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W0RLI MailBox and GateWay Version 12.0 - 5/11/87 Page 1
Created for packet community by:
Hank Oredson, W0RLI
134 Ponderosa Drive
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
Distributed by:
Wes Morris, k7pyk
7422 E. McKinley St.
Scottsdale, AZ 85257
Many people contibuted to this project, in many ways.
In particular I would like to thank K1BC, KE1G, WB2MNF, W3IWI, WB7DCH
K3RLI, KE3Z, K7PYK for their help and encouragment.
These notes are rough, more release notes and tech notes than
anything else. A SYSOPS Manual (Very nice, 40+ pages) is also
available from Wes. It was written by Jon Pearce, WB2MNF.
A very nice log file analyzer was written by:
Tom Hogan, WB7DCH
26911 S E 456 St.
Enumclaw, WA 98022
I have included it on the release disk as LFA.COM.
I have also included my own log file analyzer, called PRTLOG.
Will display LOG.TNC at the console.
Will put it on the printer.
Will put the output in file LOG.PRT.
If you leave out the -L field, only the summary is printed.
W0RLI MailBox and GateWay Version 12.0 - 5/11/87 Page 2
Release notes, Version 12.0 :
Despite the rollover from version 11.x to 12.x, this is not a major
revision to the software. There are basically two new features
from 11.9 to 12.0, both to support the NTS folks. They are the ET
command and wild-cards in the forwarding file. See CHANGES.TNC
To change the serial port baud rate to 1200 (for Kantronics tnc)
you must change the port setup values in CBIOS. These are located
at: 152H for COMM port, 155H for PRINTER port (in CBIOS.COM).
Change to 7 for 1200 baud.
Note new files HELP.TNC and INFO.TNC contain the text for
the H and I commands.
Software change log is now in file CHANGES.TNC.
Note: NEW CBIOS.COM in version 10.4. This is a change of
flow control due to inconsistancies between tnc1 and tnc2.
Check TNC1.SET and TNC2.SET for the proper tnc setup parameters.
There is no longer GBIOS and TBIOS, only CBIOS.
Do not be alarmed if the program appears to load slowly the
first time it is run. If there are is any change to the
user or mail file format, the program updates your existing
files the first time it is run.
Forwarding now maintains the correct FROM and TITLE on
forwarded messages. This only works with other MailBoxes running
version 10.0 and later. The "F" item in the FWD.TNC file should
be changed to a "G" item (just change the F to G) for each MailBox
you forward to that is running 10.0 to make use of this new feature.
The proper setup parameters for the tnc are in .SET files,
TNC1.SET for a tnc1, TNC2.SET for a tnc2.
The file CONFIG.TNC is a text file that contains all site-specific
parameters. Edit it to have the proper parameters for your site.
If you have a previous version of CONFIG.TNC, note that there are
many changes in this version. You should personalize a new one,
use the release version as a starting point.
The boot disk in drive A must contain CP/M (or equivalent) system
and the files TNC.COM, CONFIG.TNC and CBIOS.COM. The file FWD.TNC is
optional; it is required only for automatic forwarding.
I suggest you specify some drive other than A: for certain files:
MAIL.BAK and USER.BAK should go on a different disk than the
corresponding .DAT files. LOG.TNC can grow fairly rapidly,
put it on a drive with extra space if possible. In the release
version all drives are specified as A: to allow for a system
with only a single drive.
The BIOS on this disk is specialized for the Xerox 820, if you
need to make any changes, see the source code: CBIOS.MAC.
W0RLI MailBox and GateWay Version 12.0 - 5/11/87 Page 6
The MailBox will make use of any drive that is logged in at
the time it begins execution.
The first (or only) TNC connects to the Xerox COMM port.
The cable should have pins 1-7 and 20 connected.
The second TNC (if used) connects to the Xerox PRINTER port.
