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Master Files Listing For Computer Country As Of 03-12-93
Created by RemoteAccess Manager 2.10.b2
Sysop: Chuck Seehuetter
║ Commodore Sight & Sound ║
10SEC.RAW 9344 12-31-90 [01] 10 Seconds Of Transmission. Startrek??.
2DANCE2.RAW 23040 02-09-91 [01] Music. Good For Continuous Play.
89WINNRS.SDA 30848 04-03-91 [00] 1989 Commodore Art Contest Winners.
ACDC-DEM.ARC 48384 11-23-91 [01] Ac/Dc Digitized Music Demo.
AFRICA.SRF 10112 01-04-92 [01] Self Running Fli It Started In Africa.
ALIVEONE.RAW 21632 12-31-90 [01] I Got A Live One Here! Crazy Laugh.
AMI-BALL.SFX 14464 11-01-91 [02] Amiga Logo And Bouncing Ball Demo.
ANSWER.RAW 9600 02-09-91 [01] There's Got To Be An Answer Somewhere.
ANYONE.RAW 22400 02-09-91 [01] Class, Anyone, Anyone Seen This Before?.
ATTENTON.RAW 17536 12-31-90 [01] Pay No Attention To That Man Behind.
B-COSBY.SFX 22016 11-01-91 [02] Digi Audio. Cosby Joke. (Load, 8, 1).
BADPORKY.RAW 41344 05-23-91 [01] Porky Pig Hits His Thumb.
BANJOS.ARC 3840 10-13-92 [03] Music - Duelling Banjos.
BART.RAW 11136 02-09-91 [01] I'm Bart Simpson! Who The H... Are You?.
BEHAPPY.SPD 49280 05-03-91 [04] Freed/L. Mcferrin's Hit. Load/Run Or Raw.
BELCHKIT.SFX 32512 11-01-91 [00] Gross! Digitized Belch Construction Kit.
BELLS.RAW 12928 02-09-91 [00] Tolling Bells. Good In Continuous Play.
BETYBOOP.SRF 4480 10-13-92 [02] Betty Boop.Srf Another Self-Running Fli.
BOING.RAW 3584 01-06-92 [00] A Digitized "Boing".
BORGMAN.SRF 4352 01-04-92 [01] Self Running Fli Of Japanimation Grfx.
BOWLING.RAW 19584 02-09-91 [00] Sound Of Ball On Alley And Hitting Pins.
BOYHOWDY.SRF 10752 02-28-92 [01] Logo Style. Good Color.
BUGSBUNY.SRF 4864 01-04-92 [01] Self Running Fli Of Ol' Bugsie Himself.
C-EYES-1.SFX 39040 10-19-91 [00] Slide Show Of Computereyes Digipics.
C-EYES-2.SFX 44032 10-19-91 [00] Slide Show Of Computereyes Digipics.
C-EYES-3.SFX 41600 10-19-91 [00] Slide Show Of Computereyes Digipics.
C-EYES-4.SFX 47744 10-19-91 [00] Slide Show Of Computereyes Digipics.
C-EYES-5.SFX 41728 10-19-91 [00] Slide Show Of Computereyes Digipics.
CANTOUCH.RAW 53760 11-25-90 [02] Music + Can't Touch This.
CARUMBA.RAW 19328 02-09-91 [01] Bart. "Aye! Carumba!".
CC-DEMO.SFX 10752 11-01-91 [04] Computer Country Demo.
CHAOS101.SFX 19968 10-16-91 [02] Chaos Math And Fractal Demo. Very Good.
CHERYCOK.SRF 3328 01-04-92 [01] Self Running Fli Cherry Coke Sign.
CHRHLADY.RAW 14208 02-09-91 [01] "Well, Isn't That Extra Special!".
CLASICS.SFX 12544 11-01-91 [06] Classic Music. Very Nice.
COKE.ARC 11904 05-27-91 [03] Animated Coca Cola Demo.
COMIC1.SFX 20992 11-01-91 [01] T.H.E. Fox Comic Strip.
COMIC2.SFX 24192 11-01-91 [01] T.H.E. Fox Comic Strip.
COMIC3.SFX 25216 11-01-91 [01] T.H.E. Fox Conic Strip.
COMPUTER.RAW 3712 02-09-91 [01] Worf. "Computer On!".
CRESTFLI.SRF 12800 01-04-92 [02] Self Running Fli Toothpaste Ad??.
DAZRETRN.SFX 19328 11-01-91 [01] Nice Video/Music Demo.
DESERT.SFX 10624 11-01-91 [01] Demo For Support Of Desert Storm.
DESPERAD.SFX 33920 11-01-91 [02] Good Demo. Music, Video And Shoot Game.
DESTRUCT.RAW 12928 02-09-91 [00] "Initiate Auto-Destruct.".
DIGIACID.ARC 47872 11-01-91 [01] Digital Acid! Digital Audio + Video Demo.
DIGIDEMO.SFX 22400 11-01-91 [05] C64 Talks!! Digitized Sales Pitch.
DIGIRAP.ARC 48896 11-01-91 [06] Digitized Song W/Graphics.
DISAVOW.RAW 56704 12-31-90 [01] Disavow Speach From Mission Impossible.
DISTURBD.RAW 17792 02-09-91 [01] "When He Rammed The Needle Into My... ".
DOGSPOT.RAW 24704 12-31-90 [01] Cal Wortherington Commercial Into.
DONTKISS.RAW 8832 12-31-90 [01] Don't Ever Kiss Me Again. ??.
DONTWORY.RAW 26752 02-09-91 [01] Music. "Don't Worry, Be Happy!".
DRAGON.SRF 3840 01-04-92 [03] Self Running Fli Of A Flying Dragon.
EARTH.SRF 5760 01-04-92 [00] Self Running Fli Of Big Blue Marvel.
EDDIEMUR.SFX 12416 11-01-91 [06] Pic. Of Eddie Murphy + Music.
EMERGENC.RAW 12032 02-09-91 [00] Emergency Power Engaged.
ENERGYDM.SFX 8832 09-15-91 [00] Digitized Music Demo.
ENGINE.DMO 5504 01-06-92 [02] Four Cycle Engine Animation.
ENTRPRSE.ARC 4352 11-01-91 [02] Capt. Kirk's Very Own Ncc-1701! Graphic.
EXECUTE.SFX 23552 11-01-91 [02] The Execution. Digitized Music Demo.
EXPLOITD.SFX 30976 11-01-91 [02] Music And Video Demo.
EYES-DEM.SFX 13568 11-23-91 [01] Eyes Of Iridis. Music & Sprite Demo.
FIREWORK.SFX 27904 11-01-91 [06] Very Good Emulation Of Night Fireworks.
FIST.SRF 9600 02-28-92 [02] Cosmic Fist. Real Good Execution.
FIVEFOUR.RAW 20864 12-31-90 [00] 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Countdown ??.
FLINT.SRF 4352 01-04-92 [01] Self Running Fli Of Rpg Dwarf.
FROSTY.SFX 9472 12-19-91 [01] Frosty The Snowman Graphic.
FX-DEMO.ARC 55680 06-03-91 [00] Screen F/X Demo. W/Bewitched Scpt.
GETPERSL.RAW 8064 12-31-90 [02] Don't Get Personal! ??.
GG66CHEV.CBM 6272 03-19-92 [02] 66 Chevy In A Burn-Out.
GGADMHUN.CBM 3072 03-19-92 [03] Adm. Hunter (Japanimation).
GGANGELF.CBM 6784 03-19-92 [02] Angelfish/Aquarium Scene.
GGATBECH.CBM 5248 03-19-92 [02] Woman At The Beach.
GGBATLOG.CBM 2688 03-19-92 [02] Bat Logo/From The Movie.
GGBATMAN.CBM 2688 11-04-90 [10] 64 Batman. Good.
GGBBLGUM.CBM 6912 03-19-92 [02] Bubblegum/Kid On Cycle.
GGBDRAGN.CBM 8192 04-03-91 [04] Blue Dragon.
GGBEAST.CBM 2816 03-19-92 [03] The Beast.
GGBEHOLD.CBM 4096 03-19-92 [04] The Beholder (W/Eyes To Do It).
GGBLACKH.CBM 8320 03-19-92 [03] Black Hole. Spiral Galaxy.
GGBRAHMS.CBM 8960 03-19-92 [02] Johannes Brahms.
GGBREAKF.CBM 6656 03-19-92 [02] Breakfast/Pop Tarts.
GGBTBOOP.CBM 3584 10-13-92 [02] Ggels Betty Boop.
GGBTLPOD.CBM 7424 03-19-92 [02] Battlepods/Mechanical Warriors.
GGBTLSHP.CBM 6912 03-19-92 [02] Edf Battleship.
GGCABIN.CBM 6144 03-19-92 [02] Mountain Cabin/Winter Scene.
GGCAPTOL.CBM 4992 11-04-90 [05] Cartoon Drawing Of U.S. Capitol Building.
GGCARGOS.CBM 7424 03-19-92 [02] Cargoship14/Space Ship.
GGCHERRY.CBM 3840 03-31-91 [03] Unusual Girl In Shadows W/Cherry.
GGCHIEF.CBM 5760 03-19-92 [03] The Indian Chief In Ful Headdress.
GGCHOUSE.CBM 7552 03-19-92 [01] Country House.
GGCLYDES.CBM 6528 03-19-92 [02] Budweiser's Clydesdales.
GGCOUPLE.CBM 4608 03-19-92 [02] Orange Road Couple.
GGCRUSHR.CBM 8704 03-19-92 [03] Dr Beverly Crusher (On A Bad Day).
GGCRYSRD.CBM 7424 03-19-92 [02] Crystal Road.
GGCRYSTL.CBM 8960 11-04-90 [06] The Enchanted Crystal.
GGCYACHT.CBM 5632 03-19-92 [02] The Contra Yacht Club.
GGDARTHV.CBM 5504 03-19-92 [04] Darth Vader & Friends.
GGDATALF.CBM 5376 10-13-92 [02] Data Laughing With Picard. Winner Ql.
GGDAYDRM.CBM 7808 03-19-92 [02] Day Dream By Bizz. Girl By Falls.
GGDDOBBS.CBM 8448 03-19-92 [02] Digidobbs.
GGDJOKER.CBM 4224 03-19-92 [02] Digital Joker.
GGDKNUTE.CBM 7808 03-19-92 [02] Deunan Knute.
GGDRAGN2.CBM 6400 03-19-92 [04] Fire Breathing Dragon.
GGDRAGON.CBM 6400 03-31-91 [04] Fire Breathing Dragon.
GGEGO.CBM 9728 03-19-92 [02] Ego/Spooky Battle.
GGELALEN.CBM 7424 03-19-92 [02] Elder Alien.
GGELEFNT.CBM 6912 04-03-91 [03] African Elephant In Grass.
GGEXCALB.CBM 5504 03-19-92 [04] Excaliber Mk V1.1 Mechanical Worior.
GGF40.CBM 5248 11-04-90 [01] [05] 64 F40 Dream Car.
GGFAROUT.CBM 8448 03-19-92 [02] Far Out/Staturn Seen From A Moon.
GGFAUCET.CBM 4864 03-19-92 [02] Surreal Faucet.
GGFELINE.CBM 5888 03-19-92 [02] Cat Gazing At A Starry Night.
GGFOGGIE.CBM 4224 11-04-90 [05] Cartoon Drawing Of Old Foghorn Leghorn.
GGFOOL-1.CBM 4736 03-19-92 [02] The Fool/Tipsey Jester.
GGFREDDY.CBM 5376 03-19-92 [02] Freddy Krueger/From Elm St.
GGFROGPD.CBM 6656 03-19-92 [02] Frog On A Lilly Pad.
GGGALWAY.CBM 3200 03-19-92 [02] James Galway, The Flutist.
GGGARTEK.CBM 4864 04-03-91 [04] Garfield-Robotech.
GGGEORGA.CBM 6912 03-19-92 [02] Sweet Georgia Brown.
GGGOOFY.CBM 3200 03-19-92 [02] Goofy/Disney Character.
GGGUN&RO.CBM 3456 11-04-90 [08] 64 Drawing Of Guns And Roses Logo.
GGGUYGUN.CBM 5888 03-19-92 [02] Guy With A Gun.
GGHOLST.CBM 6400 03-19-92 [02] Holst/Mars. Sailing Ship In Space.
GGHOUSE.CBM 7424 03-19-92 [03] A House With A Wite Picket Fence.
GGHUMAND.CBM 4480 03-19-92 [02] The Humanoid/Girl Warrior.
GGHVENIC.CBM 3584 03-19-92 [04] Have A Nice Day. Gruesom.
GGIRISH.CBM 9344 11-04-90 [05] 64 Beautiful Irish Castle.
GGJESSIC.CBM 4736 11-04-90 [10] 64 Jessica Rabbit. I'm Not Bad.
GGKFISHR.CBM 7296 04-03-91 [03] Kingfisher In Tree.
GGKISS.CBM 6656 03-31-91 [04] Tender Teen Kiss.
GGKNIGH1.CBM 3712 03-19-92 [01] The Knight/Chess Pieces.
GGKNIGHT.CBM 6144 03-31-91 [04] Fine Knight In Armor, Mounted.
