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- Command File Processing
- Disk-Based Command Files -- SUB2
- SUB2 Error Messages
- SUB2 Command Summary
- Memory-Based Command Files -- ZEX
- ZEX Control Commands
- Restrictions on Command Files
- SUB2 and ZEX as Extended Command Processors Under ZCPR2
- :Command File Processing
- ┴ CommanΣ Filσ i≤ ß filσ containinτ commands¼á witΦ optiona∞ ì
- paramete≥á substitution¼á whicΦ caε bσ executeΣ b∙ ZCPR2«á Thesσ ì
- command≤á arσá exactl∙ thσ samσ kind≤ oµ command≤á a≤á yo⌡á woulΣ ì
- issuσá a⌠á thσ console¼á anΣ an∙ commanΣ yo⌡ caε issuσá froφá thσ ì
- consolσá caεá bσ issueΣ froφ withiε ß CommanΣ Filσ (witΦá jus⌠á ß ì
- couple of restrictions).
- Thσá CommanΣ Filσ Facilitie≤ oµ SUB▓ anΣ ZE╪á arσá availablσ ì
- unde≥ ZCPR2«á Simila≥ iε concep⌠ t∩ thσ SUBMI╘ facilit∙ oµ CP/M¼ ì
- botΦá SUB▓ anΣ ZE╪ arσ upward-compatablσ t∩ SUBMI╘ (an∙ SU┬á filσ ì
- caε ruε unde≥ theφ witΦ fe≈ restrictions).
- BotΦá SUB▓á anΣá ZE╪á begiε processinτá b∙á translatinτá thσ ì
- commanΣ file≤ the∙ arσ giveε int∩ slightl∙ differen⌠ forms« BotΦ ì
- d∩ paramete≥ substitution¼ extractinτ parameter≤ froφ thσ commanΣ ì
- line≤á anΣ placinτ theφ int∩ thσ tex⌠ oµ thσ commanΣ streaφá the∙ ì
- arσ building«á SUB▓ build≤ thσ commanΣ streaφ t∩ bσ executeΣá oε ì
- disδá drivσ ┴ unde≥ thσ curren⌠ use≥ number¼á anΣ ZE╪ build≤á thσ ì
- commanΣ streaφ iε memory.
- A≤á thσ use≥ caε guess¼á ZE╪ i≤ generall∙ preferreΣ t∩ SUB2« ì
- Unde≥ ZEX¼á thσ commanΣ streaφ i≤ executeΣ mucΦ morσ quickl∙ thaε ì
- unde≥ SUB▓ sincσ ZE╪ jus⌠ goe≤ int∩ memor∙ fo≥ thσ nex⌠ characte≥ ì
- whilσ ZCPR▓ ha≤ t∩ g∩ t∩ disk« ZEX¼ however¼ doe≤ takσ u≡ memor∙ ì
- space¼ anΣ tha⌠ i≤ it≤ maiε drawback« Thσ TP┴ (Transien⌠ Prograφ ì
- Area⌐á unde≥á ZE╪ i≤ smalle≥ thaε wha⌠ i≤á availablσá t∩á commanΣ ì
- file≤á runninτ unde≥ SUB2«á Thi≤ i≤ you≥ basiπ trade-ofµ betweeε ì
- thσ tw∩ CommanΣ Filσ Processors.
- Anothe≥ differencσ betweeε SUB▓ anΣ ZE╪ i≤ tha⌠ SUB▓ commanΣ ì
- stream≤ arσ line-orienteΣ anΣ extracteΣ onl∙ b∙ ZCPR2«á Tha⌠ is¼ ì
- SUB▓á build≤ ß commanΣ filσ nameΣ $$$.SU┬ likσ SUBMI╘á does¼á anΣ ì
- ZCPR▓á extract≤á ßá linσ froφ thσ $$$.SU┬ filσ eacΦá timσá i⌠á i≤ ì
- entered« Wheε ZCPR▓ i≤ entereΣ b∙ eithe≥ ß ColΣ Boot¼ Warφ Boot¼ ì
- o≥á simplσ RETurε froφ ß loadeΣ program¼á i⌠ check≤ thσá Multiplσ ì
- CommanΣ Linσ Buffe≥ fo≥ ß pendinτ command«á Iµ i⌠ find≤á it¼á i⌠ ì
- execute≤ it« Iµ not¼ i⌠ check≤ thσ A║ drivσ (curren⌠ user⌐ fo≥ ß ì
- $$$.SU┬á file«á Iµ i⌠ find≤ one¼á i⌠ extract≤ thσ nex⌠ linσ froφ ì
- thσ $$$.SU┬ file¼á processe≤ it¼á anΣ begin≤ executioε oµ i⌠ froφ ì
- thσ Multiplσ CommanΣ Linσ Buffer«á Finally¼á iµ thσ $$$.SU┬ filσ ì
- is not found, ZCPR2 prompts the user for input.
