Assembly Source File
1,106 lines
; MXO-MR11.ASM -- MEX Port Overlay file for the Morrow Descision 11 03-OCT-85
; This overlay adapts the MEX modem program for the Morrow Micro Decision 11.
; This MEX Port overlay digresses from pure by encompassing a Hayes Smartmodem
; feature in the SET command. If this offends you in anyway, set the SMODEM
; flag to "NO" to eliminate.
; The SET command used in this overlay will allow the setting of the baud rate
; (speed) of the modem hardware port. As mentioned, the Smartmodem speaker is
; setable by the user to one of three setting: OFF: such that the speaker is
; always off, HALF: such that the speaker is on during the dialing sequence,
; but turns off when the carrier is detected, and FULL: the speaker stays on
; when carrier detected. This is useful when one doesn't wish the stereo to be
; drowned out by the Smartmodem dialing.
; A more detailed description of the calling conventions used by this overlay
; overlay can be found in the PMMI modem overlay (MXO-PMxx.ASM where the "xx"
; is the current version number).
; History as a MEX overlay
; 10/02/85 - Stolen from MXO-SZ20.ASM (V1.1) - Stuart Rose
OVERSION equ 1 ; overlay version number
OREVISION equ 1 ; overlay revision level
; CP/M system addresses ;
WBOOT equ 0000H ; address of warm boot jump vector
TPA equ 0100H ; address of transient program area
; MEX system bytes. This overlay helps MEX remember the baud rate of the ;
; modem port and speaker volume of the Smartmodem when hopping in and out of ;
; MEX **DURING THE SAME CALL**. These values are used instead of the overlay ;
; defaults (MSPEED and VOLUME respectively) when a call-in-progress is de- ;
; tected on MEX startup. Then these values are used. To protect them, they ;
; live in the system page (0000H-00FFH), in a location not used by the OS ;
; (operating system). Generally 0040H-004FH is reserved for CBIOSes and is ;
; fine for uses, as long as your CBIOS doesn't use it. If you are really un- ;
; sure, set both values to 0000H, and this feature will be eliminated. ;
MEXBAUD equ 004FH ; address of system byte for MEX baud rate
MEXSPKR equ 004EH ; address of system byte for MEX speaker volume
; MEX service processor address and functions ;
MEX equ 0D00H ; address of the MEX service processor
INMDM equ 255 ; A = char from modem,CARRY = no char in 100 ms
TIMER equ 254 ; delay B, in 100 ms units
TMDINP equ 253 ; wait B seconds for char, CARRY = no char
CHEKCC equ 252 ; check for ^C from keyboard, ZERO = present
SNDRDY equ 251 ; test for modem-send ready
RCVRDY equ 250 ; test for modem-receive ready
SNDCHR equ 249 ; send a character to the modem (after sndrdy)
RCVCHR equ 248 ; receive a character from modem (after rcvrdy)
LOOKUP equ 247 ; table search: see CMDTBL comments for info
PARSFN equ 246 ; parse filename from input stream
PARSBD equ 245 ; parse baud-rate from input stream
SBLANK equ 244 ; scan input stream to next non-blank
EVALA equ 243 ; evaluate numeric from input stream
LKAHED equ 242 ; get next char w/o removing from input stream
GNC equ 241 ; get next char from input stream, CARRY = none
ILP equ 240 ; inline print
DECOUT equ 239 ; decimal output
PRBAUD equ 238 ; print baud rate
PRNTBL equ 237 ; print command table CARRY SET for ^C abort
PRID equ 236 ; print current MEX ID string on console
PRINT equ 9 ; BDOS/MEX print-string function call
CONOUT equ 2 ; BDOS/MEX output a character to console call
; Define new MEX modes (granted in MEX V1.10 and up) ;
CMDMOD equ 0 ; 00 - MEX is in command mode
TRMMOD equ 1 ; 01 - MEX is in terminal mode
