Text File
662 lines
Overview of CHDIR
Basic Definitions
Moving Into a Directory
Creation of New Directories "On the Fly"
Displaying the Directories
Setup Mode
Planning a Directory Structure
:Overview of CHDIR
CHDIR (CHange DIRectory) is a program which gives a CP/M or
CP/ZM system a new virtual directory structure. Ever since CP/M
2.0 came out, users have been forced to refer to the environments
that their files are located in by user number and disk name.
This was an improvement over CP/M 1.4 in that projects and files
associated to each other for one reason or another could be
logically grouped together into a user area on a particular disk
and could easily be kept separate from other files.
This improvement is desirable and useful, but there are some
capabilities lacking in this design that limit its usefulness.
One such capability is the need for duplication of a COM file or
directory entry for a COM file in order to access this file from
more than one user area. Another such capability is the human-
interface requirement for a logically-named user area that
indicates the purpose of the user area as opposed to simply
providing a number for it.
Under CP/M 2.x, unfortunately, if you wanted to issue a
command, you had to have a copy of that particular COM file in
your current user area in order for the operating system to find
the command and load it. User areas were of less use because of
this, since several commonly-used commands had to be duplicated
into each user area. This took up more disk space and was
somewhat awkward.
In answer to this and other desired capabilities, ZCPR was
created. Placed on top of the CP/M CCP, ZCPR provides a new
command processor for the CP/M user which is upward compatible
with the old command processor but adds several new features,
including a command-search hierarchy. Now, when a user issues a
command, ZCPR will search for it if it is not found in the
current user area on the current or specified disk. The user can
specify the path to follow; however, ZCPR is initially configured
to search the current user area on the current disk, user area 0
on the current disk, and user area 0 of disk A before producing
an error message. With ZCPR it is no longer necessary to keep
several copies of files on disk in order to use the user areas.
The user areas and disks were still addressed as separate
elements of an overall file system, however. The user had to be
constantly aware of where he was, and ZCPR also gave him a
different prompt which indicated the current disk and user
number. If a user wished to employ user area 1 for C program
development and user area 2 for C source code storage, he had to
note for himself that this is where these things were.
Now, CHDIR is introduced which adds a new outlook to the
user environment. The user may now give each user area/disk a
logical name (such as C-DEV or C-PGMS) and not worry about where
they actually are on disk. Combined wisely with ZCPR or ZMCPR,
all utilities may be placed in a commonly-scanned directory (user
area/disk) so they will always be found by the CPR, and the
user's entire microcomputer disk system now resembles one large
disk with several named subdirectories which contain related
CHDIR artificially imposes a named directory structure onto
CP/M and CP/ZM. Each named directory corresponds to a user area
on a particular disk, and the user need never be concerned with
what user area he is in if he uses ZCPR or ZMCPR with CHDIR.
Each disk/user area is called a directory and may be given a
logical name (up to 8 characters long).
The simplest form of the CHDIR command is:
CHDIR <directory name>
where <directory name> is a logical name (8 chars max) recognized
by CHDIR. This command logs the user into the user area/disk
associated with the indicated directory name.
For example, given the following environment:
User Disk Directory
10 A SYS1
11 A SYS2
the command:
logs the user into user area 8 on Drive B:; also, the command:
logs the user into user area 6 on Drive A:.
CHDIR combined with ZCPR or ZMCPR, then, provides a useful
named-directory working environment which is completely compat-
ible with CP/M, and almost all CP/M programs can run without
modification in this new environment.
CHDIR employed in a hard disk environment is especially
useful in that the different logical disks associated with the
hard disk may now be grouped into one named directory structure
and need no longer be treated as separate disks.
In addition to the named directory structure, CHDIR also
creates a priveleged user environment. This environment, which
only becomes effective if the USER command (and other such
facilities) are removed from ZCPR (and the COM files removed from
the disk), defines two classes of users. A normal user only has
access to certain user areas (0 to 9 by default), and a
priveleged user has access to all user areas. In order to move
into user areas greater than 9, a password must be known. Once
in a priveleged user area, no password is necessary to move to
any other user area.
