Assembly Source File
1,364 lines
.title "K83SCRN.ASM Kaypro '83 screen driver 11/8/86"
.sbttl "Copyright (c) 1986 Plu*Perfect Systems"
.remark \==
Source code for CDL/TDL Z80 assembler (AZM.COM).
; production by:
AZM k83scrn
*/locate .prog.=3f80;
ZSID k83.com
m3f80 4500 100
SAVE 5 k83scrn.drv
; revision history:
; v 1.1 no scroll on line 24 in cut
; (changes probably too long to include in '84 driver)
; v 1.0 id imbedded in string, 9/8/86
debug = 0
.ifg DEBUG, [
bios =\ 'Base of bios = ?'
.remark \===
The first sections of code are generic (except for some terminal equates);
beginning at 'STMRKS' it is terminal-specific.
Particular features of Kaypro '83 code:
1. The video ram is accessed by bank switching. Active code, including
stack must be >= 4000h, and interrupts disabled.
2. There's no return-cursor function. We read the screen, send a
test character, and find the byte that changed.
3. There's no reverse video, but we create a BLINK attribute to "hilite"
the cut region by setting bit 7 of the video-ram character.
4. Cursor-movement sequences are all single-byte control characters.
note: If UNDERSCORE is found at cursor, we convert it to SPACE on
screen restore. This isn't good if cursor is sitting on
a real underscore.
.ifg DEBUG, [
codloc = 100h
consta = bios +06h
conin = bios +09h
conout = bios +0ch
.ident SCRK83
consta = 0
conin = 0
conout = 0
outch = 0
puts = 0
bwrch = 0
bflush = 0
; ascii equates
NUL = 00h
BELL = 07h
BS = 08h
CR = 0dh
LF = 0ah
ESC = 1bh
SPACE = 20h
DEL = 7fh
; CUT command characters
HOME = 'H' ;home the cursor
LOHOME = 'h'
MARK = 'X' ;set a mark
LOMARK = 'x'
PASTE = 'P'-'@' ;paste region at cursor
CANCEL = 'C'-'@' ;cancel cut command
; kaypro cursor controls
LEFT = 08H
RIGHT = 'L'-'@'
UP = 'K'-'@'
LEFT8 = 82h ;kaypro raw keypad arrow values...
RIGHT8 = 83h
UP8 = 80h
DOWN8 = 81h
HOMEC = 1eh ;home cursor
; Kaypro '83 screen parameters
NCOLS = 80
NROWS = 24
NROW24 = 24 ;# rows excluding status line
loglin = 128 ;length of logical screen line
vidram = 3000h ;base of video ram
bitprt = 1ch ; controller port
.remark \===
Kaypro '83 video ram is laid out as:
24 80-char rows
each row begins 128 bytes after the previous one
3000: row 0
3080: row 1
.ifg DEBUG, [
.loc codloc
.loc .PROG.
; id sector - nul-terminated string - at 3f80h
sdid: .ascii "Kaypro '83 driver v 1.1"
db 0 ;NUL terminator
idlen = . - sdid
ds 80h-idlen ;total of 80h bytes
; Start of Screen Module. Assemble to run at 4000h.
; EXTERNAL ADDRESSES, supplied by loader
jjcons: jmp consta ;bios constat
jjconi: jmp conin ;bios conin
jjouta: jmp outch ;A to conout, preserving bc,de,hl
jjputs: jmp puts ;hl-string to conout, NUL/bit-7 term.
