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Preliminary Information about New Z-Com v2.0 (NZ-COM)
Joe Wright
4 June 88
As Murphy always knew, if a Manual can be late, it will be. On the other
hand we expect it to be worth the wait. Initial purchasers of NZ-COM
will have the following information and the Manual will be mailed later.
Thank you for your indulgence. SYSOPs: Please distribute this file as
widely as possible. Thank you.
Most of you who are reading this may already have a fair grasp of the Z-
System and how its many features work so well for us. I won't go into a
lengthy explanation of it here. Z-System will be covered more fully in
the Manual. In the meantime almost any material you read about Z-System
is generally applicable to New Z-Com v2.0.
1. Introduction:
NZ-COM, like its predecessor Z-Com, will allow the user to install the
Z-System on his CP/M 2.2 system automatically, without any programming
or assembly. You will have it running on your computer in seconds. This
is where the similarity ends.
NZ-COM will allow you to customize your operating system environment in
ways you could have only dreamed about. You can change operating systems
at any time, even in the middle of a multiple command line. You can do
it manually from the command line or automatically from within alias or
menu command scripts using flow controls depending on system conditions.
You can change the whole operating system or any part of it. You can
switch from one command processor to another or from one DOS to another
with a simple command.
Need more memory temporarily for a specific application? Simply load a
new system without IOP or RCP and FCP if not needed, run the memory hun-
gry application (PerfectCalc comes to mind) and when you're finished,
load up your normal system again. All this is done in seconds with one
multiple command.
Using NZ-COM is really simplicity itself. You don't need source code.
You don't have to assemble or link anything. You don't even need SYSGEN
or DDT to get NZ-COM running. You don't have to 'hack' on anything (un-
less you really want to).
If you have a floppy system, copy the distribution files to a work disk
then put the distribution disk away. If you have a hard disk system, I
suggest you copy these files to the 'A0:' partition of the hard disk.
NZ-COM will work from any drive and user but 'A0:' is preferred and will
speed things up considerably.
Getting NZ-COM running the first time is a two-step process almost too
easy to talk about. First use MKZCM.COM to define the system you want to
build and then use NZCOM.COM to build it. Here's how:
MKZCM will present a full screen describing a full-up Z-System for your
computer. For the sake of argument, let's say you like it as now shown.
Press 'S' for save and MKZCM will create two files for you: NZCOM.ZCM
and NZCOM.ENV. Second step:
In about three shakes of the old lamb's tail, NZCOM will have loaded 7
or so modules, written two files and given you the Z-System A0:BASE>
prompt. You are now in the world of the living. You have a fully func-
tional full-featured Z-System at your disposal. You have arrived!
One of the primary features of Z-System is the TERMinal CAPabilities
(TERMCAP or TCAP) segment in the environment. As delivered, NZCOM in-
stalls a minimum Lear-Siegler ADM-3A TCAP. This will suffice for most
Osborne and Kaypro computers and for most Televideo and Wyse terminals
and many others. If your terminal doesn't like ADM stuff or has more
capability, now is a good time to create your own NZCOM.Z3T file. Use
'TCSELECT NZCOM' and choose your computer or terminal from the list. You
can load the resulting descriptor with NZCOM NZCOM.Z3T (or of course
with LDR or JetLDR).
NZ-COM is delivered with a minimal NZCOM.NDR Named Directory module,
naming A0:BASE and A15:ROOT. This file is loaded automatically by NZCOM
whenever there is space available for it. You may use MKDIR NZCOM.NDR
to modify this file to taste or to make new ones.
2. Practice:
Now that we know we have Z-System, let's play around a little. Type
MKZCM<cr> again and get the system environment map display. You will
note that each of the segments have an address as well as a definite
size. MKZCM calculates the addresses of the segments based on the CBIOS
address (where your computer's BIOS really starts) and the sizes of the
various segments. The order of the segments is fixed by MKZCM but their
sizes are definable by you. You may lengthen, shorten or eliminate a
particular segment by defining its size.
Let's define a really small (large TPA) system. Note the TPA size report
near the bottom of the screen. We need CCP, DOS and BIO segments as they
are for the present. Leave them alone. The IOP (12 records) is the
first candidate for elimination. Type '4'. Now type '0' and return. The
new display will show no IOP and a TPA 1.5k larger. Continue with selec-
tions 5, 6, and 7 for RCP, FCP and NDR and notice how the addresses and
the TPA size change. Due to a technicality which requires our BIO seg-
ment on a page rather than record boundary, you will not gain TPA by
eliminating the SHS Shell Stack segment. Leave it at 4 x 32.
Now type 'S'. You will be asked for a filename. Type 'SMALL' and return.
MKZCM will create SMALL.ZCM and SMALL.ENV in the current directory. Now
type NZCOM SMALL.ZCM and return. Voila, mesdames et messieurs, the Min-
imum Z-System. You will note (run MKZCM again) that the difference of
the real CBIOS address and our NZ- COM Bios address is 400h or only 1k.
That is the total overhead of Z-System. Whithin 1k, you get multiple
commands, the Z3 messages, external Path and FCB, the Wheel, the Z3 en-
vironment and TERMCAP as well as a full 4-entry shell stack. Still a
full-capability Z-System and only 1k larger than your old CP/M system.
Magic. You return to the full-up system with ZCOM<cr>.
3. What's Going On Here?
NZ-COM (and Z3PLUS*) is a little more than just cute. It is a true ad-
vance of the art. Operating systems and segments thereof have, until
now, been 'black' magic. The OS was just something you learned to live
with. From the largest mainframes to the most modest micros, users had
to simply take what the got and do the best they could with it. No more.
