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- title "tShell logon module version 0.60"
- ;
- ; (c) 1985 S. Kluger, All Rights Reserved.
- ; This is the logon module for tShell. It
- ; should be copied to 31A:WARMSTRT.AUT.
- ;
- ; History:
- ; 12/14/85 started, completed default logon code,
- ; completed userid/password entry routine.
- ; 12/15/85 ready for extensive testing!
- ; 12/20/85 added drive access display
- ; 12/21/85 added priv level display
- ; 12/22/85 added logoff before logon, made DELETED flag work
- ; 01/01/86 changed for USRSUP
- ; 01/04/86 started clock inop code
- ;
- cr equ 0dh
- lf equ 0ah
- cfunc equ 5
- tfunc equ 50h
- jconv equ 10958
- tries equ 4 ; up to 4 missed logons in a row
- wait equ 60 ; number of seconds to delay after n tries
- ;
- .z80
- .request syslib
- ;
- ; +----------------------+
- ; | data storage section |
- ; +----------------------+
- ;
- dseg
- ;
- ;
- idfcb: db 1,'TSHELL IDS',0,0,0,0 ; password file
- ds 22
- logfcb: db 1,'TSHELL LOG',0,0,0,0 ; activity log
- ds 22
- crtfcb: db 1,'TSHELL CRT',0,0,0,0 ; crt configuration file
- ds 22
- lgofcb: db 1,'TSHELL SCR',0,0,0,0 ; logo file
- ds 22
- bulfcb: db 1,'TSHELL BUL',0,0,0,0 ; bulletin file
- ds 22
- ;
- rqid: db ' ' ; requested user id
- rqpw: db ' ' ; requested password
- ;
- idsize: dw 0 ; password file size (must be < 8M)
- ;
- retry: db tries ; retry counter
- delay: db wait
- ;
- inbuf1: db 5
- db 0
- hhmm: db '00:00'
- ;
- inbuf: db 8
- ccnt: db 0
- ;
- @dcfld::db '00/00/00 at ',0
- mnon: db 'nonprivileged',0
- msemi: db 'restricted',0
- mfull: db 'full access',0
- ;
- bauds:: db 5,6,7,10,12,14,15,0ffh
- ds 9
- ;
- actlog:
- db 1ah
- actid: ds 8 ; activity log user id
- actdt: ds 4 ; date/time
- actst: ds 2 ; station
- act01: db 0 ; on/off/bad flag (1/0/FF)
- actdu: ds 2 ; drive/user
- actbp: ds 8 ; bad password given
- db 1ah,1ah,1ah,1ah,1ah,1ah ; filler
- ;
- mstrs: db 0 ; master date reset code (c9=ok)
- ;
- id: db '.tShell.'
- offset: db 0
- mstoff: db 0
- ;
- ; default buffer. this buffer is overwritten as soon
- ; as a valid password file is detected.
- ;
- defbuf: db 'UNLOGGED',2,0ffh,0ffh,0ffh,0ffh,0ffh,0ffh,0ffh,0ffh,0ffh
- ds 128-($-defbuf) ; reserve 128 bytes
- ds 40 ; stack space
- stack equ $
- ;
- ; +------------------+
- ; | code begins here |
- ; +------------------+
- ;
- cseg
- ;
- start: jr .skcls ; skip past cls code
- ;
- defcls: db 2,1bh,'E',0,0 ; default clearscreen
- 'Copyright (c) 1985 S. Kluger. All Rights Reserved. '
- ;
- .skcls: ld sp,stack ; set up local stack
- ld c,8 ; set abort address
- ld de,abort ; point to any RET
- call tfunc
- ld de,80h
- ld hl,id
- ld bc,8
- ldir
- ld bc,41
- ld l,0
- call tfunc
- ld (offset),a ; save offset
- or a
- jp z,fatal ; fatal error if no USR FCN
- ld bc,0fe29h ; now set reset time in master
- ld de,0
- ld l,0
- call tfunc
- ld (mstoff),a
- call resmt
- ld c,13 ; set compatibility flags
- ld e,0f8h
- call tfunc
- ld bc,41 ; log off tShell
- ld de,0ffffh
- ld l,2
- call getoff ; get usrsup offset
- call tfunc
- ld de,idfcb ; get password file
- push de
- ld c,35 ; filesize function
- call cfunc
- ld hl,(idfcb+33) ; get size
- ld (idsize),hl ; save it
- pop de ; get fcb back
- or a
- jp nz,deflog ; default logon without any ado
- ld hl,defcls ; default clearscreen
- call crtctl
- call print##
- cr,lf
- 'tShell (c) 1985 S. Kluger, All Rights Reserved.'