; preserving bc,de,hl
jjbrdc: jmp 0000 ;buffered read char from cut-swp
jjbwrc: jmp bwrch ;buffered write char to cut-swp
jjbflu: jmp bflush ;flush (write) buffer
savscr: jmp savpag ;save screen
resscr: jmp respag ;restore saved screen
lastnb: jmp lstnbl ;last non-blank char in rows 1-24
dmpchr: jmp retnch ;return next screen char
dmpcur: jmp retncu ;return buffer cursor
dmpatt: jmp retnat ;return next screen attribute
setmrk: jmp stmrks ;set region marks, move cursor
cutrg: jmp docut ;cut region
pastrg: jmp dopast ;paste region
ininpd: jmp ininot ;initialize notepad
putnpd: jmp putnch ;put char to notepad
; generic
; Initiate Notepad - clear screen, print banner.
lxi h,Zbanner
jr jjputs
; generic
; Put char in A to notepad (screen)
; Convert CR to CRLF, DEL to rubout.
cpi CR
lxi h,Zcrlf ;convert CR to CR,LF
jrz jjputs
cpi DEL
lxi h,Zrub
jrz jjputs
jr jjouta
; generic
; Return buffer cursor as row/col.
; ret: D = binary row, E= binary col
; L = ascii row, H = ascii col (for shld ...)
lhld bcursor
; Convert offset to col/row.
; exit: D = binary row, E = binary col
; H = ascii col, L = ascii row <-- NOTE ORDER
off2cr: mvi b,0 ;convert to row,col
lxi d,-NCOLS
..1: dad d
jrnc ..2
inr b ;row count++
jr ..1
..2: lxi d,NCOLS
dad d
mov a,l ;col
mov e,a ;binary col in E
mov d,b ;binary row in D
adi SPACE ; + bias
mov h,a ;H = ascii col
mov a,b ;row
adi SPACE ; +bias
mov l,a ;L = ascii row
; generic
; Paste the last-cut region onto active screen at the current cursor.
; 1. Get previously-cut region from external routine
; 2. Send chars to screen, avoiding boundary overflows.
; 'savpag' not needed if terminal supports 'send cursor address'
call savpag ;get current screen,
;in order to find cursor
mvi b,4 ;read 4 data bytes
..0: push b
call jjbrdc
pop b
djnz ..0
mov b,a ;4th byte is # rows
push b
call crs2hl ;current cursor's row/col to hl
pop b
; loop over rows
..rowlp:push b
push h
mov e,l ;e = col no.
push d
call stcrshl ;set cursor at h,l
..collp:call jjbrdc ;read char from cut-swp
cpi CR
jrz ..rend
mov c,a ;save char
pop d ;check for off screen
mov a,e
inr e
push d ;row/col to stack
cc sendc ;to conout, unless off edge
jr ..collp
..rend: pop d ;clear row/col
pop h
pop b
inr h ;bump row
mov a,h ;check for off bottom of screen
jrnc ..xit
djnz ..rowlp
..xit: xra a
; generic
; Cut rectangular region defined by keypresses.
; 1. Parse keypresses to move cursor and mark corners.
; Highlight region as cursor is moved.
; 2. Send the marked region, row-wise to external routine.
; Append CR after each row.
; Data structure is:
; size (word)
; # columns (byte)
; # rows (byte)
; row 1
; CR
; row 2
; CR
; ....
.ifg DEBUG, [
;if debugging, put output in cutbuf
lxi h,cutbuf ;set ptr
shld dbgptr
xra a
sta mrkcnt ;init for next time
; set ctcols = # cols, ctrows = # rows
; (assumes mark2 is SE of mark1)
corners:lded mark1
lhld mark2
mov a,h ;# rows = 1 + mark2row -mark1row
inr a
sub d
mov h,a
mov a,l ;# cols = 1 + mark2col -mark1col
inr a
sub e
mov l,a
shld ctcols
; cut rectangle [mark1...mark2] & copy to buffer
; append CR at end of each row
push h ;mark1
call wrpara ;write parameters
pop h ;mark1
call rc2off ;convert to scr addr
lda ctrows ;get # rows
mov b,a
; write the cut region to external buffer
..rowlp:push b ;(+1
push h ;(+2
lxi d,buf ;fetch from screen buffer
dad d
; write 1 row of cut region to external buffer
lda ctcols
mov b,a ;b = # cols
; write 1 row of cut region to external buffer
lda ctcols
mov b,a ;b = # cols
; buffered write B chars at hl, ascii only
..bwrt: push b
push h
mov a,m
cpi DEL
jrnc ..mksp
cpi SPACE ;convert graphics
jrnc ..1
..mksp: mvi a,SPACE ; to space
..1: mov c,a
call jjbwrch
pop h
pop b
inx h
djnz ..bwrt
mvi c,CR ;append CR to each row
call jjbwrch
pop h ;(+1
pop b ;(+0
lxi d,NCOLS ;bump to next row
dad d
djnz ..rowlp ; and loop
jmp jjbflu ;flush the write buffer
; write parameters: size, # cols, # rows to swp file
; de = ctcols
wrpara: mov b,d ;# rows
mvi d,0
inr e ;+1 for CR
lxi h,0 ;accum.
