Text File
482 lines
Overview of XDIR3
Basic Use of XDIR3 under ZCPR2
XDIR3 Output Control Options
XDIR3 File Selection Options
XDIR3 File Name Buffer Facility
Use of XDIR3 on Secure Systems
Installation and Sample XDIR3INS Session
:Overview of XDIR3
XDIR3 is an extended directory display utility designed to
run under CP/M 2.2 and support some of the extended features of
ZCPR2 as well. Any conventional CP/M 2.2 user may use XDIR3, but
he should make sure he turns off the ZCPR2-specific features by
running the XDIR3 Installation Program, XDIR3INS, and manually
turning them off before using XDIR3.
XDIR3 automatically adapts to any Org-0 CP/M 2.2 system,
regardless of the size of its disks. It reads the disk parameter
block information from the operating system to determine what the
attributes of the disk it is working with are, and it then
presents its display information accordingly.
XDIR3 runs in two basic modes:
. as a directory display utility
. as a file scanner utility (File Name Buffer Facility)
XDIR3 is a ZCPR2 utility which supports the extended ZCPR2
features, particularly named directories.
As a directory display utility, it displays to you
information about the files on a particular disk in all or a
particular user area. It gives you the following information:
. Name of File
. Size of File (in K bytes)
. Attributes of File (R/O or System)
. Sum of Sizes of All Files Displayed
. Total Number of Files on Disk
. Amount of Space Remaining on Disk
. What Disk and What User Area you are looking at
As a file scanner utility, it does the following:
. Logs a group of selected files to disk for later scan
. Prints the contents of such a log file
. Scans a log file and compares it with the files
selected by you, telling you what files are
missing and what files are additional
XDIR3 is quite human-oriented, with many built-in features
which provide a human-interface type of service to the user.
Some of these include:
. Named Directories may be specified
. The file listing is alphabetized by file name and
type or file type and name, depending on user
. The file listing is organized vertically or
horizontally, depending on user preference
. Output may also be send to disk or printer
. XDIR3 is designed to run quickly, having an optimum
design in its directory load and sort modules
:Basic Use of XDIR3 under ZCPR2
XDIR3 is invoked by one of the following command lines:
XDIR afn oooo... or XDIR afn /oooo...
XDIR /oooo...
where all elements after the XDIR command are optional.
'afn' is an ambiguous file reference, as described on the
following frames. 'o' is an option letter, which is one or more
of the options described on the next frame. Note that since a
slash denotes that an option follows, an afn may not begin with a
slash. This can be changed by an equate in the source code of
XDIR3 if desired.
Aa - Set the attributes of the files to be displayed
a=S for System Files, a=N for Non-System Files
a=A for All Files (Non-System and System)
D - Send Output to Disk
Ff - Engage File Name Buffer Facility
f=L to Log File Names to Disk
f=P to Print Names Logged to Disk
f=S to Scan Disk for File Names and Compare to
G - Toggle Grouping (group files by name and type or
type and name)
H - Toggle Horizontal or Vertical display format
I - Inspect files selected by FL option
N - Negate Selection; select those files which do NOT
match the ambiguous file name
P - Send Output to Printer
'afn' is an ambiguous file reference, of the general form:
filename.typ is a conventional CP/M ambiguous file name
(wild card characters of ? and * are OK,
but file name must NOT start with /)
dir: is a ZCPR2 directory specification, which may
be one of the following forms:
d: where 'd' is a disk letter (A-P) to indicate
the current user area on that disk
u: where 'u' is a user number (0-31) to indicate
that user on the current disk; 'u' may
be a '?', in which case all user areas
are selected
du: where 'du' specifies both disk and user
name: where 'name' is the name of a directory
(disk/user area)
Examples of an ambiguous file reference are:
12:*.* A12:SYSLIB*.*
Examples of an XDIR3 command are:
-- Select All Files in directory ROOT which do
NOT match *.COM
-- Select the System Files in B10, and send
output to disk as well as console
-- Select All Files in current directory, and
send output to disk and printer as well as
:XDIR3 Output Control Options
These options are:
D - Send Output to Disk
G - Toggle Grouping (group files by name and type or
type and name)
H - Toggle Horizontal or Vertical display format
P - Send Output to Printer
D and P are fairly obvious. If P is specified, the output
goes to your printer (CP/M LST: device) as well as your console.
