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LITTLE RED READER: MS-DOS file reader for the 128 and 1571/81 drives.
by Craig Bruce <csbruce@neumann.uwaterloo.ca>
This article presents a program that reads MS-DOS files and the root directory
of MS-DOS disks. The program copies only from drive to drive without
buffering file data internally. This is simpler and imposes no limits on the
size of the files transferred, although it requires the use of two disk drives
(or a logical drive). The user-interface code is written in BASIC and
presents a full-screen file selection menu. The grunt-work code is written in
assembly language and operates at maximum velosity.
The Burst Command Instruction Set of the 1571/81 is used to read the MS-DOS
disk blocks and the standard kernel routines are used for outputting the
data. (I am an operating systems specialist, so I call it a kernEl!) Thus,
the MS-DOS files must be read from a 1571 or 1581 disk drive, but the output
device may be any disk drive type, the screen or a printer, or a virtual drive
type such as RAMLink, RAMDrive, or RAMDOS (for the REU). It is interesting to
note that the data can be read in from an MS-DOS disk faster than it can be
written out to a 1571, 1581, or even a RAMDOS file. A RAMLink can swallow the
data only slightly faster than it can be read.
Little Red Reader (LRR) supports double density 3.5" disks formatted with 80
tracks, 9 sectors per track, and 2 sides with a 1581 and 5.25" double density
disks formatted with 40 tracks, 9 sectors per track, and 2 sides with a 1571.
A limit of 128 directory entries and 3 File Allocation Table (FAT) sectors is
imposed. There must be 2 copies of the FAT and the cluster size may be 1 or 2
sectors. The sector size must be 512 bytes.
Oh, about the name. It is a play on the name of another MS-DOS file copier
available for the C-128. "Little" means that it is smaller in scope than the
other program, and "Red" is a different primary color to avoid any legal
complications. It is also the non-white color of the flag of the country of
origin of this program (no, I am not Japanese). Also, this program is Public
Domain Software, as is all software I develop for 8-bit Commodore Computers.
Feel free to E-mail me if you have questions or comments about this article.
LOAD and RUN the "lrr.128" BASIC program file. When the program is first run,
it will display an "initializing" message and will load in the binary machine
language package from the "current" Commodore DOS drive (the current drive is
obtained from PEEK(186) - the last device accessed). The binary package is
loaded only on the first run and is not reloaded on subsequent runs if the
package ID field is in place.
The main screen of the program is then displayed. The main screen of the
program will look something like this:
--- - --- --- -------- --- ------
1 * ASC SEQ HACK4 TXT 120732
except that immediately after starting up, "<no files>" will be displayed
rather than filenames. The "MS-DEV" and "MS-TYPE" fields give the device
number and type of the drive containing the MS-DOS disk to copy from, and the
"CBM-DEV" gives the device number of the drive/virtual drive/character device
to copy file data to.
Information about all MS-DOS files in the root directory of the MS-DOS disk is
displayed in columns below the drive information. "NUM" gives the number of
the MS-DOS file in the directory listing, and "S" indicates whether the file
is "selected" or not. If the file is selected, an asterisk (*) is displayed;
otherwise, a blank is displayed. When you later enter Copy Mode, only the
files that have been "selected" are copied.
The "TRN" field indicates the character translation scheme to be used when the
file is copied. A value of "BIN" (binary) means no translation and a value of
"ASC" (ascii) means the file characters are to be translated from MS-DOS ASCII
(or "ASCII-CrLf") to PETSCII. The "TYP" field indicates the type of
Commodore-DOS file to create for writing the MS-DOS file contents into. The
possible values are "SEQ" (sequential) and "PRG" (program). The values of the
TRN and TYP fileds are set independently, so you can copy binary data to SEQ
files and ascii data to PRG files if you wish.
The "FILENAME" and "EXT" fields give the filename and extension type of the
MS-DOS files and "LENGTH" gives the exact length of the files in bytes. Note
that if you perform "ASC" translation on a file, its PETSCII version will have
a shorter length.
The bottom of the screen gives the command summary. After starting the
program, you will want to setup the MS-DOS and CBM-DOS drives with the "M" and
"F" commands. Simply press the (letter) key corresponding to the command
name to activate the command. Pressing M will prompt you for the MS-DOS Drive
Number and the MS-DOS Drive Type. In both cases, type the number and press
RETURN. (Sorry for insulting all non-novices out there, but I want to be
complete). The MS-DOS drive number cannot be the same as the CBM-DOS drive
number (since the program copies from drive-to-drive without internal
buffering). For the drive type, enter an "8", "81", or "1581" for a 1581
drive or anything else for a 1571 drive.
Pressing F will prompt you for the CBM-DOS device number. You may enter a
number from 0 to 30, except that it must not be the MS-DOS drive number.
Enter a "1" for Cassette Drive (God forbid!), a "3" for the screen, a "4" for
the printer (with an automatic secondary address of 7 (lowercase)), any number
above 7 for a Commodore disk drive or special virtual drive, or a value of "0"
for the special "null" drive. A CBM-DEV value of 0 will case the program to
read MS-DOS files and do nothing with the output. You can use this feature to
check out the raw reading speed of the program.
After setting up the drives, press D to read in the root directory off the
MS-DOS disk. The data will come blazing in from the disk but BASIC will take
its good ole time sifting through it. Filenames are displayed on the screen
as they are scanned in. The program will (eventually) return to the main
screen and display the formatted file information. One note: the process of
logging in a 1581 MS-DOS disk takes about 12 seconds (on my 1581, anyway), so
be patient. An MS-DOS disk will have to be "logged in" every time you change
MS-DOS disks. (Disks are logged in automatically).
A couple of notes about accessing MS-DOS disks: don't try to access a device
that is not present because the machine language routines cannot handle this
error for some reason and will lock up, requiring a STOP+RESTORE. Also, make
sure that an actual MS-DOS disk is loaded into the drive. If you accidentally
place Commodore-DOS disk into the MS-DOS drive, the 1581 will report an
invalid boot parameters error (#60), but a 1571 will lock up (since I don't
check the sector size and my burst routines are expecting 512 bytes to come
out of a sector whereas Commodore disks have only 256 bytes per sector).
Now you are ready to pick what files you want copied and how you want them
copied. You will notice that a "cursor" appears in the "S" column of the
first file. You may move the cursor around with the cursor keys: UP, DOWN,
LEFT, RIGHT, HOME, and CLR. CLR (SHIFT-HOME) will move the cursor back to the
first file on the first screen. You can move the cursor among the select,
translation, and file-type columns of all the files. Pressing a SPACE or a
RETURN will toggle the value of the field that the cursor is on. To toggle
all of the values of the "cursor" column (including files on all other
screens), press T. You will notice that moving the cursor around and toggling
fields is a bit sluggish, especially if you are in Slow mode on the 40-column
screen. Did I mention that this program will run on either the 40 or
80-column screen? Toggling an entire column can take a couple of seconds.
If there are more than 18 MS-DOS files, you can press the "+" and "-" keys to
move among all of the screens of files. The cursor movement keys will wrap
around on the current screen. "+" is page forward, and "-" is page backward.
The screens wrap around too.
After you have selected all of the files you want to copy and their translation
and file-type fields have been set, press the C key to go into Copy Mode (next
section). After copying, you are returned to the main screen with all of the
field settings still intact. To exit from the program, press Q.
When you enter copy mode, the screen will clear and the name of each selected
file is displayed as it is being copied. If an error is encountered on either
the MS-DOS or CBM-DOS drive during copying, an error message will be displayed
and copying will continue (after you press a key for MS-DOS errors).
To generate a CBM-DOS filename from an MS-DOS filename, the eight filename
characters are taken (including spaces) and a dot (.) and the three characters
of the extension are appended. Then, all spaces are removed, and if the name
ends with a dot (.) character, then that dot character is removed as well. I
think this is fairly reasonable.