..0: dad d
djnz ..0
call bwhl ;write word
lhld ctcols ;now #cols, # rows
bwhl: push h
mov c,l
call jjbwrch
pop h
mov c,h
jmp jjbwrch
; generic
; Find last non-blank line (1-24 only) in current scr buffer.
; Graphics and 8-bit characters are considered blanks.
; If B=0ff, save screen first.
; ret: H=row, L=col of last non-blank char in rows 1-24
inr b
cz savpag
lxi b,NROW24*100h + NCOLS ;b=# rows, c=# cols
lxi d,buf
lxi h,0
..lp: ldax d
cpi SPACE+1 ;don't count cntl chars or SPACE
jrc ..1
cpi DEL ; or DEL or graphics 8-bit
jrnc ..1
shld savrc
..1: inx d
inr l
dcr c
jrnz ..lp ;loop over cols
inr h
mov l,c ;0
mvi c,NCOLS
djnz ..lp ;loop over rows
savrc = .+1
lxi h,0000 ;hl = last non-blank
xring: mvi c,BELL
; send C to screen, exit Z, no CY
sendc: mov a,c
; send A to screen, exit Z, no CY
; (this will scroll, however!)
send: call jjouta
xra a ;Z, no CY
; end of generic code
; specific
; Move cursor and set marks. Return CY clear until exit.
; 1. move cursor, until:
; 2. 'X' = set 1st mark
; turn on hiliting, set mark, keep cursor at mark
; 3. move cursor right/down only
; 4. 'X' = set 2nd mark
; turn off hiliting, set 2nd mark
; exit CY (done)
; 5. cntl-C = CANCEL.
; turn off hilighting, set CY, exit
jrz abort
cpi LEFT
jz goleft
cpi LEFT8
jz golef8
cpi UP
jz goup
cpi UP8
jz goup8
jz gort
cpi RIGHT8
jz gort8
cpi DOWN
jz godn
cpi DOWN8
jz godn8
cpi HOME
jrz gohome
jrz gohome
cpi CR
jrz ..mrk
cpi MARK
jrz ..mrk
jrz ..mrk
xra a ;no action
..mrk: lxi h,mrkcnt ;if no mark yet set
mov a,m
ora a
mvi m,1
jrz mk1 ;..set mark1
call mk2 ;else set mark2
mrkxit: xra a
sta mrkcnt ;init for next time
stc ;CY = all done
abort: call normal ;restore normal video
mvi a,CANCEL
jr mrkxit
; set 1st mark, turn on rev. video, don't move cursor
mk1: call crs2hl
shld mark1
shld mark2
shld curcol ;L->curcol,H->currow
;;kaypro '83 doesn't have attributes, omit:
;; push h
;; call reverse ;reverse video on (dummy routine)
;; pop h ;mark1
; Blink the marked char. Cursor may itself be off, or solid.
mvi a,1 ;blink 1 char
sta colct
sta rowct
jmp showro
; set 2nd mark, restore normal video, set CY
mk2: call normal ;dummy - restore normal video
stc ;CY = all done
; bump row/col var that tracks actual cursor
; if mark not yet, send cntl char
; ret NZ if mark is set
inrsnd: inr m ;next row/col
call anymrk
cz sendc
; nz if a mark has been set
anymrk: lda mrkcnt
ora a
; for H19, etc. that use ESC sequences,
; change these routines to send ESC, then the byte.