If D is specified, the output goes to your current directory as
the file XDIR.DIR. If XDIR.DIR already exists, it is replaced.
G and H are toggled options. If, via XDIR3INS at
installation time, you selected alphabetization by file name and
type, the G option will flip this to alphabetize by file type and
name, and vice-versa. The same with the H option.
G allows you to select your display to be alphabetized by
file name and type or type and name. If by file name and type,
then AA.TXT comes before BB.COM. If by file type and name, then
BB.COM comes before AA.TXT. Alphabetization by file name and
type groups files of the same name together (FN fields, like all
XDIR3 files), while by file type and name groups files of the
same type together (FT fields, like all *.TXT files).
H allows you to select your alphabetized files to be listed
down the screen (vertical) or across the screen (horizontal).
The screen is divided into three columns, and a vertical listing
alphabetizes down the first column, then the second, and then the
third, while a horizontal listing alphabetizes first, second, and
third columns on the first line, and so on with each line.
:XDIR3 File Selection Options
The following options (and the DIR: field) control file
Aa - Set the attributes of the files to be displayed
a=S for System Files, a=N for Non-System Files
a=A for All Files (Non-System and System)
N - Negate Selection; select those files which do NOT
match the ambiguous file name
The N option negates your ambiguous file name reference, but
it stays in the SAME set of system or non-system files. For
instance, XDIR *.COM /NAS selects all SYSTEM files which do NOT
match *.COM. If you have installed XDIR3 to automatically select
both SYSTEM and NON-SYSTEM files, then XDIR *.COM /N will select
all non-COM files in your current directory.
The A option sets the attributes of the files to be
displayed. If AA is presented, then both Non-System and System
files will be displayed. If AS, then just System files, and if
AN, then just Non-System.
You can set the default file attribute display to be
whatever you desire. Using XDIR3INS, you can have XDIR3
automatically select just the System files, just the Non-System
files, or both Non-System and System files whenever you run it
without using the A option.
:XDIR3 File Name Buffer Facility
The options of XDIR3 which deal with the File Name Buffer
Facility are:
Ff - Engage File Name Buffer Facility
f=L to Log File Names to Disk
f=P to Print Names Logged to Disk
f=S to Scan Disk for File Names and Compare to
I - Inspect files selected by FL option
The file selection options come into play as well with the
FL option to select the files to be placed into the log file,
The FL option writes the user numbers and file names of the
selected files to disk into the file named FNAMES.DIR. If
FNAMES.DIR already exists, then it is rewritten. The FNAMES.DIR
files is used by the FP and FS options.
The I option (for inspect) allows the user to manually
approve each file before its name is placed into FNAMES.DIR.
The FP option simply prints out the user numbers and names
of all the files stored in FNAMES.DIR. If FNAMES.DIR is not in
the current directory, FP will search along the ZCPR2 path until
it finds it or reaches the end of the path.
The FS option scans FNAMES.DIR and the files selected by the
user (or implied if no specific file selection option is given)
and compares them. If a file exists in FNAMES.DIR but not in the
selected files, its name is printed as a missing file. If a file
exists on disk but not in the FNAMES.DIR file, then its name is
printed as an additional file.
Note that the user should keep in mind what he is scanning
for when he uses the File Name Buffer Facility. For instance, if
he selects both Non-system and System files with the FL option
and then defaults to Non-System with the FS option, then several
files will come up missing while this is not necessarily true.
