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PPIP.DOC 07/15/88 Page 1
Documentation for the PPIP program
PPIP is a file copy program for use with CP/M 80. It was written to
supplement, not replace, SWEEP, NSWP or PIP. If you want to copy or
backup just a few files, you can do so with PPIP and you won't have to
wait for SWEEP, VFILER, etc. to load and start. In addition, PPIP can
be included in SUBMIT files. PPIP.COM occupies less than 4K.
PPIP has the ability, unlike most copy programs, to PUSH or PULL files
between user areas. Areas from 0 to 31 are supported.
Wildcards are accepted for BOTH the source and destination file names.
This is another feature that gives you flexibility not offered by most
other copy programs.
CRC verification can be done on all operations, and the CRC value can be
reported if you desire. The algorithm used by PPIP is the same one used
You can specify whether you want to be notified before an existing file
is overwritten. You can also specify, separately, whether you want to
be alerted before a Read-Only file is overwritten.
PPIP supports the CP/M file name archive attribute. This allows you to
quickly select and copy new files that have not been copied before.
You can use this program to write directly from the console to a disk
file as you can with the Digital Research PIP.COM program. However PPIP
gives you a little more editing freedom. PPIP does not support devices
other than CON:.
File appends are also not supported.
PPIP supports Plu*Perfect Systems DateStamper, if present. The copied
file is given the same date stamp as the source file. Note that PPIP
must be assembled with the DATESTAMP equate set to YES. Starting with
version 1.7, the datestamper option works on 8080 and 8085 systems.
PPIP can be assembled as a ZCPR utility by setting the ZCPR3 equate to
YES. Be sure to install PPIP with Z3INS unless your ZCPR system auto-
installs all utilities at run time (BGii does).
Beginning with version 1.8, Z80DOS timestamping support has been added
and placed in the public domain. This is controlled by an equate that
must be set to YES.
This program may operate in either the CP/M (tm - Digital Research) com-
mand mode or the MS-DOS (tm - Microsoft) command mode. The mode is
determined by PPIP by looking for '='.
In the "CP/M mode" the destination file name comes first in the command
line, as it does when you use DRI's PIP.COM. You must separate the
source file name from the destination file name with an equals sign
('='). If only one argument is given, it is assumed to be the SOURCE
file and the destination file will have the same name on the current
drive and user area. So the command format is:
In the "MS-DOS mode", the source file name comes first, followed by the
destination file name. The names should be be separated by a space.
As in the CP/M mode, if only one argument is specified, it is assumed to
be the source file name.
In either mode, the DU: (drive/user) or DIR: spec is optional.
If the program is invoked with no arguments then a HELP message is
printed on the console.
Control-C may be used to abort the program. The copy in progress will
be completed before the ^C command is obeyed.
You may include a DU: spec (or DIR: spec if running under ZCPR with a
NDR file loaded) with any file name (except CON:, of course). The drive
may range from 'A' to 'P' unless the maximum accessible drive is
otherwise specified in the source program before assembly. Similarly,
user areas from 0 to 31 can be accessed unless this is specifically over-
ridden. You may specify a drive alone, in which case the program will
assume the current user area, and you may specify a user area alone and
the program will assume that you want to use the current drive. If you
specify neither a drive nor a user area then the program will fill in
both the current drive and current user for you.
Both the source and destination file names can contain wildcards. Wild-
cards in a source file name are expanded in the usual way. Wildcards in
the destination file name are resolved from characters in the source file
name by a "matching" process. A couple of examples will illustrate this.
source: COPY .ASM
wild destination: ??????10.*
final destination: COPY10 .ASM
source: PPIP .COM
wild destination: Q* .OBJ
final destination: QPIP .OBJ
(You would not enter the spaces that occur between the file name and type
in the examples above. These are included for clarification only.)
As you may realize, this wildcard format makes it quite possible for the
program to create duplicate files. For example you could enter:
If the files PPIP.ASM and PPIP.DOC are both on the current DU: then the
destination files would both be named PPIP.BAK. Clearly this is unde-
sirable. In a limited effort to eliminate this kind of error, PPIP
stores the name of the LAST file copied and compares it to the name of
the file currently being copied. If they are the same then a "Dupli-
cate!" error is issued and the current file is skipped. It is still
possible for a duplicate file to be written when the two files with the
same names are not copied one right after another. The only guards
against this are the 'E' and 'W' switches which, if OFF, will tell you
that the file about to be written already exists. As you can see, care
should be exercised in using wildcards. If used correctly this wildcard
scheme will allow you to do your copying and renaming all in one step.
The distributed version of PPIP will handle up to 512 file names.
