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Text File
750 lines
; DUT - Disk Utility for TurboDOS
; 11/29/85 by ESKAY
; All Lefts Reversed
cr equ 0dh
lf equ 0ah
cfunc equ 5
tfunc equ 50h
.request syslib
start: jr begin
cls: db 1bh,'E',0,0,0,0 ; clear screen
curpos: db 1bh,'F',0,0,0,0 ; cursor pos
xory: db 0 ; 0=xy, nz=yx
coffs: db 32 ; cursor offset
begin: ld sp,stack ; set up local stack
ld c,25
call bdos##
ld (curdsk),a
call clrscr ; clear the screen
ld bc,9*256+0 ; line 9 col 0
call gotoxy
call print## ; display banner
9,9,'| DUT vers 1.50 11/29/85 (c) ESKAY |',cr,lf
9,9,'| Disk editor for TurboDOS - Type H for HELP |',cr,lf
ld c,12 ; get priv level
call tfunc
bit 7,b
jr nz,.isp ; continue if privileged
call print##
'ERROR: non-privileged logon',cr,lf,0
halt ; crash slave on the poor sucker
.isp: call opnnew ; open new $.DSK
loop: call disdrv ; display drive
ld bc,22*256+27 ; line 22 column 27
call gotoxy
call print##
'Enter command (H=HELP) [_]',8,8,0
call capin## ; get command character
call cout## ; echo it
call clrerr ; clear error line
call getca ; get command address
jr nz,.bcmd ; skip if bad command
jp (hl)
.bcmd: ld bc,23*256+29
call gotoxy
call print##
'Invalid command - H=HELP',7,0
jr loop
; read next record
nxtrec: call incgrp ; increment group
jp .ggrp.
; read previous record
prvrec: call decgrp
jp .ggrp.
incgrp: ld hl,(curgrp)
ld a,(grpsz)
ld b,a
ld a,(cursec)
inc a
cp b
jr nz,.igrn.
ld de,(maxgrp)
call comphd##
inc hl
jr nz,..ngrz
ld hl,0
..ngrz: xor a
ld (curgrp),hl
.igrn.: ld (cursec),a
decgrp: ld hl,(curgrp)
ld a,(cursec)
dec a
jp p,.dgrn.
ld a,h
or l
dec hl
jr nz,.dgr1.
ld hl,(maxgrp)
.dgr1.: ld (curgrp),hl
ld a,(grpsz)
dec a
.dgrn.: ld (cursec),a
; help
help: call clrscr
call print##
'DUT vers 1.40 (c) 1985 ESKAY',cr,lf,lf
'Command list (see manual for details):',cr,lf,lf,lf
9,'D - (re)display current buffer',cr,lf
9,'F - Find the start of a file',cr,lf
9,'G - Goto group address',cr,lf
9,'> - next group (also .)',cr,lf
9,'< - previous group (also ,)',cr,lf
9,'Q - exit to TurboDOS',cr,lf
9,'+ - increment current sector and display (also =)',cr,lf
9,'- - decrement current sector and display',cr,lf
9,'! - step to first data group',cr,lf
9,'? or H = this list',cr,lf,0
ld bc,22*256+27
call gotoxy
call print##
'Press any key to continue',0
call cin##
call clrscr
jp loop
; go to group
.gthi: ld bc,23*256+20
call gotoxy
call print##
'ERROR: too high!',7,0
goto: ld bc,22*256+10 ; row 16 col 10
call gotoxy
call print##
'Enter GROUP NUMBER (0000..',0
ld hl,(maxgrp)
dec hl
call phl4hc##
call print##
') in hex : [____]',8,8,8,8,8,0
call bbline##
or a
jr z,.gotx. ; aborted
call eval16##
ld hl,(maxgrp)
call comphd## ; too high?
jr c,.gthi ; too high!
grpntr: ld (curgrp),de
ex de,hl
xor a
ld (cursec),a
ggdis1: call clcgrp
ld (dskfcb+35),a
ld (dskfcb+33),hl
.ggdis: ld de,dskfcb
ld c,33
call bdos##
result::nop ; check rr result
jp disbuf
.gotx.: ld bc,22*256+0
call gotoxy
call clreol
call clrerr
jp loop
; find a file
filfnd: ld bc,22*256+20
call gotoxy
call print##
'Enter filename to be found : ',0
ld a,1
call bbline##
or a
jr z,.filx. ; abort
ld de,5ch ; point to fcb area
call fname## ; parse file name
ld a,c ; get specified user
cp 0ffh ; none?
jr z,..nus. ; skip if no user
ld e,c
ld c,32
call bdos##
..nus.: ld de,fndbuf ; set up temporary dma
ld c,26
call bdos##
ld de,5ch
ld c,17 ; search first
call bdos##
push af
ld de,80h
ld c,26
call bdos##
pop af
inc a
jr nz,..ff.. ; found file
call print##
'FILE NOT FOUND - press any key ',7,0
call cin##
jr .filx.
