Text File
2,074 lines
.he User's Guide for ZCPR2
.fo Section 0 - Introduction Page #
0.0 Introduction
Thi≤á i≤á thσ User'≤ Guidσ fo≥ ZCPR2«á Thσ purposσ oµá thi≤ ì
documen⌠á i≤á t∩á cover¼á iε somσ detail¼á al∞á oµá thσá program≤ ì
provideΣ iε thσ distributioε oµ thσ ZCPR▓ System«á Thi≤ documen⌠ ì
i≤ intendeΣ t∩ servσ a≤ botΦ ß tutoria∞ anΣ ß reference¼á anΣ thσ ì
informatioε containeΣ iε i⌠ is¼á b∙ anΣ large¼á als∩ containeΣ iε ì
the online Help Files provided in the distribution.
Thi≤á User'≤ Guidσ i≤ organizeΣ iε thσá followinτá sections« ì
Thσ program≤ indicateΣ witΦ thσ sectioε name≤ arσ thosσ discusseΣ ì
in each section.
1. Input/Output 8. Command Files
RECORD 9. Named Directories
2. Directory Utility MKDIR
3. Disk Utilities 10. ZCPR2
4. Library Utilities REN, RENAME
5. Menu GO
6. File Compare PROTECT
CRC 11. Help
7. File Copy
Thi≤ User'≤ Guide¼á a≤ wel∞ a≤ thσ othe≥ ZCPR▓ manuals¼á wa≤ ì
written on the author's ZCPR2 system using Word Star.
0.1 Overview of the ZCPR2 Help Files
Al∞ oµ thσ ZCPR▓ utilitie≤ arσ documenteΣ onlinσ b∙ mean≤ oµ ì
thσ ZCPR▓ Hel≡ System« Thi≤ documen⌠ wa≤ deriveΣ froφ thσ ZCPR2-ì
Specifiπ Hel≡ File≤ supplieΣ witΦ thσ ZCPR▓ System.
Thσá reade≥ i≤ inviteΣ t∩ reaΣ thσ ZCPR▓ Concept≤ Manua∞ anΣ ì
thσ ZCPR▓ User'≤ Guidσ a≤ wel∞ a≤ thσ Hel≡ files« Thσ Hel≡ file≤ ì
duplicatσ thσ User'≤ Guide¼á b∙ anΣ large¼á anΣ the∙ providσá thσ ì
conveniencσ oµ allowinτ thσ use≥ t∩ acces≤ thσ informatioε onlinσ ì
anΣ oµ allowinτ thσ use≥ t∩ quickl∙ inde° int∩ thσ informatioε t∩ ì
thσ particula≥ iteφ hσ i≤ interesteΣ in.
Thσá followinτ tablσ summarize≤ thσ name≤ oµ thσ Hel≡á file≤ ì
supplieΣá witΦ thσ ZCPR▓ Systeφ anΣ thσ program≤ covereΣ b∙á eacΦ ì
Help file.
Help File Programs Covered
--------- ----------------
CFILES Command File Processors -- SUB2 and ZEX
COMPARE Compare Utilities -- COMPARE, CRC, and DIFF
CPMTR CP/M-Supplied Transients -- PIP, STAT, etc
DU2 Disk Utility -- DU2
HELP Very Basic Help
HELP2 Help System -- HELP2
I╧ Redirectablσ I/╧ -- DEVICE¼ IOLOADER¼ RECORD¼
LU Library Utilities -- LDIRZ, LRUNZ, LU
MCOPY File Copy Utility -- MCOPY
MENU Menu System -- MCHECK and MENU
NDIRS Named Directory Manipulation Utilities -- CD, LD,
XDIR3 Extended Directory Display Utility -- XDIR3
Z2ALT Alternates to ZCPR2-Resident Commands --
Z2RES ZCPR2 Resident Commands
ZCPR2 The "Master" Help File
Onl∙á tw∩á ZCPR▓ command≤ arσ no⌠ covereΣ b∙ an∙ Hel≡á file« ì
The∙ arσ CCPLO├ anΣ GENINS¼ whicΦ arσ covereΣ iε thσ Installatioε ì
0.2 A Note on File References
Filσá Reference≤ unde≥ ZCPR▓ arσ largel∙ oµ thσ samσ forφ a≤ ì
unde≥ CP/═ excep⌠ tha⌠ ß » (slash⌐ ma∙ no⌠ bσ thσ firs⌠ characte≥ ì
oµá ßá filσá name«áá Filσá Reference≤á arσá processeΣáá slightl∙ ì
differentl∙á unde≥á ZCPR2¼á anΣ thσ FCB≤ arσá slightl∙á differen⌠ ì
betweeεá ZCPR▓ anΣ CP/═ wheε thσ special¼á disalloweΣá character≤ ì
are included in a file reference.
The following are these disallowed characters:
< > , ; : = ? * [ ]
This¼á oµá course¼á applie≤ t∩ unambiguou≤ filσá references« ì
Ambiguous file references may contain ? or *.
0.3 Line Editing and Output Control
The following are the line editing functions --
rubout Deletσá anΣ ech∩ thσ las⌠ characte≥ typeΣá a⌠ ì
ááááááááááááááááááááthσ console.
Ctrl-Háá Deletσ thσ las⌠ characte≥ typed╗á Backspacσ ì
ááááááááááááááááááááonσ character╗ CRT-oriented
Ctrl-U Deletσ thσ entirσ linσ typeΣ a⌠ thσ console.
Ctrl-X Deletσá thσ entirσ linσ typeΣ a⌠ thσ console╗ ì
ááááááááááááááááááááBackspacσá t∩á thσ beginninτ oµá thσá curren⌠ ì
ááááááááááááááááááááline╗ CRT-oriented.
Ctrl-R Retypσ curren⌠ commanΣ line║á type≤ ß "cleaε ì
áááááááááááááááááááálineó followinτ characte≥ deletioε witΦá rubì
Ctrl-E Physica∞ enΣ oµ line║á carriagσ i≤ returned¼ ì
áááááááááááááááááááábu⌠á linσ i≤ no⌠ sen⌠ unti∞ thσ carriagσá reì
ááááááááááááááááááááturε ke∙ i≤ depressed.
Ctrl-M Terminates input (carriage return).
Ctrl-J Terminate≤á curren⌠ inpu⌠ (linσá feed)╗á CRT-ì
Ctrl-C CP/M system reboot (warm start).
Ctrl-Z EnΣá inpu⌠ froφ thσ consolσ (useΣ iε PI╨á anΣ ì
Other control functions affect console output --
Ctrl-P Cop∙á al∞á subsequen⌠ consolσ outpu⌠á t∩á thσ ì
áááááááááááááááááááácurrently-assigneΣ lis⌠ devicσ (LST:)«á Outì
áááááááááááááááááááápu⌠á i≤ sen⌠ t∩ botΦ thσ lis⌠ devicσ anΣá thσ ì
ááááááááááááááááááááconsolσá devicσá unti∞á thσá nex⌠á Ctrl-╨á i≤ ì
áááááááááááááááááááátyped« Usσ oµ Ctrl-╨ i≤ no⌠ recommendeΣ a≤ ß ì
áááááááááááááááááááágenera∞ rulσ unde≥ ZCPR2¼ anΣ i⌠ i≤ preferreΣ ì
áááááááááááááááááááátha⌠á thσá use≥á emplo∙á ßá Redirectablσá I/╧ ì
ááááááááááááááááááááDevicσ Drive≥ fo≥ thi≤ function.è
ááááááááááCtrl-S Sto≡ thσ consolσ outpu⌠ temporarily« Prograφ ì
ááááááááááááááááááááexecutioεá anΣ outpu⌠ continuσ wheε thσá nex⌠ ì
áááááááááááááááááááácharacte≥á i≤ typeΣ a⌠ thσá console«á Typinτ ì
ááááááááááááááááááááCtrl-├ return≤ contro∞ t∩ CP/M.
Inpu⌠ line≤ caε generall∙ bσ quitσ long¼á thσ sizσ specifieΣ ì
a⌠á ZCPR▓ installatioε time«á The∙ arσ no⌠ acteΣ upoε unti∞á thσ ì
carriagσ returε ke∙ i≤ typed.
Al∞á oµá thesσ linσ editinτ function≤ arσ supporteΣá b∙á thσ ì
CP/═ BDO╙ and¼á consequently¼á useΣ b∙ ZCPR▓ itself«á Man∙ ZCPR▓ ì
utilities¼ alth∩ no⌠ all¼ usσ thσ BDO╙ linσ edito≥ also.
.fo Section 1 - Input/Output Page #
1.0 Input/Output
1.1 Redirectable I/O Under ZCPR2
Basically¼á thσá concep⌠á oµ redirectablσ I/╧á involve≤á thσ ì
assignmen⌠á oµ physica∞ device≤ t∩ logica∞á devices«á ZCPR▓á anΣ ì
CP/═ suppor⌠ fou≥ logica∞ devices:
CON: - Console - An I/O Device for User/System Commo
LST: - Printer - An Output-Only Device for Printouts
RDR: - Reader - An Input-Only Device
PUN: - Punch - An Output-Only Device
Unde≥á CP/M¼á therσ arσ onl∙ fou≥ physica∞ device≤ whicΦ ma∙ ì
bσá assigneΣ t∩ eacΦ oµ thσ fou≥ logica∞ devices«á Unde≥á ZCPR2¼ ì
therσá ma∙á bσ a≤ man∙ physica∞ device≤ a≤ desireΣ whicΦá ma∙á bσ ì
assigned to each of the four logical devices.
┴áá "physica∞á deviceóá iεá thσá traditiona∞á sensσáá i≤áá ß ì
conventiona∞ I/╧ device¼á likσ ß CR╘ o≥ ß Printer«á Iε thσ sensσ ì
oµ ZCPR2¼á i⌠ i≤ ß devicσ driver¼á o≥ bod∙ oµ software¼á whicΦ i≤ ì
communicateΣ witΦ viß thσ BIOS«á Thi≤ bod∙ oµ software¼ iε turn¼ ì
may communicate with any device OR SET OF DEVICES that it wishes.
SYSI╧á i≤ ß samplσ se⌠ oµ Redirectablσ I/╧ Driver≤á designeΣ ì
t∩ bσ useΣ witΦ ZCPR▓ oε m∙ system«á Unde≥ SYSIO¼á thσ followinτ ì
"physical devices" are implemented:
CON: Devices - TTY
CRT Input and CRT/Remote Computer Output
CRT and Modem Input and CRT and Modem Output
in Parallel
CRT Input and CRT/Modem Output
LST: Devices - TTY
Remote Computer
RDR: and PUN: Devices - Modem
A≤á yo⌡ caε see¼á thσ "physica∞ devicesó unde≥ ZCPR▓ caεá bσ ì
combination≤á oµ actua∞ devices«á Thσ CR╘ Inpu⌠á anΣá CRT/Remotσ ì
Compute≥ Outpu⌠ device¼á fo≥ instance¼á i≤ useΣ t∩ allo≈ ß remotσ ì
compute≥ recorΣ screeε display≤ whicΦ g∩ t∩ thσ CRT.
Unde≥ ZCPR2¼á yo⌡ caε creatσ a≤ man∙ sets¼á o≥ packages¼á oµ ì
Redirectablσ I/╧ Driver≤ a≤ yo⌡ wish« EacΦ packagσ caε bσ se⌠ u≡ ì
t∩ givσ thσ use≥ differen⌠ type≤ oµ capabilities«á Fo≥ instance¼ ì
onσá packagσá caεá bσ likσ thσ onσ ╔á havσá defineΣá abovσá whilσ ì
anothe≥á packagσ caε providσ Disδ Recordinτ capability¼á sucΦá a≤ ì
CRT Input and CRT/Disk File Output.
Thσá ZCPR▓á Systeφá oµá Program≤á contain≤á threσá utilitie≤ ì
designeΣ t∩ suppor⌠ thσ Redirectablσ I/╧ System« Thesσ utilitie≤ ì
and their functions are:
IOLOADER -- Load a Redirectable I/O Package
DEVICE -- Display and Select Physical I/O Devices
RECORD -- Turn on and off the Recording Facility
Thi≤á sectioε oµ thσ User'≤ Guidσ discusse≤ thesσá utilitie≤ ì
anΣ ho≈ the∙ arσ intendeΣ t∩ bσ used.