gohome: mvi c,HOMEC ;convert to video driver's cntl char
call anymrk ;if mark set,
jnz xring ;..error
mov h,a ;set row=col=0
mov l,a
shld bincol
jjsndc: jmp sendc
; cursor left and cursor up:
; send if not at top or left margin
golef8: mvi a,LEFT ;convert to 7-bit char
goleft: lxi h,bincol ;ck for col ==0
zck: mov c,a ;save char in c
call anymrk
cmp m ;ck col/row == 0
jz xring ;..error
dcr m ;dcr col/row
jr jjsndc
goup8: mvi a,UP ;7-bit code
goup: lxi h,binrow ;ck for top row and send
jr zck
; cursor right and cursor down:
; if mark is not set, move cursor
; if mark is set, expand region and highlight
; keep track of cursor location in both cases
; don't move if it would scroll
; move cursor right
gort8: mvi a,RIGHT ;convert to 7-bit code
gort: mov c,a ;save in c
lxi h,bincol
mvi a,NCOLS-2
cmp m
jc xring
call inrsnd ;bump col & send if mrk not set
rz ;rtn if mark not yet set
; hilite marked column
gort1: lxi h,mark2
inr m ;bump 2nd mark-row
lxi h,curcol ;bump col
inr m
mov l,m
lda mark1+1 ;top row
mov h,a ;h=row, l=col for col to hilite
rowct = .+1
mvi b,00
; loop over each row in cut region
..rlp: push b
push h ;save binary row/col
mvi a,1 ;display 1 char in each row
call showhi
pop h
pop b
inr h ;next row
djnz ..rlp
lxi h,colct ;prepare to bump col cnt & exit
jr inrmbs
; move cursor down
godn8: mvi a,DOWN ;7bit code
godn: mov c,a ;save char
lxi h,binrow ;ck if already on bottom row
mvi a,NROWS-2
cmp m
jc xring
call inrsnd ;bump row & send
rz ;rtn if mark not yet set
; hilite marked row
godn1: lxi h,mark2+1 ;row
inr m ;bump 2nd mark-col
lxi h,currow ;bump row
inr m
mov h,m
lda mark1 ;left col
mov l,a ;h=row, l=col for row to hilite
call showro ;display 1 cut row
lxi h,rowct ;bump row cnt
inrmbs: inr m ; and exit
.remark \==
For Kaypro '83, write directly to screen,
in order to set blink attribute.
if down: set cur at next row, left col
send partial row
BS (back up 1)
if right: set cur at toprow, next col
send partial column
; enter: H = binary row, L= binary col
colct = .+1
mvi a,00
; Fetch A chars at H=binary row, L=binary col from buffer.
; Put chars to screen, setting BLINK attribute.
showhi: push psw
call stvptr ;set video ram ptr
call rc2off
lxi d,buf ;fetch from screen buffer
dad d
pop psw ;#chars
mov b,a
..lp: mov a,m ;fetch char from buffer
jrnz ..set7
mvi a,7fh ;make displayable 'DEL' char
..set7: set 7,a ;set blink bit
mov c,a
push h
call putv ;put to screen
pop h
inx h
djnz ..lp
ora a ;clear CY
; specific
; Return next screen char from buffer.
; enter:
; d = row, e = col
; b = FF ==> read screen
; c = FF ==> set bufptr
; exit:
; A = char, CY set if good
; DE -> row,col of next char, HL -> buf of next char
; CY clear if out of range
; This routine can be called to get successive chars from
; buffer as long as caller preserves hl,de and sets b=c=0.
xra a
call stdump
mov a,m ;get char
inx h ;bump bufptr
; specific
; Return next screen attribute from buffer.
; THIS IS A NUL FUNCTION for Kaypro '83.
