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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CP/M-Net News <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Number 9 September, 1981 Volume 1, Issue 9
In This Issue
Assembly Language Interface to PL/I-80
By: Michael J. Karas, MICRO RESOURCES
CP/M-Net "Tip-of-the-Month"
The Absolute Minimum Typing, to Run a CP/M Submit File...
By: Mike Karas and Kelly Smith
Printed monthly (at worst quarterly) to inform user's of
RCPM Systems to the latest software news, information, and
updates of public domain software accessible via
telephone/modem transfer. Yearly subscription for copies of
the CP/M-Net News may be obtained by mailing $18.00 (check
or money orders only) to Kelly Smith, CP/M-Net, 3055 Waco
Street, Simi Valley, California 93063. CP/M-Net is a non-
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Assembly Language Interface to PL/I-80
by: Michael J. Karas
2468 Hansen Court
Simi Valley, California 93065
The advent of the PL/I-80 high level programming
language for CP/M based machines has opened up the wide wide
world of easy, sophisticated, and structured programming for
business, commercial and scientific applications. The
language features offer the most capable development tools
of any microprocessor programming language available in the
marketplace today. Through extended use of the language,
others like my self, are going to find out that the features
of PL/I-80 offer far more than just programming niceity for
applications software development. The structure, speed of
execution, self documentation features, and full CP/M
compatability make PL/I-80 the obvious choice for many
systems utility and dedicated function processor programming
The one main disadvantage of any high level language is
the isolation from the "guts" of the computer machinery that
results for the programmer. Don't get me wrong in that this
is an altogether disadvantage. After all, it is the whole
idea behind the use of a high level language in the first
place. But for certain aspects of systems utility and
dedicated function processor programming, more access to the
internals of the computer are generally needed. The normal
manner to obtain this capability is through development of
programs in machine language. But we all know what a pain
that can be for very large programs in the thousands of
bytes in size. It always seems that when an assembly
language program gets over about 2000 bytes, that there is a
screaming need for easy access to disk files, the operator
interfaces, and simplified development of complex logical
structures. PL/I-80 offers all of the things the heavy duty
assembly language programmer needs to make life easy. The
next obvious question is... How do I handle that special
interface?..or How can I do IN and OUT in PL/I-80?..or How
can PL/I-80 access the SYSTEM tracks of a CP/M floppy
disk?...and the list of questions goes on and on and on. The
answer to all these questions is to use the assembly
language interface facilities offered through the mechanism
of external procedure calls in PL/I-80.
CP/M is a registered TRADEMARK and PL/I-80, RMAC, and LINK-
80 are TRADEMARKS of Digital Research Inc. Pacific Grove,
The Digital Research LINK-80 manual describes how it
all works but doesn't make it very easy to understand. Here
in example form, I intend to present an easy explanation of
how to implement an assembly language interface to PL/I-80.
I have chosen to implement "hooks" to allow direct access to
the CP/M BIOS vector table of CP/M 2.2 to allow the PL/I-80
programmer to make those special system utility packages
with a minimum of pain yet leaving the avenue open to
perform all those special I/O functions that the standard
CP/M BDOS interface never seems to have enough of. I have
chosen to write a diskette copy utility program in PL/I-80
and let the compiler make it easy to write all the operator
prompting messages and to allow quick human readable
presentation of the logical structure of the program while
at the same time allowing direct high speed access to the
disk drivers in the BIOS.
The start of this project resulted in the assembly
language module given below. This module provides interface
translation between the external procedure calling
mechanisms of PL/I-80 and the entry/exit requirements of the
various assembly language hardware interface drivers of the
CP/M 2.2 BIOS. Detailed discussion of all aspects of the
interface conventions are well beyond the scope of this
article but a few general comments are in order. Readers who
desire to "understand to the MAX" are encouraged to (1)
study the examples given here carefully while (2) consulting
the PL/I-80 LINK-80 Users Manual and (3) consulting the CP/M
2.2 System Alteration Guide. As a start, to become the most
familiar with the mechanisms, I would suggest implementing
the examples given here on your own computer system. It only
takes a few days or evenings and the experience can be quite
The interface to the BIOS, in general, is done as
follows: The location of the BIOS vector table of entry
points is determinable in any CP/M system by looking at the
address in locations 1 and 2 of low memory. This address
gives the pointer to the warm boot address of the BIOS
vector table. All other BIOS entry points are accessable by
adding an offset to the warm boot pointer vector. Some
functions are console status, line printer output, and disk
track selection. All of the offsets necessary are given in
the assembly language source code below. The typical
procedure to get to a BIOS subroutine, with 8080 type
machine language, would be like this:
lhld 0001 ;get warm boot vector table pointer
lxi d,offset ;get offset for desired BIOS entry point
dad d ;make address of entry point
pchl ;branch indirect through (HL) to BIOS
If the label entry "function" had been CALLed from some
main program, then the return at the end of the BIOS
subroutine would get program execution back to the calling
program assuming we use the callers stack all along the way.