If there already is a file with the same filename on the CBM-DOS disk, then
you will be prompted if you want to overwrite the file or not. Entering an
"n" will abort the copying of that file and go on to the next file, and
entering a "y" (or anything else) will cause the CBM-DOS file to be
"scratched" and then re-written.
The physical copying of the file is done completely in machine language and
nothing is displayed on the screen while this is happening, but you can follow
things by looking at das blinkin lichtes and listening for clicks and grinds.
You will probably be surprised by the MS-DOS file reading speed (I mean in a
good way). The disk data is read in whole tracks and cached in memory and the
directory information and the FAT are retained in memory as well. The result
is that minimal time is spent reading disk data, and no costly seeks are
required for opening a new MS-DOS file. A result is that small files are
copied one after another very quickly. You will have to wait, however, on the
relatively slow standard kernel/Commodore-DOS file writing.
A few changes had to be made to the program to accomodate the RAMDOS program.
RAMDOS uses memory from $2300 to $3FFF of RAM0, which is not really a good
place for a device driver, and it uses some of the zero-page locations that I
wanted to use. But, difficulties were overcome. The importance of RAMDOS
compatibility is that if you only have one disk drive but you have an REU, you
can use RAMDOS to store the MS-DOS files temporarily. If you only have one
disk drive and no REU, you are SOL (Out of Luck) unless you can get a
RamDisk-type program for an unexpanded 128. The RAMDOS program is available
from FTP site "ccosun.caltech.edu" in file "/pub/rknop/util128/ramdosii.sfx".
One note I found out about RAMDOS: you cannot use a
with it like you are supposed to be able to; you have to use a
Here is a table of copying speeds for copying from 1571s and 1581s with ASC
and BIN translation modes. All figures are in bytes/second. These results
were obtained from copying a 127,280 byte text file (the text of C= Hacking
Issue #3).
FROM \ TO: "null" RAMLink RAMDOS JD1581 JD1571
-------+ ------ ------- ------ ------ ------
81-bin | 5772 3441 2146 n/a 644
81-asc | 5772 3434 2164 n/a 661
71-bin | 4323 2991 1949 1821 n/a
71-asc | 4323 2982 1962 1847 n/a
The "null" device is that "0" CBM-DOS device number, and a couple of entries
are "n/a" since I only have one 1571 and one 1581. Note that my 71 and 81 are
JiffyDOS-ified, so the performance of a stock 71/81 will be poorer. JiffyDOS
gives about a 2x performance improvement for the standard file accessing calls
(open, close, chrin, chrout). RAMDOS doesn't seem to be as snappy as you
might think.
The "null" figures are quite impressive, but the raw sector reading speed
without the overhead of mucking around with file organization is 6700
bytes/sec for a 1581 and 4600 B/s for a 71. The reason that the 1571 operates
so quickly is that I use a sector interleave of 4 (which is optimal) for
reading the tracks. I think that other MS-DOS file copier program uses an
interleave of 1 (which is not optimal). I lose some of the raw performance
because I copy the file data internally once before outputting it (to simplify
some of the code).
In a couple of places you will notice that ASC translation gives slightly
better or slightly worse performance than BIN. This is because although
slightly more work is required to translate the characters, slightly fewer
characters will have to be written to the CBM-DOS file, since PETSCII uses
only CR where MS-DOS ASCII uses CR and LF to represent end-of-line.
Translation is done by using a table (that you can change if you wish). Many
entries in this table contain a value of zero, which means that no character
will be output on translation. Most of the control characters and all of the
characters of value 128 (0x80) or greater are thrown away on being
translated. The table is set up so that CR characters are thrown away and the
LF character is translated to a CBM-DOS CR character. Thus, both MS-DOS ASCII
files and UNIX ASCII files can be translated correctly.
Three burst commands from the 1571/81 disk drive Burst Command Instruction Set
are required to allow this program to read the MS-DOS disks: Query Disk
Format, Sector Interleave, and Read. The grungy details about issuing burst
commands and burst mode handshaking are covered in C= Hacking Issue #3. The
Query Disk Format command is used to "log in" the MS-DOS disk. The Inquire
Disk burst command cannot be used with an MS-DOS disk on the 1581 for some
unknown reason. I found this out the hard way. The Query Disk Format command
has the following format:
BYTE \ bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 | Value
0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | "U"
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | "0"
2 | F | X | X | S | 1 | 0 | 1 | N | 10
where the F, S, and N bits have a value of 0 for our purposes. A response of
a burst status byte and six other throw-away bytes is given from the drive.
This command takes quite a long time to execute on my 1581 but works quite
quickly on my 1571. You only have to log in a disk whenever you change
The Sector Interleave command is used to set a soft interleave for the Read
command. I use an interleave of 1 for the 1581 and an interleave of 4 for the
1571. This means that the MS-DOS sectors will come from 1571 to the computer
in the following order: 1, 5, 9, 4, 8, 3, 7, 2, 6 (there are 9 sectors per
track on an MS-DOS disk (both 3.5" and 5.25"), numbered from 1 to 9). LRR
handles the data coming in in this order, and in straight order from the
1581. The Sector Interleave command has the following format, where the W and
N bits are 0 for us:
BYTE \ bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 | Value
0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | "U"
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | "0"
2 | W | X | X | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | N | 8
3 | <interleave> | 1 or 4
The Read command is used to transfer the nine sectors of a track to the
computer in the order specified by the interleave. The format is:
BYTE \ bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 | Value
0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | "U"
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | "0"
2 | T/L | E | B/X | S | 0 | 0 | 0 | N | 0 or 16
3 | <track> | ???
4 | <sector> | 1
5 | <number of sectors> | 9
There are a couple of differences between the 1571 and 1581 versions of this
command. Most important, the S bit (Side of disk to use) has the opposite
meaning on the two drives. There's no good reason that I know of for this
inconsistency. This is the reason that LRR needs to know what type of MS-DOS
drive it is dealing with (plus interleaving).
The read command returns the following data using burst mode handshaking:
0 | Burst Status Byte |
1 | |
... + 512 Data Bytes |
512 | |
for each sector transferred. If the Burst Status Byte indicates an error,
then the data is not transferred and none of the following sectors are
either. If the status byte gives a "Disk Changed" error, then you have to log
in the disk with the Query Disk Format command before read will work
properly. This is actually a good feature since it lets you know about a disk
change so you can update any data structures you may have. LRR simply re-logs
in the disk without updating any data structures and re-tries the failed read
An MS-DOS disk is separated into 4 different parts: the Boot Sector, the
FAT(s), the Root Directory, and the File Data Sectors. The logical sectors
(blocks) of a disk are numbered from 0 to some maximum number (1439 for a
3.5", 719 for a 5.25" DD disk). The physical layout and the logical sector
numbers typically used by a 3.5" disk are shown here:
0 | Boot Sector |
1..3 | FAT copy #1 |
4..6 | FAT copy #2 |
7..14 | Root Directory |
15 | |
... | File Data Sectors |
1439 | |
The Boot Sector is always at logical sector number 0. It contains some
important information about the format of the disk and it also contains code
to boot an MS-DOS machine from. We aren't concerned with the bootstrapping
code, but the important values we need to obtain from the boot sector are:
---- ------ ---- ---- -----------
CS 13 2 2 Cluster size in sectors
NB 14 1 1 Number of boot sectors
NF 16 2 2 Number of FATs
FL 23 2 3 FAT size in sectors
DE 17 112 112 Number of root directory entries
TS 19,20 720 1440 Total Number of sectors
NS 24 9 9 Number of sectors per track
NH 26 2 2 Number of sides
The 1571 and 1581 columns give the typical values of these parameters for
5.25" and 3.5" disks. The OFFSET is the address of the parameter within the
boot sector. The total number of sectors is given in low-byte, high-byte
order (since the 80x86 family is little-endian like the 6502 family). From
the above parameters, we can derive the following important parameters:
---- ------- ---- ---- -----------
F1 NB+NF*FL 5 7 First root directory sector
FS NB+NF*FL+DE 12 14 First file data sector number
NC (TS-FS)/CS 354 713 Total number of file clusters
LRR imposes a number of limits on these parameters and will error-out if you
try to use a disk that is outside of LRR's limits.
