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791 lines
title "tShell logon module version 0.60"
; (c) 1985 S. Kluger, All Rights Reserved.
; This is the logon module for tShell. It
; should be copied to 31A:WARMSTRT.AUT.
; History:
; 12/14/85 started, completed default logon code,
; completed userid/password entry routine.
; 12/15/85 ready for extensive testing!
; 12/20/85 added drive access display
; 12/21/85 added priv level display
; 12/22/85 added logoff before logon, made DELETED flag work
; 01/01/86 changed for USRSUP
; 01/04/86 started clock inop code
cr equ 0dh
lf equ 0ah
cfunc equ 5
tfunc equ 50h
jconv equ 10958
tries equ 4 ; up to 4 missed logons in a row
wait equ 60 ; number of seconds to delay after n tries
.request syslib
; +----------------------+
; | data storage section |
; +----------------------+
idfcb: db 1,'TSHELL IDS',0,0,0,0 ; password file
ds 22
logfcb: db 1,'TSHELL LOG',0,0,0,0 ; activity log
ds 22
crtfcb: db 1,'TSHELL CRT',0,0,0,0 ; crt configuration file
ds 22
lgofcb: db 1,'TSHELL SCR',0,0,0,0 ; logo file
ds 22
bulfcb: db 1,'TSHELL BUL',0,0,0,0 ; bulletin file
ds 22
rqid: db ' ' ; requested user id
rqpw: db ' ' ; requested password
idsize: dw 0 ; password file size (must be < 8M)
retry: db tries ; retry counter
delay: db wait
inbuf1: db 5
db 0
hhmm: db '00:00'
inbuf: db 8
ccnt: db 0
@dcfld::db '00/00/00 at ',0
mnon: db 'nonprivileged',0
msemi: db 'restricted',0
mfull: db 'full access',0
bauds:: db 5,6,7,10,12,14,15,0ffh
ds 9
db 1ah
actid: ds 8 ; activity log user id
actdt: ds 4 ; date/time
actst: ds 2 ; station
act01: db 0 ; on/off/bad flag (1/0/FF)
actdu: ds 2 ; drive/user
actbp: ds 8 ; bad password given
db 1ah,1ah,1ah,1ah,1ah,1ah ; filler
mstrs: db 0 ; master date reset code (c9=ok)
id: db '.tShell.'
offset: db 0
mstoff: db 0
; default buffer. this buffer is overwritten as soon
; as a valid password file is detected.
defbuf: db 'UNLOGGED',2,0ffh,0ffh,0ffh,0ffh,0ffh,0ffh,0ffh,0ffh,0ffh
ds 128-($-defbuf) ; reserve 128 bytes
ds 40 ; stack space
stack equ $
; +------------------+
; | code begins here |
; +------------------+
start: jr .skcls ; skip past cls code
defcls: db 2,1bh,'E',0,0 ; default clearscreen
'Copyright (c) 1985 S. Kluger. All Rights Reserved. '
.skcls: ld sp,stack ; set up local stack
ld c,8 ; set abort address
ld de,abort ; point to any RET
call tfunc
ld de,80h
ld hl,id
ld bc,8
ld bc,41
ld l,0
call tfunc
ld (offset),a ; save offset
or a
jp z,fatal ; fatal error if no USR FCN
ld bc,0fe29h ; now set reset time in master
ld de,0
ld l,0
call tfunc
ld (mstoff),a
call resmt
ld c,13 ; set compatibility flags
ld e,0f8h
call tfunc
ld bc,41 ; log off tShell
ld de,0ffffh
ld l,2
call getoff ; get usrsup offset
call tfunc
ld de,idfcb ; get password file
push de
ld c,35 ; filesize function
call cfunc
ld hl,(idfcb+33) ; get size
ld (idsize),hl ; save it
pop de ; get fcb back
or a
jp nz,deflog ; default logon without any ado
ld hl,defcls ; default clearscreen
call crtctl
call print##
'tShell (c) 1985 S. Kluger, All Rights Reserved.'