If the entry to the interface routine required post
processing of BIOS return parameters before returning back
to the main calling program, then the above program segment
lhld 0001 ;get warm boot vector table pointer
lxi d,offset ;get offset for desired BIOS entry point
dad d ;make address of entry point
lxi d,backhere ;put return address to here on stack
push d
pchl ;branch indirect through (HL) to BIOS
<.... post processing
ret ;back to main program call point
All parameter information entered at the BIOS follows
the following general set of rules:
a) If entry parameter is a single byte it is placed in the
(C) register.
b) If entry parameter is a double byte or an address it is
entered in the (BC) register pair.
c) Return parameters of one byte values are brought back in
the (A) register.
d) Return address of double byte parameters are returned in
the (HL) register.
For now, that should give the reader the information to
understand the BIOS part of the assembly language module
given below. The full set of PL/I-80 rules are complicated,
so I will only touch on the concept here as to the few
interface types used by the BIOS module to return parameters
to PL/I-80. For character string variables, the return
parameter is put on the stack with the length of the string
given back in the (A) register. This scheme applies to the
CONIN and READER routines which bring a byte character back
from the BIOS. These push the character onto the stack and
send a 01 length back to the calling PL/I-80 program.
If the return parameter is a PL/I-80 data type that is
one byte in size, but a numerical type variable, then the
value is returned to PL/I-80 in the (A) register. If a
numerical type variable of two bytes or an address is being
passed back then the PL/I-80 program gets the parameter back
in the (HL) register pair.
All entry data sent from the PL/I-80 program to the
assembly language module comes as follows, if a parameter is
defined for passage to the BIOS. The rule is that when
called, the assembly language program receives an address in
the (HL) register pair that points to a table of memory
locations (in our case a single pair). These two bytes of
memory contain another address that points right at the data
parameter. The type, size, and number of parameters are
defined by design of the assembly language program and the
statement of external entry point characteristics. No type
coding is passed or error check done. In other words both
sides have to agree to what is trying to be done before the
call and return parameter passing will work properly.
The program module "PLIBIOS.ASM", given below in source
code form, establishes the names for sixteen small programs
that translate procedure calls from within a main PL/I-80
program to the forms required by the BIOS. The subsequent
module below, "BIOSCALL.DCL" is a small file the fully
defines, in a manner compatible with the assembly language
program, the form that the PL/I-80 program must use to call
the entry point definitions to make the parameter passing
The assembly language program is meant to be assembled
into a relocatable file of the ".REL" type by use of the
Digital Research relocating macro assembler, RMAC. This
assembler, seeing the psuedo opcodes "PUBLIC" on the program
names builds the .REL file with a table to tell the, later
utilized, link program where the relative addresses of the
subroutines in the module are located. After the host PL/I-
80 program, like the disk copy utility given later in the
article, is compiled into a relocatable object module, that
.REL module also contains a table of subroutine call
addresses which were known to be external to the PL/I-80
program. The external nature if the labels is defined by the
included declare statement from the file "BIOSCALL.DCL"
which simply told the compiler that I intended to provide
another ".REL" module that had these program names in it,
specifically "PLIBIOS.REL". The Link program LINK 80 is used
to hook the two modules together and make an absolute object
module out of them. The absolute object module happens
simply to be the executable CP/M type ".COM" file.