SNDMOD equ 2 ; 02 - SENDOUT active
KEYMOD equ 3 ; 03 - Keystring being transmitted
XMDMSND equ 4 ; 04 - File transfer: Christensen-protocol send
XMDMRCV equ 5 ; 05 - File transfer: Christensen-protocol rcv
CISSND equ 6 ; 06 - File transfer: CIS-protocol send
CISRCV equ 7 ; 07 - File transfer: CIS-protocol receive
; define some ASCII control characters ;
NULL equ '@'-'@' ; (^@) null
BELL equ 'G'-'@' ; (^G) bell
TAB equ 'I'-'@' ; (^I) tab
CR equ 'M'-'@' ; (^M) carriage return
LF equ 'J'-'@' ; (^J) line feed
ESC equ '['-'@' ; (^[) escape
CTRL$Z equ 'Z'-'@' ; (^Z) control Z
DEL equ 7FH ; delete
EOS equ DEL ; SNDLIN end-of-string character
; define some boolean variables ;
YES equ 0ffH ; affirmative response
NO equ 000H ; negative response
TRUE equ YES ; true (affirmative) response
FALSE equ NO ; false (negative) response
; MEX dial subroutine return error codes ;
CARRIER equ 0 ; CARRIER DETECTED return code
BUSY equ 1 ; FAR END BUSY return code
NOANSWER equ 2 ; NO ANSWER return code
ABORT equ 3 ; KEYBOARD ABORT return code
ERROR equ 4 ; MODEM ERROR return code
NORING equ 5 ; NO RING return code
NODIALTONE equ 6 ; NO DIAL TONE return code
; MEX system page parameters (are correct for MEX V1.1x) ;
; see MEXPATxx for current values. ;
PROMPT equ MEX+13H ; addr of address of id prompt
CANCHR equ MEX+1CH ; addr of cancel character
ERRID equ MEX+2EH ; addr of error id flag (0 = no id in err msg)
; miscellaneous equates ;
OFF equ '0' ; Smartmodem code for speaker always off
HALF equ '1' ; Smartmodem code for speaker on until CD
FULL equ '2' ; Smartmodem code for speaker always on
; MEX format baud rates ;
MEX110 equ 0 ; MEX baud rate of 110
MEX300 equ 1 ; MEX baud rate of 300
MEX450 equ 2 ; MEX baud rate of 450
MEX600 equ 3 ; MEX baud rate of 600
MEX710 equ 4 ; MEX baud rate of 710
MEX1200 equ 5 ; MEX baud rate of 1200
MEX2400 equ 6 ; MEX baud rate of 2400
MEX4800 equ 7 ; MEX baud rate of 4800
MEX9600 equ 8 ; MEX baud rate of 9600
MEX19200 equ 9 ; MEX baud rate of 19200
; Baud rate parameters for Morrow Descision 11 Zilog DART ;
BD300 equ 0C4H ; 300 baud
BD600 equ 084H ; 600 baud
BD1200 equ 044H ; 1200 baud
BD19200 equ 004H ; 19200 baud
; Morrow Descision 11 base port for modem serial port ;
BASE equ 062H ; base port of modem port for MD-11
; Morrow initialization values for modem port baud rate, and the Hayes ;
; Smartmodem speaker volume (the last two values take on values stored in ;
; the MEX scratch area of the system parameter page when re-entering MEX ;
; with a call-in-progress). ;
MD$BAUD equ MEX1200 ; initial baud rate (speed) for Morrow modem
MD$SPKR equ OFF ; initial speaker volume, speaker always off
; Port offsets (from BASE) ;
DPORT equ 0 ; data port
SPORT equ 1 ; status port
CPORT equ 1 ; control port
; UAR/T status bits (for Zilog and Plymouth DART) ;
TBMT equ 04H ; transmit buffer empty
DAV equ 01H ; data available
DCDLIN equ 08H ; carrier detect (use DCD line itself)
;DCDLIN equ 20H ; carrier detect (use CTS line)
; Overlay starts here ;
org TPA
; MDM7xx/MEX parameter page ;
JMPMEX: DS 3 ;(for "jmp START" instruction) 100H
PMODEM: DB NO ;yes=PMMI S-100 Modem 103H
SMODEM: DB YES ;yes=HAYES Smartmodem, no=non-PMMI 104H
TPULSE: DB 'T' ;T=touch, P=pulse (Smartmodem-only) 105H
CLOCK: DB 40 ;clock speed in MHz x10, 25.5 MHz max. 106H
;20=2 MHh, 37=3.68 MHz, 40=4 MHz, etc.
MSPEED: DB MD$BAUD ;0=110 1=300 2=450 3=600 4=710 5=1200 107H
;6=2400 7=4800 8=9600 9=19200 default
BYTDLY: DB 0 ;0=0 delay 1=10ms 5=50 ms - 9=90 ms 108H
;default time to send character in ter-
;minal mode file transfer for slow BBS.