Note that you must connect this TNC with a "null modem" cable:
Data from Xerox 2 2 2 3
Data from TNC 3 3 3 2
Flow ctl Xerox 5 5 5 4
Flow ctl TNC 4 20 4 5
Xerox alive 20 NC 6 6
TNC alive 6 6 8 20
Frame GND 1 1 1 1
Signal GND 7 7 7 7
Configure the TNCs as shown in the appropriate .SET file,
TNC1.SET for a tnc1, TNC2.SET for a tnc2. Note that several of
the parameters differ depending on which type of tnc you have
on the port. You can send the parameters to the tnc using
the BA or BB commands, for example BA TNC2.SET.
W0RLI MailBox and GateWay Version 12.0 - 5/11/87 Page 7
The Xerox PRINTER port may be used in one of three different ways:
1) To support a second TNC. In this case the MailBox will be available
from either TNC. 4800 baud, 8 bits, no parity.
To make use of the TNC, change the first word of the "two TNC"
line in the config file to YES.
2) To support a remote console. This console is effectivly "in parallel"
with the local console. 9600 baud, 8 bits, no parity.
3) To support a printer. The printer is configured as CP/M LIST device.
RTS/CTS handshaking is used. 9600 baud, 7 bits, even parity.
The MailBox is distributed with a version 1 BIOS installed.
You can change to one of the other flavors by editing CBIOS.MAC
and then assembling and linking to get CBIOS.COM. The submit
file CBIOS.SUB is provided for this purpose.
The BIOS assumes version 2 PROMS are in the Xerox. If in doubt,
check U-63 and U-64, they should be 63-2 and 64-2.
The BIOS is set up for a standard ASCII keyboard. Other options
are available. See CBIOS.MAC for details.
Disk drive step time set to 4 MS. May have to change this in
the BIOS if you have slow drives.
To put a system on a new disk...
B: - do it to the disk in drive B
W0RLI MailBox and GateWay Version 12.0 - 5/11/87 Page 8
The following commands are on the local menu only. The local menu
also has the same set of message commands as the remote menu.
Remote user commands are described in the file DOC.TNC.
The following local commands are availble to the remote sysop:
@ - Switch remote user between the standard remote menu
and the remote sysop commands. Must have S privilege.
AS <file> - Toggle between $sys and $dir.
AN <file> - Toggle "new" attribute.
B - Send a file to the TNC.
Qualifier: TNC to send file to (A or B).
Argument: Name of file to send.
C - Set the clock, C <call> - Connect to user.
D - Display a file at the console.
Qualifier: P - Page mode.
U - List all users.
E - List excluded users.
S - List sysop users.
L - List local users.
Argument: File name.
E - Edit a message header, user record, or file.
Qualifier: U - Edit a user record.
F - Edit a file.
Argument: Message number, user call, or file name.
Edit file (EF) commands are:
A - Up one page.
S - Up one line.
D - Down one line.
F - Down one page.
K - Kill current line.
I - Insert the text following the I above the current line.
Q - Quit (Changes not saved).
E - Exit (Changes saved).
F - Make a file from a message.
Qualifier: A - Append to existing file.
Arguments - <message number> <file name>
FB - File BBS users.
FL - File Local users.
Argument - <file name>
G - Untangle the mail/user files. (Grunch them...)
Qualifier: R - Renumber the messages from 1.
M - Mail file only.
U - User file only.
Z - Like GU but Zero the last-read msg # for all.
G - Enable / Disable GateWay.
Qualifier: Y - Enable, N - Disable.
H - Toggle short / long local menu.
M - Make a message from a file.
See 'S' command.
Arguments: <call> <file name> [@ call] [< call]
W0RLI MailBox and GateWay Version 12.0 - 5/11/87 Page 9
N <old filename> <new filename> - Rename file.
O - Open a save file, go to terminal mode.
Qualifier selects TNC (A or B).
Argument: File name.
P - Change a parameter.
Qualifier: Which parameter.
1 - # allowed digipeaters on COMM TNC.