' 8-bit Station ',0
ld c,12 ; get network address
call cfunc
ld a,d
add a,'A'
call cout##
ld a,'-'
call cout##
ld a,e
call pafdc##
call crlf##
ld de,lgofcb
call fi0$open## ; open for byte read
call z,dsplgo ; display logo if found
ld de,USERID ; set dma to password file template
ld c,26
call cfunc
idloop: ld hl,actlog+1
ld b,25
.zal..: ld (hl),0
inc hl
djnz .zal..
call print## ; now ask for userid
'Enter User ID >',0
ld hl,rqid
call get8 ; get up to 8 chars
call print## ; now ask for password
'Enter Password >',0
ld hl,rqpw
call get8n ; get up to 8 chars without echo
ld hl,rqid
ld de,actid
ld bc,8
ldir ; move name to log line
ld de,idfcb
call openf ; now open password file
ld hl,(idsize) ; get filesize
ld a,h
or l ; if initially 0k file...
jp z,errlog ; then error
.rpfl.: dec hl ; decrement file pointer
ld (idfcb+33),hl ; set file pointer
ld de,idfcb ; point to file
call rdsec ; read a sector
jp nz,errlog ; default logon if error
call match ; try to match userid/password
ld hl,(idfcb+33) ; get pointer
ld a,h
or l ; if not yet 0...
jr nz,.rpfl. ; ...then loop
ld de,idfcb ; else close file
ld c,16
call cfunc
call print##
'ERROR: invalid logon',cr,lf,0
ld hl,rqpw
ld de,actbp
ld bc,8
ldir ; move bad password
ld a,0ffh
ld (act01),a ; set bad flag
call applog ; append to log file
ld a,(retry)
dec a
ld (retry),a
jp nz,idloop
call print##
9,9,9,'*** SECURITY ACCESS VIOLATION ***',cr,lf,lf
'WAIT: [',0
..try.: ld a,(delay)
dec a
ld (delay),a
jr z,.kill
call pa3dc##
call print##
ld c,2
ld de,60 ; 60 ticks
call tfunc
jr ..try.
.kill: ld bc,41
ld l,6
call getoff
call tfunc
..inf: call cin##
jr ..inf
; attempt to match typed id/pw with the current sector
; return only if no match
match: call decryp ; decrypt sector
ld hl,USERID
ld de,rqid
ld b,8
call compb## ; compare userid
ret nz ; return if error
ld hl,PASSWD
ld de,rqpw
ld b,8
call compb## ; compare password
ret nz ; return if error
ld a,(LEVEL) ; get priv level
cp 0e5h ; deleted?
ret z ; yes, ignore
ld hl,USERID
ld de,defbuf ; move for update
ld bc,128
ld de,defbuf
ld c,26
call cfunc ; set dma
ld c,10
call tfunc ; get date/time
ld (defbuf+(LASTON-USERID)),hl ; store date
ld (defbuf+(LASTON+2-USERID)),de ; store time
ld c,12 ; get ckt/node
call cfunc
ld (defbuf+(LASTPR-USERID)),de ; store it
call encryp ; encrypt
ld de,idfcb
call wrsec ; write sector back
ld c,16
ld de,idfcb
call cfunc ; close
; housekeeping done, now transpose data to the
; user data block and log him on
ld hl,USERID
ld de,LCLID
ld bc,8
ld a,(LEVEL)
ld (LCLLV),a
ld a,(USRCOD)
ld (LCLUSC),a
ld hl,(DRVACC)
ld (LCLDRA),hl
ld hl,(USRACC)
ld (LCLUSA),hl
ld hl,(USRACC+2)
ld (LCLUSA+2),hl
ld hl,DREDEF
ld de,LCLRDD
ld bc,16
ld a,0ffh
ld (LCLLGD),a
ld a,(SHRDRV)
ld (LCLSHD),a
ld hl,(DEFPRT)
ld (LCLDPR),hl
ld a,(SCREEN)
ld (LCLSCM),a
ld a,(INITUS) ; get initial user
ld e,a ; put into e
ld a,(INITDR) ; get initial drive
ld d,a
ld (actdu),de ; save in activity log
ld a,1 ; set on flag
ld (act01),a
push de
call applog
pop de
ld a,(LEVEL) ; get acl
and 3
cp 2 ; see if full
jr nz,..nf. ; no
ld a,80h
or e
ld e,a
..nf.: ld c,14
call tfunc
inc a ; see if t-logon ok
jp z,log.er ; no, error!!!
ld de,LCLID ; set dma
ld c,26
call cfunc
ld de,0ffffh ; set security
ld bc,41
ld l,1
call getoff
call tfunc ; attempt tShell logon
or a
jp nz,log.er ; error!
ld a,(mstrs) ; see if master was date-reset
inc a
jp nz,..mrtk ; yes, reset time ok
call resmt ; else try now
inc a
jp nz,..mrtk
call print##
'Please enter:',cr,lf,0
.date.: call print##
cr,'Date : [MM/DD/YY]',8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,0
ld hl,inbuf
call bline##
cp 8
jr nz,.date.
call @udcvt## ; convert date
jr c,.date.