GGLANDSC.CBM 6144 03-19-92 [02] Landscape1/Panther Valley.
GGLAURAN.CBM 5376 11-04-90 [06] Girl Warrior Lauranna. From "Heman"??.
GGLEA.CBM 7552 03-19-92 [02] Lea/Girl.
GGLOCOMO.CBM 7296 11-04-90 [05] Cartoon Drawing Of Locomotive.
GGLONWAN.CBM 5632 03-19-92 [02] Wanted, Sysop Lon.
GGLUMPOL.CBM 6400 03-19-92 [02] Lum At Pool.
GGMAC2.CBM 6528 03-19-92 [03] Mac2 Mechanical Warrior.
GGMACAW.CBM 7296 04-03-91 [03] Red Macaw In Tree.
GGMADGUN.CBM 7680 03-19-92 [02] Madoka With Gun (Japanimation).
GGMADOKA.CBM 4480 03-19-92 [02] Madoka/Orange Road.
GGMADONA.CBM 5504 03-19-92 [03] Madonna, From Dock Tracy.
GGMLPOND.CBM 8192 03-19-92 [02] The Old Mill By The Pond.
GGMMU.CBM 4736 03-19-92 [03] Manned Manuvering Unit.
GGMOZART.CBM 2944 03-19-92 [02] Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.
GGNITLIT.CBM 6272 03-19-92 [02] Nitelite. Girl Under Street Lamp.
GGOCCULT.CBM 3328 03-19-92 [03] Occult Signs And Symbols.
GGOCRNGR.CBM 8960 03-19-92 [02] Ocean Ranger/Combat Boat.
GGOWLFLT.CBM 8576 04-03-91 [03] Barn Owl In Flight.
GGPENGUI.CBM 7168 04-03-91 [03] Arctic Penguin.
GGPHOENX.CBM 9216 11-04-90 [07] Beautiful Bird Drawing.
GGPICARD.CBM 4480 03-19-92 [02] Jean Luc Picard.
GGRACHEL.CBM 4608 03-19-92 [02] Rachel (Who?).
GGREGRO.CBM 4992 03-19-92 [02] Hair Re-Grower Ad.
GGREVOLU.CBM 6400 03-19-92 [02] Jean Michel Jarre/Revolutions.
GGREX.CBM 6656 03-19-92 [02] Tyrranasaurus Rex.
GGRGRRBT.CBM 3072 03-19-92 [02] Roger Rabbit.
GGRIO2.CBM 4352 03-19-92 [02] Girl From Rio 2.
GGRMNTMP.CBM 3840 03-19-92 [02] Roman Temple.
GGRMNWAT.CBM 6272 03-19-92 [02] Roman Waters.
GGROCKET.CBM 6272 03-19-92 [03] The Rocketeer.
GGROGERR.CBM 2944 03-19-92 [03] Roger Rabbit.
GGROSE-1.CBM 1536 03-19-92 [03] Rose By Joi.
GGROSE-2.CBM 6400 03-19-92 [08] Beautiful Red Rose.
GGSANTA.CBM 8448 04-03-91 [02] Santa And Xmas Tree.
GGSCARLA.CBM 8448 03-19-92 [02] Domenico Scarlatti.
GGSCHLOS.CBM 6912 03-19-92 [01] Schloss Castle.
GGSEASID.CBM 6016 10-16-91 [01] Beautiful Seaside W/Lighthouse & Gulls.
GGSEIYA.CBM 6144 03-19-92 [02] Misty Lizzard/St Seiya.
GGSHCKWV.CBM 6784 03-19-92 [02] Shockwave.
GGSHERTN.CBM 7552 11-04-90 [07] 64 The Waikiki Sheraton Hotel.
GGSNOOPY.CBM 3328 11-04-90 [06] Cartoon Drawing Of Snoopy At Rest.
GGSPAZOZ.CBM 7552 03-19-92 [03] Spazoz/Surreal Mirror Balls.
GGSPIFF.CBM 3712 03-19-92 [02] Spiff.
GGSPKTRK.CBM 6912 10-13-92 [03] Spock Space Walk. Winner Q-Link St Gfx.
GGSPOCK.CBM 7168 11-04-90 [08] Picture O' Spock.
GGSPRING.CBM 8448 03-19-92 [02] Springtime In The Rockies.
GGSROBOT.CBM 7808 03-19-92 [03] Sexy Robot.
GGSSAENS.CBM 7936 03-19-92 [02] Camille Saint-Saens.
GGSTARRY.CBM 7296 03-19-92 [02] Starry Eyed Girl At Night.
GGSTLLIF.CBM 6016 03-19-92 [02] Sorta Still Life/Jolt.
GGSTRMAP.CBM 9216 03-19-92 [02] Storm Approaching A Farm.
GGSUPERM.CBM 3328 03-19-92 [02] Superman, The Man Of Steel.
GGSUREAL.CBM 6784 10-16-91 [02] Surrealistic Sea From Other Planet.
GGSWANSG.CBM 6400 03-19-92 [02] Swan Song/Icarus Burns?.
GGTEMPLE.CBM 6912 03-19-92 [03] Inter-Galactic Temple.
GGTHEUFO.CBM 7296 03-19-92 [02] The Ufo, Between Earth And Moon.
GGTIGERS.CBM 6016 03-19-92 [02] Tigers Attack/Warrior On Winged Horse.
GGTIKA.CBM 5504 11-04-90 [06] Girl Warrior Tika. From "Heman"??.
GGTOGETH.CBM 6400 03-19-92 [02] Together/Bride & Groom.
GGTONTWN.CBM 6144 03-19-92 [02] It Came From Toontown.
GGTRON.CBM 5632 03-19-92 [02] Tron Logo Graphic.
GGTURBO.CBM 2816 03-19-92 [02] Turbo/A Sports Car.
GGWARROR.CBM 7680 03-19-92 [02] Lone Warrior/Starwars Look.
GGWINDOW.CBM 7808 03-19-92 [02] Window Warp/Surreal.
GGWINTER.CBM 6400 03-19-92 [02] Winter Pines/Winter Scene.
GGWORLDR.CBM 7552 03-19-92 [02] World Or Me.
GGYUKIMO.CBM 5888 03-19-92 [02] Yuki Mori (Japanimation).
GIMEBRAK.RAW 6272 12-31-90 [02] Gimme A Break! ??.
GIRLPICT.SFX 7936 11-01-91 [11] Pretty Girl In Grey Scale. Run It.
GIVBEATZ.RAW 38272 02-09-91 [01] Music. Good Beat For Continuous Play.
GOTAIDEA.RAW 10624 12-31-90 [01] Hey, I Got An Idea. Sexy Sounding.
GRIZDUDE.RAW 10112 02-09-91 [00] Bart. "Later, Grizzly Dudes!".
HALLOWEN.SFX 9088 12-19-91 [00] Halloween Pumpkin Animation.
HANGRABB.RAW 12672 12-31-90 [00] You Been Hanging Around That Rabbit.
HEADROOM.SFX 8576 11-01-91 [01] Animated Max Headroom Demo.
HEMAN1.SFX 11136 11-01-91 [02] Load/Run Koala Graphis. Fairly Good.
HOLDIT.RAW 9344 12-31-90 [01] Hold It Right There! From Roger Rabbit.
HOMEBOY.RAW 17792 02-09-91 [00] Bart. "I'm Not The Only One, Homeboy".
HOPEPROD.RAW 10880 12-31-90 [00] I Hope You're Proud Of Yourself. Hmooner.
HUMNGBRD.DMO 7936 01-06-92 [00] Remarkable Hummingbird Animation.
ITSSOBIG.RAW 10240 01-06-92 [02] My G*D! It's So Big.
IVFALLEN.RAW 43904 02-09-91 [03] "Ive Fallen And I Can't Get Up!".
JJBARDWZ.CBM 1152 11-04-90 [09] 64/128 Evil Wizard From Bards Tale.
JJBEAUTY.CBM 6016 12-28-90 [04] Study Of A Pretty Face.
JJBINKLE.CBM 4096 03-19-92 [00] Binkley Cartoon.
JJBOB.CBM 2560 03-19-92 [00] J.R. "Bob" Dobbs, Master Of Slack.
JJCANDLE.CBM 4864 12-28-90 [03] Candle & Quill Pen.
JJCHRISY.CBM 8064 03-19-92 [00] Christy (Macpaint?).
JJCONAN.CBM 1024 11-04-90 [07] 64/128 Sword And Conan Logo.
JJCRANES.CBM 2176 04-03-91 [02] Dance Of The Cranes.
JJDALEK.CBM 4992 11-04-90 [05] 64 Some Robot Thing.
JJDORWAY.CBM 7552 03-19-92 [00] Doorway In Castle.
JJDRAGN3.CBM 6528 03-19-92 [02] Dragon 12 Color.
JJDRAGON.CBM 4864 11-04-90 [08] 64/128 Handsome Evil Dragon. Good.
JJFERARI.CBM 3712 11-04-90 [05] Drawing Of Ferrari Testarosa.
JJFOXYLA.CBM 7680 03-19-92 [00] Foxy Lady (Macpaint?).
JJGERE.CBM 4352 12-19-90 [03] Photo And Data On Missing Child.
JJHEXGON.CBM 3584 12-28-90 [04] Interesting Optical Illusion.
JJHOOTER.CBM 3072 11-04-90 [15] A Real Nice Pair Of Hooters.
JJJMORRI.CBM 3712 03-19-92 [00] Jim Morrison.
JJKELLY.CBM 3712 03-19-92 [00] Kelly (Macpaint?).
JJLAMBO1.CBM 7936 11-04-90 [03] 64 Lamborghini Countach, Art View.
JJLAMBO2.CBM 6016 11-04-90 [03] 64 Lamborghini. Side View & Specs.
JJMEARTH.CBM 7296 12-28-90 [03] Middle Earth Color Drawing.
JJMICROM.CBM 5248 12-28-90 [03] Scanned Photo Of Micrometer.
JJNATALY.CBM 4608 12-28-90 [01] Study Of A Pretty Face.
JJNINJA.CBM 1536 11-04-90 [07] 64/128 Drawing Of Attacking Ninja.
JJOLLIE.CBM 7680 12-19-90 [02] Photo (Grey Scale) Of Ollie North.
JJPAGODA.CBM 5504 11-04-90 [03] Painted Plate Effect Of A Pagoda.
JJPUZZLE.CBM 4992 12-28-90 [02] Fiona's Dutchman's Puzzle Pattern.
JJROGERR.CBM 3584 03-19-92 [00] Roger Rabbit.
JJRONDOG.CBM 2816 11-04-90 [04] 64/128 Ron The Dog. Darling Puppy.
JJRUNING.CBM 6912 12-19-90 [02] Still Photo From 'running Man'.
JJSAMFOX.CBM 4480 03-19-92 [00] Samantha Fox.
JJSEXYLK.CBM 4736 03-19-92 [00] Sexy Look (Macpaint?).
JJSGTMAJ.CBM 3712 12-28-90 [00] Veddy British Sgt. Major Characature.
JJSPOCK.CBM 5504 03-19-92 [00] Mr Spock.
JJSUNDRS.CBM 2432 03-19-92 [00] Sundress Sal.
JJTANK.CBM 1792 12-28-90 [00] Pen Drawing Of A Tank.
JJTHRONE.CBM 4096 03-19-92 [00] The Throne Room.
JJVANITY.CBM 7168 12-19-90 [02] Photo (Greyscale) Of Vanity.
JJWILD-1.CBM 6784 03-19-92 [00] Wild One.
JJWINSOM.CBM 5760 03-19-92 [01] Winsome Lass.
JJWIZARD.CBM 7296 11-04-90 [05] 64/128 Cute Wizzard W/Unicorn Etc.
JJWLDMAP.CBM 2048 03-19-92 [00] The World Map.
JOLLYELF.RAW 44416 12-09-90 [03] Digitized Jolly Saint Nickolas.
JUGGLDEM.SFX 24192 11-15-91 [00] Juggler Vg Animation Demo.
JUSTWHAT.RAW 10880 06-09-91 [01] "Just What Do You Think You're Doing?".
KELLY.RAW 14720 11-25-90 [01] They May Call Me Bimbo, But.
KING-TUT.SFX 11520 11-01-91 [01] Fake Of Dpaint W/Pulldown Of Tut.
KISS_SKY.RAW 27264 01-06-92 [01] "Kiss The Sky" Musical Clip.
LASRSHOW.ARC 15872 04-29-92 [00] Very Good Music And String Art Demo.
LED-ZEPL.PRG 42624 04-12-92 [01] Led Zeplin Digitized Music Demo.
LORDS.SRF 10624 01-04-92 [00] Self Running Fli Castle On Promontory.
LUCIFER.PRG 47616 04-12-92 [02] Vgood Music And Video Demo.
LUFTBAL.ARC 3328 10-13-92 [00] M/L Music ??.
MAGIC.SRF 7552 01-04-92 [00] Self Running Fli Wizzard Insight.
MAKMYDAY.RAW 49792 12-31-90 [00] Harry Calahan Type Make My Day.
MASHTHEM.ARC 2560 10-13-92 [01] Music Mash Theme (Suicide Is Painless).
MAXDANCE.SFX 30336 11-01-91 [01] Video-Music Demo. Max Headroom Boogies.
