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(*============== **** PMODEM.DOC **** =================*
* *
* Modem utility vers. 1.1b *
* Written by Phillip Hansford, October 1984, *
* revised 11/9/86, 2/22/87. *
* *
* This program works with a modem to conveniently access *
* remote computers and modems. It includes a host mode *
* to answer incomming calls. Provision for automatic *
* logon is also included. The program is written in *
* Turbo Pascal 3.0 for CP/M-80 (Z-80) and uses the *
* ROS.MCH and ROS.MDM drivers (include files from the *
* ROS bbs program) to match the specific modem and *
* computer. *
* *
* ==> This program is free. It may be used for any *
* purpose. However, the distribution of this program is *
* restricted to free remote computer systems and free *
* non-commercial means. This program is not to be sold, *
* nor may charges of any kind be made for its *
* distribution without permission from author. *
Although this program is released as vers. 1.1b,
it should be considered experimental.
PMODEM is supplied in source code. To run it on
your computer the program should be configured for your
system and then compiled with a Turbo Pascal compiler
which was installed for your computer. If you compile
PMODEM without first configuring it for your system it
probably won't work; you'll get the menus but won't be
able to communicate with the modem. (A compiled version
of PMODEM has been included with this release for a
Kaypro II computer and an ADC modem, although you should
re-compile it to utilize your own phone directory.)
The original version of this program was
developed and released in 1984 as an extension of my
PBOOT.PAS program. It has been in continuous use since
then, and I have gradually implemented a number of
changes. However, this is the first official release of
the revised program.
The package contains the following files:
Source code files --
PMODEM.PAS {list of include files}
EQUATES.INC {constants & initial values}
I/O.INC {modem port drivers}
OPEN.INC {disk access}
TERMINAL.INC {terminal mode section}
DIAL.INC {auto dial section}
DIRECTRY.INC {custom phone directory}
SEND.INC {send file}
RECEIVE.INC {receive file}
ASCII.INC {ASCII file section}
HOST.INC {host mode section}
DEFAULT.INC {defaults menu section}
MAIN.INC {main program & menu}
PMODEM.COM {compiled for a Kaypro II and
ADC modem}
doc file --
PMODEM.DOC {this documentation}
As you can see, there is a main file (PMODEM.PAS) and a
number of include (.INC) files which are combined by
Turbo Pascal at compilation. The resulting .COM file
stands alone, requiring no other files to run. Since the
entire program is memory resident, disks may be removed
or changed once the .COM file is loaded. For the same
reason, PMODEM operation is very fast with negligible
delay between menues.
Basicly, the modem operates in one of two
states -- 1) the command state in which you may enter
commands directly to the modem (via terminal mode),
and; 2) the data state, in which the modem is in
communication with another modem. Most commands to the
modem during data state are ignored (they're actually
passed as data!). PMODEM can tell which state the modem
is in by checking the modem's carrier status bit. The
carrier function does this and returns a boolean true
if the carrier is present (signifies data state).
The carrier function is used throughout the
program. It is used by the auto dialing routine to
determine if the connection has been made (and therefor
pass automatically to terminal mode). It's also used in
the host mode to signal when a call is received. And
even the main menu uses the carrier function to display
the appropriate menu selections.
On start up from CP/M prompt the program checks
for a command tail (as '/CB' for example), so could be
begun with a submit, alias, synonym, or autoboot. Normal
start up of the program skips the main menu and enters
the phone directory (CALL mode). Any number from the
directory may be auto dialed by specifying its letter.
Default operation is 1200 baud. (You 2400 baud people
will want to change that, as well as the baud rate
select in the DEFAULTS menu.) Certain phone numbers in
the directory (designated with a tilde (~)) auto change
baud rate to 300 baud; the baud rate is reset to
original value on exit from call mode. Auto logon is
designated in the directory with an '@' character. Once
you have auto logon set up for a given number the
program can call the number and sign on for you all by
itself. (This can be handy. For example, I use a
synonym --'LIT', which loads the CP/M command line
'PMODEM /CF'-- to startup PMODEM, call, and logon my
favorite RCP/M.) Phone numbers may also be dialed by
inputing the number instead of directory choice. A <RET>
will exit to the main menue. If the number is not
reached it may be dialed again ('Y' option) or redialed
every three minutes ('R' option). A ^X exits R. Hit
any key to interrupt wait. The last number dialed is
stored in a buffer and may be redialed from CALL mode at
any time by entering a space <RET>.
The main menu is the heart of the program and is
the main program loop. There are actually two modes
for the main menu -- 'carrier' and 'no carrier' which
reflect the carrier present status bit of
the modem and restrict menue choices to logical ones.
The menu 'knows' if you are connected to a remote
computer and will not permit you to call out until you
are disconnected. Similarly, file transfers are not
permitted if you are not connected to a remote computer
etc. Actually, the case statement does permit these
'wrong' choices if you know what they are (for test
Main Menu (no carrier)
This menu mode shows the following choices:
(C)all (H)ost mode
(T)erminal mode (D)efaults
(W)ait (Q)uit.
