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Assembly Source File
166 lines
; SECTION2: This program changes the user number on an RCP/M system in which
; the USER command has been removed (or renamed)
; (The program is named SECTION@ because my origional section program was
; a 4k disaster written in C (Moral: never send a high-level language to
; do a low-level job). The name (Hopefully) won't confilict with other,
; similar programs)
; By Nick Holland, 1-8-85, released to Public Domain 8-24.
; ^
; | <- Sysop of East Detroit Heath/Zenith BBS (313-772-0417 evenings only)
; PURPOSE: I origionaly wrote this program to make my bulletin board more
; useable. My board had files for CP/M, MS-DOS, CP/M-86, BASIC, Pascal, etc
; all jumbled into two winchester partitions. Clearly, it was not very easy
; to find those files that interested the caller. At this time, I had renamed
; the USER command, so that only user 0 (for the general public) and user 15
; (for my maintainence) were in use. I had tried a USER program, but the
; concept of user levels seemed to escape many of my MS-DOS users, who I tried
; to serve, not to mention that it can be hard to remember what is on what
; user level. What I needed was a program that was quick and easy to use, but
; ALSO would present a menu to the caller, telling him what was where, if
; neccessary. This is my solution to the problem. Typing in SECTION alone
; gives a menu, telling the user where he is, and where he can go from there.
; Typing SECTION x, where 'x' is a decimal number, changes to the desired
; section number, returning the caller to RCP/M, without a warm boot making
; the program quick in operation, even on floppy based systems.
; MODIFICATION: I have much reason to believe that many people will want to
; change this program to suit their individual needs. I am distributing this
; primarily to give other sysops ideas, and a possible base to work with.
; Ideas for expansion/extension:
; 1) More than 10 sections (0-9): I like the one key response to the menu, so
; I did not incorporate that many sections into this program. The other
; reason I did not do this my self is that I use the higher user levels
; for files that are uploaded. Each section has it's own upload area, so
; I can sort out the files easier (is SD.OBJ for MS-DOS or CP/M?)
; 2) Change drive and user number: Perhaps not a bad idea if you suport
; machines that are not commonly used with more than one drive
; (Commadore, Apple...), since the caller may forget to check other
; drives.
; 3) Mneomics for sections instead of numbers: Some people like 'em, I don't
; not. My twisted mind remembers single digits better than whole "words".
; When I use the SYSOP BBS, I have difficulty remembering if the section
; name is RCP/M or RPCM, COMM or COM, etc. Numbers also make it easier to
; check all areas for new files (Start at section 0 and work up) Numbers
; are also better if the user can not type or spell (like me).
; ==========
; A>SECTION {displays menu, prompts for section.}
; A>SECTION 3 {Changes to section 3, no other display}
; A>SECTION <garbage> {Displays menu, like with no parameters **}
; (** If there is a valid section number within the garbage, it is
; recognized, and used)
; 1/8/84 -N. Holland
BDOS: EQU 0005H ; BDOS call address
CONIN: EQU 01H ; BDOS Console in
CONOUT: EQU 02H ; BDOS Console out
USERNO: EQU 20H ; BDOS Get/Set user #
LF EQU 0AH ; Line Feed
CR EQU 0DH ; Carrage Return
MAX EQU 5 ; MAXIMUM user level
ORG 100H
NOP ; This forces a 00h byte somewere in the program's
; search for a section number (that is how it quits
; looking). I know, it should not be necessary, but
; I am a little paranoid. (Also good for hacked CCP's)
LXI H,0080H ; This location has # of bytes entered after prog. name
LOOP1: MOV A,M ; Get byte in command line
ORA A ; Set flags
JZ MENU ; No characters after command
CALL CHECK ; Is it a good section?
RNZ ; If good (A <> 0), return to CP/M
INX H ; point to next byte
JMP LOOP1 ; check it...
; If program end up here, either no valid section number character was found,
; or there was no command tail. In either event, display the main menu.
; Whatever was on the command line (if anything), was not a valid SECTION #
; so display menu
LXI D,DMENU ; point to begining part of menu.
CALL BDOS ; Display menu.
MVI C, USERNO ; Tell the caller where he currently is (completing
MVI E, 0FFH ; the menu)
CALL BDOS ; get user number
ADI '0' ; make it an ASCII character
MOV E, A ; move it to A
CALL BDOS ; Show it to the caller
PROMPT: MVI C,PRINTS ; Prompt user to enter SECTION number
CALL BDOS ; Display prompt message.
CALL BDOS ; Get user's response
CALL CHECK ; See if good SECTION number
JZ PROMPT ; Bad Section number, so re-PROMPT user.
; CHECK: Tests the ASCII character in register A. If in the range of '0' to
; 'MAX', changes to that user level, and returns FFh in A. If not valid,
; returns 00h in A, and takes no other action. May alter all registers.
CHECK: SUI '0' ; If carry here, then A is too small
JC ERREXIT ; Exit with error
CPI MAX+1 ; If no carry, then A too big
; The value in A is a valid user number, so change user number, and exit
; showing success.
; To change user levels, there are three ways to do it:
; 1) BDOS call: Lasts untill first warm boot.
; 2) Change byte at 0004h (drive/user): Takes effect only after Warm Boot
; 3) Do both of the above: Makes change last, but eliminates the wait for the
; Warm Boot. That is what I do in this program
MOV B,A ; hide desired user level in B.
LDA 0004H ; Get drive/user byte
ANI 0FH ; Strip current user #, leave drive number.
MOV C,A ; stash drive # in C
MOV A,B ; restore user # (in form 0000uuuu)
RLC ; (000uuuu0)
RLC ; (00uuuu00)
RLC ; (0uuuu000)
RLC ; (uuuu0000): the desired position
ADD C ; (uuuudddd): Re-created drive/user byte
MOV E,B ; Get the user number again
CALL BDOS ; change user # through BDOS call also,
ORI 0FFH ; and return OK code
ERREXIT: XRA A ; Set A=0, and set zero flag.
; Text for menus, prompts: You will almost certainly wish to change this.
DB ' Available Sections:', CR, LF, LF
DB ' 0) Bulletin Board, General Interest', CR, LF
DB ' 1) CP/M-80 related files', CR, LF
DB ' 2) CP/M-86 files', CR, LF
DB ' 3) Generic MS-DOS files', CR, LF
DB ' 4) IBM & compatable files', CR, LF
DB ' 5) General High-level Language stuff', CR, LF, LF ; skip line
DB ' Currently in Section $'
DB CR, LF, LF, LF, ' Enter desired Section Number (0 - 5) ->$'