Chapte≥á ╖á oµá thσ "Concept≤ Manua∞á fo≥á ZCPR2óá discusse≤ ì
redirectablσá I/╧á a≤á i⌠ caε bσ implementeΣá unde≥á ZCPR2«á Thσ ì
reader is invited to refer to this for much more detail.
1.2 Loading Redirectable I/O Drivers -- IOLOADER
IOLOADE╥á i≤ useΣ t∩ loaΣ aε indicateΣ o≥ implieΣ I/╧ drive≥ ì
packagσá int∩á you≥ redirectablσ I/╧ buffe≥á area«á IOLOADE╥á i≤ ì
invoked by one of the following forms:
IOLOADER // <-- Print Help Message
IOLOADER filename <-- Load filename.IO
IOLOADER filename.typ <-- Load filename.typ
Notσá tha⌠á thσá DIR║á prefi° i≤á NO╘á supporteΣá witΦá thi≤ ì
program«á Iε al∞ case≤ oµ loadinτ files¼ IOLOADE╥ searche≤ alonτ ì
thσ ZCPR▓ patΦ fo≥ thσ indicateΣ o≥ implieΣ file« Oncσ found¼ i⌠ ì
is loaded into your redirectable I/O buffer.
GENIN╙á i≤ useΣ t∩ instal∞ IOLOADER¼á anΣ IOLOADE╥ neeΣ onl∙ ì
kno≈ thσ addres≤ oµ thσ externa∞ path¼ thσ symbo∞ fo≥ thσ curren⌠ ì
use≥ anΣ disδ indicator¼á anΣ thσ addres≤ oµ thσ redirectablσ I/╧ ì
buffer« STARTU╨ ma∙ bσ useΣ t∩ automaticall∙ executσ IOLOADE╥ oε ì
ColΣ Boot¼á or¼á a≤ ST¼á STARTU╨ ma∙ bσ useΣ t∩ executσá IOLOADE╥ ì
wheneve≥ ß director∙ i≤ loggeΣ int∩ b∙ CD.
1.3 Displaying and Selecting Redirectable I/O Drivers -- DEVICE
DEVICE¼á o≥á DEVICE▓á (s∩ calleΣ becausσ i⌠á i≤á thσá seconΣ ì
generatioεá oµ m∙ DEVIC┼ program)¼á i≤ useΣ t∩ allo≈ thσ use≥á t∩ ì
interactivel∙ displa∙ thσ name≤ oµ thσ availablσ physica∞ device≤ ì
(actually¼á devicσá drivers⌐ whicΦ ma∙ bσ assigneΣ t∩ thσ logica∞ ì
device≤á anΣ t∩ allo≈ thσ use≥ t∩ assigε ß physica∞ devicσá t∩á ß ì
logical device by name.è
DEVICE is invoked by one of the following forms:
DEVICE // <-- Print Help Info
DEVICE <-- Enter Interactive Command Mode
DEVICE cmd,cmd,... <-- Immediately Execute Commands
Iεá al∞ cases¼á wheneve≥ yo⌡ arσ givinτ command≤ t∩á DEVICE¼ ì
whethe≥á i⌠á i≤á froφ thσ commanΣ leve∞ oµ ZCPR▓ o≥á froφá withiε ì
DEVIC┼ itself¼á yo⌡ caε specif∙ ß serie≤ oµ command≤ separateΣ b∙ ì
The following commands can be given to DEVICE:
<-- Display Physical Device Driver Names which
can be assigned to CON:, LST:, RDR:, or PUN:
Logical Devices; also display the current
CON or LST or RDR or PUN = Device
<-- Assign a Physical Device Driver to a Logical
Iε al∞ cases¼ onl∙ thσ firs⌠ lette≥ oµ DISPLA┘ anΣ thσ firs⌠ ì
lette≥ oµ ß Logica∞ Devicσ o≥ thσ worΣ "ALLó i≤á necessary«á Al∞ ì
othe≥á letter≤á arσ ignored«á Thσ completσ namσ oµá thσá device¼ ì
however, is necessary.
Also¼áá thσáá spacσá anΣá thσá characte≥á "=óá ma∙á bσá useΣ ì
interchangably and case is not significant.
The following are examples of DEVICE commands:
D C,D L or D=C,D=L
Display CON: and LST: Devices
con:=crt,list=tty,reader=modeφ o≥ c=crt,∞ tty,r=modem
Select the Physical Device Driver called CRT for
the CON: Logical Device, select TTY for the LST:
Logical Device, and select MODEM for the RDR:
Thσá followinτ termina∞ sessioε furthe≥ illustrate≤ thσá usσ ì
oµ DEVIC┼ witΦ m∙ particula≥ se⌠ oµ Redirectablσ I/╧ Drivers« M∙ ì
comments are indicated by <<--.
B7>device display console
DEVICE2, Version 1.3
CON: Devices --
CRTMOD2 - Televideo 950 CRT Input and CRT/Modem Output
CRTREM - Televideo 950 CRT Input and CRT/Remote Output
CRTMOD - Televideo 950 CRT and Modem in Parallel
CRT - Televideo 950 CRT
TTY - Model 43 Printing Terminal
Current Assignment: CRTMOD
DEVICE2, Version 1.3
DEVICE2 Interactive Command System
Type ? and Strike RETURN for Help
DEVICE2 Command? d l,lst:=modem <<-- Multiple Commands in
<<-- Free Format
LST: Devices --
MODEM - DC Hayes Smartmodem
REMOTE - Remote Computer
CRT - Televideo 950 CRT
TTY - Model 43 Printing Terminal
Current Assignment: TTY
DEVICE2 Command? display list
LST: Devices --
MODEM - DC Hayes Smartmodem
REMOTE - Remote Computer
CRT - Televideo 950 CRT
TTY - Model 43 Printing Terminal
Current Assignment: MODEM
DEVICE2 Command? l tty <<-- Assign Device
DEVICE2 Command? l ttyx <<-- How DEVICE Handles Errors
Invalid Name Assignment at -- TTYX
DEVICE2 Command? d l
LST: Devices --
MODEM - DC Hayes Smartmodem
REMOTE - Remote Computer
CRT - Televideo 950 CRT
TTY - Model 43 Printing Terminal
Current Assignment: TTY
DEVICE2 Command? ? <<-- Built-In Help
DEVICE2 Commands are of the form:
Command,Command, ... <-- Issue Commands
where "command" may take the following forms:
DISPLAY=ALL <-- Display Names of All Devices
DISPLAY=CON <-- Display Names of Consoles
DISPLAY=LST <-- Display Names of Printers
DISPLAY=RDR <-- Display Names of Readers
DISPLAY=PUN <-- Display Names of Punches
CON:=name <-- Select Console
LST:=name <-- Select Printer
RDR:=name <-- Select Reader
PUN:=name <-- Select Punch
┴ commanΣ linσ beginninτ witΦ ß semicoloε (;⌐ i≤ ß comment«
Thσ ╪ CommanΣ Exit≤ DEVICE2.
DEVICE2 Command? x <<-- Exit
1.4 Controlling the Disk Output Facility -- RECORD
RECOR─á i≤á useΣ t∩ contro∞ thσ Disδ Outpu⌠ Facilit∙ oµá thσ ì
Redirectablσ I/╧ Drivers«á Copie≤ oµ Consolσ anΣ Printe≥ output≤ ì
caε bσ createΣ iε disδ file≤ b∙ thσ usσ oµ thi≤ facility¼á anΣ i⌠ ì
ma∙ bσ extendeΣ int∩ ß numbe≥ oµ othe≥ application≤ a≤ well.
RECORD is invoked by one of the following forms:
RECORD or RECORD // <-- Get Help
RECORD ON or OFF <-- Console Recording
RECORD ON or OFF PRINTER <-- Printer Recording
Fo≥ RECOR─ t∩ perforφ it≤ function¼á i⌠ mus⌠ bσá implementeΣ ì
iε thσ Redirectablσ I/╧ Drivers« Thi≤ i≤ lef⌠ a≤ aε exercisσ fo≥ ì
thσá reader«á Thσá Redirectablσ I/╧ Driver≤ supplieΣ witΦá ZCPR▓ ì
havσá simplσ RETurε instruction≤ a≤ thσ subroutine≤á executeΣá b∙ ì
the RECORD functions.
Fou≥á routine≤á arσ accesseΣ iε thσ Redirectablσ I/╧á Drive≥ ì
package to control the RECORD function. They are:
COPEN -- Open File for Recording Console Output
LOPEN -- Open File for Recording List Output
CCLOSE -- Close File for Recording Console Output
LCLOSE -- Close File for Recording List Output
Iεá thσ case≤ oµ COPE╬ anΣ LOPEN¼á the∙ arσ passeΣ ß pointe≥ ì
t∩á thσá firs⌠ twelvσ byte≤ oµ aε FC┬ iε HL«á The∙ arσá t∩á cop∙ ì
thesσá twelvσá byte≤á int∩ thei≥ interna∞ FCB≤ anΣá usσá theφá t∩ ì
definσ thσ filσ names«á Typically¼ thσ outpu⌠ file≤ generateΣ b∙ ì
thσá RECOR─ functioε arσ placeΣ iε thσ curren⌠á directory¼á alth∩ ì
thσá Redirectablσá I/╧ Driver≤ ma∙ bσ configureΣá t∩á placσá theφ ì
anywherσ desired.
Wheεá RECOR─á i≤á invokeΣá t∩á turε O╬á onσá oµá thσá recorΣ ì
functions¼ i⌠ prompt≤ thσ use≥ fo≥ thσ namσ oµ thσ filσ t∩ recorΣ ì
into« RECOR─ theε call≤ thσ appropriatσ OPE╬ routine.
Thσá RECOR─á prograφ know≤ iµ disδ filσ outpu⌠á driver≤á arσ ì
availablσ thr⌡ thσ Redirectablσ I/╧ Packagσ Statu≤á Routine«á Iµ ì
Registe≥ ┴ i≤ returneΣ witΦ thσ high-orde≥ bi⌠ set¼á sucΦ driver≤ ì
arσ available.
RECOR─á i≤ tieΣ int∩ thσ Redirectablσ I/╧ Package≤ anΣ work≤ ì
witΦá them«á Thσ reade≥ i≤ inviteΣ t∩ refe≥ t∩ thσá Installatioε ì
Manua∞á anΣá thσá Concept≤á Manua∞á fo≥á furthe≥á detai∞á oεá thσ ì
organizatioε anΣ functioε oµ sucΦ packages.
RECOR─ i≤ als∩ indirectl∙ tieΣ int∩ DEVICE« Invokinτ RECOR─ ì
itselµáá doe≤á no⌠á necessaril∙á star⌠á thσáá recordinτáá proces≤ ì
immediately«á Tw∩á function≤ mus⌠ takσ placσ t∩ begiεá recordinτ ì
outpu⌠ ont∩ disδ files:
1) RECORD has to turn the appropriate Driver ON
2) DEVICE has to select the appropriate Driver
Thi≤ lead≤ t∩ interestinτ possiblities«á B∙ turninτá RECOR─ ì
OF╞á durinτá ß recordinτ session¼á thσ outpu⌠ filσ i≤ closeΣá anΣ ì
availablσá fo≥ othe≥ uses«á Iµ RECOR─ i≤ late≥á turneΣá ON¼á thσ ì
outpu⌠á filσá ma∙á bσ deleteΣ (iµ thσ samσ filσá i≤á selecteΣá t∩ ì
recorΣ into)«á However¼ iµ ß ne≈ devicσ i≤ selecteΣ whilσ RECOR─ ì
i≤á O╬á (say¼á DEVIC┼á CON:=CR╘ i≤á issued)¼á theεá recordinτá i≤ ì
SUSPENDE─ (NO╘ turneΣ off⌐ unti∞ thσ recordinτ devicσ i≤ selecteΣ ì
again«á Hence¼á iµá i⌠á look≤ likσ thσ recordinτ sessioε i≤á no⌠ ì
goinτ well¼á recordinτ caε bσ suspended¼á thσ probleφ fixed¼á anΣ ì
theε recordinτ caε bσ resumed.
