Partition Info is a program for viewing/printing the partition information on the CMD HD, RamLink, RamDrive and FD-2000/4000. The 128 version supports viewing the information in 80 coloumns when in 80 coloumn mode. The 64 & 128 versions printout the information in 80 coloumns.
Main Menu
1 - Read Partition Info
2 - Display Info
3 - Print Info
4 - Sort by Starting Block
5 - Sort by Partition Size
6 - Sort by Partition Number
7 - Sort by Partition Name
8 - Sort by Partition Type
9 - End
Read Partition Info
1 - CMD HD
2 - CMD RamLink/RamDrive
3 - CMD FD-2000/FD-4000
4 - Return to Main Menu
With Option 1, 2 , and 3, you have to enter the drive number of the device to read the partition info from. The program then goes to work and reads in the Partition Info. After it is finished, it removes the partitions that have not been defined to the end (for sorting purposes).
Display Info
The program displays the partition info to the screen. It comes out in groups of 6 on the 128, and groups of 3 on the 64 or 128 in 40 coloumn mode. You have to press the 'RETURN' to get to the next screen. When the information is done displaying, you are taken back to the Main Menu.
Print Info
This prints the partition info to the printer (device 4 only). If you are using the 64, and have the Parallel interface as described in Perfect Print (tm CMD), you can print with your parallel cable. You MUST have the Interface program loaded in memory. It seems to give best results when it is in the sys51000,0 mode.
Sorting by ...............
The program sorts the partitions by what ever option you want. This does not affect the actual HD/RamLink/RamDrive/FD-?000 partitions on the drive!!! They are sorted for viewing/printing purposes only.
The best option is the Starting Block, as it will tell you which partitions were created first -> last. This is great for when it comes time to delete the partitions and you do not want to wait for the device to move a partition up (if you have ever deleted a 16 meg partition that had information after it (creation time that is), you will know what I mean!!).
This ends the program. Both the 64 & 128 versions of the program now perform a cold-restart. This means that if you have JiffyDos, the key commands will be back!!!
Share-Ware Notice
This program is released as Share-Ware. If you find you are using the program alot, you are encouraged to send the author, Jerome P. Yoner, a $5 donation to show your support for this program.
The authors address is:
Jerome P. Yoner
Box 548
Estevan, Saskatchewan
S4A 2A5
Current versions can be found on Q-Link and GEnie. I would like to thank Doug Cotton of CMD for help with this program and for the support I have gotten from CMD. Also, Doug uploads my programs to Q-Link.
I must also thank Ken Horne for whom the 128 version would have never been made and for being my main testor.
V3.5 introduces a big new feature. If you have ANY CMD Hardware that has a clock in it, this program will go looking for it and snap the time and date out!
If you build a parallel cable as described in Perfect Print, it will work with the 64 version, but only when using the 'INTERFACE' program that comes with Perfect Print.