Text File
265 lines
VPATCH 1.0 (C) 1985 James Whorton
VPATCH vers. 1.0
A patch utlity for VDO 2.5(a)
June 27, 1985
James Whorton
# This software is Copyright (C) 1985 by James Whorton. All Rights #
# Reserved. Permission is granted to distribute and use this software #
# under the following conditions: #
# #
# 1. Distribution and use must be non-profit. No profit from this #
# software is allowed without the express written permission #
# of the author. #
# 2. Any modifications to the code must be cleared with the author #
# before a new release is made. #
# 3. All copyright notices must be maintained in their present state,#
# including display of said notices. #
# 4. Permission is NOT given to distribute copies of VDO 2.5(a) that #
# have been patched using this software. #
VPATCH 1.0 (C) 1985 James Whorton
@@ Overview @@
VPATC╚á (Vd∩ PATCHer⌐ i≤ ß utilit∙ designeΣ t∩ allo≈ thσ applicatioε oµá ß ì
serie≤á oµá patche≤ tha⌠ ╔ havσ iε minΣ fo≥ thσ VD╧á 2.5(a⌐á editor«á Thi≤ ì
patch utility is written using Turbo Pascal 2.0. It may be used on any Z80
CP/M 2.2 machine with a TPA of at least 44k.
T∩á usσ thi≤ utility¼á yo⌡ wil∞ als∩ neeΣ whicheve≥ oµ thσ .VP╘ file≤á yo⌡ ì
wisΦ t∩ apply«á The∙ ma∙ bσ founΣ oε thσ system≤ listeΣ a⌠ thσ enΣ oµ thi≤ ì
The following files comprise this package:
VPATCH10.OBJ <<-- The compiled patch utility.
VPATCH10.MAN <<-- This documentation file.
VPATCH 1.0 (C) 1985 James Whorton
@@ Usage @@
To use the patcher, the following syntax is required:
VPATCH objectfile.ext patchfile.<ext>
Objectfile.ex⌠ i≤ thσ namσ oµ thσ edito≥ filσ t∩ bσ patched« Thi≤ filσ ma∙ ì
havσ an∙ name¼ bu⌠ i⌠ mus⌠ bσ ß valiΣ VD╧ v2.5(a⌐ file« Iµ no⌠ thσ prograφ ì
will inform the user and abort.
Patchfile.ex⌠ i≤ thσ namσ oµ thσ patcΦ filσ t∩ bσ applied« Iµ n∩ extensioε ì
is given, the program will supply the .VPT extension.
Thσ optiona∞ forma⌠ VPATCH<cr> ma∙ bσ useΣ fo≥ ß brieµ usagσ display.
An∙á error≤ tha⌠ occu≥ durinτ executioε wil∞ producσ ß messagσ tha⌠á look≤ ì
likσ this:
-->╛ Erro≥ ║ (erro≥ message⌐ <<--
VPATCH 1.0 (C) 1985 James Whorton
@@ Future enhancements @@
╔ wil∞ bσ writinτ quitσ ß fe≈ patcΦ file≤ t∩ bσ useΣ witΦ thi≤ utility«á ╔ ì
hopσ tha⌠ througΦ thi≤ methoΣ ╔ caε hel≡ improvσ VD╧ anΣ makσ i⌠ a≤ usefu∞ ì
a≤á possible«á ╔á welcomσá an∙á suggestion≤á a≤á t∩á futurσá patches«á An∙ ì
suggestions made will be taken under consideration.
Iµ yo⌡ havσ an∙ suggestions«á comments¼á etc« pleasσ direc⌠ theφ t∩ mσ viß ì
onσ oµ thσ followinτ methods:
OBBS Remote Facility
(402) 346-4206
300/1200 baud, 24 hours (no answer if in use)
To: SysOp
(402) 280-3023
300/1200 baud, 24 hours (no answer if in use)
To: James Whorton
CP/M is a trademark of Digital Research, Inc.
Turbo Pascal is a trademark of Borland International