- Tha⌠á i≤á ho≈á commanΣá streaφá processinτá unde≥á SUB▓áá i≤ ì
- performed« ZEX¼ however¼ act≤ a≤ ß combinatioε oµ SUB▓ anΣ XSUB« ì
- Oncσ commanΣ streaφ processinτ begin≤ unde≥ ZEX¼ thσ ZE╪ monitor¼ ì
- locateΣ unde≥ ZCPR▓ witΦ thσ associateΣ commanΣ stream¼á supplie≤ ì
- ßá characte≥ eacΦ timσ thσ BIO╙ Consolσ Inpu⌠ Routinσ i≤á called« ì
- ZE╪ extract≤ thσ nex⌠ characte≥ froφ thσ commanΣ stream¼ examine≤ ì
- i⌠á t∩á seσá iµ i⌠ i≤ ß ZE╪ commanΣ anΣ execute≤ i⌠á iµá so¼á anΣ ì
- returns it to the calling program if it is not a ZEX command.
- Hence¼á ZCPR▓á itselµ doe≤ no⌠ realizσ tha⌠ ZE╪ i≤á running« ì
- Neithe≥á d∩á thσá transien⌠á program≤á iεá general«á ZE╪á simpl∙ ì
- intercept≤ al∞ call≤ t∩ thσ BIO╙ Consolσ Inpu⌠ (anΣ Inpu⌠ Status⌐ ì
- routinσ anΣ provide≤ aε inpu⌠ characte≥ iε it≤ place«á Therσ arσ ì
- exceptions to this case, but they will be discussed later.
- BotΦ SUB▓ anΣ ZE╪ fi⌠ int∩ thσ ZCPR▓ Systeφ nicely¼ anΣ the∙ ì
- caεá bσá useΣ t∩ ac⌠ a≤ ExtendeΣ CommanΣ Processor≤á iµá desired« ì
- This is discussed later.
- :Disk-Based Command Files -- SUB2
- SUB2¼á commonl∙á calleΣá SUB¼á i≤á invokeΣá b∙á onσá oµá thσ ì
- following command lines:
- SUB or SUB // <-- Print Help Message
- SUB /A Text <-- Abort $$$.SUB File
- Processing at User's
- Discretion
- SUB /AB Text <-- Same as /A but Ring Bell
- to Alert User
- SUB /D commands <-- Perform Commands following
- the /D
- SUB /I <-- Enter Interactive Input
- Mode
- SUB filename params <-- As in Standard SUBMIT
- Thσá "SU┬á /Aóá anΣá "SU┬á /ABóá form≤á allo≈á thσá use≥á t∩ ì
- gracefull∙á abor⌠ ß $$$.SU┬ file«á ^├ a⌠ thσ consolσ caε bσ useΣ ì
- t∩á abor⌠ sucΦ processinτ a≤ unde≥ CP/M¼á bu⌠ thσ /┴ forφá allow≤ ì
- thσá luxur∙á oµá startinτá ß commanΣ streaφá anΣá stoppinτá a⌠á ß ì
- critica∞ poin⌠ t∩ allo≈ thσ use≥ t∩ takσ hi≤ time¼á inspec⌠á wha⌠ ì
- ha≤ happened¼ anΣ theε decidσ whethe≥ t∩ proceeΣ o≥ not.
