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* --------------------------------------------------------------------
* E X T E N D E D F I L E N A M E S U N I T
* --------------------------------------------------------------------
* With this 'unit' the possibility to specify extended file names in
* Turbo Pascal programs is created. An extended file includes also
* the user number of the file, thus an extended file name looks like:
* <Disk><User_Number>:<Primary_Name>.<Secondary_Name>
* The extended file name can be an ambigious file name. However neither
* the disk number nor the user number can be 'wildcards'.
* The implementation does not contain any hardware dependencies.
* I N T E R F A C E S E C T I O N
FileTypes = ( DiskFile, { Disk file }
Device ) ; { Logical device }
FileNameTypes = ( DUNE_Format, { Extended file name }
DNE_Format, { Full CP/M file name }
NE_Format, { Only primary & secondary name }
DU_Format ) ; { Only disk & user number }
FullFileNames = string[16] ; { Extended file name }
FileDescriptors= record
FileType: FileTypes ; { File type }
Drive : Byte ; { Drive number }
User : Byte ; { User number }
Name : string[8] ; { Primary name }
Ext : string[3] ; { Secondary name }
end ;
function ExpandFileName( var FileDesc : FileDescriptors ;
NameType : FileNameTypes ) : FullFileNames ;
function ExtractDisk ( var FileDesc : FileDescriptors ) : Char ;
function ExtractUser ( var FileDesc : FileDescriptors ) : Integer ;
procedure InitFileNameUnit ;
procedure RegisterFile ( var FileDesc : FileDescriptors ;
var SomeFile ) ;
function SameName ( var FileDesc1: FileDescriptors ;
var FileDesc2: FileDescriptors ,
NameType : FileNameTypes ) : Boolean ;
procedure SplitFileName ( var FileDesc : FileDescriptors ;
FileName : FullFileNames ) ;
procedure UnInitFileNameUnit ;
procedure UnRegisterFile( var SomeFile ) ;
* I M P L E M E N T A T I O N S E C T I O N
MaxRXFCnt = 3 ; { Maximum number of registered FCBs - 1 }
JumpStructures = record
Instruction : Byte ; { Jump instruction }
Address : Integer ; { Jump address }
end ;
RegisteredFCBs = array[0..MaxRXFCnt] of record
FCBAddress : Integer ; { Address of FCB }
UserNumber : Byte ; { Associated user }
end ;
BDosEntry : JumpStructures ; { Jump into original BDos }
RXFCnt : Byte ; { Number of Registered eXtended FCBs }
RXFLst : RegisteredFCBs ; { List of registered extended FCBs }
procedure OwnBDos ;
* OwnBDos is a front-end to the standard BDos. Through a modification
* of the jump vector, this procedure is called by the pascal runtime
* routines. OwnBDos implements the extended file names: before each
* file operation, the user number associated with the file is selected
* and upon completion the original user number is restored.
* The following BDos functions are handled by this procedure:
* 15 - Open File
* 16 - Close File
* 19 - Delete File
* 20 - Read Sequential
* 21 - Write Sequential
* 22 - Make File
* 23 - Rename File
* 33 - Read Random
* 34 - Write Random
* 35 - Compute File Size
CurUsr : Byte ; { Save area of user number }
$3A / RXFCnt / {LD A,(RXFCNT) Number of registred FCB's }
$B7 / {OR A Set condition codes}
$28 / $19 / {JR Z,EXT010 Exit if none registred }
$79 / {LD A,C Function code }
$D6 / $0F / {SUB 15 Compare with lower bound, 15 }
$38 / $14 / {JR C,EXT010 Exit if non-disk function }
$D6 / $02 / {SUB 16+1-15 Compare with upper bound, 16 }
$38 / $13 / {JR C,EXT020 Brif a disk function }
$D6 / $02 / {SUB 19-16-1 Compare with lower bound, 19 }
$38 / $0C / {JR C,EXT010 Exit if non-disk function }
$D6 / $05 / {SUB 23+1-19 Compare with upper bound, 23 }
$38 / $0B / {JR C,EXT020 Brif a disk function }
$D6 / $09 / {SUB 33-23-1 Compare with lower bound, 33 }
$38 / $04 / {JR C,EXT010 Exit if non-disk function }
$D6 / $03 / {SUB 35+1-33 Compare with upper bound, 35 }
$38 / $03 / {JR C,EXT020 Brif a disk function }
$C3 / BDosEntry / {JP BDOS Enter BDOS }
$FD / $21 /RXFLst / {LD IY,RXFLST List of registered FCB's }