; Direct CP/M 2.2 Bios access Interface Module For PL/I-80
; This module to be asembled with Digital Research RMAC
; provides interface conversion between PL/I-80 calls and
; function references and the Bios vector table entries.The
; file "BIOSCALL.DCL" should be included in your PL/I-80
; source program with a %include statement to properly
; establish the external entry point names and calling
; format definition. Most bios entry point routines are
; treated as function call modules. The user of these
; routine in PL/I-80 calls should be aware that some
; differences exist between the CP/M 2.2 BIOS
; implementations that are available from various software
; and hardware vendors. In particular, not all BIOS
; routines perform sector translation with the SECTRAN
; routine. Secondly, If the BIOS performs the function of
; physical sector deblocking, and the sector translate
; function is not used, then logical sector numbers
; entered at the BIOS settrk entry point may require
; numbering from zero instead of the usual start with
; locical sector number 1. This assembly language routine
; makes no assumption about the sector number start. Also
; no translation is done. The calling PL/I-80 program must
; anticipate the characteristics of the host system BIOS.
; (BEWARE: especially with tricky utilities being upgraged
; from CP/M 1.4, including Digital Research's SYSGEN
; program). Hopefully CP/M 3.0 coming out soon will fully
; resolve this problem. Note that CP/M 3.0 will probably
; fully eliminate the need to have direct BIOS access at
; all.
name 'PLIBIOS'
title 'Direct CP/M BIOS Vector Calls From PL/I-80'
;* *
;* bios direct calls from pl/i for direct i/o *
;* *
public cboot ;cold boot reload of cp/m entry
public wboot ;warm boot reload of ccp
public cstat ;return byte for console status
public conin ;return character input from console
public conout ;write character to console
public list ;write character to list device
public punch ;write character to punch device
public reader ;return character input from reader
public home ;home selected disk unit
public seldsk ;select disk unit and return parameter
;table pointer
public settrk ;select track
public setsec ;select sector number
public setdma ;set disk i/o data buffer pointer
public read ;read selected sector and return status
public write ;write selected sector and return status
public lstat ;return byte for console status
public sectran ;translate sector number
; Bios vector table offsets from the warm boot vector to
; access the vector table entry points off the loc 1 and 2
; warm boot vector.
cbooto equ -3 ;cold boot offset
wbooto equ 0 ;warm boot offset
cstato equ 3 ;console status offset
conino equ 6 ;console input offset
conouto equ 9 ;console output offset
listo equ 12 ;list device output offset
puncho equ 15 ;punch device offset
readero equ 18 ;reader ddevice offset
homeo equ 21 ;disk home offset
seldsko equ 24 ;select disk offset
settrko equ 27 ;select disk offset
setseco equ 30 ;select sector offset
setdmao equ 33 ;set dma address offset
reado equ 36 ;read logical sector offset
writeo equ 39 ;write logical sector offset
lstato equ 42 ;list status offset
strano equ 45 ;sector translate offset
; Define position of CP/M 2.2 warm boot vector location
wbvect equ 0 ;addr of warm boot jump
;* *
;* general purpose routines used upon entry *
;* *
; get single byte parameter to register c
mov e,m ;low (addr)
inx h
mov d,m ;high(addr)
xchg ;hl = .char
mov c,m ;to register c
; get single word value to BC
call getp1 ;get low byte of parameter
inx h
mov b,m ;get high byte as well
; transfer control to indexed bios vector table entry
; enter with DE = entry offset index
lhld wbvect+1 ;get cp/m warm boot vector
dad d ;add in vector table offset
pchl ;go to table entry
; *
; direct bios access routines for pl/i-80 calls *
; *
; routine to enter bios cold boot to completely reload cp/m
lxi d,cbooto ;get offset
jmp gobios ;on our way
; routine to enter bios warm boot to reload ccp and bdos
lxi d,wbooto ;get offset
jmp gobios ;go reload
; routine to return console status byte
; return byte value to stack
lxi d,cstato ;status offset
jmp gobios ;return bit(8) in (a) from bios
; routine to get character from the console for input