The New Z-System puts a definite end to that. The User, not just HAL or
BigSoft, determines his own operating system environment. The User is
not stuck, either, with his last best choice. Any part of NZ-COM can be
modified in many ways and at any time by the User from the command line
or from alias or menu command script. The New World.
NZ-COM consists of two Major command files, MKZCM.COM and NZCOM.COM, a
selection of Z-system ReLocatable (ZRL) files and a number of utility
command files. We have already touched on MKZCM and NZCOM. The ZRL
files contain the building blocks of the system. There are six of them
contained in NZCOM.LBR:
NZCPR.ZRL This is Jay Sage's ZCPR34 Command Processor
NZDOS.ZRL This is Dennis Wright's ZRDOS at version 1.9c
NZBIO.ZRL Mini-BIOS for warm-boot of NZ-COM (2 records)
NZIOP.ZRL Dummy IOP structure
NZRCP.ZRL The Resident Command Processor
NZFCP.ZRL The Flow Control Processor
ZRL files are actually REL files which can be produced by many of our
favorite assemblers. They are renamed to ZRL to avoid the temptation to
run a standard linker on them. These files use a multiple Named COMMON
Block construct which a normal linker simply can't handle. Only NZCOM,
Z3PLUS or JetLDR have any chance at these files.
NZ-COM uses a data structure known as an environment descriptor, Z3ENV
to the initiated, for its operation. Z3ENV contains or implies the ad-
dresses and sizes of all Z-System segments as well as other data used by
the command processor and Z3 utilities to determine or change system
status. Z3ENV fully describes a particular system for NZ-COM.
The output files from MKZCM (name.ZCM or name.ENV) define a complete and
explicit system in terms of the environment descriptor. NZCOM can read
either of these files and determine how (or whether) to make any changes
to the current system. You will note that .ZCM files are actually ASCII
text in the form of a standard symbol table. You might edit this file
to fine-tune a system more to your liking.
The actual programs contained in the .ZRL modules use Z3ENV for all
inter-module references. In this way, a newly loaded RCP can find the
address of the command processor and other segments of interest.
NZCON.Z3T and NZCOM.NDR are binary segments which are not address sen-
sitive. They can be loaded anywhere. If you already have Z3T and NDR
files for your current Z3 system, you may simply rename them for use un-
der NZ-COM.
4. What's REALLY Going on Here?
Once you play around a little and get used to what goes on, you will
notice NZCOM searches an LBR for its files unless told not to. You may
put any of these files into NZCOM.LBR or any other LBR and get them from
there. Although it costs one directory search to open an LBR, subsequent
accesses of the LBR do not go the the directory and are, therefore,
quick. If you get conscientious you can place the ZCM (or ENV) files in
the library and eliminate that search. If you get really conscientious
and ensure that the LBR occupies contiguous (or contemuous) allocation
blocks on your disk, it flies.
For you 'speed at any cost' types, NZCOM will build your favorite system
an create a single ZCI image file of it (name.ZCI). This system can be
loaded in the twinkling of an eye, without reference to even the LBR.
No free lunch. Each of these ZCI files are 10 or 12 k long, costing
disk space.
NZCOM is also a hot package loader. It can load any of the system
modules individually or in groups. As mentioned earlier, NZCOM looks
for its packages in an LBR file unless you tell it otherwise. You tell
it 'otherwise' with an explicit DU: or DIR: reference. Consider the
NZCOM will open NZCOM.LBR, read and load NZRCP.ZRL from it. If you want
to load a file from disk, without reference to the LBR, the command
might be:
NZCOM supports DU: references under CP/M and either DU: or DIR: refer-
ences under NZ-COM.
Let's get really fancy and consider that we have a seperate LBR for de-
scriptors, NZCOM.LBR for the modules and some loose files on the disk.
We can build a system this way.
This will get TEST.ZCM from B0:DESC.LBR, get NEWRCP.ZRL as a disk file
from A0: and then open A15:NZCOM.LBR for the rest of the modules re-
quired for the new system.
5. Conclusion
This short note is not complete, and is perhaps too technical. We will
wait for the Manual (75 pages by now!) for a more complete description.
The real purpose of NZ-COM is to present to the normal user of Z80 com-
puter systems, not just to the 'techie' developer, the latest and best
operating system environment possible. I believe that it can do just
I am reminded that some of you don't actually own NZ-COM yet, and can't
really follow these examples on your own computers. Fortunately for both
of us, this situation can be remedied almost at once for the price of a
good dinner. At $69.95, NZ-COM will not upset your stomach, is high in
nutrients and has no cholesterol. Unlike a good dinner, NZ-COM will keep
you satisfied for more than eight hours. Guaranteed. Low-fat software..
(Somebody, Stop him!).
If none of this has whetted your appetite, then I simply don't know what
to tell you. If, on the other hand, I have created a certain longing or
even hunger in the pit of your stomach, please send me the price of a
good dinner and we will both be satisfied. (Ok, ok. I quit.)
* Z3PLUS by Bridger Mitchell of Plu*Perfect Systems is similar in many
respects to NZ-COM and presents the New Z-System to CP/M 3.0 users of
Commodore 128, Osborne Executive, Morrow MD-11 and others. Also $69.95
from Alpha Systems.
New Z-Com v2.0 (NZ-COM) $ 69.95 (+ Calif Sales Tax)
Alpha Systems Corporation
711 Chatsworth Place
San Jose, CA 95128
(408) 297-5594
Disk Format: IBM 8 in. ___ Kaypro II ___ Ampro/SB180 DSDD ___
Other Format: _____________________________ (Please be explicit)
Payment: Visa ___ MasterCard ___ Check ___ Money Order ___
Card Number and Exp Date:
Thank you for your order.
--------------------------------- end ----------------------------------