- Thσá "SU┬á /Dóá forφá ha≤á littlσá utilit∙á unde≥á ßá fully-ì
- implementeΣá ZCPR▓á System«á Yo⌡ caε obtaiε ß bette≥á effec⌠á b∙ ì
- simpl∙á issuinτá ßá conventiona∞ ZCPR▓ commanΣá stream«á Thσá /─ ì
- optioεá i≤á gooΣ onl∙ iε environ≤ whicΦ d∩ no⌠á suppor⌠á multiplσ ì
- commands.
- Thσ "SU┬ /Ió forφ eliminate≤ thσ neeΣ fo≥ thσ use≥ t∩ usσ aε ì
- edito≥ t∩ creatσ ß .SU┬ file«á Iµ thσ use≥ ha≤ ß commanΣá streaφ ì
- hσá want≤ t∩ executσ immediatel∙ anΣ doesn'⌠ carσ t∩ d∩ i⌠ again¼ ì
- hσ caε usσ thi≤ option«á Iε response¼á SUB▓ allow≤ hiφ t∩á ente≥ ì
- hi≤á commanΣá streaφ (sorry¼á n∩ paramete≥ passing⌐ ß linσá a⌠á ß ì
- time«á Wheεá i⌠ i≤ al∞ entereΣ (use≥ enter≤ aε empt∙ line)¼á thσ ì
- $$$.SU┬ filσ i≤ buil⌠ anΣ executed.
- Thσ fina∞ form¼á "SU┬ filenamσ params"¼ i≤ identica∞ iε forφ ì
- t∩á thσá SUBMI╘á commanΣá supplieΣá witΦá CP/M«á Thσá "filenameó ì
- specifie≤á thσá namσá oµ thσ .SU┬ filσ t∩ bσá executed¼á anΣá thσ ì
- parameter≤ arσ associateΣ witΦ thσ substitutioε variable≤ oµá $1¼ ì
- $2¼á etc«á U≡á t∩ 2░ parameter≤ ma∙ bσ specified«á Thσ sequencσ ì
- "$$óá place≤á ßá "$ó int∩ thσ commanΣá line¼á anΣá thσá characte≥ ì
- sequencσá "^cóá place≤ thσ indicateΣ contro∞ characte≥á int∩á thσ ì
- commanΣ linσ (uparro≈ ├ place≤ Control-C).
- Thσá SUB▓ commanΣ ma∙ bσ nesteΣ int∩ ß $$$.SU┬ file«á Iµá ß ì
- "SU┬á filenamσ paramsó commanΣ i≤ encountereΣ iε ß $$$.SU┬á file¼ ì
- SUB▓á runs¼á realize≤á tha⌠ thi≤ ha≤ happened¼á anΣá insert≤á thσ ì
- indicateΣá commanΣ file¼á witΦ paramete≥ substitution¼á int∩á thσ ì
- runninτá commanΣá streaφ a⌠ thσ appropriatσ place«á Thi≤ ma∙á bσ ì
- nesteΣ a≤ man∙ level≤ dee≡ a≤ desired.
- Unde≥ ZCPR2¼á iµ SUB▓ i≤ executeΣ witΦ thσ Multiplσá CommanΣ ì
- Linσá Facilit∙ invokeΣ anΣ morσ command≤ follo≈ thσ SUB▓ command¼ ì
- theε thσ res⌠ oµ thσ Multiplσ CommanΣ Linσ i≤ inserteΣ a⌠ thσ enΣ ì
- of the generated $$$.SUB file.
- Finally¼á SUB▓ follow≤ thσ ZCPR▓ patΦ wheε searchinτ fo≥ thσ ì
- indicateΣá commanΣ file«á I⌠ i≤ full∙ integrateΣ int∩ thσá ZCPR▓ ì
- Systeφá anΣá i≤á ablσ t∩ emplo∙ thσ Externa∞á PatΦá anΣá Multiplσ ì
- Command Line Buffer features of ZCPR2.
- :SUB2 Error Messages
- SUB▓á provide≤á ß numbe≥ oµ informativσ diagnostic≤á t∩á thσ ì
- user«á Iε particular¼á wheε processinτ ß CommanΣ File¼á wheεá aε ì
- erro≥ i≤ encountered¼ thσ use≥ i≤ informeΣ oµ thσ linσ numbe≥ thσ ì
- error occurs at.
