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SD History
This file contains the history of modifications originally
found within the SD1xx.LBR, but which has been separated
to keep the source file to a reasonable state. Please
place future modification notes here.
; 07/15/88 Support for ZCPR33 wheel,Drive,User from ENV descriptor.
; vZD134 File specification may now be done by single or combination
; of files attributes 1-4. Vertical sorting is now on a per
; page basis (or partial page). Added '//' type help.
; Added a summary display that shows total number of files
; and the amount of storage they occupied if /A,/D,/H.
; All 8080 code, no special assemblers required.
; New functions are all controlled by an equate.
; Set them all to NO and get SD132 back except for summary.
; Attrbute specifiaction is wheel controlled(if WHEEL YES).
; Complete re-write of Z80DOS time matching to fix a bug
; and to account for Z80DOS's not stamping all extents in
; certain instances.
; Gene Nolan
; Oreland, Pa
; 07/07/88 Intermin private release.
; vZD133
; Gene Nolan
; Oreland, Pa
; 07/02/88 Support for Z80DOS type date-stamping added. LBR's dated
; vZD132 using SETD22 will also show dates of member files. All 8080
; code, no special assemblers required. New functions con-
; trolled by an equate. With equate NO, then will assemble to
; SD132 byte for byte except for some CR,LF in the help mes-
; sages if used with WHEEL.
; Gene Nolan
; Oreland, Pa
; 04/17/88 Can again be assembled with normal CP/M assemblers, such as
; v132 ASM.COM, LASM.COM, MAC.COM, RMAC.COM or M80/L80, etc. A lot
; of people do not have macro assemblers or Z80 assemblers as
; those were never distributed with the CP/M operating system.
; The Commodore C128 is one of the few new CP/M computers that
; is still being sold. The only assemblers the factory sells
; are MAC.COM and RMAC.COM. Many other CP/M users do not have
; a Z80 assembler. For the handful of people who may not have
; have one of the assemblers mentioned above, use XLATE5, XIZ,
; etc. to convert to Z80 source code in a few minutes. Please
; do not foul up this program for those who do not have exotic
; assemblers, and have 8085 computers which do not accept Z80
; code. - Ed Minton
; Columbus, OH
; 03/22/88 This version implements the ability to have non-consecutive
; v131 drives in the drive map. If the user number is negative, it
; indicates the drive is NOT available, and it will NOT be
; accessed. The drive is effectively off-line. This eliminates
; the need to set HIDRV, since setting all the drives, either
; not present or off-line, to 0FFH, will prevent it's being
; selected. This version successfully assembles with M80, and
; should be linked with L80 to produce the COM file. It must
; be pointed out, that once the user value in the drive table
; has been set to 0FFH, not even the sysop can access the
; drive. The table, located in the front of the COM file, is
; easily patched using DDT, EDFILE, PATCH, SID or ZSID, to
; take a drive on or off-line.
; To use M80 and L80, use the following two statements:
; M80 =SD131
; L80 SD131,SD131/N/E
; If you are using one of the SLR assemblers that requires
; the Zilog Mnemonics, ZXLATE14 can be used to convert the
; code for you. ZXLATE14 is available from most RCP/Ms in
; the United States, or specifically from:
; - Ben Grey
; Cedar Mill Z-Node 24
; [503] 644-4621 data
; 01/09/88 Starting with version 128 some (obviously) non-ZCPR type
; v130 person either added in, altered, or obfuscated the issue
; regarding ZCPR3 named directory support. The result with
; v128 and v129 was that after assembly the program would
; not run at all. Look to v129 for the culprit on or about
; line 713. Decrementing the register there does nothing
; but confuse the issue. This version corrects that error
; by removing the three-line IF/ENDIF structure so that it
; will correctly operate on a ZCPR3 system.
; - Thomas L. Ensminger
; AB17 Remote Systems
; (513) 879-6263 data
; 01/06/88 When Mr. Reid (SD125ARC) added routines from SD118ARK, he
; v129 did not incorporate all of the changes. Those were all re-
; replaced in version 128 with the exception of several 'ARK'
; characters in the help guide, specifically the 'L' option.
; I also want to point out that Mr. Reid gives credit for the
; "ARC and ARK" changes in SD118ARK to a Mr. Shaffstall. This
; is incorrect. Mr. Shaffstall made the ".ARC" changes in
; SD117ARC. I modified SD117ARC to also display the members
; of an ".ARK" file as used for CP/M files. This was released
; as version SD118ARK.
