Text File
579 lines
title RPLSUB - RPL Subroutines.
;; RPLSUB -- Assembly language support routines for RPL.
; Richard A. Holmes, February 12, 1987.
; 4845 San Sebastian Avenue
; Las Vegas, NV 89121
; (702) 458-4933
;; This code has the program's starting point. It sets the stack
; and then calls a FORTRAN main driving routine. The FORTRAN code
; calls several routines included in here:
; start program starting address
; endrun return to CCP
; fsize determine file size.
; sfirst search for first directory entry
; strend output string to console with CRLF.
; strout output string with no CRLF.
; opin open input file
; opout open output file
; rsectr read disk sector from input file
; wsectr write disk sector to output file
; clout close output disk file
; error write error message to console, abort
; getusr get current user number
; setusr set current user number
; amb1st find 1st file with wildcard spec
; ambnxt find next file with wildcard spec
; putfil save a file name
; getfil retrieve a file name
; chrout output one character to the screen
; makres make reserved space file
; delres delete reserved space file
; help show help message
cr set 13
lf set 10
lxi h,0
dad sp
shld savestack
lxi sp,stack ; set our stack pointer
lxi h,cuser
call getusr
call rpl## ; join main line code
; Endrun. Terminate execution.
call delres ; delete reserved space file
lxi h,cuser
call setusr
;; lhld savestack
;; sphl
;; ret
jp 0
savestack: ds 2
page 60
;; FSIZE - Determine size of file.
; Richard A. Holmes, 1983.
; This FORTRAN-80 callable function will determine the
; number of 128 byte blocks used by a file.
; size = fsize(drive,name)
; where
; FSIZE (integer) if = -1, file does not exist
; else, count of 128 byte blocks
; DRIVE (integer) the drive indicator
; 0 = default drive
; 1 = A, 2 = B, etc.
; NAME (byte(11)) the file name and extension
fszfcb: ds 36
fszdrv equ fszfcb
fsznam equ fszfcb+1
fszext equ fszfcb+12
fszr0 equ fszfcb+33
fszr1 equ fszr0+1
fszr2 equ fszr1+1
fszlex: ds 1 ; highest extent seen
fszrec: ds 1 ; record count of highest ext
fsize:: call setup
mvi a,'?'
sta fszext ; set extension to ?
; Set the DMA address to x'80'.
mvi c,x'1A' ; SETDMA command
lxi d,x'80' ; actual address
call 5 ; do it.
lxi d,fszfcb
mvi c,35
call 5
; Check for maximum size file.
lxi h,-1
lda fszr2
ora a
; Get the high record number from r0 and r1 in the FCB.
lda fszr0
mov l,a
lda fszr1
mov h,a
; Search for first.
call setup
lxi d,fszfcb
mvi c,x'11'
call 5
setup: push h
; Initially clear out the FCB.
lxi h,fszfcb ; where to start zeroing
mvi c,35 ; length of FCB
xra a ; initialization constant
fsz10: dcr c ; count this byte
jm fsz20 ; if all zeroed
mov m,a ; clear a byte
inx h ; move to next byte
jmp fsz10 ; look for more
; Store the file name in the FCB.
fsz20: mvi c,11 ; length of file name
lxi h,fsznam ; where to store the name
fsz30: dcr c ; count this byte
jm fsz40 ; if all moved
ldax d ; fetch a byte
mov m,a ; stash it
inx d ; adjust source
inx h ; adjust destination
jmp fsz30 ; try for another
; Store the drive code.
fsz40: pop h ; retrieve address of drive code
mov a,m ; fetch drive code
sta fszdrv ; save it in FCB
;; STROUT - output a string with no trailing characters.
strout:: push h
pop d
mvi c,9
jmp 5
;; STREND - output a string with a trailing CRLF.
push h
pop d
mvi c,9
call 5
mvi e,13
mvi c,6
call 5
mvi e,10
mvi c,6
call 5
; Initialize the input FCB.
