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- 30 April 1983
- by
- Richard Conn
- New ZCPR2 Utilities
- Modified GENINS to Include New Utilities
- Modified Help Files to Document New Utilities
- COMPARE.HLP Corrected
- 1.0 Baselines
- Thσá followinτ baselinσ softwarσ i≤ establisheΣ b∙ thi≤á upì
- grade:
- 2.0 Associated Upgrade Documentation
- Z2ALT.HL╨á ha≤ beeε modifieΣ t∩ documen⌠ thσ ne≈á utilities« ì
- An error has been corrected in COMPARE.HLP.
- 3.0 Files Affected by this Upgrade
- The following files are provided with this upgrade:
- These files have the following CRC values:
- 1 File: COMPARE .HLP -- Size: 7K -- CRC: A4 C0
- 2 File: PHELP .COM -- Size: 8K -- CRC: 0A ED
- 3 File: PHELP .MAC -- Size: 29K -- CRC: D7 B0
- 4 File: Z2ALT .HLP -- Size: 28K -- CRC: AD 4E
- 1 File: COMMENT .COM -- Size: 1K -- CRC: 88 40
- 2 File: COMMENT .MAC -- Size: 6K -- CRC: 51 99
- 3 File: GENINS .COM -- Size: 14K -- CRC: A3 81
- 4 File: GENINS .MAC -- Size: 46K -- CRC: 08 8C
- 5 File: PAGE .COM -- Size: 8K -- CRC: 43 78
- 6 File: PAGE .MAC -- Size: 27K -- CRC: 68 F4
- 7 File: PRINT3 .COM -- Size: 8K -- CRC: 19 02
- 8 File: PRINT3 .MAC -- Size: 29K -- CRC: 27 12
- 9 File: SAK .COM -- Size: 2K -- CRC: 29 61
- 10 File: SAK .MAC -- Size: 8K -- CRC: 0E D0
- 11 File: TEMPLATE.MAC -- Size: 18K -- CRC: 0B 3C
- 4.0 Reasons for Changes to Programs and Files
- Ne≈á utilitie≤ havσ beeε addeΣ t∩ thσ ZCPR▓ System«á GENIN╙ ì
- ha≤ beeε modifieΣ t∩ instal∞ PAGE¼ PHELP¼ anΣ PRINT3« Thσ other≤ ì
- can be installed by the previous version of GENINS.
- The design of TEMPLATE has been enhanced.
- 5.0 Impact on ZCPR2
- N∩ impac⌠ i≤ expecteΣ oε an∙ oµ thσ ZCPR▓ utilities¼á excep⌠ ì
- fo≥ GENINS« N∩ othe≥ change≤ arσ issued.
- 6.0 New Documentation
- Thσá followinτá i≤ provideΣ a≤ additiona∞á documentatioεá t∩ ì
- supplemen⌠á thσ ZCPR▓ Manuals«á Ne≈ manual≤ wil∞ bσ prepareΣá a⌠ ì
- somσ time¼ bu⌠ n∩ change≤ t∩ existinτ manual≤ arσ anticipateΣ fo≥ ì
- severa∞á months«á Thσ followinτ documentatioε i≤ extracteΣá froφ ì
- Z2ALT.HLP (new version).
- 6.1 The PAGE Command
- Thσá PAG┼ commanΣ i≤ useΣ t∩ lis⌠ file≤ oε thσ console«á I⌠ ì
- offer≤ ß fe≈ advantage≤ ove≥ TYP┼ iε tha⌠ PAG┼ know≤ thσ widtΦ oµ ì
- thσ screeε anΣ handle≤ wraparounΣ (whicΦ i≤ ß biτ complain⌠á witΦ ì
- TYP┼á wheεá tryinτá t∩á pagσ througΦ "wideóá listing≤á likσá tha⌠ ì
- produceΣ b∙ thσ assemblers)«á PAG┼ als∩ accept≤ ß filσ lis⌠á anΣ ì
- supports named directories.
