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- APLSND.PAS Apple CP/M music routines from Turbo
- BGBALPAS.LBR Checks for balanced comment brackets
- BOX1.ARK Draw a Box around text
- BRIDGE.LBR Card game of Bridge
- BULLETTP.LBR Screen subroutines for Turbo Pascal
- CELLAUTO.LBR plot Cellular Automata
- CIT3.MQD Patches for Matt Wing's T-Room BBS
- COMDEMO.ARK Turbo Pascal communications demo
- CRC16.PQS Turbo routine to calculate CRC
- CROSSREF.ARK Pascal identifiers cross-reference
- DATETIME.LBR No description available
- EASYBUFF.IQC Turbo Pascal buffering routine
- ENVIRON.LBR Implement programming environment
- FNAME.LBR Manipulation of filenames in Turbo
- FRAC.PQS Add or subtract fractions - Math
- HELPPAT.DOC No description available
- KEYWORD.LBR Prints a list of words in a file
- LCATCODE.LBR A library catalog system
- LINEINP.LBR Turbo Pascal formatted input module
- LOG10K.PZS Elkin's Benchmark in TurboPascal
- MAKEDOC.LBR Converts text file into help screen
- MAP17.LBR Analyzes a Turbo Pascal program
- MAPSTATF.LBR Statistical analysis package
- MAZE.LBR Maze generation algorithms
- MEMSZ104.LBR Turbo Pascal automatic memory sizing
- MENUDEMO.LBR Menu utilities in Turbo Pascal
- MULTASK.PQS Multitasking terminal program
- NICEPRNT.LBR Reformats Turbo Pascal source
- PARS.PQS Turbo Pascal expression parser
- PASCAL.TZT Turbo Pascal function & procedures
- PASCSCR.LBR Turbo data entry screen generator
- PASHELP.LBR Display Turbo Editor's settings
- PASPRINT.TZT Check printer status in Pascal
- PATCH.PAS No description available
- PMLINK.LBR Use M80 routines in Turbo Pascal
- PMODEM.ARK Turbo Pascal-based modem comm. pgm.
- PORTMNIO.PZS I/O port monitor
- PRETTY2.PQS Formats Pascal source files
- PRINT120.LBR Gives WordStar control over printers
- PRTPROC3.LBR List procedures, functions, of Turbo
- QKKER25.ARK Turbo Pascal version of KERMIT
- QQSORT.LBR Example of quick sort in Pascal
- QUBIC32.LBR Tic-Tac-Toe game in a 4x4x4 cube
- RECIPE.PQS Recipe database system in Pascal
- REFS13.LBR Find references in Scientific manusc
- REFSORT.LBR Sort references longer than a line
- RESCUE.LBR Turbo Pascal program to recover text
- SAMPLPAT.PAS No description available
- SCRNGEN.LBR Xerox 820-II graphics editor
- SORTDIR.PQS Turbo routine to read/sort directory
- SQ-USQ.LBR No description available
- SQZTURBO.LBR Turbo routines for squeeze/unsqueeze
- STRIP12.PQS No description available
- STRIPPER.DOC No description available
- TBBS22.LBR Turbo Pascal Bulletin Board pgm
- TBDEMO.PQS Turbo-Access demonstration pgm
- TDIRV2.PQS No description available
- THESEUS.LBR Turbo-Pascal MAZE program
- TKERMIT.LBR Kermit modem program in TurboPascal
- TLIST.LBR No description available
- TLIST11.LBR No description available
- TLOAD.LBR Link assembler routines in Turbo
- TP-LA1.LBR Loan amortization program
- TP-UTIL.ARK Source from Complete Turbo Pascal
- TPMAP.LBR Turbo Pascal screen mapper
- TPWARMST.PZT Exit Turbo program without warmstart
- TRANSFOR.PZS Transformation of data in Turbo
- TRBXREF.LBR Turbo Pascal cross reference program
- TRUN.LBR Turbo Pascal shell to run CHN files
- TTUTOR1.LBR Turbo Pascal Tutorial - Part 1
- TTUTOR2.LBR Turbo Pascal Tutorial - Part 2
- TUGLINES.DOC No description available
- TURBLOAD.LBR Include assembler routines in Pascal
- TURBO-UG.ADR No description available
- TURBO3.TXT No description available
- TURBOBAS.RQF Turbo Pascal <--> MBASIC equivalents
- TURBOBUG.TXT No description available
- TURBOFIX.LBR Fixes console input system of Turbo
- TURBOINS.LBR GP install util. Turbo .COM files
- TURBOKEY.DQC No description available
- TURBOP.LBR Fix Turbo Pascal to run on Bondwell2
- TURBOPAS.WRN No description available
- TURBOPAT.LBR Patches to Turbo's message file
- TURBOSAV.LBR No description available
- TURBSCR.LBR Turbo data entry screen generator
- TURBUSER.BUG No description available
- TURBWIN3.LBR Window procedure for Turbo Pascal
- TYPEX.PZS Turbo lister and cross-reference
- USQ141.LBR Turbo Pascal UnSQueezer
- WEEKDAY.LBR Vid-oriented Julian Date calculator
- WINDOW11.LBR ASCII windows for Turbo Pascal pgms
- WIPE.PAS Routine to erase all .BAK files
- XLIST62.LBR Cross-reference listing for Pascal
- YESNO.PAT No description available
- ZINDENT5.LBR No description available
- ZXREF.LBR dBASE & Turbo Pascal cross reference