2 - # allowed digipeaters on PRINTER TNC.
3 - Yes/No/Busy/Quiet allow only bbs on COMM port.
4 - Yes/No/Busy/Quiet allow only bbs on PRINTER port.
5 - Yes/No kill message after forward.
6 - Yes/No/Busy/Quiet allow only bbs via LINKED to connects.
Argument: New value.
Q - Quit (return to CP/M).
T - Go to terminal mode.
Qualifier selects TNC (A or B).
U - Upload a file from the console.
Qualifier: A - Append to existing file.
V <from file name> <to file name> - Copy a file.
W <filespec> - List directory.
Qualifier: A - all files, N - new only, S - sys only.
X - Trigger an auto-forward.
Qualifier: I - Ignore times in FWD.TNC
Argument: If present, call of station to forward to.
Other entries in FWD.TNC ignored.
Y - Set file name.
Qualifier: C - CALLS.TNC, F - FWD.TNC, L - LOG.TNC
Argument: <file name>
Allows switch of forwarding or logging files.
Z - Delete a file.
Argument: <file name>
Message directory item:
# characters contents
5 Message number
1 Message type
1 Message status
6 To
6 From
6 @ BBS
6 Date
6 Time
80 Title (Maximum of 80, variable length).
W0RLI MailBox and GateWay Version 12.0 - 5/11/87 Page 10
User file (USER.DAT) structure, version 4.
USHDR: File header record.
USCNT 2 - # of user records in file.
USVER 1 - Version # of file format.
USLDT 6 - Date of last compress.
USLTM 4 - Time of last compress.
USLMNR 2 - Next message number at last compress.
USDEL 1 - True if any user record has been deleted.
Free 112 - Must be zero.
USREC: User record.
USCALL 6 - Users call.
USDATE 6 - Date user last logged out.
USTIME 4 - Time user last logged out.
USMNR 2 - Next message number at last user loggout.
USSSID 1 - SSID on last connect.
USNAME 12 - Users name.
USOPT 1 - User options:
Deleted record.
Expert user.
User is a bbs.
User can be remote sysop.
User excluded on port A (COMM port).
User excluded on port B (PRINTER port).
Local user of system.
USPORT 1 - A or B which tnc last connect, L if linked.
USBBS 6 - User's "home bbs".
USPATH 81 - Path of last connect by user.
W0RLI MailBox and GateWay Version 12.0 - 5/11/87 Page 11
Mail file (MAIL.DAT) structure, version 2.
MFHS: File Header Record.
MNEXT 2 - Next available record (1 past eof)
MFHD 2 - Record number of first message header.
MLHD 2 - Record number of last message header.
MFFREE 2 - First record in chain of free records.
MLFREE 2 - Last record in chain of free records.
MNR 2 - Number to use for next message.
MVERS 1 - File version number.
MFREE 2 - # of records in free chain.
MCNT 2 - # of messages in file.
MUDT 6 - Date of last untangle.
MUTM 4 - Time of last untangle.
MUMNR 2 - Last message number at last untangle.
Unused 99 - Not used, must be zero.
MMHS: Message Header Record.
MHFMSG 2 - Record of first text record for this message.
MHLMSG 2 - Record of last text record for this message.
MHNEXT 2 - Record number of next message header.
MHNR 2 - Number of this message.
MHSIZE 2 - Byte count of message.
MHTYPE 1 - Type of message:
' ' - General message.
'P' - Private message.
'A' - ARRL bulletin.
'B' - Bulletin.
'T' - NTS traffic.
MHSTAT 1 - Status of the message:
'N' not yet read by addressee.
'Y' has been read by addressee.
'F' has been automatically forwarded.
MHTO 6 - Call of addressee.
MHFROM 6 - Call of sender.
MHDATE 6 - Date entered into system.
MHTIME 4 - Time entered into system.
MHEXT 2 - Must be zero. Pointer to extension of header in
the C version of the MailBox code.
MHREAD 2 - Number of times read.