lxi d,conino ;conin offset
ret1chr: ;entry point for one character
;return to pl/1-80 on stack
call gobios ;go get the status to (a)
pop h ;return address
push psw ;character to stack
inx sp ;delete flags
mvi a,1 ;character length is 1
pchl ;back to calling routine
; routine to output one character to the console
call getp1 ;get single output char to (c)
lxi d,conouto ;console output offset
jmp gobios ;return to pl/1 direct from bios
; routine to output one character to the list device
call getp1 ;get single output char to (c)
lxi d,listo ;list output offset
jmp gobios ;return to pl/i direct from bios
; output routine to send one character to the punch
call getp1 ;get single output char to (c)
lxi d,puncho ;punch output offset
jmp gobios ;return to pl/i direct from bios
; routine to get character from the reader for input
lxi d,readero ;reader input offset
jmp ret1chr ;let common code do rest
; routine to get list device status
lxi d,lstato ;list status offset
jmp gobios ;return bit(8) status in (a) from bios
; home selected disk entry point
lxi d,homeo ;home offset
jmp gobios ;return direct from bios
; entry point to select disk and return parameter table
; pointer for selected drive in (hl)
call getp1 ;get single byte drive select byte
lxi d,seldsko ;select disk offset
jmp gobios ;return addr pointer in (hl) from bios
; routine to send double byte track number to bios
call getp2 ;get track number to (bc)
lxi d,settrko ;set track offset
jmp gobios ;return through bios
; routine to send double byte sector number to bios
call getp2 ;get sector number to (bc)
lxi d,setseco ;set sector offset
jmp gobios ;return through bios
; routine to send data buffer pointer to bios
call getp2 ;get dma address to (bc)
lxi d,setdmao ;setdma offset
jmp gobios ;return through bios
; sector translate routine.
call getp2 ;get logsec to (bc)
lxi d,strano ;sectran offset
jmp gobios ;return through bios
; routine to read sector of 128 bytes
lxi d,reado ;read sector offset
jmp gobios ;return error status through bios
; write sector routine. entry parameter of write type
call getp1 ;get write type to (c)
lxi d,writeo ;write sector offset
jmp gobios ;return error status through bios
;+++...end of file
The following short file is a single statement PL/I-80
declare statement that defines in PL/I-80 syntax, all entry
points that are given in the preceeding assembly language
program. The file is used so that the same set of declared
variable names can be used in multiple PL/I-80 source
programs without having to type them in all the time,
risking making errors or ommissions. The PL/I-80 lanugage
contains a feature called the "%include" statement that
allows the following file to be put in as part of the source
code as simple as typing the following code as part of your
%include 'bioscall.dcl';
This will insert the following text into the program
source code at the point where the %include appears. Note
that in the above syntax the file "BIOSCALL.DCL" is expected
to be contained upon the same disk drive as the source
program. Explanation of the statement formats of the
declared entry points will be left for the examples below.
An example of the "%include" function appears in the disk
copy program below.
/* Define names and procedure characteristics for the */
/* MICRO RESOURCES Direct BIOS Access Procedures of */
/* "PLIBIOS.ASM" and PL/I-80 linkable module "PLIBIOS.REL'*/
cboot entry,
wboot entry,
cstat entry returns (bit(8)),
conin entry returns (char(1)),
conout entry (char(1)),
list entry (char(1)),
punch entry (char(1)),
reader entry returns (char(1)),
home entry,
seldsk entry (binary fixed(7)),
settrk entry (binary fixed(15)),
setdma entry (ptr),
read entry returns (bin fixed(7)),
write entry (bin fixed(7))
returns (bin fixed(7)),
lstat entry returns (bit(8)),
sectran entry (bin fixed(15))
returns (bin fixed(15));
An example of how to make use of the assembly language
BIOS access routines is presented below in the form of a
PL/I-80 source program that is a floppy disk copy program.
First let me describe the intent of the program and then
show a few examples of how the external BIOS entry points
are accessed. The diskette copy program allows full copying
of a diskette in Drive A: to the diskette in Drive B:.