This feature gives a certain amount of protection to
systems, such as Remote Bulletin Board Systems, against hostile
users. Certain priveleged commands, such as debuggers and
language utilities, may be placed into the protected user areas
and employed only by those who know the password. Two different
command processors can even be made to come into play (in the
case of ZMCPR), where the normal user sees a menu-driven set of
commands while a priveleged user sees a ZCPR-like command line.
Refer to the documentation on ZCPR and ZMCPR for further
Installation of CHDIR is performed in two parts: Compiling
CHDIR and Initializing the Internal Buffers of CHDIR.
Before compiling CHDIR, there are several internal default
values that the user may wish to set in the source code of the
program. These values and their meanings are:
defname -- default name for the COM file of CHDIR;
change this if you want CHDIR to be known by some other name
after initialization; this name may also be later changed under
Setup Mode
dirmax -- maximum number of directory names allowed; a
minimum value of 64 is recommended
syspass -- default System Password for CHDIR; this is
up to 20 characters long, and case is significant; this may be
later changed under the Setup Mode
sysuser -- lowest user number for a priveleged user;
default value is 10; values should be in the range from 0 to 15
tryent -- number of tries permitted to enter a
priveleged directory before CHDIR aborts; default value is 1
tryset -- number of tries permitted to enter Setup Mode
before CHDIR aborts; default value is 3
exitcmd -- command to be executed if a valid password
is not given in the required number of tries; default is no
command; this should be the name of a COM file, like "HOSTILE"
for HOSTILE.COM, and should be in upper-case
All of these defined values are located just after the
initial comments within the program source code.
Part I -- Compiling CHDIR
CHDIR was compiled by the BDS C compiler. No special flags
or options are necessary. Once compiled, however, the COM file
produced must be modified so that the stack used by this program
does not overwrite the CCP or CPR.
To do this, the user may use the NOBOOT program from the BDS
C user's group or manually modify the code at the beginning of
the COM file. Using the 1.45 version of BDS C, the first few
bytes of the COM file load the HL register pair from locations 6
and 7 and then load the SP register from HL. This is followed by
several NOPs. To correct the stack problem, replace this
sequence with an LXI D,-A00H, DAD D, and SPHL starting with the
SPHL instruction. Example follows:
Original Code New Code
Once this has been installed using a debugger like DDT, the
COM file may be resaved to disk using the SAVE command, and the
user is ready to proceed to Part II of the installation. If the
NOBOOT command is available and works for the user's version of
BDS C, then this manual procedure may be replaced by the command:
Part II -- Initializing CHDIR Buffers
Once CHDIR.COM has been patched so that it's stack does not
overwrite the CCP or CPR, then its internal buffers must be
initialized. This is done to perform two basic functions:
1) define the password for the priveleged user
2) clear the directory name table
To perform this initialization, issue the command:
This places the user into SETUP Mode. If the user runs this
command from user areas 0 to 9, he will be asked for the "System
Password", which is initially "chdir" (no quotes). If the user
runs this command from user areas greater than 9, he is declared
priveleged and is not asked for the password.
Once into SETUP Mode, the user is prompted with:
Setup Command (? for Help)?
He should issue the following commands to perform the
I or i -- clear the directory name table; the user will
be prompted with "Verify Initialization (Y/N)?", to which he
should respond with a Y or y.
P or p -- set the password; the user will be prompted
with "New System Password?" and 20 dots to indicate the size of
the allotted password; he may then type the new password, and
case is significant ("test" is NOT the same as "TEST")
X or x -- Exit and rewrite CHDIR.COM to disk; the user
will be prompted with "Write New File (Y/N)?", to which he should
respond with Y or y, and then "Name of File (RETURN=CHDIR.COM)?",
to which he should strike the RETURN key.
SETUP Mode is described in more detail later in this HLP
file. The procedure just outlined is all that is required for
initialization, and CHDIR is now ready for use.
The first step is to plan and define the named directories.
The other sections of this HLP file tell you how to do this.
:Basic Definitions
The following symbolic names are defined:
<directory name> <du> <password>
A <directory name> may contain up to 8 characters. The
characters "*", "?", ".", and "/" should not be used as part of
the directory name since the CCP, CPR, or CHDIR routines perform
special processing on them. Lower-case letters are automatically
converted to upper-case.