- PAGE is invoked by a command line of the following form:
- PAGE dir:f1.typ,dir:f2.typ,... o...
- wherσá "dir:fn.typó i≤ aε ambiguou≤ filσ speπ (wilΣ card≤ ma∙á bσ ì
- used⌐á witΦá ß DI╥ prefi° (nameΣ directorie≤ o≥ D╒ forφá allowed⌐ ì
- and "o" is one or more of the following options:
- 0-9 Set Character Print Speed (0=fastest=default)
- I Inspect Files
- The user is allowed to approve each file to
- bσ printeΣ beforσ thσ printinτ begins╗
- default is NO Inspection
- L Toggle Line Numbering
- Each line may be numbered; default is NO Line
- Numbers
- P Toggle Screen Paging
- Turε ofµ thσ facilit∙ oµ pausinτ oncσ ß
- screen is filled; default is Paging Enabled
- Snn Skip to Specified Page
- Skip to indicated page (size of page on
- printer) before beginning; default is NO Skip
- Thσ SpeeΣ optioε oµ thσ PAG┼ commanΣ shoulΣ bσ discusseΣá iε ì
- somewha⌠á morσ detail«á Whilσ ß filσ i≤ beinτ pageΣ t∩ thσ user¼ ì
- thσá use≥ caε strikσ onσ oµ thσ digit≤ t∩ var∙ thσ speeΣá oµá thσ ì
- outpu⌠ dynamically« ░ i≤ thσ fastest¼ ╣ i≤ thσ slowest« Iε thi≤ ì
- way¼á thσá use≥ caε easil∙ scaε ß filσ b∙ runninτ PAG┼ witΦ thσ ╨ ì
- optioεá (s∩á i⌠á doe≤ no⌠ sto≡ wheε thσá screeεá i≤á filled⌐á anΣ ì
- strikinτá ß digi⌠ froφ timσ t∩ timσ t∩ speeΣ u≡ ove≥ section≤á hσ ì
- isn't interested in and slow down for sections he is.
- Whilσá thσá outpu⌠á i≤ beinτ directeΣ t∩á thσá screen¼á PAG┼ ì
- support≤á thσ followinτ single-characte≥ command≤ t∩á changσá thσ ì
- output display in one way or another:
- 0 to 9 - change speed (0=slowest, 9=fastest)
- P or p - toggle pause when screen fills
- (the user can dynamically turn on and off
- the ability to delay when a screen fills)è
- ^X - skip to next file
- ^C - abort to operating system
- ^S - pause output; any key will resume, and all
- of these commands (except ^S) will work
- PAG┼ i≤ constantl∙ acceptinτ use≥ input¼á anΣ thesσ command≤ ì
- arσ iε effec⌠ al∞ oµ thσ time«á Thi≤ include≤ thσ timσ wheε PAG┼ ì
- ha≤á pauseΣ afte≥ fillinτ thσ screeε (it≤ default)¼á s∩ thσá use≥ ì
- caεá turεá ofµá paginτá o≥ var∙ thσ speeΣ a⌠á thi≤á time¼á iµá s∩ ì
- desired« An∙ othe≥ characte≥ wil∞ bσ ignored.
- 6.2 The PRINT Command
- Thσá PRIN╘á commanΣá i≤ useΣ t∩ prin⌠ ßá filσá oεá thσá LST║ ì
- device¼á likσ LIS╘ does¼á bu⌠ offer≤ man∙ morσ options«á I⌠ wil∞ ì
- prin⌠á ß heading¼á pagσ thσ file¼á numbe≥ thσ pages¼á numbe≥á thσ ì
- lines¼á placσ ß date/timσ stam≡ oε thσ output¼á pu⌠ thσ filσ namσ ì
- oε thσ output¼ anΣ others.
- The PRINT command is of the following form:
- PRINT dir:f1.typ,dir:f2.typ,... o...