MS-DOS disks use a data structure called a File Allocation Table (FAT) to
record which clusters belong to which file in what order and which blocks are
free. A cluster is a set of contiguous sectors which are allocated to files
as a group. LRR handles cluster sizes of 1 and 2 sectors, giving a logical
file block size of 512 or 1024 bytes. Typically, a cluster size of 2 sectors
is used.
The FAT is an array of 12-bit numbers, with an entry corresponding to each
cluster that can be allocated to files. FAT entries 0 and 1 are reserved. If
a FAT entry contains a value of $000, then the corresponding cluster is free
and can be allocated to a file; otherwise, the cluster is allocated and the
FAT entry contains the number of the NEXT FAT entry that belongs to the file.
Thus, MS-DOS files are stored in a singly-linked list of clusters like
Commodore-DOS files are, except that the links are not in the data sectors but
rather are in the FAT. The pointer to the first FAT entry for a file is given
in the file's directory entry.
A special NULL/NIL pointer value of $FFF is used to indicate the end of the
chain of clusters allocated to a file. This value is stored in the FAT entry
of the last cluster allocated to a file (of course). Consider the following
example FAT:
----- -----
$000 $FFF
$001 $FFF
$002 |----$003 <------Directory Entry
$003 +--> $005----+
$004 $000 |
$005 $FFF <--+
Entries 0 and 1 are insignificant since they are reserved. Say that a file
starts at FAT entry #2. Then, it consists of the following chain of clusters:
2, 3, and 5. Cluster #4 is free. Clusters can be allocated to a file in
random order, but if they are allocated contiguously in forward order, then
the file will be able to be read faster. The FAT is such an important data
structure that typically two copies are kept on the disk incase one of them
should become corrupted.
The MS-DOS designers were a little sneaky in storing the 12-bit FAT entries -
they used only 12 real bits per entry. Ie., they store two FAT entries in
three bytes, where the two entries share the two nybbles of the middle byte.
The following diagram shows how the nybbles 1 (high), 2 (mid), and 3 (low) are
stored into FAT entries A and B:
BYTE: 0 1 2
+---+---+ +---+---+ +---+---+
ENTRY: | A | A | | B | A | | B | B |
NYBBLE: | 2 | 3 | | 3 | 1 | | 1 | 2 |
+---+---+ +---+---+ +---+---+
Anyway, let's just say it's a bit tricky to extract the 12-bit values from
this compressed data structure. On top of that, I don't think there is any
saving in disk space resulting from compressing this structure; they might as
well have just used a 16-bit FAT (like they do nowadays on larger disks).
The root directory has a fixed size, although I don't think that
subdirectories do. LRR cannot access subdirectories. Each 512-byte sector of
the root directory contains sixteen 32-byte directory entries. One directory
entry is required for each file stored on the disk. A directory entry has the
following structure:
------ --- -----------
0..7 8 Filename
8..10 3 Extension
11 1 <unused?>
12 1 Attributes: $10=Directory, $08=VolumeId
13..21 9 <unused>
22..25 4 Date
26..27 2 Starting FAT entry number
28..31 4 File length in bytes
The filename and extension are stored with trailing padding spaces. If a
directory entry is unused or deleted, then the first character of the filename
is either a $00 or a $E5 (229). This is why you have to provide the first
character of a filename if you are undeleting a file on an MS-DOS machine.
Note that there is enough unused space that Microsoft or IBM could have
ditched the annoying 8+3 character filename format.
The attributes bits tell whether the directory entry is for a regular file, a
subdirectory, a disk volume name (in which case there is no file data), and a
couple of other things I can't remember. I'm not sure about the exact
position or format of the date, but LRR doesn't use it anyway. The starting
FAT entry number and the file length are stored in lower-byte-first order.
The ramainder of the disk space is used for storing file data in clusters of 1
or 2 sectors each. Given a cluster number (which is also the FAT entry
number), the following formula is used to calculate the starting logical
sector number of the cluster:
(ClusterNumber - 2) * ClusterSizeInBlocks + FirstFileDataLogicalSectorNumber
where "FirstFileDataLogicalSectorNumber" is the "FS" parameter derived
earlier. The following consecutive logical sector numbers up to the number of
sectors per cluster form the rest of the cluster. Note that a single cluster
can span sectors from one side of the disk to another or from one track to
another. We perform the "(ClusterNumber - 2)" portion of the calculation
since the first two FAT entries are reserved.
Since the Read burst command of the 1571/81 wants the side, track, and sector
number of a sector rather than its logical number, we also need formulae for
these conversions:
Track = LogicalSectorNumber / 18
Sector = LogicalSectorNumber % 9 + 1
Side = (LogicalSectorNumber / 9) % 2
These formulae are more problematic than the previous one since they require
division by 9 and 18. LRR uses the method of repeated subtraction to perfrom
the necessary division (only one division is necessary). The above formulae
imply that sequential logical sectors are stored on the top of the disk
first and then the bottom of the disk of the same track, and then on the top
of the next track, etc. This is a good sector numbering scheme (unlike the
CBM-DOS scheme for 1571 sectors) since it is faster to switch sides of the
disk than it is to switch tracks, so you can read the disk faster.
Oh yeah, the way that you know how many file data bytes are in the last
cluster of a file chain (the cluster with the NULL FAT entry) is to take the
file length from the directory entry and "mod" (the C language % operator) it
with the cluster size. One special case is if this calculation results in a
zero, then the last cluster is completely full (rather than completely empty
as the calculation would suggest). This calculation is easily done in
machine language with an AND operation since the cluster size is always a
power of two.
This section discusses the interface to and implementation of the MS-DOS file
copying package. It is written in assembly language and is loaded into memory
at address $8000 on bank 0 and requires about 13K of memory. The package is
loaded at this high address to be out of the way of the main BASIC program,
even if RAMDOS is installed.
The subroutine call and parameter passing interface to the file copying
package is summarized as follows:
------- -----------
PK InitPackage subroutine
PK+3 LoadDirectory subroutine
PK+6 CopyFile subroutine
PK+9 two-byte package identification number
PK+15 errno : error code returned
PK+16 MS-DOS device number (8 to 30)
PK+17 MS-DOS device type ($00=1571, $FF=1581)
PK+18 two-byte starting cluster number for file copying
PK+20 low and mid bytes of file length for copying
where "PK" is the load address of the package. Additional subroutine
parameters are passed in the processor registers.
The "InitPackage" subroutine should be called when the package is first
installed, whenever the MS-DOS device number is changed, and whenever a new
disk is mounted to invalidate the internal track cache. It requires no
The "LoadDirectory" subroutine will load the directory, FAT, and the Boot
Sector parameters into the internal memory of the package from the current
MS-DOS device number. No (other) input parameters are needed and the
subroutine returns a pointer to the directory space in the .AY registers and
the number of directory entries in the .X register. If an error occurs, then
the subroutine returns with the Carry flag set and the error code is available
in the "errno" interface variable. The directory entry data is in the
directory space as it was read in raw from the directory sectors on the MS-DOS
The "CopyFile" subroutine will copy a single file from the MS-DOS disk to a
specified CBM-Kernal logical file number (the CBM file must already be
opened). If the CBM logical file number is zero, then the file data is simply
discarded after it is read from the MS-DOS file. The starting cluster number
of the file to copy and the low and mid bytes of the file length are passed in
the PK+18 and PK+20 interface words. The translation mode to use is passed in
the .A register ($00=binary, $FF=ascii) and the CBM logical file number to
output to is passed in the .X register. If an error occurs, the routine
returns with the Carry flag set and the error code in the "errno" interface
variable. There are no other output parameters.
Note that since the starting cluster number and low-file length of the file to
be copied are required rather than the filename, it is the responsibility of
the front-end application program to dig through the raw directory sector data
to get this information. The application must also open the Commodore-DOS
file of whatever filetype on whatever device is required; the package does not
need to know the Commodore-DOS device number.