<du> is the disk letter and user number combination which is
assigned to the <directory name> given. It is a single letter
(lower-case is converted to upper-case) in the range from A to P
followed immediately by the digits of the user number (0 to 15).
<password> is the System Password for CHDIR. This is a
string of up to 20 characters. Case is significant ("test" is
NOT the same as "TEST"), and any printable character may be used
as part of the password as a general rule.
:Moving Into a Directory
The CHDIR command of the following form is used to move into
a directory:
CHDIR <directory name>
A <directory name> may contain up to 8 characters. The
characters "*", "?", ".", and "/" should not be used as part of
the directory name since the CCP, CPR, or CHDIR routines perform
special processing on them. Lower-case letters are automatically
converted to upper-case.
If the user is not priveleged (residing in user area 10 or
greater, by default) and the name of a priveleged directory is
given, he will be asked for the System Password. In this case,
he will be given only one try before the command aborts.
chdir cpci81 chdir 1temp
:Creation of New Directories "On the Fly"
The CHDIR command of the following form is used to create
new directories at will:
CHDIR <directory name> <du>
<directory name> is of the same form as described above.
<du> is the disk letter and user number combination which is
assigned to the <directory name> given. It is a single letter
(lower-case is converted to upper-case) in the range from A to P
followed immediately by the digits of the user number (0 to 15).
If the user issues this command and is not priveleged (run-
ning from user area 10 or greater, by default), then he will be
asked for the System Password before the command is executed. If
he is priveleged, CHDIR will execute the command without prompt.
CHDIR C-DEV A5 chdir 1temp m0
chdir work b4 chdir sys1 a10
:Displaying the Directories
The CHDIR command of the following form is used to display
the names of the existing directories:
Only the "/D" is required to complete the command; any
characters following the "/D" are ignored.
If the user is not priveleged, only the non-priveleged
directories are displayed. If he is priveleged, all directories
are displayed. A priveleged user is identified by the user
number he is currently residing in (10 and above are priveleged
by default).
A count of the number of directory names defined and amount
of directory space left for more names is given, and, if the user
is not priveleged, the count of defined names may not match the
number of displayed directory names since he is not permitted to
see the names of the priveleged directories.
:Setup Mode
The CHDIR command of the following form places the user into
Setup Mode:
Only the "/S" is required to complete the command; any
characters following the "/S" are ignored.
Setup Mode is employed by a priveleged user to:
1) initialize the directory names
2) set/change the System Password
3) add/delete directory names
4) display the System Password and directory names
5) sort the directory names by disk/user area
6) save the current named directory structure to disk
If the "CHDIR /SETUP" command is issued from a non-
priveleged user area (user areas 0 to 9 by default), then the
user will be prompted for the System Password. He is given 3
tries to get it right before CHDIR aborts (by default).
Once in Setup Mode, the user is prompted with
Setup Command (? for Help)?
and Setup is waiting for the user to type a single-character
command letter. If he types a ? or any other invalid command
letter, he is presented with a summary of the Setup Mode com-
mands. These commands are invoked by striking a single letter
and case is not significant. A summary of these commands is:
D -- Display System Password and Directory Names
I -- Initialize and Clear All Directory Names
N -- Create a New Directory Name
P -- Set the System Password
Q -- Quit without Updating
S -- Sort Directory by Disk and User Number
X -- Exit and Update CHDIR.COM on Disk
Each command is explained on the following screens.
D -- Display System Password and Directory Names
This command prints three groups of information. They are:
"System Password is ..."
-- current setting for the System Password
"Defined Directory Names --
du: name1 du: name2 du:name3 du:name4"
-- disk, user area, and name for directories
4 entries are printed per line
"n Directory Names Defined, Space Left for m More Names"
-- number of names defined and space left
I -- Initialize and Clear All Directory Names
This command performs the following initializations:
1) the System Password is renamed to the default
programmed value of the variable syspass; this name is initially
2) all disk names, user areas, and directory name
strings are initialized to zero
The user is prompted with "Verify Initialization (Y/N)?"
immediately after he strikes the letter I or i. If he replys
with any letter other than Y or y, the message "Initialization
Aborted" is printed and he is returned to Setup Command level.