CRDLY: DB 0 ;0=0 delay 1=100 ms 5=500 ms - 9=900 ms 109H
;default time for extra wait after CRLF
;in terminal mode file transfer
COLUMS: DB 5 ;number of DIR columns shown 10AH
SETFLG: DB YES ;yes=user-added Setup routine 10BH
SCRTST: DB YES ;Cursor control routine 10CH
ACKNAK: DB YES ;yes=resend a record after any non-ACK 10DH
;no=resend a record after a valid-NAK
BAKFLG: DB NO ;yes=change any file same name to .BAK 10EH
CRCDFL: DB YES ;yes=default to CRC checking 10FH
TOGCRC: DB YES ;yes=allow toggling of CRC to Checksum 110H
CVTBS: DB NO ;yes=convert backspace to rub 111H
TOGLBK: DB YES ;yes=allow toggling of bksp to rub 112H
ADDLF: DB NO ;no=no LF after CR to send file in 113H
;terminal mode (added by remote echo)
TOGLF: DB YES ;yes=allow toggling of LF after CR 114H
LOGOK: DB NO ;yes=allow transmission of logon 115H
;write logon sequence at location LOGON
SAVCCP: DB YES ;yes=do not overwrite CCP 116H
LOCXCHR:DB NO ;yes=local command if EXTCHR precedes 117H
;no=external command if EXTCHR precedes
TOGEXC: DB YES ;yes=allow toggling of EXTCHR 118H
LSTTST: DB YES ;yes=printer available on printer port 119H
XOFTST: DB YES ;yes=checks for XOFF from remote while 11AH
;sending a file in terminal mode
XONWT: DB NO ;yes=wait for XON after CR while 11BH
;sending a file in terminal mode
TOGXOF: DB YES ;yes=allow toggling of XOFF checking 11CH
IGNCTL: DB NO ;yes=CTL-chars above ^M not displayed 11DH
EXTRA1: DB 0 ;for future expansion 11EH
; Terminal mode escape character (for MDM7xx only) ;
EXITCHR DB 'E'-'@' ; ^E = Exit to main menu 11FH
BRKCHR DB '@'-'@' ; ^@ = Send 300 ms. break tone 120H
NOCONN DB 'N'-'@' ; ^N = Disconnect from the phone line 121H
LOGCHR DB 'L'-'@' ; ^L = Send logon 122H
LSTCHR DB 'P'-'@' ; ^P = Toggle printer 123H
UNSAVE DB 'Z'-'@' ; ^Z = Close input text buffer 124H
TRNCHR DB 'T'-'@' ; ^T = Transmit file to remote 125H
SAVCHR DB 'A'-'@' ; ^A = Open input text buffer 126H
EXTCHR DB '\'-'@' ; ^\ = Send next character 127H
; Overlay parameter page (unused by MEX) ;
ds 2 ;
; Modem I/O routines ;
MDMSTAT:JMP INPSP ; get modem status 12AH
DS 7
MDMOUT: JMP OUTDP ; output a character to the modem 134H
DS 7
MDMIN: JMP INPDP ; input a character from the modem 13EH
DS 7
; Modem status register send/receive bit test routines ;
MASKR: ANI DAV ! RET ; bit to test for receive ready 148H
TESTR: CPI DAV ! RET ; value of receive bit when ready 14BH
MASKS: ANI TBMT ! RET ; bit to test for send ready 14EH
TESTS: CPI TBMT ! RET ; value of send bit when ready 151H
DS 14 ; 154H
; MEX subroutine jump table ;
DIALV: ds 3 ; Smartmodem dial a number 162H
DISCV: jmp DISCON ; disconnect from target system 165H
GOODBV: jmp GOODBYE ; MEX un-initialization subroutine 168H
INMODV: jmp HELLO ; MEX initialization subroutine 16BH
NEWBDV: jmp BAUD ; new baud rate subroutine 16EH
NOPARV: RET ! NOP ! NOP ; no parity subroutine 171H
PARITV: RET ! NOP ! NOP ; new parity subroutine 174H
SETUPV: jmp SETCMD ; Spider/Z SET command subroutine 177H
SMENUV: DS 3 ; not used by MEX 17AH
VERSNV: jmp OVRVER ; display overlay version subroutine 17DH
BREAKV: jmp SBREAK ; send a break tone subroutine 180H
ILPRTV: DS 3 ; inline print (gone by MEX V2.0) 183H
INBUFV: DS 3 ; input buffer (gone by MEX V2.0) 186H
ILCMPV: DS 3 ; line compare (gone by MEX V2.0) 189H
INMDMV: DS 3 ; timed modem input (gone by MEX V2.0) 18CH
NXTSNV: DS 3 ; next screen (gone by MEX V2.0) 18FH
TIMERV: DS 3 ; timer routine (gone by MEX V2.0) 192H
; CLREOS subroutine ;
; This subroutine will clear the console screen from the current cursor ;
; position, to the end of the console screen (insure that SCRTST (010AH) ;
; is set to YES if you wish to use this subroutine). ;
CLREOS: lxi D,CLRE ; clear to end-of-screen 195H
mvi C,PRINT ;
call MEX ;
ret ;
; CLRSCN subroutine ;
; This subroutine will clear the console screen (insure that SCRTST (010AH) ;
; is set to YES if you wish to use this subroutine). ;
CLRSCN: lxi D,CLRS ; clear screen 19EH
mvi C,PRINT ;
call MEX ;
ret ;
; BOLD subroutine ;
; This subroutine will turn on the bold attribute (insure that SCRTST (010AH) ;
; is set to YES if you wish to use this subroutine). ;
BOLD: lda SCRTST ; termcap?