- wherσá "dir:fn.typóá i≤ aε ambigou≤ filσ namσ witΦ ßá DI╥á prefi° ì
- (supportinτá thσ D╒ forφ o≥ ß nameΣ directory⌐ anΣ "oó i≤ onσá o≥ ì
- morσ oµ thσ following:
- E - Exact Print (Expand Tabs, Form Feed, No Line or
- Page Numbers, No Heading)
- F - Toggle default of file name display on page header
- (defaul⌠ i≤ ON¼ so ╞ turn≤ ofµ name display)
- H<delim>text<delim> - Define Heading text to appear
- at the top of each page
- I - Inspect Files (allow user to select files before
- printing begins)
- L - Enable numbering of each line
- M - Disable Multiple Run Flag
- (if multiple run is ON, then no "Set Top of Form"
- message appears for each file and PRINT moves
- from one file to another unattended); default is
- with Multiple Run ON
- N - Disable numbering of each page
- Sn - Start printing on page n
- è
- T - Toggle date/time stamp in the header of each page
- (a TIME subroutine must be assembled into PRINT
- to enable the date/time stamp feature)
- Thσá specifiπá feature≤á oµá thσá printe≥á arσá se⌠á b∙á thσ ì
- installe≥á witΦá GENINS«á SucΦ feature≤ includσá thσá numbe≥á oµ ì
- physica∞ line≤ oε ß page¼á thσ numbe≥ oµ line≤ oµ tex⌠ oε ß page¼ ì
- anΣ thσ widtΦ oµ ß linσ iε characters.
- Thσ date/timσ stam≡ featurσ i≤ ver∙á machine-dependent¼á anΣ ì
- PRIN╘ ha≤ t∩ bσ reassembleΣ t∩ suppor⌠ it.
- While PRINT is running, the following commands work:
- ^C Abort and return to operating system
- ^X Skip to top of next page and skip to next file
- 6.3 The PHELP Command
- Thσá PHEL╨ commanΣ i≤ ß specia∞ versioε oµ PRIN╘ designeΣ t∩ ì
- prin⌠ Hel≡ (HLP⌐ files«á PHEL╨ know≤ abou⌠ thσ structurσ oµ Hel≡ ì
- Files¼á anΣ i⌠ use≤ thi≤ informatioε t∩ prin⌠ theφ iε ß preferreΣ ì
- format« Iµ i⌠ i≤ dealinτ witΦ aε indexeΣ Hel≡ File¼ PHEL╨ print≤ ì
- thσá inde° oε thσ firs⌠ pagσ anΣ thσ bod∙ startinτ oε thσá seconΣ ì
- page«á PHEL╨á alway≤á skip≤á t∩ thσ to≡ oµ ß ne≈á pagσá wheεá i⌠ ì
- encounter≤ aε informatioε section«á I⌠ output≤ ß ne≈ linσ wheε ß ì
- forφá feeΣ characte≥ (useΣ b∙ HEL╨ t∩ breaδ screeε displays)¼á a≤ ì
- opposed to causing a page eject.ì
- The PHELP command is of the following form:
- PHELP dir:f1.typ,dir:f2.typ,... o...
- wherσá "dir:fn.typóá i≤ aε ambigou≤ filσ namσ witΦ ßá DI╥á prefi° ì
- (supportinτá thσ D╒ forφ o≥ ß nameΣ directory⌐ anΣ "oó i≤ onσá o≥ ì
- morσ oµ thσ following:
- H<delim>text<delim> - Define Heading text to appear
- at the top of each page
- I - Inspect Files (allow user to select files before
- printing begins)
- L - Enable numbering of each line
- Sn - Start printing on page n
- T - Toggle date/time stamp in the header of each page
- (a TIME subroutine must be assembled into PRINT
- to enable the date/time stamp feature)
- A≤á witΦ PRINT¼á ^├ abort≤ thσ printou⌠ anΣ ^╪ skip≤ t∩á thσ ì
- next file after issuing a form feed.è
- 6.4 The SAK Command
- SA╦á (Strikσá An∙ Key⌐ wa≤ designeΣ t∩ providσá somσá simplσ ì
- utilit∙ functions¼á onσ oµ whicΦ i≤ associateΣ witΦ thσá Multiplσ ì
- CommanΣ Linσ featurσ oµ ZCPR2« I⌠ wa≤ designeΣ fo≥ thσ followinτ ì
- purposes:
- 1. to allow the user to program a wait in a multiple
- command line until he instructs the system to
- continue
- 2. to allow the user to abort a multiple command line
- 3. to allow the user to program an interruptable delay
- in the execution of a multiple command line
- 4. to provide a simple alarm for the user
- The SAK command line is:
- SAK o...
