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77 lines
; Patches to NULU 1.51 (to 1.52) for faster CRC generation, and to
; allow CCITCRC use (the last two bytes of the file are not included
; in its internal CRC self-check, allowing them to be patched to the
; CCITCRC checksum, causing CCITCRC to report 0). Load time cut from
; 4.9 secs to 2.3 secs on 2.5 Mhz Kaypro 4 of which 1.2 is load time.
; C.B. Falconer, 680 Hartford Tpk, Hamden Conn. 06517 (203) 281-1438
; Suggest changing the Y command so that it reports the library
; directory (if open) in a compact form, unless a drive spec is used,
; when it reports the drive directory. Analogous to the D command.
; The only video characteristic I have is FLASHING. Useless with
; the present setup. If used to report attribute bits, the headers
; flash. Suggest two more strings, and define them by system usage
; rather than terminal characteristics. Seems to be 1: Sweep header
; 2: attribute bits 3: directory headers, with 2 and 3 merged now.
; Attribute bits could be reported by setting the file character to
; lower case (a blank becomes a `). Could be conditioned by a
; user settable patch, i.e. 0..5 = none, video case 1, 2, 3, lowcase.
org 010ch; Revised sign-on, ISO std. date
db '2 (86/2/23) '
org 0149h; Revised self-check range and CRC
lxi b,03a7fh
ds 3; unchanged orig. call
lxi d,0da91h; revised crc checksum for file
org 01a60h
; crc for (bc) bytes from (hl) up, initialized to (de)
; leaves de pointing past last byte. Result in hl, bc=0
; a,f,b,c,d,e,h,l
.crcrg: xchg
crcrg1: mov a,c ! ora b ! rz; zero range, exit
push d; CRC push/pop d moved to here
ldax d ! call .crc
pop d
inx d ! dcx b
jmp crcrg1
org 03a11h
; This algorithm needs no final zeroes injected, but returns
; with the bytes interchanged from the slow routine.
push psw
mov a,h ! mov h,l ! mov l,a
pop psw
org 03b14h; for NULU 1.51 to 1.52 patch
; This crc routine updates the checkword in (bc) using the byte
; passed in (a). The checkwords computed are suitable for IBM
; floppy disk communications. The two byte checkword is the word
; produced by the generating polynomial x**16 + x**12 + x**5 + 1.
; The checksum should be initialized to 0ffffh (i.e. 0ffffh is
; passed in bc when the checksum sequence is started) to detect
; variations in length of initial zero strings. The new checksum
; is returned in (bc).
; a,f,b,c--> FOR NULU patch, hl for bc, de modified.
.crc: ;push d; changes to alter i/o reg bc/hl. bc in PASCLIB
xra l; c/l
mov d,a
rrc ! rrc ! rrc ! rrc
ani 0fh ! xra d ! mov e,a
rrc ! rrc ! rrc
mov d,a
ani 1fh ! xra h ! mov l,a; b/h, c/l
mov a,d ! ani 0e0h
xra e ! mov h,a; b/h
mov a,d
ani 0f0h ! xra l ! mov l,a; c/l
; pop d; <-- REMOVED TO FIT IN NULU space.