cpi YES ;
rnz ; nope
lxi D,BLD ; yep, turn bold on
mvi C,PRINT ;
call MEX ;
ret ;
; UNBOLD subroutine ;
; This subroutine will turn off the bold attribute (insure that SCRTST (010AH);
; is set to YES if you wish to use this subroutine). ;
UNBOLD: lda SCRTST ; termcap?
cpi YES ;
rnz ; nope
lxi D,UNBLD ; yep, turn bold off
mvi C,PRINT ;
call MEX ;
ret ;
; Escape sequences for MD-11s ;
CLRE: db ESC,'Y','$' ; clear to end-of-screen
CLRS: db ESC,'*','$' ; clear screen
BLD: db '$' ; turn on character bold attribute
UNBLD: db '$' ; turn off character bold attribute
; OVRVER subroutine ;
; This subroutine will print the overlay id and version on the console. ;
OVRVER: mvi C,ILP ; print overlay id and version number
call MEX
db 'Morrow Micro Decision 11 Computer Port Overlay V'
db OVERSION + '0','.',OREVISION + '0',CR,LF,0
call CIPMSG ; display "call in progress" if need be
rc ;
mvi C,ILP ; aestetic newline
call MEX ;
db CR,LF,0 ;
; GOODBYE subroutine ;
; This subroutine is executed just prior to exiting from MEX to CP/M. All un- ;
; initialization procedures are done here. ;
GOODBYE:call CIPMSG ; echo "call in progess" if need be
ret ;
; CIPMSG subroutine ;
; This subroutine will display the "call in progress" message (Spider/Z users ;
; are forgetful) if BOTH a carriet is detected AND the current MEX modem port ;
; is not the current CP/M console. ;
CIPMSG: call CDTEST ; gotta carrier?
rnc ; nope, then don't display "call in progress"
call BOLD ; use bolding if possible
mvi C,ILP ; print a newline
call MEX ;
db CR,LF,0 ;
call IDMSG ; blapp out ID prompt if need be
mvi C,ILP ; print "call in progess" message
call MEX ;
db '[call in progress]',BELL,CR,LF,0
call UNBOLD ; undo bolding damage if need be
stc ; show "call in progess" message printed
; SBREAK subroutine ;
; This routine will mimic the function of the BREAK key by sending an ;
; interrupt to the modem (transmit line held high) for a period of 300 ms. ;
SBREAK: push H ; save registers
push D ;
push B ;
push PSW ;
mvi A,0FAH ; force break for 300 ms
mvi B,3 ; set duration for 300 ms
call TOUTCP ; do it!
pop PSW ; restore registers
pop B ;
pop D ;
pop H ;
ret ;
; DISCON subroutine ;
; This subroutine will disconnect the modem from the target computer. This ;
; is done by dropping the DTR line to the modem for a period of 1.5 seconds ;
; in theory, 300 ms is more than sufficient (this is what a BREAK key does), ;
; but when the Smartmodem is dialing, a 300 ms pulse is not long enough to be ;
; recognized. ;
DISCON: push H ; save registers
push D ;
push B ;
push PSW ;
mvi A,06AH ; turn off DTR, no break sent
mvi B,15 ; set duration for 1.5 seconds
call TOUTCP ; do it!
pop PSW ; restore registers
pop B ;
pop D ;
pop H ;
ret ;
; TOUTCP subroutine ;
; This is a timed output to command port (OUTCP) subroutine. The value in the ;
; A register is output to the command port, then a time delay equal to the ;
; value of the B register (in 100 ms units) is done. ;
TOUTCP: push PSW ; save UAR/T command
mvi A,5 ; write to control register 5
call OUTCP ;
pop PSW ; restore UAR/T command
call OUTCP ; send passed byte to CPORT
mvi C,TIMER ; wait alotted time
call MEX ;
mvi A,5 ; write to control register 5
call OUTCP ;
mvi A,0EAH ; turn DTR back on, no break
call OUTCP ;
ret ;
; HELLO subroutine ;
; This subroutine is used to initialize the modem and the modem port. This ;
; is done via using some of the system reserved bytes in the CP/M system ;
; parameter page (0000H - 00FFH). There is a 16 byte system scratch area ;
; (0040H - 004FH) that is never referenced by CP/M. For the Spizer/Z, the ;
; addresses 0040H - 0042H are reserved for the Jade Double-D Floppy Disk ;
; Controller. All others are scratch. MEX uses 004FH as the byte reserved ;
; for stating the current baud rate for the modem port, while 004EH is ;
; reserved for the current Smartmodem speaker volume. These locations can ;
; can be checked whenever re-entering MEX. Protocol used: ;
; ;
; if a call is in progress (determined by the testing for a ;
; carrier detect (CDTEST)), MEX then uses the values stored in ;
; then MEX system reserved bytes for modem baud rate (the value ;
; is stored in MEX compatible format), and the Smartmodem speaker ;
; volume. ;
; ;
; otherwise set the modem baud rate and Smartmodem speaker volume ;
; to the preset values (values set in this overlay or current values ;
; when CLONEing MEX). ;
; ;
HELLO: call CDTEST ; check for call in progress
jnc COLDMEX ; nope, initialize the modem and port
GETBAUD:lxi H,MEXBAUD ; valid MEX baud byte?
