Assembly Source File
576 lines
;MXO-II13.ASM-- InterSysytems VIO and H-Z19/29/49 file for MEX. 06/02/85
; This is a MEX overlay used to configure MEX for a specific hardware set-up.
; This file places particular emphasis on using the InterSystems VIO with
; the 2651 PCI and the H-Z19. Much of the information contained here is
; not in the main file. If you're not using the above named equipment,
; some of the routines here may give you some hints for your MEX patch.
; Use the "SET" command to change baud rate when desired.
; Edit this file for your preferences then follow the "TO USE:" example
; shown below.
; TO USE: First edit this file filling in answers for your own
; equipment. Then assemble with ASM.COM or equivalent
; assembler. Then use MLOAD to overlay the the results
; of this program to the original .COM file.
; = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
; 06/02/85 - Added J-Cat dial/hangup routines - Len Moskowitz
; 06/08/84 - Changed to MEX labels MXO-II12.ASM - Len Moskowitz
; 06/04/84 - Changed to VIO/Z19 - MXO-II11.ASM - Len Moskowitz
; 05/23/84 - Corrected clear-screen error - Biff Bueffel
; 05/19/84 - Converted for MEX10 - MXO-H811.ASM - Biff Bueffel
; 11/11/83 - Renamed to M7H8-1.ASM, no changes - Irv Hoff
; 07/27/83 - Renamed to work with MDM712 - Irv Hoff
; 07/01/83 - Revised to work with MDM711 - Irv Hoff
; 06/22/83 - Revised to work with MDM710 - Irv Hoff
; 05/27/83 - Revised to work with MDM709 - Irv Hoff
; 05/15/83 - Revised to work with MDM708 - Irv Hoff
; 04/17/83 - Revised to work with MDM707 - Irv Hoff
; 04/04/83 - Updated to work with MDM706 - Irv Hoff
; 02/27/83 - Updated to work with MDM705 - Irv Hoff
; 02/17/83 - Updated to work with MDM704 - Irv Hoff
; 02/07/83 - Updated to work with MDM703 - Irv Hoff
; 01/27/83 - Updated to work with MDM702 - Irv Hoff
; 01/10/83 - Updated to work with MDM701 - Irv Hoff
; 10/03/82 - First version of this file
; = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
BELL: EQU 07H ;bell
CR: EQU 0DH ;carriage return
ESC: EQU 1BH ;escape
LF: EQU 0AH ;linefeed
; VIO base address and port offsets. Set PORT to either PORTA or PORTB
VIOBASE EQU 0 ;set this to the base address of
; your VIO board
PORTA EQU 0 ;serial port A is at base+0
PORTB EQU 4 ;serial port B is at base+4
PORT EQU VIOBASE+PORTB ;We use serial port B for the modem
MODDAT: EQU PORT ;data port for VIO
MODCT1: EQU PORT+1 ;status port for VIO
MDRCVB: EQU 02 ;bit to test for received data
MDRCVR: EQU 02 ;modem receive ready
MDSNDB: EQU 01 ;bit to test for ready to send
MDSNDR: EQU 01 ;modem send ready bit
; MEX service processor stuff. Use instead of BDOS calls. More detail
; in PM overlay.
MEX EQU 0D00H ;address of the service processor
INMDM EQU 255 ;get char from port to A, CY=no more in 100 ms
TIMER EQU 254 ;delay 100ms * reg B
TMDINP EQU 253 ;B=# secs to wait for char, cy=no char
CHEKCC EQU 252 ;check for ^C from KBD, Z=present
SNNDRDY EQU 251 ;test for modem-send ready
RCVRDY EQU 250 ;test for modem-receive ready
SNDCHR EQU 249 ;send a character to the modem (after sndrdy)
RCVCHR EQU 248 ;recv a char from modem (after rcvrdy)
LOOKUP EQU 247 ;table search: see CMDTBL comments for info
PARSFN EQU 246 ;parse filename from input stream
BDPARS EQU 245 ;parse baud-rate from input stream
SBLANK EQU 244 ;scan input stream to next non-blank
EVALA EQU 243 ;evaluate numeric from input stream
LKAHED EQU 242 ;get nxt char w/o removing from input
GNC EQU 241 ;get char from input, cy=1 if none
ILP EQU 240 ;inline print
DECOUT EQU 239 ;decimal output
PRBAUD EQU 238 ;print baud rate
PRINT EQU 9 ;BDOS print-string function
; modem control equates
offonhookport equ 08h ;I/O port used to command OHK signal
onhook equ 0feh ;mask used reset OHK to 0. All bits set to 1
; except the bit that controls OHK
offhook equ 01h ;mask used to set OHK to 1
milliconstant equ 165 ;delay constant for millisecond delay loop.