ld de,jconv
add hl,de
push hl ; save julian date
ld a,' '
ld (@dcfld+8),a
call crlf##
.time.: call print##
cr,'Time : [HH:MM]',8,8,8,8,8,8,0
ld hl,inbuf1
call bline##
cp 5
jr nz,.time.
ld hl,hhmm
call eval10##
push af
inc hl
call eval10##
pop af
ld d,a
pop hl
ld b,0
ld c,9
call tfunc
call resmt
..mrtk: call print##
'Logged on ',0
ld c,10
call tfunc
call time
ld hl,(LASTON)
ld a,h
or l ; ever been on?
jr z,.never ; no, skip
call print##
'. Last on ',0
ld de,(LASTON+2)
call time
call print##
' on terminal ',0
ld hl,(LASTPR)
ld a,'A'
add a,h
call cout##
ld a,'-'
call cout##
ld a,l
call pafdc##
.never: call print##
'Privilege level ',0
ld a,(LEVEL)
and 3
add a,'0'
call cout##
call print##
' (',0
ld hl,mnon ; expect nonpriv
sub 30h
jr z,..ppl
ld hl,msemi
dec a
jr z,..ppl
ld hl,mfull
..ppl: call pstr##
call print##
'Drive access: ',0
ld de,80h ; set dma to 80h
ld c,26
call cfunc
ld bc,41
ld de,0ffffh
ld l,10 ; get dskast
call getoff
call tfunc
ld hl,80h ; hl=pointer
ld de,3 ; de=increment
ld b,16 ; b =count
ld c,0 ; c =drive
.ckdr.: ld a,(hl) ; get access byte
inc a ; see if FF
jr z,.ckna. ; yes, no access
ld a,'A' ; make drive letter
add a,c
call cout## ; print it
.ckna.: inc c ; bump drive
add hl,de ; point to next entry
djnz .ckdr. ; and loop till done
call crlf##
ld de,(DEFPRM) ; get default printer stuff
ld b,0ffh ; do not change spool drive
ld c,27
call tfunc
ld a,(LEVEL) ; get access codes
and 80h ; see if menu
jp nz,wrmxit ; yes, exit with warmstart
ld de,CMDLN ; point to command line
ld a,(de) ; get count
or a ; empty?
jr z,.skc.. ; yes, skip
ld c,18
call tfunc
.skc..: jp nwrmxt ; exit without warmstart
; default error logon (this should never happen, but...)
errlog: call print##
'ERROR: munched password file? Call sysadmin.',cr,lf,lf,0
ld a,30
ld (deflog+3),a ; make logon user 30, nonpriv
; default logon, priv 0A:
deflog: ld c,14 ; logon
ld de,80h ; priv level 1
call tfunc
inc a ; test error
jp z,log.er
ld de,defbuf ; point to default buffer
ld c,26
call cfunc ; set dma
ld bc,41 ; log into tshell
ld de,0ffffh
ld l,1
call getoff
call tfunc
or a
jp nz,log.er
call crlf##
rst 0
; subroutines
; display logo file
dsplgo: call f0$get## ; get a byte
jr nz,.dslx ; eof maybe or some other error
and 7fh ; strip parity
cp 1ah ; eof?
jr z,.dslx ; yes
cp 7fh ; another way to mark eof
jr z,.dslx ; yes
call cout## ; display character
jr dsplgo ; and loop
.dslx: call fi0$close## ; close file
abort: ret
; get up to 8 characters
get8n: ld d,1
jr .g8.
get8: ld d,0
.g8.: call .g8zl ; clear input line
ld b,8 ; set max count
.g8l: call capin## ; get a character, capitalize
cp ' '+1 ; check if space or less
jr nc,.g8nc ; no, continue
cp 8 ; backspace?
jr z,.g8bs
cp 7fh ; delete?
jr z,.g8bs
cp cr ; return?
