Text File
259 lines
CHAT is an RCP/M utility which allows a remote user to "chat"
with the local system operator.
NOTE: Current and past revisions are found in the CHAT.HIS file.
General information is found in the CHAT.INF file.
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* General Background *
This program may be used with RCP/M systems to allow the sysop to be
summoned by and to carry on a keyboard conversation with a remote user.
When in the chat mode, lines are automatically limited to MXLINE
(defaults to 79) characters and a CR/LF (carriage return, line feed)
inserted at the first space entered after WRAP (defaults to 74)
If operating with a clock and limiting a user's time-on, the TIMEON
equate will prevent BYE3/5/NUBYE/MBYE from rudely interrupting your
chat session with an abrupt disconnect.
New feature for MBBS systems (as of v45) - when users try CHAT and
the sysop is unavailable, they will be asked if they wish to leave a
COMMENT. If so, MBBS will be loaded for a comment, then they are
returned to CP/M upon completion of their message entry. This feature
for use with MBYE or current versions of NUBYE.
Also, tied in with the new COMMENT support, the sysop can hit a
special character (available local only, under certain BYE versions) and
drop the user into the special comment entry routine "instantly." The
character is currently set to a left brace ("{"), since this is filtered
out in BYE5/NUBYE -- if you decide to change the character, pick
something which a user (or you) might not inadvertantly hit. By using a
filtered character, no extra code is required to keep it available
locally. Another character to consider is reverse accent ("`").
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* Detailed Set-up Help *
This section will help you through most of the equates available for
customization for your individual system requirements. All equates
within CHATxx.ASM are pre-configured to the defaults shown below.
This one is set according to your computer's clock.
CLOCK EQU 4 ; Set to your CPU clock speed in MHz
This equate lets you choose how many seconds CHAT will continue to
page for sysop before aborting. If you haven't answered by this time,
the user will be informed that you are not available. If you are
running MBBS and have set COMMENT to YES, the user would also be given
the option of leaving you a private message.
This number also determines the length of the special TGUIDE bar. As
set, the bar will display above the periods as:
|------------------------------| <--- 30 dashes
Paging: .......... etc
One dash for each period printed, along with a "beep".
PGTIME EQU 30 ; Number of seconds to "BEEP" before abort
Set TGUIDE to YES if you wish to display a special guide bar which
provides a visual idea of how long the page will last. This guide sets
itself according to PGTIME (see example above).
TGUIDE EQU YES ; Yes, print a guide bar for estimated time
; of summoning sysop prior to abort.
This will be the key sequence you hit to answer a page and jump into
the chat mode. If you prefer another key combination, change it here.
IMHERE EQU ESC ; Hit this key to answer page and chat
This is a "quick" chat entry code, (used as: "A>CHAT C") which
allows you to enter CHAT in the chat mode immediately from a CP/M prompt
-- it is dependent on the console bell flag being on (if used) and/or
not being a restricted chat time (if RESCHAT is set YES). If GETCALR is
YES, the user's name will also be displayed (i.e. "Hold on John
Turbin -").
QUICK EQU 'C' ; Quick chat character (i.e. CHAT C will
; bypass the paging routine).
Set MXLINE to your terminal's maximum number of characters
displayable per line, normally 80 (NOTE: This means 0 to 79, NOT 1 to
MXLINE EQU 79 ; Maximum line length (normally 0 to 79)
Set WRAP to the point at which you wish CHAT to perform an automatic
CR/LF (carriage return, line feed) during keyboard entry.
WRAP EQU 74 ; Location to perform wrap
One of the next 10 equates should be set according to the message
base you currently operate.
NONE EQU YES ; Yes if none of the below systems are used
CBBS EQU NO ; Yes if CBBS system
DATA EQU NO ; Yes if DataTech system
MBBS EQU NO ; Yes if MBBS system
METAL EQU NO ; Yes if METAL system
OXGATE EQU NO ; Yes if OxGate system
RBBS EQU NO ; Yes if RBBS system
SIGNON EQU NO ; Yes if Signon
SIMMS EQU NO ; Yes if SiMMS sytem
The ASKNAM equate is set YES if you have no LASTCALR file, in which
case the user will be requested for entry of a name. This helps when
you answer a page and can see the user's name on your crt.
ASKNAM EQU YES ; Yes if ask user's name before paging
Set GETCALR to YES if you have a LASTCALR file available and CHAT
will get the callers name automatically (set ASKNAM to NO in this case).