..ff..: ld de,fndbuf
ld hl,-16
ld bc,32
..fl..: add hl,bc
dec a
jr nz,..fl..
add hl,de
ld e,(hl)
inc hl
ld d,(hl)
jp grpntr
.filx.: ld bc,22*256+0
call gotoxy
call clreol
jp loop
; go to next group
nxtgrp: ld hl,(curgrp)
inc hl
ld (curgrp),hl
push hl
dec hl
ld de,(maxgrp)
or a
sbc hl,de
ld a,h
or l
pop hl
jr nz,.ggrp.
ld hl,0
ld (curgrp),hl
.ggrp.:: call clcgrp ; calc sector from group
ld (dskfcb+35),a
ld b,a
ld a,(cursec)
ld e,a
ld d,0
add hl,de
ld (dskfcb+33),hl
ld a,b
jr nc,..novf
inc a
..novf: ld (dskfcb+35),a
jp .ggdis ; set file pointer and display
prvgrp: ld hl,(curgrp)
ld a,h
or l
jr nz,.pg.
ld hl,(maxgrp)
jr .pg1.
.pg.: dec hl
.pg1.: ld (curgrp),hl
jr .ggrp.
; step to first data group
frstdt: ld hl,(dirsiz)
ld (curgrp),hl
xor a
ld (cursec),a
ld (dskfcb+35),a
call clcgrp
ld (dskfcb+33),hl
jp .ggdis
; edit command
edit: ld a,(dison)
dec a
jr z,.eact.
ld a,7
call cout##
jp loop
.eact.: ld bc,3*256+6 ; beginning of field
ld (editpt),bc
edlp: ld bc,(editpt)
call gotoxy
call capin##
cp 3 ; exit
jp z,loop
cp 'E'-40h ; ^E = up
jr z,.edup.
cp 'X'-40h ; ^X = down
jr z,.eddn.
cp 'S'-40h ; ^S = left
jr z,.edlf.
cp 'D'-40h ; ^D = right
jr z,.edrt.
cp 27h ; check '
jp z,.edasc ; edit ascii
call nybble ; see if nybble
jp nc,.edda. ; it is, edit data
ld a,7
call cout##
jr edlp
.edup.: ld a,(editpt+1) ; get row
dec a
cp 2
jr nz,.esnt.
ld a,10 ; set bottom
.esnt.: ld (editpt+1),a
jr edlp
.eddn.: ld a,(editpt+1)
inc a
cp 11
jr nz,.esnt.
ld a,3
jr .esnt.
.edlf.: ld a,(editpt)
sub 3
cp 3
jr nz,.eslt.
ld a,51
.eslt.: ld (editpt),a
jp edlp
.edrt.: ld a,(editpt)
add a,3
cp 54
jr nz,.eslt.
ld a,6
jr .eslt.
.edasc: call cin## ; get ascii character
call pa2hc##
jr ..asci
.edda.: call hexo ; display high nybble
cp 'A'
jr c,...x
sub 7
...x: and 0fh
ld b,a ; save it
.ede..: call capin##
call nybble
jr c,.ede..
call hexo
cp 'A'
jr c,...y
sub 7
...y: and 0fh
or b ; a has byte now
..asci: push af
call calcbp ; calculate buffer pointer
pop af
ld (hl),a
ld a,l
and 0fh
add a,55
ld bc,(editpt)
ld c,a
call gotoxy
ld a,(hl)
and 7fh
cp 7fh
jr z,.ed...
cp ' '
jr nc,.edn..
cp 7fh
.ed...: ld a,'.'
.edn..: call cout##
jp .edrt. ; go to next hex on same line
; write buffer
write: ld de,dskfcb
ld c,34
call bdos##
jp loop
; advance and display directory buffer
; display buffer command
disbuf: call clrscr
ld a,1
ld (dison),a
call print##
ld hl,(dskfcb+33)
inc hl
ld a,(dskfcb+35)
ld e,a
call p24b
ld bc,0*256+25
call gotoxy
call print##
' OF ',0
ld hl,(maxrec)
inc hl
ld a,(maxrec+2)
ld e,a
call p24b
ld bc,0*256+38
call gotoxy
call print##
ld hl,(curgrp)
call phl4hc##
ld a,':'
call cout##
ld a,(cursec)
call pa2hc##
call disdrv ; display drive
call dispbf ; display buffer contents
jp loop ; and go back for next command
quit: call clrscr
ld bc,23*256+0
call gotoxy
rst 0
; subroutines
; calculate buffer from screen address
ld hl,(editpt)
ld a,l ; get column
ld b,0
sub 6
.div3.: inc b
sub 3
jr nc,.div3.
ld l,b
ld a,h
ld h,0
sub 3
add a,7fh
add a,l
ld l,a
; test a if valid nybble
nybble: cp '0'
ret c
cp 'F'+1
ret c
cp '9'+1
ret nc
sub 7
cp '9'+1
; hex out
hexo: cp '9'+1
jp c,cout##
add a,7
jp cout##
; calc sector from group
ld a,(grpmul)
ld b,a
xor a
.ggrm.: rl l
rl h
djnz .ggrm.