MCCOY.RAW 6400 06-09-91 [01] Bones, "I'm A Doctor, Not A Brick Layer".
MEANINGL.SRF 5376 01-04-92 [01] Self Running Fli Deaks Fli.
MEEP.RAW 3328 01-06-92 [00] A Great Roadrunner.
MEEPMEEP.RAW 6656 06-09-91 [00] The Call Of The Road Runner. Meep, Meep.
MERMAID.SRF 4864 01-04-92 [00] Self Running Fli The Little Mermaid.
MICHELIN.SRF 5632 01-04-92 [01] Selk Running Fli Of Michelin Tire Man.
MOANS.DMO 16000 01-06-92 [00] Digitized Sound Demo.
MOONLITE.ARC 3584 10-13-92 [00] Music - Moonlite Sonata.
MURDERER.RAW 13184 12-31-90 [01] I'm Looking For A Murderer. Sellars??.
NEEDNPUT.RAW 4736 12-31-90 [01] Need Input! ??.
NEPTUNE.SFX 10496 11-01-91 [01] Music-Video Demo. 4 Tunes.
NIBBLER.ARC 4352 11-01-91 [01] Not What You Think. A Video Animation.
NOTBRITE.RAW 28032 02-09-91 [01] "Lord Help Me, I'm Just Not That Bright".
OKWISGUY.RAW 9600 12-31-90 [00] Okay, Wise Guy. ??.
ONEDAY.RAW 23424 12-31-90 [01] One Of These Days. Honeymooners.
PAPAWTUN.SRF 10752 02-28-92 [01] Landscape Pawpaw Tunnel On C&O Canal.
PEPSICOM.SFX 42624 11-01-91 [02] Digitized Pepsi Cola Commercial.
PILEAID.RAW 39552 05-23-91 [01] Help For Painful Hemoroids.
PLOPPLOP.RAW 18816 12-31-90 [02] Alkaseltzer Commercial.
PORSCHE.ARC 5376 11-01-91 [01] Porsche Video Demo.
PRELUDE.SFX 8320 11-01-91 [00] Bach Prelude In C Major. Music Prog.
PSYCHTIC.RAW 6272 12-31-90 [01] Psychotic... (Wispered).
PUMP-JAM.SFX 45568 11-01-91 [01] Digitized Music. Good Demo.
PURPLHAZ.RAW 18816 01-06-92 [01] Nice Digitized Musical Clip.
PUSH-IT.SFX 44544 11-01-91 [00] Digitized Audio Demo.
RAMBODIG.SFX 45184 11-01-91 [00] Digitized Music Demo.
RIPYARNS.SFX 36352 06-08-91 [01] Music And Sound Effects Maker.
ROBOT.SFX 10624 11-01-91 [06] Amazing 64 Graphics.
ROCKRIFF.SFX 10624 11-01-91 [00] Music Demo.
ROGERRAB.SFX 9728 11-01-91 [03] Roger Rabbit Demo.
RUDOLPH.SFX 8704 12-19-91 [01] Rudolph The Red-Nosed Raindeer.
SABRINA.ARC 46848 03-11-92 [08] Good Digi Sound & Video. Hit Restore.
SCOTHERE.RAW 3584 06-09-91 [07] "Scotty Here, Captain!" Star Trek.
SHINE-ON.SRF 12288 02-28-92 [08] Logo-Like. Wild Colors.
SHOTKILL.RAW 31360 02-09-91 [08] "We Come In Peace! (Shoot To Kill Men)".
SHRINK.SFX 11008 11-01-91 [08] Shrink To Fit. Demo. Music & Animation.
SIDINDX1.TXT 15232 09-13-91 [09] Index 1, Details Of Sidmon01 Thru 19.
SIDINDX2.TXT 21248 09-13-91 [05] Index 2, Details Of Sidmon20 Thru 39.
SIDINDX3.TXT 8320 10-14-92 [00] Index 3, Details Of Sidstr01 Thru 12.
SIDINDX4.TXT 7168 03-21-92 [01] Index 4, Details Of Sidmon40 Thru 47.
SIDMON01.SFX 25088 09-09-91 [04] Index 1 Mono Movie Themes 1.
SIDMON02.SFX 29824 09-09-91 [04] Index 1 Mono Movie Themes 2.
SIDMON03.SFX 26368 09-09-91 [03] Index 1 Mono Halloween W/Pictures.
SIDMON04.SFX 22272 09-09-91 [07] Index 1 Mono Tv Themes 1.
SIDMON05.SFX 21120 09-09-91 [02] Index 1 Mono Tv Themes 2.
SIDMON06.SFX 18688 09-09-91 [03] Index 1 Mono Metallica 1.
SIDMON07.SFX 18560 09-09-91 [03] Index 1 Mono Metallica 2.
SIDMON08.SFX 9600 09-09-91 [01] Index 1 Mono Paul Simon.
SIDMON09.SFX 24320 09-10-91 [01] Index 1 Mono Classical.
SIDMON10.SFX 18176 09-10-91 [01] Index 1 Mono Van Halen.
SIDMON11.SFX 24960 09-10-91 [01] Index 1 Mono Rush.
SIDMON12.SFX 23424 09-10-91 [02] Index 1 Mono Guns & Roses.
SIDMON13.SFX 20608 09-10-91 [02] Index 1 Mono Bon Jovi/Pink Floyd.
SIDMON14.SFX 19712 09-10-91 [00] Index 1 Mono Def Leppard 1.
SIDMON15.SFX 23168 09-10-91 [00] Index 1 Mono Def Leppard 2.
SIDMON16.SFX 18048 09-10-91 [00] Index 1 Mono Billy Joel/Elton John.
SIDMON17.SFX 30592 09-10-91 [01] Index 1 Mono Heavy Metal.
SIDMON18.SFX 25728 09-10-91 [00] Index 1 Mono Hard Rock.
SIDMON19.SFX 17024 09-10-91 [00] Index 1 Mono Pop-Music 1.
SIDMON20.SFX 18944 09-12-91 [02] Index 2 Mono Pop-Music 2.
SIDMON21.SFX 17536 09-12-91 [09] Index 2 Mono Oldies/Goodies.
SIDMON22.SFX 20096 09-12-91 [09] Index 2 Mono Mellow Music.
SIDMON23.SFX 12800 09-12-91 [07] Index 2 Mono Country.
SIDMON24.SFX 13568 09-12-91 [03] Index 2 Mono Traditional.
SIDMON25.SFX 22016 09-12-91 [02] Index 2 Mono Ragtime.
SIDMON26.SFX 21376 09-12-91 [02] Index 2 Mono Classical #2.
SIDMON27.SFX 18944 09-12-91 [01] Index 2 Mono Classical #3.
SIDMON28.SFX 23168 09-12-91 [03] Index 2 Mono Unusual/Novelty.
SIDMON29.SFX 28800 09-12-91 [08] Index 2 Mono Easy Listening #1.
SIDMON30.SFX 23936 09-13-91 [06] Index 2 Mono Easy Listening #2.
SIDMON31.SFX 24960 09-13-91 [02] Index 2 Mono Crossover/Country.
SIDMON32.SFX 27392 09-13-91 [01] Index 2 Mono Show Music.
SIDMON33.SFX 16768 09-13-91 [01] Index 2 Mono Rock.
SIDMON34.SFX 21376 09-13-91 [06] Index 2 Mono Slow Rock #1.
SIDMON35.SFX 17536 09-13-91 [01] Index 2 Mono Slow Rock #2.
SIDMON36.SFX 15872 09-13-91 [06] Index 2 Mono Disco.
SIDMON37.SFX 17152 09-13-91 [02] Index 2 Mono Old Rockers.
SIDMON38.SFX 21504 09-13-91 [02] Index 2 Mono Miscellaneous #1.
SIDMON39.SFX 24064 09-13-91 [02] Index 2 Mono Miscellaneous #2.
SIDMON40.SFX 24064 09-13-91 [06] Index 4 Mono Miscellaneous #3.
SIDMON41.SFX 14464 09-13-91 [06] Index 4 Mono Happy Sounds.
SIDMON42.SFX 18944 09-13-91 [01] Index 4 Mono Misc #4.
SIDMON43.SFX 33920 09-13-91 [00] Index 4 Mono Misc #5 (W/3 Pics).
SIDMON44.SFX 25856 12-28-91 [02] Index 4 Mono Classical.
SIDMON45.SFX 18944 03-21-92 [03] Index 4 Mono Misc Rock.
SIDMON46.SFX 27648 03-21-92 [02] Index 1 Mono Misc Rock W/Words.
SIDMON47.SFX 29440 03-21-92 [02] Index 1 Mono Misc Rock W/Words.
SIDPLAYR.SFX 40320 09-12-91 [05] Stereo Sidplayer V10.3.
SIDSTR01.SFX 34944 09-13-91 [00] Index 3 Stereo Concerto For V & O.
SIDSTR02.SFX 26112 09-13-91 [00] Index 3 Stereo Mixed Classics.
SIDSTR03.SFX 20864 09-13-91 [01] Index 3 Stereo Golden Oldies 1.
SIDSTR04.SFX 25984 09-13-91 [00] Index 3 Stereo Golden Oldies 2.
SIDSTR05.SFX 32640 09-13-91 [01] Index 3 Stereo Entertainment Themes 2.
SIDSTR06.SFX 25984 09-13-91 [00] Index 3 Stereo Entertainment Themes 2.
SIDSTR07.SFX 30720 09-13-91 [01] Index 3 Stereo Rock 1.
SIDSTR08.SFX 30464 09-13-91 [00] Index 3 Stereo Rock 2.
SIDSTR09.SFX 33664 09-13-91 [01] Index 3 Stereo Mixed.
SIDSTR10.SFX 27136 09-13-91 [00] Index 3 Stereo Japanese Folk Music.
SIDSTR11.SFX 28544 10-14-92 [00] Index 3 Stereo New Orleans Sidfest Pt1.
SIDSTR12.SFX 30720 10-14-92 [00] Index 3 Stereo New Orleans Sidfest Pt2.
SILENTNT.SFX 9728 12-19-91 [02] Silent City Street Scene.
SIMPSONS.ARC 3840 11-17-91 [01] Simpson Family Album.
SIMPSONS.RAW 47488 02-09-91 [01] Musical Intro, "The Simpsons".
SPACEVID.SFX 14592 11-01-91 [02] Wierd Music Video/Graphics.
SPECHDEM.SFX 10368 11-01-91 [01] Interesting Speach Demo.
SPOCK1.RAW 30080 06-09-91 [01] Logic Dictates That The Needs Of The Many.
STAIRWAY.SFX 13952 11-01-91 [02] Led Zeppin Stairway Music & Picture.
STANDBY.RAW 4608 02-09-91 [00] Worf. "Stand By".
STARALRT.RAW 7808 06-09-91 [00] Enterprise Alert Siren "Wheeeep!" Strek.
STEREO.SDA 6400 01-03-91 [02] Schematics For Second Sid.
SUICIDE.SRF 3456 02-28-92 [00] Skull On A Crufix.
SWINTH.SFX 13696 11-01-91 [04] Good Music & String Art Display.
THATSEND.RAW 11392 02-09-91 [01] "That's The End?? No!".
THRUST.SFX 12416 11-01-91 [05] Good Music & Video Demo.
TIGERLAD.ARC 3584 11-01-91 [03] Pic. Of Tiger Lady.
TMC-DEMO.ARC 2048 11-01-91 [00] Video And Music Demo.
TOBEONTP.SFX 28800 11-01-91 [00] "To Be On Top" Video & Music Demo.
TRANSPRT.RAW 25344 06-09-91 [00] Enterprise Transporter Sound. Star Trek.
TRANSPUT.SFX 13952 11-01-91 [00] Music-Video Demo. Clacker Balls.
TRYNTHNK.RAW 16512 12-31-90 [01] I'm Trying To Think, But Nothing Happens.
TUBEBELL.SFX 15488 11-01-91 [01] Good Music & Graphic. Like Swinth.
UP2U.RAW 4096 02-09-91 [02] Worf. "It's Up To You, Sir.".
VISOLOVE.RAW 50816 02-09-91 [00] Music."I Had A Vision Of Love".
VULCANMD.RAW 8320 06-09-91 [01] "Are You Out Of Your Vulcan Mind?".
WARGAME.RAW 14592 12-31-90 [01] Do You Want To Play A Game. Wargames.
WARP1.RAW 30080 06-09-91 [00] Spock Orders "Warp 1, Mr. Sulu" Star Trek.
WHRSBEEF.RAW 4736 12-31-90 [04] Where's The Beef!! The Old Lady.
WIZ.ARC 6144 11-01-91 [01] A Load And Run C64 Graphic.
WORDFROM.RAW 14976 12-31-90 [01] And Now, A Word From Our Sponsors.
XMASALBM.SFX 23680 12-19-91 [01] Anumated Video & Music Xmas Album.
║ Area #6 - Commodore Sight & Sound has 5545984 bytes in 404 files ║
║ Commodore 64 ║
1!ZIPCD2.ZIP 38784 11-05-92 [00] Zipcode II. File #1. Get 2, 3 & 4, Too.
1000PRIM.ARC 1524 01-01-80 [06] Miraculous Speed On C=64. Win Case Beer.