ld bc,36
ld de,infcb
ld hl,zerofcb
ldir ; initially clear the FCB
ld a,(indev)
ld (infcb),a ; set device
ld bc,11
ld de,infcb+1
ld hl,infile
ldir ; set file name/extension
; Now open it
ld c,x'0f'
ld de,infcb
call 5
cp x'ff'
ret nz
ld hl,noinfile
call error
; Initialize the output FCB.
ld bc,36
ld de,outfcb
ld hl,zerofcb
ld a,(outdev)
ld (outfcb),a
ld bc,11
ld de,outfcb+1
ld hl,outfil
; Now open it
ld c,x'0f'
ld de,outfcb
call 5 ; do an OPEN
; If it didn't work, then MAKE it.
or a
ret p
ld c,x'16'
ld de,outfcb
call 5 ; do a MAKE
or a
ret p
ld hl,nodirspace
call error
nodirspace: db 'No directory space for output file.$'
;; stat = rsectr(bufptr,recnumber)
; stat = 0, good read
; stat > 0, error
; stat < 0, EOF
push de
ld e,(hl)
inc hl
ld d,(hl)
ld hl,sector
add hl,de
push hl
pop de ; DE = DMA address
ld c,x'1a'
call 5 ; set DMA address
pop de
ld a,(de)
ld (infcb+33),a ; set record number
inc de
ld a,(de) ; set record number (high byte)
ld (infcb+34),a
ld c,x'21'
ld de,infcb
call 5 ; issue random read
or a
ret z ; if no error condition
cp 1
jr z,rseceof ; if EOF situation
cp 4
jr z,rseceof ; if EOF situation
cp 6
jr z,rseceof ; if EOF situation
rseceof: ld a,x'80' ; negative returned value means EOF
or a
noinfile: db 'The input file does not exist.$'
;; stat = wsectr(bufptr,recnumber)
; stat = 0, good write
; stat > 0, error
push de
ld e,(hl)
inc hl
ld d,(hl)
ld hl,sector
add hl,de
push hl
pop de
ld c,x'1a'
call 5 ; set DMA address
pop de
ld a,(de)
ld (outfcb+33),a ; set record number
inc de
ld a,(de) ; set record number (high byte)
ld (outfcb+34),a
ld c,x'22'
ld de,outfcb
call 5 ; issue random write
or a
ret ; if no error condition
clout:: ld de,outfcb
ld c,x'10'
call 5
;; ERROR - put out an error message. Terminate.
error:: push hl
ld hl,dollar
call strend ; force beginning of new line
pop hl
call strend ; show provided error message
ld e,7 ; ring the bell
ld c,x'06'
call 5 ; console output character
call delres ; make sure there is no reserved space file
ld hl,cuser
call setusr
ld c,x'00'
jp 5 ; do a SYSTEM RESET
dollar: db '$'
;; SETUSR - set user number.
ld e,(hl) ; fetch user number
ld c,x'20' ; set function code
call 5
;; GETUSR - get current user number.
push hl
ld e,x'ff'
ld c,x'20'
call 5
pop hl
ld (hl),a
;; GETDEV - get current device (default disk drive)
push hl
ld c,x'19'
call 5
pop hl
inc a
ld (hl),a
;; AMB1ST - Get first file using ambiguous file spec.
push hl
pop de
ld c,x'11'
call 5 ; issue search for first
;; AMBNXT - Get next file using ambiguous file spec.
push hl
pop de
ld c,x'12'
call 5 ; issue search for next
;; PUTFIL - Put next file name in list.
ld bc,11
push hl
ld hl,(pptr)
ex de,hl
pop hl
ld hl,(pptr)
ld de,11
add hl,de
ld (hl),0
ld (pptr),hl
pptr: dw fnames ; put name pointer
ld bc,11
push hl
pop de
ld hl,(gptr)
ld hl,(gptr)
ld de,11
add hl,de
ld (gptr),hl
gptr: dw fnames
;; CHROUT - output a character to the console.