mov A,H ;
ora L ;
jz GETSPKR ; nope
lda MEXBAUD ; yep, get the system byte for MEX baud rate
sta MSPEED ; save it
GETSPKR:lxi H,MEXSPKR ; valid MEX speaker byte?
mov A,H ;
ora L ;
rz ; nope
lda MEXSPKR ; yep, get the system byte for MEX speaker volume
sta VOLUME ; save it
ret ;
; cold starting MEX. load the baud rate and speaker volume with those values
; specified by this overlay.
COLDMEX:lda MSPEED ; get the initial baud rate
call BAUD ; set it up
lda VOLUME ; get the initial speaker volume
call SPEAKER ; set it up
; IDMSG subroutine ;
; this subroutine will check whether or not the ID prompt should be displayed ;
; prior to an error message. If so, the prompt will be displayed. ;
IDMSG: push H ; save registers
push D ;
push B ;
push PSW ;
lda ERRID ; ID printed in "call in progress" message?
cpi NO ;
jz IDRET ; nope, then don't!
mvi C,PRID ; yep, then print it!
call MEX ;
IDRET: pop PSW ; restore registers
pop B ;
pop D ;
pop H ;
ret ;
; CDTEST subroutine ;
; This routine will test for a carrier detected on the designated modem ;
; status line (eithe DCD or DSR, depending on the overlay equates). If a ;
; carrier is detect then thus subroutine returns with the CARRY set. ;
CDTEST: mvi A,0 ; read status register 0
call OUTCP ;
call INPSP ; look at the modem port status register
ani DCDLIN ; is there a carrier?
rz ; nope, then return
stc ; yep, set the CARRY and return
ret ;
; ;
; This command will allow the user to set a number of hardware dependent ;
; functions. At the moment the allowable parameters are: ;
; ;
; BAUD RATE: This will allow the baud rate of the current user ;
; port to be changed on the fly. Valid baud rates ;
; are 300, 600, 1200, 19200. ;
; ;
; SPEAKER VOLUME: This will allow the user to change the volume of ;
; the speaker of the Hayes Smartmodem. Valid volumes ;
; are OFF = speaker is always off, HALF = speaker ;
; is on until carrier is detected, FULL = speaker ;
; is always on. ;
; ;
; usage: ;
; ;
; SET BAUD 9600 ;
; ;
SETCMD: call GETARG ; any arguments?
jc SHWALL ; if not, go display set parmeters
CALL MEX ;parse argument
PUSH H ;save any parsed argument adrs on stack
RNC ;if we have one, return to it
POP H ;oops, input not found in table
jmp SETERR ;
; Argument table (note last character of set parameter MUST have the MSB
; turned on. MEX uses this as a flag for the end-of-parameter).
CMDTBL: DB '?'+80H ; help
DB 'BAU','D'+80H ; "set baud"
DB 'SPEAKE','R'+80H ; "set speaker"
DB 0 ;<<=== table terminator
; "SET" command (equates to a "SHOW ALL" command) ;
SHWALL: call NEWLINE ; start off with a newline character
call BOLD ; bold the console output
call SHWBAUD ; show the current baud rate
call SHWSPKR ; show the current speaker volume
call UNBOLD ; unbold the console output
call NEWLINE ; terminate with a newline character
ret ;
; "SET ?" command (output HELP message to console) ;
SETHELP:lda SCRTST ; cursor control ability?
cpi NO ;
cnz CLRSCN ; yep, then clear the screen
mvi C,ILP ; print out help message to console
call MEX ;
db CR,LF
db 'SET BAUD ',0
call BOLD
mvi C,ILP
call MEX
db '<baud-rate>',CR,LF,0
lda SMODEM ; got a Smartmodem?
