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Turbo Pascal Communications Library
1.0 Introduction
Turbo Pascal provides a fairly uniform programming
environment for a variety of microcomputers running CP/M and
MS-DOS. It is fast, and the differences between versions can,
in general, be worked around. Certain areas are a problem,
however - communications, and system dependent function.
This set of routines is intended to address the first of
these problems, difficulty in communicating with the outside
world. Each operating system is different in the way it
handles communications, and different hardware implementations
create problems when trying to use communications ports. There
is a need for a standard set of routines that provide the basic
communications needs for most programs. If the routines are
rewritten for various micros, generalized communications
programs can be written. Any programming tricks can be used to
perform the actual functions, but a uniform calling sequence
can be used.
1.1 Sample Programs
A sample communications library is available as
'CLIB180.INC'. This library includes an example of each
function and procedure listed below. Some of the functions
are very simple, as the VT180 has PSETUP available to set
parity and/or baudrates. CLIB180 also supports the RAINBOW
(100A,100B) running CP/M version 2 or higher.
A sample of the use of the communications library is
given in the program 'COMDEMO.PAS'. This program
implements a 'connect' mode and allows simple file transfer
by capturing data from the communications port and storing
it in a file, or sending a file to a remote system.
COMDEMO.PAS was written as a 'test-case' for CLIB180.INC
- it's also useful as the "first piece" to "customize" a
"text-capture" utility for a new micro-system, which
doesn't have yet a way to "talk protocol". TURBO-Pascal's
inherent compilation-speed and (relatively high - see
above) portability will help in getting the "first" and
"crucial" step accomplished : Enable TEXT-capture "to" and
"from" another system. The typical "next step" seen is to
establish an (preferably) Error-Correcting protocol like
2.0 General Library Description
2.1 Variables, Constants, and Typed Variables
All library functions, procedures, and global variables
begin with 'c_'. This should minimize collisions with other
program variables. Any variables that begin with 'c__' are
for the use of the library itself, and should NEVER be
modified by the main program.
All variables required by the library only should be
included here. This would include such variables as IOBYTE
definitions for CP/M, etc.
The following are predefined types, constants, and
variables in the library:
c__string10 = string[10];
c__string5 = string[5];
c__port_names = an array of string10's that will list the
possible ports for the computer.
c__baud_names = an array of string10's that will list the
possible baud rates for the computer.
c__parity_names = an array of string10's that will list the
possible parity settings for the computer.
c_lib_version = computer type, revision of library, and date.
c_port_str = all possible strings that the available ports
are equivalent to. The first two MUST be
'NOT SET' and 'DEFAULT'. After all ports are
defined, the last element in the array MUST be
null ('').
c_baud_str = all possible strings that the available baud rates
are equivalent to. The first two MUST be
'NOT SET' and 'DEFAULT'. After all baud rates are
defined, the last element in the array MUST be
null ('').
c_parity_str = all possible strings that the available parity
settings are equivalent to. The first two MUST
be 'NOT SET' and 'DEFAULT'. After all ports
are defined, the last element in the array MUST
be null ('').
c_kbd_char : The returned keyboard character.
c_comm_char : The returned comm port character.
c_current_port : The number of the current port. the string
equivalent of the port number is :
c_current_baud : The number of the current baud rate. The
string equivalent of the baud rate is :
c_current_parity : The number of the current parity setting.
The string equivalent if the parity is :
2.2 Functions
2.2.1 C_INIT
Initialize a communications port. Initialization is
system dependent, but should include such items as
setting hardware specific values, obtaining the initial
value of the IOBYTE in CP/M systems, etc. It should be
run at the beginning of each program that uses the
communications library.
The way the port, baud rate, and parity variables are
set up, executing c_init(1,1,1) will set up a default
communications port. This is a good way to begin any
program so the at least some communication port is
initialized. For some systems, having no port set up
will cause system hangups.
c_init(port, baud, parity : integer) : boolean;
Inputs : port - Number of the port. This can be
obtained by scanning the list of
ports contained in the array
parity - desired parity setting on port.
The number of the available parity
values for the particular computer.
