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The following is the text of a review of BackGrounder II that I wrote for
the KUGEL, the newsletter of the Boston Computer Society Kaypro Users Group.
Backgrounder II
Jay Sage
I would like to describe here what I think is the most impressive andì
exciting piece of software ever introduced for CP/M (Z80-compatible)ì
computers -- Backgrounder II from Plu*Perfect Systems. This program offersì
what one might perhaps expect to find on a 16-bit computer with megabytes ofì
memory but would dismiss as utterly impossible on a little 8-bit computerì
with only 64 kilobytes of memory. Kaypro owners might remember an earlierì
product called Backgrounder, but this version -- which runs on any CP/M2.2ì
computer, not just Kaypros -- goes way beyond the original.
Let's learn about it with an example. It's morning, and you sit downì
at your computer to start work on a letter. After turning on the computer,ì
you get the familiar CP/M prompt "A>". To invoke BGii you enter the commandì
"LOADBG", initiating a process in which BGii automatically configures itselfì
for your system and installs itself, even running a set of startup commandsì
of your choice. The BG system prompt now appears:
09:12 A0:BASE>
There are two striking differences. First, BGii offers alternativeì
named directories for the drive and user number areas in CP/M. Part of yourì
startup command sequence involved the automatic loading of a named directoryì
file, so BGii now knows that you want to associate the name BASE with driveì
A user 0, the name TEXT with drive B user 0, and so on.
The second thing you notice about the system prompt is that the currentì
time of day appears in it. You are also using Plu*Perfect Systems superbì
DateStamper (DS) program, which automatically maintains time/date stamps onì
your files (and not just 'last update' as in MS-DOS but creation time, lastì
modification time, and last access time). BGii works hand-in-hand with DS,ì
so it always knows the date and time.
Now you want to go to your TEXT directory and run your wordprocessor. ì
You used to enter the command "B:" first, and then "A:WS" to get WordStarì
running. With BGii you can enter the single command line:
First of all, with BGii you can move to B0:, the text directory, by nameì
("B:", of course, would work also). Second, you can put many commands inì
the same line, so you don't have to wait for one to finish before you canì
enter the next. Just separate them by semicolons. Third, you didn't haveì
to tell the computer that WordStar is on the A drive. With BGii theì
computer is smart enough to find your programs for you, automatically. Youì
have set up a command search path that includes A0: (drive A user 0), soì
when BGii didn't find WS.COM on drive B user 0, it automatically looked forì
it (and found it) in A0:.
Once inside WordStar you begin to work on the letter. You enter theì
address header at the top and position yourself to where the date goes. ì
You've been working very hard and have lost track of the date, but itì
doesn't matter. You just hit the BGii function key sequence "\D" (backslashì
then 'D') and the date appears, just as if you had typed it. The BGiiì
function key facility, coupled with DateStamper, got the date from theì
system clock and put it into the text.
Now, well into the text of the letter, you are writing that you areì
buying a certain item from Japan at a cost of 83,650 yen, which at theì
present exchange rate of 163 yen to the dollar will cost....let's see, howì
much is that in dollars? Your little pocket calculator must be around hereì
somewhere. Oh well, no matter. You press the function key sequence "\C"ì
and the BGii calculator pops up on the screen. You enter "83650/163=" andì
there is the answer. You don't even bother writing it down; you just exitì
from the BGii calculator by pressing "Q". Now you are back in WordStar,ì
with the screen just as you left it. You press the function key sequenceì
"\A" (A for answer) and what appears in the text but "513.19018404" (I justì
used BGii while writing this article!), the answer to your calculation. Youì
don't need all those figures, so you backspace leaving just "513.19". Thatì
was handy!
A little farther into the letter, you're getting into some seriousì
financial discussion and need data from the spreadsheet you developed lastì
night. Before you had BGii you would have had to exit from the wordì
processor, load and run the spreadsheet program, write down the data, exitì
from the spreadsheet, rerun the wordprocessor, find your place in theì
document, and put in the information. But with BGii that is a thing of theì
past. Now you press the function key sequence "\S" (for swap), and taskì
swapping begins. After a short delay, a new system prompt appears:
09:52 b0:text>
Your word processing task has been suspended, and from the new systemì
prompt you can run any other program you wish. The prompt appears in lowerì
case to remind you that you are in Backgrounder's lower task, the main taskì
being called the upper task. First you change to the DATA directory, whereì
you keep all your spread sheets, by entering the command "DATA:". Now theì
prompt is:
09:53 b1:data>
While you were working late last night on the spreadsheet, you createdì
several versions of the data file. You were sure you would remember whichì
was the last one, but that was yesterday. Now you're not so sure. ì
Fortunately you have DateStamper, and you run its directory program SDD,ì
which lists the files with the times/dates of creation, modification, andì
access. You quickly identify the most recent version, invoke your spreadì
sheet program, and read in the data file.