MHPREV 2 - Record number of previous header.
MHBBS 6 - Call of destination MailBox.
Unused 2 - Not used, must be zero.
MHTIT 80 - Title. Terminated by CR.
MMTS: Message Text Record.
MTNEXT 2 - Record number of next record of message text.
MTTEXT 126 - Message text. Terminated by ^Z.
MFFS: Free Record.
MTNEXT 2 - Record number of next free record.
Unused 126 - Contents ignored.
W0RLI MailBox and GateWay Version 12.0 - 5/11/87 Page 12
The Configuration File.
The file CONFIG.TNC is a text file that contains all site-specific
parameters. Edit it to have the proper parameters for your site.
The form $x is a variable text field. The "$x" is replaced by
the current value for that text.
$A - @ BBS of the current message.
$B - Bell - insert an ASCII BEL (CTL-G).
$C - Next available message number.
$D - The current date.
$E - Display the calls of stations with unread msgs.
$F - Insert a form feed.
$G - TO of the current message.
$H - Hang at end of line (suppress carriage return).
Use at end of line only. DO NOT USE on lines that go to tnc.
$I - Users name, from user file.
$J - Date from current msg header
$K - Time from current msg header.
$L - Number of the last message.
$M - Message number from current msg header.
$N - Number of active messages.
$O - Call of system owner.
$P - FROM from current msg header.
$Q - Used internally by the program.
$R - Call in a "connect request:" from either TNC.
$S - Call of the end node station connected via the slave TNC.
Seen initially in "*** CONNECTED to:" when the adjacent node
connects, may be seen in "*** LINKED to:" from the adjacent node.
$T - The current time.
$U - Call of the end node station connected via the master TNC.
Seen initially in "*** CONNECTED to:" when the adjacent node
connects, may be seen in "*** LINKED to:" from the adjacent node.
$V - Display the changable parameters (P1 ...).
$W - Wait to send - adds a SYN before CR so packet not sent.
Use at end of line only.
$X - Date user last logged in.
$Y - Time user last logged in.
$Z - Last message number when user last logged in.
W0RLI MailBox and GateWay Version 12.0 - 5/11/87 Page 13
The first section (to the first *** EOF) is the login message.
The next section (to the next *** EOF) is the info text.
The next section is the "connected bbs" menu. Keep it SHORT!
The next section is the remote sysop menu. Keep it SHORT!
The next section (to the next *** EOF) is the short MailBox menu.
The next section (to the next *** EOF) is the long MailBox menu.
The next section (to the next *** EOF) is the short GateWay menu.
The next section (to the next *** EOF) is the long GateWay menu.
The next section (to the next *** EOF) is the short local menu.
The next section (to the next *** EOF) is the long local menu.
The next section (to the next *** EOF) is the message message sent when
someone connects for whom USER.DAT has no home bbs listed. This message
can be null - i.e., just the *** EOF, if desired.
The next section (to the next *** EOF) is the message message sent when
someone reads a message (except B or T type) to someone (with a real
call) other than themselves. This message can be null - i.e., just
the *** EOF, if desired.
The next section (to the next *** EOF) is the message message sent when
someone sends a message here after coming in by a *** LINKED to connection.
This message can be null - i.e., just the *** EOF, if desired.
The next line is your call.
The next line is the file name to use for the list of all calls heard.
The next line is the file name to use for the auto-forwarding file.
The next line is the file name to use for the log file.
The next line is the file name to use for the "J" list save file.
The next line is the file name to use for the msg temp file.
The next line is the file name to use for the mail file.
The next line is the file name to use for the mail backup file.
The next line is the file name to use for the user file.
The next line is the file name to use for the user backup file.
The next line is YES to allow download of "new" files.
The next line is YES to exclude users with illegal calls.
The next line is YES to exclude connect thru digi with illegal call.
The next line is YES to exclude all but BBS on COMM port. (Can be YES,
NO,BUSY or QUIET, for excluding during all/no/busy/quiet hours.)