These can be obtained by scanning the
list of parity settings available in
the array c_parity_str.
speed - desired port speed. The number of
the available baud rate settings can
be obtained by scanning the list of
available baud rate settings in the
array c_baud_str.
Output : Function returns TRUE if the desired setup is
valid, and FALSE if the setup is invalid.
Variables affected : c_current_port, c_current_baud, and
c_current_parity are set to their new
values if the operation was successfull.
Other effects: depends on implementation.
2.2.2 C_SET_PORT
Select the desired communications port.
c_set_port(port : integer) : boolean;
Input : port - Number of the port. System dependent. A
list of the available ports can be found
in the array c_port_str.
Output : Function returns TRUE if new port was selected,
and FALSE if the new port was an invalid port.
Variables affected : sets c_current_port, c_current_baud,
and c_current_parity to those for the
new port. Other variables are system
Other effects : current port should not be changed if
function returns FALSE.
Set the parity on the current port, if possible.
c_set_parity(parity : integer) : boolean;
Input : port - Number of the port. System dependent. A
list of the available ports can be found
in the array c_port_str.
parity - desired parity setting on port.
The number of the available parity
values for the particular computer.
These can be obtained by scanning the
list of parity settings available in
the array c_parity_str.
Output: Function returns TRUE if the parity is reset to
the new value, and FALSE if the parity could not
be set.
Variables affected: c_current_parity is changed to the new
parity if the operation was successfull.
Other variables are system dependent.
Other effects: should leave same parity if result is FALSE.
2.2.4 C_SET_BAUD
Set the baud rate on the specified port, if possible.
c_set_baud(speed : integer) : boolean;
Inputs : speed - desired port speed. The number of
the available baud rate settings can
be obtained by scanning the list of
available baud rate settings in the
array c_baud_str.
Output: Function returns TRUE if the baud rate can be
set and FALSE if the baud rate cannot be set.
Variables Affected: c_current_baud is set to the number
of the new baud rate if the operation
successfull. Other variables are
system dependent.
Other effects : Should leave the baud rate the same if
Check the keyboard for an available character.
c_get_kbd_char : boolean;
Input : none.
Output : Function returns TRUE if a character is
available and false if no character is
Variables affected : c_kbd_char is changed to new
character if function returns true.
Other effects : function must always leave the computer
in the same state as it was found, i.e.
for CP/M the IOBYTE must be returned so
that CON: is set to main console.
Check the currently selected communications port for an
available character.
c_get_comm_char : boolean;
Input : none.
Output : Function returns TRUE if a character is
available and false if no character is
Variables affected : c_comm_char is changed to new
character if function returns true.
Other effects : Function must always leave the computer
in the same state as it was found, i.e.
for CP/M the IOBYTE must be returned so
that CON: is set to main console.
2.3 Procedures
Send a character to the console screen.
c_put_scr_char(character : char);
Input : character to be output.
Output : none.
Variables affected : none.
Other effects : Function must always leave the computer
in the same state as it was found, i.e.
for CP/M the IOBYTE must be returned so
that CON: is set to main console.
Send a character to the selected communications port.
c_put_comm_char(character : char);
Input : character to be output.
Output : none.
Variables affected : none.
Other effects : Function must always leave the computer
in the same state as it was found, i.e.
for CP/M the IOBYTE must be returned so
that CON: is set to main console.
3.0 VT180 Communications Library
This is an implementation of a standard set of routines for
communications, for the DEC VT180 (Robin). The VT180's
main features are as follows:
Microprocessor: Z80A
Memory: 64k bytes
Operating system: CP/M-80
Communications ports: 4 serial
CRT: hard-wired terminal port to VT100 terminal
LPT: printer port
UC1: user defined console port
PTR: high speed reader port
PTP: high speed punch port
The VT180 uses the Digital Research standard IOBYTE for port
3.1 The IOBYTE
A few words about the IOBYTE are in order. The ports on
a CP/M-80 computer are described by PHYSICAL names (CRT:,
LPT:, etc.). When the IOBYTE is used, they are mapped to
LOGICAL ports, and the IOBYTE allows reassignment of the
physical ports to different logical ports. For example, on
the VT180, the pysical ports UC1: and CRT: can be assigned
to be the logical port CON:. When booted normally all
console I/O goes to CRT:, the internal VT100 port. If
desired, the UC1: port can be assigned to be CON: and an
external device can act as the system console. I use this
method with a modem so I can dial up my computer and use
the remote terminal as the console.