Using XDIR3INS, the Installation Program for XDIR3, you can
create two different versions of XDIR3 -- one for Directory
Display operations and one for File Name Buffer Facility
functions. If you do this, then you could also set the Directory
Display version to work with Non-System files by default, while
you could set the File Name Buffer Facility version to work with
both Non-System and System files.
:Use of XDIR3 on Secure Systems
On Secure Systems, such as Remote CP/M Systems, XDIR3 may be
configured, via XDIR3INS, to provide a secure directory utility.
Some ideas along this line include:
. You can install XDIR3 so that it cannot look at any
directory other than the one it is in
. You can install XDIR3 so that you can look at the
current user area on any disk, but not in other
user areas
. You can install XDIR3 so that you can look at all
user areas on the current disk, but not on any
other disk
. You can install XDIR3 so that you cannot look at any
System files
. You can install XDIR3 so that none of the F options
are available
. You can install XDIR3 so that users may list the
files (FP) or scan the disk (FS), but not log
files to disk (FL)
These are just some of the ways I have designed XDIR3 to be
flexible in these types of environments. In a more conventional
environment, such as a software development environment, you
would probably want XDIR3 to give you complete access to
See the next section on installation for more details on
setting XDIR3 capabilities and defaults.
:Installation and Sample XDIR3INS Session
XDIR3INS is the installation program which comes along with
XDIR3 and allows the user to define the basic capabilities and
default functions executed by a particular copy of XDIR3.
When XDIR3INS is executed, it asks the user for the name of
the XDIR3 file. The user may specify this file in the normal
ZCPR2 format:
XDIR3INS will read the first block of this file, which
contains the customization information, and then allow you to do
one of three things (its basic command prompt):
. Display the Current Features
. Set the Features of XDIR3 to the user's liking
. Exit and optionally create a new XDIR3 COM file
The features which may be set by the system manager under
. Whether the user may specify a directory (disk/user)
. If directory specification is allowed, whether the
user may specify just disk or just user (but not
necessarily both)
. Whether the user may employ any of the F options
. If the F options may be used, if the user may employ
the FL option specificially
. Whether the user may employ the AS option
. Whether XDIR3 will perform a Directory Display
of File Name Buffer Facility function by default
. Whether XDIR3 will display Non-System or System files
(or both) by default
. Whether the alphabetization will be by file name and
type or type and name by default
. Whether the listing will be vertical or horizontal by
. Whether ZCPR2 External Paths are available, and, if
so, what the base path address is
If the user is not running ZCPR2, he should be sure to
disable External Paths.
The prompting by XDIR3INS is quite self-explanatory, so the
following frames show you an actual XDIR3INS session, with
comments marked off by <-- to explain what is going on.
Sample XDIR3INS Session
B>xdir3ins <-- Invocation Command
XDIR3INS -- Installation Program for XDIR3
Name of XDIR3 File (<CR>=Abort)? xdir.com <-- I enter the name
Ready to Set Default Values
XDIR3INS Command (D=Display Values, S=Set Values, X=Exit)? D
<-- Type D to Display Current Values
Enable Specification of User Number and Disk: Yes
Specification of Disk Allowed: Yes
Specification of User Allowed: Yes
Alphabetize Listing by File Type and Name
Vertical Listing
Non-System Files Are Selected
Directory Display Default Function Selected
Enable File Scanner Options: Yes
Enable File Log Option: Yes
Enable Attribute System Option: Yes
Enable External Paths: Yes
Address of External Path is 0040H
XDIR3INS Command (D=Display Values, S=Set Values, X=Exit)? S
<-- Type S to Set New Values
Enable Specification of User Number and Disk: Yes <-- See Current
Do you want to Enable this Flag (Y or N, <CR>=No Change)?
<-- Select Change or No Change
Specification of Disk Allowed: Yes
Do you want to Enable this Flag (Y or N, <CR>=No Change)?
Specification of User Allowed: Yes
Do you want to Enable this Flag (Y or N, <CR>=No Change)?