cpi NO ;
jz NOSM01 ; nope, then don't show "SET SPEAKER"
mvi C,ILP
call MEX
call BOLD
mvi C,ILP
call MEX
db '<volume>',CR,LF,0
NOSM01: mvi C,ILP
call MEX
db CR,LF
db 'Baud rate is one of:',CR,LF,0
mvi C,ILP
call MEX
db '300 600 1200 19200',CR,LF
db CR,LF,0
lda SMODEM ; got a Smartmodem?
cpi NO ;
jz NOSM02 ; nope, then don't show volume value
call BOLD
mvi C,ILP
call MEX
db 'Volume is one of:',CR,LF,0
mvi C,ILP
call MEX
db 'OFF : Smartmodem speaker is always off',CR,LF
db 'HALF : Smartmodem speaker is on until carrier detect',CR,LF
db 'FULL : Smartmodem speaker is always on',CR,LF
db CR,LF,0
NOSM02: ret ;
; "SET BAUD" command ;
SETBAUD:MVI C,PARSBD ;nope, function code: parse a baudrate
CALL MEX ;let MEX look up code
JC BAUDERR ;jump if invalid code
CALL BAUD ;no, try to set it
JC BAUDERR ;if not one of ours, bomb out
call NEWLINE ;show the current baud rate
call SHWBAUD ;
ret ;
; "SHOW BAUD" command ;
SHWBAUD:mvi C,ILP ; nope, then display current baud rate
call MEX ;
db 'Modem baud rate is set to ',0
lda MSPEED ; get current baud rate
mvi C,PRBAUD ; let MEX print it
call MEX
call NEWLINE ; terminate with newline character
; BAUD subroutine ;
; This subroutine will set the baud of the current modem port. The new baud ;
; rate is passed in the A register, and is also stored in the MEX parameter ;
; page (MSPEED), and the MEX system reserved byte (MEXBAUD). If the new baud ;
; rate specified is either illegal or not supported, this subroutine returns ;
; with the CARRY set. ;
BAUD: PUSH H ;don't alter anybody
MOV E,A ;MSPEED code to DE
LXI H,BAUDTBL ; nope, then fine offset into table
MOV A,M ;fetch code
ORA A ;0? (means unsupported code)
jz BADBAUD ;yep, show it!
PUSH PSW ;no, set the rate
mvi A,0 ; setup control register 0
call OUTCP ;
mvi A,0 ;
call OUTCP ;
mvi A,1 ; setup control register 1
call OUTCP ;
mvi A,0 ;
call OUTCP ;
mvi A,2 ; setup control register 2
call OUTCP ;
mvi A,0 ;
call OUTCP ;
mvi A,3 ; setup control register 3
call OUTCP ;
mvi A,0C1H ; Rx 8 bits, Rx enable
call OUTCP ;
mvi A,4 ; setup control register 4
call OUTCP ;
pop PSW ; clock for baud rate, 1 stop bit, no parity
call OUTCP ;
mvi A,5 ; setup control register 5
call OUTCP ;
mvi A,0EAH ; DTR on, Tx 8 bits, no break, Tx enable, RTS on
call OUTCP ;
mvi A,6 ; setup control register 6
call OUTCP ;
mvi A,0 ;
call OUTCP ;
mvi A,7 ; setup control register 7
call OUTCP ;
mvi A,0 ;
call OUTCP ;
MOV A,E ; get MEX format baud rate
STA MSPEED ; store in MEX
lxi H,MEXBAUD ; valid MEX baud byte in system page?
mov A,H ;
ora L ;
mov A,E ;
jz NOMEXB ; nope
STA MEXBAUD ; store it in the system byte for MEX baud rate
NOMEXB: ORA A ; return no-errors
jmp BDEXIT ;
BADBAUD:stc ; set CARRY to show bad baud rate specified
; this is the baud rate converstion table. The MEX format baud rate value is
; used as an offset into this table. The grabbed value is the Interfacer 4
; mode register format containing the new baud rate.
BAUDTBL:DB 0 ;110 (not supported)
DB BD300 ;300
DB 0 ;450 (not supported)
DB BD600 ;600
DB 0 ;710 (not supported)
DB BD1200 ;1200
DB 0 ;2400 (not supported)
DB 0 ;4800 (not supported)
DB 0 ;9600 (not supported)
DB BD19200 ;19200
; "SET SPEAKER" command ;
SETSPKR:lda SMODEM ; got a Smartmodem?