Thi≤á combineΣ systeφ oµ DEVIC┼ anΣ RECOR─ provide≤á ßá ver∙ ì
flexiblσá outpu⌠á recordinτá system«á Iεá addition¼á thσá outpu⌠ ì
recordinτá neeΣ no⌠ necessaril∙ g∩ t∩ ß disδ file«á I⌠ coulΣá bσ ì
se⌠ u≡ t∩ senΣ CON║ outpu⌠ t∩ thσ CR╘ and¼ say¼ ß Remotσ Compute≥ ì
fo≥á processing«á Thσ systeφ caε bσ configureΣ iε ß largσ numbe≥ ì
oµ ways.
1.5 Redirectable I/O and the ZCPR2 System
Thσá ZCPR▓ Systeφ caε functioε witΦ o≥ withou⌠á Redirectablσ ì
I/╧á a≤ implementeΣ b∙ thσ Redirectablσ I/╧ Drive≥á Package≤á anΣ ì
thσ IOLOADER¼á DEVICE¼ anΣ RECOR─ programs« Obviously¼ thσ ZCPR▓ ì
System is made much more flexible by employing these facilities.
DEVIC┼á anΣ RECOR─ arσ tieΣ directl∙ t∩ thσ Redirectable I/╧ ì
Package≤ themselves« The∙ don'⌠ usσ an∙ oµ thσ othe≥ feature≤ oµ ì
thσá ZCPR▓ Systeφ t∩ speaδ of¼á anΣ the∙ arσ installeΣ b∙á GENIN╙ ì
(the∙ neeΣ t∩ kno≈ wherσ thσ Redirectablσ I/╧ Buffe≥ i≤ located)« ì
IOLOADE╥ als∩ need≤ t∩ bσ tolΣ wherσ thσ Redirectablσ I/╧á Buffe≥ ì
i≤á locateΣá b∙ GENINS¼á anΣ i⌠ use≤ thσ ZCPR▓ patΦ t∩á finΣá it≤ ì
Thσá program≤á controllinτ thσ Redirectablσ I/╧ Driver≤á arσ ì
tied together in this manner:
IOLOADER loads the drivers
DEVICE controls the drivers
RECORD enables and disables the disk recording
facilities of the drivers
1.6 On the Programming of Terminals
Thσ CR╘ Terminal¼ whicΦ i≤ usuall∙ thσ principa∞ devicσ useΣ ì
a≤á ßá consolσ fo≥ CP/═ anΣ ZCPR2¼á i≤ ß first-linσ too∞á oµá thσ ì
user«á I⌠á i≤ thσ devicσ througΦ whicΦ hσ see≤ thσ worlΣ oµá hi≤ ì
microcomputer¼ and¼ a≤ such¼ ╔ fee∞ tha⌠ i⌠ shoulΣ bσ a≤ flexiblσ ì
anΣ complian⌠ ß too∞ a≤ possiblσ fo≥ him¼ bendinτ t∩ hi≤ wil∞ anΣ ì
doing as much work for him as possible.
╔á founΣ tha⌠ thσ Televide∩ 95░ provideΣ ß lo⌠ oµá thσá feaì
ture≤á tha⌠ ╔ wanteΣ t∩ seσ iε ß terminal«á I⌠ sooε becamσá eviì
dent¼á however¼ tha⌠ i⌠ wa≤ necessar∙ t∩ se⌠ u≡ ß se⌠ oµ softwarσ ì
unde≥á ZCPR▓ whicΦ woulΣ prograφ thσ TV╔ 95░ s∩ tha⌠ ╔ coulΣ makσ ì
bette≥ usσ oµ it«á Thσ TV╔ 95░ i≤ wha⌠ ╔ woulΣ cal∞ aεá intelliì
gen⌠á terminal¼á havinτá ß built-iε microcompute≥ whicΦá provide≤ ì
offlinσá editinτ anΣ man∙ othe≥á features¼á includinτá character-ì
strinτá programmablσ functioε key≤ anΣ ß statu≤ line¼á whicΦ makσ ì
lifσ much¼á mucΦ nicer«á ╔ havσ createΣ tw∩ programs¼ CONFI╟ anΣ ì
TINIT¼á whicΦá prograφ thi≤ termina∞ t∩ m∙ tastes«á Thσ use≥á i≤ ì
inviteΣ t∩ reaΣ thσ built-iε documentatioε anΣ thσá documentatioε ì
iε thσ sourcσ code.
.fo Section 2 - The ZCPR2 Directory Utility XDIR3 Page #
2.0 Directory Utility
2.1 Overview of XDIR3
XDIR│á i≤ aε extendeΣ director∙ displa∙ utilit∙ designeΣá t∩ ì
ruεá unde≥ CP/═ 2.▓ anΣ suppor⌠ somσ oµ thσ extendeΣ feature≤á oµ ì
ZCPR▓ a≤ well« An∙ conventiona∞ CP/═ 2.▓ use≥ ma∙ usσ XDIR3¼ bu⌠ ì
hσá shoulΣ makσ surσ hσ turn≤ ofµ thσ ZCPR2-specifiπ feature≤á b∙ ì
runninτá thσá ZCPR▓ Installatioε Program¼á GENINS¼á oε XDIR│á anΣ ì
manuall∙ turninτ theφ ofµ beforσ usinτ XDIR3.
XDIR│á automaticall∙á adapt≤ t∩ an∙ Org-░ CP/═á 2.▓á system¼ ì
regardles≤ oµ thσ sizσ oµ it≤ disks« I⌠ read≤ thσ disδ paramete≥ ì
blocδ informatioε froφ thσ operatinτ systeφ t∩ determinσ wha⌠ thσ ì
attribute≤á oµá thσá disδ i⌠ i≤ workinτ witΦá are¼á anΣá i⌠á theε ì
present≤ it≤ displa∙ informatioε accordingly.
XDIR3 runs in two basic modes:
. as a directory display utility
. as a file scanner utility (File Name Buffer Facility)
XDIR│á i≤ ß ZCPR▓ utilit∙ whicΦ support≤ thσ extendeΣá ZCPR▓ ì
features¼ particularl∙ nameΣ directories.
A≤áá ßá director∙á displa∙á utility¼áá i⌠á display≤á t∩á yo⌡ ì
informatioεá abou⌠á thσ file≤ oε ß particula≥ disδá iεá al∞á use≥ ì
area≤á o≥á ß particula≥ use≥ area«á I⌠ give≤ yo⌡á thσá followinτ ì
. Name of File
. Size of File (in K bytes)
. Attributes of File (Read/Only or System)
. Sum of Sizes of All Files Displayed
. Total Number of Files on Disk
. Amount of Space Remaining on Disk
. What Disk and What User Area you are looking at
A≤ ß filσ scanne≥ utility¼ i⌠ doe≤ thσ following:
. Logs a group of selected files to disk for later scan
. Prints the contents of such a log file
« Scan≤ ß loτ filσ anΣ compare≤ i⌠ witΦ thσ file≤
selected by you, telling you what files are
missing and what files are additional
XDIR│ i≤ quitσ human-oriented¼á witΦ man∙ built-iεá feature≤ ì
whicΦá providσá ßá human-interfacσ typσ oµ servicσ t∩á thσá user« ì
Some of these include:
. Named Directories may be specified
. The file listing is alphabetized by file name and
type or file type and name, depending on user
. The file listing is organized vertically or
horizontally, depending on user preference
. Output may also be sent to disk or printer
« XDIR│ i≤ designeΣ t∩ ruε quickly
2.2 Basic Use of XDIR3 under ZCPR2
XDIR3 is invoked by one of the following command lines:
XDIR afn oooo... or XDIR afn /oooo...
XDIR /oooo...
where all elements after the XDIR command are optional.
'afnºá i≤ aε ambiguou≤ filσ reference¼á a≤ describeΣ oεá thσ ì
followinτ frames«á 'oº i≤ aε optioε letter¼ whicΦ i≤ onσ o≥ morσ ì
oµá thσ option≤ describeΣ oε thσ nex⌠ frame«á Notσ tha⌠ sincσá ß ì
slasΦ denote≤ tha⌠ aε optioε follows¼ aε afε ma∙ no⌠ begiε witΦ ß ì
slash«á Thi≤á caε bσ changeΣ b∙ aε equatσ iε thσ sourcσ codσá oµ ì
XDIR3 if desired.
Aa - Set the attributes of the files to be displayed
a=S for System Files, a=N for Non-System Files
a=A for All Files (Non-System and System)
D - Send Output to Disk
Ff - Engage File Name Buffer Facility
f=L to Log File Names to Disk
f=P to Print Names Logged to Disk
f=S to Scan Disk for File Names and Compare to
G - Toggle Grouping (group files by name and type or
type and name)
H - Toggle Horizontal or Vertical display format
I - Inspect files selected by FL option
N - Negate Selection; select those files which do NOT
match the ambiguous file name
P - Send Output to Printer
'afn' is an ambiguous file reference, of the general form:
filename.typ is a conventional CP/M ambiguous file name
(wild card characters of ? and * are OK,
but file name must NOT start with /)
dir: is a ZCPR2 directory specification, which may
be one of the following forms:
d: where 'd' is a disk letter (A-P) to indicate
the current user area on that disk
u: where 'u' is a user number (0-31) to indicate
that user on the current disk; 'u' may
be a '?', in which case all user areas
are selected
du: where 'du' specifies both disk and user
name: where 'name' is the name of a directory
(disk/user area)
Examples of an ambiguous file reference are:
12:*.* A12:SYSLIB*.*
Examples of XDIR3 commands are:
-- Select All Files in directory ROOT which do
NOT match *.COM
-- Select the System Files in B10, and send
output to disk as well as console
-- Select All Files in current directory, and
send output to disk and printer as well as
2.3 XDIR3 Output Control Options
These options are:
D - Send Output to Disk
G - Toggle Grouping (group files by name and type or
type and name)
H - Toggle Horizontal or Vertical display format
P - Send Output to Printer
─ anΣ ╨ arσ fairl∙ obvious«á Iµ ╨ i≤ specified¼á thσ outpu⌠ ì
goe≤ t∩ you≥ printe≥ (CP/═ LST║á device⌐ a≤ wel∞ a≤ you≥ console« ì
Iµá ─ i≤ specified¼á thσ outpu⌠ goe≤ t∩ you≥ curren⌠ director∙ a≤ ì
thσ filσ XDIR.DIR« Iµ XDIR.DI╥ alread∙ exists¼ i⌠ i≤ replaced.
╟ anΣ ╚ arσ toggleΣ options« If¼ viß GENIN╙ a⌠ installatioε ì
time¼á yo⌡ selecteΣ alphabetizatioε b∙ filσ namσ anΣ type¼á thσ ╟ ì
optioεá wil∞ fli≡ thi≤ t∩ alphabetizσ b∙ filσ typσ anΣ name¼á anΣ ì
vice-versa« Thσ samσ witΦ thσ ╚ option.
╟á allow≤ yo⌡ t∩ selec⌠ you≥ displa∙ t∩ bσá alphabetizeΣá b∙ ì
filσá namσ anΣ typσ o≥ typσ anΣ name«á Iµ b∙ filσ namσ anΣ type¼ ì
theε AA.TX╘ come≤ beforσ BB.COM«á Iµ b∙ filσ typσ anΣ name¼ theε ì
BB.CO═á come≤ beforσ AA.TXT«á Alphabetizatioε b∙ filσá namσá anΣ ì
typσ group≤ file≤ oµ thσ samσ namσ togethe≥ (F╬ fields¼á likσ al∞ ì
XDIR3.¬á files)¼á whilσ b∙ filσ typσ anΣ namσ group≤ file≤ oµ thσ ì
samσ typσ togethe≥ (F╘ fields¼ likσ al∞ *.TX╘ files).