To make the operation of the spread sheet program easier, weeks ago youì
created a special set of 'keystroke macros' using BGii's built-inì
capability. And you really appreciate the way BGii has automatically loadedì
those key definitions as it loaded the spread sheet program. Even when youì
swap tasks, BGii makes sure the right set of 'macros' is always there withì
each task. It is also very easy to add new definitions while you areì
running a program.
You are now adjusting the data on the screen to get it into the rightì
format for inclusion in the letter. Unfortunately, there is one spreadì
sheet function you always forget how to use, and it is not coveredì
adequately by the built-in help information. The last time this happenedì
and you finally figured out what to do, you added an information screen toì
the custom help file you have been preparing on your spread sheet program. ì
Wouldn't it be handy if you could look at it now, without leaving the spreadì
sheet? Of course, with BGii you can! You press the BGii suspend keyì
(control-caret), and still another prompt appears:
10:03 b0:text}
You are now in background mode, 'behind' the lower task (the curly braceì
tells you that this is background mode, and the lower case text indicatesì
the lower task). From this prompt you cannot run COM-file programs, butì
many powerful BGii background functions are at your disposal.
You enter the command "HELP SPRSHEET", and your help file appears onì
the screen. (By the way, BGii found it automatically on drive A user 10,ì
the designated help directory.) It offers a menu of topics, and you quicklyì
identify the one with the information you need. After pressing the keyì
corresponding to that menu choice, the screen appears. Your memoryì
refreshed, you exit the help system with control-c and press the suspend keyì
again to reactivate the spread sheet. Its screen reappears on your terminalì
just as you had left it.
The spread-sheet editing process is a little involved (no wonder youì
have a hard time remembering it), and you are going to have to repeat anì
operation quite a few times. Before you do it the first time, you pressì
your function key sequence "\R". The terminal bell rings twice, remindingì
you that the BGii key-recording mode has been initiated. You go through theì
process the first time and then enter the sequence "\R" again. A promptì
appears on the screen asking which key you want that series of key strokesì
to be assigned to. You enter "\1", and from now on when you press "\1" theì
entire sequence you entered before will be executed again. Amazing! In noì
time you have the spread sheet screen just the way you want it. Now if youì
could just get it into the letter in the word processor. Would BGii makeì
you do that manually? Of course not!
After pressing the suspend key again to get the background prompt, youì
enter the command "SCREEN TEXT:DATA.DOC". Your whole spread sheet screen isì
saved in a file called DATA.DOC in the directory TEXT: (B0:) where your wordì
processing files are. The background prompt reappears. Just in case youì
need to make any changes in the spread sheet, you decide to leave that taskì
active. From the background prompt, you enter the command "SWAP" to returnì
to WordStar. Its screen reappears just as you left it. You read in theì
DATA.DOC file and continue your work. (I just described moving an entireì
screen between tasks. With BGii it is also possible, using the CUT andì
PASTE commands, to move designated sections of screens. Those 'CUT'ì
sections can even be assigned to function keys and made part of permanentì
'keystroke macro' files.)
Suddenly you have a flash of inspiration about another project you areì
working on, and you'd like to make a couple of notes before the ideasì
evaporate from your mind. You are tempted to scribble them down on a scrapì
of paper, but you know how those little scraps tend to get lost. So againì
you call on BGii. A press of function key sequence "\J" invokes the JOTì
function. A little notepad file appears on the screen. To enter the timeì
and date of your brainstorm, you type "\T\D". The line "11:35:25 Januaryì
19, 1987" (I just did it) appears in the text. You continue by typing inì
the idea, close the file, and return to your main task.
Finally the letter is done. You send it off to the printer using theì
BGii print spooling capability. While the file is printing (this is theì
only case in which BGii performs true concurrent multitasking -- two tasksì
running apparently simultaneously), you return to the spread sheet to doì
some final cleanup. You spool the spread sheet output to the printer (youì
don't have to wait for the other file to be finished), exit from the spreadì
sheet program, and begin some other tasks (consult your jotpad for all thoseì
great ideas you had earlier).
So much for this example. There are thousands more. One of the thingsì
that impressed me so much with Backgrounder during its development (I servedì
as a test site) is that there is no end to the possibilities is offers. Newì
uses were constantly springing to mind, uses that had not occurred even toì
the author, Bridger Mitchell, when he conceived the program.
The hardest thing I have found about using Backgrounder is breaking oldì
habits. I am so used to the limitations of the old system that I stillì
often forget to take advantage of BGii capabilities. I close files andì
leave a program before I remember that this is no longer necessary. I enterì
lengthy command sequences repeatedly, forgetting that the BGii keystrokeì
macro capability is so accessible and easy to use.