- ' 8-bit Station ',0
- ld c,12 ; get network address
- call cfunc
- ld a,d
- add a,'A'
- call cout##
- ld a,'-'
- call cout##
- ld a,e
- call pafdc##
- call crlf##
- ld de,lgofcb
- call fi0$open## ; open for byte read
- call z,dsplgo ; display logo if found
- ld de,USERID ; set dma to password file template
- ld c,26
- call cfunc
- idloop: ld hl,actlog+1
- ld b,25
- .zal..: ld (hl),0
- inc hl
- djnz .zal..
- call print## ; now ask for userid
- cr,lf
- 'Enter User ID >',0
- ld hl,rqid
- call get8 ; get up to 8 chars
- call print## ; now ask for password
- cr,lf
- 'Enter Password >',0
- ld hl,rqpw
- call get8n ; get up to 8 chars without echo
- ld hl,rqid
- ld de,actid
- ld bc,8
- ldir ; move name to log line
- ld de,idfcb
- call openf ; now open password file
- ld hl,(idsize) ; get filesize
- ld a,h
- or l ; if initially 0k file...
- jp z,errlog ; then error
- .rpfl.: dec hl ; decrement file pointer
- ld (idfcb+33),hl ; set file pointer
- ld de,idfcb ; point to file
- call rdsec ; read a sector
- jp nz,errlog ; default logon if error
- call match ; try to match userid/password
- ld hl,(idfcb+33) ; get pointer
- ld a,h
- or l ; if not yet 0...
- jr nz,.rpfl. ; ...then loop
- ld de,idfcb ; else close file
- ld c,16
- call cfunc
- call print##
- cr,lf,7
- 'ERROR: invalid logon',cr,lf,0
- ld hl,rqpw
- ld de,actbp
- ld bc,8
- ldir ; move bad password
- ld a,0ffh
- ld (act01),a ; set bad flag
- call applog ; append to log file
- ld a,(retry)
- dec a
- ld (retry),a
- jp nz,idloop
- call print##
- cr,lf,lf
- 9,9,9,'*** SECURITY ACCESS VIOLATION ***',cr,lf,lf
- 'WAIT: [',0
- ..try.: ld a,(delay)
- dec a
- ld (delay),a
- jr z,.kill
- call pa3dc##
- call print##
- ']',7,7,7,7,8,8,8,8,0
- ld c,2
- ld de,60 ; 60 ticks
- call tfunc
- jr ..try.
- ;
- .kill: ld bc,41
- ld l,6
- call getoff
- call tfunc
- ..inf: call cin##
- jr ..inf
- ;
- ; attempt to match typed id/pw with the current sector
- ; return only if no match
- ;
- match: call decryp ; decrypt sector
- ld hl,USERID
- ld de,rqid
- ld b,8
- call compb## ; compare userid
- ret nz ; return if error
- ld hl,PASSWD
- ld de,rqpw
- ld b,8
- call compb## ; compare password
- ret nz ; return if error
- ld a,(LEVEL) ; get priv level
- cp 0e5h ; deleted?
