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Notes on using BYE with ZCPR3
This is an article on my experiences in using ZCPR3 on an RCP/M. It is
intended for System Operators (SYSOPs) who are using, or are considering
using, ZCPR3 in the RCP/M (with BYE) application. If you have any comments
or experiences you would like to share, please feel free to do so at:
David McCord, SYSOP
(415) 489-9005
24 hrs/7 days 300/1200
One of the first things that a potential ZCPR3 sysop should understand
is that implementation of ZCPR3 will reduce the Transient Program Area (TPA)
available for running the BBS software you are using. In my case, the message
system being used is METAL (by Tim Gary)...since it does not require a
larger-than-average TPA, I have no problem with a "full" implementation of
ZCPR3, which subtracts 5K bytes as compared to a "standard" cp/m or ZCMD
arrangement. However, some packages, such as RBBS, do require a large TPA,
especially in the compile or link phases of program generation (that darn
L80!). Simply be aware that if you are tight on memory space, that ZCPR3 will
add to your problems.
Having read that, you may be saying, "Well, why would I want to use
ZCPR3 on my RCP/M?" There are many advantages to using ZCPR3, whether for your
own personal use, or for RCP/M....
-Named Directories
Can help you partition your system in an easier-to-understand
manner. Also, the "secure" mode of operation with named directories
can add an additional level of security to that provided with BYE.
-ALIAS capability
ALIASes make a lot of things very easy. They can take the "teeth"
out of useful programs that normally can't be used in RCP/M
environments by "filtering" dangerous command line options. Also,
ALIASes can be used as primitive "translators" that will (for
instance) translate LDIR LIBNAME to DIR LIBNAME.LBR $L. This means
that users who are not familiar with SD (DIR in the example) can
still use the old familiar LDIR without actually having the LDIR
program on your system!
-Flow Control
The command line IF/ELSE/FI capabilities allow graceful error
recovery, and also allow branching capability. This means that
an ALIAS can do different things depending on whether an IF
condition is true or false.
-MENU capability
Allows you to make your system much more user friendly by
presenting callers with a list of choices.
-Video Applications
Video applications are programs that utilize terminal display
functions such as clear screen, reverse or dim video, cursor
addressing, and more. The Z3TCAP (Terminal CAPabilities) file
contains (presently) over sixty terminal types, and the coherent
usage of this information by the various ZCPR3 video utilities
give you the opportunity to go beyond the "plain vanilla" terminal
approach common on RCP/M's these days.
So you see, there are many advantages to using ZCPR3 on your RCP/M. I
personally think that the power and flexibility of ZCPR3 with not only take
the conventional personal computer world by storm, but will also be the
operating mode of choice for the RCP/M's of the world.
For instance, here are two examples of the uses of ALIAS...In the first
example, a simple "translator" approach is shown. The ALIAS file that contains
the commands shown will be named LDIR.COM:
Line 1:DIR $1.LBR $$L
The "$1" is used as with the SUBMIT.COM program provided by Digital
Research...it means "substitute the first command line parameter here". Thus,
if the user had typed LDIR LIBNAME, LIBNAME would be substituted for $1. The
"$$L" part of the command will be resolved as "$L"...the leading $ tells ALIAS
that a following $ is to be interpreted literally, and no substitution is to
take place. So, if the user had typed LDIR LIBNAME, the ALIAS named LDIR would
be invoked, the substitution of LIBNAME for $1 would occur, and the resulting
command that the ALIAS would "feed" to ZCPR3 is DIR LIBNAME.LBR $L.
The second example shows how an ALIAS can filter out "dangerous" command
line options. This is a little more complicated. TCSELECT is a ZCPR3 program,
that, when invoked with NO command line parameters (like TCSELECT<cr>) simply
allows the user to select a terminal type from Z3TCAP file, and loads it into
RAM at the appropriate address. This is not dangerous. However, when a user
invokes it with a filename parameter (like TCSELECT FILENAME.TYP<cr>), the
information from the Z3TCAP file is written to that filename. This IS
dangerous, because if the user had entered TCSELECT XMODEM.COM, the XMODEM
program would be overwritten with the TCAP data. So, the goal is to prevent
users from using this feature by using an ALIAS to "filter" command line
The first step is to rename TCSELECT.COM so that it cannot be executed
directly; TCSELECT.DAT is what it is renamed to. (Only the SYSOP can do this
assuming the REN command is set to check the wheel byte, as in the RCP
SYS 1.0C. Remote users typically do not have wheel priviliges.) Then, the
ALIAS is created containing the commands shown below. The name of the ALIAS
is TCSELECT.COM...so that when the user invokes TCSELECT, the ALIAS will assume
control. ALIASes cannot be aborted via control-C; and their commands are not
"echoed" on the screen. Remember this when trying to understand the example.
Line 4:FI;
Line 6:FOO;
Line 8:WHL
Line 1: This line uses the WHL command of RCP SYS 1.0c to "set"
the WHEEL byte, assuming PASSWORD is the correct wheel password for your
system. If PASSWORD was NOT the correct password, WHL "re-sets" the wheel byte,
i.e., it clears it. We need to have the wheel byte "set" so that the following
REN commands will work. Remember, REN checks the wheel byte and only works if
it is in the "set" state.