The IOBYTE is the device that allows this reassignment of
physical ports. The IOBYTE is a byte in memory, normally
located at address 0003. This may vary in some
implementation of CP/M. There are four fields to the
bits 6,7 bits 4,5 bits 2,3 bits 0,1
The values below are the possible IOBYTE assignments:
Console field (bits 0,1)
00 console is assigned to the console printer device (TTY:)
01 console is assigned to the CRT device (CRT:)
10 batch mode, RDR: is console input device, LST: device is
console output.
11 console is assigned to the user defined console (UC1:)
READER field (bits 2,3)
00 reader is teletype device (TTY:)
01 reader is the high speed reader device (PTR:)
10 reader is user defined reader #1 (UR1:)
11 reader is user defined reader #2 (UR2:)
PUNCH field (bits 4,5)
00 punch is teletype device (TTY:)
01 punch is high speed punch device (PTP:)
10 punch is user defined punch #1 (UP1:)
11 punch is user defined punch #2 (UP2:)
LIST field (bits 6,7)
00 list device is teletype (TTY:)
01 list device is CRT device (CRT:)
10 list device is lineprinter device (LPT:)
11 list device is user defined list device (UL1:)
Two of the serial ports on the VT180 can be used for
serial communication, the READER/PUNCH port, and the UC1
(user defined console) port. From the chart above, setting
the two least significant bits of the IOBYTE to 01 will
allow normal console I/O to the VT100 terminal. Setting
the same two bits to 11 will allow the UC1: port to be the
system console.
Working with the READER/PUNCH port is a little
different. This is because the status of the reader port
cannot be obtained directly with reader system calls. If a
call to get character from reader is done, the routine will
hang there until a character is available. This will not
allow the alternating status checking required. However,
there is a way. The reader port can be made the console
port (IOBYTE value xxxxxx10). Now the status of the reader
can be obtained without waiting. The characters received
from the keyboard are sent to the punch port with a system
call to punch output.
2.5.3 Eight Bit Data
The Digital Research manual for CP/M specifies that
the hight order bit of a character obtained with the
CONIN bios call will be zero. This is not the case with
the VT180. All 8 bits are significant. This allows
binary data to be transmitted and received by the VT180.
Other systems may vary.
2.5.4 Function Descriptions Function C_INIT
The c_init function sets up the intial values for
the communications library. This function MUST be
executed at the beginning of any program that will
use the comm library. It initializes the iobyte
settings, and sets up the default values for all the
possible ports.
On entry, it sets all the ports to their default
values. Since the parity and baud rate on the VT180
cannot be easily set, DEFAULT is all that is
allowed for these settings. The default port is
the comm port, which is the normal VT180 comm port.
If an illegal port, baud rate, or parity is
requested, the function returns FALSE. Function C_SET_PORT
Two ports are allowed for the VT180. Valid values
for port are 1, 2, and 3, yielding default (COMM),
COMM, and UC1, respectively. Function C_SET_BAUD
In this version of the library, baud rates cannot
be set, and the function will return FALSE if any
value other than 1 (default) is requested. Function C_SET_PARITY
In this version of the library, parity cannot be
set, and the function will return FALSE if any
value other than 1 (default) is requested. Function C_GET_KBD_CHAR
This function uses bios(1) to obtain keyboard
status and bios(2) to obtain a character. Function C_GET_COMM_CHAR
This function uses bios(1) to obtain port status
and bios(2) to obtain a character.
2.5.5 Procedures Procedure C_PUT_SCR_CHAR
This procedure uses bios(3) to send a character
the screen. Procedure C_PUT_COMM_CHAR
This function checks whether the selected port is
the reader or the UC1 port and uses bios(5) to write
to the punch port or bios(3) to write to UC1.