The next line is YES to exclude all but BBS on PRINTER port. (Y/N/B/Q)
The next line is YES to exclude all but BBS via LINKED connects. (Y/N/B/Q)
The next line is 24 zeros and ones, for the hours of the day, 00-23. Each
"1" defines a busy hour and each "0" defines a quiet hour.
The next line is max # digipeats user can use on COMM port.
The next line is max # digipeats user can use on PRINTER port.
The next line is the "no activity" timeout in minutes.
The next line is the timeout in GateWay monitor mode in minutes.
The next line is the maximum number of lines to show in monitor mode.
The next line is the "waiting for disconnect" timeout in seconds.
The next line is the USER routine calling period.
The next line is the maximum number of calls allowed in the
monitor mode calls heard list (CALLS.TNC).
The next line is the maximum number of users in the user file.
The next line is the number of calls on the "recently heard" lists.
The next line is YES to look at beacons, NO to ignore them.
The next line is "YES" if both ports have TNC's, "NO" if only
the COMM port has a TNC.
The next line is "YES" to activate the GateWay code,
"NO" to inactivate it; "QUIET" to allow it only during quiet hours;
"BUSY" to allow it only during busy hours (unlikely).
The next line is "YES" to allow GateWay monitoring,
"NO" to disallow it. "QUIET" to allow it only during quiet hours;
"BUSY" to allow it only during busy hours (unlikely).
The next five lines control logging. (what goes into LOG.TNC).
YES to turn on logging. Connects/disconnects logged.
YES to turn on GateWay event logging.
YES to turn on file transfer logging.
YES to turn on message event logging.
YES to turn on logging of local commands.
Message for number of calls in call list, $Q is #.
The next line is the "bye bye" message.
The next line is the header for the list of calls recently heard.
W0RLI MailBox and GateWay Version 12.0 - 5/11/87 Page 14
The next lines appear locally only:
The control character to use to kick user off system.
The control character to use to return from talk.
The control character to use to interrupt and go to talk.
The control character to use to take the MailBox off-line.
Message to send to console on entry to terminal mode.
Prompt if save file exists. Erase and start new, or not.
Prompt before continue at end of page of output.
Prompt when enter terminal mode and user is connected.
Message when going into auto answer mode.
Message to send user when get *** LINKED to
Prompt to enter year.
Prompt to enter month.
Prompt to enter day.
Prompt to enter hour.
Prompt to enter minute.
The next group of lines (to *** EOF) is what to send the tnc to
put it in "idle" mode (COMM port).
The next group of lines (to *** EOF) is what to send the tnc to
put it in "idle" mode (PRINTER port).
The next group of lines (to *** EOF) is what to send the tnc to
put it in "user" mode (COMM port).
The next group of lines (to *** EOF) is what to send the tnc to
put it in "user" mode (PRINTER port).
The next group of lines (to *** EOF) is what to send the tnc to
put it in "remote sysop" mode (COMM port).
The next group of lines (to *** EOF) is what to send the tnc to
put it in "remote sysop" mode (PRINTER port).
The next group of lines (to *** EOF) are the commands that will be
sent to the COMM port TNC at startup.
The next group of lines (to *** EOF) are the commands that will be
sent to the PRINTER port TNC at startup.
The next line is sent to the console each time a menu is sent
to the user.
The next line is sent to the user when a connect request occurs.
The next line is the message to send when
you break into a MailBox session to talk to the user.
The next line is the response to the user when he wants to talk to you.
The next line is the message to send when
you are not available to talk to the user.
The next line is the message to the console when the user wants
to talk to you.
W0RLI MailBox and GateWay Version 12.0 - 5/11/87 Page 15
The next section, one line per message, is the GateWay messages:
Message when GateWay not available.
Message going into unproto mode.
Message when user does not specify call for connect.
Message when attempting a connect.
Message when connect fails.
Message to master tnc when connect succeeds.
