Assembly Source File
315 lines
;* This is a module in ASMLIB *
;* *
;* This is the MPC-6 and SBC-800 console I/O super *
;* re-directable I/O driver module for ASMLIB and the MPC-6. *
;* This module is linked into ASMLIB in-place of the *
;* original COE, CIE, CST drivers. *
;* *
;* This module supports the following devices and is selected *
;* by sending the following codes to the console driver COE *
;* which intercepts the code and directs the output to the *
;* following devices. *
;* *
;* Code --- Device --- *
;* F8 SBC-800 standard I/O drivers. Standard default. *
;* *
;* F9 MPC-6 Channel 0 *
;* FA 1 *
;* FB 2 *
;* FC 3 *
;* FD 4 *
;* FE 5 *
;* *
;* When the above codes are sent to the COE routine, they are *
;* intercepted and used to SWITCH all further I/O to the *
;* selected device from this point on. *
;* This is extremely handy for having multiple I/O devices in a *
;* program selected chain. *
;* *
;* Written R.C.H. 14/11/83 *
;* Last Update R.C.H. 14/12/83 *
name 'SBCMPC'
public coe,cie,cst,loe,lst,ionum
maclib z80
; Equates for SBC-800 I/O addresses and device masks
rxmsk equ 1 ; For DART chips this applies
txmsk equ 4
codat equ 88h ; Console ports on sbc800
costat equ 89h
sestat equ 8bh ; Serial status port on SBC800
serdat equ 8ah ; Serial data port on SBC800
; Equates for MPC-6 Card.
mpcdat equ 00 ; MPC-6 data port
txstat equ 01 ; MPC-6 transmitter status port
rxstat equ 02 ; MPC-6 receiver status port
command equ txstat ; MPC-6 command port
reset equ 03 ; MPC-6 reset port
send equ 010h ; Opcode for sending a byte to MPC
receive equ 00 ; Opcode for receiving a byte from MPC
num equ 04 ; 0 = cpmio,2=sbc800io,3=cpmmpc,4=sbcmpc
mvi l,num
; Get the status of the currently selected I/O device
; Channel = 0 then SBC-800
; Channel = 1 to 6 then MPC-6
lda channel
ora a ; Channel 00 ?
jz const ; Get SBC-800 console status
; Here we get the status of the MPC-6 receiver stored in A.
dcr a ; make in the range 0..5
jr mpcstat ; Do the job and return to user
; Read A character
; ----------------
; Use the channel number to select either the MPC-6 or the SBC-800
; Channel allocations as before.
lda channel
ora a
jz conin
dcr a ; make the channel number in range
jr mpcread
; Output a character in A
; -----------------------
; Test if the character is a channel selector byte
; Write character in A to MPC-6 or SBC-800, again depending on
; selected channel number.
; Before writing, we test if it is a channel selector byte as
; defined previously.
push psw ; save the character
ani 0f8h ;
cpi 0f8h ; Mask to test top 5 bits
jrnz coe2
; Here the byte is a channel selector
pop psw ; restore the byte
ani 07h ; leave only the channel number there
cpi 07
rz ; Ignore out of range value
sta channel ; Save the number
; Here and it is not a channel selector, but a valid ascii byte < 0f8h
coe2: ; Do the channel test and jump
lda channel
ora a
jz conout ; do the job via SBC-800
jr mpcsend ; send it and return via MPC i/o driver
; Get the MPC-6 status
; --------------------
; Channel number is in the CHANNEL byte
; Return A = 00 = no character there all else = character there
push d
call bitset ; Get a channel mask into E
in rxstat
ana e ; the desired channel ??
pop d ; restore register
mvi a,0ffh ; load with 0ffh if not
; Read an MPC-6 channel.
; ----------------------
; Channel number is in the CHANNEL byte
push d
; Generate a channel mask in E
call bitset
in txstat
ani 080h ; we are truly busy, wait, if bit set
jrnz cari0
; Wait till MPC-6 is ready with data for this channel
in rxstat ; channel mask
ana e
jrz cari0
in txstat
ani 080h
jrnz cari0
; Mask in the receive byte with the MPC-6 channel number
lda channel ; get the channel number
dcr a ; make it in range 0..5
ori receive ; Mask in the channel selected by the user
out command
in txstat
ani 080h
jrz cari1
; character is in A and ready for action
ani 07fh ; mask off parity
pop d ; restore the register
; Send data to the MPC-6
; ----------------------
; Data at stack TOP
; The channel number is saved in the CHANNEL byte and bitset uses
; this to generate channel mask bytes.
pop psw ; get the character
push b ; save all user registers
push d
mov c,a ; save the character for later
out mpcdat ; send the character to MPC-6
in txstat
ani 080h
jrnz caro0
; Get a channel mask into E
call bitset
; Read status till MPC-6 accepts the character (mask in E)
in txstat
ana e
jrz caro1
; Load the channel number, mask in the send command byte then send to MPC
lda channel
dcr a ; make it in range 0..5
ori send ; tell MPC-6 we are sending data to it
out command ; send to command port
; A little delay for the MPC is done here to make sure it reads the byte
mvi a,030h
dcr a
jrnz del1
; Restore the users character then his registers.
mov a,c ; restore the character
pop d
pop b
; ----------------
; Set bits to suit a selected MPC-6 channel.
; This is done by reading the channel byte to set a single bit
; in the byte returned in A
; ----------------
push b ; save this
lda channel ; get channel number 1..6
mov b,a ; load into counter
xra a ; clear seed
stc ; set carry
; Rotate the carry up the A register to generate a bit pattern
; for the required channel. Channel 0 -> 01, channel 4 -> 08 etc.
ral ; rotate arith left thru carry
djnz bit0 ; do for all bits
mov e,a
pop b ; restore register
; SBC-800 i/o drivers. Used when channel = 00 *
const: in costat ; sbc status port
ani rxmsk
mvi a,0ffh
ret ; exit valid
conin: call const
jrz conin
in codat ; character available
ani 7fh
conout: in costat
ani txmsk
jrz conout
pop psw ; restore the character
out codat ; data port for SBC400
; The line printer is assumed here to be the SBC-800 second
; serial port.
push psw
in sestat
ani txmsk
jrz loe1
pop psw
out serdat ; data port for SBC400
; Get the serial output status.
in sestat ; sbc status port
ani txmsk
mvi a,0ffh
ret ; exit valid
; Data storage is required to save the channel selection byte
; which is selected when the byte is sent to the COE driver
channel db 00 ; Holds the logged in channel number