Lines 2-4: These lines will be discussed last. At this point,
pretend that they don't exist as the rest of the ALIAS needs to be explained
Line 5: This command renames the ORIGINAL TCSELECT.COM (Remember,
we renamed it to TCSELECT.DAT) to FOO.COM in preparation for the next step. (It
could not be renamed to TCSELECT.COM, because name is being used by the ALIAS!)
Line 6: This line actually executes the ORIGINAL TCSELECT program.
The thing to notice here is that it invokes it with NO command line parameters.
Even if the user had typed TCSELECT XMODEM.COM, the parameter XMODEM.COM is not
Line 7: After TCSELECT is done (either through selecting a terminal
and load RAM or aborted with control-C), it is renamed back to the unexecutable
Line 8: The WHL command, this time with an incorrect password
(actually no password!) will "reset" the wheel byte.
Now, to explain what lines 2-4 are all about: Ask yourself what happens
when a remote user drops carrier in the middle of running FOO (the original
TCSELECT)? BYE will seize control, effectively ABORTING the ALIAS. When the
next user goes to the cp/m section (like the message system C command), FOO
will already be there! If we did NOT have lines 2-4, Line 5 (because of the
way the REN command works under ZCPR3) would ERASE FOO.COM! It does this BEFORE
it discovers there is no TCSELECT.DAT...Thus, unless we have some way of
checking whether FOO.COM exists, a situation can arise where the original
TCSELECT commits suicide! Lines 2-4 check for this situation, Line 2 checks to
see if FOO.COM exists using the ZCPR3 IF. If it indeed exists, Line 3 will be
executed, renaming it to TCSELECT.DAT, and avoiding the suicide situation. Line
4 is a "marker" that shows where the effect of the IF command on Line 2 ends.
If FOO.COM did not exist when that IF command on Line 2 was executed, the flow
state would be set to FALSE, and all commands would be ignored until an FI was
encountered. So, if FOO.COM did not exist at that point, Line 3 would be
Whew! Although somewhat complicated, this ALIAS can take the "teeth" out
of TCSELECT, and keep creeps from overwriting accessible files on your system.
(However there's still one minor problem....can you find it? It will be covered
in the next section, but look for it as a test...) So, this concludes the
discussion of the uses of ALIASes in ZCPR3 RCP/M applications.
BYE (the version I am presently using is 3-26) needs some minor additions
to take care of some "loose ends" when running with ZCPR3. In particular, BYE
should "flush" (clean out) the Multiple Command Line Buffer that ZCPR3 uses
to store strings of commands, like for instance ALIASes when they are executed.
The following excerpt from my version of BYE illustrates the needed changes:
<Option Area>
Z3CL EQU 0FF00h ;where my Multiple Command Line Buffer is
<this code is in the area that gets moved to high RAM when running with BYELOW>
; ZCPR3 Command Line Buffer Clear Subroutine
IF Z3CL ne 0
MVI M,(Z3CL MOD 256)+4
MVI M,(Z3CL/256)
MVI M,0C8h ;Length of my buffer
This code will initialize the MCLB so that anything "leftover" as a result of
a caller dropping carrier in the middle of a long ALIAS would be flushed out.
If this was not done, and then you, the SYSOP, aborted BYE with a control-C
locally between callers, whatever had been left there would then be executed!
This could be very dangerous...a particularly nasty scenario is for some creep
to leave a command like ERA *.* in there. This is very nasty because BYE will
restore ("set") the wheel byte when you locally abort, and ERA will just kill
all of your files in the current user area!! And it can be just plain annoying
to just be forced to finish off some less-dangerous command. This is why this
code MUST be executed in BYE. It should be CALLed from two areas in BYE; the
first is the sysop abort routine, called EXCPM. The second routine is where
the COMFILE is called; the COMFILE may not be used in your system...if so,
then you probably don't need to worry about it. However, if you are using the
COMFILE option, then the CALL to DOZ3CL should be placed just prior to the
instruction "CALL 100H" that hands over control to the COMFILE.
The bug in the TCSELECT ALIAS is that it is possible that FOO.COM may
exist when the user enters cp/m. He could then enter FOO XMODEM.COM with the
same painful result of erasing XMODEM. To avoid this, I use the COMFILE option
of BYE to force the user into TCSELECT (the ALIAS) when entering cp/m. How do
I do this? you may be asking....the solution is yet another ALIAS, that is used
as the COMFILE! It is very simple really, the ALIAS name is STARTBBS.COM:
Line 1 will execute the BBSPROG, whatever it is. The user does whatever
in the BBS program, and when he goes to cp/m, he will execute TCSELECT. This
ensures that FOO.COM will not be available to make trouble.
If you are reading this on my bbs, this file can be found in the ZCPR3:
directory where it is available for downloading. Please pass it to other rcp/m
systems, particularly systems using ZCPR3. Thank You.
-David McCord 8 Nov 1984