Alphabetize Listing by File Type and Name
If the flag is enabled, Group by File Type and Name
If the flag is disabled, Group by Name and Type
Do you want to Enable this Flag (Y or N, <CR>=No Change)? N
<-- Change to Alphabetize by Name and Type
Vertical Listing
If the flag is enabled, Format is Horizontal
If the flag is disabled, Format is Vertical
Do you want to Enable this Flag (Y or N, <CR>=No Change)? Y
<-- Change to Horizontal Listing
Non-System Files Are Selected
Enable Non-System File Display (Y or N, <CR>=No Change)? Y
Enable System File Display (Y or N, <CR>=No Change)? Y
<-- Select System Files as well
Directory Display Default Function Selected
If the flag is enabled, File Scan is Selected
If the flag is disabled, Directory Display is Selected
Do you want to Enable this Flag (Y or N, <CR>=No Change)?
Enable File Scanner Options: Yes
Do you want to Enable this Flag (Y or N, <CR>=No Change)?
Enable File Log Option: Yes
Do you want to Enable this Flag (Y or N, <CR>=No Change)?
Enable Attribute System Option: Yes
Do you want to Enable this Flag (Y or N, <CR>=No Change)?
Enable External Paths: Yes
Address of External Path is 0040H
Do you want to Enable this Flag (Y or N, <CR>=No Change)?
XDIR3INS Command (D=Display Values, S=Set Values, X=Exit)? X
<-- X to Exit
Do you want to save changes (Y or N, <CR>=Y)? Y
<-- Yes, Save Changes
Provide Name of Output File
Name of XDIR3 File (<CR>=Abort)? xdir3.com <-- I Specified
<-- XDIR3.COM, but I could have
<-- specified XDIR.COM as well
Writing File to Disk --
B>diff xdir.com xdir3.com <-- Run difference pgm
DIFF Version 1.0 <-- to compare results
Source 1 File Name -- B:XDIR .COM
Source 2 File Name -- B:XDIR3 .COM
Change Disks if Desired and Type ^C or A to Abort or <RETURN> to Continue -
Rel Offset B:XDIR .COM B:XDIR3 .COM File Differences Listing
Hex Dec Hex Dec Asc Hex Dec Asc
0005 5 FF 255 . 00 0 .
0006 6 00 0 . FF 255 .
0007 7 80 128 . C0 192 .
B>xdir <-- Run old XDIR3
XDIR III, Version 1.2 Vertical Listing by File Type and Name
Disk: B User: 0, File Attributes: Non-System
Filename.Typ Size K RS Filename.Typ Size K RS Filename.Typ Size K RS
-------- --- ------ -- -------- --- ------ -- -------- --- ------ --
DD0 .-40 0 R XDIR3 .COM 10 MLONGINT.MAC 10
11 Files Occupying 152K, 15 Files on Disk and 412K Free
B>xdir3 <-- Run New XDIR3; not Horizontal and Non-Sys/Sys now
XDIR III, Version 1.2 Horizontal Listing by File Name and Type
Disk: B User: 0, File Attributes: Non-System System
Filename.Typ Size K RS Filename.Typ Size K RS Filename.Typ Size K RS
-------- --- ------ -- -------- --- ------ -- -------- --- ------ --
15 Files Occupying 184K, 15 Files on Disk and 412K Free
B>xdir3 /h <-- Use new XDIR3, but toggle Horiz to Vert
XDIR III, Version 1.2 Vertical Listing by File Name and Type
Disk: B User: 0, File Attributes: Non-System System
Filename.Typ Size K RS Filename.Typ Size K RS Filename.Typ Size K RS
-------- --- ------ -- -------- --- ------ -- -------- --- ------ --
DD0 .-40 0 R MCHECK .ASM 12 XDIR .COM 10 RS
15 Files Occupying 184K, 15 Files on Disk and 412K Free