The MS-DOS device number and device type interface variables allow you to set
the MS-DOS drive and the package identification number allows the application
program to check if the package is already loaded into memory so that it only
has to load the package the first time the application is run and not on
re-runs. The identification sequence is a value of $CB followed by a value
of 131.
This section presents the code that implements the MS-DOS file reading
package. It is here in a special form; each code line is preceded by a few
special characters and the line number. The special characters are there to
allow you to easily extract the assembler code from the rest of this magazine
(and all of my ugly comments). On a Unix system, all you have to do is
execute the following command line (substitute filenames as appropriate):
grep '^\.%...\!' Hack4 | sed 's/^.%...\!..//' | sed 's/.%...\!//' >lrr.s
You'll notice that the initial comment lines here were an afterthought.
.%000! ;Little Red Reader MS-DOS file copier program
.%000! ;written 92/10/03 by Craig Bruce for C= Hacking Net Magazine
The code is written for the Buddy assembler and here are a couple setup
directives. Note that my comments come before the section of code.
.%001! .org $8000
.%002! .obj "@:lrr.bin"
.%004! ;====jump table and parameters interface ====
.%006! jmp initPackage
.%007! jmp loadDirectory
.%008! jmp copyFile
.%010! .byte $cb,131 ;identification
.%011! .byte 0,0,0,0
These variables are included in the package program space to minimize unwanted
interaction with other programs loaded at the same time, such as the RAMDOS
device driver.
.%013! errno .buf 1 ;(location pk+15)
.%014! sourceDevice .buf 1
.%015! sourceType .buf 1 ;$00=1571, $ff=1581
.%016! startCluster .buf 2
.%017! lenML .buf 2 ;length medium and low bytes
.%019! ;====global declaraions====
.%021! kernelListen = $ffb1
.%022! kernelSecond = $ff93
.%023! kernelUnlsn = $ffae
.%024! kernelAcptr = $ffa2
.%025! kernelCiout = $ffa8
.%026! kernelSpinp = $ff47
.%027! kernelChkout = $ffc9
.%028! kernelClrchn = $ffcc
.%029! kernelChrout = $ffd2
.%031! st = $d0
.%032! ciaClock = $dd00
.%033! ciaFlags = $dc0d
.%034! ciaData = $dc0c
These are the parameters and derived parameters from the boot sector. They
are kept in the program space to avoid interactions.
.%036! clusterBlockCount .buf 1 ;1 or 2
.%037! fatBlocks .buf 1 ;up to 3
.%038! rootDirBlocks .buf 1 ;up to 8
.%039! rootDirEntries .buf 1 ;up to 128
.%040! totalSectors .buf 2 ;up to 1440
.%041! firstFileBlock .buf 1
.%042! firstRootDirBlock .buf 1
.%043! fileClusterCount .buf 2
The cylinder (track) and side that is currently stored in the trach cache.
.%045! bufCylinder .buf 1
.%046! bufSide .buf 1
.%047! formatParms .buf 6
This package is split into a number of levels. This level interfaces with the
Kernal serial bus routines and the burst command protocol of the disk drives.
.%049! ;====hardware level====
Connect to the MS-DOS device and send the "U0" burst command prefix and the
burst command byte.
.%051! sendU0 = * ;( .A=burstCommandCode ) : .CS=err
.%052! pha
.%053! lda #0
.%054! sta st
.%055! lda sourceDevice
.%056! jsr kernelListen
.%057! lda #$6f
.%058! jsr kernelSecond
.%059! lda #"u"
.%060! jsr kernelCiout
.%061! bit st
.%062! bmi sendU0Error
.%063! lda #"0"
.%064! jsr kernelCiout
.%065! pla
.%066! jsr kernelCiout
.%067! bit st
.%068! bmi sendU0Error
.%069! clc
.%070! rts
.%072! sendU0Error = *
.%073! lda #5
.%074! sta errno
.%075! sec
.%076! rts
Toggle the "Data Accepted / Ready For More" clock signal for the burst
transfer protocol.
.%078! toggleClock = *
.%079! lda ciaClock
.%080! eor #$10
.%081! sta ciaClock
.%082! rts
Wait for a burst byte to arrive in the serial data register of CIA#1 from the
fast serial bus.
.%084! serialWait = *
.%085! lda #$08
.%086! - bit ciaFlags
.%087! beq -
.%088! rts
Wait for and get a burst byte from the fast serial bus, and send the "Data
Accepted" signal.
.%090! getBurstByte = *
.%091! jsr serialWait
.%092! ldx ciaData
.%093! jsr toggleClock
.%094! txa
.%095! rts
Send the burst commands to "log in" the MS-DOS disk and set the Read sector
interleave factor.
.%097! mountDisk = * ;() : .CS=err
.%098! lda #%00011010
.%099! jsr sendU0
.%100! bcc +
.%101! rts
.%102! + jsr kernelUnlsn
.%103! bit st
.%104! bmi sendU0Error
.%105! clc
.%106! jsr kernelSpinp
.%107! bit ciaFlags
.%108! jsr toggleClock
.%109! jsr getBurstByte
.%110! sta errno
.%111! and #$0f
.%112! cmp #2
.%113! bcs mountExit
Grab the throw-away parameters from the mount operation.
.%114! ldy #0
.%115! - jsr getBurstByte
.%116! sta formatParms,y
.%117! iny
.%118! cpy #6
.%119! bcc -
.%120! clc
Set the sector interleave to 1 for a 1581 or 4 for a 1571.
.%121! ;** set interleave
.%122! lda #%00001000
.%123! jsr sendU0
.%124! bcc +
.%125! rts
.%126! + lda #1 ;interleave of 1 for 1581
.%127! bit sourceType
.%128! bmi +
.%129! lda #4 ;interleave of 4 for 1571
.%130! + jsr kernelCiout
.%131! jsr kernelUnlsn
.%132! mountExit = *
.%133! rts
Read all of the sectors of a given track into the track cache.
.%135! bufptr = 2
.%136! secnum = 4
.%138! readTrack = * ;( .A=cylinder, .X=side ) : trackbuf, .CS=err
.%139! pha
.%140! txa
Get the side and put it into the command byte. Remember that we have to flip
the side bit for a 1581.
.%141! and #$01
.%142! asl
.%143! asl
.%144! asl
.%145! asl
.%146! bit sourceType
.%147! bpl +
.%148! eor #$10
.%149! + jsr sendU0
.%150! bcc +
.%151! rts
.%152! + pla ;cylinder number
.%153! jsr kernelCiout
.%154! lda #1 ;start sector number
.%155! jsr kernelCiout
.%156! lda #9 ;sector count
.%157! jsr kernelCiout
.%158! jsr kernelUnlsn
Prepare to receive the track data.
.%159! sei
.%160! clc
.%161! jsr kernelSpinp
.%162! bit ciaFlags
.%163! jsr toggleClock
.%164! lda #<trackbuf
.%165! ldy #>trackbuf
.%166! sta bufptr
.%167! sty bufptr+1
Get the sector data for each of the 9 sectors of the track.
.%168! lda #0
.%169! sta secnum
.%170! - bit sourceType
.%171! bmi +
If we are dealing with a 1571, we have to set the buffer pointer for the next
sector, taking into account the soft interleave of 4.
.%172! jsr get1571BufPtr
.%173! + jsr readSector
.%174! bcs trackExit
.%175! inc secnum
.%176! lda secnum
.%177! cmp #9
.%178! bcc -
.%179! clc
.%180! trackExit = *
.%181! cli
.%182! rts
Get the buffer pointer for the next 1571 sector.
.%184! get1571BufPtr = *
.%185! lda #<trackbuf
.%186! sta bufptr
.%187! ldx secnum
.%188! clc
.%189! lda #>trackbuf
.%190! adc bufptr1571,x
.%191! sta bufptr+1
.%192! rts
.%194! bufptr1571 = *
.%195! .byte 0,8,16,6,14,4,12,2,10
Read an individual sector into memory at the specified address.