If he types a Y or y in response to this prompt, the
initialization is performed and the message "All Directory Names
Cleared" is printed.
N -- Create a New Directory Name
In response to this command, the message
"System User Areas start at nn"
is printed to remind the user where the priveleged user areas
begin, and the user is placed into a loop, prompted with
"Disk Letter and User (RETURN=Done or A-P 0-15)?"
If the user wishes to create a new directory, he types one
letter A-P (case is not significant) followed by a number in the
range from 0 to 15. If the user does not wish to create a new
directory, he strikes the RETURN key to abort to Setup Command
N -- Create a New Directory Name, Continued
If the user selected a valid disk/user combination, he is
prompted with
"Directory Name (RETURN = Delete Old Name)?"
to which he may strike the RETURN key to delete the directory
name previously associated with the disk/user specified or he may
type a directory name (case is not significant and all lower-case
letters are capitalized) to create a new directory or rename an
old one.
If the directory name or RETURN is accepted, the "Disk
Letter and User" prompt will reappear to allow the user to
continue creating directory names or abort to Setup Command
N -- Create a New Directory Name, Continued
Several error messages are possible while in this part of
the Setup Mode. These messages are:
"Invalid Disk Letter"
-- Disk was not in the range from A to P
"Invalid User Number"
-- User Number was not in the range from 0 to 15
"Directory Name is too long -- Reenter"
-- Entered directory name exceeded 8 characters
"Error -- Directory Name Buffer Full"
-- No more space is available in the internal buffer
"Directory Name for ud: Deleted"
-- (NOT an error message) Tells the user that a
previously-defined name was deleted
P -- Set the System Password
This command in Setup Mode is immediately followed by the
"New System Password?"
to which the user is allowed to enter up to 20 characters for his
password. The user MUST enter a password; simply typing a RETURN
sets the password to null and a simple RETURN is required for the
new password when asked.
Q -- Quit without Updating
This command is answered with the prompt
"Verify Abort (Y/N)?"
to which the user replys with Y or y to abort Setup Mode and
return to the operating system or any other character to return
to Setup Mode.
S -- Sort Directory by Disk and User Number
This command causes the internal directory to be sorted by
disk and user area. In response to this command, CHDIR sorts the
directory (no informative prompt) and prints
"Sort Complete"
when done.
This command is provided for the convenience of the user.
X -- Exit and Update CHDIR.COM on Disk
This command causes the prompt
"Write New File (Y/N)?"
to appear. If the user responds with anything other than Y or y,
Setup Mode and CHDIR are aborted and control is returned to the
operating system.
If the user responds with Y or y, he is prompted with
"Name of File (RETURN = CHDIR.COM)?"
to which he may reply by striking the RETURN key to rewrite the
file CHDIR.COM on disk or he may give another file name (the .COM
is not necessary) to write a new file. The current directory
structure is defined as a part of the written file, and it is
used to access this new directory ala CHDIR commands. In
entering the file name, case is not significant.
X -- Exit and Update CHDIR.COM on Disk, Continued
The prompt may vary if CHDIR has been rewritten under a
different name. By default, the prompt is
"Name of File (RETURN = CHDIR.COM)?"
and, if, for instance, CHDIR was rewritten as CDIR.COM, the
prompt from CDIR would be
"Name of File (RETURN = CDIR.COM)?"
Once the file name is specified or RETURN is struck, the
following messages appear:
"Sorting Directory by Disk and User Number"
"Writing File CHDIR.COM to Disk ..."
" File CHDIR.COM Written to Disk"
An error message "Error -- Can't Create File CHDIR.COM" is
possible, indicating that the disk or directory are full.
Other Setup Mode Commands
Striking any key other than those just described causes a
built-in Help message to be displayed. Control is then returned
to Setup Mode command level.
:Planning a Directory Structure
This section outlines a few comments and recommendations on
a technique to combine ZCPR or ZMCPR with CHDIR to create a
working environment.