Tracks are buffered in memory in track buffer arrays so that
a whole track may be read at a time to make the program run
reasonably fast. (Incidently, this copy operation runs
almost as fast as most assembly language copy utility
programs I've seen except for those that buffer more that
one track at a time). Tracks are read sequentially from the
HOME position of Drive A: and written to the corresponding
positions of Drive B:. After writing, the Track is reread
from Drive B: and compared byte for byte with the image read
in originally from Drive A:. Any errors are reported as to
track and sector number to inform the operator of any
difficulties encountered along the way. At the completion of
the copy process the operator is prompted to see if another
copy is desired before rebooting the system disk in Drive
All console interface and program logic structure is
implemented in the easy to program PL/I-80 syntax. Speed
dependant and hardware specific I/O access in the program
makes use of the BIOS access external entry points. The
following examples show some of the external procedure
references made to the entry points defined in "PLIBIOS". In
the following paragraphs some familiarity with the PL/I-80
language structure is assumed. A tutorial on the structure
and syntax of the language is somewhat beyond the intended
subject of this article.
The console input entry point is declared as an
external entry point in the BIOSCALL.DCL include file as
DCL conin entry returns(char(1));
This defines conin as a function procedure with
procedure invocation by name in an expression. The implicit
CALL to the routine will return the declared type of value,
CHAR(1) in this case, to the point of the call. The example
from the disk copy program has the conin call at the point
of waiting for an operator response. A character string,
declared as follows:
DCL resp char(80) /* operator response buf */ ;
...is designated to receive one console character with the
following statement. The NULL parentheses reference
designates conin as a function procedure with no passed
parameters. In this case resp
...becomes a string of one entered character padded on the
right with 79 blanks.
The set sector function queues the BIOS to a sector to
read on a subsequent call to the read routine. This
procedure is very similar in operation to the set track,
select disk, and set dma address entry points in that all
are defined in the BIOSCALL.DCL file with declares of the
DCL settrk entry (bin fixed(15));
This defines settrk as a subroutine procedure that has
an entry parameter consisting of a double byte binary fixed
point number that must be referenced with the following type
of statement:
CALL settrk(n);
...where n is a variable of the fixed binary variety that
contains the value of the track number to send to the BIOS.
Note that no return parameters are involved with the
procedure invocation. Makes direct BIOS access quite simple
doesn't it !
The read sector entry point is defined as a function
procedure in that it returns a binary fixed(7) value
pertaining to the status of the disk read operation.
(Defined by standard BIOS entry definition, assembly
language structure of the PLIBIOS program, and the declare
in the BIOSCALL.DCL file as follows:
DCL read entry returns(bin fixed(7));
Since read is a function call, the read entry point is
referenced by name and the binary fixed(7) return error code
is returned to the point of invocation simply as in the
statement below. This one statement causes the read of a
previously selected logical 128 byte sector into the buffer
defined by a previous "setdma" call and at the same time
defines what action to perform if the read was unsuccessful
and returned a non-zero error code.
if read() ^= 0 then do;
put edit('Read Error On Control Disk - Track ',
trkno,' Sector ',secno)
put skip(2) edit('Restart Copy ',
'Process with new Source Diskette.')
go to copyloop;
Other BIOS entry points are referenced in a manner
similar to the examples above. The "write" for instance has
an entry parameter as well as a return error code like the
read call. The write entry parameter informs the BIOS, if
physical sector deblocking is done, of the type of write to
perform (see the Digital Research CP/M 2.2 System Alteration
Guide for more information on the exact definition of BIOS
entry point and return value definitions). A special note
concerning the select disk entry point "seldsk" is that it
returns a pointer value that defines the position of the
disk parameter table for the drive selected in the entry
parameter. (Note that a PL/I-80 NULL pointer return value
defines an illegal drive designator).
Careful examination of the following program will
reveal all instances of direct BIOS entry point invocation.
The rest of understanding of this program is left as a
learning exercise for the interested reader.
File dskcpy.pli
Full disk copy program to demonstrate the direct CP/M Bios
access facilities presented in the accompanying article,
"Assembly Language Interface to PL/I-80."