╚ allow≤ yo⌡ t∩ selec⌠ you≥ alphabetizeΣ file≤ t∩ bσá listeΣ ì
dowεá thσá screeε (vertical⌐ o≥ acros≤ thσá screeεá (horizontal)« ì
Thσ screeε i≤ divideΣ int∩ threσ columns¼á anΣ ß vertica∞ listinτ ì
alphabetize≤ dowε thσ firs⌠ column¼ theε thσ second¼ anΣ theε thσ ì
third¼ whilσ ß horizonta∞ listinτ alphabetize≤ first¼ second¼ anΣ ì
third columns on the first line, and so on with each line.
╔á likσ t∩ grou≡ m∙ listing≤ b∙ filσ typσá first¼á anΣá theε ì
name¼á anΣá ╔ als∩ prefe≥ thσ vertica∞ displa∙ format«á Herσá i≤ ì
sucΦ ß listing:
XDIR III, Version 1.5 Vertical Listing by File Type and Name
Disk: B User: 7, File Attributes: Non-System
Filename.Typ Size K RS Filename.Typ Size K RS Filename.Typ Size K RS
-------- --- ------ -- -------- --- ------ -- -------- --- ------ --
DU2 .HLP 36 S100 .TXT 4 Z2INS .WSH 8
XDIR3 .HLP 24 Z2CON .WS 112
11 Files Occupying 392K, 67 Files on Disk and 4020K Free
Note that we are alphabetized down the columns by file type.
Some prefer to alphabetize by file name:
XDIR III, Version 1.5 Vertical Listing by File Name and Type
Disk: B User: 7, File Attributes: Non-System
Filename.Typ Size K RS Filename.Typ Size K RS Filename.Typ Size K RS
-------- --- ------ -- -------- --- ------ -- -------- --- ------ --
DU2 .HLP 36 TALK .SUM 12 Z2CON .WS 112
S100 .TXT 4 XDIR1 .DIR 4 Z2CON .WSH 8
12 Files Occupying 396K, 68 Files on Disk and 4016K Free
Again¼á wσ arσ alphabetizeΣ dowε thσ columns¼á bu⌠ thσ orde≥ ì
i≤á b∙ filσ namσ anΣ theε filσ type«á Refe≥ bacδ t∩ thσ previou≤ ì
screen display to compare.
Finally¼á somσá prefe≥á horizonta∞ a≤á opposeΣá t∩á vertica∞ ì
listings«á Herσá i≤á anothe≥á listinτ whicΦá i≤á horizonta∞á anΣ ì
grouped by file name first.
XDIR III, Version 1.5 Horizontal Listing by File Name and Type
Disk: B User: 7, File Attributes: Non-System
Filename.Typ Size K RS Filename.Typ Size K RS Filename.Typ Size K RS
-------- --- ------ -- -------- --- ------ -- -------- --- ------ --
DU2 .HLP 36 S100 .TXT 4 STD .MSG 4
Z2CON .WS 112 Z2CON .WSH 8 Z2INS .WS 52
13 Files Occupying 400K, 69 Files on Disk and 4012K Free
2.4 XDIR3 File Selection Options
Thσá followinτá option≤ (anΣ thσ DIR║á field⌐á contro∞á filσ ì
Aa - Set the attributes of the files to be displayed
a=S for System Files, a=N for Non-System Files
a=A for All Files (Non-System and System)
N - Negate Selection; select those files which do NOT
match the ambiguous file name
Thσ ╬ optioε negate≤ you≥ ambiguou≤ filσ namσ reference¼ bu⌠ ì
i⌠á stay≤á iε thσ SAM┼ se⌠ oµ systeφ o≥á non-systeφá files«á Fo≥ ì
instance¼á XDI╥á *.CO═ /NA╙ select≤ al∞ SYSTE═ file≤ whicΦ d∩ NO╘ ì
matcΦ *.COM« Iµ yo⌡ havσ installeΣ XDIR│ t∩ automaticall∙ selec⌠ ì
botΦ SYSTE═ anΣ NON-SYSTE═ files¼á theε XDI╥ *.CO═ /╬ wil∞ selec⌠ ì
all non-COM files in your current directory.è
Thσá ┴á optioεá set≤á thσ attribute≤á oµá thσá file≤á t∩á bσ ì
displayed«á Iµ A┴ i≤ presented¼á theε botΦ Non-Systeφ anΣ Systeφ ì
file≤ wil∞ bσ displayed«á Iµ AS¼á theε jus⌠ Systeφ files¼ anΣ iµ ì
AN¼ theε jus⌠ Non-System«
Yo⌡á caεá se⌠á thσá defaul⌠ filσá attributσá displa∙á t∩á bσ ì
whateve≥áá yo⌡á desire«áá Usinτá GENINS¼áá yo⌡á caεá havσá XDIR│ ì
automaticall∙ selec⌠ jus⌠ thσ Systeφ files¼á jus⌠ thσá Non-Systeφ ì
files¼á o≥á botΦ Non-Systeφ anΣ Systeφ file≤ wheneve≥ yo⌡ ruεá i⌠ ì
withou⌠ usinτ thσ ┴ option.
B7>xdir root:*.com aan
XDIR III, Version 1.5 Vertical Listing by File Type and Name
Disk: A User: 15, File Attributes: Non-System System
Filename.Typ Size K RS Filename.Typ Size K RS Filename.Typ Size K RS
-------- --- ------ -- -------- --- ------ -- -------- --- ------ --
15 Files Occupying 92K, 266 Files on Disk and 1568K Free
Thi≤ select≤ al∞ non-CO═ file≤ iε thσ director∙ ROOT«á BotΦ ì
Systeφ anΣ Non-Systeφ file≤ arσ selected«á Notσ tha⌠ SYSIO.I╧ i≤ ì
thσá onl∙á Systeφ filσ whicΦ wa≤ selected¼á anΣ i⌠ happen≤ t∩á bσ ì
Read/Only as well.
B7>xdir root:*.com asn
XDIR III, Version 1.5 Vertical Listing by File Type and Name
Disk: A User: 15, File Attributes: System
Filename.Typ Size K RS Filename.Typ Size K RS Filename.Typ Size K RS
-------- --- ------ -- -------- --- ------ -- -------- --- ------ --
1 Files Occupying 4K, 266 Files on Disk and 1568K Free
Thi≤ select≤ thσ non-CO═ Systeφ file≤ iε thσ director∙ ROOT« ì
As expected, SYSIO.IO is the only file given.
B7>xdir root:*.com n
XDIR III, Version 1.5 Vertical Listing by File Type and Name
Disk: A User: 15, File Attributes: Non-System
Filename.Typ Size K RS Filename.Typ Size K RS Filename.Typ Size K RS
-------- --- ------ -- -------- --- ------ -- -------- --- ------ --
14 Files Occupying 88K, 266 Files on Disk and 1568K Free
Thi≤á select≤ thσ non-CO═ file≤ iε thσ director∙ ROO╘á whicΦ ì
are Non-System. Non-System is my selected default for XDIR3.
2.5 XDIR3 File Name Buffer Facility
Thσá option≤ oµ XDIR│ whicΦ dea∞ witΦ thσ Filσá Namσá Buffe≥ ì
Facility are:
Ff - Engage File Name Buffer Facility
f=L to Log File Names to Disk
f=P to Print Names Logged to Disk
f=S to Scan Disk for File Names and Compare to
I - Inspect files selected by FL option
Thσá filσ selectioε option≤ comσ int∩ pla∙ a≤ wel∞ witΦá thσ ì
F╠á optioεá t∩ selec⌠ thσ file≤ t∩ bσ placeΣ int∩ thσá loτá file¼ ì
Thσá F╠ optioε write≤ thσ use≥ number≤ anΣ filσ name≤ oµ thσ ì
selecteΣá file≤á t∩á disδ int∩ thσá filσá nameΣá FNAMES.DIR«á Iµ ì
FNAMES.DI╥ alread∙ exists¼á theε i⌠ i≤ rewritten« Thσ FNAMES.DI╥ ì
files is used by the FP and FS options.
Thσá ╔á optioεá (fo≥ inspect⌐ allow≤ thσá use≥á t∩á manuall∙ ì
approve each file before its name is placed into FNAMES.DIR.
Thσá F╨ optioε simpl∙ print≤ ou⌠ thσ use≥ number≤ anΣá name≤ ì
oµ al∞ thσ file≤ storeΣ iε FNAMES.DIR«á Iµ FNAMES.DI╥ i≤ no⌠á iε ì
thσ curren⌠ directory¼á F╨ wil∞ searcΦ alonτ thσ ZCPR▓ patΦ unti∞ ì
it finds it or reaches the end of the path.
Thσ F╙ optioε scan≤ FNAMES.DI╥ anΣ thσ file≤ selecteΣ b∙ thσ ì
use≥á (o≥ implieΣ iµ n∩ specifiπ filσ selectioε optioε i≤á given⌐ ì
anΣ compare≤ them« Iµ ß filσ exist≤ iε FNAMES.DI╥ bu⌠ no⌠ iε thσ ì
selecteΣ files¼ it≤ namσ i≤ printeΣ a≤ ß missinτ file« Iµ ß filσ ì
exist≤á oε disδ bu⌠ no⌠ iε thσ FNAMES.DI╥ file¼á theε it≤ namσ i≤ ì
printed as an additional file.
Notσá tha⌠ thσ use≥ shoulΣ kee≡ iε minΣ wha⌠ hσ i≤á scanninτ ì
fo≥ wheε hσ use≤ thσ Filσ Namσ Buffe≥ Facility« Fo≥ instance¼ iµ ì
hσá select≤ botΦ Non-systeφ anΣ Systeφ file≤ witΦ thσá F╠á optioε ì
anΣ theε default≤ t∩ Non-Systeφ witΦ thσ F╙ option¼á theε severa∞ ì
files will come up missing while this is not necessarily true.
Usinτ GENINS¼á thσ Installatioε Prograφ fo≥ ZCPR2¼á yo⌡á caε ì
creatσá tw∩á differen⌠á version≤ oµ XDIR│á -- onσá fo≥á Director∙ ì
Displa∙áá operation≤á anΣá onσá fo≥á Filσá Namσá Buffe≥á Facilit∙ ì
functions« Iµ yo⌡ d∩ this¼ theε yo⌡ coulΣ als∩ se⌠ thσ Director∙ ì
Displa∙ versioε t∩ worδ witΦ Non-Systeφ file≤ b∙á default¼á whilσ ì
yo⌡á coulΣ se⌠ thσ Filσ Namσ Buffe≥ Facilit∙ versioε t∩ worδ witΦ ì
botΦ Non-Systeφ anΣ Systeφ files.
Thσ followinτ i≤ ß samplσ termina∞ sessioε whicΦ illustrate≤ ì
thσá usσ oµ thσ XDIR│ Filσ Namσ Buffe≥á Facility«á Comment≤á arσ ì
placeΣ ou⌠ t∩ thσ sidσ oµ thσ command≤ anΣ arσ denoteΣ b∙ "<--".