- ret z ; yes, ignore
- ld hl,USERID
- ld de,defbuf ; move for update
- ld bc,128
- ldir
- ld de,defbuf
- ld c,26
- call cfunc ; set dma
- ld c,10
- call tfunc ; get date/time
- ld (defbuf+(LASTON-USERID)),hl ; store date
- ld (defbuf+(LASTON+2-USERID)),de ; store time
- ld c,12 ; get ckt/node
- call cfunc
- ld (defbuf+(LASTPR-USERID)),de ; store it
- call encryp ; encrypt
- ld de,idfcb
- call wrsec ; write sector back
- ld c,16
- ld de,idfcb
- call cfunc ; close
- ;
- ; housekeeping done, now transpose data to the
- ; user data block and log him on
- ;
- ld hl,USERID
- ld de,LCLID
- ld bc,8
- ldir
- ld a,(LEVEL)
- ld (LCLLV),a
- ld a,(USRCOD)
- ld (LCLUSC),a
- ld hl,(DRVACC)
- ld (LCLDRA),hl
- ld hl,(USRACC)
- ld (LCLUSA),hl
- ld hl,(USRACC+2)
- ld (LCLUSA+2),hl
- ld hl,DREDEF
- ld de,LCLRDD
- ld bc,16
- ldir
- ld a,0ffh
- ld (LCLLGD),a
- ld a,(SHRDRV)
- ld (LCLSHD),a
- ld hl,(DEFPRT)
- ld (LCLDPR),hl
- ld a,(SCREEN)
- ld (LCLSCM),a
- ld a,(INITUS) ; get initial user
- ld e,a ; put into e
- ld a,(INITDR) ; get initial drive
- ld d,a
- ld (actdu),de ; save in activity log
- ld a,1 ; set on flag
- ld (act01),a
- push de
- call applog
- pop de
- ld a,(LEVEL) ; get acl
- and 3
- cp 2 ; see if full
- jr nz,..nf. ; no
- ld a,80h
- or e
- ld e,a
- ..nf.: ld c,14
- call tfunc
- inc a ; see if t-logon ok
- jp z,log.er ; no, error!!!
- ld de,LCLID ; set dma
- ld c,26
- call cfunc
- ld de,0ffffh ; set security
- ld bc,41
- ld l,1
- call getoff
- call tfunc ; attempt tShell logon
- or a
- jp nz,log.er ; error!
- ld a,(mstrs) ; see if master was date-reset
- inc a
- jp nz,..mrtk ; yes, reset time ok
- call resmt ; else try now
- inc a
- jp nz,..mrtk
- call print##
- cr,lf,lf
- 'Please enter:',cr,lf,0
- .date.: call print##
- cr,'Date : [MM/DD/YY]',8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,0
- ld hl,inbuf
- call bline##
- cp 8
- jr nz,.date.
- call @udcvt## ; convert date
- jr c,.date.
- ld de,jconv
- add hl,de
- push hl ; save julian date
- ld a,' '
- ld (@dcfld+8),a
- call crlf##
- .time.: call print##
- cr,'Time : [HH:MM]',8,8,8,8,8,8,0
- ld hl,inbuf1
- call bline##
- cp 5
- jr nz,.time.
- ld hl,hhmm
- call eval10##
- push af
- inc hl
- call eval10##
- pop af
- ld d,a
- pop hl
- ld b,0
- ld c,9
- call tfunc
- call resmt
- ..mrtk: call print##
- cr,lf,lf
- 'Logged on ',0
- ld c,10
- call tfunc
- call time
- ld hl,(LASTON)
- ld a,h
- or l ; ever been on?
- jr z,.never ; no, skip
- call print##
- '. Last on ',0
- ld de,(LASTON+2)
- call time
- call print##
- ' on terminal ',0
- ld hl,(LASTPR)
- ld a,'A'
- add a,h
- call cout##
- ld a,'-'
- call cout##
- ld a,l
- call pafdc##
- .never: call print##
- cr,lf,lf
- 'Privilege level ',0
- ld a,(LEVEL)
- and 3
- add a,'0'
- call cout##
- call print##
- ' (',0
- ld hl,mnon ; expect nonpriv
- sub 30h
- jr z,..ppl
- ld hl,msemi
- dec a
- jr z,..ppl
- ld hl,mfull
- ..ppl: call pstr##
- call print##
- ')',cr,lf
- 'Drive access: ',0
- ld de,80h ; set dma to 80h
- ld c,26
- call cfunc
- ld bc,41
- ld de,0ffffh
- ld l,10 ; get dskast
- call getoff
- call tfunc
- ld hl,80h ; hl=pointer
- ld de,3 ; de=increment
- ld b,16 ; b =count
- ld c,0 ; c =drive
- .ckdr.: ld a,(hl) ; get access byte
- inc a ; see if FF
- jr z,.ckna. ; yes, no access
- ld a,'A' ; make drive letter
- add a,c
- call cout## ; print it
- .ckna.: inc c ; bump drive
- add hl,de ; point to next entry
- djnz .ckdr. ; and loop till done
- call crlf##
- ld de,(DEFPRM) ; get default printer stuff
- ld b,0ffh ; do not change spool drive
- ld c,27
- call tfunc
- ld a,(LEVEL) ; get access codes
- and 80h ; see if menu
- jp nz,wrmxit ; yes, exit with warmstart
- ld de,CMDLN ; point to command line
- ld a,(de) ; get count
- or a ; empty?