GETCALR EQU NO ; Yes to get name from LASTCALR.DAT
LCNAME EQU 0 ; Column # where the caller's name starts
; in LASTCALR file. Normally set to 0,
; but MBBS starts at column 11.
These equates go along with GETCALR and enable CHAT to locate your
LASTCALR file (defaults to Drive A, User 14).
LASTDRV EQU 'A' ; Drive of LASTCALR file
LASTUSR EQU 14 ; User area of LASTCALR
Set BYBELL to YES if you are using BYE's internal console bell flag
location. Set LMBELL to YES if your system uses the low memory byte
location for console bell flag toggling (as with MBBS). CHAT responds
to a user attempting to page the sysop according to the console bell is
on or off. If on, the user is told you are being paged - if off, the
user is told you are not available (also affected by RESCHAT, when
If LMBELL is set YES, the normal byte used is 3BH, but KILBEL may be
changed to suit your system.
In any case, set either (not both) BYBELL or LMBELL to YES, or both
to NO.
If BYEBDOS is NO and BYBELL is YES, BELOFF must be set to the number
of bytes between the JMP COLDBOOT and the BELLON flag in your version of
BYBELL EQU NO ; Yes, using BYE's internal console bell flag
LMBELL EQU NO ; Yes, low memory bell flag (KILBEL)
KILBEL EQU 3BH ; Low memory byte used (when LMBELL is YES)
; for console bell flag (0=ON, 0FFH=OFF)
BELOFF EQU 20 ; Number of bytes from COLDBOOT: to BELLON
; flag (BYE5 uses 20, NUBYE uses 27) if BYBELL
; is YES and BYEBDOS is NO
If running MBBS along with MBYE and current versions of NUBYE, you
may set COMMENT to YES. This will give the user an option to leave you
a private comment whenever CHAT makes it known that you are not
available. Return to CP/M is automatic and quick, once the user has
completed the message.
COMMENT EQU NO ; Yes, allow leaving comment when the
; sysop isn't available (MBBS only)
Set BYEBDOS to YES if your running a current BYE version which
uses the extended BDOS call 32 (read your BYE documentation to determine
whether or not this is available) and 81 (if TIMEON is set YES). #32
enables CHAT to determine if BYE is resident -- if not, CHAT aborts.
BYEBDOS EQU NO ; Yes, using extended BDOS calls (BYE5/NUBYE)
Set TIMEON to YES if using a clock for limiting a user's maximum
time-on system. This will temporarily disable BYE's updating of the
user's time-on, so your chat session is not rudely interrupted by a
disconnect from BYE. This will work with either BYEBDOS or B3RTC set to
TIMEON EQU NO ; Yes, limiting time on system (all BYEs)
Set B3RTC YES if you are using a BYE version like MBYE which does not
support the extended BDOS calls. B3COFF and B3MXO should be set for all
BYE3/MBYE versions which have a real time clock buffer (RTCBUF).
B3RTC EQU NO ; If YES, your clock is setup in BYE3 (or MBYE)
B3MXO EQU 24 ; OFFSET from COLDBOOT: to MXML address
Set RESCHAT to YES, if your system has a clock and you wish to
restrict the hours which users may page you. If you set BELTOG to YES,
this will inform them you are unavailable, when the console bell flag is
off, even if this is during your "available" hours. During the hours
CHAT is off, the user is shown the time period which CHAT may be used to
page you.
RESCHAT EQU NO ; Yes, restrict sysop paging to pre-
; determined hours
These equates belong with RESCHAT - military time is displayed. Set
these according to your "not available" hours when RESCHAT is set YES.
Example: 12 noon is 12, 1 pm is 13, 12 midnight is 0.
CHATON EQU 16 ; Start of CHAT period
CHATOFF EQU 21 ; End of CHAT period
The next 2 equates also belong with RESCHAT and are the memory bytes
(locations) used by your program to store the current hour and minute.
These bytes are only used if you're not utilizing the extended BDOS
calls of BYE. If EXBDOS is set YES, you may ignore these settings.
HOUR EQU 50H ; Location of hour
MIN EQU 51H ; Location of minute
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I hope this guide will be of benefit to those of you just starting out
in the RCP/M world. While CHAT is a simple program to install and many
"old timers" would look down on detail (such as it is), I doubt there
will come a time when help guides will become obsolete.
- Tom Brady
Decibel RCP/M - MBBS