All eleven file attribute bits, including Read-Only, System, and Archive
are supported by PPIP and are handled as follows:
1) If the destination file existed before the copy operation
then its original attributes are retained, unless the copy
was made with the archive option in effect.
2) If the destination file did not exist before the copy
operation then it receives the same attributes as the
source file.
3) If the copy is made with the archive option ON,
then the archive attribute is SET in the source
file and RESET in the destination file.
Command Line Mode Action Performed
A0>PPIP either print the PPIP help menu
A0>PPIP B0:*.* either copy all files on drive B: and
user 0 to the current drive and
drive and user area (A0:)
C8>PPIP A:*.COM 5:*.OBJ MS-DOS copy all .COM files on A8: to
.OBJ files with the same names
on C5:
A0>PPIP B15:X*.* C0:Z*.* MS-DOS copy all files on B15: that have
names starting with the letter
'X' to files with the same names
except starting with the letter
'Z', on drive/user C0:
B14>PPIP *.* C0:?????BAK.* MS-DOS copy all files on B14: to C0:
and insert the letters "BAK" at
the end of the file name field.
B8>PPIP D0:=A0:KMD.COM CP/M copy the KMD.COM file on A0: to
A0>PPIP D0:=B11:*.?Q? CP/M copy all files with a 'Q' in the
extension that appear on B11: to
to D0:
on A15:
D5>PPIP B0:MYFILE.DOC=CON: CP/M copy console input to MYFILE.DOC
drive B: and user 0.
There are six options that you can switch ON/OFF from the command line.
Each of these options has a default value which is specified when the
program is assembled. The default settings will be reported in the HELP
Options are activated from the command line by a special character. This
character must be specified before assembly and will be reported in the
HELP menu. In our examples we will use the traditional MS-DOS switch
character '/'. This is the switch used in the distributed version of
The options can appear anywhere in the command line, can be bundled to-
gether, and can appear more than once. If an option occurs more than
once in the command line, it is toggled each time it is encountered.
Thus all the following commands mean the same thing:
NOTE: Only two arguments, excluding options, are accepted by
PPIP. Thus file appends and multiple file operations with
unambiguous names are not supported. You will be warned
about extra arguments. You will also be warned about un-
recognized options.
Here is a list of the valid options and their default status in the dis-
tributed version.
Character Function Default Status
A if ON, only files that have their archive attributes OFF
not set (off) will be copied.
C if ON, the CRC value will be reported in hex (if the OFF
/V switch is also ON)
E if ON, you will NOT be warned before Read/Write files OFF
are overwritten.
M if ON, the source file is erased after the copy is OFF
successfully completed. This option does not toggle.
If /M is specified, the move mode is enabled and the
V mode is forced on to provide CRC verification.
W if ON, you will NOT be warned before Read/Write and OFF
Read/Only files are overwritten.
V if ON, verifies the CRC of the copies (needs /C to OFF
also display the CRC value in hex).
If the /V or /M switch is on and the Cyclic Redundancy Check fails, the
copy will be retried. In the distributed version the copy will be
retried three times before PPIP gives up.
The archiving option has limited usefulness under CP/M 2.x since the
operating system resets archive attributes only when files are created
anew, not when they are updated as should be the case. You must either
reset the archive bit "by hand" with an utility program or create a new
file before PPIP will recognize that a file has been changed. Still,
the /A option gives you an easy way to find and copy new files on your
system. Many BDOS replacements such as ZRDOS, P2DOS and PZDOS properly
support the archive attribute.
PPIP contains a very crude text editor that is still a step above
what DRI's PIP.COM offers. The important differences are:
1) backspaces are not interpreted literally and placed
into the file. Instead, you can use BACKSPACE or RUBOUT
to back up and make corrections to the current line.
This is a destructive backspace so text to the right
of the cursor will have to be retyped. There is no
provision for editing lines other than the current one
as this would require terminal-specific code.
2) line feeds are automatically added to carriage
3) any control characters can be entered literally
into the file. Most control characters can be
entered just as you would expect, by holding down
the CONTROL key and hitting the appropriate alpha-
betic key. The exceptions to this are: backspace
(^H), carriage return (^M) and EOF (^Z). These
characters have special meaning to the editor. To
enter them you must first enter a "trigger" char-
acter. The trigger in the distributed version of
PPIP is the tilde ('~'). So, to insert a carriage
return into the text you would enter '~' and then
the letter 'M'. The editor will convert lower-case
characters entered after the trigger to upper-case.
If the character entered after the trigger will not
produce a valid control character then it is ignored.
To enter the trigger character itself, you type it
two times.
4) lines are automatically wrapped. Word wrap occurs
at the first space that you type after there are 10
characters left on the console line. If no spaces
occur during the last 10 characters on the line then
the line is wrapped one character before the end of
the line. Once you leave a line you can't get back
back to it.