The ZCPR and ZMCPR command-search hierarchy frequently take
the user down to user 0 on drive A before the invalid command
error message is given. This directory is, effectively, the ROOT
of the system, and this would be a good place to store the
CHDIR.COM file. "ROOT" itself is a good name for A0, and by
standardizing on this name, any user can place himself here as he
moves between systems and see the standard command set.
Since a command-search hierarchy is used under ZCPR and
ZMCPR, this, in conjunction with CHDIR, can be used to create a
hierarchial directory structure. The first CHDIR.COM that is
encountered during a search is the one that is effective, so by
placing a CHDIR.COM in the command-search path before the ROOT is
encountered, directory subtrees can be formed. Let me illustrate
this concept with the following diagram:
CHDIR Directories Tree
Disk A: User 0: CHDIR.COM (1)ROOT --> WORK
Directories: A0: ROOT B0: WORK
Disk B: User 0: CHDIR.COM
Directories: A0: ROOT ROOT
User 2: No CHDIR.COM
Directories: B0: C-ROOT B3: C-DOC
Using the normal ZCPR command-search hierarchy, which is
current user/current disk to user 0/current disk to user 0/disk
A, the following can be noted:
A) tree (1) is seen from any user number on A:
B) tree (2) is seen from any user number except 3 on B:
C) tree (3) is seen from user 3 on B:
As the reader can see, this is a very powerful concept.
Let's say that you are logged into A0 and want to read the
documentation on the C compiler. You would have to issue "CHDIR
WORK" to enter the directory WORK on B:. Issuing "CHDIR /D" from
here shows you in directory C-ROOT, and you now issue "CHDIR C-
DOC" to enter the documentation branch of the tree. From here,
you issue "CHDIR COMPILER" to enter the compiler documentation
directory. Expressed as a tree, this is:
Feel free to move back to the previous displays via the L
command if this is not clear to you.
/ ! \
/ \
This is a simple type of tree structure as implemented
above. CHDIR goes beyond this, tho, and allows as much as a star
or ring structure as well, or any combination desired.
One more step that CHDIR allows the user to take is with
priveleged users. Now, directories can be hidden from normal
users. Priveleged directories are set up like normal director-
ies, and CHDIR is the program which enforces the security. Note
that the USER command must be removed from the CPR for this to
Using ZMCPR adds a capability of logging into a new direct-
ory and automatically invoking a new command interpreter. The
MENU.CCP file can be either a menu display or an executable
program, and as an executable program, it is run every time
control is returned to the CPR while the user is logged into the
current directory. In this way, a whole new command processor
can be introduced with each directory, and as the user moves from
one directory to another, he may move from menu-driven displays
to ZCPR-like command line processors to other processors at will.
The capabilities and potential are amazing!
Yet another change may be made to enhance the capabilities
of CHDIR. This change involves modifying the command-search
hierarchy to a new path. For example:
Old Path: User Current/Disk Current
User 0/Disk Current
User 0/Disk A
New Path: User Current/Disk Current
User Current/Disk A
User 0/Disk A
This provides a new CHDIR environment in which utilities can
be grouped into different directories on A and all the work done
on B. When a command is issued, command search falls to a pro-
ject utility area on A before falling to the ROOT. The differen-
ces between these to paths can be illustrated as follows:
Old Path: User Current/Disk Current
User 0/Disk Current
User 0/Disk A
New Path: User Current/Disk Current
User Current/Disk A
User 0/Disk A
Old Path: Work Area --> Common Root Utilities --> ROOT
New Path: Work Area --> Project Utilities --> ROOT
Under the new path, different user areas on A can contain
the utilties, say, associated with a particular language, such as
user 1 for C, user 2 for PASCAL, etc. Then, the corresponding
work areas on B would be user 1 for C work, user 2 for PASCAL
work, etc. Now, when a command is issued, the move from C work
to C compiler to ROOT or PASCAL work to PASCAL compiler to ROOT.
As the reader can see, the possibilities are staggering.
And this is just the beginning.
I hope you enjoy using CHDIR with ZCPR and ZMCPR, and don't
hesitate to experiment with the possibilities available by these
combinations. Comments on these programs and any new ideas the
reader has would be appreciated.
Richard Conn