Call
If Value=0 then GoTo Menu
Wait String "(0-9)? ";If Value then Sendout "0"
Wait String "(Y//N)? ";If Value then Sendout "n"
Wait String "name: ";If Value then Sendout "First Last"
Wait String "word: ";If Value then Sendout "password"
Wait String "(Y//N)? ";If Value then Sendout "n"
Wait String "(Y//N)? ";If Value then Sendout "n"
Wait String "True? ";If Value then Sendout "n"
Screen Off;Stat Reply 8;Stat Trigger ">";Screen On
Label CIS
Phone Num = ###-####
GoSub Call
If Value=0 then GoTo Menu
Screen Off
Stat Disp Checksum On;Stat Disp Cis On;Stat Disp Crc Off
Stat Checksum On;Stat Cis On;Stat Crc Off
Global T;Id "[CIS Mex] ";Proto M;Set M 300;SSet Auto Off
Screen On
Sendout "^C"
Wait String "User ID: ";If Value then Sendout "#####,####"
Wait String "Password: ";If Value then Sendout "pass-word"
Screen Off;Stat Reply 8;Stat Trigger ":";Screen On
Label ALD
If %z=2 then %z=3;Phone <=1-
If %z=1 then %z=2;Phone <=###-####,,,#####-
If %z=0 then %z=1;Phone <=###-####,,,#####-
If %z=3 then %z=0
Goto Entry
Label Mex
Start Brite;@18,13 Say "Entering Mex command level... ";End Brite
Label Exit
Start Brite;@18,13 Say "Exiting to system... ";End Brite