B7>xdir /fli <-- Log Files to Disk and Inspect
XDIR III, Version 1.5
Inspection of Files for Logging to Disk
Log 7 DU2 .HLP to Disk (Y/N/<CR>=Y)? Y
Log 7 S100 .TXT to Disk (Y/N/<CR>=Y)? N
Log 7 STD .MSG to Disk (Y/N/<CR>=Y)? N
Log 7 SYSLIB .ART to Disk (Y/N/<CR>=Y)? N
Log 7 TALK .SUM to Disk (Y/N/<CR>=Y)? N
Log 7 TEMP .TXT to Disk (Y/N/<CR>=Y)? Y
Log 7 XDIR3 .HLP to Disk (Y/N/<CR>=Y)? Y
Log 7 Z2CON .WS to Disk (Y/N/<CR>=Y)? Y
Log 7 Z2CON .WSH to Disk (Y/N/<CR>=Y)? Y
Log 7 Z2INS .WS to Disk (Y/N/<CR>=Y)? Y
Log 7 Z2INS .WSH to Disk (Y/N/<CR>=Y)? Y
Logging File Names to Disk --
7 File Names to be Logged to Disk
Horizontal Listing by File Name and Type
U Filename.Typ U Filename.Typ U Filename.Typ U Filename.Typ
- -------- --- - -------- --- - -------- --- - -------- ---
B7>xdir /fp <-- Print out the names of the logged files
XDIR III, Version 1.5
Printout of Recrded File Names --
7 File Names Recorded
Horizontal Listing by File Name and Type
U Filename.Typ U Filename.Typ U Filename.Typ U Filename.Typ
- -------- --- - -------- --- - -------- --- - -------- ---
B7>era temp.txt <-- Erase one of the logged files
TEMP .TXT <-- for this demo
B7>xdir /fs <-- Scan the disk
XDIR III, Version 1.5
File Name Scanner
Files Named in FNAMES.DIR missing from Disk --
Horizontal Listing by Fie Name and Type
U Filename.Typ U Filename.Typ U Filename.Typ U Filename.Typ
- -------- --- - -------- --- - -------- --- - -------- ---
Additional Files on Disk NOT in FNAMES.DIR --
Horizontal Listing by File Name and Type
U Filename.Typ U Filename.Typ U Filename.Typ U Filename.Typ
- -------- --- - -------- --- - -------- --- - -------- ---
File Scan Complete
2.6 Use of XDIR3 on Secure Systems
Oε Securσ Systems¼ sucΦ a≤ Remotσ CP/═ Systems¼ XDIR│ ma∙ bσ ì
configured¼á viß GENINS¼á t∩ providσ ß securσ director∙á utility« ì
Somσ idea≤ alonτ thi≤ linσ include:
. You can install XDIR3 so that it cannot look at any
directory other than the one it is in
. You can install XDIR3 so that you can look at the
current user area on any disk, but not in other
user areas
. You can install XDIR3 so that you can look at all
user areas on the current disk, but not on any
other disk
. You can install XDIR3 so that you cannot look at any
System files
. You can install XDIR3 so that none of the F options
are available
« Yo⌡ caε instal∞ XDIR│ s∩ tha⌠ user≤ ma∙ lis⌠ thσ
files (FP) or scan the disk (FS), but not log
files to disk (FL)
Thesσ arσ jus⌠ somσ oµ thσ way≤ ╔ havσ designeΣ XDIR│ t∩á bσ ì
flexiblσ iε thesσ type≤ oµ environments«á Iε ß morσ conventiona∞ ì
environment¼á sucΦá a≤á ß softwarσ developmen⌠á environment¼á yo⌡ ì
woulΣá probabl∙á wan⌠á XDIR│á t∩á givσá yo⌡á completσá acces≤á t∩ ì
Seσá thσá nex⌠ sectioε oε installatioε fo≥ morσá detail≤á oε ì
setting XDIR3 capabilities and defaults.
2.7 Installation of XDIR3
GENIN╙á i≤ thσ installatioε prograφ whicΦ come≤á alonτá witΦ ì
ZCPR▓á anΣá allow≤ thσ use≥ t∩ definσ thσ basiπ capabilitie≤á anΣ ì
defaul⌠á function≤á executeΣá b∙ ß particula≥á cop∙á oµá ßá ZCPR▓ ì
utility«á GENIN╙ i≤ awarσ oµ thσ specifiπ requirement≤ oµ al∞ oµ ì
thσá ke∙ ZCPR▓ utilities¼á includinτ XDIR3¼á anΣ adapt≤ fo≥á eacΦ ì
utility'≤ specifiπ needs.
Wheεá GENIN╙ i≤ executed¼á i⌠ ask≤ thσ use≥ fo≥ thσ namσá oµ ì
thσ filσ t∩ bσ installed«á Thσ use≥ ma∙ specif∙ thi≤ filσ iε thσ ì
norma∞ ZCPR▓ format:
GENIN╙á wil∞á reaΣá thσá firs⌠ blocδá oµá thi≤á file¼á whicΦ ì
contain≤ thσ customizatioε information¼á anΣ theε allo≈ yo⌡ t∩ d∩ ì
onσ oµ threσ thing≤ (it≤ basiπ commanΣ prompt):
. Display the Current Features
. Set the Features of the program to the user's liking
. Exit and optionally create a new COM file
Thσá feature≤á whicΦ ma∙ bσ se⌠ b∙ thσ systeφ manage≥á unde≥ ì
GENINS for XDIR3 are:
. Whether the user may specify a directory (disk/user)
. If directory specification is allowed, whether the
user may specify just disk or just user (but not
necessarily both)
. Whether the user may employ any of the F options
. If the F options may be used, if the user may employ
the FL option specificially
. Whether the user may employ the AS option
. Whether XDIR3 will perform a Directory Display
of File Name Buffer Facility function by default
. Whether XDIR3 will display Non-System or System files
(or both) by default
. Whether the alphabetization will be by file name and
type or type and name by default
. Whether the listing will be vertical or horizontal by
« Whethe≥ ZCPR▓ Externa∞ Path≤ arσ available¼ and¼ iµ
so, what the base path address is
Iµá thσ use≥ i≤ no⌠ runninτ ZCPR2¼á hσ shoulΣ disablσ al∞ oµ ì
the ZCPR2 features.
This Page Intentionally Left Blank
For the Sake of My Sanity
Figuring This One Out is Left as an Exercise for the Reader
.fo Section 3 - Disk Utility Page #
3.0 Disk Utility
3.1 Invoking DU2 and DU2 Installation
DU2 is invoked by a command line of the following form:
DU2 <text>
wherσ <text╛ i≤ an∙ valiΣ DU▓ commanΣ sequence«á Iµ thσ firs⌠ tw∩ ì
character≤á oµá <text╛ arσ '/?'¼á thσ built-iεá documentatioεá i≤ ì
displayeΣá anΣ thσ use≥ i≤ returneΣ t∩ CP/M¼á a≤ pe≥ thσá TOOLSE╘ ì
DU2 /?
-- Displa∙ Built-iε Documentation
DU2 lb,g0,d
-- Executσá command≤ t∩ Loτ iε Drivσ B¼á got∩ Grou≡á 0¼á anΣ ì
displa∙ thσ firs⌠ Blocδ oµ Grou≡ 0
DU▓á i≤ designeΣ t∩ bσ installeΣ witΦ ß minimuφ oµá trouble« ì
Iεá fact¼á iεá almos⌠ al∞ cases¼á n∩ change≤ t∩ thσá sourcσá filσ ì
shoulΣá bσ necessar∙ t∩ ge⌠ DU▓ u≡ anΣ running«á Thi≤ i≤á becausσ ì
DU▓ use≤ thσ disδ paramete≥ blocδ oµ CP/═ t∩ determinσ thσá char-ì
acteristic≤ oµ thσ disδ environment.
Thσá onl∙ parameter≤ tha⌠ shoulΣ neeΣ t∩ bσ changeΣ wil∞á bσ ì
thσ clocδ speeΣ flaτ anΣ thσ numbe≥ oµ line≤ oε thσ CON║á Device« ì
GENIN╙ caε bσ useΣ t∩ perforφ thi≤ installation«
DU▓ i≤ intendeΣ fo≥ usσ oε ß ZCPR▓ system«á A≤ such¼ i⌠ wil∞ ì
onl∙á ruε witΦ ß Z8░ microprocesso≥ anΣ oε ß CP/═ 2.▓ (o≥ higher⌐ ì
system« DU▓ wil∞ NO╘ ruε oε CP/═ 1.4.
3.2 DU2 Command Summary
@ Exec Prev Command =data Search for data
< Save Current Block in Temp > Get Saved Block
<B Save Current Block on Queue >B Get Block from Queue
<G Save Current Group on Queue >G Get Current Group
<Gn Save Group N on Queue >Gn Get Group N
# Print Disk Stats ? Print Help Info
+n Advance to Next Sector -n Back up to Last Sec
! Halt and Wait for User /nn Repeat Command Line
n Exec Macro (0<=n<=9) :n<text> Define Macro n
:Pn Print Macro n :PA Print All Macros
:P@ Print Prev Command
An-n ASCII Dump Hn-n Hex Dump
Dn-n ASCII and Hex Dump
CAn vals or CAn1-n2 val Change ASCII Values
CHn vals or CHn1-n2 val Change Hex Values
Ffile Find File Uu Set User u for F
Tn Position to Track n (dec) Sn Position to Sec n
Gn Position to Group n (hex) G Show position
Ld Log in Disk N New Disk
M Map Disk Mn Show file in Group n
P Toggle Printer
Q Print Queue Statistics QZ Zero (Empty) Queue
QSfile Save Queue as File
R Read Current Block W Write Current Block
Vn View n blocks Zn Sleep n Seconds
X Exit to CP/M; opt Warm Boot ^C Exit to CP/M
┴á commanΣ linσ ma∙ consis⌠ oµ onl∙ onσ commanΣ o≥ ßá serie≤ ì
oµá command≤á separateΣá b∙ commas«á Iεá thσá latte≥á form¼á thσ ì
command≤ arσ executeΣ sequentially«á Thσ onl∙ exception≤ t∩ thi≤ ì
rulσá arσ thσ :ntex⌠ commanΣ (whicΦ store≤ thσ commanΣ linσá awa∙ ì
a≤ ß macro⌐ anΣ thσ *nε commanΣ (whicΦ repeat≤ thσ commanΣ line).
3.3 Commands for Logging and Viewing Disk Parameters
Thσá followinτ command≤ arσ discusseΣ iε thi≤ sectioε oµ thσ ì
HELP file:
F -- Find File
L -- Log in Disk
N -- New Disk (Reset Disk System)
M -- Map Disk Directory
U -- Select User Number
# -- Print Disk and Queue Statistics
Prin⌠á director∙á fo≥á filσá "filename.typ"«á Thi≤á commanΣ ì
present≤á thσá director∙á entr∙á fo≥á thσá firs⌠á exten⌠á oµá thσ ì
indicateΣá file«á Seσá thσá sectioεá oεá "Interpretinτá thσá DU▓ ì
Director∙á Displayó fo≥ inf∩ oε ho≈ t∩ interpre⌠ thσá informatioε ì
Example (actual DU2 session):
DU2 B1? fz80.mac
40 015A3830 20202020 204D4143 0000000E *.Z80 MAC....*
50 9A000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 *................*
Group = 0000:00, Track = 122, Sector = 1, Physical Sector = 1
DU2 B1? ftest.txt
++ File Not Found ++
Group = 0000:00, Track = 122, Sector = 1, Physical Sector = 1
Thσ simplσ "Ló commanΣ re-log≤ iε thσ curren⌠ disk«á Yo⌡ ma∙ ì
pul∞ ou⌠ ß disk¼á pu⌠ iε ß new¼á anΣ "Ló jus⌠ t∩ loτ i⌠ in«á Thσ ì
forφ "Ld"¼á wherσ Σ i≤ ß valiΣ drivσ lette≥ (likσ "LB")¼á i≤ useΣ ì
t∩á loτá iεá ßá specifiπ disδ anΣ permi⌠á yo⌡á t∩á worδá oεá tha⌠ ì
particula≥ disδ froφ thi≤ timσ foreword.
Example (actual DU2 session):
DU2 B1? l
DU2 B1? la
DU2 A1? lb
Thi≤á tell≤ DU▓ tha⌠ yo⌡ jus⌠ pu⌠ iε ß ne≈ disk«á Fo≥á thosσ ì
BIO╙á implementation≤ tha⌠ neeΣ t∩ bσ tolΣá specificall∙á (Reset⌐ ì
tha⌠ ß disδ changσ ha≤ beeε made¼ usσ thi≤ commanΣ ever∙ timσ yo⌡ ì
changσ ß disδ whilσ DU▓ i≤ running.
DU2 B1? n
Note║á Therσá wa≤á ßá significan⌠ dela∙ beforσá thσá promp⌠ ì
returned. A complete disk system reset took place.
Dump≤á ßá ma≡ oµ thσ grou≡ allocation≤ fo≥ files«á Mεá show≤ ì
whicΦ filσ i≤ allocateΣ t∩ grou≡ "n".