- Thσá followinτá summarize≤ thσ erro≥ message≤á presenteΣá b∙ ì
- SUB2:
- Disk Full
- There is no room to write the $$$.SUB file
- Directory Full
- There is no directory space for the $$$.SUB file
- Memory Full
- There is not enough memory in which to build the
- command stream to be placed into the $$$.SUB file
- SUB2 Error Messages, Con't
- SUBMIT File Not Found
- The .SUB file specified in the command line could
- not be found along the ZCPR2 path
- Parameter
- Invalid Parameter Specified
- Too Many Parameters
- More than 20 parameters were on the command line
- Line too Long
- The current line in the command stream exceeds
- 128 bytes
- SUBMIT File Empty
- The .SUB file specified in the command line was
- found to be empty
- SUB2 Error Messages, Con't
- Control Character
- The ^c form was not followed by a letter A-Z
- :SUB2 Command Summary
- The following are valid SUB2 command line forms:
- SUB or SUB // <-- Print Help Message
- SUB /A Text <-- Abort $$$.SUB File
- Processing at User's
- Discretion
- SUB /AB Text <-- Same as /A but Ring Bell
- to Alert User
- SUB /D commands <-- Perform Commands following
- the /D
- SUB /I <-- Enter Interactive Input
- Mode
- SUB filename params <-- As in Standard SUBMIT
- :Memory-Based Command Files -- ZEX
- Thσá Memory-BaseΣ CommanΣ Filσ Processo≥ oµ ZCPR2¼á ZEX¼á i≤ ì
- invoked by the following forms:
- ZEX // <-- Print Help
- ZEX <-- Enter Interactive Mode
- ZEX filename params <-- Process .ZEX or .SUB
- file as with SUBMIT
- Thσá Interactivσ Modσ oµ ZE╪ execute≤ likσá thσá Interactivσ ì
- Modσá oµá SUB2«á Thσá use≥á enter≤ commanΣá line≤á unti∞á hσá i≤ ì
- satisfieΣá anΣá theε terminate≤ thσ proces≤ b∙ enterinτ aεá empt∙ ì
- linσ (simpl∙ hittinτ RETURN)«á ZE╪ theε execute≤ thσ command≤ iε ì
- thσ sequencσ entered«á N∩ paramete≥ passinτ i≤ permitteΣ iε thi≤ ì
- mode of operation.
- Thσá "ZE╪á filenamσ paramsó forφ i≤ likσá thσá correspondinτ ì
- SUB▓ form«á ZE╪ wil∞ searcΦ alonτ thσ ZCPR▓ Externa∞ PatΦ fo≥á ß ì
- commanΣá filσá oµ thσ forφ filename.ZE╪ o≥á filename.SUB«á Iµá ß ì
- director∙ i≤ entereΣ whicΦ contain≤ botΦ sucΦ files¼á thσ filσ oµ ì
- type ZEX will be executed.
- Oncσá ZE╪ ha≤ beguε execution¼á i⌠ place≤ ß ZE╪ Monito≥ jus⌠ ì
- unde≥á ZCPR▓á anΣ build≤ thσ commanΣ streaφá unde≥á thσá monitor« ì
- Oncσá complete¼á thσ addres≤ oµ thσ BDO╙ i≤ adjusteΣ s∩ tha⌠á thσ ì
- ZE╪á monito≥á anΣ it≤ commanΣ streaφ wil∞ no⌠ bσá overwritteεá b∙ ì
- transien⌠á programs¼á anΣ executioε begins«á EacΦ timσ thσá BIO╙ ì
- Consolσáá Inpu⌠á routinσá i≤á called¼áá ZE╪á supplie≤á thσá inpu⌠ ì
- character.
- A≤ witΦ SUB2¼á ß ^├ froφ thσ consolσ wil∞ abor⌠ executioε oµ ì
- ß ZE╪ commanΣ stream«á Also¼á a≤ witΦ SUB2¼ iµ ß commanΣ follow≤ ì
- ZE╪á iε ß Multiplσ CommanΣ Line¼á ZE╪ append≤ thi≤ commanΣ t∩ thσ ì
- command stream.