The choice is selected by entering the letter
shown in parenthesis (upper or lower case). CALL was
already discussed. TERMINAL mode is automatically
entered when a CALL is successful, or it can be entered
directly from the MAIN MENUE. TERMINAL mode connects the
computer and keyboard to the modem. Keyboard echoe,
auto line feed, and upper case are auto engaged in
TERMINAL mode (if no carrier). Standard modem commands
('AT' etc.) may be sent to the modem if there is no
carrier. Carrier or no carrier is indicated on title
line when terminal mode is entered. Special conrol codes
operate within the TERMINAL mode. They are ^E to return
to the main menue, and ^P to toggle the printer on or
off. (The printer toggle from the TERMINAL mode is not
buffered, so if data runs ahead of printer, you will
need to do a ^S for most remote systems.) All other
functions must be performed through the main menue. Note
that these two control codes are not sent to the modem.
All other control codes go to the modem. Certain default
settings will apply to the TERMINAL mode. These can be
changed by exiting to the MAIN MENUE, entering DEFAULTS
mode for the changes, then returning to the MAIN MENUE
and TERMINAL mode. Note that all incoming modem
characters are normally filtered to remove control codes
(except CR, LF, Backspace, Tab, Bell, and Null). The
filter actually converts other control codes to Null.
This is to prevent remote sent control codes or phone
line noise from doing strange things to your screen or
printer. The filter may be switched off in the DEFAULTS
WAIT may be used to signal a designated number
of minutes.
HOST mode permits the modem to answer incoming
calls (all other modes ignore incoming calls). It is
presently set for 4 rings. The use of a password is
optional at entry. The password is preset within the
source (presently 'FOOBAR'). Operation of this section
may be tested with a ^T. This section could be expanded
into a full remote BBS.
DEFAULTS mode is used to inspect or change baud
rate and other default parameters. Parameters are
numbered. To change a parameter, type its number and the
parameter will 'toggle' to the other values. Capture
mode is not provided in the present program version
despite its inclusion in the DEFAULTS.
Use '(Q)uit' to exit the modem program back to
CP/M. Make sure your disk is in the default drive.
Main Menu (carrier)
This menu mode shows the following choices:
(T)erminal mode (W)ait
(S)end a file (XMODEM) (D) Defaults
(SA) ASCII text (X) Disconnect
(R)eceive a file (XMODEM) (Q)uit.
(RC) checksum (RX) CRC
discussed above. SEND a file and RECEIVE a file are used
for XMODEM type file transfers with the host computer.
They are entered from the TERMINAL mode through the
menue at the time transfer is desired. SEND a file will
upload a file to the host computer. RECEIVE a file will
download a file from the host computer. 'R' or 'RX' is
CRC protocol. 'RC' is checksum. 'SA' enables you to
upload an ASCII text file (useful for entering
prewritten messages). 'S' or 'R' will prompt for name of
file to be sent or received. You can also specify the
drive ('B:FILENAME' for example). These functions reset
the disks, so swaping of disks is allowed. SEND checks
to be sure file name exists. RECEIVE checks to be sure
file name does not exist on the disk. Exit from SEND or
RECEIVE a file returns to TERMINAL mode. A ^X may be
used to abort the transfer. Errors in transfer are shown
with a '.' (period), as the protocol resends the data; a
long line of dots probably means the transfer should be
(X) DISCONNECT mode is intended to disconnect
the modem. This is automatically executed on QUIT from
carrier menu.
To install PMODEM on your computer you will need
to modify the source code before compiling.
The modem driver routines are the ones used by
the ROS 3.4 bulletin board program. You can select or
modify these routines to match your system...
You will want to customize the phone directory
(DIRECTRY.INC), since it compiles into the program; and
change the Host mode title line and password
(HOST.INC). Some modems may require tweaking in the
phone directory and auto dialing sections to get things
working properly. The default is set up for pulse
dialing and you may want to change that to touch tone
(auto dialing or defaults section).
There is a procedure designed to reset the
Heath/Zenith CRT. The procedure is called 'resetCRT'.
It clears the screen AND resets all startup values for
the CRT. If you do not use a Heathkit or Zenith
screen, you should change the procedure to match your
equipment; or if you prefer to simply clear the screen
instead, replace the 'write(ESC, 'z')' and 'delay(...'
lines with 'clrScr;'.
The CCS S-100 controller is able to shut off
the motor for 5 inch drives when disk access is not
required. The 8 inch drives are unaffected. Provision
for this on a CCS controller is within the procedures
'timein' and 'timeout' under 'disk utilities' in
MODEM2.INC. These procedures output to port 34 hex. If
you do not use this controller and that port is unused
on your computer these procedures will have no effect.
If you wish to remove them the easiest thing would be
to delete the line 'port[$34]:=...' but leave the
Once everything is set you should be able to
compile PMODEM.PAS and run a prelimianary test.
Running the compiled program should initialize your
modem. It should be onhook and ignore incomeing calls.
When the program starts, it enters the phone directory.
Do a <RET> to get to the main menu, then select terminal
mode. Echoe is auto engaged, auto upper case. Now modem
commands should be accepted and acknowledged. For
example, 'AT' <RET> should answer 'OK' (if your modem is
Hayes compatible). The next step is to return to the
main menu and try out the other functions. It is
important that the program can read the modem carrier
status; otherwise it will not function properly.
==> Updates of this program will follow from time
to time.
Phillip Hansford, 2/22/87
(818) 353-8891 (modem)
P.O. Box 83
Tujunga, CA 91042