; correct for 4 megaHertz Z80A. halve it
; for 2 megaHertz cpu or adjust per your
; cpu requirements. a good way to check how
; accurate it is, is to set the three second
; delay, after the phone is taken off hook,
; to 60 seconds and time it carefully, and then
; adjust this constant.
cardetectport equ 05h ;I/O port used to read CAR signal
carriermask equ 80h ;mask used to check carrier detect bit. if this
; bit is a zero, the carrier was detected.
length equ 25 ;the maximum number of digits allowed in a
; phone number plus a null
portdefault equ 00h ;you might use a port that controls other
; things too. since we don't want to disturb
; them, store the default setting for the port,
; with OHK set to zero, here
dialtonewait equ 3 ;number of seconds we wait for a dial tone
carrierwait equ 15 ;number of seconds we wait for a carrier
; This section has logicals.
true equ 0ffh ;true
false equ 0 ;false
ORG 100H
; Change the clock speed if needed, to match your system
DS 3 ;(for "JMP START" instruction)
PMODEM: DB NO ;not used by MEX 103H
SMODEM: DB NO ;not used by MEX 104H
TPULSE: DB 'T' ;T=touch, P=pulse (Smartmodem-only) 105H
CLOCK: DB 40 ;clock speed in MHz x10, 25.5 MHz max. 106H
;20=2 MHh, 37=3.68 MHz, 40=4 MHz, etc.
MSPEED: DB 1 ;0=110 1=300 2=450 3=600 4=710 5=1200 107H
;6=2400 7=4800 8=9600 9=19200 default
BYTDLY: DB 5 ;0=0 delay 1=10ms 5=50 ms - 9=90 ms 108H
;default time to send character in ter-
;minal mode file transfer for slow BBS.
CRDLY: DB 5 ;0=0 delay 1=100 ms 5=500 ms - 9=900 ms 109H
;default time for extra wait after CRLF
;in terminal modNe file transfer
COLUMS: DB 5 ;number of DIR columns shown 10AH
SETFL: DB YES ;yes=user-added Setup routine 10BH
SCRTST: DB YES ;Cursor control routine 10CH
DB YES ;spare
BAKFLG: DB NO ;yes=change any file same name to .BAK 10EH
CRCDFL: DB YES ;yes=default to CRC checking 10FH
;no=default to Checksum checking
TOGCRC: DB YES ;yes=allow toggling of CRC to Checksum 110H
CVTBS: DB NO ;yes=convert backspace to rub 111H
TOGLBK: DB YES; ;yes=allow toggling of bksp to rub 112H
ADDLF: DB NO ;no=no LF after CR to send file in 113H
;terminal mode (added by remote echo)
TOGLF: DB YES ;yes=allow toggling of LF after CR 114H
TRNLOG: DB NO ;yes=allow transmission of logon 115H
;write logon sequence at location LOGON
SAVCCP: DB YES ;yes=do not overwrite CCP 116H
LOCNXT: DB NO ;yes=local command if EXTCHR precedes 117H
;no=external command if EXTCHR precedes
TOGLOC: DB YES ;yes=allow toggling of LOCONEXTCHR 118H
LSTTST: DB NO ;yes=printer available on printer port 119H
XOFTST: DB YES ;yes=checks for XOFF from remote while 11AH
;sending a file in terminal mode
XONWT: DB NO ;yes=wait for XON after CR while 11BH
;sending a file in terminal mode
TOGXOF: DB YES ;yes=allow toggling of XOFF checking 11CH
IGNCTL: DB YES ;yes=CTL-chars above ^M not displayed 11DH
EXTRA1: DB 0 ;for future expansion 11EH
EXTRA2: DB 0 ;for future expansion 11FH
BRKCHR: DB '@'-40H ;^@ = Send a 300 ms. break tone 120H
NOCONN: DB 'N'-40H ;^N = Disconnect from the phone line 121H