152580DP.ARC 1792 01-06-92 [00] 1525 80 Dpi Print Driver For Geos.
1541CLN.ARC 4064 01-01-80 [02] Deluxe Head Cleaner Prg.
1541TEST.ARC 2816 11-17-91 [00] Test Speed And Alignment.
1581FAST.ARC 2032 01-01-80 [04] Fastloader For The 1581.
2!ZIPCD2.ZIP 42368 11-05-92 [00] Zipcode II. File #2. Get 1, 3 & 4, Too.
2BLKDROP.SDA 6272 09-23-91 [00] Very Good 2 Player Tetris Clone.
3!ZIPCD2.ZIP 37760 11-05-92 [00] Zipcode II. File #3. Get 1, 2 & 4, Too.
3DROTATE.ARC 4318 01-01-80 [03] 3D Figures Dance In Space. Fast.
4!ZIPCD2.ZIP 40832 11-05-92 [00] Zipcode II. File #4. Get 1, 2 & 3, Too.
41-81CPY.ARC 5376 10-10-92 [00] Copy C=1541 => 1581.
5GAMEMIX.SFX 18816 11-17-91 [00] Five Assorted Basic Games.
64CHECK.ARC 5588 01-01-80 [01] Checks Out Your Keyboard.
64DTV26.SFX 23552 02-09-92 [00] Geos. Dual Top 64 V2.6.
64GIF.SDA 7168 11-04-90 [07] View Gif Files On The 64.
64HDPROJ.ARC 49664 09-06-91 [02] Ivey Cole's Hard Drive For The C=64 Data.
64PWRSUP.SDA 10240 04-23-90 [05] Docs/Plans/C-64 Power Supply.
80COLTRM.ARC 3302 01-01-80 [07] 80 Column Term.
81AUTODV.SDA 4224 10-10-92 [00] Creates File On 1581 That Changes.
AABBSV67.ARC 82304 08-05-91 [02] All American Bulletin Board System.
ADDRLABL.ARC 1270 01-01-80 [00] Address Label Printer Program. 128.
AFRCANAD.ARC 17018 01-01-80 [01] Great African Adventure Text Game.
ALARMCLK.SFX 22272 11-18-91 [00] Talking Alarm. Includes Pd S.A.M.
ALIVES1A.SDA 50560 02-19-92 [00] C64Alive! Disk Mag Sample Issue.Side 1A.
ALIVES1B.SDA 39168 02-19-92 [00] C64Alive! Disk Mag Sample Issue.Side 1B.
ALIVES2A.SDA 38144 02-19-92 [00] C64Alive! Disk Mag Sample Issue.Side 2A.
ALIVES2B.SDA 34304 02-19-92 [00] C64Alive! Disk Mag Sample Issue.Side 2B.
ALIVES2C.SDA 47872 02-19-92 [00] C64Alive! Disk Mag Sample Issue.Side 2C.
ALIVES2D.SDA 20352 02-19-92 [00] C64Alive! Dsik Mag Sample Issue.Side 2D.
AMSLAN.SFX 13056 11-20-91 [00] Learn Finger Spelling.
ANNIHILA.SFX 8320 10-16-91 [00] Space Shoot-Em-Up Game.
ARC-SDA.SDA 43008 01-01-80 [09] Arc/Sda Aid V7.1B.
ARC250.SDA 20608 01-21-92 [00] Newer Version Of Chris Smeets Archive.
ARCINFO.TXT 7168 12-21-90 [04] Tutorial On Using Arc Programs. Seq.
ARKACLON.ARC 5632 10-10-92 [00] Arcade Game Arakanoid Clone. Enhanced.
ARMAGEDN.SFX 8832 11-17-91 [00] Atomic Warfare. Protect Cities.
ART-DUEL.SFX 13952 10-10-92 [00] C=64 Artillery Duel Game.
ASC-BAS.ARC 1280 11-04-91 [01] Convert Ascii File To Basic Program.
ASC2PET4.ARC 2304 09-22-92 [00] Translate, Split, Modify Ascii Files.
ASSTD-DB.SFX 14976 11-25-91 [01] Three Modifiable Databases.
ASSTUT.ARC 46336 10-13-92 [00] C=64 Assembly Tutor.
ASTERIX.SFX 21760 10-23-91 [01] Unix Operating System For C64.
ASTRORUN.ARC 2816 05-28-91 [02] Fly A Space Cave. Game.
ATTKFORC.SFX 8960 11-15-91 [01] Attack Force. Arcade Space Game.
AUSTROSD.SFX 14848 02-19-92 [01] Austro-Speed Basic Compiler. Like Blitz.
AUTOGRAF.SFX 16256 11-20-91 [01] Multifile, Multidrive Slideshow/Convert.
AUTOSID.ARC 5842 01-01-80 [06] Converts Sid To Sys 30120.
AUTOSTAR.ARC 762 01-01-80 [07] Autostart Your Programs.
BABEHUNT.ARC 11684 01-01-80 [03] Text Adventure Game.
BACGAMON.ARC 11176 01-01-80 [03] The Game Of Backgammon.
BALLSTAT.SDA 17408 04-23-90 [03] Baseball Statistics Keeper.
BANKACCT.SFX 30080 12-27-91 [01] Full Featured Bank Accounts Manager.
BASEBALL.SFX 8448 09-15-91 [02] Arcade Style Baseball Game For 1 Or 2.
BASKETBL.SFX 19584 11-20-91 [02] Coach Your Basketball Team To Win.
BELLTERM.ARC 27008 05-28-91 [03] Promotional Version Of Ed Bells Term Prog.
BIGGULP.ARC 14720 05-28-91 [04] Big Gulp V3.2 Terminal Program.
BIGLETRS.ARC 2286 01-01-80 [01] Four Times Normal Size Letters.
BIOPRINT.ARC 2540 01-01-80 [04] Biorythm Chart & Printout. Bs, But Fun.
BLDRDASH.ARC 13716 01-01-80 [04] Avoid The Rocks. Dig The Diamonds.
BMXRACES.ARC 35052 01-01-80 [02] Bicycle Race Game.
BOTTLENK.ARC 11008 10-10-92 [00] C=64 This Game Is Similar To Dr. Mario.
BOULDER1.ARC 21376 01-16-91 [02] Boulderdash Game One. Bcs Required.
BOULDER2.ARC 7168 01-16-91 [02] Boulderdash Game Two. Bcs Required.
BOULDER3.ARC 14848 01-16-91 [02] Boulderdash Game Three. Bcs Required.
BOULDER4.ARC 6912 01-16-91 [02] Boulderdash Game Four. Bcs Required.
BOULDER5.ARC 7424 01-16-91 [02] Boulderdash Game Five. Bcs Required.
BOULDER6.ARC 14080 01-16-91 [02] Boulderdash Game Six. Bcs Required.
BOWMAN.SFX 33280 10-16-91 [02] Arcade Type. Invade Castle. Kill All.
BT3EDTOR.ARC 11176 01-01-80 [04] Completely Alters Bt-3 Chars.
BTTLSHIP.ARC 8382 01-01-80 [05] Play Battleship Over Modem.
BUDGMSTR.SFX 8832 11-22-91 [01] A Budget Manager Program.
BUGSY.ARC 44450 01-01-80 [03] Text Game About A Rabbit.
BUMPJUMP.ARC 17780 01-01-80 [03] Driving Game.
BYND512K.ARC 45056 02-08-91 [07] Additional Data, 1 & 2 Meg 17Xx Reu Mod.
BYND512K.SDA 32768 02-08-91 [07] Original Data On 1 Meg 17Xx Reu Mod.
CASTLEAD.ARC 14478 01-01-80 [04] Adventure Thru The Castle On Quest.
CAT.SDA 20352 07-02-90 [02] Mystery Text Game.
CATACOMB.ARC 7366 01-01-80 [01] Text Adventure Game For 128.
CAULDRON.SFX 37376 11-15-91 [02] Cauldron. Arcade Game. French.
CBMINFO1.SFX 40064 11-22-91 [04] A Dozen Good Text Information Files.
CBMINFO2.SFX 40704 11-22-91 [04] Another Dozen Good Text Info Files.
CBTERM.ARC 38656 10-10-92 [00] Cbterm V3.4 & A, Dox & F-Key Definer.
CCGMSCHP.ARC 33024 06-15-91 [03] Ccgms As Mod By Ron Mendoza. Much Better.
CGANIMAT.ARC 22656 10-10-92 [00] C=64 C/G Animation V3 Gfx Designer.
CHEKBOOK.SDA 27008 12-21-90 [02] A Checking Account Manager Program.
CHESS64.ARC 6912 10-10-92 [00] A Chess Game For C64.
CHOPMAUR.SFX 9216 11-17-91 [02] Helicopter Shoot 'em Up.
CHPLYNX.ARC 12192 01-01-80 [06] Create Lnx. Said To Disolve Any Lnx File.
CIVILWAR.SFX 12160 11-17-91 [01] Text Adventure For Civil War Fan.
CLOCK.ARC 762 01-01-80 [00] Large Digital Clock.
CMD_DATA.SFX 11264 12-19-91 [03] Technical Data On Cmd & Scsi Hard Drives.
COLORTST.ARC 762 01-01-80 [02] Pattern Of Blocks Of The 16 Colors.
COMPACTR.ARC 12700 01-01-80 [06] Another File Compactor.
COMPAR64.ARC 6400 10-10-92 [00] Compare Two Basic Pgms.
COMTRM3P.SDA 31104 10-09-90 [03] Commterm Plus Rev And Fast Load.
CONFIG4.ARC 19840 02-08-91 [05] Configure 2.1 For 64 Geos & Reu >= 1Meg.
CONST-CO.SFX 11776 11-17-91 [02] Text Adventure In Construction.
CONVERT.SDA 6656 09-22-90 [04] Convert D/L-Able File To Geos Format.
COPIER-2.ARC 2304 10-10-92 [00] 2 Drive Copy Utility For All Cbm.
COPY-ALL.ARC 2286 01-01-80 [09] Good Copy Program.
COPY-REL.ARC 1524 01-01-80 [03] Relative File Copier.
COPY.SDA 44032 04-23-90 [06] C-64 And 128 Copiers.
COPY58K.ARC 2032 01-01-80 [06] Ok Copier Good To Use.
COUPONS.SFX 7552 11-25-91 [01] Coupon Clippers Data Base.
CREEP.ARC 13824 12-21-90 [06] Game. Like Space Invaders.
CRIBBAGE.ARC 20574 01-01-80 [03] Cribbage Game Against Computer.
CROSWORD.SFX 9216 11-20-91 [01] Create Your Own Crossword Puzzles.
CRSRCOMO.ARC 508 01-01-80 [03] Like Ansi Graphics And Animation For 64.
CRUNCH.ARC 3048 01-01-80 [10] Graphic File Utility.
CSX01.SDA 13312 04-23-90 [07] Unarc Ibm/Amiga/Atari Files.
CTRIPOD.ARC 3810 01-01-80 [05] A Game Like Millipede.
CURSIVE.SDA 7168 11-11-90 [03] Cursive Script On 1525 Type Printer.
D&D-ADVN.SFX 31232 11-15-91 [02] Advanced Dungeons & Dragons.
D&DGAME.SFX 13184 11-15-91 [02] Dungeons & Dragons Game.
DARK88-1.ARC 71120 01-01-80 [07] Darkterm '88 Part 1.
DARK88-2.ARC 50292 01-01-80 [06] Darkterm '88 Part 2.
DARKTM4B.ARC 31242 01-01-80 [03] Darkterm V4.0 Terminal Program For C64.
DATAPUMP.SDA 28288 06-23-92 [00] 6551 Uart For C64/128. Like Swiftlink.
DBASE.ARC 17280 10-10-92 [00] C=64 Database (Flat File).
DCATALOG.ARC 7874 01-01-80 [00] Disk Directory Catalog Manager.
DCMR.ARC 32768 04-23-90 [04] Disk Catalog Program.
DCPOKER.ARC 15494 01-01-80 [04] Good Funny 5 Card Draw For 1 Player.
DECOMPLR.SFX 23680 11-10-91 [00] Disolve Blitz! Or Austro-Speed Files.
DECOMPR.ARC 2286 01-01-80 [04] Viewer For Gg & Jj Graphics.De/Compress.
DIGI0820.SFX 46592 09-12-91 [03] Free D/L. Build Quality Digi. Plans&Prog.
DIGICLOC.ARC 1524 01-01-80 [00] Digital Clock. Runs In Background.
DIGIPL31.SDA 26496 04-28-91 [04] Digiplayerv3.1 For Raw Plus Digiboot.Chp.
DIRASSNT.ARC 17018 01-01-80 [03] Excellent Disk Dir. Manager.
DIRDESGN.SDA 50176 04-23-90 [03] Organize Disk Directories.
DISKALGN.ARC 6656 10-12-92 [00] Diagnostic For 1541.
DISKDOC.ARC 31744 04-23-90 [02] Track And Sector Editor.
DISKEDIT.SFX 11648 11-23-91 [00] A Good Disk Sector Editor.
DISKFILE.ARC 15360 04-23-90 [02] Disk Directory Catalog V4.9.
DISKSURG.ARC 13312 04-23-90 [02] Sector Editor.