.%197! readSector = * ;( bufptr ) : .CS=err
Get and check the burst status byte for errors.
.%198! jsr getBurstByte
.%199! sta errno
.%200! and #$0f
.%201! cmp #2
.%202! bcc +
.%203! rts
.%204! + ldx #2
.%205! ldy #0
Receive the 512 sector data bytes into memory.
.%207! readByte = *
.%208! lda #$08
.%209! - bit ciaFlags
.%210! beq -
.%211! lda ciaClock
.%212! eor #$10
.%213! sta ciaClock
.%214! lda ciaData
.%215! sta (bufptr),y
.%216! iny
.%217! bne readByte
.%218! inc bufptr+1
.%219! dex
.%220! bne readByte
.%221! rts
This next level of routines deals with logical sectors and the track cache
rather than with hardware.
.%223! ;====logical sector level====
Invalidate the track cache if the MS-DOS drive number is changed or if a new
disk is inserted. This routine has to establish a RAM configuration of $0E
since it will be called from RAM0. Configuration $0E gives RAM0 from $0000 to
$BFFF, Kernal ROM from $C000 to $FFFF, and the I/O space over the Kernal from
$D000 to $DFFF. This configuration is set by all application interface
.%225! initPackage = *
.%226! lda #$0e
.%227! sta $ff00
.%228! lda #$ff
.%229! sta bufCylinder
.%230! sta bufSide
.%231! clc
.%232! rts
Locate a sector (block) in the track cache, or read the corresponding physical
track into the track cache if necessary. This routine accepts the cylinder,
side, and sector numbers of the block.
.%234! sectorSave = 5
.%236! readBlock = * ;( .A=cylinder,.X=side,.Y=sector ) : .AY=blkPtr,.CS=err
Check if the correct track is in the track cache.
.%237! cmp bufCylinder
.%238! bne readBlockPhysical
.%239! cpx bufSide
.%240! bne readBlockPhysical
If so, then locate the sector's address and return that.
.%241! dey
.%242! tya
.%243! asl
.%244! clc
.%245! adc #>trackbuf
.%246! tay
.%247! lda #<trackbuf
.%248! clc
.%249! rts
Here, we have to read the physical track into the track cache. We save the
input parameters and call the hardware-level track-reading routine.
.%251! readBlockPhysical = *
.%252! sta bufCylinder
.%253! stx bufSide
.%254! sty sectorSave
.%255! jsr readTrack
Check for errors.
.%256! bcc readBlockPhysicalOk
.%257! lda errno
.%258! and #$0f
.%259! cmp #11 ;disk change
.%260! beq +
.%261! sec
.%262! rts
If the error that happened is a "Disk Change" error, then mount the disk and
try to read the physical track again.
.%263! + jsr mountDisk
.%264! lda bufCylinder
.%265! ldx bufSide
.%266! ldy sectorSave
.%267! bcc readBlockPhysical
.%268! rts
Here, the physical track has been read into the track cache ok, so we recover
the original input parameters and try the top of the routine again.
.%270! readBlockPhysicalOk = *
.%271! lda bufCylinder
.%272! ldx bufSide
.%273! ldy sectorSave
.%274! jmp readBlock
Divide the given number by 18. This is needed for the calculations to convert
a logical sector number to the corresponding physical cylinder, side, and
sector numbers that the lower-level routines require. The method of repeated
subtraction is used. This routine would probably work faster if we tried to
repeatedly subtract 360 (18*20) at the top, but I didn't bother.
.%276! divideBy18 = * ;( .AY=number ) : .A=quotient, .Y=remainder
.%277! ;** could repeatedly subtract 360 here
.%278! ldx #$ff
.%279! - inx
.%280! sec
.%281! sbc #18
.%282! bcs -
.%283! dey
.%284! bpl -
.%285! clc
.%286! adc #18
.%287! iny
.%288! tay
.%289! txa
.%290! rts
Convert the given logical block number to the corresponding physical cylinder,
side, and sector numbers. This routine follows the formulae given earlier
with a few simplifying tricks.
.%292! convertLogicalBlockNum = * ;( .AY=blockNum ) : .A=cyl, .X=side, .Y=sec
.%293! jsr divideBy18
.%294! ldx #0
.%295! cpy #9
.%296! bcc +
.%297! pha
.%298! tya
.%299! sbc #9
.%300! tay
.%301! pla
.%302! ldx #1
.%303! + iny
.%304! rts
Copy a sequential group of logical sectors into memory. This routine is used
by the directory loading routine to load the FAT and Root Directory, and is
used by the cluster reading routine to retrieve all of the blocks of a
cluster. After the given starting logical sector number is converted into its
physical cylinder, side, and sector equivalent, the physical values are
incremented to get the address of successive sectors of the group. This
avoids the overhead of the logical to physical conversion. Quite a number of
temporaries are needed.
.%306! destPtr = 6
.%307! curCylinder = 8
.%308! curSide = 9
.%309! curSector = 10
.%310! blockCountdown = 11
.%311! sourcePtr = 12
.%313! copyBlocks = * ;( .AY=startBlock, .X=blockCount, ($6)=dest ) : .CS=err
.%314! stx blockCountdown
.%315! jsr convertLogicalBlockNum
.%316! sta curCylinder
.%317! stx curSide
.%318! sty curSector
.%320! copyBlockLoop = *
.%321! lda curCylinder
.%322! ldx curSide
.%323! ldy curSector
.%324! jsr readBlock
.%325! bcc +
.%326! rts
.%327! + sta sourcePtr
.%328! sty sourcePtr+1
.%329! ldx #2
.%330! ldy #0
Here I unroll the copying loop a little bit to cut the overhead of the branch
instruction in half. (A cycle saved... you know).
.%331! - lda (sourcePtr),y
.%332! sta (destPtr),y
.%333! iny
.%334! lda (sourcePtr),y
.%335! sta (destPtr),y
.%336! iny
.%337! bne -
.%338! inc sourcePtr+1
.%339! inc destPtr+1
.%340! dex
.%341! bne -
Increment the cylinder, side, sector values.
.%342! inc curSector
.%343! lda curSector
.%344! cmp #10
.%345! bcc +
.%346! lda #1
.%347! sta curSector
.%348! inc curSide
.%349! lda curSide
.%350! cmp #2
.%351! bcc +
.%352! lda #0
.%353! sta curSide
.%354! inc curCylinder
.%355! + dec blockCountdown
.%356! bne copyBlockLoop
.%357! clc
.%358! rts
Read a cluster into the Cluster Buffer, given the cluster number. The cluster
number is converted to a logical sector number and then the sector copying
routine is called. The formula given earlier is used for the conversion.
.%360! readCluster = * ;( .AY=clusterNumber ) : clusterBuf, .CS=err
.%361! ;** convert cluster number to logical block number
.%362! sec
.%363! sbc #2
.%364! bcs +
.%365! dey
.%366! + ldx clusterBlockCount
.%367! cpx #1
.%368! beq +
.%369! asl
.%370! sty 7
.%371! rol 7
.%372! ldy 7
.%373! + clc
.%374! adc firstFileBlock
.%375! bcc +
.%376! iny
.%378! ;** read logical blocks comprising cluster
.%379! + ldx #<clusterBuf
.%380! stx 6
.%381! ldx #>clusterBuf
.%382! stx 7
.%383! ldx clusterBlockCount
.%384! jmp copyBlocks
This next level of routines deal with the data structures of the MS-DOS disk
.%386! ;====MS-DOS format level====
.%388! bootBlock = 2
Read the disk format parameters, directory, and FAT into memory.
.%390! loadDirectory = * ;( ) : .AY=dirbuf, .X=dirEntries, .CS=err
.%391! lda #$0e
.%392! sta $ff00
Read the boot sector and extract the parameters.
