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176 lines
PP - Pascal Prettyprinting Program
14 March 1985
- Jon Hueras and
Henry Ledgard
- Rick L. Marcus
What PP Does
PP takes as input a Pascal program or program fragment and
reformats it according to a standard set of prettyprinting rules. The
prettyprinted program is given as output. PP makes no attempt to
detect or correct syntactic errors in your program. However,
syntactic errors may result in erroneous prettyprinting.
PP differs from some other prettyprinting programs in that it
does not reformat your program "right down to every last semicolon."
Such a philosophy requires formatting everything in a rigid fashion
which is bound to be displeasing, or else it must provide you with a
voluminous set of "options." Furthermore, such a scheme must do full
syntax analysis of the program which means that it must be completely
written and compilable. If you wish to prettyprint a program still
under development, then you are out of luck.
PP, on the other hand, implements a strategy which states that it
is not necessary to impose more than a "minimum" set of restrictions,
and the prettyprinter should yield to your discretion beyond this
minimum. PP preserves blank lines and extra spaces you insert in the
program as input, besides adding blank lines and extra spaces
according to the rules for prettyprinting given below.
General prettyprinting rules:
1. All statements and declarations begin on separate lines.
2. No input line may be longer than 80 characters. Any output
line longer than 80 characters is continued on a separate
3. The keywords "BEGIN", "END", "REPEAT", and "RECORD" are
forced to stand on lines by themselves (or possibly followed
by supporting comments). In addition, the "UNTIL" clause of
"REPEAT-UNTIL" statement is forced to start on a new line.
4. A blank line is forced before the keywords "PROGRAM",
5. A space is forced before and after the symbols ":=" and "=".
Additionally, a space is forced after the symbol ":". Note
that only "="s in declarations are formatted; "="s in
expressions are ignored.
PP - Pascal Prettyprinting Program PAGE 2
6. Spaces and blank lines already in your program are preserved
by PP, which adds (but does not subtract) blank lines and
spaces. You can improve the readability of your programs by
taking advantage of this feature. However, this feature also
means that you may sometimes have to manually de-indent (in
your editor) after block structure changes.
Indentation rules:
1. The body of a declaration is indented from the "LABEL",
"CONST", "TYPE", or "VAR" keyword which heads it.
2. The bodies of "BEGIN-END", "REPEAT-UNTIL", "WHILE", "WITH",
and "CASE" statements, as well as "RECORD-END" structures and
"CASE" variants (to one level) are indented from keywords
which head them.
3. An "IF-THEN-ELSE" statement is indented as follows:
IF <expression>
THEN <statement>
ELSE <statement>
When to Use PP
PP is especially useful to reformat a Pascal program or program
fragment that you have typed without regard to formatting (such as
entering every line left-justified to save time). Because the program
need not be syntactically correct, PP provides the fastest means of
obtaining a more readable version of your program.
PP is best used to prettyprint a Pascal program already on a file
or punched on cards. PP changes neither the cards nor the file used
as input. Prettyprinting a program line-by-line as it is entered at a
terminal is considerably less useful.
How to Use PP
Type "PP" at the system command level followed by the old and new
file names. If the new file already exists, it will be overwritten
without warning. If the wrong number of file names are given, PP will
print a message reminding the user of the correct system call.
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1. Reformat a program called "prog1.pas" under CP/M:
PP prog1.pas prog1.new ; reformat a program
TYPE prog1.new ; check that it is correct
ERA prog1.pas ; delete the old version
REN prog1.pas=prog1.new ; rename the new version
2. Reformat the same program under MS-DOS:
PP prog1.pas prog1.new
TYPE prog1.new
ERASE prog1.pas
RENAME prog1.new prog1.pas
3. Preview PP's output before writing to a file:
PP prog.pas con: ; on CP/M
PP prog.pas con ; on MS-DOS
4. Remind oneself how to use PP:
PP prettyprints a Pascal program or program fragment given as
input. It was originally named PRETTYPRINT and was written in Pascal
by Jon Hueras and Henry Ledgard, University Computing Center and
Computer and Information Science Dept., University of Massachusetts at
Amherst, in August, 1976. (See "An Automatic Formatting Program for
Pascal", by Jon Hueras and Henry Ledgard, Pascal Newsletter #6, page
70, November, 1976.)
Small corrections were made to PRETTYPRINT by Charles Fischer,
Dept. of Computer Science, University of Wisconsin, Madison, in 1977.
PRETTYPRINT was modified for CDC-6000 Pascal by Rick L. Marcus,
University Computer Center, University of Minnesota, in September,
1978, and was renamed PRETTY. Marcus also wrote this documentation.
Peter Grogono adapted PRETTYPRINT to CP/M, using Pascal/Z. He
also made several modifications and renamed it PP (date unknown). In
1984 Willett Kempton adapted the Pascal/Z version to Turbo Pascal,
which required only minor mods. The Turbo version uses a portable
argument library "ARGLIB.PAS" to get file names, which makes it easier
to adapt PP to other Pascal systems. The Turbo version has been
tested under CP/M-80, CP/M-86, and MS-DOS. Kempton also adapted this
documentation, from the CDC version, to apply to the microcomputer