DOCSPRNT.ARC 762 01-01-80 [02] Print Your Docs Out.
DOMINOES.ARC 8128 01-01-80 [02] Domino Game Simulation.
DPAINT2.ARC 13970 01-01-80 [06] Make Color/Graphic Messages.
DRALIGN.ARC 2794 01-01-80 [07] Drive Alignment Program.
DRIVE.ARC 1524 01-01-80 [05] Drive Check V1 Checks Drive.
DSKENVEL.ARC 8128 01-01-80 [02] Prints A Dir. On Envelope.
DSKFILE.ARC 12288 10-11-92 [00] Directory Editor.
DSKFRISK.ARC 12032 10-12-92 [00] Unerase, Dir Sort, Edit Disk.
DSKSRCH.ARC 762 01-01-80 [05] Search Disk For Any String.
DTJBBS.ARC 114816 05-01-91 [02] Does-The-Job Bbs Program Files.
DTJDOCS.ARC 103424 05-01-91 [03] Dtjbbs Documentation.
DTJINFO.ARC 7366 01-01-80 [03] Dtjbbs Info. Read With Menu [v] Option.
DTJPROG.ARC 23622 01-01-80 [02] Dtjbbs Notes For Programmers.
DUNGEON.ARC 4352 10-16-92 [00] A Very Good Maze Type Game.
DUOCARDS.ARC 5588 01-01-80 [02] Solitair For Two. Against Comp.
DUOCBT64.ARC 9216 10-10-92 [00] Term Pgm - W/Punter & X-Modem.
EAGLTERM.ARC 14848 10-11-92 [00] C64 Bbs.
EBBS64V3.ARC 52224 04-23-90 [08] Unmodified 64 Version Ebbs.
EDITDISK.ARC 3328 10-12-92 [00] Disk Editor.
ELECTCAD.SDA 18432 04-24-90 [05] Electronic Circuit Designer.
ELITETRM.ARC 24384 01-01-80 [03] Pulldown Menu.2400Bd.Perfect X & X-Crc.
ELIZA.ARC 4572 01-01-80 [08] Computer Psychologist. Requires S.A.M.
EMPIRE.ARC 19304 01-01-80 [02] Build An Empire And Rule The World.
ENCODER.ARC 1536 10-11-92 [00] Encription Program.
ENGINE.ARC 2540 01-01-80 [05] Simulation Of A Engine Running.
ENHNCDOS.SDA 4096 04-23-90 [04] Upgrade Dos/Head Speeder.
EP8PSKIP.ARC 2048 10-09-91 [02] Geos Hi-Res Epson Driver W/Skip Blanks.
EVICTION.ARC 1270 01-01-80 [03] Little Computer People Eviction Program.
EXBBS1.ARC 63872 08-10-90 [06] Bbs Prg. For The 64.
EXTNWRDS.SDA 20352 06-03-91 [02] Extended Color Words Creator For Sids.
EZBUDGET.ARC 6400 09-13-91 [02] Easy Single Column Budget.
EZDSIT8F.ARC 13824 10-12-92 [00] Utility - Easy Does It.
FALCONPT.ARC 12192 01-01-80 [04] Great Army Game Check It Out Dude.
FAMLTREE.SDA 39168 07-03-90 [06] Geneology Program W/Files & Printout.
FANTASY.ARC 5080 01-01-80 [00] Practical Joke Program. Good.
FAQ.ARC 20864 08-05-92 [00] Frequently Asked Questions C= Bbs Users.
FAST2400.ARC 7168 06-03-91 [01] Fast Term Code By Brian Miller.
FASTASM.SDA 7296 10-11-92 [00] Fast Assembler.
FASTCOPY.ARC 7936 10-12-92 [00] Copy Program.
FASTLOAD.ARC 1024 10-12-92 [00] Fastloader.
FGMV6DEM.SFX 42368 09-18-91 [00] Fun Graphic Machine V6 Ps, Pm, Nr, Doodl.
FGMV6DOC.SFX 26624 09-18-91 [00] Docs For Fun Graphic Machine V6.
FIGHTER.ARC 3302 01-01-80 [03] Fighter Plane Shoot-Em-Up. Fun.
FILECHNG.ARC 1270 01-01-80 [04] Changes Prg To Seq.
FILECOPY.SFX 15360 11-23-91 [02] A Fast File Copy Program For 41/71.
FILEREAD.ARC 3072 04-23-90 [05] Sequential File Reader.
FILETYP4.ARC 2048 11-26-91 [00] Change All Or Some Files To Seq/Prg/Usr.
FLITOOLS.SFX 21632 01-04-92 [01] Utility Toolkit For Creating Fli & Srf.
FNCYSTRT.CVT 4224 10-12-92 [00] Fancy Start. Autoexec For Geos.
FONEBOOK.ARC 2560 10-12-92 [00] Telephone Lister.
FONTED22.SFX 12160 01-06-92 [00] Font Editor V2.2 For Geos.
FOOTBALL.ARC 10160 01-01-80 [01] Stragic Football Simulation. Game.
FOOTRANK.ARC 11430 01-01-80 [03] Track And Handicap Pro Football.
FORMGEN.ARC 2794 01-01-80 [04] Generate Your Own Forms On 64.
FORMULAS.ARC 9906 01-01-80 [02] Fifty Formulas & Conversions.
FRACSHAP.SFX 27136 11-18-91 [01] Fractal Landscape Generator/Save.
FRITZTRM.SFX 28160 07-20-92 [00] Fritzterm 16 Jul 92. Best Ascii Term.
FSTFLCPY.ARC 18034 01-01-80 [07] Quick Copy/Scratch.
FSTFORMT.ARC 1280 10-12-92 [00] Fast Formatter.
FUTRCOMP.SFX 30976 11-23-91 [01] Future Composer Irq Music System.
FUTURE.SFX 50816 10-11-92 [00] Novelty Word Processor.
GALAGA.ARC 9652 01-01-80 [02] Space Shootout.
GALEMPIR.ARC 11176 01-01-80 [03] Galactic Empire Game.
GALLERPX.ARC 15360 12-21-90 [01] Four Pictures To Print With Gallery.
GALLERY.SDA 14720 02-26-91 [02] Screen Print Program For 1526.
GARYLABL.SDA 19584 09-13-90 [02] Great Labels. Ps Side1, Fonts, Preview.
GEEBEE.SDA 48512 12-21-90 [02] Demo Of Geebee Air Rally Game.
GEODUMP.CVT 4224 10-12-92 [00] Geos - Da For Hi-Res Screen Dump.
GEOFONTS.SFX 25088 12-29-91 [02] Several New User Created Geos Fonts.
GEOGIF.SFX 11648 09-22-90 [04] Gif Pics To Geopaint (Convert Required).
GEOLETRS.SFX 38272 12-29-91 [01] Humorous Or Informative Geowrite Files.
GEOLIFE.CVT 4224 10-10-92 [00] Geos Da Of The Game Life.
GEOMIMIC.CVT 6272 10-10-92 [00] Geos Da Of The Game Simon.
GEOPANT1.SFX 38272 12-29-91 [01] Assorted Geopaint Art Drawings.
GEOPANT2.SFX 34176 12-29-91 [00] Assorted Geopaint Art Drawings.
GEOSCRAP.SDA 7808 09-05-91 [00] Make Photo Scraps Larger Than The Screen.
GEOSTECH.ARC 78080 09-01-91 [00] Great In-Depth Technical Manual For Geos.
GEOTERM4.ARC 37888 06-03-91 [01] Terminal Prog For C64. Runs Under Geos.
GEOVIEWR.SDA 16768 03-17-92 [00] View/Print Full Geopaint Without Geos.
GEO_AD&D.SFX 33408 12-29-91 [00] Geopaintad&D Char Sheets, Spells, Cantrps.
GIFFY.ARC 4064 01-01-80 [06] Gif File Viewer For C=64/128.
GIFFYREU.ARC 4736 06-03-91 [02] Giffy Program For Reu. Much Faster.
GIFVERT.SDA 6400 04-05-92 [00] Convert Gg Compressed Pics To Gif.
GRAFSTRM.SFX 16256 11-20-91 [00] Convert Everything To Geopaint Format.
GRAFXAID.ARC 8448 10-04-90 [02] Convert Koala, Doodle, Print Shop Files.
GRAPHUTL.ARC 9398 01-01-80 [00] Draw, View And Print Graphs 64 Or 128.
GRUNGY.ARC 4352 10-10-92 [00] C=64 Game - Grungy Towers.
GUILBEAU.SFX 19328 10-11-92 [00] Master Directory System.
GUNFIGHT.ARC 2540 01-01-80 [01] Shoot Him Before He Gets You. Game.
HACK1-1.SFX 25728 07-21-92 [00] Hacker Magazine Vol 1.
HACK2-1.SFX 22912 07-21-92 [00] Hacker Magazine Vol 2 Part 1.
HACK2-2.SFX 23552 07-21-92 [00] Hacker Magazine Vol 2 Part 2.
HACK2-3.SFX 14464 07-21-92 [00] Hacker Magazine Vol 2 Part 3.
HACK2-4.SFX 11392 07-21-92 [00] Hacker Magazine Vol 2 Part 4.
HACK3-1.SFX 28416 07-21-92 [00] Hacker Magazine Vol 3 Part 1.
HACK3-2.SFX 26368 07-21-92 [00] Hacker Magazine Vol 3 Part 2.
HAL.ARC 60416 10-11-92 [00] Home Applications Library.
HALFTRKS.SFX 9728 11-23-91 [00] A Disk Alignment Checker.
HANDBALL.ARC 3302 01-01-80 [01] Like Breakout.
HANDWRIT.SFX 13568 11-17-91 [00] Analyze Person From Handwriting.
HANGMAN.ARC 4608 10-10-92 [00] C=64 Game.
HANTHILL.SFX 10240 11-15-91 [01] Haunted Hill. Like Centipede.
HISTQUIZ.ARC 50048 10-10-92 [00] Five History Quizes.
HKRSOLUT.ARC 4318 01-01-80 [01] Solution To Hacker.
HOCKEY.ARC 5376 10-10-92 [00] C=64 Game.
HOMERUN.SFX 7040 11-20-91 [00] Hit 'em Over The Wall For Score.
HOOKDOGR.SDA 16512 07-05-90 [06] You're A Fish. Avoid Hooks, Get Lunch.
HORSE.ARC 4864 07-25-91 [02] One On One Basketball Game.
HOVERCFT.SFX 23296 11-17-91 [00] Arcade Style Shoot 'em Up.
HURITRAK.SDA 19712 07-19-91 [00] Vg Trak Plot Save & Animate Hurrican.
ICANSPEL.SFX 9984 11-25-91 [00] Spelling Lession Drill.
IMAG2PRG.ARC 1536 10-12-92 [00] Convert Image To Program.
INVADERS.SFX 12160 11-17-91 [00] Defent The World From Invaders.
JACKET64.ARC 768 10-12-92 [00] Print Jackets.
JACKPOT.ARC 4064 01-01-80 [01] Slot Machine For Computers.
JACKPOT4.ARC 4096 10-10-92 [00] C=64 Game.
JOY-KEYS.ARC 2032 01-01-80 [00] Type With Joystick Instead Of Keys.
KEEPER.ARC 8128 01-01-80 [01] Load/Run Koala Graphic. Nice Work.
KERMIT64.ARC 28288 10-10-92 [00] C=64 Kermit Terminal For Commodore.
KEYFER.SFX 31104 12-19-91 [00] Mod To Run 101 Ibm Keyboard On C64.
KEYPAD64.ARC 508 01-01-80 [02] Enable 128 Keypad In 64 Mode.
KING-TUT.ARC 10240 10-10-92 [00] C=64 Basic Adventure Game.
KISMET.ARC 10414 01-01-80 [05] A Dice Game.
KRAKOUT.ARC 45974 01-01-80 [04] Great Game - Good Graphics.
LABELMKR.ARC 1778 01-01-80 [03] Prints Labels/Different Font.
LABELPR.ARC 2032 01-01-80 [01] Print Mailing Labels.
LASERTRM.SDA 30720 04-23-90 [03] Good Terminal Program.
LEARN-ML.SFX 46208 08-15-91 [02] Vg! Programed Lessons On Ml W/Q&A.
LEMONADE.SDA 12800 05-27-90 [02] Edu. Game "Lemonade Stand" For Kids.
LIBRARY.SDA 22528 04-24-90 [03] Library V9.0 And Docs.
LIFEEXPT.ARC 3810 01-01-80 [01] How Long Will You Live?.
LOANANAL.ARC 2540 01-01-80 [04] Calculate Loan Interest And Payments.
LOSTGOLD.SFX 11264 11-20-91 [00] A Text-Adventure Game.
LOTTOKRK.ARC 21336 01-01-80 [06] Real Lotto Decision Maker.
LSCG.ARC 14848 09-05-91 [00] Lads Source Code Generator.
LYNX-17.SDA 40960 04-24-90 [08] Version Of Lynx-W/Doc.
LZHTOSFX.SFX 10496 10-24-91 [00] Convert .Lzh To .Sfx On C64 Or C128.
MAC-GEO.ARC 8382 01-01-80 [04] Convert Mac's To Geos Format.