.%394! ;** get parameters from boot sector
.%395! lda #0
.%396! ldy #0
.%397! jsr convertLogicalBlockNum
.%398! jsr readBlock
.%399! bcc +
.%400! rts
.%401! + sta bootBlock
.%402! sty bootBlock+1
.%403! ldy #13 ;get cluster size
.%404! lda (bootBlock),y
.%405! sta clusterBlockCount
.%406! cmp #3
.%407! bcc +
If a disk parameter is found to exceed the limits of LRR, error code #60 is
.%409! invalidParms = *
.%410! lda #60
.%411! sta errno
.%412! sec
.%413! rts
.%415! + ldy #16 ;check FAT replication count, must be 2
.%416! lda (bootBlock),y
.%417! cmp #2
.%418! bne invalidParms
.%419! ldy #22 ;get FAT size in sectors
.%420! lda (bootBlock),y
.%421! sta fatBlocks
.%422! cmp #4
.%423! bcs invalidParms
.%424! ldy #17 ;get directory size
.%425! lda (bootBlock),y
.%426! sta rootDirEntries
.%427! cmp #129
.%428! bcs invalidParms
.%429! lsr
.%430! lsr
.%431! lsr
.%432! lsr
.%433! sta rootDirBlocks
.%434! ldy #19 ;get total sector count
.%435! lda (bootBlock),y
.%436! sta totalSectors
.%437! iny
.%438! lda (bootBlock),y
.%439! sta totalSectors+1
.%440! ldy #24 ;check sectors per track, must be 9
.%441! lda (bootBlock),y
.%442! cmp #9
.%443! bne invalidParms
.%444! ldy #26
.%445! lda (bootBlock),y
.%446! cmp #2 ;check number of sides, must be 2
.%447! bne invalidParms
.%448! ldy #14 ;check number of boot sectors, must be 1
.%449! lda (bootBlock),y
.%450! cmp #1
.%451! bne invalidParms
Calculate the derived parameters.
.%453! ;** get derived parameters
.%454! lda fatBlocks ;first root directory sector
.%455! asl
.%456! clc
.%457! adc #1
.%458! sta firstRootDirBlock
.%459! clc ;first file sector
.%460! adc rootDirBlocks
.%461! sta firstFileBlock
.%462! lda totalSectors ;number of file clusters
.%463! ldy totalSectors+1
.%464! sec
.%465! sbc firstFileBlock
.%466! bcs +
.%467! dey
.%468! + sta fileClusterCount
.%469! sty fileClusterCount+1
.%470! lda clusterBlockCount
.%471! cmp #2
.%472! bne +
.%473! lsr fileClusterCount+1
.%474! ror fileClusterCount
Gee, I have more comments embedded in the code than I did last issue.
.%476! ;** load FAT
.%477! + lda #<fatbuf
.%478! ldy #>fatbuf
.%479! sta 6
.%480! sty 7
.%481! lda #1
.%482! ldy #0
.%483! ldx fatBlocks
.%484! jsr copyBlocks
.%485! bcc +
.%486! rts
.%488! ;** load actual directory
.%489! + lda #<dirbuf
.%490! ldy #>dirbuf
.%491! sta 6
.%492! sty 7
.%493! lda firstRootDirBlock
.%494! ldy #0
.%495! ldx rootDirBlocks
.%496! jsr copyBlocks
.%497! bcc +
.%498! rts
.%499! + lda #<dirbuf
.%500! ldy #>dirbuf
.%501! ldx rootDirEntries
.%502! clc
.%503! rts
This routine locates the given FAT table entry number and returns the value
stored in it. Some work is needed to deal with the 12-bit compressed data
.%505! entryAddr = 2
.%506! entryWork = 4
.%507! entryBits = 5
.%508! entryData0 = 6
.%509! entryData1 = 7
.%510! entryData2 = 8
.%512! getFatEntry = * ;( .AY=fatEntryNumber ) : .AY=fatEntryValue
.%513! sta entryBits
Divide the FAT entry number by two and multiply by three because two FAT
entries are stored in three bytes. Then add the FAT base address and we have
the address of the three bytes that contain the FAT entry we are interested
in. I retrieve the three bytes into zero-page memory for easy manipulation.
.%514! ;** divide by two
.%515! sty entryAddr+1
.%516! lsr entryAddr+1
.%517! ror
.%519! ;** times three
.%520! sta entryWork
.%521! ldx entryAddr+1
.%522! asl
.%523! rol entryAddr+1
.%524! clc
.%525! adc entryWork
.%526! sta entryAddr
.%527! txa
.%528! adc entryAddr+1
.%529! sta entryAddr+1
.%531! ;** add base, get data
.%532! clc
.%533! lda entryAddr
.%534! adc #<fatbuf
.%535! sta entryAddr
.%536! lda entryAddr+1
.%537! adc #>fatbuf
.%538! sta entryAddr+1
.%539! ldy #2
.%540! - lda (entryAddr),y
.%541! sta entryData0,y
.%542! dey
.%543! bpl -
.%544! lda entryBits
.%545! and #1
.%546! bne +
If the original given FAT entry number is even, then we want the first 12-bit
compressed field. The nybbles are extracted according to the diagram shown
.%548! ;** case 1: first 12-bit cluster
.%549! lda entryData1
.%550! and #$0f
.%551! tay
.%552! lda entryData0
.%553! rts
Otherwise, we want the second 12-bit field.
.%555! ;** case 2: second 12-bit cluster
.%556! + lda entryData1
.%557! ldx #4
.%558! - lsr entryData2
.%559! ror
.%560! dex
.%561! bne -
.%562! ldy entryData2
.%563! rts
Finally, this is the file copying level. It deals with reading the clusters
of MS-DOS files and copying the data they contain to the already-open CBM
Kernal file, possibly with ASCII-to-PETSCII translation.
.%565! ;====file copy level====
.%567! transMode = 14
.%568! lfn = 15
.%569! cbmDataPtr = $60
.%570! cbmDataLen = $62
.%571! cluster = $64
Copy the given cluster to the CBM output file. This routine fetches the next
cluster of the file for the next time this routine is called, and if it hits
the NULL pointer of the last cluster of a file, it adjusts the number of valid
file data bytes the current cluster contains to FileLength % ClusterLength
(see note below).
.%573! copyFileCluster = * ;( cluster, lfn, transMode ) : .CS=err
Read the cluster and setup to copy the whole cluster to the CBM file.
.%574! lda cluster
.%575! ldy cluster+1
.%576! jsr readCluster
.%577! bcc +
.%578! rts
.%579! + lda #<clusterBuf
.%580! ldy #>clusterBuf
.%581! sta cbmDataPtr
.%582! sty cbmDataPtr+1
.%583! lda #0
.%584! sta cbmDataLen
.%585! lda clusterBlockCount
.%586! asl
.%587! sta cbmDataLen+1
Fetch the next cluster number of the file, and adjust the cluster data length
for the last cluster of the file.
.%589! ;**get next cluster
.%590! lda cluster
.%591! ldy cluster+1
.%592! jsr getFatEntry
.%593! sta cluster
.%594! sty cluster+1
.%595! cmp #$ff
.%596! bne copyFileClusterData
.%597! cpy #$0f
.%598! bne copyFileClusterData
.%599! lda lenML
.%600! sta cbmDataLen
.%601! lda #$01
.%602! ldx clusterBlockCount
.%603! cpx #1
.%604! beq +
.%605! lda #$03
.%606! + and lenML+1
The following three lines were added in a last minute panic after realizing
that if FileLength % ClusterSize == 0, then the last cluster of the file
contains ClusterSize bytes, not zero bytes.
.%000! bne +
.%000! ldx lenML
.%000! beq copyFileClusterData
.%607! + sta cbmDataLen+1
.%609! copyFileClusterData = *
.%610! jsr commieOut
.%611! rts
Copy the file data in the MS-DOS cluster buffer to the CBM output file.
.%613! cbmDataLimit = $66
.%615! commieOut = * ;( cbmDataPtr, cbmDataLen ) : .CS=err
If the the logical file number to copy to is 0 ("null device"), then don't
bother copying anything.