Wildcards are inappropriate in the destination file name for a console
copy. The program will print an error message if you use them.
To quit entering text, use CTL-Z, just as you do with PIP.COM.
It is unlikely that you will ever fill the memory buffer when entering
console text. If you do, however, PPIP will ring the console bell when
there are only five characters left in the buffer. You may heed this
warning and exit the program or you may keep on typing. When you hit
the end of the buffer, PPIP will write the buffer to disk and return you
to CP/M.
This program was written primarily because I got tired of bringing up
SWEEP just to make a quick back-up of work in progress. And I wanted a
copy program that would be easy to use from a submit file. Also, I like
the MS-DOS copy program and wanted a program that could (a) accept just
one argument to copy a file to the current drive/user area and (b) would
accept the source file first on the command line. PPIP fits the bill
and has a few other niceties to boot.
If you are so inclined, you may make changes to the data listed as "User
customizable" to tailor the program to your system. There's not much to
do here, but you can set your maximum accessible drive and user areas,
and you can change the option switch characters if the ones being used
do not suit you.
For your reference, here are the important locations in a NON-ZCPR3
version of PPIP. For ZCPR3 versions, add 08H to all addresses.
TRIGGER equate specifies the trigger you want to use to '~'
in enter literal control character from the
source CON: Note, don't use '^; as trigger since
code doing so will prevent you from entering
the control character '^^'.
SWID equate your screen width in characters 80
*** Note *** The following are for NON-ZCPR !!! Add 8 bytes for ZCPR !!!
RETRY 0103H the number of retrys you want PPIP to attempt 3
if CRC verification fails.
MAXDRV 0104H your maximum accessible drive letter in caps 'P'
MAXUSR 0105H your maximum accessible user number 15
SWITCH 0106H specifies the character to be used to activate '/'
options in the command line
VERIFY 0108H the CRC verification option V - off
REPORT 010AH the CRC report option (shows value in hex) C - off
ARCHIV 010CH the archive option A - off
EMEND 010EH the option to allow overwriting R/W files E - off
without asking
WIPE 0110H the option to allow erasing of all files W - off
(both R/W and R/O) without asking
MOVF 0112H thhe move option M - off
A note regarding the options: The options table is terminated
with a zero in the options-character position. If you want to
"hard-wire" the options, you can simply terminate the table at
the appropriate place. The options status bytes must remain
intact and must be set the way you want. For instance, to turn
the EMEND and WIPE options off permanently, you would substitute
a zero for the 'E' at 0110H.
Here is a list of PPIP messages and their meaning:
-------------------------------- ------------------------------
"<?> - unrecognized option" you have used an option
character that is invalid
"Archived" a copy operation is being
skipped because a file has
already been archived
"bad drive/user spec in <filename>" either the drive or the user
area you have specified is out
of bounds
"Can't close destination" the destination file has been
written but can't be closed
"Can't copy to same drive/user" an attempt has been made to
write the destination file on
top of the source file
"can't open source" the source file has been
located but can't be opened
"Directory is full" there is no room left for
another entry in the disk
"Disk full. Deleting file." the destination file is too
"Disk full. Copy deleted." big to fit on the specified
disk. The partial file will be
"Duplicate!" a copy operation is being
skipped because it will over-
write the file just written
"Exists! Delete?" the file about to be written
"R/O! Delete?" exists. You should enter the
single character 'Y' or 'N' to
indicate whether the file
should be deleted.
"Ignoring:" the program will list and
ignore all arguments other
than the source and
destination file names and
"invalid characters in <filename>" you have used an illegal
character in the file name.
Unacceptable characters are
the comma, semi-colon, colon,
equals sign, and single and
double quotes
"No destination file specified" issued only when CON: is the
source file and a destination
file name must be specified
"no file <filename>" the file name you have used
cannot be found on the
specified drive and user area
"Ok" tells you how the CRC check
"failed" came out
"Out of memory" PPIP puts all the expanded
source file names in memory
and uses all memory above that
for disk buffering. If no
memory is left after the
source file name is expanded
you will get this error
"Please check your disk" CRC has failed retry + 1 times
so something is seriously
"User abort" you have used control-C to
abort the copy process
"verify file open error" the destination file has been
written but can't be reopened
for verification
"Verifying" tells you that CRC
verification is being done
"Wildcards not allowed" issued only when CON: is the
source file. The destination
file name must be unambiguous
Feel free to toy with PPIP all you want, but do not use it for
commercial purposes or for monetary gain without expressed
written permission from the author.
PPIP is Copyright (C) by David Jewett, III - 1985.
10376 Iron Mill Road
Richmond, VA 23235
Day Phone: (804) 794-7667