MAC-GEOS.SFX 14720 09-22-90 [04] Mac Pics To Geopaint (Convert Required).
MAC64.ARC 2032 01-01-80 [05] View Macpaint Pics On The 64.
MACTO64.SFX 11264 09-18-91 [00] Load, Display & Print Macpaints On C64.
MADSC64.ARC 23424 10-11-92 [00] Mads C64 Assembler.
MAG-FILE.SFX 13184 11-25-91 [00] Magazine Article Data Base Program.
MAGINDEX.ARC 2304 10-12-92 [00] Create Magazine Index.
MANAGER.ARC 13056 10-11-92 [00] Disk Manager.
MARTIAN.ARC 2540 01-01-80 [01] Try To Get Out Of Jail.
MASTDIR.ARC 15360 10-11-92 [00] Disk Organizer.
MATH64.ARC 23622 01-01-80 [02] Elementary School Math Practice & Test.
MAZE.ARC 10240 10-10-92 [00] C=64 Game.
MAZMANIA.ARC 4096 09-02-91 [00] A Good Maze Game Three Differnt Ones.
MEDICMAN.SFX 10496 02-12-92 [00] Cute Animated Cartoon And A Game.
MEDIEVAL.ARC 14224 01-01-80 [03] Great Ad Game Can You Make It???.
MEGASQZE.SFX 6656 11-23-91 [00] Compress Programs. Disolves When Run.
MELEEGAM.SFX 27520 11-15-91 [01] Melee. Like Dungeons & Dragons.
MEM2DATA.ARC 1024 10-12-92 [00] Create Data Statments From Memory.
MEMMAP64.ARC 1778 01-01-80 [05] Animation Of 64 Memory Map Conditions.
MEMOCAL.ARC 5120 10-12-92 [00] Calendar W/Memos.
MEMOWRIT.ARC 2048 10-12-92 [00] Write Memos.
MENUMAKE.ARC 1024 11-17-91 [04] Blank Menu. Fill In Prog Names.
MENUMAKR.ARC 3810 01-01-80 [06] Nice Menu And Auto/Load/Run For Bas & Ml.
MER64.ARC 65536 10-13-92 [00] Merlin 64 Assembler C=Arc.
METR-ENG.ARC 2794 01-01-80 [00] Metric To English Measurement Converter.
MIAMIICE.ARC 2540 01-01-80 [00] Driving On Ice Game Simulation.
MLTIFIND.ARC 63488 04-24-90 [05] Data Base-De-Arcs To 497 Blk.
MLTUTOR.ARC 17780 01-01-80 [06] Pretty Good Tutor And Demo Of 64 Ml.
MONAD.ARC 4096 10-12-92 [00] Monitor Sys8*4096.
MONOPOLE.ARC 19072 09-02-91 [00] Monopoly Clone Good Game.
MULTITRM.SDA 28672 04-24-90 [06] V5.2 Terminal Program.
MUSICMST.ARC 4864 11-17-91 [00] Adjustable Keyboard Player.
MUSICTER.SDA 22656 12-21-90 [05] Misicterm III 1200 Baud.
MYCAT.ARC 6912 10-12-92 [00] Util - Maps Disks Files + Disk Doctor.
MYQUIZ.SFX 11776 11-25-91 [00] Good Quiz Writer Program.
NAMETHAT.ARC 11684 01-01-80 [03] Name That Tune Great Prg.
NERMOFBE.ARC 4318 01-01-80 [02] Improved Version Of Nermworm Game.
NERMWORM.ARC 4318 01-01-80 [03] Control The Worm Around The Screen.
NEWEXCH.SFX 20992 10-10-92 [00] Home Term Package.
NIGHTFLT.ARC 15494 01-01-80 [02] Flight Simulator.
NINJTURT.ARC 12544 08-05-91 [07] Randy's Ninja Turtle Art Demo.
NOTE2ALB.SFX 12032 12-29-91 [00] Geos. Archive Notepad Data To Photoalbum.
NOVA94-1.SFX 47488 11-27-92 [00] Pt1, Novaterm V9.4. C64 Ansi Term.
NOVA94-2.SFX 48128 11-27-92 [00] Pt2, Novaterm V9.4. C64 Ansi Term.
NOVA94-3.SFX 45056 11-28-92 [00] Pt3, Novaterm V9.4. C64 Ansi Term.
OHMSLAW.ARC 3048 01-01-80 [02] Ohms Law Calculator.
OMEGA.PRG 32256 08-05-91 [03] Decompress Nearly All File Types.
OMEGAHLP.SDA 23168 03-26-91 [02] Omega-Q Docs, Autoboot And C128 Fastboot.
ORBITS.SDA 8192 06-30-90 [02] Calculate Earth/Solar Orbits.
ORGAN.ARC 1778 01-01-80 [03] Simple Sid Synthesizer Organ.
OTHELLO.ARC 5632 10-10-92 [00] C=64 Othello.
OUTLINER.SFX 9472 11-25-91 [00] Good Outliner For Themes And Essays.
OUTPOST.SFX 38016 11-20-91 [00] Space Shoot 'em Up Game.
P-SUTILS.ARC 8192 04-23-90 [02] Print Shop Utilities.
PARROTDL.SDA 16384 04-23-90 [03] Phone Book Dialer System.
PATCH.ARC 3840 10-12-92 [00] 1541 Disk Util.
PEGASUS.SDA 38912 04-23-90 [01] Playable Demo With Docs.
PERTABLE.ARC 4352 11-17-91 [00] Edu. Q & A On Elements.
PICPERV2.SFX 19968 09-27-91 [00] Picture Perfect V2. C/G Screen Creator.
POKER.ARC 4096 10-10-92 [00] C=64 Game.
PORTFOLI.ARC 8704 10-12-92 [00] Track Stocks.
PRNT-USE.ARC 1524 01-01-80 [01] 'print Using' Routine For C64.
PRNTRFUN.ARC 12192 01-01-80 [01] Index Cards & Mailing Lables.
PROGRAMM.ARC 1536 10-12-92 [00] Program Ladder.
PROKENO.SFX 11392 11-20-91 [00] Professional Keno Game.
PROTCTOR.ARC 3328 10-12-92 [00] Protect Files - Lock Disk.
PROTOCOL.SFX 37248 10-10-92 [00] Term C=64.
PSDATDM.ARC 1536 10-12-92 [00] Print Graphics To Noncbm Printers.
PSLABEL.ARC 3810 01-01-80 [01] Fair Ps Graphic Label Maker. Side 2.
PSTOGEOS.ARC 3072 02-12-92 [00] Geos. Import Print Shop Graphics To Geos.
PYRAMIDS.ARC 38100 01-01-80 [02] Maze-Shoot 'em Up Game.
Q-BIRD.ARC 3840 10-10-92 [00] Clone Of Arcade Game, Q-Bert.
QDRIVE2.ARC 1524 01-01-80 [00] Use Two Drives With Q-Link Disk.
QIX.SDA 9216 06-01-90 [01] Public Domain Version.
QPATCH81.ARC 3048 01-01-80 [00] Use 1581 With Q-Link. Faster D/Ls.
QUEST.ARC 9984 10-10-92 [00] Public Domain Game For C=64.
QUESTION.SFX 10624 11-25-91 [00] A Test Writer Progam.
QUIKMATH.SFX 18048 11-17-91 [00] Edu. Grade School Math Practice.
QWIKTOP.SFX 10112 02-12-92 [00] Geos. Faster Smaller Easier Desk Top.
QWKIE10.SDA 25216 11-19-92 [00] Off Line Read/Reply For Qwk And C64.
QWKSHEET.ARC 11264 06-04-92 [00] Spreadsheet-Like Budget Work Sheet.
RAMBOSS1.ARC 8704 03-15-91 [08] Basic Multi Ramdisk Manager, 1-2 Meg Reu.
RAMBOSS2.ARC 22400 03-15-91 [08] Ml Multi Ramdisk Manager For 1-2 Meg Reu.
RAMDOS2.SDA 22144 06-16-91 [10] C64/128 Ramdos For Any Reu, 256K To 8 Meg.
RAVICS.ARC 15872 10-10-92 [00] Ravics Term.
RECOL.ARC 8192 10-10-92 [00] C=64 Game - Simon Type.
RECORDDB.SFX 7936 11-25-91 [01] A Database For Record Albums.
REFLECT.ARC 5588 01-01-80 [04] A Challenging Game Of Fun.
RELBUGS.SDA 17280 03-03-92 [01] G.Hug. Show & Fix Cbmdos Rel Bugs.
RIKI.ARC 6656 10-10-92 [00] Run Riki Run.... Game.
ROBBERS.ARC 11684 01-01-80 [03] Shoot Cops, Steal Diamonds. Arcade.
ROLODEXP.SFX 5504 11-25-91 [01] Print Perf-Feed Rolodex Cards.
ROTATION.SDA 10496 04-11-91 [07] Tetris Clone. Better Than Original.
RS232TUT.ARC 7620 01-01-80 [06] Tutorial On Rs232 With A Plan.
RULER.ARC 4608 10-10-92 [00] Scenario Game.
RUSREAD4.ARC 2816 02-04-92 [01] Seq Read/Prnt Wordwrap Pagepaus Margins.
SALOON.SFX 7680 11-20-91 [01] Old West Shooting Game.
SAMSPELL.SFX 25600 11-25-91 [01] Talking Spelling Lesson Drill.
SAMTERM.ARC 7874 01-01-80 [06] Talking Terminal Program. Uses S.A.M.
SAVACCNT.SFX 11648 11-22-91 [01] A Savings Account Manager Program.
SCLEAN.SFX 8064 06-08-91 [01] A Disk Spinner For Use With Cleaning Disk.
SCREENFM.ARC 13056 10-12-92 [00] Screen Formatting Utility.
SCRIPT32.ARC 31360 10-12-92 [00] Speedscript V3.2.
SCRNWEAV.ARC 5888 03-25-91 [01] Create Backgrounds. Save As Doodle File.
SEARCH.ARC 13568 10-10-92 [00] Search & Rescue.
SEQEDITR.ARC 4826 01-01-80 [05] Sequential File Editor V3.4.
SEQREADR.ARC 2032 01-01-80 [04] Made By The Chucker Himself.
SHAPECNT.ARC 2560 11-17-91 [01] Sliding Block Game.
SID2MIDI.SDA 19584 01-20-92 [01] Play Sid Files Thru Your Midi Interface.
SIDEKICK.ARC 13970 01-01-80 [05] Multifunction Disk/Print Utility.
SIMONBAS.ARC 12700 01-01-80 [05] Compiles Basic To Run Faster.
SIMPTERM.ARC 8636 01-01-80 [02] Simple Term V2.3.
SKRAMBLE.ARC 19812 01-01-80 [01] Space War Game.
SLIDESHO.ARC 2286 01-01-80 [03] Decompr & Show Series Of Gg & Jj Pics.
SNIPER.ARC 7936 10-10-92 [00] C=64 Game. Shoot Paratroopers & Planes.
SNOOPCAL.SFX 11008 11-17-91 [00] Print Calandr 1800-2400.
SNOOPY.ARC 10160 01-01-80 [02] Math Game For Kids.
SNOW-JOB.SFX 8320 11-15-91 [00] Clean Up Snow For Bucks.
SNOWBALL.SFX 20864 11-15-91 [00] Snowball Fight. Christmasy.
SOLARSYS.ARC 1270 01-01-80 [01] Animation Of Inner Planets And A Comet.
SOLITAIR.ARC 11176 01-01-80 [04] Joystick Solitaire.
SOVETATK.SFX 30848 11-20-91 [01] Land Warfare Game.
SPACAREN.ARC 3048 01-01-80 [00] Space Arena. You Have To Fly To Win.
SPACESPY.ARC 14592 10-10-92 [00] Space Spy: Color Graphic/Text Adventure.
SPACFORT.SDA 12032 07-08-90 [03] Space Fortress, Shoot'em Up.
SPACHESS.SFX 20736 11-20-91 [01] Far Out Chess Type Game.
SPCFIGHT.SFX 6784 11-15-91 [00] Space Fighter. Arcade Type.
SPECTRUM.ARC 7874 01-01-80 [05] Solitaire Game.
SPEECH64.ARC 2286 01-01-80 [03] Digitizes Sound From Dataset.
SPEEDCHK.ARC 23424 10-11-92 [00] Spellchecker For Speedscript.
SPEEDSCR.ARC 5334 01-01-80 [04] Speedscript V3.1 Good Word Processor.
SPIKE.SFX 10496 11-20-91 [01] Qix-Like. Find Hidden Pass To Advance.
SPLASHO.SFX 8576 11-20-91 [00] Dunk The Clown Type Toss Game.
SPLTPER.ARC 36068 01-01-80 [02] Jigsaw/Slider Picture Puzzle Game.
SPRBRD.SFX 19584 10-11-92 [00] Geos Springboard Assembler.
SPRTDART.SFX 22912 11-15-91 [00] Sport Darts. Arcade Aim & Toss.
SSHIPWAR.ARC 21082 01-01-80 [03] Space Game.
STARCOM1.SDA 49536 10-16-91 [01] Pt1, Starcommand. You Are Commander Of.
STARCOM2.SDA 43776 10-16-91 [01] Pt2, Starship Enterprise. Trekkie Fun.