Example (actual DU2 session, edited):
DU2 B1? m
0010-0010 07 STD .MSG 00 : 0011-0011 07 TALK .SUM 00
0012-0012 07 Z2CON .WSH 00 : 0013-0013 00 LDIR .C 00
0014-0014 00 COMMAND .LBR 01 : 0015-0015 00 LDIR .C 00
< Detail Left Out >
004B-004B 08 MASTER .CAT 03 : 004C-0050 00 COMMAND .LBR 05
0051-0051 00 COMMAND .LBR 07 : 0052-0052 00 UNERA15 .COM 00
0053-0053 08 MENU .CPR 00 : 0054-0057 00 COMMAND .LBR 07
Type Any Character to Continue or ^C to Abort -
DU2 B1? m54
0054-0057 00 COMMAND .LBR 07 :
Group = 0000:00, Track = 122, Sector = 1, Physical Sector = 1
The entries are divided up as follows:
0010-0010 07 STD .MSG 00 : 0011-0011 07 TALK .SUM 00
^ ^ ^ ^
| | Filename Extent
| User Number
Group Range
Log≤ use≥ 'uº fo≥ nex⌠ ╞ (FinΣ File⌐ command.
Example (actual DU2 session):
DU2 B1? u7
DU2 B7? u1
Prints the disk parameters:
. Current Disk Drive . Number of Tracks on Disk
. Size of Group in Blocks . Number of Sectors Per Track
. Number of Groups on Disk . Number of Directory Entries
. Number of System Tracks
Prints the queue statistics:
. Size of Queue . Space Available
Example (actual DU2 session):
DU2 B1? #
| -- Queue Information -- |
0 Blocks in Queue
249 Blocks Left in Queue
Address of Head of Queue: 3E00 Hex
Address of Tail of Queue: 3E00 Hex
| -- Disk Information -- |
Disk Drive: B
Tracks: 244
Sectors/Track: 336
Group Size: 32 Blocks/Group
Total Groups: 1280
Directory Entries: 512
System Tracks: 122
3.4 Commands for Positioning and Reading Data
Thσ followinτ command≤ arσ discusseΣ iε thi≤ sectioε oµá thσ ì
HELP file:
G -- Position to Group
S -- Position to Sector
T -- Position to Track
R -- Read Block
W -- Write Block
+ -- Advance to Next Logical Sector
- -- Backup to Last Logical Sector
Positioε t∩ grou≡ nε anΣ reaΣ block«á Iµ thσ forφ i≤ simpl∙ ì
"G", show your current position.
Example (actual DU2 session):
DU2 B1? g0
Group = 0000:00, Track = 122, Sector = 1, Physical Sector = 1
DU2 B1? g4
Group = 0004:00, Track = 122, Sector = 129, Physical Sector = 129
DU2 B1? g
Group = 0004:00, Track = 122, Sector = 129, Physical Sector = 129
DU2 B1? g0
Group = 0000:00, Track = 122, Sector = 1, Physical Sector = 1
Tnn and Snn
"Tnnóá doe≤á ß seeδ t∩ tracδ nε bu⌠ doe≤ no⌠ reaΣá ßá block« ì
"Snnóá position≤ t∩ secto≥ nε oε thσ curren⌠ tracδ anΣ read≤á thσ ì
blocδ there. Example (actual DU2 session):
DU2 B1? t124
Group = 0015:00, Track = 124, Sector = 1, Physical Sector = 1
DU2 B1? s24
Group = 0015:17, Track = 124, Sector = 24, Physical Sector = 24
R and W
╥ read≤ thσ blocδ currentl∙ positioneΣ t∩ int∩ memory«á Notσ ì
╥ (Read⌐ i≤ implici⌠ iε thσ G¼á +¼ anΣ - commands¼ bu⌠ NO╘ iε thσ ì
╙ anΣ ╘ commands.
╫ write≤ bacδ thσ curren⌠ blocδ (NOTE║ ma∙ no⌠ bσ useΣ afte≥ ì
aεá ╞á command¼á a≤á CP/═á wa≤á useΣ t∩á finΣá thσá filσá iεá thσ ì
DU2 B1? r
DU2 B1? w
+[nn] and -[nn]
"+óá advance≤ ▒ secto≥ (iµ belo≈ tracδ 2¼á thi≤ advance≤á t∩ ì
nex⌠á numerica∞á secto≥ anΣ iµ ▓ o≥ more¼á advance≤ baseΣ oεá thσ ì
system'≤ secto≥ skewinτ algorithm¼á i.e«á s∩ ½ wil∞ ge⌠ thσá nex⌠ ì
logica∞ secto≥ oµ thσ file)« "-ó backup≤ u≡ ▒ secto≥ iε thσ samσ ì
Notσ ½ anΣ - ma∙ takσ aε amount║á fo≥ example¼á +1╡ step≤ iε ì
1╡ sectors« Notσ als∩ tha⌠ "-ó issueΣ a⌠ thσ firs⌠ logica∞ secto≥ ì
oµá thσá disδ wil∞ wra≡ bacδ t∩ thσ las⌠ anΣ "+ó issueΣá a⌠á las⌠ ì
secto≥ wil∞ wra≡ forwarΣ t∩ thσ first.
Examples (actual DU2 session):
DU2 B1? g0
Group = 0000:00, Track = 122, Sector = 1, Physical Sector = 1
DU2 B1? d
00 07535444 20202020 204D5347 00000002 *.STD MSG....*
10 10000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 *................*
20 004C4449 52202020 20432020 00000038 *.LDIR C ...8*
30 13001500 00000000 00000000 00000000 *................*
40 0843504D 55472020 20434154 01000046 *.CPMUG CAT...F*
50 1C001E00 38003D00 41004300 45000000 *....8.=.A.C.E...*
60 00434F4D 4D414E44 204C4252 01000080 *.COMMAND LBR....*
70 14001600 17001800 19001A00 1B001D00 *................*
DU2 B1? +d
Group = 0000:01, Track = 122, Sector = 2, Physical Sector = 2
00 0754414C 4B202020 2053554D 00000049 *.TALK SUM...I*
10 11002300 24000000 00000000 00000000 *..#.$...........*
20 00554E45 52413135 2041534D 00000060 *.UNERA15 ASM...`*
30 3E003F00 40000000 00000000 00000000 *>.?.@...........*
40 075A3249 4E532020 20575348 0000002A *.Z2INS WSH...**
50 21002500 00000000 00000000 00000000 *!.%.............*
60 075A3243 4F4E2020 20575348 0000003F *.Z2CON WSH...?*
70 12002200 00000000 00000000 00000000 *..".............*
DU2 B1? +d
Group = 0000:02, Track = 122, Sector = 3, Physical Sector = 3
00 07445532 20202020 2042414B 00000057 *.DU2 BAK...W*
10 26002800 29000000 00000000 00000000 *&.(.)...........*
20 04535441 52545550 20C3CF4D 0000001E *.STARTUP COM....*
30 27000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 *'...............*
40 00434F4D 4D414E44 204C4252 03000080 *.COMMAND LBR....*
50 1F002000 30003100 32003300 34003500 *.. .*
60 00434F4D 4D414E44 204C4252 05000080 *.COMMAND LBR....*
70 36003700 39004C00 4D004E00 4F005000 *6.7.9.L.M.N.O.P.*
DU2 B1? +2
Group = 0000:04, Track = 122, Sector = 5, Physical Sector = 5
DU2 B1? d
00 084D4153 54455220 20434154 01000080 *.MASTER CAT....*
10 2D002F00 3A003B00 3C004200 44004600 *-./.:.;.<.B.D.F.*
20 00464958 54455820 2041534D 0100001E *.FIXTEX ASM....*
30 65006600 69006B00 6C000000 00000000 *e.f.i.k.l.......*
40 00554E45 52413135 20434F4D 00000007 *.UNERA15 COM....*
50 52000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 *R...............*
60 084D454E 55202020 20C35052 00000008 *.MENU CPR....*
70 53000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 *S...............*
DU2 B1? -3d
Group = 0000:01, Track = 122, Sector = 2, Physical Sector = 2
00 0754414C 4B202020 2053554D 00000049 *.TALK SUM...I*
10 11002300 24000000 00000000 00000000 *..#.$...........*
20 00554E45 52413135 2041534D 00000060 *.UNERA15 ASM...`*
30 3E003F00 40000000 00000000 00000000 *>.?.@...........*
40 075A3249 4E532020 20575348 0000002A *.Z2INS WSH...**
50 21002500 00000000 00000000 00000000 *!.%.............*
60 075A3243 4F4E2020 20575348 0000003F *.Z2CON WSH...?*
70 12002200 00000000 00000000 00000000 *..".............*
3.5 Commands for Searching for Data
Thi≤ commanΣ perform≤ ß searcΦ fo≥ thσ indicateΣ ASCI╔ text¼ ì
startinτá a⌠ curren⌠ sector«á <xx╛ he° ma∙ bσ imbedded¼á o≥á useΣ ì
alone║á T∩ finΣ "I╬ 0FEH"║á =<db><fe>«á Bi⌠ ╖ i≤ ignoreΣ unles≤ ì
<xx╛ i≤ used« Notσ that¼ duσ t∩ thσ parsinτ schemσ oµ DU2¼ form≤ ì
sucΦá a≤ "+=string"¼á whicΦ position≤ t∩ thσ nex⌠ secto≥ anΣ theε ì
start≤á thσá search¼á arσ allowed«á Form≤ likσá "+2=stringóá arσ ì
equally permitted. The search may be aborted by a ^C. Example:
DU2 B1? g0
Group = 0000:00, Track = 122, Sector = 1, Physical Sector = 1
DU2 B1? =DU2
= at 24
Group = 0000:0E, Track = 122, Sector = 15, Physical Sector = 15
DU2 B1? d
00 07533130 30202020 20545854 0000000C *.S100 TXT....*
10 0C010000 00000000 00000000 00000000 *................*
20 07445532 20202020 2042414B 00000068 *.DU2 BAK...h*
30 2A006100 6D007800 00000000 00000000 **.a.m.x.........*
40 015A3830 20202020 204D4143 0000000E *.Z80 MAC....*
50 9A000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 *................*
60 E5444953 4B4F5554 20434F4E 00000020 *eDISKOUT CON... *
70 60000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 *`...............*
DU2 B1? +=DU2
Group = 0000:0F, Track = 122, Sector = 16, Physical Sector = 16
= at 64
Group = 0000:10, Track = 122, Sector = 17, Physical Sector = 17
DU2 B1? d
00 075A3243 4F4E2020 20575320 05000080 *.Z2CON WS ....*
10 3D013E01 3F014001 41014201 43014401 *=.>.?.@.A.B.C.D.*
20 075A3243 4F4E2020 20575320 06000077 *.Z2CON WS ...w*
30 45014601 47014801 00000000 00000000 *E.F.G.H.........*
40 E5444953 4B4F5554 20434F4E 00000020 *eDISKOUT CON... *
50 97000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 *................*
60 07445532 20202020 20484C50 01000006 *.DU2 HLP....*
70 98009900 9B009C00 9D000000 00000000 *................*
DU2 B1? +=DU2,d
Group = 0000:11, Track = 122, Sector = 18, Physical Sector = 18
= at 24
Group = 0000:11, Track = 122, Sector = 18, Physical Sector = 18
00 E547454E 494E5320 204D4143 01000080 *eGENINS MAC....*
10 D700EF00 F000F400 F500F600 F700F800 *W.o.p.t.u.v.w.x.*
20 E5445532 20202020 2041534D 01000080 *eDU2 ASM....*
30 EC00ED00 EE00FA00 07010B01 0E011301 *l.m.n.z.........*
40 04445532 20202020 20C3CF4D 0000004E *.DU2 COM...N*
50 F100F200 F3000000 00000000 00000000 *q.r.s...........*
60 E547454E 494E5320 204D4143 02000039 *eGENINS MAC...9*
70 F9000F01 00000000 00000000 00000000 *y...............*
3.6 Commands for Saving and Restoring Data
Thσá followinτ command≤ arσ discusseΣ iε thi≤ sectioε oµ thσ ì
HELP file:
< -- Save Current Block
> -- Restore Saved Block
<B -- Save Current Block at Tail of Queue
>B -- Load Current Block from Head of Queue
<G -- Read and Save Group at Tail of Queue
>G -- Copy Group from Head of Queue and Write
Q -- Print Queue Statistics
QZ -- Zero (Clear) Queue
QS -- Save Queue as a File
< and >
"<óá save≤á curren⌠ blocδ iε aε interna∞ savσá buffer«á ">ó ì
copie≤ thσ interna∞ savσ buffe≥ int∩ thσ curren⌠ blocδ areßá (bu⌠ ì
doe≤ NO╘ writσ i⌠ ou⌠ t∩ disk).