; - Neil E. Filby Chula Vista, CA
; (619) 422-6842
; 01/01/88 Modified the exit return to reset the original drive / user
; v128 area. Suggested by Bill Duerr who confirmed that some com-
; puters were jumping to area 17 if the requested area wasn't
; available. Checking previous versions indicates this prob-
; has been around since prior to SD95, at least. Changed the
; location of the USELCW equate to follow the USELC equate as
; these are directly associated. Added a WMBOOT equate which
; does a warm reboot upon exit if the above solution does not
; work properly on your system. Try it first with WMBOOT set
; no, and then say something like: B0>DIR H14:*.*<ret> and if
; it returns to B0> after indicating H14: is not available to
; the user, just leave WMBOOT set NO. If it says B17: change
; it to YES. Added ZRDOS named directory routines which were
; in SD124 but not SD125 and later. Supplied by Jim Lindholm.
; - Irv Hoff PRACSA Sysop RCPM
; 12/11/87 Added SD123A corrections which were not included in v124 or
; v127 later versions. Added needed blanks after [more] to erase
; it properly when doing ASCII copy to disk with remote modem
; programs. Segregated the ZCPR3 options to allow easier se-
; lection. - Irv Hoff PRACSA Sysop RCPM
; 12/08/87 Allows date to be displayed correctly if EDATE=YES. Allows
; v126 search of files with a one character filename (you have to
; specify "?." or "?.ext", "?" displays help screen. Program
; now assembles correctly with ASM. Options are set up for
; "normal" user (no ZCPR, no RCP/M). Updated documentation
; and history files and put back in the distribution library.
; - Bill Duerr
; 12/02/87 Added routines from SD118ARK to list ARC/ARK files with the
; v125ARC $L option - routines by G.B Shaffstall of Lakewood RCPM.
; - Ken Reid
; 08/23/87 o Added dynamic identification of Named Directories for
; v124 ZCPR3/33 users. Controlled by the NDIRS equate, the pro-
; gram optionally becomes a Z-system utility of sorts. The
; environment descriptor address is patched by ZCPR33 on
; startup; ZCPR30 users should patch the address at Z3ENV;
; and the address of the resident named directory buffer
; located from this. The NDR is scanned for each user area
; and if a match is found, the name is printed after the
; DU form on the information line.
; o It has always been an annoyance to me that under ZRDOS
; in order to get a directory of any area declared Public
; I had to first clear the Public flag, view the directory
; and then restore the flag.
; The equates SHOPUB and WHLPUB when enabled solve the
; problem by clearing the flag on startup of SD and res-
; toring them to their initial state on exit. SHOPUB wnab-
; les the function and WHLPUB restricts the function.
; The only drawback is that in order to make this work I
; had to "hardwire" the "R" option (Reset drives) making
; its use redundant with the SHOPUB equate enabled.
; Perhaps someone can find a better method, my resources
; are limited and my patience is thin.
; Without SHOPUB the "R" option will function normally.
; - Greg C. Miner
; Port Williams, Nova Scotia
; (902) 542-5284 - RCPM
; (902) 542-7259 - voice
; 07/17/87 o After SD122 was released Paul Foote noticed the '[' used
; v123 by CP/M+ systems (rather than '$') did not work properly
; as it had in SD116 where it was introduced together with
; the '/' UNIX/ZCPR3 separator. SD117, SD118B and SD120
; had neither '/' nor '['. SD121 had '/' but not '['. All
; fixed now. (I never did find SD119, don't think there
; was one as Larry Clive had originally skipped from SD115
; directly to SD120 and SD117 and SD118 were not based on
; the same SD116, sigh... (Hopefully SD123 will bring the
; program back to some sense of normalcy once again.)
; o Hopefully fixed the bug reported by Bill Wempren and by
; Dave Hardy where they were being sent to User 17 when an
; error on the command line was detected. The fix works ok
; for Dave Hardy now, leaving him on the same user area he
; was originally on. This bug apparently had existed for
; some time, preventing them from using recent versions.
; o Made a small change in the header file that retains the
; same spacing for all user areas:
; Drive B0 Files: 78/3124k Free: 2334k
; Drive B15 Files: 16/1227k Free: 2334k
; Admittedly a trivial change but had annoyed me for some
; time. Only took a few extra bytes.
; o Removed the 'U' option. It was made superfluous by the
; 'H' option and always was confusing to use, needing the
; 'A' option in addition to a user number. After talking
; with several Sysops I found none of them were using the
; option and had not seen anybody else try to use it. The
; 'H' option does the same thing and is very easy to use.
