Assembly Source File
181 lines
; This is a module in the ASMLIB library
; Enable leading zero blanking on the next numeric output.
; Written R.C.H. 16/8/83
; Last Update R.C.H. 31/12/83
; Eliminate all self modifying code R.C.H. 22/10/83
; Add ? to front of global subroutines R.C.H. 31/12/83
name 'setlzb'
public lzb,blzb,clzb,nolzb
public ?lzpr1,?lzpr2,?lzpr3,?lzprint
extrn ?lzbchr,?blank,dispatch
maclib z80
; Leadng zero printing is done in the different modes by recoginzing the
; following codes. These are defined as follows.
; 00 No lzb, standard default
; 01 Standard leading zero blanking
; 02 Blank filled leading zero blanking
; 03 Character filled leading zero blanking
push psw
mvi a,1 ; Select
sta lzbtype ; Save in the data byte for it
pop psw
; Enable blank filled LZB on next numeric output.
push psw
mvi a,2
jr lzb$common
; Enable character fill leading zero blanking. Character in A
push psw
sta ?lzbchr ; save the character to lzb fill with
mvi a,3 ; Character filled lzb code
jr lzb$common
; Clear Leading Zero blanking
push psw
xra a
jr lzb$common
; This section is rather important since it is used by all numeric
; printing routines to leading zero print digits. All the routines
; for the different types of leading zero printing are contained
; herein. Also note that the LZ$PRINT label is called by all or
; most numeric prionting routines and uses the lzbtype byte to
; jump to the required printing routine.
push h ; Deepest on the stack
push d
push psw
lda lzbtype ; Load the destination
mvi d,0
mov e,a ; Load the offset
lxi h,lz$table ; Point to start of table
dad d
dad d ; Index into the table
mov e,m
inx h
mov d,m ; Now de -> the routine
xchg ; HL -> the address
pop psw
pop d
xthl ; Restore hl, stack -> address
ret ; Goto the table address
; The following table of routines is indexed into by the leading
; zero blanking type byte to get the address of the required routine
; to print the character in A.
dw dispatch
dw ?lzpr1 ; Standard lzb
dw ?lzpr2 ; Blank filled lzb
dw ?lzpr3 ; Character filled lzb
; The following three routines are pointed to by the above jump
; when it is modified by a call to one of the entries.
?lzpr1: ; Standard leading zero suppression
call chk$blank ; See if we are past LZB due to a digit
cpi '0' ; is it a space ?
jmp dispatch ; else print if not = 0
?lzpr2: ; If it is = 0 then print a space
call chk$blank ; See if we are past LZB due to a digit
cpi '0'
jnz dispatch ; print it if > 0
mvi a,' ' ; else load a space
jmp dispatch
?lzpr3: ; If the character = 0 then use the LZBCHR character to print
call chk$blank ; See if we are past LZB due to a digit
cpi '0' ; zero ?
jnz dispatch ; print is > 0
lda ?lzbchr ; else load the fill character
jmp dispatch
chk$blank: ; Check the blank byte. If it is not 00 then we print the digit
cpi '0' ; is the digit a zero ?
jrnz set$blank ; Set the blank byte
; If the digit is a zero then detect if we MUST print it then
lda ?blank
ora a ; if 00 the we do no need to
jrnz send$blank
mvi a,'0'
ret ; return and do what may
send$blank: ; Here is jumped to when blank <> 0 so we must print it
pop psw ; kill the return address
mvi a,'0' ; load a zero
jmp dispatch ; send the byte
push psw ; save the digit
mvi a,0ffh
sta ?blank
pop psw
ret ; return to the caller, blank set
db 00 ; Type of leading zero blanking