.%616! ldx lfn
.%617! bne +
.%618! clc
.%619! rts
Otherwise, prepare the logical file number for output.
.%620! + jsr kernelChkout
.%621! bcc commieOutMore
.%622! sta errno
.%623! rts
.%625! commieOutMore = *
Process the cluster data in chunks of up to 255 bytes or the number of data
bytes remaining in the cluster.
.%626! lda #255
.%627! ldx cbmDataLen+1
.%628! bne +
.%629! lda cbmDataLen
.%630! + sta cbmDataLimit
.%631! ldy #0
.%632! - lda (cbmDataPtr),y
.%633! bit transMode
.%634! bpl +
If we have to translate the current ASCII character, look up the PETSCII value
in the translation table and output that value. If the translation table
entry value is $00, then don't output a character (filter out invalid
character codes).
.%635! tax
.%636! lda transBuf,x
.%637! beq commieNext
.%638! + jsr kernelChrout
.%639! commieNext = *
.%640! iny
.%641! cpy cbmDataLimit
.%642! bne -
Increment the cluster buffer pointer and decrement the cluster buffer character
count according to the number of bytes just processed, and repeat the above if
more file data remains in the current cluster.
.%644! clc
.%645! lda cbmDataPtr
.%646! adc cbmDataLimit
.%647! sta cbmDataPtr
.%648! bcc +
.%649! inc cbmDataPtr+1
.%650! + sec
.%651! lda cbmDataLen
.%652! sbc cbmDataLimit
.%653! sta cbmDataLen
.%654! bcs +
.%655! dec cbmDataLen+1
.%656! + lda cbmDataLen
.%657! ora cbmDataLen+1
.%658! bne commieOutMore
If we are finished with the cluster, then clear the CBM Kernal output channel.
.%659! jsr kernelClrchn
.%660! clc
.%661! rts
The file copying main routine. Set up for the starting cluster, and call
the cluster copying routine until end-of-file is reached. Checks for a
NULL cluster pointer in the directory entry to handle zero-length files.
.%663! copyFile = * ;( startCluster, lenML, .A=transMode, .X=lfn ) : .CS=err
.%664! ldy #$0e
.%665! sty $ff00
.%666! sta transMode
.%667! stx lfn
.%668! lda startCluster
.%669! ldy startCluster+1
.%670! sta cluster
.%671! sty cluster+1
.%672! jmp +
.%673! - jsr copyFileCluster
.%674! bcc +
.%675! rts
.%676! + lda cluster
.%677! cmp #$ff
.%678! bne -
.%679! lda cluster+1
.%680! cmp #$0f
.%681! bne -
.%682! clc
.%683! rts
This is the translation table used to convert from ASCII to PETSCII. You can
modify it to suit your needs if you wish. If you cannot reassemble this file,
then you can sift through the binary file and locate the tabel and change it
there. An entry of $00 means the corresponding ASCII character will not be
translated. You'll notice that I have set up translations for the following
ASCII control characters into PETSCII: Backspace, Tab, Linefeed (CR), and
Formfeed. I also translate the non-PETSCII characters such as {, |, ~, and _
according to what they probably would have been if Commodore wasn't so
concerned with the graphics characters.
.%685! transBuf = *
.%686! ;0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f
.%687! .byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$14,$09,$0d,$00,$93,$00,$00,$00 ;0
.%688! .byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 ;1
.%689! .byte $20,$21,$22,$23,$24,$25,$26,$27,$28,$29,$2a,$2b,$2c,$2d,$2e,$2f ;2
.%690! .byte $30,$31,$32,$33,$34,$35,$36,$37,$38,$39,$3a,$3b,$3c,$3d,$3e,$3f ;3
.%691! .byte $40,$c1,$c2,$c3,$c4,$c5,$c6,$c7,$c8,$c9,$ca,$cb,$cc,$cd,$ce,$cf ;4
.%692! .byte $d0,$d1,$d2,$d3,$d4,$d5,$d6,$d7,$d8,$d9,$da,$5b,$5c,$5d,$5e,$5f ;5
.%693! .byte $c0,$41,$42,$43,$44,$45,$46,$47,$48,$49,$4a,$4b,$4c,$4d,$4e,$4f ;6
.%694! .byte $50,$51,$52,$53,$54,$55,$56,$57,$58,$59,$5a,$db,$dc,$dd,$de,$df ;7
.%695! .byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 ;8
.%696! .byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 ;9
.%697! .byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 ;a
.%698! .byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 ;b
.%699! .byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 ;c
.%700! .byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 ;d
.%701! .byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 ;e
.%702! .byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 ;f
This is where the track cache, etc. are stored. This section requires 11K of
storage space but does not increase the length of the binary program file
since these storage areas are DEFINED rather than allocated with ".buf"
directives. The Unix terminology for this type of uninitialized data is "bss".
.%704! ;====bss storage====
.%706! bss = *
.%707! trackbuf = bss
.%708! clusterBuf = trackbuf+4608
.%709! fatbuf = clusterBuf+1024
.%710! dirbuf = fatbuf+1536
.%711! end = dirbuf+4096
This section presents the listing of the user-interface BASIC program. You
should be aware that you can easily change some of the defaults to your own
preferences if you wish. This program is not listed in the ".%nnn!" format
that the assembler listing is since you can recover this listing from the
uuencoded binary program file. This program should be a little easier to
follow than the assembler listing since BASIC is a self-commenting language. :-)
10 rem little red reader, by craig bruce, 30-sep-92, for c= hacking netmag
11 :
These lines set up the default CBM-DOS and MS-DOS device numbers, taking care
to disallow them to be the same device. You can change this to your own drive
20 cd=peek(186) : rem ** default cbm-dos drive **
25 dv=9:dt=0 : rem ** ms-dos drive, type (0=1571,255=1581)
26 if dv=cd then dv=8:dt=0 : rem ** alternate ms-dos drive
27 :
30 print chr$(147);"initializing..." : print
40 bank0 : pk=dec("8000")
50 if peek(pk+9)=dec("cb") and peek(pk+10)=131 then 60
55 print"loading machine language routines..." : bload"lrr.bin",u(cd)
60 poke pk+16,dv : poke pk+17,dt : sys pk
I "dim" the following variables before the arrays to avoid the overhead of
pushing the arrays around when creating new scalar variables.
70 dim t,r,b,i,a$,c,dt$,fl$,il$,x,x$
80 dim di$(128),cl(128),sz(128)
90 if dt=255 then dt$="1581" :else dt$="1571"
100 fl$=chr$(19)+chr$(17)+chr$(17)+chr$(17)+chr$(17)
110 il$=fl$:fori=1to19:il$=il$+chr$(17):next
120 goto 500
130 :
131 rem ** load ms-dos directory **
140 print"loading directory..." : print
150 sys pk : sys pk+3
160 dl=0
The "rreg" instruction returns the return values of the .A, .X, .Y, and .S
registers from the last "sys" call. I check the 1-bit of the .S register
(the Carry flag) for error returns.
170 rreg bl,dc,bh,s : e=peek(pk+15)
180 if (s and 1) then gosub 380 : return
190 print"scanning directory..." : print
200 db=bl+256*bh
210 if dc=0 then 360
220 for dp=db to db+32*(dc-1) step 32
230 if peek(dp)=0 or peek(dp)=229 then 350
240 if peek(dp+12) and 24 then 350
250 dl=dl+1
This next line is where I set the default selection status, translation type,
and CBM file type for the MS-DOS files. You can change these defaults simply
by overtyping the string in ( | ||| ||| ) the "V" locations.