$3A / RXFCnt / {LD A,(RXFCNT) Number of registered FCB's }
$47 / {LD B,A Move number }
$FD / $6E / $00 / {LD L,(IY+0) LSB of registered FCB address }
$FD / $66 / $01 / {LD H,(IY+1) MSB of registered FCB address }
$B7 / {OR A Clear carry flag }
$ED / $52 / {SBC HL,DE Compare with supplied FCB address }
$28 / $0B / {JR Z,EXT030 Brif FCB found in list }
$FD / $23 / {INC IY Move pointer to next entry }
$FD / $23 / {INC IY }
$FD / $23 / {INC IY }
$10 / $ED / {DJNZ EXT025 Brif not at end of list }
$C3 / BDosEntry / {JP BDOS Exit if non-registered FCB }
$C5 / {PUSH BC Save BDos function code }
$D5 / {PUSH DE Save FCB address }
$0E / $20 / {LD C,020H Function= Get/Set_User_Number }
$1E / $FF / {LD E,0FFH Select Get_User_Number function }
$CD / BDosEntry / {CALL BDOS Invoke BDos }
$32 / CurUsr / {LD (CURUSR),A Save current user number }
$0E / $20 / {LD C,020H Function= Get/Set_User_Number }
$FD / $5E / $02 / {LD E,(IY+2) Load requested user number }
$CD / BDosEntry / {CALL BDOS Invoke BDos }
$D1 / {POP DE Restore address of FCB }
$C1 / {POP BC Restore BDos function code }
$CD / BDosEntry / {CALL BDOS Invoke BDos }
$F5 / {PUSH AF Save return code }
$0E / $20 / {LD C,020H Function=Get/Set_User_Number }
$3A / CurUsr / {LD A,(CURUSR) Original user number }
$5F / {LD E,A }
$CD / BDosEntry / {CALL BDOS Invoke BDos }
$F1 ) ; {POP AF Restore return code from disk }
end ; { of OwnBDos }
function GetUserNumber : Integer ;
* GetUserNumber - Retrieve the user number. The returned number is in
* the range [1,16]!
GetSetUserNmbr= 32 ; { BDos function: get or set the user number }
GetUserNumber:= Succ( BDos( GetSetUserNmbr, $00FF ) ) ;
end ; { of GetUserNumber }
function GetDiskNumber : Integer ;
* GetDiskNumber - Retrieve the current disk number. The returned number
* is in the range [1,16]!
GetCurrentDisk= 25 ; { BDos function: return ordinal of current disk }
GetDiskNumber:= Succ( BDos( GetCurrentDisk ) ) ;
end ; { of GetDiskNumber }
function ExtractDisk( var FileDesc: FileDescriptors ) : Char ;
* ExtractDisk - Return the name of the disk in the extended file name.
if FileDesc.Drive=0 then
ExtractDisk:= Chr(GetDiskNumber + Pred(Ord('A')))
ExtractDisk:= Chr(FileDesc.Drive + Pred(Ord('A'))) ;
end ; { of ExtractDisk }
function ExtractUser( var FileDesc: FileDescriptors ) : Integer ;
* ExtractUser - Return the user area number in the extended file name.
if FileDesc.User=0 then
ExtractUser:= Pred(GetUserNumber)
Extractuser:= Pred(FileDesc.User) ;
end ; { of ExtractUser }
function ExpandFileName( var FileDesc: FileDescriptors ;
NameType: FileNameTypes ) : FullFileNames ;
* ExpandFileName - Create the file name in a string from an (extended)
* file descriptor. A 'current' specification of both the drive and
* the user are replaced by their actual values.
Result : FullFileNames ; { Result of function }
with FileDesc do
if FileType=Device then
Result:= Name
else { if FileType=Diskfile then }
Result:= '' ;
if (NameType=DUNE_Format) or (NameType=DU_Format) then
Str( ExtractUser(FileDesc), Result ) ;
if NameType<>NE_Format then
Result:= ExtractDisk(FileDesc) + Result + ':' ;
if NameType<>DU_Format then
Result:= Result + Name + '.' + Ext ;
end ; { of if }
end ; { of with }
ExpandFileName:= Result ;
end ; { of ExpandFileName }
procedure RegisterFile( var FileDesc: FileDescriptors ; var FIB ) ;
* RegisterFile - Register an extended file: the full name is given in
* the descriptor and the Pascal FileInterfaceBlock (FIB)
* specifies which FCB will be used.
* This procedure is needed to effectuate the user number specified in
* the file descriptor.
FIBFCB : Integer ; { Address of FCB within FIB }
I : Integer ; { Loop control variable }
* Register only disk files: logical device names do not have a user number
* associated with them.
if FileDesc.FileType=DiskFile then
FIBFCB:= Addr(FIB ) + 12 ;
* Locate either a free entry or an entry which specifies the same FCB.