; enter:
; d = row, e = col
; b = FF ==> read screen
; c = FF ==> set bufptr
; exit:
; A = attr, CY set if good
; DE -> row,col of next char, HL -> buf of next char
; CY clear if out of range
xra a ;clear CY
; ret: NC if out of range
; else hl-> buffer char
stdump: inr b
jrnz ..0
push b ;b == 0ff -> read screen
push d
push h ;$$$ missing in k84 !!!
call savpag
pop h
pop d
pop b
..0: inr c
jrnz ..4
; enter: D = row, E = col
; set: hl -> buffer address, cy set, preserve de
; ret: CY clear if error (off screen)
mov a,d ;c == 0ff -> set bufptr
jrnc ..bad
mov a,e
jrc ..ok
..bad: xra a ;out of range , ret NC
..ok: lxi h,buf
mov a,d
lxi b,NCOLS ;row*(cols per row)
inr a
..lp: dcr a
jrz ..2
dad b
jr ..lp
..2: mvi d,0 ;+ col #
dad d
..4: inx d ;bump col
mov a,e
mvi e,0 ;end of row, set col = 0
inr d ;and bump row
mov a,d
ret ;NC if out of range
; Set video-ram pointer.
; enter: H=binary row, L=binary col
; set vptr = row*128 + col, preserves all
stvptr: push b
push d
push h
mov b,h
mov c,l
lxi h,0
lxi d,128
inr b
jr ..bot
..lp: dad d ;row*128
..bot: djnz ..lp
dad b ; + col (b=0)
lxi b,vidram
dad b
shld vptr
pop h
pop d
pop b
; Initialize for screen save/restore
; enter: A=0 to save(read) screen
; A=NZ to restore (write) screen
iscr: sta putflg ;0=save, 0ff=restore
itop: lxi h,buf ;init buf ptr
shld cptr
lxi h,vidram ;int video ram ptr
shld vptr
vptr: dw 0 ;ptr to video ram char
; specific
; Save screen to buffer.
xra a ;initialize for reading screen
call iscr
call doscr ;save screen first
call crs2off ;THEN find screen cursor
shld bcursor ;and save it
call off2cr
sded bincol ;save binary col/row
doscr: lxi b,SCRSIZ
..0: push b
call vch ;r/w char
pop b
inx d ;bump ptr USED??
dcx b
mov a,b
ora c
jrnz ..0
; specific
; Restore saved screen from buffer.
; Note: this sequence is necessary to be sure that the
; char in the hardware cursor register isn't written back
; to video ram after the new character has been put there.
lhld bcursor ;set the new cursor position FIRST
push h
call stcrs
mvi a,0ffh ;initialize for writing screen
call iscr
call doscr ;put buffer to screen
pop h ;get cursor offset
push h
lxi d,buf ;get char at the cursor
dad d
mov a,m
call jjouta ;send it via conout
pop h ;reset the cursor
; Set cursor on screen by direct cursor addressing.
; enter: HL = cursor offset relative to 0000
stcrs: call off2cr ;convert from offset to ascii col/row
stcoro: shld colrow ;put ascii col/row into string
lxi h,Zcurs ;send set-cursor string
jmp jjputs
; Set cursor on screen.
; enter: H=binary row, L = binary col
stcrshl:call rc2off
jr stcrs
; Get current cursor position to H=binary row, L=binary col
crs2hl: call crs2off ;get cursor by re-read of screen
call off2cr ;returns binary in de
; convert H=binary row, L=binary col to hl= offset
; (hl = row*NCOLS + col)
; uses bc,de,hl
; note fix from 'convhl' in k84 version !!
rc2off: mov b,h ;b=row
mov c,l ;c=col
lxi h,0
inr b
lxi d,NCOLS
jr ..bot
..0: dad d ;rows*NCOLS
..bot: djnz ..0
dad b ;+ col
; Get current screen cursor.
; ret: HL= binary offset from 0000.
; (Screen must already be saved into buffer).
; Send a test char via conout. Read screen and find mismatch.
T1CHAR = 07Eh
T2CHAR = 07Dh
lxi h,0 ;init duplicate count FIRST
shld dupcnt
; Send a test char to the screen. If the testchar happens to be the
; char at the cursor, bump dupcnt and repeat the loop. Sending
; the char again puts it at cursor+1. Repeat until there's a mismatch.