cpi NO ;
jz SETERR ; nope, then show a SET error
mvi C,SBLANK ; yep, then scan for volume argument
call MEX
jc SPKRERR ; if no argument, let user know
lxi D,SPKTBL ; parse the argument
call MEX ; parse argument
jc SPKRERR ; bad volume argument
mov A,L ; store the new speaker volume
call SPEAKER ; set the Smartmodem speaker volume
call NEWLINE ; show the new speaker volume
call SHWSPKR ;
ret ;
; speaker table for MEX table search
SPKTBL: db 'OF','F'+80H ; turn speaker off keyword
db OFF,OFF ; Smartmodem ATM code for it
db 'HAL','F'+80H ; turn speaker off after carrier detect keyword
db HALF,HALF ; Smartmodem ATM code for it
db 'FUL','L'+80H ; turn speaker on keyword
db FULL,FULL ; Smartmodem ATM code for it
db 0 ; argument table terminator
; "SHOW SPEAKER" command ;
SHWSPKR:lda SMODEM ; got a Smartmodem?
cpi NO ;
rz ; nope, then don't show speaker volume
mvi C,ILP ; yep, then show the speaker volume
call MEX ;
db 'Smartmodem speaker ',0
mvi C,ILP ;
lda VOLUME ;
cpi OFF ; speaker always off
cpi HALF ; speaker on until carrier detect
cpi FULL ; speaker always on
SPKUNKN:call MEX ; speaker volume status unknown
db 'volume status not known',CR,LF,0
ret ;
SPKOFF: call MEX ; speaker is turned off
db 'is always turned off',CR,LF,0
ret ;
SPKHALF:call MEX ; speaker is set to half
db 'is turned on until carrier detected',CR,LF,0
ret ;
SPKFULL:call MEX ; speaker is set to full
db 'is always turned on',CR,LF,0
ret ;
; SPEAKER subroutine ;
; This subroutine will set the Smartmodem speaker to the requested volume. ;
; The new volume value is passed in the A register, and is also stored in the ;
; MEX parameter page (VOLUME), and the MEX system reserved byte (MEXSPKR). ;
SPEAKER:push H ; save registers
push D ;
push B ;
mov E,A ; save the new speaker volume
lda SMODEM ; got a Smartmodem?
cpi NO ;
jz SPKRET ; nope, then don't change the speaker volume
mov A,E ; restore the new speaker volume
sta VOLUME ; store the current volume for MEX
lxi H,MEXSPKR ; valid MEX speaker byte in system page?
mov A,H ;
ora L ;
mov A,E ;
jz NOMEXS ; nope
sta MEXSPKR ; store the current volume in reserved byte
NOMEXS: call SNDESC ; send the Smartmodem escape seq. if need be
call SNDATM ; send the Smartmodem speaker volume code
call SNDATO ; send the Smartmodem on-line code if need be
SPKRET: pop B ; restore registers
pop D ;
pop H ;
; xxxERR subroutines ;
; These routines blapp out error messages on the console if the user somehow ;
; screwed up the SET command line (bad syntax, or bad keyword values). ;
SETERR: call IDMSG ;print ID prompt if need be
MVI C,ILP ;inline print
DB '++ bad SET parameter specified ++',BELL,CR,LF,0
BAUDERR:call IDMSG ;print ID prompt if need be
MVI C,ILP ;inline print
DB '++ bad baud rate specifed ++',BELL,CR,LF,0
SPKRERR:call IDMSG ;print ID prompt if need be
MVI C,ILP ;inline print
DB '++ bad speaker volume specifed ++',BELL,CR,LF,0
; SNDSEC subroutine ;
; This subroutine will place the Smartmodem in command state. If a carrier ;
; is detected, the Smartmodem escape sequence is sent, sandwiched between ;
; two guard time delays. An initial null is sent just incase we are in the ;
; "just CONNECTed" case (IE: Smartmodem has connected to target computer, ;
; but Morrow hasn't sent anything yet). If there is no carrier, then this ;
; routine merely returns. ;
SNDESC: call CDTEST ; check for call in progress
rnc ; nope, then return
lxi H,SMNULL ; yep, send a null (just CONNECTed case)
call SNDLIN ;
mvi B,12 ; yep, goto command mode
mvi C,TIMER ; wait 1.2 seconds
call MEX ;
lxi H,SMESCAP ; send '+++'
call SNDLIN ;
mvi B,12 ; wait 1.2 seconds
mvi C,TIMER ;
call MEX ;
call EATCODE ; eat result code
ret ;
; SNDCAN subroutine ;
; This subroutine will send the CANCEL character to the target computer ;
; system. The primary use of this subroutine is to cancel the Smartmodem ;
; escape sequence sent to the target system to place the Smartmodem in ;
; command state. At the target computer end, there is an un-terminated ;
; command ("+++") that should not be executed. ;
SNDCAN: lda CANCHR ; get the CANCEL character
sta CANMSG ; store in the CANCEL character message
lxi H,CANMSG ; get the CANCEL character message address
call SNDLIN ; send it
ret ;
; SNDATM subroutine ;