; call chrout(char)
ld e,(hl)
ld c,x'06'
jp 5
;; MAKRES - make reserved space file.
; call makres(amount) (integer K amount)
push hl
ld hl,user0
call setusr ; work with user zero
ld a,(outdev)
ld (xxresfcb),a
ld de,x'80'
ld c,x'1a' ; set DMA
call 5
call setresfcb
ld de,resfcb
ld c,x'13' ; DELETE function
call 5
call setresfcb
ld de,resfcb
ld c,x'16' ; MAKE function
call 5
or a
jp m,makopnerr
pop hl
ld a,(hl) ; fetch K count
and x'1F' ; don't allow wraparound
rla ; * 2
rla ; * 4
rla ; * 8 = number of sectors to write
push af
makr10: pop af
dec a
jp m,makxit ; if no more to write
push af
ld de,resfcb
call 5
or a
jr nz,makerr ; if not good write
jp makr10 ; try again
makxit: ld de,resfcb
ld c,x'10' ; CLOSE
call 5
makerr: pop af
ld hl,makerrmsg
call error
ld hl,opnerrmsg
call error
makerrmsg: db 'Error in reserving space. Disk is full.$'
opnerrmsg: db 'Error in reserving space. Directory is full.$'
;; DELRES - Delete reserved space file.
; call delres
ld hl,user0
call setusr
call setresfcb
ld de,resfcb
ld c,x'13'
call 5
;; SETRESFCB - Setup reserve space file block.
ld de,resfcb
ld hl,xxresfcb
ld bc,36
;; HELP - Show help message.
; call help
; Note direct console output on a character by character basis
; is used because there are dollar signs in the text.
help:: ld hl,helpmsg
help05: ld a,(hl)
or a
ret z ; if end of message
push hl
ld e,a
ld c,6
call 5 ; direct console output
pop hl
inc hl
jr help05
db cr,lf
db ' Function: RPL is used to copy disk files. It reserves space'
db ' at the ',cr,lf
db ' beginning of the disk and rewrites in place when'
db ' possible.',cr,lf
db ' It accepts user numbers and wildcards.',cr,lf,lf
db ' Usage: RPL destination=source $nnk',cr,lf,lf
db ' where: destination specifies where to copy to',cr,lf
db ' source specifies where to copy from',cr,lf
db ' $nnK specifies amount of reserved space'
db cr,lf
db ' (if omitted, 4K is reserved)'
db cr,lf,lf
db ' Examples:',cr,lf,lf
db ' A> RPL X.OUT=Y.IN copies Y.IN to X.OUT',cr,lf
db ' A> RPL E7:=A:SOURCE copies SOURCE on A: to SOURCE in'
db ' user 7 of E:',cr,lf
db ' A> RPL E3:=7:*.* $10K copies all files in user 7 of the'
db ' default drive',cr,lf
db ' to user 3 of drive E: after first'
db ' reserving',cr,lf
db ' 10K of disk space'
db cr,lf
lenhelp equ $-helpmsg
resfcb: db 0,'RESERVE!$$$'
db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
xxresfcb: db 0,'RESERVE!$$$'
db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
user0: db 0 ; to select user zero
zerofcb: db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
infcb: ds 36
outfcb: ds 36
nfnames:db 0
ambig: db 0 ; non-zero if ambiguous name
maxfiles equ 255
;; SECTOR, STACK and FNAMES must be the very last things allocated in memory.
; This is the case when using L80 or SLRNK+ .
sector:: ds 1 ; beginning of disk sector buffer
endsect equ sector+12800 ; allow 100 sector buffer area
stack equ endsect+600
fnames equ stack+2
entry highaddr
highaddr equ fnames
;; The following common blocks must have been previously allocated by another
; module already loaded. This is the case with the FORTRAN routines.
common /in/
infile: ds 11
indev: ds 1
inunit: ds 1
common /out/
outfil: ds 11
outdev: ds 1
outunt: ds 1
common /user/
iuser: ds 1
ouser: ds 1
cuser: ds 1
end start