LOGCHR: DB 'L'-40H ;^L = Send logon 122H
LSTCHR: DB 'P'-40H ;^P = Toggle printer 123H
UNSVCH: DB 'R'-40H ;^R = Close input text buffer 124H
TRNCHR: DB 'T'-40H ;^T = Transmit file to remote 125H
SAVCHR: DB 'Y'-40H ;^Y = Open input text buffer 126H
EXTCHR: DB '^'-40H ;^^ = Send next character 127H
PRATE: DS 2 ;PMMI equates (see PMMI overlay) 128H
INCTL1: IN MODCT1 ;in modem control port 12AH
DS 7 ;spares
OTDATA: OUT MODDAT ;out modem data port 134H
DS 7
INPORT: IN MODDAT ;in modem data port 13EH
DS 7
MASKR: ANI MDRCVB ! RET ;bit to test for receive ready 148H
TESTR: CPI MDRCVR ! RET ;value of rcv. bit when ready 14BH
MASKS: ANI MDSNDB ! RET ;bit to test for send ready 14EH
TESTS: CPI MDSNDR ! RET ;value of send bit when ready 151H
DS 12 ;unused 154H
DS 2 ;Not used by MEX 160H
DIALV JMP DIAL ;Dials digit 162H
DISCV JMP HANGUP ;Disconnects modem 165H
GOODBV: JMP GOODBYE ;called before exit to CP/M 168H
INMODV: JMP INITMOD ;go to user written routine 16BH
NEWBDV: JMP NEWBAUD ;Change baudrate 16EH
NOPARV: DS 3 ;set modem for no-parity 171H
PARITV: DS 3 ;set modem parity 174H
SETUPV: JMP SETCMD ;overlay implemented function 177H
SPMENV: DS 3 ;Not used by MEX 17AH
VERSNV: JMP SYSVER ;overlay's voice in sign-on 17DH
BREAKV: DS 3 ;send break (not implemented) 180H
; These six lines are an artifact of MDMXXX. They are not used with MEX.
ILPRTV: DS 3 ;replace with MEX function 9 183H
INBUFV: DS 3 ;replace with MEX function 10 186H
ILCMPV: DS 3 ;replace with table lookup funct. 247 189H
INMDMV: DS 3 ;replace with MEX function 255 18CH
NXSCRV: DS 3 ;not supported by MEX 18FH
TIMERV: DS 3 ;replace with MEX function 254 192H
; The following clears the screen for the H19/29/49 terminal.
; Each of the two routines must be exactly 9 bytes long.
; End of the fixed format area.
DB 'Version for InterSystems VIO and Z19/29/49'
; NOTE: You can change the SYSVER message to be longer or shorter. The
; end of your last routine should terminate by 0B00H (601 bytes
; available after start of SYSVER) if using the Hayes Smartmodem
; or by address 0D00H (2659 bytes) otherwise.
; This routine can be used to make any necessary changes before exiting
; back to CP/M. If you share a VIO port between a printer and a modem,
; you can use this routine to change the baud rate and other port
; characteristics back to what the printer requires.
; The following is used to initialize the VIO 2651 Modem I/O port
INITMOD: call clrscrn ;added 6/2/85
MVI A,1 ;default transfer speed to 300 baud
MVI A,04EH ;Mode Register 1 word -
; 1 stop bit, no parity, 8 bits, Async * 16
OUT PORT+2 ;2651 mode port address
MODREG2: MVI A,35H ;Mode Register 2 word -
; internal clocks, 300 Baud
OUT PORT+2 ;2651 mode port address
MVI A,27H ;Command Register word -
; normal operation, RTS* forced low, reset
; error normal, force break normal, receive
; control enabled, DTR* forced low, transmit
; control enabled
OUT PORT+3 ;2651 command port address
; The following routine changes the baud rate for the VIO with the SET
; command.