* The RegisterFile performs thus implicitly an 'UnRegisterFile'.
I:= -1 ;
until (I=RXFCnt) or (RXFLst[I].FCBAddress=FIBFCB) ;
if I<=MaxRXFCnt then
with RXFLst[I] do
FCBAddress:= FIBFCB ;
if FileDesc.User=0 then
UserNumber:= Pred( GetUserNumber )
UserNumber:= Pred( FileDesc.User ) ;
end ; { of with }
if I=RXFCnt then
RXFCnt:= Succ( RXFCnt ) ;
Halt ; { Fatal error : Table Overflow }
end ; { of if }
end ; { of RegisterFile }
function SameName( var FileDesc1, FileDesc2 : FileDescriptors ;
NameType : FileNameTypes ) : Boolean ;
* SameName - Determine whether two ambigious (!) file descriptors specify
* the same file name.
* The comparison algorithm classifies the characters from the file
* names into five classes: '?', '.'. ':', 'other character' and
* 'end of name'. Using this classification, the algorithm is
* specified by the following state table:
* | ? | . | : | Oth | End Description of actions
* -----+-----+-----+-----+-----+----- -------------------------
* ? | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 0 : Advance both pointers
* -----+-----+-----+-----+-----+----- 1 : Advance pointer # 1
* . | 2 | 0 | 3 | 3 | 1 2 : Advance pointer # 2
* -----+-----+-----+-----+-----+----- 3 : Mismatch & Exit
* : | 2 | 3 | 0 | 3 | 1 4 : Compare
* -----+-----+-----+-----+-----+----- if mismatch then (3)
* Oth | 0 | 3 | 3 | 4 | 3 if match then (0)
* -----+-----+-----+-----+-----+----- 5 : Match & Exit
* End | 2 | 2 | 2 | 3 | 5
* -----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----
SintJuttemis = False ;
Classes = ( Wildcard, Dot, Colon, Other, EndOfName ) ;
Actions = ( Act0, Act1, Act2, Act3, Act4, Act5 ) ;
StateTable : array[Classes] of array[Classes] of Actions =
( ( Act0, Act1, Act1, Act0, Act1 ),
( Act2, Act0, Act3, Act3, Act1 ),
( Act2, Act3, Act0, Act3, Act1 ),
( Act0, Act3, Act3, Act4, Act3 ),
( Act2, Act2, Act2, Act3, Act5 ) ) ;
File1 : FullFileNames ; { Expanded name of first file }
File2 : FullFileNames ; { Expanded name of second file }
Index1: Integer ; { Index in File1 name string }
Index2: Integer ; { Index in File2 name string }
Action: Actions ; { Action for current character pair }
function ClaNC( var FileName : FullFileNames ;
var Index : Integer ) : Classes ;
* ClaNC - CLAssify_Next_Character : Extract the next character from the
* name of the file and classify it.
if Index>Length(FileName) then
ClaNC:= EndOfName
case FileName[Index] of
'.' : ClaNC:= Dot ;
':' : ClaNC:= Colon ;
'?' : ClaNC:= WildCard ;
ClaNC:= Other ;
end ; { of case }
end ; { of if }
end ; { of ClaNC }
File1:= ExpandFileName( FileDesc1, NameType ) ;
File2:= ExpandFileName( FileDesc2, NameType ) ;
Index1:= 1 ;
Index2:= 1 ;
Action:= StateTable[ ClaNC(File1,Index1), ClaNC(File2,Index2) ] ;
case Action of
Act0 : begin
Index1:= Succ( Index1 ) ;
Index2:= Succ( Index2 ) ;
end ; { of case Act0 }
Act1 : begin
Index1:= Succ( Index1 ) ;
end ; { of case Act1 }
Act2 : begin
Index2:= Succ( Index2 ) ;
end ; { of case Act2 }
Act3 : begin
SameName:= False ; { Set function result }
Exit ; { Return to caller }
end ; { of case Act3 }
Act4 : begin
if File1[Index1]=File2[Index2] then
Index1:= Succ( Index1 ) ;
Index2:= Succ( Index2 ) ;
SameName:= False ;
Exit ;
end ; { of if }
end ; { of case Act4 }
Act5 : begin
SameName:= True ; { Set function result }
Exit ; { Return to caller }
end ; { of case Act5 }
end ; { of case }
until SintJuttemis ;
end ; { of SameName }
procedure SplitFileName( var FileDesc: FileDescriptors ;
FileName: FullFileNames ) ;
* SplitFileName - Split up the extended name of a file into its components.
* The wildcard character '*' is expanded to multiple '?',
* until the end of the field.