; By testing the final screen char, we ensure a mismatch will be found.
..nxtc: lda buf+SCRSIZ-1 ;set test char so it is != last char
ani 7Fh ;kill cursor bit
cpi T1CHAR ; on screen
mvi a,T1CHAR
jrnz ..1
mvi a,T2CHAR
..1: sta tstchr ;send test char to screen at cursor
call jjouta
call itop
lxi b,SCRSIZ
..lp: push b
lhld vptr
shld orighl
call getv ;get screen char to C
lhld cptr ;compare to buffer char
mov a,m
sta origc
shld origbf
sub c ;hi bit has been killed
inx h
shld cptr
pop b
jrz ..same
adi (7Fh-SPACE) ;check for space converted to blink-DEL
jrnz ..fnd
..same: dcx b
mov a,b
ora c
jrnz ..lp
; have a duplicate of testchar at current cursor
lhld dupcnt
inx h
shld dupcnt
jr ..nxtc
; cursor found by mismatch of buffer char, testchar
..fnd: lxi h,SCRSIZ ;offset = scrsize-countleft
ora a
dsbc b
lded dupcnt ;adjust for any duplicates
ora a
dsbc d ;count - dupcnt
..ok: push h ;save offset to cursor loc.
origc = .+1
mvi a,00 ;restore original char
res 7,a
cpi '_' ;in case we picked up the cursor
jrnz ..2 ; at a space, put it back to space
mvi a,SPACE ;(not foolproof)
..2: mov c,a
origbf = .+1
lxi h,0000 ;and correct buffer value too
mov m,a
orighl = .+1
lxi h,0000 ;to screen
call putvhl
pop h
push h
call stcrs ;put cursor back on screen
pop h
ret ;hl =cursor offset from 0000
tstchr: db 0 ;test char to find cursor
dupcnt: dw 0 ;# of duplicates of test char at cursor
; putflg = 0: read 1 char from screen, put into buffer
; putflg = NZ: get 1 char from buffer, write to screen
; ret: c = char, if putflg != 0 ; uses A, HL
vch: lda putflg
ora a
jrnz ..put
..get: call getv ;get from video ram
lhld cptr ;put into buffer
mov m,c
inx h
shld cptr
..put: lhld cptr ;get char from buffer
mov c,m ; to C
res 7,c ;kill any cursor bit
inx h
shld cptr
putv: lhld vptr
putvhl: in bitprt ;get port byte
ori 80h ;set for bank 1
di ;prevent interruption
out bitprt ;switch to bank 1
mov m,c ;put char in C into video ram
putv1: ani 7fh ;switch bank 0 back in
out bitprt
; Set pointer to next video ram char, adjusting for gap
; at end of each line.
..bmpv: inx h
mov a,l
cpi 80
jrz ..adj
cpi 128+80
jrnz ..sh
..adj: adi 128-80
mov l,a
jrnc ..sh
inr h
..sh: shld vptr
getv: lhld vptr
in bitprt ;get port byte
ori 80h ;set for bank 1
di ;prevent interruption
out bitprt ;switch to bank 1
mov c,m ;get char from video ram
res 7,c ;kill blinking
jr putv1
putflg: db 0 ;NZ to restore(put) screen from buf
cptr: dw 0 ;char ptr
; cut-region data
ctcols:db 0 ;# cols in cut region (excl. CR), A PAIR
ctrows:db 0 ;# rows
; mark-region data
mrkcnt: db 0
curcol: db 0 ;a pair
currow: db 0
mark1: dw 0 ;binary row,col of upperleft mark
mark2: dw 0 ;lower right mark
bincol: db 0 ;a pair
binrow: db 0
Zrub: db BS,SPACE,BS+80H ;rub-out previous char
; dummy routines - no attrributes for Kaypro '83
; Kaypro '83 video strings
Zcurs: .ascii [1bh]'=' ;set cursor to
colrow: db SPACE,SPACE ; row,col - modified in-line
db NUL ;must have following NUL
.ifg DEBUG, [
Zclr: db 1Ah,NUL ;kaypro
; JOTPAD BANNER - just 2 lines' worth
; 1. Clear screen.