<B and >B
"<Bó save≤ thσ curren⌠ blocδ ont∩ thσ tai∞ oµ thσ DU▓ Queue« ì
Thi≤á Queue¼á ß FIF╧ (Firs⌠ In-Firs⌠ Out⌐ datß structure¼á caε bσ ì
useΣ t∩ collec⌠ ß numbe≥ oµ block≤ fo≥ late≥ cop∙ t∩ ß disδá filσ ì
o≥á explici⌠ placemen⌠ somewherσ oε thσ disk«á ">Bó extract≤ thσ ì
blocδ a⌠ thσ heaΣ oµ thσ DU▓ Queuσ anΣ place≤ i⌠ int∩ thσ workinτ ì
buffe≥ area.
<G[nn] and >G[nn]
"<Gó read≤ thσ curren⌠ grou≡ anΣ save≤ i⌠ oε tai∞ oµ thσ DU▓ ì
Queue«á Thσá sizσá oµ ß grou≡ i≤ dependen⌠ oε thσ forma⌠ oµá thσ ì
disk¼á anΣá DU▓á automaticall∙ adjust≤ t∩ thσ prope≥á grou≡á sizσ ì
withou⌠á yo⌡ havinτ t∩ worr∙ abou⌠ wha⌠ i⌠ is«á ">Gó copie≤á thσ ì
grou≡ a⌠ thσ heaΣ oµ thσ DU▓ Queuσ ont∩ disk« Iµ nε i≤ specifieΣ ì
(a≤ iε "<Gnnó o≥ ">Gnn")¼á theε thσ indicateΣ grou≡ i≤ reaΣá froφ ì
o≥á writteεá to«á Iµá nε i≤ no⌠ given¼á theε thσ grou≡á yo⌡á arσ ì
currentl∙ positioneΣ t∩ i≤ affected.
Q, QZ, and QSfile
╤á report≤á thσ statu≤ oµ thσ DU▓á Queue¼á namel∙á ho≈á man∙ ì
block≤á arσ storeΣ iε i⌠ anΣ ho≈ mucΦ spacσ remains«á Q┌á zeroe≤ ì
(clears⌐ thσ DU▓ Queue«á "QSfilename.typó save≤ thσ DU▓ Queuσ oε ì
disk in the current user area as the indicated file.
Examples (actual DU2 session):
DU2 B1? g0
Group = 0000:00, Track = 122, Sector = 1, Physical Sector = 1
DU2 B1? d
00 07535444 20202020 204D5347 00000002 *.STD MSG....*
10 10000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 *................*
20 004C4449 52202020 20432020 00000038 *.LDIR C ...8*
30 13001500 00000000 00000000 00000000 *................*
40 0843504D 55472020 20434154 01000046 *.CPMUG CAT...F*
50 1C001E00 38003D00 41004300 45000000 *....8.=.A.C.E...*
60 00434F4D 4D414E44 204C4252 01000080 *.COMMAND LBR....*
70 14001600 17001800 19001A00 1B001D00 *................*
DU2 B1? <
DU2 B1? ch0-7f e5
DU2 B1? d
00 E5E5E5E5 E5E5E5E5 E5E5E5E5 E5E5E5E5 *eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee*
10 E5E5E5E5 E5E5E5E5 E5E5E5E5 E5E5E5E5 *eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee*
20 E5E5E5E5 E5E5E5E5 E5E5E5E5 E5E5E5E5 *eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee*
30 E5E5E5E5 E5E5E5E5 E5E5E5E5 E5E5E5E5 *eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee*
40 E5E5E5E5 E5E5E5E5 E5E5E5E5 E5E5E5E5 *eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee*
50 E5E5E5E5 E5E5E5E5 E5E5E5E5 E5E5E5E5 *eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee*
60 E5E5E5E5 E5E5E5E5 E5E5E5E5 E5E5E5E5 *eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee*
70 E5E5E5E5 E5E5E5E5 E5E5E5E5 E5E5E5E5 *eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee*
DU2 B1? >,d
00 07535444 20202020 204D5347 00000002 *.STD MSG....*
10 10000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 *................*
20 004C4449 52202020 20432020 00000038 *.LDIR C ...8*
30 13001500 00000000 00000000 00000000 *................*
40 0843504D 55472020 20434154 01000046 *.CPMUG CAT...F*
50 1C001E00 38003D00 41004300 45000000 *....8.=.A.C.E...*
60 00434F4D 4D414E44 204C4252 01000080 *.COMMAND LBR....*
70 14001600 17001800 19001A00 1B001D00 *................*
DU2 B1? q
** Queue Status Summary **
0 Blocks in Queue
249 Blocks Left in Queue
Address of Head of Queue: 3E00 Hex
Address of Tail of Queue: 3E00 Hex
DU2 B1? <g
Reading from Group 0000
32 Blocks in Queue
Group = 0000:00, Track = 122, Sector = 1, Physical Sector = 1
DU2 B1? g1
Group = 0001:00, Track = 122, Sector = 33, Physical Sector = 33
DU2 B1? <g
Reading from Group 0001
64 Blocks in Queue
Group = 0001:00, Track = 122, Sector = 33, Physical Sector = 33
DU2 B1? q
** Queue Status Summary **
64 Blocks in Queue
185 Blocks Left in Queue
Address of Head of Queue: 3E00 Hex
Address of Tail of Queue: 5E00 Hex
DU2 B1? qsdir.sys
Queue Saved in File
DU2 B1? qz
** Queue Status Summary **
0 Blocks in Queue
249 Blocks Left in Queue
Address of Head of Queue: 3E00 Hex
Address of Tail of Queue: 3E00 Hex
DU2 B1? g0
Group = 0000:00, Track = 122, Sector = 1, Physical Sector = 1
DU2 B1? <b
1 Blocks in Queue
DU2 B1? +<b
Group = 0000:01, Track = 122, Sector = 2, Physical Sector = 2
2 Blocks in Queue
DU2 B1? +<b
Group = 0000:02, Track = 122, Sector = 3, Physical Sector = 3
3 Blocks in Queue
DU2 B1? +<b
Group = 0000:03, Track = 122, Sector = 4, Physical Sector = 4
4 Blocks in Queue
DU2 B1? +2<b
Group = 0000:05, Track = 122, Sector = 6, Physical Sector = 6
5 Blocks in Queue
3.7 Commands for Viewing Data
╓á view≤á thσ curren⌠ blocδ a≤ ASCI╔ characters«á Thσá forφ ì
"Vnnóá view≤á thσá indicateΣ numbe≥ oµá block≤á startinτá a⌠á thσ ì
curren⌠ one.
A, D, and H
─á display≤ ß blocδ o≥ portioε thereoµ iεá botΦá hexadecima∞ ì
notatioε anΣ a≤ ASCI╔ characters«á ┴ display≤ ß blocδ o≥ portioε ì
thereoµá a≤ ASCI╔ characters¼á anΣ ╚ display≤ ß blocδ o≥á portioε ì
thereoµá a≤á hexadecima∞ numbers«á Al∞ threσ command≤á accep⌠á ß ì
range¼ sucΦ a≤ thσ following:
D0-#7F is the same as just D
See next section for examples.
3.8 Commands for Altering Data
CH and CA
C╚á allow≤á thσ use≥ t∩ changσ thσ content≤ oµá thσá curren⌠ ì
blocδ b∙ specifyinτ ne≈ value≤ a≤ hexadecima∞ numbers« C┴ allow≤ ì
the same by specifying an ASCII character string.
CHaddr val val val...
Change Hex data values in block
CAaddr char string...
Change ASCII data values in block
NOT┼ tha⌠ <xx╛ ma∙ bσ he° imbeddeΣ iε thσ ASCII║
ca0 OK<d><a><1a>
Use W to write changes to disk.
Ranges may be specified:
CHaddr-addr byte or CAaddr-addr byte
Changes a range of bytes to the same value
Examples (actual DU2 session):
DU2 B7? g0
Group = 0000:00, Track = 122, Sector = 1, Physical Sector = 1
DU2 B7? d
00 07535444 20202020 204D5347 00000002 *.STD MSG....*
10 10000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 *................*
20 004C4449 52202020 20432020 00000038 *.LDIR C ...8*
30 13001500 00000000 00000000 00000000 *................*
40 0843504D 55472020 20434154 01000046 *.CPMUG CAT...F*
50 1C001E00 38003D00 41004300 45000000 *....8.=.A.C.E...*
60 00434F4D 4D414E44 204C4252 01000080 *.COMMAND LBR....*
70 14001600 17001800 19001A00 1B001D00 *................*
DU2 B7? d0-#f
00 07535444 20202020 204D5347 00000002 *.STD MSG....*
DU2 B7? h0-#f
00 07535444 20202020 204D5347 00000002
DU2 B7? a0-#f
00 *.STD MSG....*
DU2 B7? fdu2.hlp
20 07445532 20202020 20484C50 01000039 *.DU2 HLP...9*
30 28009800 99009B00 9C009D00 00000000 *(...............*
Group = 0000:00, Track = 122, Sector = 1, Physical Sector = 1
èDU2 B7? g28
Group = 0028:00, Track = 125, Sector = 273, Physical Sector = 273
DU2 B7? d
00 496E766F 6B696E67 20445532 20616E64 *Invoking DU2 and*
10 20445532 20496E73 74616C6C 6174696F * DU2 Installatio*
20 6E0D0A44 55322043 6F6D6D61 6E642053 *n..DU2 Command S*
30 756D6D61 72790D0A 436F6D6D 616E6473 *ummary..Commands*
40 20666F72 204C6F67 67696E67 20446973 * for Logging Dis*
50 6B732061 6E642045 78616D69 6E696E67 *ks and Examining*
60 20446973 6B205061 72616D65 74657273 * Disk Parameters*
70 0D0A436F 6D6D616E 64732066 6F722050 *..Commands for P*
DU2 B7? v
Invoking DU2 and DU2 Installation
DU2 Command Summary
Commands for Logging Disks and Examining Disk Parameters
Commands for P
Group = 0028:00, Track = 125, Sector = 273, Physical Sector = 273
DU2 B7? v3
Invoking DU2 and DU2 Installation
DU2 Command Summary
Commands for Logging Disks and Examining Disk Parameters
Commands for Positioning and Reading Data
Commands for Searching for Data
Commands for Saving and Restoring Data
Commands for Viewing data
Commands for Altering Data
Commands for Manipulating Macros and the @ Command
Examples of command use
Group = 0028:02, Track = 125, Sector = 275, Physical Sector = 275
DU2 B7? g28
Group = 0028:00, Track = 125, Sector = 273, Physical Sector = 273
DU2 B7? d
00 496E766F 6B696E67 20445532 20616E64 *Invoking DU2 and*
10 20445532 20496E73 74616C6C 6174696F * DU2 Installatio*
20 6E0D0A44 55322043 6F6D6D61 6E642053 *n..DU2 Command S*
30 756D6D61 72790D0A 436F6D6D 616E6473 *ummary..Commands*
40 20666F72 204C6F67 67696E67 20446973 * for Logging Dis*
50 6B732061 6E642045 78616D69 6E696E67 *ks and Examining*
60 20446973 6B205061 72616D65 74657273 * Disk Parameters*
70 0D0A436F 6D6D616E 64732066 6F722050 *..Commands for P*
DU2 B7? ch0-10 0
DU2 B7? d
00 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 *................*
10 00445532 20496E73 74616C6C 6174696F *.DU2 Installatio*
20 6E0D0A44 55322043 6F6D6D61 6E642053 *n..DU2 Command S*
30 756D6D61 72790D0A 436F6D6D 616E6473 *ummary..Commands*
40 20666F72 204C6F67 67696E67 20446973 * for Logging Dis*
50 6B732061 6E642045 78616D69 6E696E67 *ks and Examining*
60 20446973 6B205061 72616D65 74657273 * Disk Parameters*
70 0D0A436F 6D6D616E 64732066 6F722050 *..Commands for P*
DU2 B7? ca11 This is a test
DU2 B7? d0-#1f
00 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 *................*
10 00546869 73206973 20612074 6573746F *.This is a testo*
3.9 Commands for Manipulating Macros and the @ Command
┴á Macr∩á i≤á ß short-hanΣ yo⌡ caε usσ t∩ definσá ßá commanΣ ì
sequence«á Rathe≥á thaε havinτ t∩ typσ aε involveΣ commanΣá ove≥ ì
anΣ ove≥ again¼á thσ DU▓ macr∩ facilit∙ allow≤ yo⌡ t∩ assigε thi≤ ì
commanΣá sequencσá t∩ ß numbe≥ (░ t∩ 9⌐ anΣ theεá executσá i⌠á b∙ ì
simpl∙á presentinτá thi≤á numbe≥ a≤á ßá command«á Thσá followinτ ì
commands are associated with this facility.