STARTRK2.SFX 21376 11-15-91 [00] Based On Star Trek II.
STATCAPS.SFX 10368 11-15-91 [00] Edu. State Capitol Game.
STATQUIZ.SFX 10880 11-15-91 [00] Edu. Quiz About States.
STATSTOR.SDA 35328 12-21-90 [03] Stationary Store II. Print Utilities.
STERCARD.ARC 11776 09-06-91 [00] Plans For Plugin Stereo Sid Module. Geos.
STEREDIT.ARC 105984 04-15-92 [00] Stereo Sid Music Editor System.
STOCKMKT.SFX 18048 02-12-92 [01] A Game. Play The Market And Make/Lose $$.
STONVILL.ARC 12446 01-01-80 [01] Another Text Adventure Game.
STPKRCHT.ARC 1270 01-01-80 [01] Cheat At Strip Poker.
STRTERM.ARC 31360 10-10-92 [00] C=64 Straight Term For Ansi/Or Color.
STUNT.ARC 12192 01-01-80 [02] Motorcycle Game.
SUPERMON.ARC 2304 10-12-92 [00] Supermonitor.
SUPMARIO.PRG 48896 11-15-91 [00] Super Mario Bros Clone.
SUPRTREK.ARC 17792 10-10-92 [00] Game Startrek.
SURVIVOR.ARC 33782 01-01-80 [03] In Public Domain Now.
TAROT.ARC 18796 01-01-80 [03] You'll Like It.
TELE-TAC.ARC 3072 10-10-92 [00] Play Tic-Tac-Toe Via Modem.
TEMPMAKE.ARC 2560 11-17-91 [00] Print Custom Keyboard Overlays.
TERM18.SFX 19968 10-10-92 [00] Terminal 18.
TERM1DSP.SFX 16896 10-10-92 [00] Terminal 18 Part 2.
TERM1HLP.SFX 13312 10-10-92 [00] Terminal 18 Part 3.
TESTWRIT.SFX 12800 11-25-91 [00] Test Writer. T/F, Fill-In, Multchoice.
TETRIX.SFX 13824 11-23-91 [01] One Or Two Player Tetris Clone.
THE-64.ARC 19050 01-01-80 [03] Demo The 64.
THE-ZONE.SDA 17024 07-10-90 [05] Like Space Invaders. Not Bad.
THIEF.ARC 5632 10-10-92 [00] Game - Space Thief.
THIRDTRM.ARC 24638 01-01-80 [01] Third Term V1. Punter Only.
TIC-TAC.SFX 9472 11-20-91 [00] Good Two Player Tic-Tac-Toe.
TIMECRN5.SDA 6144 10-11-92 [00] Timecrunch V5 - Program Compressor.
TIMETRAV.SFX 9984 11-15-91 [00] A Text Adventure Game.
TINYDIR.ARC 1524 01-01-80 [01] Directory Printer.
TOUCHTRM.SDA 38400 10-13-90 [01] Great Term Prg For C64. Touchterm 3.7.
TRIDENT.ARC 1536 10-10-92 [00] M/L Game.
TRITERM.ARC 19328 10-10-92 [00] Triterm.
TRNSDISK.ARC 3302 01-01-80 [05] Windowed File Handling Utils.
TYPEPRAC.ARC 4096 09-02-91 [02] Learn Or Pratice Typing.
ULTCHEK2.SFX 14464 11-22-91 [00] A Good Checkbook Manager Program.
ULTIUTIL.ARC 4064 01-01-80 [02] Ultimate Utility. "April Fool" Disk Safe.
ULTLNX.ARC 28672 04-23-90 [02] Ultimate Lynx Version 3.
ULTRADOS.ARC 2540 01-01-80 [02] From California..Fast Load.
ULTRATER.SDA 35072 12-21-90 [01] Ultraterm V2.01. 2400 Baud.
UNDRGRND.ARC 13462 01-01-80 [04] Combo Error Check/File Util.
UNFINTRM.ARC 762 01-01-80 [03] Make Your Own Terminal.
UNKNOWN.ARC 24130 01-01-80 [03] Adventure Text Game.
UNSCRATC.ARC 1524 01-01-80 [02] Revive Scratched Disk Files.
UNSPLAT.ARC 1016 01-01-80 [04] Recover Data From Splat Files.
UNZIP64.SFX 11264 03-04-93 [00] Disolve MS-Dos type .ZIP files.
UNZIP81.ARC 6144 11-05-92 [00] Unzip Zipcode Files With 1581.
UTILS.ARC 40704 10-11-92 [00] Useful Utils For C64.
UUXFER.PRG 2688 07-31-92 [00] Uuencode/Decode. Disolves Prgs In Hacker.
VALTTERR.ARC 12700 01-01-80 [03] Adventure Thru The Vault Of Terror.
VCRPROGM.SFX 29440 12-27-91 [00] Recording Scheduler & Vcr Tape Base.
VGIF64.SDA 19072 11-23-90 [07] View Whole Gif Thru Moveable Window.
VI232.SFX 32512 06-14-91 [05] C= To Rs232 Interface. Uses Lt1133 Chip.
VIEWDISK.ARC 1524 01-01-80 [02] View File Names, Start Addr, T & S.
VIPER.ARC 3584 10-10-92 [00] Arcade Type Game.
VIRDIR.ARC 2540 01-01-80 [04] Good Virtual Directory Program.
VPAINT.SDA 24130 07-18-91 [03] Hottest New Paint Program For 64/128,.
VT100TRM.SDA 30336 12-21-90 [00] Emulate Vt100 On C64. 80 Col, Too.
WALLWARS.SDA 11264 12-21-90 [03] Arcade Style Game.
WARLOCK1.ARC 8890 01-01-80 [03] Load/Run Koala Graphic. Nice Art.
WASTELND.ARC 14732 01-01-80 [04] Alters Wasteland Characters.
WEIRDO.SDA 31744 04-23-90 [03] A Pinball Game.
WETPAINT.ARC 3810 01-01-80 [01] Paint Wall. Don't Touch Wet Part.
WHRLBIRD.ARC 2540 01-01-80 [02] Upside Down Breakout Game. Get The Eggs.
WILDTERM.ARC 10668 01-01-80 [01] Wild Term V1.1 1200 Baud.
WITNESS.ARC 10922 01-01-80 [00] Text-Adventure Game. Not Much.
WIZCASTL.ARC 10496 10-10-92 [00] Wizard's Castle Text Adventure.
WORDSRCH.ARC 9728 10-10-92 [00] Create Word Puzzles.
WORLDCON.SFX 9472 11-15-91 [01] World Conquest. Like Risk.
WORLDQIZ.SFX 10880 02-12-92 [00] Vg Quiz Game On World Facts.
WRESTLIN.SFX 9472 11-15-91 [01] World Wrestling Federation Game.
WXMODEM.SDA 10240 04-23-90 [03] W-X-Modem Term For The 64.
X-WING.ARC 3328 10-10-92 [00] Basic Arcade Game.
X1541.ZIP 29824 11-21-92 [00] Copy Files From Pc To C=1541 Drive.
XEROPUS.ARC 6858 01-01-80 [01] Fun Arcade Shoot-Em-Up.
YATZY.ARC 4826 01-01-80 [01] Yatzey Game Simulation.
YELLOPGS.ARC 4572 01-01-80 [03] Directory Manager V2.
YOU.SFX 13824 11-17-91 [00] I Ching, Personality And Longevity.
ZAPIII.ARC 12288 10-10-92 [00] Basic Word Guessing Game.
ZAPLOAD.ARC 2540 01-01-80 [01] Fast Menu And Loader.
ZIPUNZIP.SDA 14848 10-31-90 [07] Zip And Unzip Program In One Sda.
ZIX2.ARC 5080 01-01-80 [04] Like Breakout. But Better.
║ Area #7 - Commodore 64 has 7955074 bytes in 494 files ║
║ Commodore 128 ║
128DTV27.SFX 23552 02-09-92 [02] Geos. Dual Top 128 V2.7.
128SID.SDA 14336 05-06-90 [03] 128 Sid Player.
1581DIAG.PRG 1152 03-12-92 [00] Check 1581 For Wd1772 And J1 Status.
1581HACK.ARC 4064 07-30-91 [04] Utility Prog For 1581 Internals.
1750EXPL.ARC 3302 07-31-91 [05] Info On Programing The 1750.
80X50.ARC 1024 11-23-91 [04] Good Routine To Give 80X50 Screem.
ACCTSPAY.SDA 25600 05-05-90 [03] 80 Col. Bookkeeping Pro.
ACE128V3.SFX 12928 10-13-92 [01] Unix-Like Shell W/Uuencode/Uudecode Util.
ADDE128.SFX 23808 12-19-91 [02] All Device Directory Editor 128.
AIRPORT.ARC 8128 07-30-91 [08] You Are The Air Traffic Controler.
AMI-BAS8.ARC 1524 07-30-91 [04] Amiga To Basic8 Pic Converter.
ASC2PET8.ARC 2304 09-23-92 [03] Translate, Split, Modify Ascii Files.
ASTRA2A.SDA 18560 10-23-91 [03] Astral Invaders. 80 Col Arcade Game.
AUTOBOOT.ARC 2286 07-30-91 [06] Creates On Track 1 Sector 0.
AUTOTERM.SDA 43264 07-14-90 [01] 128 Menu Driven 300/1200 Baud Terminal.
BACGAMON.ARC 14224 07-30-91 [01] Bacgamon Game Against Computer.
BASIC8-D.SDA 18432 05-01-90 [02] 80 Col Graphics Demo.
BDOS.ARC 7366 07-30-91 [07] Utilities Program.
BIG-BEN.ARC 1016 07-30-91 [04] Reu Clock, 40 Columns.
BIGCHARS.ARC 508 07-30-91 [01] Make Huge Letters On 80 Col Screen. 4X.
BIPLANE.ARC 3556 07-30-91 [01] Bi-Plane Dog Fight Game.
BRGRWHOP.ARC 32768 09-03-91 [01] Great 80-Col Game For The 128.
BUDGET.ARC 12700 07-30-91 [03] Personal Budget.128.
CASINO4.ARC 17780 07-30-91 [01] Slots, Craps, Blackjack & Roulette.
CASSETTE.ARC 4572 07-30-91 [03] 80C Audio Casette Labels.
CGTERM45.SDA 34048 07-14-90 [02] 128 Color Graphics Terminal Program.
CGTERM75.SDA 43008 05-06-90 [03] Color Graphics 1/Script Mode.
CHECKLOG.ARC 7366 07-30-91 [04] Check Book Log And Data File.
CHEKBOOK.SFX 22784 11-18-91 [01] Checkbook Manager. For C64 Or 128.
CHNGFILE.ARC 1778 07-30-91 [02] Change Prg-Seq-Usr File Type.
COMPACTR.SDA 7680 09-20-90 [03] R.Bakers Compactor/Uncompactor For Basic.
CONFIG8.ARC 20352 02-08-91 [03] Configure 2.1 For 128 Geos & Reu >=1Meg.
CPMTERM8.ARC 9472 10-13-92 [01] C=128 Native Mode Term Ul/Dl To Cp/M.
CRABTERM.SDA 53888 07-14-90 [03] 128 Windowed 2400 Baud Ansi Terminal.
CS-ASST1.SFX 9600 09-01-91 [03] Additional Commands For Cs-Dos.
CS-ASST2.SFX 12032 09-01-91 [03] More Commands For Use With Cs-Dos.
CS-DOC15.SFX 42368 08-29-92 [03] Document Files Of Cs-Dos 1.5.
CS-DOS15.ARC 104576 05-28-91 [06] Chris Smeets Dos System For C128.
CS-DOS15.SFX 48256 08-29-92 [03] Program Files Of Cs-Dos V1.5.
CSEXTRA2.ARC 19072 10-13-92 [00] C=128 W/Cs-Dos Commands For Cmd Hard.
CSXTRA42.LZH 53888 03-04-93 [01] Cs-Dos Utils W/Bvzip & Bvunzip.
DCATALOG.SDA 24192 07-15-90 [02] 128 File Catalog. Find Your Programs.
DES200-1.SFX 47872 08-23-90 [04] < Desterm V2.00 80 Col Ansi Term Prog >.
DES200-2.SFX 28160 08-23-90 [04] < For C128. You Must Download All Five >.
DES200-3.SFX 43776 08-23-90 [04] < Of The Des200-X's Files To Get The >.
DES200-4.SFX 20736 08-23-90 [04] < Complete Program Set. >.
DES200-5.ARC 1524 07-31-91 [04] < Desnotes.Txt. Disolves To A Seq File.>.
DESPATCH.ARC 508 07-30-91 [03] Fix Multipunter #2 Error In Desterm.
DIALOG22.SFX 45056 04-12-92 [01] Crippleware Version Of Dialog V2.2.
DIGISOND.ARC 1778 07-30-91 [03] Digitize Sound From Datasette.
DIR80EDT.ARC 8128 07-30-91 [04] 80Col Directory Editor.
DISKNOSE.ARC 5588 07-30-91 [03] Colorized/Enhanced Sec. Edit.
DISKWIZ.ARC 10160 07-30-91 [05] 1581 Compat 80 Col Disk Utility.