Track by track copying is utilized through the direct bios
access facilities of the linked assembly language program
proc options(main);
trk_per_disk by 77, /* logical bios tracks/diskette */
sec_per_trk by 26; /* logical cp/m sectors/track */
/* external CP/M bios entry points */
%include 'bioscall.dcl'; /* bring in the bios entry point
definition file that defines
bios function entry points*/
resp char(80), /* operator response buf */
inbuf(sec_per_trk) char(128)
based(p), /* input buffer */
outbuf(sec_per_trk) char(128)
based(q), /* output buffer */
trkno bin fixed(15),
secno bin fixed(15),
(i,j,k,l) bin fixed(15),
(p,q,s) pointer,
e5var bit(8) based(s),
e5char char(1) based(s),
e5trk bit(1),
skew(sec_per_trk) bin fixed(15) static init(
e5string char(128),
partab pointer; /* disk parameter table ptr */
/* Print initial message for Diskette copy from drive A: to B: */
put edit('MICRO RESOURCES Diskette Copy program in PL/I-80 ',
'Version 1.1 of August 3,1981')
put skip edit('Insert Source Diskette in Drive A:',
'^iDepress <cr> when ready ')(col(1),a);
put skip(1) edit('Insert Destination Diskette in Drive B:',
'^iDepress <cr> when ready or <ctl-C> to quit')
if resp='^C' then do;
put edit('Remember to Re-Insert your CP/M ',
'System Diskette in Drive A:',
'^iDepress <cr> when ready ')
put skip(1) edit('Copy in Progress...')(col(1),a);
allocate inbuf set(p); /* setup buffer storage */
allocate outbuf set(q);
allocate e5var set(s); /* setup simple 0EH insertion */
partab=seldsk(0); /* select disk a: (0) */
call home; /* restore it */
partab=seldsk(1); /* select disk b: (1) */
call home; /* restore that too */
e5trk='0'b; /* e5 end track scan switch off */
do i=1 to 128; /* fill e5 record check string */
do trkno = 0 to trk_per_disk-1 while( ^ e5trk);
partab=seldsk(0); /* select source */
call settrk(trkno);
j=0; /* set empty sector counter off */
/* read source track loop */
do secno = 1 to sec_per_trk;
call setdma(addr(inbuf(secno)));
call setsec(skew(secno));
/* sectors are zero based */
/* for some CP/M 2.2 BIOS's */
/* if so replace (secno) with */
/* (secno-1) */
if read() ^= 0 then do;
put edit('Read Error On Control Disk - Track ',
trkno,' Sector ',secno)
put skip(2) edit('Restart Copy ',
'Process with new Source Diskette.')
go to copyloop;
partab=seldsk(1); /* select destination */
call settrk(trkno);
/* write destination track loop */
do secno = 1 to sec_per_trk;
call setdma(addr(inbuf(secno)));
call setsec(skew(secno));
/* sectors are zero based */
/* for some CP/M 2.2 BIOS's */
/* if so replace (secno) with */
/* (secno-1) */
if write(2) ^= 0 then do;
put edit ('Write Error On Destination',
' Disk - Track ',trkno,
' Sector ',secno)
put skip(2) edit ('Bad Diskette in Drive ',
'B:, try another.')(col(1),a,a);
go to newdisk;
/* read back destination loop */
do secno = 1 to sec_per_trk;
call setdma(addr(outbuf(secno)));
call setsec(skew(secno));
/* sectors are zero based */
/* for some CP/M 2.2 BIOS's */
/* if so replace (secno) with */
/* (secno-1) */
if read() ^= 0 then do;
put edit ('Read Verify Error On Destination',
' Disk - Track ',trkno,
' Sector ',secno)
put skip(2) edit ('Bad Diskette in Drive ',
'B:, try another.')(col(1),a,a);
go to newdisk;
/* data compare loop */
do secno = 1 to sec_per_trk;
if inbuf(secno) ^= outbuf(secno) then do;
put edit ('Verify Data Compare Error ',
put skip(2) edit ('Bad Data on Diskette ',
'in Drive B:, retry same diskette.')
go to newdisk;
if inbuf(secno) = e5string then j=j+1; /* empty sector */
if j=sec_per_trk then do;
put edit ('Track by track copy complete ',
'at track number ',trkno)
end trklp;
free inbuf;
free outbuf;
free e5var;
put skip edit('Do you wish to Copy This Another Diskette (Y/N) ')
if (resp = 'Y') ! (resp = 'y') then go to newdisk;
else stop;
end dskcpy;
To compile the PL/I-80 program given above the
following operational sequence would be used to invoke the
Digital Research PL/I-80 compiler to process source file
"DSKCPY.PLI". Lower case characters after the "A>" prompt
are those typed by you the operator. Other text is the
output of the compiler to the console screen.