- jr z,.skc.. ; yes, skip
- ld c,18
- call tfunc
- .skc..: jp nwrmxt ; exit without warmstart
- ;
- ; default error logon (this should never happen, but...)
- ;
- errlog: call print##
- cr,lf,lf,7
- 'ERROR: munched password file? Call sysadmin.',cr,lf,lf,0
- ld a,30
- ld (deflog+3),a ; make logon user 30, nonpriv
- ;
- ; default logon, priv 0A:
- ;
- deflog: ld c,14 ; logon
- ld de,80h ; priv level 1
- call tfunc
- inc a ; test error
- jp z,log.er
- ld de,defbuf ; point to default buffer
- ld c,26
- call cfunc ; set dma
- ld bc,41 ; log into tshell
- ld de,0ffffh
- ld l,1
- call getoff
- call tfunc
- or a
- jp nz,log.er
- call crlf##
- rst 0
- ;
- ; subroutines
- ;
- ; display logo file
- ;
- dsplgo: call f0$get## ; get a byte
- jr nz,.dslx ; eof maybe or some other error
- and 7fh ; strip parity
- cp 1ah ; eof?
- jr z,.dslx ; yes
- cp 7fh ; another way to mark eof
- jr z,.dslx ; yes
- call cout## ; display character
- jr dsplgo ; and loop
- ;
- .dslx: call fi0$close## ; close file
- abort: ret
- ;
- ; get up to 8 characters
- ;
- get8n: ld d,1
- jr .g8.
- ;
- get8: ld d,0
- .g8.: call .g8zl ; clear input line
- ld b,8 ; set max count
- .g8l: call capin## ; get a character, capitalize
- cp ' '+1 ; check if space or less
- jr nc,.g8nc ; no, continue
- cp 8 ; backspace?
- jr z,.g8bs
- cp 7fh ; delete?
- jr z,.g8bs
- cp cr ; return?
- jr nz,.g8er ; no, error
- ld a,8 ; see if b=8
- cp b
- ret nz ; typed something (b<8)
- .g8er: call error
- jr .g8l
- ;
- .g8nc: bit 0,d ; see if echo on
- call z,cout##
- ld (hl),a
- inc hl
- djnz .g8l ; loop
- .g8wcr: call capin## ; wait for cr or bs
- cp cr
- ret z ; return if cr
- cp 7fh
- jr z,.g8bs ; backspace if delete key
- cp 8
- jr z,.g8bs
- call error
- jr .g8wcr
- ;
- ; process backspace
- ;
- .g8bs: ld a,8 ; see if b=8
- cp b
- jr z,.g8er ; can't backspace on blank line
- inc b ; increment counter
- dec hl ; decrement pointer
- ld (hl),' ' ; blank out
- bit 0,d ; test echo flag
- jr nz,.g8l ; loop back if echo off
- call print## ; else wipe out char on screen
- 8,' ',8,0
- jr .g8l
- ;
- ; zero input line
- ;
- .g8zl: push hl
- ld b,8
- .g8zll: ld (hl),' '
- inc hl
- djnz .g8zll
- pop hl
- ret
- ;
- log.er: ld b,a
- call logerr ; display logon error message
- inc b
- jr z,l.ts.e
- call print##
- 'TurboDOS',0
- jp wrmxit ; exit with warmstrt on
- ;
- l.ts.e: call print##
- 'tShell',0
- ;
- ; exit with warmstart enabled
- ;
- wrmxit: ld e,0ffh
- jr exit
- ;
- ; exit with warmstart disabled
- ;
- nwrmxt: ld e,0
- exit: ld c,17 ; warmstart function
- call tfunc
- call print##
- cr,lf,lf,0
- ld hl,USERID ; be sure to blank data area
- ld bc,stack-USERID
- .bldl: ld (hl),0
- inc hl
- dec bc
- ld a,b
- or c
- jr nz,.bldl
- rst 0 ; exit to tdos
- ;
- logerr: call print##
- cr,lf,lf
- 'ERROR: Cannot log on! Error source: ',0
- error: ld a,7 ; sound bell
- jp cout##
- ;
- ; crt control routine
- ; input: hl points to string <len><byt><byt>...