; This routine will send the Smartmodem code to set the speaker volume ;
SNDATM: lxi H,ATMCODE ; send 'ATM'
call SNDLIN ;
lxi H,VOLUME ; send the volume code
call SNDLIN ;
call EATCODE ; eat result code
ret ;
; SNDATO subroutine ;
; This subroutine will send the code to place the Smartmodem back to on-line ;
; state ONLY if a carrier is detected. If no carrier is detected, then this ;
; subroutine merely returns. ;
SNDATO: call CDTEST ; check for call in progess
rnc ; nope, then return
lxi H,ATOCODE ; yep, then send 'ATO' (goto on-line mode)
call SNDLIN ;
call EATCODE ; eat result code
call SNDCAN ; send the cancel character (cancel SNDESC)
ret ;
; EATCODE subroutine ;
; This subroutine will eat all the characters recieved from the modem until ;
; a 100 ms "quiet" period is detected (used to eat Smartmodem result codes). ;
; The initial delay is for the Smartmodem result code turn-around time). ;
EATCODE:mvi B,2 ; wait 200 ms for Smartmodem turn-around
mvi C,TIMER ;
call MEX ;
EATCHAR:mvi C,INMDM ; eat a character
call MEX ;
jnc EATCHAR ; if more, then eat another character
ret ; otherwise return
; GETARG subroutine ;
; This subroutine will scan the input stream for an argument. If no argument ;
; present, then this subroutine returns with the CARRY set ;
GETARG: mvi C,SBLANK ; scan input stream for <key-word>
call MEX ;
ret ; and simply return
; EATARG subroutine ;
; This subroutine will eat (throw away) the remaining characters in the ;
; current argument. This is an aid for other routines which do not need to ;
; (and thus do not) check the entire argument for a unique match to be made ;
; (EG: "SET PORT C" and "SET PORT CONSOLE" will do the same thing, execept ;
; the SBLANK MEX function will see the next "argument" as being "ONSOLE" ;
; opposed to the line terminator). ;
EATARG: mvi C,LKAHED ; look ahead to next character in command line
call MEX ;
rc ; return if done (burp)
cpi ' ' ; is it a blank?
rz ; yep, then we've finished eating the argument
mvi C,GNC ; nope, eat the next character in command line
call MEX ;
jmp EATARG ; check the next character in command line
; NEWLINE subroutine ;
; This subroutine will send a newline character (CR-LF pair) to the console ;
NEWLINE:mvi C,ILP ; output a newline character to console
call MEX ;
db CR,LF,0 ;
ret ;
; SNDLIN subroutine ;
; This routine will send a string to the modem port. Works similar to the ;
; BDOS 9 function. The string start address is in the HL register pair, and ;
; the end-of-string character is set to EOS. ;
SNDLIN: mvi C,SNDRDY ; is modem ready to read another character?
call MEX ;
jnz SNDLIN ; nope, wait for it
mov A,M ; yep, get next character to send to modem
cpi EOS ; end-of-string character?
rz ; yep, then return
mov B,A ; nope, get the next character to send
mvi C,SNDCHR ;
call MEX ; send it!
inx H ; bump up the string point
jmp SNDLIN ; send the next character
; Smartmodem codes to do what we want it do (for "SNDATx" routines) ;
SMNULL: db NULL,EOS ; null for justed CONNNECTed case
SMESCAP:db '+++',EOS ; Smartmodem code for goto command state
CANMSG: db '?',EOS ; cancel character message string
ATMCODE:db 'ATM',EOS ; Smartmodem code for speaker volume
VOLUME: db MD$SPKR,CR,EOS ; initial speaker volume
ATOCODE:db 'ATO',CR,EOS ; Smartmodem code for goto on-line state
; Modem input (get a character or status) driver ;
INPSP: MVI A,SPORT ; get modem status
INPDP: MVI A,DPORT ; get a character from the modem
INP1: PUSH B ; save BC register pair
MOV C,A ; save port offset
mvi A,BASE ; get the base port
ADD C ; add offset for desired port (data/status)
STA INP2+1 ; store for IN command
INP2: IN 0 ; input data/status
POP B ; restore BC register pair
RET ; and return
; Modem output (put a character or command) driver ;
OUTDP: push B ; save the BC register pair
mvi C,DPORT ; put a character to the modem
jmp OUT1 ;
OUTCP: push B ; save the BC register pair
mvi C,CPORT ; change modem control register
jmp OUT1 ;
OUT1: mov B,A ; save the output character
mvi A,BASE ; get the base port address
ADD C ; add offset for desired port (data/ctrl)
sta OUT2+1 ; store for OUT command
mov A,B ; restore the output character
OUT2: out 0 ; send it (or change mode/control port)
pop B ; restore the BC register pair
ret ; return