DRAW128.ARC 10668 07-31-91 [04] Create Drawings & Art-40 Col.
DTGLTLK8.SDA 8320 10-23-91 [02] Add Speech To Your Progs W/Digitalker.
DTS128.SDA 36992 10-13-92 [01] C=128 Disk Cataloging Pgm.
EBBS128.ARC 118528 08-03-90 [06] Ed Parry's Bulletin Board V4.5.
EBBS46-1.SFX 46208 09-25-91 [02] Part 1, Ebbs V4.6 By Ed Parry.
EBBS46-2.SFX 46208 09-25-91 [02] Part 2, Ebbs V4.6 By Ed Parry.
ELECTRK1.SDA 18432 05-05-90 [03] Electronics Prg Of Good Use.
ETERM45.ARC 14336 05-05-90 [03] Ed Perry's Mini X-Fer Term.
EXCH128.SDA 34816 05-01-90 [06] Mini-Xfer Bbs. Disolve 128 Md.
FILEMAX.ARC 8128 07-31-91 [04] Seq/Rel File Reader/Maker.
FILETYP8.ARC 1792 11-26-91 [00] Change All Or Some Files To Seq/Prg/Usr.
FLIKR5.SDA 19584 10-07-90 [04] Mac Viewer For C128. 64K Vdc Needed.
FONT40.SDA 28672 05-05-90 [05] 40 Column Font Editor.
FOOTBALL.ARC 5842 07-31-91 [01] You Call Plays Against Computer.
GAS128.SDA 45312 12-21-90 [03] Graphic Assault System W/Docs.
GDS.SFX 19968 09-16-90 [01] Gif File Viewer. Uses 80 Col Screen.
GDSLONG.ARC 3328 10-09-91 [02] 640X480 View Module For Gds.Sfx.
GEOTERM8.ARC 39936 06-03-91 [01] Terminal Prog For 128. Runs Under Geos.
GEOVIEW8.ARC 4608 10-13-92 [00] C=128 View Geopaint Pics.
GFXWHIZ5.SFX 24448 10-23-91 [00] 80 Col Color/Graphic Screen Editor.
GREP.SFX 24832 08-19-92 [01] Cp/M Utility.
GULPCOPY.ARC 2032 07-31-91 [00] Fastcopy To 1750 Ram Expander.
HAYESTRM.SDA 33280 10-09-90 [01] Ascii & Color/Graphics Terminal.
HEARTS.ARC 4608 10-13-92 [01] Hearts Card Game For The 128.
HIRESL&S.PRG 1024 11-25-91 [00] Hi-Res Save And Load Routines.
HURICANE.ARC 11008 07-14-91 [03] Plot And Forcast Hurricane. Good Map.
INTG100A.SFX 27392 07-18-92 [01] Intelligensia V1.00A Bbs 1/6.
INTG100B.SFX 39296 07-18-92 [01] Intelligensia V1.00A Bbs 2/6.
INTG100C.SFX 35456 07-18-92 [01] Intelligensia V1.00A Bbs 3/6.
INTG100D.SFX 47488 07-18-92 [01] Intelligensia V1.00A Bbs 4/6.
INTG100E.SFX 33536 07-18-92 [01] Intelligensia V1.00A Bbs 5/6.
INTG100F.SFX 28416 07-18-92 [01] Intelligensia V1.00A Bbs 6/6.
JJSLABLE.SDA 9216 05-04-90 [03] Label Program.
KDS128V2.SFX 17792 10-13-92 [01] Keydos 128. Also D/L Kdsutils.Sfx.
KDSUTILS.SFX 29568 10-13-92 [01] Utils File For Keydos 128.
LHARC128.ARC 59520 05-28-91 [04] Create Lharc And Sfx On C128. Req.Cs-Dos.
LIBRARY3.ARC 4572 07-31-91 [02] Combines Files. No Compact.
LILCO.ARC 4064 07-31-91 [00] Computer Link-Up To Power Company Comp.
LOANANAL.ARC 5080 07-31-91 [03] Loan Analysis Program 80 Col.
LOTTO128.PRG 2304 04-23-92 [00] Multi-Function Lotto # Picker. D. Fox.
LUCIELAB.ARC 17780 07-31-91 [01] La Belle Lucie. Vgood Solitaire Game.
LUNALAND.ARC 3556 07-31-91 [03] Lunar Lander Game.
LYNX128.ARC 23622 07-31-91 [11] Supports 1541, 1571, 1581, 1001, Msd.
MACVIEW.ARC 2540 07-31-91 [01] Mac Viewer For C128 With 16K Video Ram.
MACVIEW.SDA 14336 05-06-90 [05] View Or Use W/Basic8 64Kreg.
MAGICLOK.ARC 1016 07-31-91 [03] 128 Press Alt Key For Correct Time.
MAHJONGG.SFX 15488 10-13-92 [02] Mah-Jongg Game - Be Careful! Addictive.
MAILLIST.ARC 5080 07-31-91 [04] Mail And Phone List.
MAJRWRIT.ARC 18048 10-11-92 [00] C128 Major Write V4.
MANDLBRT.ARC 3048 07-31-91 [03] Generate Mandlebrot Sets.
MASTER.ARC 4064 07-31-91 [02] 128 Mastermind Game.
MENU128.ARC 2286 07-31-91 [06] Auto Menu For The 128.
MER128.ARC 113920 10-13-92 [01] Merlin 128 Assembler C=Arc.
MINIDOS.ARC 7112 07-31-91 [08] 80 Col Disk Utility.
MONITOR8.SFX 8576 10-13-92 [00] C=128 Monitor Use With Built In One.
MOVET1S0.ARC 3556 07-31-91 [04] Move Data In T1, S0 To Add Autoboot.
MULTTERM.SDA 47360 07-17-90 [02] Multiterm 2400Bd 80Col Not Ansi.
NERDCOPY.ARC 2540 07-31-91 [03] Updated 2 Dr. File Copier.
NEZCHAR.ARC 24576 05-04-90 [04] Character Set For Nezterm9.62.
NEZTM971.ARC 47872 06-04-91 [01] Nezterm V9.71 C128 Terminal Program.
NOSECOPY.ARC 1270 07-31-91 [04] Single Drive Ml File Copier.
NOTEPAD.SDA 4864 07-15-90 [06] 128 Notepad & Clock. Runs In Background.
OVERLAYS.SDA 7168 05-02-90 [04] Print Keyboard & Fkey Overlays.
PER-CHK8.ARC 33792 10-13-92 [01] C=128 Personal Check.
PHOENIX1.SDA 33792 05-04-90 [03] Very Good 40/80 Col. Terminal.
PIZZA.ARC 2032 07-31-91 [03] 128 Cute Animation. Sick, Sick Humor.
POWERSID.SDA 16640 10-13-92 [00] Nice Sid Player For 128 Mode.
POWERTM1.SDA 30976 09-28-91 [00] Power Term V2 Program.
POWERTM2.SDA 44416 09-28-91 [00] Power Term V2 Docs.
PPERFECT.SFX 19328 10-13-92 [00] Picture Perfect Gfx Package. Load & Run.
PRO128V1.SDA 52224 05-06-90 [01] New! 80 Col. Term. Prgv16.1.
PROBE80.ARC 9906 07-31-91 [03] Good Track & Sector Editor.
QTERM80.SDA 17536 07-22-90 [03] Qlinks Mouse/Joystick 80 Col Term.
QWKRRV22.SFX 37376 10-27-92 [10] V2.2. Olr For C128. W/New Qwikread.
RAMDOS.SDA 27648 05-02-90 [05] Reu Ramdos, Wedge, Filecopy 64/128.
RAMINFO.ARC 6858 07-31-91 [02] Upgrade 1700/1764 To 1750 Instructions.
REUUTIL.SDA 26624 05-02-90 [05] Ram Expander Utility. Pretty Fancy.
REVIVE.ARC 1524 07-31-91 [02] Will Unscratch Files.
RFT128V3.SDA 27648 05-04-90 [02] Reflex Term Punter Only.
RISKEY.ARC 13970 07-31-91 [03] Like Risk Without Board.War Game.
RLE-VIEW.ARC 1524 07-31-91 [02] View .Rle Pic Files.
ROLLODEX.SDA 16512 07-22-90 [05] Rollodex File With Autodial.
ROMMAP.ARC 3302 07-31-91 [06] Map Of All Rom Locations.
RUSREAD8.ARC 2560 02-04-92 [00] Seq Read/Prnt Wordwrap Pagepaus Margins.
SB-VIDEO.SDA 11264 05-01-90 [03] Superbase Video Filer.
SCRNGEM.ARC 27008 10-13-92 [00] C=64 Screen Gem Gfx Designer.
SDA128.SDA 25600 05-04-90 [11] C128 Version Of Sda. 80 Col.
SIMPLERD.ARC 762 07-31-91 [03] Simple File Reader By Chuck.
SMW128V2.SFX 17536 10-23-91 [01] Add Smartwatch Clock/Cal Chip To C128.
SOLITAIR.SFX 17152 10-13-92 [01] Windows Style, Play W/1351 Or Kb.
SPCINVAD.ARC 7366 07-31-91 [02] Hi-Res 80 Col Shoot 'em Up.
SPEEDSCR.ARC 5588 07-31-91 [02] Speed Script 128. Word Processor.
SQUSQ.SFX 33280 10-14-92 [01] Cp/M Squeeze/Unsqueeze Utility.
SSCPT128.SDA 14464 10-13-92 [01] C=128 Modified Version Of Speed Script,.
STARTREK.SDA 34048 07-23-90 [13] Uss Enterpris Flight Simulator.Good Game.
STR39-1.ARC 56832 10-13-92 [01] Latest St/R Bbs Supports Ansi, X-Modem1K.
STR39-2.ARC 38784 10-13-92 [01] This Has The Udedit File Needed To Set.
STRDOCS.ARC 28928 10-13-92 [01] Docs For The Bbs. Read Them Thoroughly.
STREMPIR.ARC 19840 10-13-92 [01] This Is The Empire Game Module For St/R.
STRMENU1.SDA 6272 10-13-92 [01] New & Different Color Menus For St/R Bbs.
STRMENU2.SDA 5248 10-13-92 [01] Part 2 Of New Menus For St/R Bbs.
STRPROTO.ARC 3968 10-13-92 [01] The Transfer Protocols For St/R Bbs.
SUPERNUM.ARC 3048 07-31-91 [02] Subroutines To Do Hex$ Math.
SUPRSWEP.SDA 7936 07-23-90 [05] Cbm To Cp/M To Msdos File Read/Copy.
SVNT484A.SFX 36736 01-29-93 [00] The Servant, By A. H. Janassen.
SVNT484B.SFX 24704 01-29-93 [00] A Super Utility Program For The Empty.
SVNT484C.SFX 36864 01-29-93 [00] Socket In Your C128. Also Installs As A.
SVNT484D.SFX 42112 01-29-93 [00] Cartridge Or In Eprom Socket In Reu.
TETRIS.ARC 4572 07-31-91 [07] 128 Tetris Game.
TRUCKIN'.ARC 12192 07-31-91 [00] Plan & Finance Cross Country Haul.
TYPEFILE.ARC 1016 07-31-91 [04] 80 Column File Reader. Nice.
UNI-COPY.ARC 3810 07-31-91 [04] Universal File Copy Utility.
UNIXV30A.SFX 42239 07-18-91 [04] Pt 1 Of 5; Unix Operating System For C128.
UNIXV30B.SFX 41594 07-18-91 [04] Pt 2 Of 5; Unix Operating System For C128.
UNIXV30C.SFX 32296 07-18-91 [05] Pt 3 Of 5; Unix Operating Sustem For C128.
UNIXV30D.SFX 33658 07-18-91 [04] Pt 4 Of 5; Unix Operating Sustem For C128.
UNIXV30E.SFX 18195 07-18-91 [03] Pt 5 Of 5; Unix Iperating System For C128.
VELVEETA.ARC 11684 07-31-91 [02] Clean Up & Re-Format Text Files.
VIDPOKER.ARC 9398 07-31-91 [02] Good 80 Col Video Poker Game.
WHEEL128.SFX 14720 02-10-92 [00] Very Good "Wheel Of Fortune" By Artie M.
WINDY2.SFX 11520 10-13-92 [00] Another Graphics Editor For The 128.
XLINK.SDA 13568 07-19-90 [07] Read/Write Ibm Dos, Cp/M, Seq, Prg Files.
YAHTZEE.ARC 11684 07-31-91 [01] The Yahtzee Board/Dice Game.
ZED12877.SFX 22528 02-28-93 [01] Super Sequential File Viewer And Editor.
ZED75HLP.ARC 1792 08-05-92 [04] Print Out Keyboard Commands For Zed075.
ZFLTCHR.SDA 17536 10-13-92 [00] C=128 Zounds Music.
ZGUDMRN.SDA 22656 10-13-92 [00] C=128 Zounds Goodmorning.
ZL&H.SDA 44160 10-13-92 [00] C=128 Zounds Digitiged Sound.
ZOUNDS!.SDA 38016 10-13-92 [00] C=128/80 Col Zounds! Digitizer.
║ Area #8 - Commodore 128 has 3703050 bytes in 182 files ║
║ Computer Country has 17204108 bytes in 1080 files available ║