jr nz,.g8er ; no, error
ld a,8 ; see if b=8
cp b
ret nz ; typed something (b<8)
.g8er: call error
jr .g8l
.g8nc: bit 0,d ; see if echo on
call z,cout##
ld (hl),a
inc hl
djnz .g8l ; loop
.g8wcr: call capin## ; wait for cr or bs
cp cr
ret z ; return if cr
cp 7fh
jr z,.g8bs ; backspace if delete key
cp 8
jr z,.g8bs
call error
jr .g8wcr
; process backspace
.g8bs: ld a,8 ; see if b=8
cp b
jr z,.g8er ; can't backspace on blank line
inc b ; increment counter
dec hl ; decrement pointer
ld (hl),' ' ; blank out
bit 0,d ; test echo flag
jr nz,.g8l ; loop back if echo off
call print## ; else wipe out char on screen
8,' ',8,0
jr .g8l
; zero input line
.g8zl: push hl
ld b,8
.g8zll: ld (hl),' '
inc hl
djnz .g8zll
pop hl
log.er: ld b,a
call logerr ; display logon error message
inc b
jr z,l.ts.e
call print##
jp wrmxit ; exit with warmstrt on
l.ts.e: call print##
; exit with warmstart enabled
wrmxit: ld e,0ffh
jr exit
; exit with warmstart disabled
nwrmxt: ld e,0
exit: ld c,17 ; warmstart function
call tfunc
call print##
ld hl,USERID ; be sure to blank data area
ld bc,stack-USERID
.bldl: ld (hl),0
inc hl
dec bc
ld a,b
or c
jr nz,.bldl
rst 0 ; exit to tdos
logerr: call print##
'ERROR: Cannot log on! Error source: ',0
error: ld a,7 ; sound bell
jp cout##
; crt control routine
; input: hl points to string <len><byt><byt>...
; uses hl, af
crtctl: ld a,(hl)
or a
ret z ; return if null
push bc
ld b,a ; count to b
.crctl: inc hl
ld a,(hl)
call cout##
djnz .crctl
pop bc
; open file with lock
openf: ld hl,5 ; point to shared flag
add hl,de
ld a,80h
or (hl)
ld (hl),a ; set shared flag
push de
ld c,15
call cfunc
pop de
ld hl,32
add hl,de
ld (hl),0
or a
ret z ; file is now open
jr openf ; else loop since we know file exists
; read a sector - enter with hl = sector, de = fcb
rdsec: call loksec ; lock sector
push de
ld c,33 ; read
call cfunc
or a ; set error flag
jr fresec ; free sector
; write a sector - enter with hl = sector, de=fcb
wrsec: call loksec ; lock sector
push de ; save fcb
ld c,34 ; write
call cfunc
or a ; set error flag
; free current file sector
fresec: pop de
push af
ld c,43
call cfunc
pop af
; lock current file sector
loksec: push de ; save fcb pointer
ld c,42 ; attempt lock
call cfunc
pop de
cp 8 ; locked already?
jr z,loksec ; yes, loop
; decrypt user block
decryp: ld hl,USERID
; encrypt default buffer
encryp: ld hl,defbuf
time: push de
ld de,-jconv
add hl,de
call @dcvrt##
ld hl,@dcfld
call pstr##
pop de
ld a,d
call ..10
ld a,':'
call cout##
ld a,e
..10: cp 10
jr nc,..10.
push af
ld a,'0'
call cout##
pop af
..10.: jp pafdc##
; append to activity log
applog: ld de,logfcb ; point to log
ld c,35 ; filesize
call cfunc
or a
ret nz ; ignore file not found
ld c,10
call tfunc ; get date/time
ld (actdt),hl
ld (actdt+2),de
ld c,12
call cfunc ; get station
ld (actst),de
ld hl,(logfcb+33)
dec hl
ld (logfcb+33),hl ; decrement file pointer
ld de,logfcb
call openf ; open shared
ld de,80h ; set defdma
ld c,26
call cfunc
ld de,logfcb
call rdsec ; read last sector
ld hl,80h ; hl=pointer to def dma
ld de,20h ; de=byte count
..ckel: ld a,(hl) ; get byte
cp 0ffh ; endmark?
jr z,.fe.. ; yes
add hl,de
ld a,l
or a
jr nz,..ckel ; try next entry
ld hl,(logfcb+33)
inc hl
ld (logfcb+33),hl
ld hl,80h ; set start of buffer
push hl
.zac.: ld (hl),0ffh ; blank buffer
inc l
jr nz,.zac.
pop hl
.fe..: ld de,actlog
ex de,hl
ld bc,32 ; 32 bytes to be moved
ld a,l ; see if end of buffer
or a
jr z,.eob. ; yes, skip
ld (hl),0ffh ; else set endmark
.eob.: ld de,logfcb
call wrsec ; write the sector
ld de,logfcb
ld c,16
jp cfunc ; close and exit
getoff: ld a,(offset)
add a,l
ld l,a
; reset master reset date/time
resmt:: ld a,(offset)
add a,16
ld l,a
ld bc,41
call tfunc ; get master node
ex de,hl
ld a,(mstoff)
add a,15
ld l,a
ld bc,0fe29h
call tfunc
ld (mstrs),a ; save master date set code
fatal: call print##
'ERROR: tShell not installed',cr,lf,lf,0
rst 0
ld de,20h ; de=byte count
..ckel: ld a,(hl) ; get byte
cp 0f