; 2. Remind user of usage, to extent space is available.
; The editing keys are those supported by the terminal itself.
db 1ah ;clear screen KAYPRO-SPECIFIC
.ascii 'JOT: <SUSPEND> = exit, ^Paste'
db CR,LF
.ascii '^X = del. rest of line, ESC E = ins. line, ' ;43
.ascii 'ESC R = del. line' ;17
; if turborom-->
;.ascii 'Cntl-A = insert char. Cntl-B = delete char. '
Zcrlf: db CR,LF+80h
codlen = .-start ;length of code
.remark \==
Debugging stragegy:
Assemble screendriver at 100h.
Load with Z80 debugger.
Clear ram buffers.
Set breakpoints as needed.
Call these test routines and inspect buffers.
.ifg DEBUG, [
dbg0 = .
; these emulate the external BGii routines
; using ram buffers for debugging
bwrch: push h
lhld dbgptr ;put to debug cut buffer
mov m,c
inx h
shld dbgptr
pop h
bflush: ret
;bios display-a-string
; nul/8-bit terminated string at hl
; preserves bc,de,hl
puts: push h ;save hl, outch save bc,de
..0: mov a,m
srlr a ;shift right logical (register) A
inx h
jrz ..1
push psw
call outch
pop psw
jrnc ..0
..1: pop h
; char in A to conout, preserve bc,de,hl
outch: push b
push d
push h
mov c,a
call conout
pop h
pop d
pop b
; Various routines for debugging in ram.
TSTACK = 05000h ;test stack, above bank-switching
tdump: lxi b,0ffffh ;fetch scr, set ptr
lxi d,0 ;from row 0,col 0
call dmpchr
tdump2: lxi b,0
call dmpchr
tdump3: lxi d,100h + 0
lxi b,00ffh
call dmpchr
tdump4: lxi d,3000h ;out of range test
lxi b,00ffh
call dmpchr
rst 7
clear: lxi h,Zclr ;clear screen
call jjputs
rst 7
flood: lxi h,Zflood ;write to screen
call jjputs
rst 7
Zflood: .ascii '=======TESTING======='
db 0
tsave: lxi sp,TSTACK ;save screen
call savscr
rst 7
trest: lxi sp,TSTACK ;restore screen
call resscr
rst 7
tmark: lxi sp,TSTACK ;set a mark
call savscr
call sttop ;so debugger doesn't scroll screen
..0: call conin
call setmrk
jnc ..0
; rst 7
tcut: lxi h,cutbuf ;clear buffer
mvi m,0
lxi d,cutbuf+1
lxi b,2*80h
call cutrg ;cut region
call setbot ;put cursor out of way
rst 7
; place cursor nerar bottom or top
setbot: lxi h,100h*(20h+18) +20h
jr sttop1
sttop: lxi h,2020h
sttop1: shld colrow
lxi h,Zcurs ;send set-cursor string
jmp jjputs
dbgptr: dw 0
dbglen = . - dbg0
; The rest of the 4K block is available
; for the screen image and other data.
xbreq = 2 + NROWS*NCOLS
.ifg DEBUG, [
; put buffer on even byte ( for attributes)
bstart = start + 800h ;make some room
; put buffer at end of 4K area, to just fit
bstart = (start + 400h) + (3*400h-xbreq)
short = start+codlen-bstart
xfree = - short
.ifg (short), [
.prntx '[07]Code overflows buffer!'
; addresses:
bcursor = bstart ;cursor location in saved screen
buf = bcursor+2 ;start of screen buffer
;buffer uses (24 lines x 80 chars)
bufend = buf + NROWS*NCOLS
.ifg DEBUG, [
; put cutbuffer in ram for debugging
datcut = bstart+10h+3*400h
cutbuf = datcut
.end jjcons
xi h,100h*(20h+18) +20h
jr sttop1
sttop: lxi h,2020h
sttop1: shld c