Now for the technical and financial details. What do you need to runì
BGii? If you have a Kaypro CP/M computer, you are all set and need not readì
the next few paragraphs except out of curiousity; BGii is fully functionalì
on the Kaypro machines. For people with other computers, here are theì
First, your computer must use a Zilog Z80-compatible chip (thisì
includes the National NSC800 and the Hitachi HD64180 but not the Intel 8080ì
and 8085 chips). Your disk operating system must be Digital Research'sì
standard version 2.2 BDOS (BGii will not work with CP/M-Plus) or the ZRDOSì
replacement disk operating system from Echelon, versions 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, orì
1.7. A few, but not all, of the common BDOS patches are acceptable.
Second, your terminal must, at the least, support direct cursorì
addressing, clear-screen, clear-to-end-of-line, and clear-to-end-of-screenì
functions. Some of the features of BGii (the SCREEN, JOT, CUT, and PASTEì
functions described above, among others) require a special screen driverì
that demands additional terminal features. Such drivers are alreadyì
available for Kaypro computers and Heath/Zenith model 19 (and compatible)ì
terminals. Drivers for other popular terminals, such as those fromì
Televideo and Wyse, are nearly ready for release now. But please note: BGiiì
is an extremely powerful and useful program even without the functions thatì
require a screen driver. I use an odd-ball terminal and am using BGiiì
without a screen driver. As I'm sure you can tell, I love it anyway!
BGii does use up some memory and disk space. Obviously it can't do allì
the things it does without availing itself of some system resources. Theì
memory requirement is 4.75K, 2K of which is the standard command processor. ì
If some program of yours won't run with the reduced memory, however, you canì
always issue the "BG OFF" command. This instantly restores your system toì
its normal state. You can run your memory-hungry program and then reload BGì
with "LOADBG".
BGii is completely compatible with ZCPR3 systems. (That is the subjectì
for another whole KUGEL article. I am very active in the development of theì
ZCPR3 advanced operating system replacement for CP/M 2.2 and made sure thatì
BGii works with it flawlessly. In fact, the BGii command processor is evenì
more advanced than the standard one in ZCPR3.) In a ZCPR3 system, BGii canì
reuse space normally allocated to ZCPR3 buffers that are no longer needed byì
ZCPR3. The memory requirement can then be reduced to 2.75K or even 0.75K.
BGii is a virtual memory system, frequently swapping data betweenì
system memory and disk memory. For full-featured operation, BGii requires aì
swap file of about 100K. This swap file should be kept on a harddisk orì
ramdisk, so that swapping will take place quickly. BGii will run on aì
floppy-disk system, but operation will be much slower. Plu*Perfect Systemsì
does not recommend BGii for floppy-only systems, but if you make use only ofì
the background mode and not task switching, operation on a floppy system isì
often acceptable.
In any case, you don't have to leave to chance any questions about howì
well BGii will run on your system. There is a demo version that isì
available free of charge. It is identical to the full-fledged versionì
except that you will be restricted to drive A. If BGii works properly onì
your system, there is no doubt that you will eagerly spend the money for theì
unfettered version. You can get the demo version from Compuserve and fromì
other remote access computer systems (mine can be reached at 617-965-7259,ì
password "DDT"). You can also send me a diskette or diskettes (with totalì
capacity for at least 220K). These diskettes should be formatted, sent in aì
suitable, reusable mailer, and accompanied by return postage and a return-address sticker. They will then be returned to you with the demo version ofì
the program. We can handle almost all 5" formats (but not odd-ball hard-sectored formats) and standard 8" formats, so I will not try to list themì
This brings us neatly to the money question. BGii costs only $75 andì
comes with a neat manual in an IBM-style three-ring binder. Shipping &ì
handling charges are typically $4 per order (no matter how many items in theì
order), and, if you are in the same state as the dealer, that state's salesì
tax must be added.
Currently, BGii is available from four sources. My favorite, notì
surprisingly, is Sage Microsystems East. The similarity in name is noì
accident; this is my wife's company (you don't think I would let her pass upì
offering a great program like BGii). See her ad in this issue of the KUGELì
for more information. A second source is NAOG, Bruce Morgen's Northì
American One-Eighty Group, an organization supporting computers based on theì
sensational Hitachi HD64180 8-bit microprocessor with on-chip advancedì
memory management capability. Bruce also helped in the BGii testing, and heì
can be reached in Warminster, PA, at 215-443-9031. Third is the Lilliputeì
Z-Node in Chicago (312-649-1730, modem only). Finally, you can get BGiiì
directly from its developer, Plu*Perfect Systems (P.O. Box 1494, Idyllwild,ì
CA 92349).
DateStamper is $49. It will work on almost any CP/M-type computer,ì
including those with Intel 8080 or 8085 microprocessors. You don't evenì
have to have a real-time clock in your computer. In that case you will haveì
to enter the date manually each day when DateStamper is loaded, and the timeì
stamps will not be in wall-clock time but in index time. The index willì
start at +0000 and increase by 1 for each disk access. You won't be able toì
tell the actual time a file was created or accessed, but you will be able toì
tell the order in which they were created or accessed.
Jay Sage is well known to those who attend BOSKUG meetings, at which he hasì
presented several programs and conducted training sessions in ZCPR3,ì
telecommunications, and Z80 assembly-language programming. In addition, heì
is the Director of the BCS CP/M Computers Group, sysop of Z-Node #3, andì
software librarian of ZSIG, the SIG/M of the ZCPR3 world. In his spare timeì
he enjoys playing with computers!