- ; uses hl, af
- ;
- crtctl: ld a,(hl)
- or a
- ret z ; return if null
- push bc
- ld b,a ; count to b
- .crctl: inc hl
- ld a,(hl)
- call cout##
- djnz .crctl
- pop bc
- ret
- ;
- ; open file with lock
- ;
- openf: ld hl,5 ; point to shared flag
- add hl,de
- ld a,80h
- or (hl)
- ld (hl),a ; set shared flag
- push de
- ld c,15
- call cfunc
- pop de
- ld hl,32
- add hl,de
- ld (hl),0
- or a
- ret z ; file is now open
- jr openf ; else loop since we know file exists
- ;
- ; read a sector - enter with hl = sector, de = fcb
- ;
- rdsec: call loksec ; lock sector
- push de
- ld c,33 ; read
- call cfunc
- or a ; set error flag
- jr fresec ; free sector
- ;
- ; write a sector - enter with hl = sector, de=fcb
- ;
- wrsec: call loksec ; lock sector
- push de ; save fcb
- ld c,34 ; write
- call cfunc
- or a ; set error flag
- ;
- ; free current file sector
- ;
- fresec: pop de
- push af
- ld c,43
- call cfunc
- pop af
- ret
- ;
- ; lock current file sector
- ;
- loksec: push de ; save fcb pointer
- ld c,42 ; attempt lock
- call cfunc
- pop de
- cp 8 ; locked already?
- jr z,loksec ; yes, loop
- ret
- ;
- ; decrypt user block
- ;
- decryp: ld hl,USERID
- ret
- ;
- ; encrypt default buffer
- ;
- encryp: ld hl,defbuf
- ret
- ;
- time: push de
- ld de,-jconv
- add hl,de
- call @dcvrt##
- ld hl,@dcfld
- call pstr##
- pop de
- ld a,d
- call ..10
- ld a,':'
- call cout##
- ld a,e
- ..10: cp 10
- jr nc,..10.
- push af
- ld a,'0'
- call cout##
- pop af
- ..10.: jp pafdc##
- ;
- ; append to activity log
- ;
- applog: ld de,logfcb ; point to log
- ld c,35 ; filesize
- call cfunc
- or a
- ret nz ; ignore file not found
- ld c,10
- call tfunc ; get date/time
- ld (actdt),hl
- ld (actdt+2),de
- ld c,12
- call cfunc ; get station
- ld (actst),de
- ld hl,(logfcb+33)
- dec hl
- ld (logfcb+33),hl ; decrement file pointer
- ld de,logfcb
- call openf ; open shared
- ld de,80h ; set defdma
- ld c,26
- call cfunc
- ld de,logfcb
- call rdsec ; read last sector
- ld hl,80h ; hl=pointer to def dma
- ld de,20h ; de=byte count
- ..ckel: ld a,(hl) ; get byte
- cp 0ffh ; endmark?
- jr z,.fe.. ; yes
- add hl,de
- ld a,l
- or a
- jr nz,..ckel ; try next entry
- ld hl,(logfcb+33)
- inc hl
- ld (logfcb+33),hl
- ld hl,80h ; set start of buffer
- push hl
- .zac.: ld (hl),0ffh ; blank buffer
- inc l
- jr nz,.zac.
- pop hl
- .fe..: ld de,actlog
- ex de,hl
- ld bc,32 ; 32 bytes to be moved
- ldir
- ld a,l ; see if end of buffer
- or a
- jr z,.eob. ; yes, skip
- ld (hl),0ffh ; else set endmark
- .eob.: ld de,logfcb
- call wrsec ; write the sector
- ld de,logfcb
- ld c,16
- jp cfunc ; close and exit
- ;
- getoff: ld a,(offset)
- add a,l
- ld l,a
- ret
- ;
- ; reset master reset date/time
- ;
- resmt:: ld a,(offset)
- add a,16
- ld l,a
- ld bc,41
- call tfunc ; get master node
- ex de,hl
- ld a,(mstoff)
- add a,15
- ld l,a
- ld bc,0fe29h
- call tfunc
- ld (mstrs),a ; save master date set code
- ret
- ;
- fatal: call print##
- cr,lf,lf,7
- 'ERROR: tShell not installed',cr,lf,lf,0
- rst 0
- end
- dma
- ld de,20h ; de=byte count
- ..ckel: ld a,(hl) ; get byte
- cp 0f