- Unlikσ SUB2¼á ZE╪ doe≤ no⌠ permi⌠ nestinτ oµ commanΣá files« ì
- ZE╪á wil∞á simpl∙á abor⌠ iµ ß ZE╪ commanΣ i≤ encountereΣá iεá thσ ì
- commanΣ streaφ i⌠ i≤ processing.
- Unlikσá SUB2¼á ZE╪á support≤ man∙á morσá embeddeΣá commands« ì
- Combininτá thσá facilitie≤á oµ SUB▓ anΣ XSU┬ iεá thi≤á case¼á thσ ì
- embeddeΣá command≤ oµ ZE╪ reflec⌠ thσ XSUB-likσá capabilitie≤á oµ ì
- ZE╪ a≤ wel∞ a≤ somσ ne≈ ideas.
- Thesσá extendeΣá contro∞ command≤ arσ discusseΣ iε thσá nex⌠ ì
- information section.
- :ZEX Control Commands
- The following summarizes the ZEX Control Commands:
- Cmd Meaning Cmd Meaning
- | insert <CR> ^| insert <CRLF>
- ^║ reruε commanΣ streaφ ^« togglσ prin⌠ suppress
- ^# toggle ZEX messages ^$ define default params
- ^? wait for user input ^/ ring bell and ^?
- ^* ring bell ^" accept user input
- ^< display chars only ^> stop display
- ;; ZEX comment $n 1<=n<=9 for param
- $$ $ $^ ^
- $| | ^c control char
- This summary is also displayed via the built-in ZEX help.
- Thσ followinτ command≤ simpl∙ inser⌠ character≤ int∩ thσ ZE╪ ì
- command stream and will not be discussed in any greater detail.
- | inserts a <CR> ^| inserts a <CR> <LF> pair
- $$ inserts a single $ $^ inserts a single ^
- $| inserts a single | ^c inserts a control character
- Thσ ^¬ commanΣ simpl∙ cause≤ ZE╪ t∩ rinτ thσ bell«á I⌠ doe≤ ì
- no⌠á inser⌠á ßá BEL╠ characte≥ int∩ thσ commanΣ filσá likσá ßá ^╟ ì
- sequencσáá would«áá I⌠á simpl∙á ring≤á thσá bel∞á anΣá continue≤ ì
- processing.
- Thσá ;╗á commanΣá i≤ ß ZE╪ comment«á I⌠ anΣ al∞á character≤ ì
- followinτá i⌠á u≡á t∩ anΣ includinτ thσ followinτá <LF╛á arσá no⌠ ì
- includeΣ iε thσ ZE╪ commanΣ stream« The∙ arσ simpl∙ treateΣ a≤ ß ì
- commen⌠á iεá thσá ZE╪á CommanΣá Filσá anΣá ignored«áá Unlikσáá ß ì
- conventiona∞á ZCPR▓á comment¼á thσ ZE╪ commen⌠ doe≤ no⌠á takσá u≡ ì
- spacσá iε thσ commanΣ streaφ anΣ doe≤ no⌠ appea≥ wheε thσ commanΣ ì
- stream is executed.
- Thσ ^╝ anΣ ^╛ command≤ arσ useΣ t∩ bracke⌠ character≤á whicΦ ì
- arσá simpl∙ echoeΣ b∙ thσ ZE╪ monito≥ anΣ no⌠ passeΣ bacδ t∩á thσ ì
- callinτá program«á Thi≤á cause≤á thσá character≤á betweeεá thesσ ì
- command≤á t∩á bσá echoeΣá t∩ thσ use≥ durinτá executioεá bu⌠á no⌠ ì
- processeΣá b∙á an∙á program«á Thi≤á featurσá i≤á ver∙á gooΣá fo≥ ì
- embeddinτá comment≤á t∩á bσ printeΣ a⌠ executioεá timσá int∩á thσ ì
- commanΣ stream«á Unlikσ thσ ZCPR▓ commen⌠ form¼á whicΦ i≤ ß linσ ì
- beginninτá witΦ ß semicolon¼á comment≤ encloseΣ b∙ ^╝ anΣ ^╛á ma∙ ì
- appea≥ anywhere¼ sucΦ a≤ withiε aε edito≥ session.