A>pli dskcpy<cr> <== Extent of .PLI is assumed
%include 'bioscall.dcl'; <== Complier brings in prev-
iously edited DCL file for
all external entry points
in the "PLIBIOS.REL"module.
NO ERROR(S) IN PASS 2 <== Compiler informs us of
pass completions.
CODE SIZE = 05A9 <== Compile statistics for
DATA AREA = 044F "REL" file of "DSKCPY".
The next step to get a final disk copy program out of
all of this work is to link the "REL" (relocatable object
code) modules of "DSKCPY", "PLIBIOS", and the necessary
subroutines from the Digital Research PL/I-80 run time
library together into a ".COM" file. The LINK 80 linker from
Digital Research does the job nicely with the following
console operational "look". As before, the text in lower
case following the A> prompt was that typed by the operator
performing the link process. (Please note that the symbol
values given may not necessarily coincide with those for
your version of the above program; especially if you
slightly modify the text strings and signon messages in the
PL/I-80 source code listing).
A>link dskcpy,plibios <== ".REL" extensions assumed
and output to DSKCPY.REL
is the default output.
LINK 1.3
ABSOLUTE 0000 <== Link prints out module
CODE SIZE 266B (0100-276A) size and address statistics
DATA SIZE 06E2 (285A-2F3B)
COMMON SIZE 00EF (276B-2859)
USE FACTOR 95 <== Hex percent of symbol table
The rest is up to you. I have provided an example of
how assembly language routines can be tied to PL/I-80 to
implement special functions that are beyond the scope or
capability of the language. In this case they were simple
examples of interface conversions for BIOS access. Other
examples of assembly language routines that could be made
include "IN and OUT" functions for direct language access to
machine dependant input and output ports, high speed special
access drivers for math chips such as the Intel 8087, or
tightly coded interrupt service routines to increase program
performance where PL/I-80 is used as the host development
language in a real-time application.
Operation of the above example should be self evident
from a detailed study of the source listing. The best way to
tackle your own problem is to dive right in. For those who
feel that they need a little more structured approach or
partly implemented feel for getting started, I am willing to
provide the source code for all of the modules described in
this article on a single density CP/M compatible 8 inch
diskette free of charge if you just send a diskette, mailer,
and return postage to the address given at the beginning of
this article. Feel free to make use of any new ideas you see
here however you see fit.
CP/M-Net "Tip-of-the-Month"
The Absolute Minimum Typing, to Run a CP/M Submit File...
By: Mike Karas and Kelly Smith
On occasion, you may need to run consecutive SUBmit
files, under 'attended' operation, and MAY have to do it
numerous times...well here is a trick to enter only two
characters on your keyboard (S and Carriage Return), to
minimize the amount of typing required.
Edit your SUBmit file as normally do... end the edit,
and then:
A>REN .SUB=LAZY.SUB<cr> <-- Rename your .SUB to ONLY .SUB
A>S<cr> <-- Run '.SUB'!!!
How's it work? Easy...SUBMIT "see's" a temporary FCB
entry of the file " . " (eight spaces for the
filename and three spaces for the filetype), and goes
"searching" for a filetype of ".SUB"...and low-and-behold
Now to really speed things up for your SUBMIT, we use
that old trick of fooling the CCP (Command Console Processor
with a 'null file'...you remember, 'SAVE 0 @.COM'...and use
it to minimize the 'loading time' of some redundant
operation. For example, when generating a pile of system
disks you might edit a SUBMIT file like this:
sysgen <--- Let's SYSGEN...
pip b:=pip.*[v] <--- And PIP some goodies we need to B:
@ b:=xdir.*[v] <--- And use PIP still in memory
@ b:=stat.*[v] <--- And use PIP again...
@ b:=asm.*[v] <--- And again...
@ b:=ed.*[v] <--- Again..
@ b:=load.[v] <--- Well, you get the point by now!
Keep in mind however, that you may only use the LAST
file that was loaded into memory...for instance, if you had
placed something like ABORTSUB.COM in the middle of the
PIP's, and then intended to CONTINUE PIPing, you MUST again
invoke PIP explicitly as a filename...THEN you can continue
using '@' as illustrated here.