SETCMD: MVI C,SBLANK ;Any arguments?
JC TELL ;If not, go display baud
CALL MEX ;Parse argument
PUSH H ;Save any parsed argument addrs on stack
RNC ;If we have one, return to it
POP H ;Oops, input not found in table
CALL MEX ;Tell user input not valid
DB CR,LF,'Only 300 or 1200 allowed on SET command',CR,LF,0
CMDTBL: DB '30','0'+80H
DW OK300
DB '120','0'+80H
DW OK1200
DB 0
CALL MEX ;Print current baud rate
DB CR,LF,'Baud rate is now: ',0
OK300: MVI A,1 ;MSPEED 300 baud value
LXI H,BD300 ;get pointer to 300 baud parameter in HL
JMP LOADBD ;go load them
OK1200: MVI A,5 ;MSPEED 1200 baud value
LXI H,BD1200 ;get pointer to 1200 baud parameter in HL
LOADBD: STA INITMOD+1 ;store speed to show transfer time
MOV A,M ;get mode register 2 word for new baud rate
JMP INITMOD ;reinitialize VIO 2651
JZ OK300
JZ OK1200
; Table of baud rate parameters
BD300: DB 35H
BD1200: DB 37H
EOSMSG: DB ESC,'J',0,0,0,'$'
CLSMSG: DB ESC,'E',0,0,0,'$'
; DIAL *
; This routine dials the Novation J-Cat. Mex starts the dial routine
; by calling this subroutine with a 254 (FE hex) in register A. Each time
; it is called again A has the next digit of the telephone number. We
; store the numbers at "number" until the entire number is sent.
; Mex signals that it has sent the entire number by calling this subroutine
; with a 255 (FF hex) in A. Once the entire number has been received
; we take the phone off-hook, wait for a dial tone, and dial the number.
; if after 15 seconds we don't detect a carrier, we return to mex with a 2
; in A. If a carrier is detected, we return with a 0 in A. If he pressed
; control-c during the dial, we return immediately with a 3 in A.
dial: cpi 0feh ;see if MEX wants to start a call
jnz dial0 ;jump if not
mvi a,true ;set the entry-in-progress flag
sta entryinprogressflag
lxi h,number ;initialize the pointer to the phone number
shld numpointer
dial0: cpi 0ffh ;see if it's the end-dial code
jz dial0a ;jump if it is
;otherwise A must hold one digit of the phone
; number
mov e,a ;store the value Mex passed us via A in E
lda entryinprogressflag ;check and see if it's legal to be
cpi true ; here by seeing if the flag is set.
jz dial00a ;jump if we're legal
mvi c,ilp ;we're not legal. tell him that we've received
call mex ; a digit before a start-dial code
db 'We''ve got a problem. I received a digit before getting'
db cr,lf,'a "Start-dial" code (254).',0
mvi a,3 ;make it look like a control-c abort to MEX
dial00a:mov a,e ;get the digit back in A
cpi '9' + 1 ;make sure it's between 0 and 9
rnc ;return if it's too big
sui '0'
rc ;return if it's too big
adi '0' ;restore it if it's ok
call getnumber ;get the next digit in the phone number from
dial0a: lda entryinprogressflag ;see if we've received a "start-call"
cpi true
jz dial0b ;jump if we are in the middle of a call
mvi c,ilp ;tell him that we received an end-dial code
call mex ; before a start-dial code
db 'We''ve got a problem. I received an "End-dial" code (255)'
db cr,lf,'before getting a "Start-dial" code (254).',0
mvi a,3 ;make it look like a control-c abort to MEX
dial0b: mvi a,0 ;mark the end of the number
call getnumber ;store a null at the end of the number
lda false
sta entryinprogressflag ;reset the flag
mvi a,portdefault ;get the default setting for the port we use
ori offhook ; to control OHK and set OHK to 1
out offonhookport ;take the phone off hook
mvi c,ilp ;tell him we're waiting 3 seconds
call mex
db cr,lf,'Waiting for a dial tone...',0
mvi d,dialtonewait
dial0c: lxi b,1000 ;wait 3 seconds for a dial tone
call delay
call keycheck ;see if a key was pressed
dcr d ;decrement the wait counter
jnz dial0c ;jump if we haven't waited long enough
mvi c,ilp
call mex ;tell him we're starting to dial
db cr,lf,'Dialing...',0
lxi h,number ;point to the number he just typed
mov a,m ;load it into A and check if it's zero
dial1 ora a ;set the flags. Z set to 1 means A is a zero.