- Thσá ^ú commanΣ toggle≤ suppressioε oµ informativσá message≤ ì
- generated by ZEX.
- Thσ ^« commanΣ cause≤ consolσ outpu⌠ t∩ ceasσ unti∞ thσ nex⌠ ì
- ^«áá i≤á encountered«á Characte≥á inpu⌠á froφá thσá ZE╪á Monito≥ ì
- continues¼ bu⌠ thσ use≥ doe≤ no⌠ seσ wha⌠ i⌠ is.
- Thσ ^║á commanΣ cause≤ thσ ZE╪ monito≥ t∩ restar⌠á executioε ì
- oµá thσá loadeΣ commanΣ stream«á Thσ entirσ commanΣá stream¼á a≤ ì
- initiall∙ processeΣ b∙ ZEX¼ i≤ executeΣ agaiε froφ thσ beginning.
- $n¼á wherσá 1<=n<=9¼á wil∞ causσ thσ indicateΣ specifieΣá o≥ ì
- default parameter to be substituted from the command line.
- Thσá ^ñá commanΣá i≤ useΣ t∩ definσ o≥ redefinσ thσá se⌠á oµ ì
- inpu⌠ commanΣ parameters«á Thσ res⌠ oµ thσ linσ followinτ thσ ^ñ ì
- i≤ treateΣ a≤ ß se⌠ oµ parameter≤ separateΣ b∙ blanks.
- Thσá ^┐á anΣ ^» command≤ replacσ thσ /┴ anΣ /A┬á option≤á oµ ì
- SUB2«á ^┐ cause≤ ZE╪ t∩ sto≡ processinτ anΣ wai⌠ fo≥ thσ use≥ t∩ ì
- strikσá eithe≥ thσ spacσ ba≥ o≥ thσ RETUR╬ ke∙ beforσ continuing« ì
- Thσ use≥ caε takσ hi≤ timσ anΣ examinσ thσ display¼á and¼á iµá hσ ì
- doe≤á no⌠ wisΦ t∩ continue¼á ß ^├ wil∞ abor⌠ thσ commanΣá stream« ì
- Thσ ^» commanΣ i≤ likσ ^?¼á bu⌠ i⌠ periodicall∙ ring≤ thσ bel∞ a⌠ ì
- the console, summoning the user in an alarm fashion.
- Finally¼á thσá ^ó commanΣ cause≤ ZE╪ t∩ sto≡ providinτ inpu⌠ ì
- froφá thσ commanΣ streaφ anΣ allo≈ thσ use≥ t∩ inpu⌠ whateve≥á hσ ì
- wishe≤á unti∞ ß specia∞ characte≥ i≤ output¼á a⌠ whicΦá timσá ZE╪ ì
- wil∞ resumσ providinτ input« Iε thi≤ case¼ ZE╪ caε bσ intimatel∙ ì
- linkeΣ witΦ ZCPR2¼á anΣ i⌠ i≤ intendeΣ tha⌠ thσ specia∞ characte≥ ì
- tha⌠ ZE╪ i≤ waitinτ fo≥ i≤ associateΣ witΦ thσ ZCPR▓ prompt«á Iε ì
- m∙á case¼á ╔ madσ thσ ZCPR▓ promp⌠ t∩ bσ ß ">ó characte≥ witΦ thσ ì
- mos⌠ significan⌠ bi⌠ set«á Thi≤ i≤ uniquσ anΣ appear≤ onl∙á wheε ì
- the prompt comes up on my system.
- No≈á tha⌠á ╔á havσá beateε thσ subjec⌠ oµá thσá ZE╪á Contro∞ ì
- Command≤ t∩ death¼ thσ followinτ example≤ illustratσ application≤ ì
- employinτ them«á M∙ comment≤ appea≥ ou⌠ t∩ thσ side¼ prefixeΣ b∙ ì
- <--.