Message when connect attempt aborted by user.
Message to send to slave tnc on connect.
Message to send to master tnc on connect.
Message to send to local console while link in progress.
(Displayed about every 10 lines)
Message to send to master when entering monitor mode.
Message to send to master when monitor disallowed.
Message to send to master when connects via "*** LINKED to" are disallowed.
The next section, one line per message, is the message and file prompts.
Prompt for call of addressee.
Prompt for title of message.
Prompt for message text.
Prompt for message number.
Message to send at login if user has new mail.
Message list header. Observe columns if change.
Line to pre-pend to a forwarded message.
Prompt to edit TO.
Prompt to edit FROM.
Prompt to edit AT BBS.
Prompt to edit TITLE.
Prompt to edit message status.
Prompt to edit TYPE.
Message to send to console when untangle and file empty.
Message to send to console when starting an untangle.
Message to send as each msg deleted with KM.
Minute of the hour to attempt forwarding.
Max # of calls in "unread mail" list.
YES to enable auto-kill of messages auto-forwarded (NO leaves
the message with status set to 'F').
YES to allow "F" type messages to avoid auto-kill on auto-forward.
YES to generate a service message on KT.
YES to enable ET command for non-sysops
Prompt for new TO in ET command.
Prompt for new AT in ET command.
Prompt for new TYPE in ET command.
Prompt for new TITLE in ET command.
Error message for attempting ET on a non-NTS message.
Prompt for file text.
Default user name.
Message for number of users in file, $Q is #.
Message when compress user file.
Header for list of user records.
Prompt to delete user record.
Prompt to change user call in user record.
Prompt to change user SSID.
Prompt to change user privilege level.
Prompt to change user name in user record.
Prompt to specify users tnc port (A or B).
Prompt to change user path.
Prompt to change "local user" flag.
Prompt to change "expert user" flag.
Prompt to change "is a bbs" flag.
Message to send with P command. End with $H
Message to send with P command, and connect is direct.
Message to send with P command, and user was linked. End with $H
The next section, one line per message, is the error/status messages:
Message for error in file name.
Message for I/O error.
Message for "can't find it".
Message for protection violation (tried to read private msg etc.).
Message for "file exists, and you can't erase it".
Message for timout.
Message for "I didn't understand the command you gave".
Message for done (command completed).
The next 8 lines are messages about untangling.
.DAT does not exist.
Failed on rename
Failed on open of .BAK
"Serious problem"
Deleting old .BAK
Renaming .DAT to .BAK
Copying .DAT to .BAK
Making new .DAT
W0RLI MailBox and GateWay Version 12.0 - 5/11/87 Page 16
Automatic forwarding of messages to other MailBox systems.
The file FWD.TNC contains information that drives the
automatic forwarding of messages. If the file does not exist,
no forwarding is done. The file contains several kinds of information:
"F" or "G" lists are lists of stations for whom you should forward mail.
They are grouped by the call of the MailBox to which their mail
should be forwarded. The header of each list looks like:
Columns Data
1 "F" or "G"
2 TNC identifier. "A" = TNC on COMM port, "B" = PRINTER port.
3-4 Hour to activate forwarding to this station.
5-6 Hour to de-activate forwading to this station.
7-end The text to send to the TNC to do the connet.
After the header, each line up to the next *** EOF is a destination
address. Mail to each such address will be forwarded to the
destination in the header. A destination can be any up-to-6-character
string, such as "K1BC" or "NTS". It can also be wild-carded, using
the CP/M rules for wildcards: A "*" means "this and following
characters can be anything". A "?" means "this single character
can be anything". For example: "NTS7*" means any message to
a destination whose first four characters are "NTS7" will be sent
to this forwarding station. It is intended to support routing to
NTS701 through NTS799 (for zip codes 70100 through 79999). But there
are probably other uses for this feature.
A "G" list is the same as an "F" list, except the MailBox will
add "< FROM" when it sends the message. This is only compatible with
target MailBoxes running version 10.0 and above.