; o Rewrote the '?' help and .DOC file and RCPM-help guides.
; - Irv Hoff, PRACSA RCPM
; 07/11/87 o Rewrote the abort routine. This program has long needed
; v122 two consecutive CTL-L to abort, normally never stopping
; where you expect. Now it stops properly with one in ad-
; diton to showing a nice "++ ABORTED ++" message. CTL-S
; now pauses at the end of a line instead of any old place
; on the line. The abort likewise takes effect at the end
; of the line, speeding up the display in general since it
; now only checks at the end of a line for an abort char.
; Can pause with 'S' or CTL-S, abort with C, K or X, CTL-C
; CTL-K, or CTL-X like many other programs already offer.
; o Removed an initial line feed when using vertical alpha-
; betization which was annoying particularly if using LUX.
; o Added a missing line feed when showing all user areas in
; horiztonal mode. This lets you know which area the data
; for "files used and space remaining" goes with. It has
; been jamming the sections together in an awkward manner.
; o Added the 'H' (from here to highest) option. If using $H
; it displays all files from the current user area through
; the highest available. Much easier to use than the $U
; command which requires both the 'A' option and a number
; from which to start. This is a feature I've personally
; wanted for some time and finally got around to adding.
; o Renamed BDOS calls to conventional names, such as RDCON,
; WRCON, LIST rather than "FCIN, FOUT and FLOUT", gadzook.
; o Moved the disk/user table to the 'options area' where it
; is easily found. It was previously buried in the actual
; program where many people missed it entirely.
; o Moved the BDOS equates to the end of the program as they
; are not altered by the user and were cluttering up the
; option area. Also rearranged and segregated the options
; area for simple selection of those needed.
; o Eliminated all superfluous and unused labels (a number
; of them had accumulated through the years.) This should
; help immensely in setting up this program which was be-
; coming difficult even for experienced users.
; o Fixed bug present since prior to v100 that locks up some
; mainframes using interrupt-controlled systems, requiring
; use of older versions of the program.
; o In keeping with Ben Gray's actions in version 117, also
; eliminated all trailing, unattended ';' characters used
; on comment lines.
; Even with all the new features it is over 3 shorter than
; SD112.ASM.
; o My appreciation to Frankie Hogan for his C, R, T and X
; options of SD121. These are some of the most useful new
; features added to this program since vertical alphabeti-
; zation. - Irv Hoff, PRACSA RCPM
; 03/19/87 *NOTE: This version is a re-work of version 118.
; v121 Noted (from originator of version 120) that optional
; disk reset had been removed earlier, and hack solution
; was to use a conditional to select an unconditional
; reset. Version 118 always reset the disk system. This
; prompted modification to re-implement the optional (via
; option 'R') or unconditional reset (by hard-wiring the
; data area near the end of the code, which is described
; in the sour`). Since version 120 was basically version
; 115, this version, modified from 118, was numbered 121.
; *Added several new options:
; C - Give record sizes in terms of 128-byte records
; used. When this option is used, file sizes are
; followed by an "r". The summary lines still
; report the totals in "k".
; R - Disk reset before processing begins.
; (See above)
; T - Order files by type as the primary sort key.
; This causes files of the same type to be grouped
; together.
; X - Use alternate format for display alphabeti-
; zation. The VCODE conditional was eliminated,
; and VLIST was added. By setting this to YES,
; the vertical listing is the normal one, as
; before, but now a horizontal listing may be
; selected by using the $X option. Or, if VLIST is
; NO, the normal listing is horizontal, and $X
; selects a vertical one.
; *Added new fence characters for horizontal alphabeti-
; zation, and for library member listings. These may be
; patched into the .COM file for easy customization (as
; can VLIST, by the way). The library fence was added
; because library members are never sorted, and it was
; felt that some way of indicating the ordering was
; desirable.
; *Found and fixed several "minor" bugs which had to do
; with combinations of options selected by conditionals.
; ULINE could not be used without the REVID option on.
; If PGPAWS were off, option characters were skewed, etc.
; *Cleaned up the option character processing to make it
; more consistent and easier for SYSOPs to customize.
; Added "USEx" conditionals so that any of the options may
; be wheel-locked.
; *Performed general cleanup and tightened the code in
; several places. Removed unnecessary POP's and PUSH's,
; etc. - Frankie Hogan, Los Angeles