- B1>zex
- ZEX, Version 1.3
- 1: ^$ this is fun <-- I Define 3 params
- 2: echo $1 $2 $3
- 3: ^$ hello from happy acres <-- I Define 4 params
- 4: echo $1 $2 $3 $4
- 5:
- (ZEX Active) <-- ZEX is running now
- B1>echo this is fun
- B1>echo hello from happy acres
- B1>
- (ZEX Completed)
- By Your Command >
- B1>ed demo.zex <-- Demo Command File
- : *i
- 1: ed demo.txt <-- Edit DEMO.TXT
- 2: i <-- Insert text while in ED
- 3: This is a test
- 4: This is only a test
- 5: This is a demo of ZEX Control
- 6: ^Z <-- ^Z is 2 chars, xlated into
- 7: b0lt <-- Ctrl-Z by ZEX
- 8: 1l
- 9: 0lt
- 10: i <-- Input More Text
- 11: ^" <-- I now input text myself
- 12: type demo.txt <-- When ZEX continues, this
- 13: era demo.txt <-- is what it does next
- 14:
- : *e
- B1>zex demo <-- Run the command file
- ZEX, Version 1.3
- (ZEX Active)
- B1>ed demo.txt
- : *i <-- ZEX is typing this in
- 1: This is a test
- 2: This is only a test
- 3: This is a demo of ZEX Control
- 4:
- : *b0lt
- 1: This is a test
- 1: *1l
- 2: *0lt
- 2: This is only a test
- 2: *i <-- Now my input begins
- 2: I am now typing this line of my own volition <-- I type
- 3: ZEX will allow me to continue doing this until
- 4: it sees the ZCPR2 prompt
- 5: <-- I type Ctrl-Z
- 5: *e <-- I type "e"
- (ZEX Active)
- B1>type demo.txt <-- ZEX resumes
- This is a test
- I am now typing this line of my own volition
- ZEX will allow me to continue doing this until
- it sees the ZCPR2 prompt
- This is only a test
- This is a demo of ZEX Control
- B1>era demo.txt
- B1>
- (ZEX Completed)
- By Your Command >
- B1>ed demo.mac <-- Now to use ZEX for
- <-- program assembly
- : *i <-- I type program
- 1: ext print
- 2:
- 3: call print
- 4: db 'Hello, World ... It''s Another Day',0
- 5: ret
- 6:
- 7: end
- 8:
- : *e
- B1>type a:m80.zex <-- My M80.ZEX command file
- ; M80.SUB -- MACRO-80 Assembler and Linker
- M80 =$1
- ; Please Type $^C if Error(s) Exist - ^?
- ERA $1.BAK
- ERA $1.COM
- L80 /P:100,$1,A:SYSLIB/S,$1/N,/U,/E
- ERA $1.REL
- ; Assembly Complete
- B1>zex m80 demo <-- Run command file on my pgm
- ZEX, Version 1.3
- (ZEX Active)
- B1>; M80.SUB -- MACRO-80 Assembler and Linker
- B1>M80 =DEMO
- No Fatal errr(s)
- (ZEX Active)
- B1>; Please Type ^C if Error(s) Exist - <-- I can abort now
- <-- if I wish
- No File
- B1>L80 /P:100,DEMO,A:SYSLIB/S,DEMO/N,/U,/E
- Link-80 3.44 09-Dec-81 Copyright (c) 1981 Microsoft
- Data 0100 01C5 < 197>
- 35936 Bytes Free
- Data 0100 01C5 < 197>
- 35936 Bytes Free
- [0000 01C5 1]
- (ZEX Active)
- B1>; Assembly Complete
- B1>
- (ZEX Completed)
- By Your Command>demo <-- I run pgm now
- Hello, World ... It's Another Day
- B1>
- :Restrictions on Command Files
- Thσá followinτá restriction≤á arσ applieΣ t∩á commanΣá file≤ ì
- processed by SUB2 and ZEX.
- SUB2 Restrictions
- 1«á Yo⌡ ma∙ no⌠ loτ int∩ use≥ area≤ othe≥ thaε thσ onσá yo⌡ ì
- begaεá processinτ thσ commanΣ filσ in«á Iµ yo⌡ do¼á ZCPR▓ loose≤ ì
- tracδá oµá thσ $$$.SU┬ filσ anΣ executioε i≤á aborteΣá unti∞á yo⌡ ì
- reenter the original user area, at which time execution resumes.
- 2«á U≡á t∩ 2░ parameter≤ arσ permitteΣ oε thσ SUB▓á commanΣ ì
- line.