:ntext and n
":n<text>ó define≤ thσ tex⌠ followinτ thσ digi⌠ 'nº t∩ bσá ß ì
Macro«á A≤á always¼á ░ <╜ ε <╜ 9«á Thσ macr∩ definition≤ ma∙ bσ ì
createΣá anΣá redefineΣ a⌠ will«á Iµ ß macr∩á ha≤á alread∙á beeε ì
defineΣá fo≥ thσ indicateΣ number¼á i⌠ wil∞ bσ overwritteε b∙ thσ ì
executioε oµ thi≤ command«á "n"¼ wherσ ░ <╜ ε <╜ 9¼ execute≤ thσ ì
indicateΣ macro.
:Pn and :PA
":Pn"¼ wherσ ░ <╜ ε <╜ 9¼ print≤ thσ tex⌠ oµ Macr∩ Numbe≥ n« ì
":PAó print≤ thσ tex⌠ oµ al∞ 1░ macros.
@ and :P@
"@ó execute≤ thσ previou≤ commanΣ linσ tha⌠ diΣ no⌠á contaiε ì
thσá "@ó Command«á Thi≤ provide≤ aε eas∙ wa∙ t∩ repea⌠ thσá las⌠ ì
commanΣ linσ typed« Fo≥ example:
g0 <-- go to Group 0
ch0-7f e5,< <-- Initialize the first block and Save
>,w,+ <-- Read in the Saved Block, Write it
out to disk, and advance to next
logical block
@ <-- Do the Previous Command Again
@ <-- And Again
@ <-- And Again
":P@óá print≤ thσ previou≤ commanΣ linσ (anΣ doe≤ no⌠ changσ ì
Examples (edited DU2 session):
DU2 B7? g0
Group = 0000:00, Track = 122, Sector = 1, Physical Sector = 1
DU2 B7? :1+,d0-#1f
DU2 B7? :p1
Macro Definitions --
1: +,d0-#1f
DU2 B7? 1
Group = 0000:01, Track = 122, Sector = 2, Physical Sector = 2
00 0754414C 4B202020 2053554D 00000049 *.TALK SUM...I*
10 11002300 24000000 00000000 00000000 *..#.$...........*
DU2 B7? 1
Group = 0000:02, Track = 122, Sector = 3, Physical Sector = 3
00 07444953 4B4F5554 20434F4E 00000000 *.DISKOUT CON....*
10 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 *................*
DU2 B7? 1
Group = 0000:03, Track = 122, Sector = 4, Physical Sector = 4
00 04584449 52202020 20C3CF4D 00000054 *.XDIR COM...T*
10 2C002E00 48000000 00000000 00000000 *,...H...........*
DU2 B7? g0,d0-#1f
Group = 0000:00, Track = 122, Sector = 1, Physical Sector = 1
00 07535444 20202020 204D5347 00000002 *.STD MSG....*
10 10000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 *................*
DU2 B7? 1
Group = 0000:01, Track = 122, Sector = 2, Physical Sector = 2
00 0754414C 4B202020 2053554D 00000049 *.TALK SUM...I*
10 11002300 24000000 00000000 00000000 *..#.$...........*è
DU2 B7? :pa
Macro Definitions --
1: +,d0-#1f
< Detail Left Out >
DU2 B7? g0,d0-#1f,1,1,1
Group = 0000:00, Track = 122, Sector = 1, Physical Sector = 1
00 07535444 20202020 204D5347 00000002 *.STD MSG....*
10 10000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 *................*
Group = 0000:01, Track = 122, Sector = 2, Physical Sector = 2
00 0754414C 4B202020 2053554D 00000049 *.TALK SUM...I*
10 11002300 24000000 00000000 00000000 *..#.$...........*
Group = 0000:02, Track = 122, Sector = 3, Physical Sector = 3
00 07444953 4B4F5554 20434F4E 00000000 *.DISKOUT CON....*
10 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 *................*
Group = 0000:03, Track = 122, Sector = 4, Physical Sector = 4
00 04584449 52202020 20C3CF4D 00000054 *.XDIR COM...T*
10 2C002E00 48000000 00000000 00000000 *,...H...........*
DU2 B7? @
Command --
Group = 0000:00, Track = 122, Sector = 1, Physical Sector = 1
00 07535444 20202020 204D5347 00000002 *.STD MSG....*
10 10000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 *................*
Group = 0000:01, Track = 122, Sector = 2, Physical Sector = 2
00 0754414C 4B202020 2053554D 00000049 *.TALK SUM...I*
10 11002300 24000000 00000000 00000000 *..#.$...........*
Group = 0000:02, Track = 122, Sector = 3, Physical Sector = 3
00 07444953 4B4F5554 20434F4E 00000000 *.DISKOUT CON....*
10 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 *................*
Group = 0000:03, Track = 122, Sector = 4, Physical Sector = 4
00 04584449 52202020 20C3CF4D 00000054 *.XDIR COM...T*
10 2C002E00 48000000 00000000 00000000 *,...H...........*
3.10 Miscellanea
"?óá give≤á ß commanΣ summar∙ anΣ tell≤ thσá use≥á wha⌠á thσ ì
curren⌠á value≤ arσ fo≥ Processo≥ Clocδ SpeeΣ anΣ Line≤ pe≥á Pagσ ì
oεá CON║á a≤á wel∞á a≤ thσ addres≤ fo≥ thσ Grou≡á Storagσá Buffe≥ ì
(wherσ thσ DU▓ Queuσ begins).
"*nnóá repeat≤ thσ curren⌠ commanΣ linσ (a≤ entereΣ s∩á far⌐ ì
nεá times«á Thi≤á commanΣá default≤ t∩ "foreveró iµá nεá i≤á no⌠ ì
specified« 'nnº ma∙ bσ ▓ t∩ 65535.
"!óá halt≤ processinτ oµ commands¼á display≤ ßá continuatioε ì
messagσá t∩á thσ user¼á anΣ wait≤ fo≥ thσ use≥ t∩ typσá an∙á key« ì
Typinτá ß Control-├ abort≤ commanΣ processing«á Thi≤ commanΣá i≤ ì
usefu∞á iεá stoppinτ loop≤ t∩ givσ thσ use≥ a≤ mucΦá timσá a≤á hσ ì
want≤ t∩ revie≈ thσ display.
"Pó toggle≤ thσ printe≥ switcΦ oε anΣ off« I⌠ allow≤ yo⌡ t∩ ì
turε oε anΣ ofµ ß recordinτ oµ you≥ consolσ output.
"Xó exi⌠ bacδ t∩ CP/M«á Thσ use≥ i≤ giveε thσ optioε t∩ Warφ ì
Boot¼ iε whicΦ casσ thσ CC╨ anΣ BDO╙ arσ reloaded¼ o≥ not.
"Znnó cause≤ thσ prograφ t∩ sleep¼ o≥ pause¼ anΣ ma∙ bσ useΣ ì
t∩ looδ a⌠ ß dum≡ quickl∙ iε ß loopinτ commanΣ line« ┌ i≤ ▒ sec« ì
Znε i≤ nε second≤ oε aε ε MH· 8080«á Thσ processo≥ speeΣ ma∙á bσ ì
specifieΣ b∙ thσ use≥ unde≥ GENIN╙ fo≥ hi≤ particula≥ system.
"^C" exits to CP/M and Warm Boots.
Examples (actual DU2 session):
DU2 B7? g0
Group = 0000:00, Track = 122, Sector = 1, Physical Sector = 1
DU2 B7? d0-#f,+,!,*
00 07535444 20202020 204D5347 00000002 *.STD MSG....*
Group = 0000:01, Track = 122, Sector = 2, Physical Sector = 2
Type Any Character to Continue or ^C to Abort -
00 0754414C 4B202020 2053554D 00000049 *.TALK SUM...I*
Group = 0000:02, Track = 122, Sector = 3, Physical Sector = 3
Type Any Character to Continue or ^C to Abort -
00 07444953 4B4F5554 20434F4E 00000000 *.DISKOUT CON....*
Group = 0000:03, Track = 122, Sector = 4, Physical Sector = 4
Type Any Character to Continue or ^C to Abort -
00 04584449 52202020 20C3CF4D 00000054 *.XDIR COM...T*
Group = 0000:04, Track = 122, Sector = 5, Physical Sector = 5
Type Any Character to Continue or ^C to Abort -
DU2 B7? g1
Group = 0001:00, Track = 122, Sector = 33, Physical Sector = 33
DU2 B7? d0-#f,+,*3
00 E5482020 20202020 2042414B 00000004 *eH BAK....*
Group = 0001:01, Track = 122, Sector = 34, Physical Sector = 34
00 E5535542 32202020 2042414B 0100007B *eSUB2 BAK...{*
Group = 0001:02, Track = 122, Sector = 35, Physical Sector = 35
00 E5434420 20202020 204D4143 00000047 *eCD MAC...G*
Group = 0001:03, Track = 122, Sector = 36, Physical Sector = 36
DU2 B7? ^C
3.11 Examples
Multiple commands may be separated by ","
An∙á valiΣ commanΣ strinτ ma∙ bσ placeΣ a≤ aε operanΣ oµ thσ ì
origina∞ DU▓ command¼ i.e.:
A>DU2 G0,D,G2,=OK<D><A><1A>,D
Example║á thσá followinτá command≤á wil∞ erasσá thσá ┬á disδ ì
director∙ t∩ al∞ E5's:
lb log in b drive
g0 position to dir.
ch0-7f e5 fill with e5
< save the sector
>,w,+,/16 restore, write, next,
repeat 16
This could be shortened to:
lb,g0,ch0-7f e5,<
Using Macros, the following two macros could be defined:
Macro 0 --
:0g0,ch0-7f e5,<
Macro 1 --
Now¼á fo≥á thσ use≥ t∩ initializσ thσ director∙ oε Drivσá A║ ì
anΣ theε oε Drivσ B:¼ thσ followinτ command≤ coulΣ bσ issued:
la,0 <-- Log in A and Initialize first block
1 <-- Perform write
lb,0 <-- Log in B and Initialize first block
1 <-- Perform write
n,0 <-- Declare New Disk and Initialize first
1 <-- Perform write
3.12 Interpretation of Directory Data Presented by DU2
Thσ followinτ explain≤ thσ forma⌠ oµ ß CP/═ director∙á entr∙ ì
a≤á showε b∙ DU2¼á usinτ eithe≥ thσ ╞ (FinΣ File⌐á command¼á o≥ ì
jus⌠á doinτ ─ (Dump⌐ oµ thσ director∙ sectors¼á whicΦ arσ locateΣ ì
iεá group≤ ░ anΣ ▒ oε ß singlσ densit∙ disk«á Samplσá resul⌠á oµ ì
"FSID.COMó command:
First 40 00534944 20202020 20434F4D 0000003A *.SID COM...:*
line || ||| | || || | |
|| ||^----hex file name-----^ || || ^file name^
|| || || || in ASCII
|| || extent-^^ ||
|| || ||
|| || file size in sectors-^^
|| ||
|| ^^-00 = file active
|| E5 = file erased
^^-displacement of line in directory sector
Second 50 33343536 3738393A 00000000 00000000 *3456789:........*
line | |
^---allocation group numbers-------^
.fi z2ug1.ws
.fi z2ug2.ws
.fi z2ug3.ws