jz done ;jump if we finished dialing
sui '0' ;otherwise, subtract out the ASCII offset
jnz dial1a ;check if it's zero. jump if it's not
mvi a,10 ;it was zero, so convert it to ten
dial1a mov e,a ;keep the digit we're dialing in E
dial2 mvi a,portdefault ;get the default setting for the port
ani onhook ;set OHK to 0 for 60 milliseconds
out offonhookport
lxi b,60
call delay
mvi a,portdefault ;get the default setting again
ori offhook ;set OHK to 1 for 40 milliseconds
out offonhookport
lxi b,40
call delay
dcr e ;decrement E. if E is zero go on to next digit
jnz dial2 ;jump if it's not zero yet
lxi b,900 ;it was zero, so wait for 700 to 900
call delay ; milliseconds before we dial the next digit
call keycheck ;see if a key was pressed
inx h ;get the next digit
mov a,m ;put it in A
jmp dial1 ;jump back to the zero check
done mvi c,ilp
call mex ;print a crlf
db cr,lf,0
mvi d,carrierwait ;wait for a carrier "carrierwait" seconds
done1 lxi b,1000 ;wait 1 second for a carrier
call delay
call carriercheck ;see if we connected with a modem
jnz yescarrier ;jump if we connected
call keycheck ;see if a key was pressed
dcr d
jnz done1 ;jump if we haven't waited long enough
call hangup ;hangup the phone
mvi a,2 ;tell MEX we didn't detect a carrier
yescarrier:mvi a,0 ;tell MEX we detected a carrier
number: ds length
entryinprogressflag db 0
numpointer ds 2
; Getnumber gets the telephone number we will dial from the user.
; C holds the maximum number of characters to be accepted.
getnumber:lhld numpointer ;get the pointer to the next position
; to be loaded into the number storage
; location
mov m,a ;move the number MEX sent us to
; storage
inx h ;increment the pointer to the storage
shld numpointer ;save it
; Check if we have a carrier. Return with the zero flag set if not.
carriercheck: in cardetectport ;check if a carrier was detected
ani carriermask ;mask off the "carrier detect" bit
; See if he pressed control-c. If yes, zero flag is set.
keycheck:push d ;save DE
push h ;save HL
mvi c,chekcc ;see if control-c was pressed
call mex
pop h ;restore HL
pop d ;restore DE
call hangup
mvi a,3 ;tell MEX we were aborted form the keyboard
pop h ;pop the normal return address and throw it
; away
ret ;return to MEX instead
; Hangup puts the phone on hook in the strange way the J-Cat requires
; to avoid going into self-test.
hangup: mvi a,portdefault ;get the default settings again
ani onhook ;put the phone on hook (hang up) for 25 msec.
out offonhookport
lxi b,25
call delay
mvi a,portdefault ;get the default setting again
ori offhook ;take the phone off hook for 20 milliseconds
out offonhookport
lxi b,20
call delay
mvi a,portdefault ;get the default setting again
ani onhook ;put it on hook again for good this time
out offonhookport
; Delay is a delay loop that last BC milliseconds. Doesn't touch
; DE and HL.
delay: push d ;save DE and HL
push h
inr b ;Set B to 1 higher, since we decrement it
; later before we test it
delay1 lxi d,milliconstant ;load DE with the delay constant
delay2 dcx d ;inner loop until DE goes to zero
mov a,e
ora d
jnz delay2
dcr c ;middle loop until C goes to zero
jnz delay1
dcr b ;outer loop until B goes to zero too
jnz delay1
pop h ;restore HL and DE
pop d
ret ; and return
; NOTE: MUST TERMINATE PRIOR TO 0B00H (with Smartmodem)