- 3. You may nest SUB2 command files to any depth.
- ZEX Restrictions
- 1«á Yo⌡á ma∙ movσ int∩ an∙ director∙ yo⌡ desirσ whilσ ß ZE╪ ì
- command stream is being executed.
- 2«á U≡á t∩á ╣ parameter≤ arσ permitteΣ oε thσá ZE╪á commanΣ ì
- line.
- 3. You may NOT nest ZEX command files.
- :SUB2 and ZEX as Extended Command Processors Under ZCPR2
- BotΦá SUB▓á anΣá ZE╪ makσ nicσ ExtendeΣá CommanΣá Processor≤ ì
- unde≥á ZCPR2«á Wσá havσá alread∙á seeεá ho≈á SUB▓á anΣá ZE╪á arσ ì
- intimatel∙á linkeΣ witΦ ZCPR2«á BotΦ usσ thσ Externa∞á PatΦá anΣ ì
- Multiplσá CommanΣá Linσ Buffe≥ Facilitie≤ oµ ZCPR2¼á anΣá ZE╪á i≤ ì
- further prompted for input by the ZCPR2 prompt if desired.
- T∩á refresΦ thσ reader¼á anΣ ExtendeΣ CommanΣ Processo≥ i≤ ß ì
- prograφ invokeΣ b∙ ZCPR▓ wheε i⌠ fail≤ t∩ finΣ thσ commanΣá alonτ ì
- it≤á path«á ZCPR2¼á upoεá failinτá t∩ finΣ thσá CO═á filσá whicΦ ì
- correspond≤á t∩á thσ commanΣ namσ giveε t∩ it¼á caε bσ se⌠ u≡á t∩ ì
- eithe≥ searcΦ thσ patΦ o≥ g∩ directl∙ t∩ thσ roo⌠ oµ thσ patΦ anΣ ì
- looδá fo≥á aεá ExtendeΣá CommanΣá Processor«áá Iµá found¼á ZCPR▓ ì
- simulate≤áá ßá commanΣá t∩á tha⌠á ExtendeΣáá CommanΣáá Processor¼ ì
- substitutinτ thσ user'≤ commanΣ linσ a≤ thσ argument≤ t∩ it.
- To illustrate my point, consider the following example:
- ╔á havσ ß ZE╪ filσ nameΣ MASM.ZEX¼á anΣ i⌠ perform≤ thσ samσ ì
- set of commands that my M80.ZEX file did above, namely:
- ; MASM.ZEX -- MACRO-80 Assembler and Linker
- M80 =$1
- ; Please Type $^C if Error(s) Exist - ^?
- ERA $1.BAK
- ERA $1.COM
- L80 /P:100,$1,A:SYSLIB/S,$1/N,/U,/E
- ERA $1.REL
- ; Assembly Complete
- ╔ typσ iε m∙ program¼á nameΣ DEMO.MAC¼ anΣ issuσ thσ commanΣ ì
- "MAS═ DEMO"«á WitΦ ZE╪ a≤ m∙ ExtendeΣ CommanΣá Processor¼á ZCPR▓ ì
- look≤ alonτ thσ patΦ fo≥ thσ commanΣ MASM¼á fail≤ t∩ finΣ it¼ anΣ ì
- theεá simulate≤ thσ commanΣ "ZE╪ MAS═ DEMO"«á Thσ abovσá commanΣ ì
- file is then executed with DEMO as its passed parameter!
- ╔á thinδá tha⌠ thσ abovσ examplσ illustrate≤ thσ utilit∙á oµ ì
- employinτ ZE╪ (o≥ SUB2⌐ a≤ aε ExtendeΣ CommanΣá Processor«á Thi≤ ì
- i≤ donσ ver∙ simpl∙ iε thσ ZCPR▓ environment« T∩ d∩ this¼ simpl∙ ì
- makσ ß cop∙ oµ ZEX.CO═ anΣ namσ i⌠ CMDRUN.COM« Sincσ thi≤ i≤ thσ ì
- namσá iε thσ ZCPRHDR.LI┬ filσ anΣ thσ facilit∙ i≤ turneΣ on¼á yo⌡ ì
- now have ZEX as the Extended Command Processor.