; open $.DSK, $.DIR
opnnew: ld de,dskfcb
call initfcb##
ld c,35 ; get file size
call bdos##
ld hl,(dskfcb+33)
ld a,(dskfcb+35)
dec hl
ld (maxrec),hl
ld (maxrec+2),a
call f$open##
ld de,80h
ld c,26
call bdos##
ld de,dskfcb
ld hl,0
ld (dskfcb+32),hl
ld (dskfcb+34),hl
call f$read##
ld c,19
ld a,(curdsk)
ld e,a
call tfunc
dec hl
ld (maxgrp),hl
and 0fh
ld (grpmul),a
sub 2
ld b,a
ld a,4
.sla.: or a
djnz .sla.
ld (grpsz),a
ld a,c
ld (dirsiz),a
; display drive
disdrv: ld bc,0*256+70
call gotoxy
call print##
'DRIVE ',0
ld a,(curdsk)
add a,'A'
call cout##
ld a,':'
jp cout##
; display buffer on screen (80H)
dispbf: ld de,0
ld bc,3*256+0 ; row 3 col 0
disobf: call gotoxy
add hl,de
ld hl,80h ; point to buffer
.disl.: push hl ; save hl
ld b,16 ; display 16 hex bytes
push hl
res 7,l
ld h,0
call phl4hc## ; display relative address
pop hl
call space2 ; 2 spaces
.h16l.: ld a,(hl) ; get byte
call pa2hc## ; print hex
call space
inc hl
djnz .h16l. ; complete 16 bytes
pop hl ; get addr back
ld b,16 ; 16 bytes again
call space
.a16l.: ld a,(hl) ; get byte
and 7fh ; strip hi bit
cp 7fh
jr z,.a16..
cp ' ' ; dot if control
jr nc,.a16n.
.a16..: ld a,'.'
.a16n.: call cout##
inc hl
djnz .a16l. ; loop until done
call crlf## ; new line
ld a,l ; get low byte of buffer addr
or a ; zero?
ret z ; yes, done
jr .disl. ; else do next line
; get command address or NZ
getca: ld hl,cmdtbl
ld b,a
.gca.: ld a,(hl)
or a
jr z,.gcx.
cp b
jr z,.gcg.
inc hl
inc hl
inc hl
jr .gca.
.gcg.: inc hl
ld a,(hl)
inc hl
ld h,(hl)
ld l,a
xor a
.gcx.: dec a
clrerr: push af
push bc
ld bc,23*256+0 ; row 23 col 0
call gotoxy
pop bc
pop af
clreol: push af
push bc
ld b,79
ld a,' '
.clel.: call cout##
djnz .clel.
pop bc
pop af
space2: call space
space: ld a,' '
jp cout##
; position cursor. b=x, c=y
gotoxy: push hl
ld hl,curpos
call pstrg
ld a,(xory) ; check xy or yx
or a ; if zero, then xy
jr z,..xy
ld a,b
ld b,c
ld c,a ; exchange b and c
..xy: ld a,(coffs) ; get cursor offset
push af ; save for next
add a,b
call cout##
pop af
add a,c
call cout##
pop hl
clrscr: push hl
ld hl,cls
call pstrg
pop hl
pstrg: ld a,(hl)
or a
ret z
call cout##
inc hl
jr pstrg
p24b: ld ix,n24b
push ix
ld b,12
xor a
.p24l: ld (ix+0),a
inc ix
djnz .p24l
pop ix
ld a,3
call hxdc24##
ld hl,n24b
jp pstr##
; command table
cmdtbl: db 'Q' ; exit
dw quit
db 'D' ; display buffer
dw disbuf
db '+' ; next record
dw nxtrec
db '='
dw nxtrec
db '-' ; previous record
dw prvrec
db 'H'
dw help
db '?'
dw help
db 'G' ; go to group
dw goto
db 'F' ; find file
dw filfnd
db '<' ; previous group
dw prvgrp
db '>' ; next group
dw nxtgrp
db ','
dw prvgrp
db '.'
dw nxtgrp
db '!' ; first data grp
dw frstdt
db 'E' ; edit
dw edit
db 'W' ; write
dw write
db 0
curdsk: db 0
dirsiz: dw 0
maxrec: ds 3
curgrp: dw 0
cursec: db 0
maxgrp: dw 0
grpsz: db 0
grpmul: db 0
n24b: db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
dison: db 0
editpt: dw 0
dskfcb: db 0,'$ DSK',0,0,0,0
ds 24
fndbuf: ds 128
ds 100
stack equ $
ld a,(hl)
or a
ret z
call cout##
inc hl
jr pstrg
p24b: ld ix,n24b
push ix
ld b,12
xor a
.p24l: ld (ix+0),