260 d$=right$(" "+str$(dl),3)+" asc seq " : rem ** default sel/tr/ft **
270 a$="" : fori=0to10 : a$=a$+chr$(peek(dp+i)) : next
280 a$=left$(a$,8)+" "+right$(a$,3)
290 print dl; a$
300 d$=d$+a$+" "
310 cl(dl)=peek(dp+26)+256*peek(dp+27)
320 sz=peek(dp+28)+256*peek(dp+29)+65536*peek(dp+30)
330 di$(dl)=d$+right$(" "+str$(sz),6)
340 sz(dl)=sz
350 next dp
360 return
370 :
371 rem ** report ms-dos disk error **
380 print chr$(18);"ms-dos disk error #";mid$(str$(e),2);
390 print " ($";mid$(hex$(e),3);"), press key.";chr$(146)
400 getkey a$ : return
410 :
411 rem ** screen heading **
420 printchr$(147);"ms-dev=";mid$(str$(dv),2);" ms-type=";dt$;
430 print" cbm-dev=";mid$(str$(cd),2):print
440 return
450 :
451 rem ** screen footing **
460 print il$;"d=directory m=ms-dev f=cbm-dev q=quit"
470 print"t=toggle-column, c=copy-files, +/- page";
480 return
490 :
491 rem ** main routine **
500 t=1 : c=0
510 r=0
520 gosub 420
530 print "num s trn typ filename ext length"
540 print "--- - --- --- -------- --- ------"
550 gosub 460
560 b=t+17 : if b>dl then b=dl
570 print fl$;: if t>dl then 590
580 for i=t to b : print di$(i) : next
590 if dl=0 then print chr$(18);"<no files>";chr$(146)
600 if dl=0 then 660
610 print left$(il$,r+5);chr$(18);
620 on c+1 goto 630,640,650
630 print spc(4);mid$(di$(t+r),5,3) : goto 660
640 print spc(7);mid$(di$(t+r),8,5) : goto 660
650 print spc(12);mid$(di$(t+r),13,5) : goto 660
660 getkey a$
Oh shi^Hoot. I screwed up the following line in the string after the
"+chr$(13)+" part. You'll notice that I have avoided putting cursor control
characters into the strings everywhere else, but I forgot to do that here.
The "{stuff}" should be CursorUp, CursorDown, CursorLeft, CursorRight,
CursorHome, and CursorCLR control characters, respectively. These characters
give the index for the "on" statement below.
670 i=instr("dmftc+-q "+chr$(13)+"{stuff}",a$)
680 print left$(il$,r+5);di$(t+r)
690 if i=0 then 600
700 onigoto760,1050,1110,950,1150,1000,1020,730,860,860,770,790,810,830,850,500
710 stop
720 :
721 rem ** various menu options **
730 print chr$(147);"have an awesome day."
740 end
760 gosub 420 : gosub 140 : goto 500
770 r=r-1 : if r<0 then r=b-t
780 goto 600
790 r=r+1 : if t+r>b then r=0
800 goto 600
810 c=c-1 : if c<0 then c=2
820 goto 600
830 c=c+1 : if c>2 then c=0
840 goto 600
850 r=0 : c=0 : goto 600
860 if dl=0 then 600
870 x=t+r : on c+1 gosub 890,910,930
880 print left$(il$,r+5);di$(x) : goto 600
890 if mid$(di$(x),6,1)=" " then x$="*" :else x$=" "
900 mid$(di$(x),6,1)=x$ : return
910 if mid$(di$(x),9,1)="a" then x$="bin" :else x$="asc"
920 mid$(di$(x),9,3)=x$ : return
930 if mid$(di$(x),14,1)="s" then x$="prg" :else x$="seq"
940 mid$(di$(x),14,3)=x$ : return
950 if dl=0 then 600
960 for x=1 to dl
970 on c+1 gosub 890,910,930
980 next x
990 goto 520
1000 if b=dl then t=1 : goto 510
1010 t=t+18 : goto 510
1020 if t=1 then t=dl-(dl-int(dl/18)*18)+1 : goto 510
1030 t=t-18 : if t<1 then t=1
1040 goto 510
1050 print il$;chr$(27);"@";
1060 input"ms-dos device number (8-30)";dv
1061 if cd=dv then print"ms-dos and cbm-dos devices must be different!":goto1060
1070 input"ms-dos device type (71/81)";x
1080 if x=8 or x=81 or x=1581 then dt=255:dt$="1581" :else dt=0:dt$="1571"
1090 poke pk+16,dv : poke pk+17,dt : sys pk
1100 goto 520
1110 print il$;chr$(27);"@";
1120 input "cbm-dos device number (0-30)";cd
1130 if cd=dv then print"ms-dos and cbm-dos devices must be different!":goto1120
1140 goto 520
1141 :
1142 rem ** copy files **
1150 print chr$(147);"copy files":print:print
1160 if dl=0 then fc=0 : goto 1190
1170 fc=0 : for f=1 to dl : if mid$(di$(f),6,1)="*" then gosub 1200
1180 next f
1190 print : print"files copied =";fc;" - press key"
1191 getkey a$ : goto 520
1200 fc=fc+1
1210 x$=mid$(di$(f),19,8)+"."+mid$(di$(f),29,3)
1220 cf$="":fori=1tolen(x$):if mid$(x$,i,1)<>" " then cf$=cf$+mid$(x$,i,1)
1230 next
1231 if right$(cf$,1)="." then cf$=left$(cf$,len(cf$)-1)
1232 cf$=cf$+","+mid$(di$(f),14,1)
1240 print str$(fc);". ";chr$(34);cf$;chr$(34);tab(20);sz(f)"bytes";
1245 print tab(35);mid$(di$(f),9,3)
1250 cl=cl(f) : lb=sz(f) - int(sz(f)/65536)*65536
I had to use a DOPEN statement here for disk files because the regular OPEN
statment does not redirect the DS and DS$ pseudo-variables. You'll notice
that the non-disk OPEN statment below has a secondary address of 7. This is
to put the printer into lowercase mode if you are outputting directly to it.
You can replace this with a 5 (or whatever) if you have a special interface
to an IBM-compatible printer and you want to print directly in ASCII. In this
case, you would select the "BIN" translation mode for the file you are routing
directly to the printer.
1260 if cd>=8 then dopen#1,(cf$+",w"),u(cd) :else if cd<>0 then open 1,cd,7
1265 if cd<8 then 1288
1270 if ds<>63 then 1288
1275 x$="y" : print "file exists; overwrite (y/n)";
1280 close 1 : input x$ : if x$="n" then fc=fc-1 : return
1285 scratch(cf$),u(cd)
1286 dopen#1,(cf$+",w"),u(cd)
1288 if cd<8 then 1320
1300 if ds<20 then 1320
1310 print chr$(18)+"cbm disk error: "+ds$ : fc=fc-1 : close1 : return
1320 poke pk+19,cl/256 : poke pk+18,cl-peek(pk+19)*256
1330 poke pk+21,lb/256 : poke pk+20,lb-peek(pk+21)*256
1340 tr=0 : if mid$(di$(f),9,1)="a" then tr=255
1346 x=1 : if cd=0 then x=0
1350 sys pk+6,tr,x
1355 rreg x,x,x,s : e=peek(pk+15)
1356 if (s and 1) then gosub 380 : fc=fc-1
1360 if cd<>0 and cd<8 then close1
1370 if cd>=8 then dclose#1 : if ds>=20 then 1310
1380 return
Here are the binary executables in uuencoded form. The CRC32s of the two
files are as follows:
"lrr.128" 1106058594
"lrr.bin" 460671650
The "lrr.128" file is the main BASIC program and the "lrr.bin" file contains
the machine lanugage disk-accessing routines.
[LRR.128 and LRR.BIN are included in this archive. -RW]
The following works were consulted in creating this article:
[1] Jim Butterfield, "Jim Butterfield's Complete C128 Memory Map",
_The_Transactor_, Volume 7, Issue 01, July 1986 (A Must!).
[2] Commodore Business Machines, _Commodore_1571_Disk_Drive_User's_Guide_,
CBM, 1985.
[3] Some program called "msdos-to-128" included with "cs-dos" by
M. G-something. Originally published in COMPUTE!'s Gazzette, I think.
[4] Commodore Business Machines, _Commodore_128_Programmer's_Reference_Guide_,
Bantam Books, 1986.
[5] _The_Transactor_, Volume 4, Issue 05 ("The Reference Issue"), May 1983.