Text File
206 lines
This library includes a variety of NON-ZCPR3 utilities that work with
Datestamper. (Some of them also work with ZCPR3, but they are included
here because they work with CP/M 2.2 or ZCPR1 or ZCPR2, among other
operating systems. There are a large number of ZCPR3-specific utilties
for Datestamper that are not included here.) These utilities were
found scattered widely on various RCPMs, some in fairly obscure places.
Putting them in one library is for the convenience of those who do
not have the resources to hunt them down individually. All of these
programs are in the public domain. Some of them were included on the
Plu*Perfect public domain Datestamper Toolkit disk; others were not.
The recent demise of the Plu*Perfect bulletin board makes the need
for this library even more pressing. Some very large programs that
have been adapted for Datestamper, such as MCAT and XCAT have not
been included here but are available on the Datestamper Toolkit disk
from Plu*Perfect. Those who write or discover additional public domain
programs that work with Datestamper (of the non-ZCPR3 variety) are
encouraged to add them to this library and change the version number
appropriately. There follows brief doc files, as available, on some
of the utilities included. SETD22.COM has its doc files included
separately. Anyone who wishes to add to or expand on this doc file or
library should feel free to do so. Note that this library has been
updated to include the latest version of PPIP set for non-ZCPR
Datestamper, and two Turbo Pascal routines, DSCALL.INC and SDTIME.PRN.
Note also that the author of ARK03.ARK has promised Datestamper
compatibility in the forthcoming version.
Howard Schwartz
August 8, 1988
Included are two versions of SAP (Sort-and Pack) that work with
DateStamper, SAP54 and SAP 60. SAP is a member of a family of programs
that sort and pack the directory so that when you type CP/M's DIR command,
it willdisplay the directory sorted in alphabetical order.
The difference between SAP54 and SAP60 and other such programs in the
public domainis that after SAP54 sorts the directory, it then sorts the
!!!TIME&.DATfile. This way the directory entries still match their time
and date information in the !!!TIME&.DAT file.
To use SAP54, type SAP54<CR> and then specify which drive you want to have
sorted -- that is all there is to it.
The difference between SAP54 and SAP60 is that SAP54 lists any existing
0 length files and asks if you wish to delete them. SAP60 simply sorts
these files along with the rest. Note that both versions of SAP sort
all user areas on an individual drive.
Touch updates the modified date field in the !!!TIME&.DAT file for the
filename given by the user. It does NOT take wildcards. If you want to
set the modified dates (or any of the other date fields) for several files,
you should use the 'D' option in DATSWEEP instead.
Usage: APPEND filename.typ filename.typ filename.typ destination file.
This program is similar to using PIP to concatenate files, but there are
some differences that you should bear in mind:
1. The file that you are appending TO is placed at the END of the command
line (note the example above).
2. It is not an interactive program -- it only accepts arguments on the
command line. Typing APPEND<CR> will display APPEND's built-in help
3. APPEND does not support ambiguous filenames (filenames with wildcards in
4. APPEND places the time and date that the appending was done between each
filename (thus letting you know when you combined the various files)
SDD is Plu*Perfect's public domain reworking of the famous SD.COM
program that sorts a directory. SDD shows the time and date a file
was created, last accessed and modified. The most recent version
of SDD.COM is SDD301.COM, which works with Bridger Mitchell's
fine DOSDISK program. This latest version is included here.
This program extracts files from a library (including the use of
wildcards) and retains the date and time stamp.
Tests for the presence of a working clock and shows the day, month,
year, hour, minute and second.
MAKE is a utility inspired by the Unix(tm) command of the same
name. MAKE helps maintain programs that are constructed from
many files. MAKE processes a "makefile", a file which describes
how to build a program from its source files, and produces a
script file containing the commands necessary to recompile the
MAKE is especially useful for keeping a complex, evolving program
up to date as its components are revised. MAKE can automatically
execute the script to create an updated COM file when one or more
of its components is changed. Using DateStamper's automatic file
datestamping, MAKE causes only those files that depend on the
more recent file to be recreated (compiled/assembled/linked or
MAKE includes options to list the steps it would follow in order
to rebuild the program, to assume that all files are obsolete and
recompile everything, and to automatically invoke a batch
processor to run the command script that does the rebuilding.
A makefile is a list of dependencies. A dependency consists of
a root name, a colon, and zero or more names of dependent files.
For instance, in:
make.com : #H make.crl file.crl macro.crl osdate.crl
parsedir.crl token.crl alloc.crl makelib.crl
the file 'make.com' depends on 9 other files (including the one
specified by the macro #H).
Any number of 'method' lines may follow a dependency. Method lines
begin with an ascii tab. When a file is to be recompiled, MAKE
copies these method lines (minus the tab) to the script file.
For example, in:
make.com : #H make.crl file.crl macro.crl osdate.crl
parsedir.crl token.crl alloc.crl makelib.crl
clink make file macro osdate parsedir
token alloc -f makelib -n
the two lines following the dependency make up the method for
re-linking the file 'make.com'.
Other features include macro capability and pre- and post-processing
CP/M 2.2(tm)
Source code:
bds-c v 1.50a and ASM/CSM
Be careful: this MAKE is NOT compatible with Unix(tm) MAKE! The
program name conflicts with an older CP/M program with the same
name that changes the user number of a (set of) files. You may
want to rename that program MAKEUSER.
Neil Maron - CP/M version
Landon Dyer - original MSDOS version
Bridger Mitchell - DateStamper assistance
This is a compiled version of PPIP173.COM with the DateStamper
option turned on and the ZCPR option turned off. Verify is also
off. The PPIP173.LBR includes a compiled version with DateStamper
turned on along with ZCPR, which will only run on ZCPR3 and above
systems and a compiled version for generic CP/M with DateStamper
turned off. This is the one major missing version. Note that
PPIP now includes the option to move a file, i.e. to erase the
original copy after it has been copied. It is /M. For additional
information, see PPIP173.LBR or PPIP18.LBR. The latter adds
only Z80DOS compatibility and is unchanged in regard to