- where "o" is zero or more of the following options:
- A -- DO NOT Allow the User to Abort the MCL
- B -- Ring Bell
- Pnn -- Pause nn seconds and continue if no response
- WitΦ N╧ options¼á SA╦ wait≤ fo≥ use≥ input¼á anΣ iµ thσ use≥ ì
- strike≤á ßá ^C¼á theεá thσ multiplσ commanΣ linσ i≤á aborteΣá anΣ ì
- control is returned to the user.
- SA╦ i≤ particularl∙ usefu∞ iµ thσ use≥ wishe≤ t∩ interjec⌠ ß ì
- dela∙á iεá ßá multiplσ commanΣ linσá generateΣá b∙á ßá Menu«á Aε ì
- applicatioεá whicΦ ╔ founΣ usefu∞ wa≤ t∩ displa∙ thσ timσ t∩á thσ ì
- user¼á cal∞ hi≤ attentioε t∩ i⌠ (viß ECHO)¼ givσ hiφ ß dela∙ (viß ì
- SAK), and then invoke dBASE II with an initializing command file.
- 6.5 The COMMENT Command
- COMMEN╘ i≤ ß simplσ routinσ whicΦ allow≤ thσ use≥ t∩ typσ a≤ ì
- man∙á line≤á a≤ hσ wishe≤ withou⌠ theφ beinτ processeΣ b∙á ZCPR2« ì
- It has no arguments.
- COMMENT has two main applications in the ZCPR2 environment:
- 1. when the console displays are being recorded,
- COMMENT allows the user to easily type notes
- to the future reader without having to begin
- lines with a semicolon (;); all of these lines
- are clearly shown to be comments since they begin
- with the prompt "COMMENT>"
- è
- 2« wheε consolσ I/╧ i≤ redirecteΣ t∩ tw∩ differen⌠
- users, such as CRT and MODEM I/O in parallel,
- then COMMENT may be used to provide a simple
- mechanism for them to communicate; both users
- can type to each other without having any effect
- on the system (such as command processing)
- COMMEN╘á i≤ aborteΣ b∙ strikinτ ß ^├ a≤ thσ firs⌠á characte≥ ì
- oµ ß line« Backspacσ anΣ Deletσ botΦ servσ t∩ ech∩ a≤ Backspace¼ ì
- space, backspace, and ^X and ^U both erase the current line.
- Iµá COMMEN╘ i≤ t∩ bσ useΣ t∩ cha⌠ betweeε tw∩ users¼á i⌠á i≤ ì
- recommendeΣ tha⌠ aε over/ou⌠ protoco∞ bσ employeΣ (a≤ recommendeΣ ì
- witΦ thσ UNI╪ WRIT┼ program)«á Thσ firs⌠ use≥ types¼á and¼á wheε ì
- finished¼á terminate≤á witΦ thσ lette≥ "oó fo≥ over«á Thσ seconΣ ì
- use≥á type≤ anΣ signal≤ completioε thσ samσ way«á Completioεá oµ ì
- thσá conversatioεá ma∙ bσ signalleΣ b∙ "o+oó fo≥á ove≥á anΣá out« ì
- Example:
- COMMENT> Hi, Charlie, how's it going? o
- COMMENT> Hi, Rick, fine ... and you? o
- COMMENT> Fine, Charlie
- COMMENT> Here is how I use XDIR -- let me do the typing
- COMMENT> from now on ... just watch, and I'll reenter COMMENT
- COMMENT> when done ... here goes o+o