Forwarding will occur at the minute given in CONFIG.TNC, on those
hours given in FWD.TNC.
An "H" item is a single line preceeding an "F" or "G" list.
Immediately following the "H" is the data to send to a GATOR 2 PAD
if the station you will forward to is reached through such a pad.
In this case, the "F" or "G" item contains the call of the PAD.
"P" lists are commands to be sent to the TNC. The character after
the P is which TNC (PA or PB). The list is terminated with
"*** EOF". One of these lists might preceed each "F" list to
set the TNC parameters to be used for the forward attempt.
There should be a "P" list at the end of the FWD.TNC file to
reset TNC parameters back to default.
W0RLI MailBox and GateWay Version 12.0 - 5/11/87 Page 17
The following is an example of FWD.TNC for W0RLI:
(Forward to K1BC every hour)
FA0023C K1BC VIA KD2S-1 <Function, TNC ID, Time, MailBox and path>
W1XR <Call of station whose mail should be forwarded>
NTS* <Send him all my NTS traffic>
*** EOF <Marks the end of list>
PB <Set TNC params for K7PYK connection>
*** EOF
(Forward to K7PYK only from 1200 to 0259 GMT)
GB1202C K7PYK <The next MailBox to forward to>
*** EOF
(Forward to N2WX-1 through the GATOR 2 PAD at 305MLB)
HN2WX-1 <The call to send to the PAD>
GA0023C 305MLB v STU <How to connect to the PAD>
*** EOF
PB <Set TNC params back to normal>
*** EOF
There is no limit to the number of lists or the number of
calls in each list. Your MailBox will do the connect and send the
messge onward. It will either delete it or mark it with 'F' status
depending on the setting of the YES/NO (Kill on forward) flag in
CONFIG.TNC. Auto forwarding is attempted each hour at the minute
specified in CONFIG.TNC, or when you use the "X" menu item.
The special call "*" (a single *) can be used to force the
forwarding of all mail not addressed to the system owner. This
could be used by someone who would like to run this software, but
would not like to maintain an active MailBox. They would get all
their own mail locally, but any mail deposited onto their system
would be automatically forwarded.
The forwarding of messages counts on the remote MailBox
behaving correctly. It must have a menu with '>' at the end
of the last line. The command for sending messages must have the
form "Sx call". It must prompt for message title, and then prompt
for message text. Message text is terminated by ^Z.
W0RLI MailBox and GateWay Version 12.0 - 5/11/87 Page 18
Busy and Quiet times.
There are some parameters which can be set to change automatically
to different values during "busy" hours versus "quiet" hours.
This is to allow you to restrict heavy demand activity when the
channel is the busiest.
Busy and Quiet hours are defined by a line in the configuration file.
The parameters which may be set this way take "YES", "NO", "BUSY"
and "QUIET" for their arguments. The following are in this category:
- Allow only BBSes to connect on the COMM port (port A).
- Allow only BBSes to connect on the PRINTER port (port B).
- Allow only BBSes to connect via "*** LINKED to W0xxx" (port L).
- Gateway enabled.
- Gateway monitoring enabled.
For example, in New England, there is a 220 MHz backbone for
inter-BBS forwarding. A BBS on that backbone might set port B and
port L to "BUSY" so non-BBS users can't clutter the backbone
during busy hours. They might also set "Gateway enabled" to "QUIET",
to allow their station to be used as a gateway only during quiet hours.
W0RLI MailBox and GateWay Version 12.0 - 5/11/87 Page 19
Files used by the MailBox.
- The MailBox and GateWay
TNC.MAC - Main program.
CHARIO.MAC - Character I/O routines.
FILEIO.MAC - File I/O routines.
EDFIL.MAC - File Editor.
EDMSG.MAC - Message header editing.
EXTDIR.MAC - Disk directory display.
FWD.MAC - Auto-forwarding.
GATE.MAC - GateWay.