SomeStrings = string[16] ; { Some string which is big enough }
DevName : string[5] ; { (Possible) device name }
I : Integer ; { Pointer to field separator }
Result : Integer ; { Result of string-to-integer conversion }
ReturnCode : Integer ; { Return code from 'Val' procedure }
function Trim( SomeString : SomeStrings ) : SomeStrings ;
* Trim - Remove the leading and the trailing spaces from a string and
* expand the '*' wild character.
I : Integer ; { Position of '*' in string }
* Remove the leading blank spaces .
while (Length(SomeString)>0) and (SomeString[1]=' ') do
Delete( SomeString, 1, 1 ) ;
* Remove the trailing blank spaces.
while (Length(SomeString)>0) and (SomeString[Length(SomeString)]=' ') do
Delete( SomeString, Length(SomeString), 1 ) ;
* Change all lowercase characters into uppercase characters.
if Length(SomeString)>0 then
for I:= 1 to Length(SomeString) do
SomeString[I]:= UpCase(SomeString[I]) ;
* Expand the first '*' wildcharacter into multiple '?' wild characters,
* filling up the field. Truncation at the assignment of the function value
* is assumed in this code, as the maximum length of SomeString isn't known.
I:= Pos( '*', SomeString ) ;
if I>0 then
SomeString:= Copy( SomeString, 1, Pred(I) ) + '????????' ;
Trim:= SomeString ;
end ; { of Trim }
FileDesc.FileType := DiskFile ;
FileDesc.Drive := 0 ;
FileDesc.User := 0 ;
FileDesc.Name := '' ;
FileDesc.Ext := '' ;
* Check for a name of a logical device.
DevName:= Trim( FileName ) ;
if Length(DevName)=4 then
if DevName[4]=':' then
if Pos( DevName, 'CON:TRM:KBD:LST:AUX:USR:' )<>0 then
FileDesc.FileType:= Device ;
FileDesc.Name := DevName ;
Exit ;
end ; { of if/if/if }
* Extract the secondary name from the file name.
I:= Pos( '.', FileName ) ;
if I>0 then
FileDesc.Ext:= Trim( Copy(FileName, Succ(I), 3) ) ;
FileName:= Copy( FileName, 1, Pred(I) ) ;
end ; { of if }
* Extract the primary name from the file name.
I:= Pos( ':', FileName ) ;
FileDesc.Name:= Trim( Copy(FileName, Succ(I), 8) ) ;
* Extract the drive name and the user number from the file name.
if I>1 then
FileName:= Copy( FileName, 1, Pred(I) ) ;
* Look for the drive name.
if FileName[1] in ['A'..'P','a'..'p'] then
FileDesc.Drive:= Succ( Ord(UpCase(FileName[1])) - Ord('A') ) ;
FileName:= Copy( FileName, 2, I ) ;
end ; { of if }
* Look for the user number.
if Length(FileName)>0 then
Val( FileName, Result, ReturnCode ) ;
if ReturnCode=0 then
FileDesc.User:= Succ(Result) ;
end ; { of if }
end ; { of if }
end ; { of SplitFileName }
procedure UnRegisterFile( var FIB ) ;
* UnRegisterFile - Remove the registration of file with the given FIB
* from the list.
FIBFCB : Integer ; { Address of FCB within FIB }
I : Integer ; { Loop control variable }
FIBFCB:= Addr(FIB ) + 12 ;
* Locate the entry which specifies the same FCB.
I:= -1 ;
until (I=RXFCnt) or (RXFLst[I].FCBAddress=FIBFCB) ;
if I<RXFCnt then { remove the located entry }
RXFCnt:= Pred(RXFCnt) ;
while I<RXFCnt do { shift the succeeding entries }
RXFLst[I]:= RXFLst[Succ(I)] ;
I := Succ(I) ;
end ; { of while }
end ; { of if }
end ; { of UnRegisterFile }
procedure InitFileNameUnit ;
* Install the BDos extension (filter).
BDosAddress : Integer absolute $0006 ; { Address of BDos entry point }
BDosEntry.Instruction:= $C3 ; { Jump instruction }
BDosEntry.Address := BDosAddress ; { Save address of BDos entry point }
BDosAddress:= Addr( OwnBDos ) ; { Install own BDos extension }
RXFCnt:= 0 ;
end ; { of InitFileNameUnit }
procedure UnInitFileNameUnit ;
* Restore the original BDos entry, thus removing the BDos extension.
BDosAddress : Integer absolute $0006 ; { Address of BDos entry point }
BDosAddress:= BDosEntry.Address ; { Restore original BDos entry point }
end ; { of UnInitFileNameUnit }