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Documentation for:
A Program For Manipulating
Novosielski Libraries
(i.e. LBR Files)
Joe Vogler
January 8, 1984
(Written in BDS C v1.50)
This program is in the public domain and may be used or
modified freely. It may not be sold. Significant portions of
this program were borrowed from:
Gary P. Novosielski (LDIR.C, LTYPE.C)
Dick Greenlaw (USQ.C)
Bob Mathias (TYPESQ.C)
No portion of this program be incorporated into another program
if that program is to be sold for profit.
LSWEEP stands for Library SWEEPer. To the user, it looks a
lot like SWEEP, DISK76, NSWEEP, or WASH. That is because I wrote
it to be that way. Instead of file names, the user scans a list
of member names. When the user enters a command, it operates on
the 'current' selection. That is the last member name displayed
by LSWEEP. Available commands are VIEW, EXTRACT, HELP, and EXIT.
VIEW is analagous to TYPE. If the file is squeezed, the file
is unsqueezed before it is displayed.
EXTRACT is a combination of the '-e' command of Lu (Library
Utility) and UNSqueeze. If the member is squeezed, EXTRACT will
create an unsqueezed file with the pre-squeeze name.
Quite honestly, if you have used the programs mentioned above,
you should feel comfortable with LSWEEP.
The program is run this way:
A> lsweep <lbrname> [<lbrname> ..... <lbrname>]<cr>
A> lsweep justone<cr>
A> lsweep onesy twosy threesy<cr>
A> lsweep b:this c:that another d:last<cr>
You can name as many Libraries as you can fit on the command
line. You can specify Libraries on different drives. You must
specify at least one Library. The program will 'process' the
Library names in the order specified. When you are done with
one, it continues on to the next, or exits after the last one.You
can also use wildcards. This was not the case with v1.0. The
wildcards are expanded by the program. You'll get lots of non-
library names if you forget to use '.LBR' when using wildcards.
For each Library, he program builds a list of member names &
file sizes and displays one after another, as you hit the RETURN
key (or any key not set up as a command key). There are only
three command keys:
? - Displays HELP menu
V - Views the 'current' member
E - Extracts the 'current' member
X - eXits the current Library and proceeds to
the next one or quits, if there are no more.
When viewing a file, the program pauses every 16 lines. The
number was chosen to suit me, since I like to read in paragraphs
and paragraphs don't end on 22-line boundaries. When the display
pauses, you can continue a line at a time by pressing the space
key. You can advance another 16 lines by pressing any other
key, except for Control-X. That selection will abort the View
and return you to the menu. When you return, the current member
is the same one you just viewed. I did this because you cannot
yet go backwards through the menu.
Extraction can be directed to any drive. The program asks for
a drive. This is one of the two 'opportunities' you have to
abort the program with a Control-C. Hit return for the default
drive. You will have to remember which drive is the default.
Extraction ALWAYS creates an UNSQUEEZED version of the member.
Future modifications will include a COPY command which will allow
you to decide whether to unsqueeze. If the member was not
squeezed, the member is copied verbatim.
Also, the program doesn't respect files with the same names as
those it wants to create. Again, future mods may include
verification before deleting a file.
When a file is EXTRACTED, the entire contents of the original
are sent to the external file. I have done some testing and have
found that the files make by LSWEEP have the same CRC's as the
source members (See LIMITATIONS).
Thats just about it. Now for the things that the program
should do but does not yet.
1. The files created are not verified (e.g. using CRC). I
have done a bit of testing and found that the CRC's of the files
LSWEEP creates are the same as the originals. The soundness of
your system will most probably determine how reliable LSWEEP is
in this respect.
2. No tagging of members.
3. No going backwards through the menu. If you overshoot,
you have to continue around the ring.
4. You cannot direct file output to other user areas. This
is probably the next thing I will do.
5. It would be nice if the program allowed you to 'log' onto
another Library, instead of proceeding through the command line
arguments. This is my second todo.
6. LSWEEP offers absolutely no way to modify the Library
itself. This 'feature' was given conciously. I see no reason to
attempt to rewrite LU.
7. The unsqueeze routines are written in C. If the new
assembler unsqueeze code had been used, the program would run
much faster and the code size would be reduced several Kbytes.
I make no apologies for the above 'deficiencies'. The program
is much better than nothing. If you reeeealy want something
else, modify it. You might let me know what your intentions are;
no sense in two people working on the same improvement.
The source for LSWEEP10 includes these files:
The main file, LSWP1, has #include directives to pull in the
others. After modifying, recompile only the file that you
changed. If you modify the header file LSWP1H.C, then you need
to recompile LSWP1.C and LSWP1H.C. To recompile the programs:
A> CC lswp1
A> CC lswp1i
The link step is done this way:
A> CLINK lswp1 lswp1i [-n]
The '-n' option causes the COM file to exit without a warm boot.
This program was inspired by the recent infusion of new Public
Domain programs which function like WASH and SWEEP. I use LBR
files extensively. Every time I used SWEEP, or its look-alikes,
I would imagine that I had a program that would work the same way
on Libraries.
It is somewhat inconvenient to deal with Libraries. Consider
just how much trouble it is to extract a Library member that is
squeezed. First, the member must be extracted with LU. Then, it
must be unsqueezed. Now, there are three versions of the member
on your system: the Library member, a squeezed (external) file
and an ASCII file. What a pain!
Since I had modified the original C language version of LDIR
(1), I felt comfortable enough to do it myself. The first step
was to modify the C language version of LTYPE so that it created
a disk file instead of dumping the text to the screen. I almost
stopped there. It looked pretty nice having a program that would
EXTRACT a squeezed Library member and UNsqueeze it at the same
time. After some thought, I came back to the basic problem: my
new program was another batch program. If anything went wrong, I
would have to run the program again.
So the reasonable thing to do was to combine LDIR and LTYPE to
form a program that would:
1. Build a list of members for the user.
2. Use the entries in the list as pointers to members.
3. Type squeezed and unsqueezed files on the screen.
4. Extract those members, unsqueezing if necessary.
The main function is a slightly modified version of the LDIR
main. The real changes are in DIRLIST. Fortunately, READDIR was
already setup to create a memory image of the Library's
directory. It was only necessary to change some of the call
argument names to correspond to LDIR and to keep track of what
the user had asked the program to do. QCAT and ACAT were
modified to allow directing output to disk or screen. The SWITCH
done for each character is probable slowing down the program, but
I doubt that the effect is severe.
(1) - See CATLBR.LBR on Rio Lobo RCP/M, Kingwood, TX