HDW.MAC - Code for scan resume.
INIT.MAC - Initialize, read the configuration file.
ISCALL.MAC - Legal callsign check.
LOG.MAC - Logging routines.
LOGIN.MAC - User login stuff.
MAIL.MAC - MailBox.
MBFILE.MAC - Mail file stuff.
MISC.MAC - Misc subroutines.
MONITOR.MAC - Idle time channel monitor.
PARAM.MAC - Set parameter command.
PARSE.MAC - Command line parser.
USER.MAC - Periodically called user written function.
USR.MAC - Code to deal with the user file.
UNT.MAC - Clean the mail file.
- Macro librareis.
- Documentation
CHANGES.TNC - Software change log.
DOC.TNC - Description of how to use the MailBox
NOTES.TNC - Release notes, tech notes, installation notes, etc.
- Data files
CONFIG.TNC- Text file. Configuration data, message of the day,
help command text, error message text, etc.
FWD.TNC - The routing tables for forwarding messages.
LOG.TNC - The station log.
MON.TNC - The saved "J" lists.
W0RLI MailBox and GateWay Version 12.0 - 5/11/87 Page 20
- Xerox 820 BIOS and boot loader
The files BIOS????.INC are various parts of the BIOS code.
TNC.LIB - Macro library.
BOOT.MAC - The boot loader source code.
BOOT.COM - The boot loader object code.
SBIOS.MAC - The bootstrap BIOS source code.
SBIOS.COM - The bootstrap BIOS object code.
CBIOS.MAC - The real BIOS source code.
CBIOS.COM - The real BIOS object code.
- Files used to create system disks.
MAKESYS.COM - Put system onto disk.
BOOT.COM - Boot loader object file.
SBIOS.COM - Bootstrap BIOS object file.
CBIOS.COM - Real BIOS object code.
XCPM.COM is a copy of YOUR 60k CP/M system, you may create it in any
convenient manner. For example, use DU to bring the image into
memory, DDT to move it to 100 hex, and SAVE to write it to disk.
Another example:
m 980,1f7f,100
- The disk that is running the MailBox requires only:
A CP/M (or equivalent) system.
CBIOS.COM - The BIOS object code, placed on the disk by MAKESYS.
TNC.COM - The MailBox.
CONFIG.TNC - Configuration data used by TNC.COM
FWD.TNC - Routing tables, required ONLY if automatic forwarding
is to be used.
W0RLI MailBox and GateWay Version 12.0 - 5/11/87 Page 21
The following files are created and used by the MailBox:
MAIL.DAT - The mail messages.
USER.DAT - The user database.
CALLS.TNC - Text file. List of all calls seen in monitor mode.
MON.TNC - The saved "J" lists.
LOG.TNC - The log file. A text file that contains the user log.
Which events are to be logged is specified in CONFIG.TNC.
Each line in the log file contains an event code, the date and time,
followed by further information about the event.
'C' - User connected to system.
'A' - User connected on TNC on COMM port.
'B' - User connected on TNC on PRINTER port.
'E' - Owner took MailBox off line.
'I' - Owner initial login.
'L' - User was linked via the station that just connected.
'G' - GateWay event.
'A' - Connection attempted and failed. Path shown.
'C' - Connection attempted and obtained. Path shown.
'E' - End of GateWay event, or use.
'M' - Start of monitoring.
'S' - Start of GateWay use.
'U' - Entry to unprotocol mode.
'X' - Exit.
'A' - Owner put MailBox on line.
'B' - User said good bye.
'D' - User disconnected.
'E' - Excluded user attempted connect.
'F' - User forced off by system owner.
'Q' - Owner exited from program.
'T' - Timeout, forced disconnect.
'F' - File event. Command line shown as user entered it.
'M' - Message event. Message number always shown.
'F' - Message has been forwarded. Connect path shown.
'K' - Message has been killed.
'L' - Message headers listed.
'R' - Message has been read.
'S' - Message has been sent.